South Africans 🇿🇦 Have to provide birth certificates, parents ID etc, but foreign nationals do not have too. SA if you dont wake up now , i dont know, at least fight for your children.
How many S.A kids cannot go to school cause they mother abandoned them & or died & never registered their birth? What are they going to do with these kids?
AGREE with you Very much that is the Where to keep controle on Nation Its Registration With Birthday Certificates this Works efficiënt Then StatSA Nonsense too idioot
Why don't all the parents just go and register their kids also with documentation and if anyone ask just tell them if foreigners can do it south Africans can too
As a white citizen born in S.A (1949) going thru all stages of govern practises, i am really excited to see and hear there are black people standing up and voice opinions of truth and reality. Thankyou so much dear fellow citizens. May God be with you on the path of truth even its uphill and filled with potholes.
My brother we have been fighting against this rubbish of the bill with the ACDP a great political organisation in South Africa! We knew this was part of the conspiracy against the education system and especially our children! They want to sexualise our children and turn them into LGBTQI!
I HEAR YOU and appreciate your comment very much. but Don't hold your breath, us Blacks take very long to get it. We are very exhausting. They will get this part then be fooled again because they refuse to organize and mobilise themselves in unison using MERIT.
@RisePurpleJoy Thanks for your thanks RisePurpleJoy. We all will hold our breath until the breeze of fresh air is enough for exhaling 😉 But we all know that justice will rise as a new day after the night, when people will take over in parliament which will care for everyone in this beautiful country, and not only care for themselves.
Wait till the NHI kicks in and folks are still sitting in long queues and getting limited treatment. It will make the BELA bill look like child's play.
Right now Blacks are already suffering at state hospitals from illegal migration, its you who hire these illegals who also needs to feel the pain at your hospitals. They your cheap labour pay the price.
😂😂😂😂😂 They hoodwinked the black racists by allowing them to be racist against whites and now the black racists got screwed over 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 racist low IQ clowns 😂😂😂😂😂😂
But neither Afriforum nor DA objected to foreign national issue either, they were only interested in keeping school segregated. Sorry neither ANC, DA or Afriforum cares about the masses.
Bro, really? 1. 95% of taxes in South Africa are paid by White and Indian people. 2. Everyone in the sou try pays taxes. 3. Majority of taxes in South Africa goes to welfare which predominately benefits black South Africans. What are you talking about?
😂😂😂😂😂😢😢😢😅😅😅😅😢😢😢😂😂😂😅😅😅😢😢😢😢😅😅😂😂😂 the racists are now the dumb component of the underdeveloped population so called previously disadvantaged while they have all the opportunities racially determined for them l and skewed RACIALLY in their favour. Always pleasing victimhood and crying racism 30 years after Blacks took over nearly all of government across all three tiers. What a disgrace. The so-called enemy is long gone and dead and buried, now Blacks are scared of the ghosts of White NP and DP leaders. Oh the third world is funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Afriforum is not racist. Every time they take the government to court it is to protect ALL SAns and not white SAns. Join they will welcome you with open arms.
Problem is that they thought it was all about language, it's much more than that, they can even learn your child about wokeness and you as parent can't do anything about it!
We read, brother. The problem is not about the BELA bill but the constitution of the RSA. Remember that the court once ruled that clauses in the admission policy that say children of undocumented migrants must be excluded from state schools are unconstitutional. It was still going to happen with or without the BELA bill. Therefore, if we want to fix the country, we must amend the constitution. However, international treaties signed by the government will prevent them from doing so.
We need efficient leaders in government to improve the lives of our black people. The 30% pass is giving our people a very low standard of education. The ANC is more interested in staying in power than improving the lives of our people.
They are letting white foreigner to come and creat jobs with cheap south african. You apply for a job in government office having degree and the person in that office does not have degree nor diploma and during interview, one will say those degree are just a paper and that paper can't work in the office
Because white and coloured people protests against this the black community came out and defend this bill. Like you said Thomas they do not understand this bill at all.
I want to cry...when we ask ...begged black voters to wake up and see what was happening....they stil went back and voted ANC and after that they will vote eff or MK. This will never stop
With greed, racism, and violence in all EFF and MK member's minds, the country will be destroyed in one sweep. If you don't want to vote DA then at least vote PA or ASA 🙏🏽
@KermitGTT WHY? Isn’t it obvious that as a nation we have to stand together against the cANCer and their incompetence - their laws are INSANE - especially this BELA bill? Don’t be obtuse 😏
If the ANC is concerned about African nationals so much, can South African children be admitted in schools from other African countries without proof of registration? The answer is no.
We deserve this as South Africans. We have been sitting behind our phones 📱 and watching instagram, facebook etc and stupid celebrities that bleach their skin in Dubai. Look Zimbabweans are overtaking our country right in our faces. Haai nna I’m sick and tired 😴 of us. We need to ACT and stop these stupid discussions that get us nowhere 😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬
Undocumented??? Then they must do away with all documents requirements for EVERYONE. Licences, IDs, Birth Certificates etc. Why must we be subjected to a demand of documents and this will not apply to others living under the same "roof".Of South Africa. This is not fair. This is crazy, this is shocking.
As South Africans we are struggling to get space for our children I know of someone who's child does not have space for grade 8 truly our government is failing us.😢
They want to pass the 40% mark that they received during 2024 May election. Mark my words not so long, their parents will be given the rights to vote come 2029
The older I get, the more I realize the ANC is not the problem of our country.... We the citizens are the reason why our country is in the state it is in. The ANC are simply the facilitators.
The world is not destroyed by corrupt politicians is destroyed by those who are watching and doing nothing .no regime change without blood or violence this Africa democracy doesn't work
@simphiwemarule2803. Why does the ANC make the pass rate 30%? To keep SAns idiots and to keep voting for them... Furthermore blacks are lazy to read... If you want to hide something from the black man put it in the book... That's why this Bill was BLINDLY accepted by the majority of blacks... Yes let them fix their mess... 👀 19:32
Trust in the LORD And don't despair. He is a friend so true .. No matter what your troubles are .. Jesus will see you through .. God bless you and your families 🙏😇
@@thabitharampheri3218 Truth. It is happening for years with whites. My son pay R7000 for electricity. We are funding illigals electricity. Tax of the charts. School fees.
Yesterday , I was in the midst of people from Jozini. She says people from Swaziland just cross over to collect grants and go back. Ya . We deserve the leaders we vote for. Bigger picture though is to educate our people about voting your rights. Some of us vote for the sake of voting. Vote for a black person because ,I am also black. 😂😂😂😂
There are so many ppl who live in Swaziland who are actually south african citizens...hence the collection of grants...wht must they do.leave the grant they ar entitled to
Every country that's in our boarders are getting grant from SA,is not South Africans staying in that particular country, is happening Botswana, Lesotho Zimbabwe Mozambique I'm not sure of Namibia but the rest are benefiting
My grandson spent a full term at home because schools could not accommodate him We as a family had to fight to get him into a school. Our kids are suffering because of a government that just does not care about its citizens
Orders from their puppet masters. Many believe that governments worldwide wide are in control of their countries sadly they not This is happening in other countries so what is going on
@@Ash_Hole-f7pWhat does that have to do with this topic? Even the middle class with one kid cannot afford private school fees. Why do we even have to pay to get quality education but its a so called constitutional right.
Right now I think people should go back and look at the things PW Botha spoke about. That man knew more about whats going on today than South Africans do now. South Africa was sold in 1994, same as Europe is being sold out now.
@@carolb8452 Why is that a SAn responsibility? You don't know what you're on about, why are you always happy being sold out to highest bidder? Botswana is doing okay... why do you hate yourselves this much...?
NHI is going to be exactly the same. SA is going to pay for the whole of Africa and there won't be place in hospitals for our own people. They already talking about R1000.00+ contribution. Motsoaledi said there is no budget. This will be a deduction straight from salaries like income tax. We need to open our eyes. Our hospitals are already overcrowded. ANC needs votes badly and they don't care about their own citizens.
I don't understand why these people are crying & complaining. They are getting the government they voted for and deserve. That's going to teach them to vote responsibly in future...
They'll vote for ANC lite (MK party) and ANC 2.0 (the EFF) then cry when we are completely destroyed. We'll end up like Uganda and Zim... After everything is destroyed we'll say Askies, shame we made a mistake. 20 years later when it's too late to pull ourselves out of the hole we dug. Our country is being sold right from under us. We'll have less rights than illegal foreigners just now.
Are these children immunised fully because this used to be a major requirement for grade 1. We now wonder where the communicable diseases are coming from
We will cry after NHI is implemented because we will still be in worse queues with overworked staff attending to us, the NHI is free for ALL.imagine how much worse it will be😢😮
Too late.. when DA, Solidaritiet and Afriforum were protesting against the BELA Act there was the rest of SA calling them racist. It was fine when it was not their child being disadvantaged. Now that it is their children being disadvantaged they don’t want the BELA Act. Double standards. You needed to understand how the act will affect your child and stop buying in the political racist rhetoric.
The SA government are insulting our integrity!!! We are all tax payers and we pay even pay the government 's salary Our own children are running around to be Placed at schools near their homes. Tomorrow they toy toy for Nfsas too.
Once again 👋🏾 A slap to the face of South Africans. Another well thought out idea to obtain future voters. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad and infuriating.
As Black South Africans, we are too soft and ignorant. The anc bends us as they wish to suite their needs. I have given up on any cries from a Black person.
DA is in charge of the Home office what have they done to curb illegal migration?. Has Mr Home Affairs gone around to businesses who hires illegal immigrants. What you all fail to understand is Zimbabweans are here in millions because they get jobs from the ones you vote for. If DA type did not give these people jobs they would skip our country same way they skip Zambia, Namibia and other countries but DA type entice them here. Helen Suzman foundation fights for them to be here. If illegal migration bothers you, you betting on the wrong horse. Vote ASA, POA or ATM.
Where in the whole world have you heard of such laws, only people in the communities can fight this just like the students of 1976 young people wake up
I want to see how is he going to campaign for the elections, because he's praising Ramaphosa so much, forgetting the people who voted for him , he's not a minister because of Ramaphosa is because of his voters who voted for PA 😂😂😂
Don't be deceitful, DA did not oppose that part of the bill. For them it was about keeping Afrikaans schools Afrikaans. Only PA and ASA objected to the undocumented migrant part.
The most shocking thing was the riot act CR read to Gwarube , something that he has never done to his fellow ANC ministers. SADTU was also very vociferous about the Bill and that Gwarube was coming in with her racist ideology. CR wanted her, as DA minister, to take the flack from South Africans. This insensitivity to how this Bill would impact South African communities was non negotiable. Now we have angry parents who see their children being marginalized. If No ID is required from these immigrant children, do they have immunization cards? We are still in trouble with this Government led by the ANC. This has been going on for decades , even last year it was the same story.
Hi Thomas, very interesting topic. People are forgetting that this thing and others are in the name of the ANC - AFRICAN {not South African) National Congress. Looking at it from the two perspectives: - 1) Geographic then this country according the ANC was always meant for the whole of Africa - hence the open border. 2) Ethnic then it was meant for the Africans in particular, hence all the race base laws discriminating against the other groups here. So all in all, we should not be surprised - it is in the party name from since 1912. 😃😃
Our so-called government refuses to give me a born and bred South African citizen old age pension, their reason is, that my wife is a government employee, she's retiring coming April. That was 14 years ago.
The problem is the people got what they wanted but they are not happy with what they are getting , the same people that is calling theses party's racist are the people that vot for the ANC .
Thomas I am no longer angry with the A N C I know they don't care for the people of this country.i am angry at those voters who keep these people in power.
@kelebogilemotlogelwa1582 Please please people we must vote the ANC out of government they already strip the country financially now we sitting with millions of illegal foreigner we can't breathe because of the over flow of people . Than they blame Apartheid did you know apartheid was never gone it's still visible we live under horrible circumstances.
If there was no government, communities would organise, and govern themselves. All that money we pay in taxes (everybody pays taxes!) can be used directly in our communities. Policing, education, etc., can all be handled locally. Why do we keep asking government to do everything for us? They take our money and do nothing!
Hi Mr mabaso I love your channel you 😢 going to be classified as a racist i am 73years old and all the years i maintained that the ANC government is racist to wards the people of South Africa they are not worried because their children go to private schools or to overseas to study no time for the people who put them there when it's voting time they come with food parcel shows you what they think of us in their eyes we are fodder please people think before you make this mistake again Zuma Malema ramaphosa they are all the same don't trust them 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿
True ANC knows quiet well that South Africans won't vote for them so they now prefer Zimbabweans knowing quiet well that they will vote for ANC. Panyaza and Cyril are taking South Africans for granted but they will reap what they sow What goes around comes around, I pity their closest they think they are doing South Africans down but God will show them a thing or two
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South Africans 🇿🇦 Have to provide birth certificates, parents ID etc, but foreign nationals do not have too. SA if you dont wake up now , i dont know, at least fight for your children.
How many S.A kids cannot go to school cause they mother abandoned them & or died & never registered their birth? What are they going to do with these kids?
AGREE with you Very much that is the Where to keep controle on Nation Its Registration With Birthday Certificates this Works efficiënt Then StatSA Nonsense too idioot
@@beewest5704 Yes and those are SA kids, but they don't think about them.
Why don't all the parents just go and register their kids also with documentation and if anyone ask just tell them if foreigners can do it south Africans can too
As a white citizen born in S.A (1949) going thru all stages of govern practises, i am really excited to see and hear there are black people standing up and voice opinions of truth and reality. Thankyou so much dear fellow citizens. May God be with you on the path of truth even its uphill and filled with potholes.
My brother we have been fighting against this rubbish of the bill with the ACDP a great political organisation in South Africa! We knew this was part of the conspiracy against the education system and especially our children! They want to sexualise our children and turn them into LGBTQI!
I HEAR YOU and appreciate your comment very much. but Don't hold your breath, us Blacks take very long to get it. We are very exhausting. They will get this part then be fooled again because they refuse to organize and mobilise themselves in unison using MERIT.
@RisePurpleJoy Thanks for your thanks RisePurpleJoy. We all will hold our breath until the breeze of fresh air is enough for exhaling 😉 But we all know that justice will rise as a new day after the night, when people will take over in parliament which will care for everyone in this beautiful country, and not only care for themselves.
Wait till the NHI kicks in and folks are still sitting in long queues and getting limited treatment. It will make the BELA bill look like child's play.
Right now Blacks are already suffering at state hospitals from illegal migration, its you who hire these illegals who also needs to feel the pain at your hospitals. They your cheap labour pay the price.
The ANC vote is gonna haunt you. Open the eyes of our people Lorx
Say it!
Yes agree. Millions of illegals will be in the same queue.
I couldn't have said it better.
Never was a country sold so cheaply 😢
Awe zamazama
The ANC screamed about Afrikaans to distract black people from the foreign nationals issue
100% correct
😂😂😂😂😂 They hoodwinked the black racists by allowing them to be racist against whites and now the black racists got screwed over 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 racist low IQ clowns 😂😂😂😂😂😂
But neither Afriforum nor DA objected to foreign national issue either, they were only interested in keeping school segregated. Sorry neither ANC, DA or Afriforum cares about the masses.
@@Tinker8531 correct - all part of the Davos clan
@Tinker8531 they actually did but yiu racists were too busy parading around mocking them for being racist that you failed to see it
We told you long ago,ANC has no interest of S.Africans
Agree, so why do everyone still vote for them ANC after lie on lie and corruption? Time to wake up to safe our country.
Citizens are paying tax for AFRICA not S AFRICA. It's a disgrace.
Really how is this possible !!!😢
Bro, really?
1. 95% of taxes in South Africa are paid by White and Indian people.
2. Everyone in the sou try pays taxes.
3. Majority of taxes in South Africa goes to welfare which predominately benefits black South Africans.
What are you talking about?
ANC want Zimzims to vote 4 them in 2029
I see
And stupid South Africans will still be voting it.
You hit the nail on it's head. They know black people are starting to see through their lies
that's their agenda
And they are already voting at their ambassies without documents😢
If they vote for them we need to imitate Mozambique
😂😂😂 When the DA was fighting this bill, they were called racist. Now see... It's too funny.
Yes who are the racists now?
Dont be mistaken guys,We still support that bill,We only hate this particular clause.
😂😂😂😂😂😢😢😢😅😅😅😅😢😢😢😂😂😂😅😅😅😢😢😢😢😅😅😂😂😂 the racists are now the dumb component of the underdeveloped population so called previously disadvantaged while they have all the opportunities racially determined for them l and skewed RACIALLY in their favour. Always pleasing victimhood and crying racism 30 years after Blacks took over nearly all of government across all three tiers. What a disgrace. The so-called enemy is long gone and dead and buried, now Blacks are scared of the ghosts of White NP and DP leaders. Oh the third world is funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@FezekaBonda 🤣😂🤣
So true ....there is going to be more to come ....and then it's going to be to late......and the we as coloureds,Indians and White are racist
I'm joining Afriforum. I'm tired of this ANC. Call me racist.
Nami I'd rather be a 'racist' now. Ayikho lendaba yalaba. Bayanya manje!
Afriforum is not racist. Every time they take the government to court it is to protect ALL SAns and not white SAns. Join they will welcome you with open arms.
@@botantimohanoe9230 Afriforum will welcome you. Afriforum for PATRIOTS of RSA. Spineless people not need not apply.🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦
You do what is right for your kids. Nothing racist about that.
Im also Joining AfriForum
Problem is that they thought it was all about language, it's much more than that, they can even learn your child about wokeness and you as parent can't do anything about it!
Imagine the wickedness of this Bela bill.
I also blame the masses for not reading and understanding how things work. They accept what politicians say as the gospel truth.
Correct. They only know one thing, hate Afrikaners because of apartheid. They don't even know what happened then.
We read, brother. The problem is not about the BELA bill but the constitution of the RSA. Remember that the court once ruled that clauses in the admission policy that say children of undocumented migrants must be excluded from state schools are unconstitutional. It was still going to happen with or without the BELA bill. Therefore, if we want to fix the country, we must amend the constitution. However, international treaties signed by the government will prevent them from doing so.
@ That Constitution needs revising.
Most ANC voters cannot read
@@Chinekewhowwww Why do you say they don't read? Maybe you can convince us with your explanation.
I will Vote Freedom Front Plus though I'm black man.
I might as well join you
VF is better than DA
I know you are joking but in reality they are the only party in South Africa that has zero race based policies.
We need efficient leaders in government to improve the lives of our black people. The 30% pass is giving our people a very low standard of education. The ANC is more interested in staying in power than improving the lives of our people.
They want people to be uneducated, it makes them easy to lead and to fool, as with Bela Act.
They are letting white foreigner to come and creat jobs with cheap south african. You apply for a job in government office having degree and the person in that office does not have degree nor diploma and during interview, one will say those degree are just a paper and that paper can't work in the office
The ANC is the tokoloshe of South Africa
😂😂😂😂😂😂😭true story
Tokoloshe 😂😂
Blacks defended this bill on the basis of language,not considering the bigger implications
Blacks also speak Afrikaans😢
Hope black people see ANC for who they are.. PLEASE wake up
As always. As long as the signer of the Bill is black, they okay with it .
Because white and coloured people protests against this the black community came out and defend this bill. Like you said Thomas they do not understand this bill at all.
Only you understand
I never like this Bela bill thing and majority of blacks oppose anything that whites support without understanding see now
Shooooooo, my brother as a taxpayer, i am shivering right now, My heart is broken 💔. I am crying 😢 for my beloved country
I want to cry...when we ask ...begged black voters to wake up and see what was happening....they stil went back and voted ANC and after that they will vote eff or MK. This will never stop
If only everyone can think the way you do. Our country can be saved
With greed, racism, and violence in all EFF and MK member's minds, the country will be destroyed in one sweep. If you don't want to vote DA then at least vote PA or ASA 🙏🏽
It's about time black people stand up we always afriforum fighting for justice
will never happen
Us South Africans must stop playing according to political parties, and stand as ONE!
Nothing can change untill WE as a people stand together. No more race. Come on SA. Can we not stand together?
@KermitGTTwhy not race was brought by the white men to separate us
@KermitGTT WHY? Isn’t it obvious that as a nation we have to stand together against the cANCer and their incompetence - their laws are INSANE - especially this BELA bill? Don’t be obtuse 😏
@KermitGTTWhy not? Do you want a Nigerian for president????
@@sonjaswart9866 We alreaddy have a non South African as a president!
Remember your liberators becomes your Oppressors!!!!!
If the ANC is concerned about African nationals so much, can South African children be admitted in schools from other African countries without proof of registration? The answer is no.
Let us go ANC vote wisely next year
Were you NOT warned about the ANC 15years ago. But then some use the race cards...
We deserve this as South Africans. We have been sitting behind our phones 📱 and watching instagram, facebook etc and stupid celebrities that bleach their skin in Dubai. Look Zimbabweans are overtaking our country right in our faces.
Haai nna I’m sick and tired 😴 of us. We need to ACT and stop these stupid discussions that get us nowhere 😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬
One day we will all rise up.
Undocumented??? Then they must do away with all documents requirements for EVERYONE. Licences, IDs, Birth Certificates etc. Why must we be subjected to a demand of documents and this will not apply to others living under the same "roof".Of South Africa. This is not fair. This is crazy, this is shocking.
As South Africans we are struggling to get space for our children I know of someone who's child does not have space for grade 8 truly our government is failing us.😢
They are not angry. If they were angry, 2024 may 29 , they would have starve ANC votes. 40% shows that they still smiling with ANC
Qe will pay for their stupidity.
They want to pass the 40% mark that they received during 2024 May election. Mark my words not so long, their parents will be given the rights to vote come 2029
Gayton wanted the Home Affairs portfolio, but Ramaphosa deliberately gave him you wonder why?
The older I get, the more I realize the ANC is not the problem of our country.... We the citizens are the reason why our country is in the state it is in. The ANC are simply the facilitators.
The world is not destroyed by corrupt politicians is destroyed by those who are watching and doing nothing .no regime change without blood or violence this Africa democracy doesn't work
@simphiwemarule2803. Why does the ANC make the pass rate 30%? To keep SAns idiots and to keep voting for them... Furthermore blacks are lazy to read... If you want to hide something from the black man put it in the book... That's why this Bill was BLINDLY accepted by the majority of blacks... Yes let them fix their mess... 👀 19:32
Any solutions
Are you joking
So true, we the people keep voting for them so clearly we want this
It so painful when your Taxed R7000 and you cant even afford expenses at home
Yew I feel sorry for the working class...
Trust in the LORD
And don't despair.
He is a friend so true ..
No matter what your troubles are ..
Jesus will see you through ..
God bless you and your families 🙏😇
@@thabitharampheri3218 Truth. It is happening for years with whites. My son pay R7000 for electricity. We are funding illigals electricity. Tax of the charts. School fees.
Stating Facts, the longer we stay divided the longer our country will suffer, big fan of your channel, keep the content coming 👏🏼
I remember my father use to say to me, the more black lead South Africa lot of people are going to be enemies of their leaders
Because their laws are nonsensical - rubbish. Our leaders are useless except when it comes to corruption
Yes. Get us a Trump like leader. Gayton is the guy.
The chose not to listen to warnings because DA was objecting. They trusted ANC to their detriment. They have have their cakes and eat it.
Remember PANYAZA was pointing his 👉 at CR and coercing him to sign the BELA BILL when CR was stalling. Panayaza must go
Yesterday , I was in the midst of people from Jozini. She says people from Swaziland just cross over to collect grants and go back. Ya . We deserve the leaders we vote for. Bigger picture though is to educate our people about voting your rights. Some of us vote for the sake of voting. Vote for a black person because ,I am also black. 😂😂😂😂
There are so many ppl who live in Swaziland who are actually south african citizens...hence the collection of grants...wht must they do.leave the grant they ar entitled to
Every country that's in our boarders are getting grant from SA,is not South Africans staying in that particular country, is happening Botswana, Lesotho Zimbabwe Mozambique I'm not sure of Namibia but the rest are benefiting
My grandson spent a full term at home because schools could not accommodate him
We as a family had to fight to get him into a school. Our kids are suffering because of a government that just does not care about its citizens
Our kids are suffering indeed.
ANC will do anything 2 distract the people from the bigger issues we are facing in this country
Was our right to protest against ANC revoked?? Why are we so understanding of rubbish in our Country
I have never vote ANC. AND PROUD
Me too I never liked these dogs
The decline of South Africa came in 1994.
As a black man the FF Plus and PA looks more and more appealing with each passing day we are being treated like amakwerekwere in our own country
@@OrthodoxRSA You're so on it ,those 2 parties are the best for South Africa.I vote PA.ons baiza nie.Honourable McKenzie for president
@@OrthodoxRSA ANC must be voted out,for South Africa to get on the right track.They play with our future
@@Firstnation-r6s 💯
I do not think for one moment that the ANC is concerned about education they have their own corrupt motives.
Orders from their puppet masters. Many believe that governments worldwide wide are in control of their countries sadly they not
This is happening in other countries so what is going on
Bad education has long been used to subdue populations.
Our 30% passed rate, says what the ANC thinks about its people.
@@dronezone9807 means 70 %of work u dont know
Our children cannot compete with the rest of the world's students.
💯 so sad. Disgusting actually.
If the law doesn't apply to foreigners WHY ARE WE SUBJECTING OURS TO THE LAW???
Those who can afford private schools are so fortunate
Don't have kids if you can't afford
@@Ash_Hole-f7pWhat does that have to do with this topic? Even the middle class with one kid cannot afford private school fees. Why do we even have to pay to get quality education but its a so called constitutional right.
@@beewest5704 quality and ANC dont mix. So if you want a good education you have pay a handsome fee.
Right now I think people should go back and look at the things PW Botha spoke about. That man knew more about whats going on today than South Africans do now.
South Africa was sold in 1994, same as Europe is being sold out now.
Sa was sold out the day they refused to help zim
Help Zim to do what?
@@user-vn5fw7gl6o going down the toilet
@@carolb8452 Why is that a SAn responsibility? You don't know what you're on about, why are you always happy being sold out to highest bidder? Botswana is doing okay... why do you hate yourselves this much...?
NHI is going to be exactly the same. SA is going to pay for the whole of Africa and there won't be place in hospitals for our own people. They already talking about R1000.00+ contribution. Motsoaledi said there is no budget. This will be a deduction straight from salaries like income tax. We need to open our eyes. Our hospitals are already overcrowded. ANC needs votes badly and they don't care about their own citizens.
Spot On..Motswaeledi agent of corruption he's pushing hard for NHI knowing country will be bankrupt
I don't understand why these people are crying & complaining. They are getting the government they voted for and deserve. That's going to teach them to vote responsibly in future...
If we have a future. Is it 4 years to wait for next election? By then, a Nigerian will be running for president. 😢
@@sonjaswart9866yep. 4 years is a long time
They'll vote for ANC lite (MK party) and ANC 2.0 (the EFF) then cry when we are completely destroyed. We'll end up like Uganda and Zim... After everything is destroyed we'll say Askies, shame we made a mistake. 20 years later when it's too late to pull ourselves out of the hole we dug. Our country is being sold right from under us. We'll have less rights than illegal foreigners just now.
Are these children immunised fully because this used to be a major requirement for grade 1. We now wonder where the communicable diseases are coming from
The ANC is taking us for granted. Let's revolt against these gangsters!
This is absolute rubbish!
Lesufi must go
He is adog
And im telling you Thomas they are not applying for school they are also going to apply for grants for their children these zim parent
We will cry after NHI is implemented because we will still be in worse queues with overworked staff attending to us, the NHI is free for ALL.imagine how much worse it will be😢😮
I applaud you and your straight forward viewpoint
Too late.. when DA, Solidaritiet and Afriforum were protesting against the BELA Act there was the rest of SA calling them racist. It was fine when it was not their child being disadvantaged. Now that it is their children being disadvantaged they don’t want the BELA Act. Double standards. You needed to understand how the act will affect your child and stop buying in the political racist rhetoric.
Nidlile nathi IDA iyahkanya nifunani manje
Everybody in S.A should learn to boycott any & every bill from the ANC cause they do not care abt S.African ppl.
Anc is trying to safeguard its future by naturalistic foreigners. It's another way of doing what Zanu has been doing, bring in foreigners to vote.
Started with Zuma, that was his plan
The SA government are insulting our integrity!!! We are all tax payers and we pay even pay the government 's salary
Our own children are running around to be
Placed at schools near their homes.
Tomorrow they toy toy for Nfsas too.
You speak Truth Thomas😢
never stop fighting SAns must fight as unity to pull out from anc
Once again 👋🏾
A slap to the face of South Africans. Another well thought out idea to obtain future voters. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad and infuriating.
Lol the same masses were celebrating when it was passed
The BELA Act goes hand-in-hand with the law that ALLOWS MEN TO TAKE A WOMAN'S SURNAME. Everything that is being done is for the benefit of foreigners.
Wow! This is worst than I tought.
This is what you call SKELM. Like a Trojan Horse. We are doomed.😢
As Black South Africans, we are too soft and ignorant. The anc bends us as they wish to suite their needs. I have given up on any cries from a Black person.
So where to from here
Correction: All PATRIOTIC SAans....forget the black part, fgs, we must get over ourselves now.
I do think you are right. People are abusing our good heartedness. They think because we are kind, now they can walk over us. Sick of this!😡
That's why i voted for DA
I also gave my vote for DA, but now DA looks like it's in the same bed as ANC. Im wondering, if Zungula is ready to receive South Africans?
@@faithMketo DA is not. I also vote DA for a beter SA.
DA is in charge of the Home office what have they done to curb illegal migration?. Has Mr Home Affairs gone around to businesses who hires illegal immigrants. What you all fail to understand is Zimbabweans are here in millions because they get jobs from the ones you vote for. If DA type did not give these people jobs they would skip our country same way they skip Zambia, Namibia and other countries but DA type entice them here. Helen Suzman foundation fights for them to be here. If illegal migration bothers you, you betting on the wrong horse. Vote ASA, POA or ATM.
@ DA businesses hires these illegals that's why they come to SA. You voting wrong.
@@Tinker8531 yes they do it because south african blacks are lazy. And BEE only benfits blacks and no other race
Very interesting - calling all parents to become involved in your children's education - especially the SGB's.
Thank you Thomas for the clarification of the so called Bella Bill .
Keep voting cANCer so no complaing about cANCer, this is what majority voted, accept what your party gives you
If this issue is not resolved I foresee more and more provinces calling for INDEPENDENCE
Yes 😢
That should have been done 30 years ago, now we are stuck in this shituation.
Where in the whole world have you heard of such laws, only people in the communities can fight this just like the students of 1976 young people wake up
We need 1976 parents those who were there to teach these coconuts parents how it done.
They have been made to hate each other. they are doing it everywhere.
W hat do you mean??
Great observation kel6385.
Who is being made to hate who?
That’s what your forefathers did to Africans, isn’t?
Gayton is the MAN to vote for.
You're part of the problem
@siyatise5165 You heard a bell and don't know where the sound comes from. Must be a 30 percenter.
I want to see how is he going to campaign for the elections, because he's praising Ramaphosa so much, forgetting the people who voted for him , he's not a minister because of Ramaphosa is because of his voters who voted for PA 😂😂😂
When DA was protesting this bill, black people chastised it(DA)
Me either I didn't understand about Bella bill honestly Gid knows🤞🏻🤞🏻didn't know the dogs are selling our country, most people didn't know serious😮😮
It was ANC black people, not all black mense.
Politicians didn't tell the people the truth, like with all other issues.those people who voted for anc should be ashamed of themselves 😭💔
Don't be deceitful, DA did not oppose that part of the bill. For them it was about keeping Afrikaans schools Afrikaans. Only PA and ASA objected to the undocumented migrant part.
@ Faith DA did not object the illegal migrant part, they only objected to the language issue. They said they happy with the rest of the bill.
SA'ns are now discriminated against. This is disgraceful
As a taxpayer this is very depressing.
It makes paying tax such a bitter feeling.
These foreigners also don't pay
its bad
Cereal scamming us blindly Bela bill deflection n distraction strategy
It's true that paying taxes for the services of the whole continent is a nightmare. The situation is worse than apartheid.
Sadly, every person in this country pays taxes. Everything that can be taxed, has been.
The most shocking thing was the riot act CR read to Gwarube , something that he has never done to his fellow ANC ministers. SADTU was also very vociferous about the Bill and that Gwarube was coming in with her racist ideology. CR wanted her, as DA minister, to take the flack from South Africans. This insensitivity to how this Bill would impact South African communities was non negotiable. Now we have angry parents who see their children being marginalized. If No ID is required from these immigrant children, do they have immunization cards? We are still in trouble with this Government led by the ANC. This has been going on for decades , even last year it was the same story.
That is why I always said , stand still , think before you vote .
That Panyaza was disrespectful and arrogant towards.the Presidant on national TV instructing him to "SIGN THAT BILL"... what a joke😮
I even wondered why he was so eager😮
Panyaza's head is so big, it's ready to explode. Man has massive ego problems but knows nothing.
Hi Thomas, very interesting topic. People are forgetting that this thing and others are in the name of the ANC - AFRICAN {not South African) National Congress. Looking at it from the two perspectives: - 1) Geographic then this country according the ANC was always meant for the whole of Africa - hence the open border. 2) Ethnic then it was meant for the Africans in particular, hence all the race base laws discriminating against the other groups here. So all in all, we should not be surprised - it is in the party name from since 1912. 😃😃
I always say that it is African National Congress not South African congress
So the next step will be they can register their children for a sassa grant
Our so-called government refuses to give me a born and bred South African citizen old age pension, their reason is, that my wife is a government employee, she's retiring coming April. That was 14 years ago.
Netso. Mooi man.
Done already .
Try again and tell them your wife is a house wife .
They are already getting grants
The problem is the people got what they wanted but they are not happy with what they are getting , the same people that is calling theses party's racist are the people that vot for the ANC .
WHAT ARE THE MP's doing in Parliament? What are we paying them so much for?This is a joke.
Useless those people
Many Mp's are for anc and they are the hand clapers for everything, like the president that sign everything
Thomas I am no longer angry with the A N C I know they don't care for the people of this country.i am angry at those voters who keep these people in power.
Yhooo had to take a moment… kubi sana that’s all I can say. Treated like outsiders in our own country
Please do not read the BELA bill just accept it😂 😂😂😂😂....and blind voters keep on voting for ANC
Idiots vote ANC
Dear black people
Just wait for NHI
Ja, hulle gaan dit ook in- vote. Berge val op ons.😔
@@sonjaswart9866 Die hele land is gevok.
South Africans talk talk doesn't help,lets act
We're becoming more and more like America.
If you did not know about this bill and you know now,then spread the word Fast,our children come First.
What's going on in the minds of Ramaphosa and Lesufi they deport illegal foreigner but the illegal foreigner children must be registered at the school
Plz ask again, good question. This anc makhantiruthi leaders yoh😮😮😮
@kelebogilemotlogelwa1582 Please please people we must vote the ANC out of government they already strip the country financially now we sitting with millions of illegal foreigner we can't breathe because of the over flow of people . Than they blame Apartheid did you know apartheid was never gone it's still visible we live under horrible circumstances.
It is called indoctrination.
They never deported them, that was just hogwash.
If there was no government, communities would organise, and govern themselves. All that money we pay in taxes (everybody pays taxes!) can be used directly in our communities. Policing, education, etc., can all be handled locally. Why do we keep asking government to do everything for us? They take our money and do nothing!
the next step would be is to give undocumented foreigner voting rights, thereby creating a replacement voter base.
And a Nigerian running for president.
@@sonjaswart9866 the masses don't know what's coming
@@sonjaswart9866 We already have a Zimbabwean wanting to run for president, Juluis Malema.
Hi Mr mabaso I love your channel you 😢 going to be classified as a racist i am 73years old and all the years i maintained that the ANC government is racist to wards the people of South Africa they are not worried because their children go to private schools or to overseas to study no time for the people who put them there when it's voting time they come with food parcel shows you what they think of us in their eyes we are fodder please people think before you make this mistake again Zuma Malema ramaphosa they are all the same don't trust them 👿👿👿👿👿👿👿
Love Ur show and your vision preach brother preach maybe some people will wake up
True ANC knows quiet well that South Africans won't vote for them so they now prefer Zimbabweans knowing quiet well that they will vote for ANC.
Panyaza and Cyril are taking South Africans for granted but they will reap what they sow
What goes around comes around, I pity their closest they think they are doing South Africans down but God will show them a thing or two
Called Communism
few parties stood up against this bill......makes you wonder
And its worse Thomas all these resources are from tax payers
I bet if Zimbabwe changes, Zimbabweans in Zimbabwe won't accept Zimbabweans in South Africa back. They ran away.