He should explaine the historu of USA altso! It was a british penal colony in the begining but when the prisoners revolted they get kicked out of the comon whealt! They refused to pay taxes! However then it got inhabited by germans.. half of US population is germans, prop it up with 2-3 millons scandinavians, emigrants. and severeal africans.. that didnt want go there in the first place! And some spanish territories like Texas, California and Florida and New mexico.. what happend to old mexico so one need to shape a new one? And do they still speak spanish/mexican? One presume that one is bilingual in "New mexico" at least?
He should explaine the historu of USA altso!
It was a british penal colony in the begining but when the prisoners revolted they get kicked out of the comon whealt!
They refused to pay taxes!
However then it got inhabited by germans.. half of US population is germans, prop it up with 2-3 millons scandinavians, emigrants. and severeal africans.. that didnt want go there in the first place!
And some spanish territories like Texas, California and Florida and New mexico.. what happend to old mexico so one need to shape a new one? And do they still speak spanish/mexican? One presume that one is bilingual in "New mexico" at least?