The temple of heaven is my favourite place to visit in Beijing. There are full of morning activities there and the layout of the gardens are just fantastic.
I don't know what language you use with your gf. If I were you I would practice and learn Mandarin from your gf. Being able to speak Mandarin will make your life much easier and enjoyable if you plan to live in China for long term.
Beijing is the most incredible capital city in the world in size, history, ancient architecture, culture, economy and higher learning.
A beautiful city
Another nice video from you. Beautiful city.
Thank you very much!
The temple of heaven is my favourite place to visit in Beijing. There are full of morning activities there and the layout of the gardens are just fantastic.
your videos are awesome dude, keep it up!
Glad you like them!
Beautiful! I love seeing people dress up in the traditional dresses, reminds me of all the historical Chinese shows I watched growing up
Your girl friend 🤩 she is Beautiful.
Love this video so much ❤❤ well done 🎉
Designer Sunglasses with "Gege" (Qing Princess) constume is quite a fashion statement 😅
Must yave been a holiday. Oct 1 wouod be crammrd.
Should be "Not they expected"? 😂
Your chinese gf beautiful...lucky you and win win for both of you!
哈哈哈 郎才女貌 很般配啦 博主是个帅哥啦❤
finally girlfriend isn't camera shy anymore.....
We’re expecting your next video to tell the story about how you met your Chinese girlfriend 😊
We already said in a previous video lol, we met at university in the UK many years ago
@@Harveyinchina. Video yang mana
I don't know what language you use with your gf. If I were you I would practice and learn Mandarin from your gf. Being able to speak Mandarin will make your life much easier and enjoyable if you plan to live in China for long term.
Wow, Nice video.
Can you please not use the term "Not we/l Expected" as your title? Tons of RUclipser used it already.
But what if it’s not what I expected? What then? 😂
@@chaochao5104 因为汉朝是农民起义建立起来的,不符合西方价值观,不符合贼的价值观。所以他们一边吹捧秦始皇,一边试图栽赃汉朝。试图削弱汉朝的影响。同时曹操墓,商纣王墓都是假的,同理,汉奸考古贼考古造假吹捧恶人栽赃好人妄图篡改历史颠倒黑白。
@@chaochao5104 汉书刘向《谏营昌陵疏》有记载: 秦始皇帝葬于骊山之阿……项籍燔其宫室营宇,往者咸见发掘。其后牧儿亡羊,羊入其凿,牧者持火照求羊。失火烧其臧椁。项羽烧秦宫时,宫殿被烧,秦始皇陵露出来看见的人都去发掘。后来有羊掉进去了,放羊的进去找羊失火把棺材烧了。在汉朝的时候那秦始皇陵就是开放式的了,谁都进的去,羊都掉的进去。而且史记秦始皇本纪记载秦始皇陵是穿治骊山,穿山为陵,西安那个所谓的秦始皇陵是封土为陵,典型汉代覆斗式陵墓。史料明确记载乐府是汉武帝才设立的机构,东汉《说文解字》记载,至武帝崇礼,始立乐府。史料记载秦始皇在建陵墓的时候坑杀匠人无数。他怎么可能把这些他视若草芥的工匠的名字刻在兵马俑上,而他自己的大名一个都没有,说兵马俑上的文字或者里面的汉砖的文字说是工匠的名字这不符合情也不符合理。你要说臧宫可能有重名?那也可能这个兵马俑就是汉朝的,这个兵马俑就是为了纪念东汉将士而建的。兵马俑都有汉代墓葬,哪个可能性更大呢?那个所谓的有吕不韦名字的兵器刻字歪歪扭扭,都在锈迹上面,肉眼可辨现代人刻了放进去的。考古贼考古造假自己埋自己挖。再说兵马俑就是一群泥人,这个任何朝代任何人做起来都不难?凭啥是世界奇迹?这要是世界奇迹那些悬崖峭壁的大佛算什么?比这厉害的古代工程多了去了。之所以被评为世界奇迹,就是因为安到无道暴君头上来吹捧无道暴君的。现代考古不能否定古代史料,因为古代史料是古人经过考证写出来并得到广泛认可一代代传承下来的。考古挖出来的东西是突然冒出来的,没有任何人能证明是正确的。他能把古代人唤醒来当证人吗?如果历史可以通过考古发掘篡改,那考古贼自己埋自己挖,想怎么改怎么改。比如他可以找块石头刻上两弹一星是蒋介石造的,然后埋起来让考古砖家去挖,然后就可以用这石头上的刻字去改写历史吗?中国考古连孙悟空都能找到,他们想挖什么自己造。