Augusts Favorite Champ Archetype/ How He Would Fix RYZE/BRUISER SYLAS?/ Problem /w Lane Restrictions

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 116

  • @Yvädastra
    @Yvädastra Месяц назад +37

    Would love to see a Ryze rework where he does different combos with his spells to create different effects. Not like Hwei, where he just has a lot of different singular spells. Each spell Ryze would cast would be like writing a sequence of runes, which is very thematic.

    • @monstermilk6092
      @monstermilk6092 Месяц назад +6

      Go play DOTA 2 then. You literally just described Invoker.

    • @annaadotd6405
      @annaadotd6405 Месяц назад +4

      You will literally be looking at invoker from dota at that point.

    • @Yvädastra
      @Yvädastra Месяц назад +1

      Sounds pretty cool to me to have a champ like that in LoL

    • @Meowthix
      @Meowthix Месяц назад +5

      @@monstermilk6092 Because games haven't been stealing character concepts from eachother since forever? It sounds like a cool concept, no reason LoL cant implement it.

    • @f.09h
      @f.09h Месяц назад +1

      hey thats a whole ass different champion

  • @dinocharlie1
    @dinocharlie1 Месяц назад +3

    Kled does some of the same stuff as Jhin but melee. 4 hits the last one hurts way worse (melee compensation is the attack speed) his ult can hit from a screen away or more (melee compensation is the shield) and he also has other crazy stuff like Skaarl

  • @tiagoalmeida6857
    @tiagoalmeida6857 Месяц назад +3

    My take on ryze is very simple. Give his shield back, perhaps no the way it was, an idea is that different combos give different things. For example: E, E - Q and W, E - Q offer the movement speed buf while a E, W - Q combo offers shielding, then you'd have to choose between you wanting mobility to disengage or re-engage or sustain for fighting and not being bursted down, it would be amazing and turn braindead engages like kata, tristana and nafiri into something survivable and not one sided.

  • @owsomnus9749
    @owsomnus9749 Месяц назад +20

    Ryze just feels boring as hell to me, which doesn't make any sense given his lore. Ryze in Legends of Runeterra is more fun since it's more lore accurate and you really do feel like the "Rune Mage" when you play him cos there's like, actual runes, whereas Ryze in League just feels like you're throwing out blue missiles over and over, it's just so uninspiring to play that I just don't care about the champion. The only satisfying thing to do on Ryze is to press R and position your team in a really great spot, other than that he's just far too mundane which isn't justifiable given that there's a lot of potential to work with here considering how important and unique he is in the lore.

    • @ryn1706
      @ryn1706 Месяц назад +2

      Time for rework #8.

    • @WildspeakerYT
      @WildspeakerYT Месяц назад +3

      lorewise Ryze should be a kind of ranged Udyr, picking different runes and use his habilities and maybe combine them and stuff, but Ryze players that actually play him and the reason why his popularity dropped (his mains and people interested on him lose interest on him) is because they make him do things other than be "the blue guy throwing blue missiles over and over"

  • @miruajin6448
    @miruajin6448 Месяц назад +6

    Cutting bullets sound cool af. Make new melee botlaner

    • @JustATotalNerd
      @JustATotalNerd Месяц назад +1

      Nilah already exists

    • @miruajin6448
      @miruajin6448 Месяц назад

      @@JustATotalNerd it’s just 1… and how old is that ill made champ?

    • @seamusrichardson5601
      @seamusrichardson5601 Месяц назад +4

      This is literally what Samira does and she is a melee botlaner.

    • @miruajin6448
      @miruajin6448 Месяц назад +1

      @@seamusrichardson5601 oh wait her w is kinda like that, but I mean... consistently like a basic attack (dota deny) op but funny

    • @itsyourguyskye
      @itsyourguyskye Месяц назад

      yasuo been here

  • @cokecan6169
    @cokecan6169 Месяц назад +2

    The top lane ranged issue can be alleviated by making top lane minions specifically take less damage from ranged champions for the first 5 to 7 minutes of the game. This will make pushing more difficult and force them to have to balance their spell and auto resources between poke and farming. We already have a handicap like this for junglers preventing them from farming lane gold and exp heavily early. Some people hated when this was possible, but it was simply another strategy the game allowed like ranged top being allowed. If you can implement a nerf for that, you can do it for ranged top.

    • @tamas9554
      @tamas9554 Месяц назад

      The problem is that ranged champs are still mostly annoying because they poke you out, if they are picked your experience on top is ruined. I don't even say this from a meta perspective, just casual play, you can't have fun

    • @cokecan6169
      @cokecan6169 Месяц назад

      @@tamas9554 direct nerfs to champion damage will always be hard to implement but minion waves absolutely have an impact. You could also nerf starter item stats for ranged champions, eg lower hp pool (50 or 60%) and slightly buffing the base stat for non ranged units, think 120 start HP for dorans blade that drops to 60 on ranged, and halved lifesteal going from 4 to 2%. Maybe even +5 double resist on melee units buying dorans items. The goal of this is to keep ranged top squishier and make it much more punishing for them to make mistakes during trades, lower HP means easier to burst cheese and less regen means they really need to avoid taking damage. This nerf wouldn't affect bot lane as much because they would both be ranged, so they'd still be on equal footing. Lower minion damage is a big difference because ranged champions will have a harder time pushing out waves or crashing them into your tower. It could be implemented in the form of special armor the top lane minions gain that is ignored by melee champions. Most ranged champions already have low base stats that they can only overcome with starter items early to farm. Another thing that can be done is make minions aggro ranged champions for longer, perhaps fire an extra auto even after they exist vision by ducking into brush. I'm fairly certain that if you combine all 3 of these nerfs ranged top would become extremely bad, so 1 or 2 would probably have a balanced impact.

    • @kf532
      @kf532 Месяц назад

      Legit just give d shield some range ad DMG block or smth for the first few mins if ranged top is that op.

    • @zat1245
      @zat1245 Месяц назад

      Making weird and unintuitive rules like that are not a good solution and it’s not the only problem. Big issue is with programming it. August even said so in the video bro. Like making it work without issues is complicated and it’s hard to communicate that to the player.

    • @cokecan6169
      @cokecan6169 Месяц назад

      @@zat1245 no it's pretty bare bones. The idea is exactly like the introduction of turret plating and increased turret armor back in the day. As for dorans items, melee/ranged stat differences have been introduced for a while.

  • @Lunai5444
    @Lunai5444 Месяц назад +3

    Ryze watching Aurora get his perfect ult with empty eyes

  • @Frightning
    @Frightning 23 дня назад

    3:50 Yasuo says hi XD (He's not wrong on squishy melees needing some seriously strong tools to function).

  • @tamas9554
    @tamas9554 Месяц назад +4

    About the Jhin and Viego comparison, I feel like August is a bit clueless. Vayne is extremely irritating too despite being a ranged carry, Zeri, Kai'sa, Kalista and some others as well. Its not really about a melee champ being able to do what Viego does, its about his design itself, I'd argue it'd be even worse on a ranged champ

    • @Mirro18
      @Mirro18 Месяц назад

      On the other hand, how many more people are pissed about Yasuo, Yone or Zed? Like are there people frustrated about ADCs? Sure. But most of the BIG EVIL champs that everyone hates (backed up by banrate no matter the meta) are melee carries.

    • @tamas9554
      @tamas9554 Месяц назад

      @@Mirro18 Its because I think they have more overtuned kits, and skirmishers (melee carries) are an overall more unbalanced class. Most of them are a crossbreed of divers and assassins, they have insane mobility, damage, decent ways to soak/avoid damage among other stuff.
      Look at K'sante even, he completely broke class balance by being a tank skirmisher, the only thing that makes him somewhat balanced was his high skill floor, so there aren't many who play him well.
      Like, at least for ADC's, them being squishy and somewhat immobile still holds up, and thats why they aren't hated as much (though they are starting to become more and more mobile as well)

  • @xwarxpenguin
    @xwarxpenguin Месяц назад

    August is my IRL Nocturne

  • @saesteelol6156
    @saesteelol6156 Месяц назад +1

    they did the -10% damage thing with tahm kench E pretty much

  • @user-sg2pc2pc3g
    @user-sg2pc2pc3g Месяц назад

    if talon is "slightly weaker than he should be" then why don't we give him a proper buff by increasing his damage for example? Another idea is designing an item that actually fits him properly and synergizes with his identity or kit.

  • @Flossylearner1
    @Flossylearner1 Месяц назад +6

    And this speaks to why win rates don’t tell the story. 0:02 ryze is easier to play but also has less room for higher skilled players to push the champion further. You succeeded in making him easier and fair but in doing so deleted the ability to have skill expression or agency in the game based off your skill on the hero. Ryze is just ryze a high mmr ryze plays the same as a low mmr ryze mechanically but not fundamentally. “Viable” it’s a bad word if you’re balancing for viability then you’re lost because viability is too broad. Look at the drama with the bard top player in masters he’s made it to masters doing that that can be considered viable,doesn’t make it “good” and nobody wants to participate in something that feels bad. That’s ryze he feels bad regardless of wr cause wr don’t tell you anything about the champions agency. A champion who has a lot of agency/options to make a move in the game feels better always then ones with less agency. Also longer gaps between balance changes could incentivize people to try the other modes you’ve created if they feel like the regular mode is getting stale right before the next patch comes out.

    • @akirakato1293
      @akirakato1293 Месяц назад +1

      Ryze r is extremely high skill cap. Also there are definitely combo, or sequences of combos that are under utilized in lower elo, they probably only know the max dps burst and trading combos but don’t actively think about using his ms passive (like eeq), weaving a lot of autos, and utilizing moments of high ms to cover ryze’s fundamental weakness of range and standing still during spell cast. This makes movement an extremely important skill ceiling for ryze, way more than other mages even oriana syndra who can just cast spell while moving even though they’re also somewhat mid range.

    • @brendanbudniak2261
      @brendanbudniak2261 Месяц назад

      Nah that's not the main reason he's unpopular. If they want to make him popular they need to increase his E cast speed and make it so it cannot be cancelled by invis or bushes or going out of range.
      2nd reason is he has so many trash matchups like Viktor or Syndra or whatever where the only way to win is by tanking all the enemies just to push the wave and reset.

    • @tamas9554
      @tamas9554 Месяц назад

      The game isn't based off on your skill on the champions, general game knowledge was always much more important for this game. Though I agree that low skill ceiling champs can quickly turn boring after a while :/

  • @abbemartensson3850
    @abbemartensson3850 Месяц назад

    Of course he loves ADC.
    I did not notice after all my games have at least 4 ADC every game.
    League of ADC

  • @ImKeeday
    @ImKeeday Месяц назад +1

    Season 6 Ryze rework where they introduced the portal ultimate is when I started playing him because he had different combos and his ultimate was cool back when you could zhonyas and tp away. Since then he was just gutted but still playable. I think that version of ryze is what they should revert to, but just completely remove mana scaling like he’s saying and his shield has no scaling other than per level. You can even leave his current W as a slow and then rune + W as a root since he gets his shield back. I’d rather have the point click root and then rune + root is extended root but that’s just me.

  • @JonesJoeson
    @JonesJoeson Месяц назад

    Bring back ryze with the shield and make his r his old r unleashed power and realm warp on recast he will be fun as hell

  • @JustATotalNerd
    @JustATotalNerd Месяц назад +1

    My hot take with Ryze is to give his ulti a passive mana stack similar to sion w, and to give him either extremely high mana costs or greatly reduced mana scaling, so he could still have a similar identity while being balanced for the early game. It would help with the frozen heart problem too, since he's gimping his damage

  • @kreeperkiller4423
    @kreeperkiller4423 Месяц назад +2

    I think Ryze really only needs a new ult. As iconic as Realm Warp is, it’s way less engaging of an ability to use when compared to something he could have for combat, such as an ult that majorly empowers your next spell.

    • @lorbbrol9976
      @lorbbrol9976 Месяц назад +1

      Ryzerdonger pog

    • @mickeynott1456
      @mickeynott1456 Месяц назад +1

      his ult is the whole reason to play the champion

    • @brendanbudniak2261
      @brendanbudniak2261 Месяц назад

      His ults fine the main problem is it's impossible to hit anyone with your spells without getting interrupted or cancelled by invis our out of range. His cast times are way too long

  • @gorgistanojevik3196
    @gorgistanojevik3196 Месяц назад +1

    How about making his R an empowerment like Aatrox, Renekton etc. Like using your R gives you Mana/Mana regen, E has slightly longer range, W roots for 0.5s longer, Q does bazinga damage. Of course you can add more but just the basic concept being R empowers him

  • @chizzle4133
    @chizzle4133 Месяц назад +3

    How is nerfing the base damage and ap ratios on all sylas’s abilities while giving him a health ratio on his w not an overall nerf

    • @doffy5394
      @doffy5394 Месяц назад

      Yep, they shouldve atleast buffed the base dmg to compensate but they did buff some ap items that he would like to buy so maybe its not as bad

    • @zat1245
      @zat1245 Месяц назад

      Because it’s a build kill, not a nerf. The changes only nerf one style of build. Bruiser Sylas was not nerfed.

    • @thestruggler776
      @thestruggler776 Месяц назад

      @@doffy5394so bad best chinese player started building ad items lmao

  • @omega7057
    @omega7057 Месяц назад +2

    If he's the least popular he's ever been, then not necessarily is the high wr because of the rework, but because only otps play him

  • @tonyluiscomedy
    @tonyluiscomedy 21 день назад

    I think Ryze is pretty fun but I'm sure he could probably use a rework

  • @karlosliskovic
    @karlosliskovic Месяц назад +2

    Ryze can go 8 0 and still be useless because he has no ultimate

  • @WildspeakerYT
    @WildspeakerYT Месяц назад +1

    Personally I think the same as August on the Mana-scaling take, but at the same time he should still be thematic about mana, IMO it should not be gain AP per Mana, but gain Mana per AP, so you build him full AP and you build more mana the longer the game, which let you spellcast more, in balance the abilities should take the lategame scaling in consideration of how many times you can cast some combos, and the time duration of extend your combos because you have more mana to cast more stuff

  • @dinocharlie1
    @dinocharlie1 Месяц назад

    For Ryze's mana scaling problem, why not make it like Tahm Kench passive where more health (in the Ryze case mana) means a better ratio, not just flat damage increase?

  • @BlameBarky
    @BlameBarky Месяц назад +1


  • @tristannottrysten
    @tristannottrysten Месяц назад

    Bring back his shield, remove the root

  • @dishonored6116
    @dishonored6116 Месяц назад

    Now what if those same broken adcs got any sort of advantage or were fed and piloted by smurfs/professionals? Having to dodge when I see a Zeri and Yuumi on enemy team is certainly not a problem.

    • @nikodemasgircys7252
      @nikodemasgircys7252 Месяц назад +9

      what even is ur argument? that the champion should be weaker because there are people better at the game than u?

    • @navadax4541
      @navadax4541 Месяц назад

      What does this have to do with anything? Can you at least save your whining for a video about smurfs?

    • @dishonored6116
      @dishonored6116 Месяц назад

      ​@@nikodemasgircys7252 That abominations like Zeri and Samira should be nerfed to the ground or get a complete overhaul because it's unfun and unplayable. I'm sorry that you're silver for 10 years and can't grasp that but I don't want to keep swapping between Master, Diamond and Emerald accounts because someone picked a broken adc.

    • @blaydee4982
      @blaydee4982 Месяц назад

      @@dishonored6116 how tf is samira even in this conversation?

    • @dishonored6116
      @dishonored6116 Месяц назад

      @@blaydee4982 Samira can literally 1v5 and she is the choice for smurf adcs along with Zeri and Draven. They literally pick adcs that can 1v5 and pair it with their supp duo. She IS the conversation but now it's more Zeri and Tristana due to solo lane adcs.
      Am I missing something or do you low elo players have no idea that this is a thing? I rank my accounts to Diamond and these picks are what I commonly see whenever it's a smurf adc or duo.

  • @ryzeking33
    @ryzeking33 Месяц назад +4

    Remove realm warp, maybe pealse oare sarying this!
    please pela e plea pela seplae pela please
    i have seen a reworked ryze in my dreams, and it is magnifininet.

  • @Solid--Snake
    @Solid--Snake Месяц назад +1

    is it just me or this guy is ripped af

  • @OmenLamb
    @OmenLamb Месяц назад +1

    Exactly what class/archetype does Kayle even fall under?

    • @Junomybeloved
      @Junomybeloved Месяц назад


    • @animeanime7849
      @animeanime7849 Месяц назад +1

      Mix between battle mage and marksmen

    • @OmenLamb
      @OmenLamb Месяц назад +1

      @@Junomybeloved her damage is too dog water to be considered a Marksmen.
      Marksmen are strong Early/Mid/Late game, she's not.

    • @Junomybeloved
      @Junomybeloved Месяц назад

      @@OmenLamb it does not matter she deals majority of her dmg with auto attacks

    • @atomickarate3421
      @atomickarate3421 Месяц назад +3

      She's labeled a "specialist" which does fit for her. With champs like Heimer,Fiddle,Gnar,azir. She has a unique way to deliver threat and control that changes throughout the game through her leveling system.
      Her specialty is to scale.

  • @homyachock
    @homyachock Месяц назад +1


  • @hugospam71
    @hugospam71 Месяц назад

    7:05 waterwalking exists. his argument is terrible

    • @vencedore1000
      @vencedore1000 Месяц назад


    • @nutpea.
      @nutpea. Месяц назад +2

      Why is waterwalking, an optional rune you can choose to spec into or choose to avoid, as well as applicable to a part of the map any role can have access to, any proof his argument is terrible? We're talking about permanent, buffs/debuffs, uncontrollable by the player, targeting only a single role (e.g. adc no go top, or fighter no go bot), in cases where these roles often have to move around the map for teleporting, roaming, lane swapping, objectives, etc.
      These are not even close to the same thing. Your argument is terrible.

  • @haroldpham6693
    @haroldpham6693 Месяц назад

    Just revert him.