I really enjoy watching you on RUclips. You are very enjoyable to listen to and do an amazing job describing your projects. I'm so glad you decided to do these videos ! I especially like the Somerset Socks. 🧦🧦 Thank you for everything !
Somerset Sock are awesome. Your other projects as well. I am knitting while watching your podcasts. Your calm demeanor and environment, with lots of light and uncluttered decor, are really perfect for me. Long live your passion and your channel !
There are cold days in Rome in winter, and a cozy woolen cardigan is necessary. Home Cardigan is my choice. 🤩🧥🤩I am grateful to your sessions to bring me recommendations that are very practical. Grazie !!
I am always inspired with your programs, and Thank you for transporting me to your 'car knitting in England "! Must have been awesome ! They also have wonderful yarn in England, by the way. It is one of the countries that preserve the most rare breed, in the world, as far as I know. Even the current King of England has been involved in organizations aiming at promoting and protecting some of those breeds. Bravo for your channel !
Hurrahhh for the Sumerset Socks ! It's magic : everything you touch turns very good. But, honestly, I believe the magic comes from you being meticulous and hard working: these knits are not instant realizations. You are a hard worker.
I claim myself as a member of your fan club! Seriously, you are a very dedicated knitter, it seems you never take a break. You plan your makes thoroughly, and you finish your garments so neatly ! For example, I listen attentively to your journey regarding the Home Cardigan. A lot of thought is going into this. 🦚
My favorites are the Home Cardigan and the Somerset socks. The idea actually just crossed my mind, but it would be interesting to make both as a set, with exactly the same yarn ! In any case, you run a wonderful series of podcasts. I hope you keep it on for a long time.
I enjoy watching your videos. Among many other things, I totally relate to the preciousness of knitting memories. You were mentioning happy knitting time in England, while your father was driving and you were sitting with your mother on the back seat, knitting. I also cherish wonderful memories about times and places where I did happy knitting !! So so beautiful pieces of life !! Thank you for sharing.
Like Marie-Suzie, I also find that the Somerset Socks are prettier and prettier, to me, every time I see them ! Ah Ah ! ! 🎶🎶 By watching your programs, I progressively am drawn towards tackling some of your projects. Ideas are simmering. Thank you so much !
Really, I like everything you present very much. And the way you present it. The Le Petit Lambswool yarn, in both your colors, is lovely. I will check it out ! You're the best !! 📟 🫑🫑 📟
Your podcast was playing while I was knitting. You are a wonderful knitting companion. Thanking for telling us of your trip to England, with the "car knitting" ! Sounds like a dream ! Not surprising that what you made is dreamlike [Somerset Socks]. I want to make them !
The Home Cardigan looks very good. Nice design, and you made it so well ! It would be so useful in my wardrobe. I will try to find the pattern. Excellent Podcast !! 🏚🧺🏚
I am so grateful to you, Emily, for showing me how much summer knits are handy and beautiful. I want to start the 9 PM Tank for my niece. It would be so handy for her to wear on very hot days ! Thank you for this very refreshing idea. 🥤🥤🥤
Living in a climate that is hot most of the year, your Tolsta Tee is very interesting to me. I am exploring types of fibers, to make one. Your discussions are most helpful to me. Wonderful program ! 🦷🦷🐺🐺🦷🦷
The cold that has arrived here reminds me I need a Home Cardigan. Yours is so nice and looks so comfortable. Thank you for being so good a teacher: you make things very clear. I am a fan !
The Home Cardigan is now part of my autumn knitting plans. Yours is looking so neat and comfortable. You have a natural talent for presenting, I have to say. Your light pink tee is very nice and looks very practical. I enjoy your sessions.
You always have wonderful projects. I really really like the cognac sweater. Congratulations for being so "to the point " and efficient in your communication.
🏅 Home cardigan, 9 PM Tank by Tiffknit and Sea Salt Tee are so great projects !. You provide excellent discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of each project. You are a busy lady ! 🏆
I am conquered by the Somerset Socks. There is something so romantic about them ! I want to make them off-white. Thank you for all the very judicious advice you gave us, about making them. I very much like your sessions !! ⚔🧦🧦⚔
You never fail to make me have a nice knitting break, while watching your video ! Now in North America, we are at the beginning of summer. It is hot this week. The summer clothes you are presenting come at perfect timing, now. You are proving that we can produce wonderful summer outfits with yarn and needles ! !
You make a wonderful travel companion, Emily ! Today, I travelled by bus, long distance, with an unexpected 5 hours wait time between 2 segments of the journey. I watched a bunch of your episodes. Around me, some travellers were voicing their impatience, boredom and frustration. But I was happy and at peace: I was knitting and watching Pepper Knits ! Second bonus I got from knitting: the bus station was cold, and my hand-knitted, thick wool socks, in my boots, kept me warm !!
You are very thorough, and I really enjoy your explanations. For example, the way you discuss the stretchy versus the non-stretchy bind off. How it went for you, how it's done, etc. You really UNDERSTAND what is going on with the yarn, during knitting. Super !!
It is actually in this video that Emily comments about being so drawn towards Atelier Castin's patterns. In video # 6, she discussed the construction of two of the patterns. Excellent discussions. Emily is such an efficient and candid communicator ! 🐉🐉 The pink 9 PM tank top ( by another designer ) is also very appealing. 🦕🦕🦕
The Strawberry Ice cream color of your pink 9 pm Tank Top is so lively !! Perfect for summer. That is very refreshing, in a knitting podcast, especially for a resident of a cold country like Canada !! 🎿 ❄❄❄❄🎿❄❄❄❄🎿 Here, when it is question of knitting, we think heavy 100 % wool socks to go skiing !! 🔹🔹🔹🔹 But you are giving us the proof that summer knits are brilliant !!!
Knitting with your program playing. _. At some point, my hands stopped working when I heard you say: ‘ I have so good memories of knitting those while touring in England. My dad was driving me around everywhere. I was knitting on the back seat with my mother seated beside me.’ My God My God ! Lovely memories indeed. That is entirely part of the knitting experience.
The Somerset Socks are for princesses ! Soooo nice and fancy. It is so unfortunate that there are mistakes in the printed pattern. Thank you for pointing to us, that there is a corrected version of the pattern on line. Those socks would complement a "smart outfit " with trousers and the right kind of shoes, so nicely. I mean, shoes that leave the top of the feet visible, so that every one can see the charming motif ! It is enlightening to hear you tell of your journey, for this project. Very educative. Thank you.
Yheah, as Marie-Michelle is saying, I don't have original words, but I really appreciate your podcasts. I benefit from them very much. The Somerset Socks exert a special charm on me. Thank you for precious advice you gave about them !
Great video 🏓🏓 An example of a piece of advice that I liked a lot: about the 9 pm Tank Top, you discuss the bind off. You compare between the stretchy bind off and the non-stretchy one. That talk is very interesting. You tell us the way it is done, and you give us your opinion about which of the two is most useful for your specific project. Excellent teaching. 🏓🏓🏓
I love your podcasts because of all the nice patterns and the clever way to make clothes out of them ! 💬💬💬 Clothes like the Home Cardigan are something 80 % of Canadians have in their wardrobes. And for the majority of us, in several copies. Weather goes down to minus 35 degrees in winter, where I am located. 💬💬💬💬 💬 I am all set to cast that cardigan on the needles, and I am very excited about it. Thank you. 💬💬💬
I am completely new to silk. Thank you for bringing up the way the fiber is produced. ♈ It is fascinating. ♈You explained the difference between usual industrial silk production, where the silk is freed up from the cocoon while the silk worm is still inside. The cocoon is put into boiling water, which obviously kills the worm. But because the cocoon is intact, the machines are still able to extract a long, continuous shiny thread of silk. That one is smooth, uniform. 🪱🪱 By contrast, there is ethical production of silk. That means the worm is not killed, it is allowed to mature and cracks open the cocoon, to get out. That breaks the silk thread in some places, and the whole silk filament is not as smooth. It is bumpy. 🪱🪱 You told us that the silk yarn by Knitting for Olive is ethically produced, so it is on the bumpy side. But when you wash and block your knit wear, it expands and becomes smoother. That was fascinating. ♈ Thank you for bringing that up ! !
How talented you are! Your projects are very interesting. It is new to me, those summer garments. I had never considered knitting them before. I will have to explore non-wool yarn, like silk, bamboo etc. 🏕🏕🗾 Your channel is a treasure of inspiration !!
Am in enthusiastic agreement with all the positive comments you are receiving ! Hard to find the words to add anything original, but I truly love your podcasts. I have a child size hoody on the needles : Snuggly Baby Bamboo DK by Sirdar. The pattern is well written.
Many ladies in our knitting group are in the thick of making the Somerset Socks. They started them because we saw them in your podcasts. They are using the erratum paper, obviously. But they are doing well. I like to see their work progress. Thank you for the idea ! ! 🦭🐦🦭🐦🦭🐦🦭
The Home Cardigan is a lovely pattern, and you are making it very well. Too bad that the yarn is disappointing you. I agree that, on my screen, it looks good [ the greenish tone that you are talking about is not showing on my computer screen, but I believe what you are saying ]. Thank you ! !
Your pink Sea Salt Tee is very very cool. Neck lines are my challenge, about knitting a top, but I think I will put my fear aside, and try that pattern. You knit so well ! Congratulations also for the Home Cardigan. 💦🐟🐟🐟💦
Sending enthusiastic greetings from Ginevria Bossone Knitting Club. We regularly watch your programs. 🍉🍉🍉 I want to make the Somerset Socks. Without your advice, I would fail, though. For example, thank you for directing us to the document that addresses the mistakes in the pattern. Your version of them is growing in beauty.
You are very prolific. You are also quite wise. For example, you take care of taking breaks, to prevent hurting your hand. Because once we have a tendinitis ( sprain in a muscle of the hand, that was overused from knitting too much ), it is long to heal and we can be forced to stop knitting for a while, to let it heal. 🏨🏨 Stay well. 🏨🏨
Loved this episode as always! It's so nice to be able to get spring/summer inspiration from you while we northerners are in winter so that I have patterns ready to cast on when the warmer weather approaches :)
I can't help admiring that Home Cardigan, really. Too bad the yarn is not up to the design. But it is still good information that this is a fantastic pattern.
Am thinking of making the Somerset Socks. Ideas are simmering, at the back of my mind, about yarn and color. But I owe you, about that wonderful design. It is unique. Merry Christmas !
I want to make a navy blue Home Cardigan ! It would suit my cold weather now so well [ minus 21 yesterday here ! ]. I really enjoy your podcasts. Merry Christmas ! 🥞🐻❄🐻❄🐻❄🥞
Hello ! Congratulations for excellent work. I find the idea about shorts very original and interesting. 🍄🍄 How did the shorts tur out for you ? Are you happy with your result ? Thank you very much. 🍄🍄
This podcast is very interesting. 🐠🐠 You say you went to knit nights. Humm ... I think I would be the youngest one, at one of those ( I am 16 ). I will try to get some other girls I know, to knit with me. Bye 🐠🐠
At the end of this session, you make a very good discussion of the choice of yarn, to knit the Mudo Socks. The yarn you purchased ( you showed the camera ) looks really lovely ! But you are concerned it is only lamb wool, no nylon. You are wondering if you should knit with a nylon filament, concomitantly with the yarn. My question is : is that available in the commerce ( a nylon fiber meant to be held together with the yarn, to make a garment more wear - resistant ) ? Thank you.
Good question! I haven’t done much research into this yet. Some yarns like Lang Jawoll sock yarn come with a spool of reinforcement thread, but I’m sure something similar would be available - perhaps a nylon embroidery thread would work as well 😊🩷
Very interesting video. Thank you for hard work. I have a question: in the book " 52 weeks of socks ", do you know if there are many other patterns that have important mistakes ? Thank you.
I paid special attention to the 9 PM Tank Top discussion. 🦨🦨🦨 You made it with Olive Cotton Merino yarn. I agree it produces splendid fabric. That is new horizon for me, as I used to avoid cotton yarn. But this blend is so attractive. I will get some to try it. 🦨🦨 Thank you !
I really enjoy watching you on RUclips. You are very enjoyable to listen to and do an amazing job describing your projects. I'm so glad you decided to do these videos ! I especially like the Somerset Socks. 🧦🧦 Thank you for everything !
Somerset Sock are awesome. Your other projects as well. I am knitting while watching your podcasts. Your calm demeanor and environment, with lots of light and uncluttered decor, are really perfect for me. Long live your passion and your channel !
There are cold days in Rome in winter, and a cozy woolen cardigan is necessary. Home Cardigan is my choice. 🤩🧥🤩I am grateful to your sessions to bring me recommendations that are very practical. Grazie !!
I am always inspired with your programs, and Thank you for transporting me to your 'car knitting in England "! Must have been awesome ! They also have wonderful yarn in England, by the way. It is one of the countries that preserve the most rare breed, in the world, as far as I know. Even the current King of England has been involved in organizations aiming at promoting and protecting some of those breeds. Bravo for your channel !
Hurrahhh for the Sumerset Socks ! It's magic : everything you touch turns very good. But, honestly, I believe the magic comes from you being meticulous and hard working: these knits are not instant realizations. You are a hard worker.
Sea Salt Sweater is sooooo sweet ! You bundled up a very good set of projects together. Gratzie !!
Somerset Socks are the most beautiful I have ever seen. You are probably doing a lot of research, to come up with that variety of excellent projects.
Knitting is your kingdom, and you are the queen !! I really like your 9 PM Tank top ( pink ) and the Somerset Socks. 🍍🍍 I like your channel very much.
Your energy and vision come across beautifully in your podcasts. 🛍🛍 Your summer tops look so pretty and comfortable ! 🛍🛍🛍
I claim myself as a member of your fan club! Seriously, you are a very dedicated knitter, it seems you never take a break. You plan your makes thoroughly, and you finish your garments so neatly ! For example, I listen attentively to your journey regarding the Home Cardigan. A lot of thought is going into this. 🦚
You were busy ! ! All very good knitting ideas. Thank you ! !
My favorites are the Home Cardigan and the Somerset socks. The idea actually just crossed my mind, but it would be interesting to make both as a set, with exactly the same yarn ! In any case, you run a wonderful series of podcasts. I hope you keep it on for a long time.
I enjoyed this podcast very much.
I enjoy watching your videos. Among many other things, I totally relate to the preciousness of knitting memories. You were mentioning happy knitting time in England, while your father was driving and you were sitting with your mother on the back seat, knitting. I also cherish wonderful memories about times and places where I did happy knitting !! So so beautiful pieces of life !! Thank you for sharing.
You rock, Emily ! ! Superb episode. Very inspiring.
Like Marie-Suzie, I also find that the Somerset Socks are prettier and prettier, to me, every time I see them ! Ah Ah ! ! 🎶🎶 By watching your programs, I progressively am drawn towards tackling some of your projects. Ideas are simmering. Thank you so much !
Really, I like everything you present very much. And the way you present it. The Le Petit Lambswool yarn, in both your colors, is lovely. I will check it out ! You're the best !! 📟 🫑🫑 📟
The two pink tops are perfect for the hot season. Ans so well crafted.
Lovely program. It must have been such a high time, car knitting in England ! ! 🏚🧸🏚 Your Somerset Socks are fabulous, definitely. 🏚🧸🏚
Your podcast was playing while I was knitting. You are a wonderful knitting companion. Thanking for telling us of your trip to England, with the "car knitting" ! Sounds like a dream ! Not surprising that what you made is dreamlike [Somerset Socks]. I want to make them !
The Home Cardigan looks very good. Nice design, and you made it so well ! It would be so useful in my wardrobe. I will try to find the pattern. Excellent Podcast !! 🏚🧺🏚
I am so grateful to you, Emily, for showing me how much summer knits are handy and beautiful. I want to start the 9 PM Tank for my niece. It would be so handy for her to wear on very hot days ! Thank you for this very refreshing idea. 🥤🥤🥤
Living in a climate that is hot most of the year, your Tolsta Tee is very interesting to me. I am exploring types of fibers, to make one. Your discussions are most helpful to me. Wonderful program ! 🦷🦷🐺🐺🦷🦷
The cold that has arrived here reminds me I need a Home Cardigan. Yours is so nice and looks so comfortable. Thank you for being so good a teacher: you make things very clear. I am a fan !
The Home Cardigan is now part of my autumn knitting plans. Yours is looking so neat and comfortable. You have a natural talent for presenting, I have to say. Your light pink tee is very nice and looks very practical. I enjoy your sessions.
That Home Cardigan looks so comfy ! .... .... 🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏 .... .... We were also very interested in the Cognac Sweater. Thank you !
The Somerset Socks are prettier every time I see them. They are really classy. You always have real beautiful projects in your podcasts. Thank you.
You always have wonderful projects. I really really like the cognac sweater. Congratulations for being so "to the point " and efficient in your communication.
🏅 Home cardigan, 9 PM Tank by Tiffknit and Sea Salt Tee are so great projects !. You provide excellent discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of each project. You are a busy lady ! 🏆
All these projects are stunning. In particular, your pink Sea Salt Tee will be on my " to do " list ! ! 🤎🤎
Watching from Quebec, Canada. ⛄ You are a hard worker. ⛄ I have a great time watching your podcasts while knitting. ⛄
You don't spare yourself any effort, when it comes to making an interesting video ! 🐫📒🐫📒🐫 Your selection of projects is always judicious. 🐫📒🐫📒🐫
I agree that the drop shoulders design on the Home Cardigan is a winner. 🌲 This is another great session ! !
I am conquered by the Somerset Socks. There is something so romantic about them ! I want to make them off-white. Thank you for all the very judicious advice you gave us, about making them. I very much like your sessions !! ⚔🧦🧦⚔
Thank you Pauline! The Somerset socks would look gorgeous in off white
I am learning here that summer knitting is fabulous ! I will get the supplies to make the Tolsta Tee. Thank you.
I am having a nice chill moment in your company, knitting a Home Cardigan. 🍩🍩 Lovely video.
You never fail to make me have a nice knitting break, while watching your video ! Now in North America, we are at the beginning of summer. It is hot this week. The summer clothes you are presenting come at perfect timing, now. You are proving that we can produce wonderful summer outfits with yarn and needles ! !
You make a wonderful travel companion, Emily ! Today, I travelled by bus, long distance, with an unexpected 5 hours wait time between 2 segments of the journey. I watched a bunch of your episodes. Around me, some travellers were voicing their impatience, boredom and frustration. But I was happy and at peace: I was knitting and watching Pepper Knits ! Second bonus I got from knitting: the bus station was cold, and my hand-knitted, thick wool socks, in my boots, kept me warm !!
So happy I could keep you company 🤗
You are very thorough, and I really enjoy your explanations. For example, the way you discuss the stretchy versus the non-stretchy bind off. How it went for you, how it's done, etc. You really UNDERSTAND what is going on with the yarn, during knitting. Super !!
It is actually in this video that Emily comments about being so drawn towards Atelier Castin's patterns. In video # 6, she discussed the construction of two of the patterns. Excellent discussions. Emily is such an efficient and candid communicator ! 🐉🐉 The pink 9 PM tank top ( by another designer ) is also very appealing. 🦕🦕🦕
The Strawberry Ice cream color of your pink 9 pm Tank Top is so lively !! Perfect for summer. That is very refreshing, in a knitting podcast, especially for a resident of a cold country like Canada !! 🎿 ❄❄❄❄🎿❄❄❄❄🎿 Here, when it is question of knitting, we think heavy 100 % wool socks to go skiing !! 🔹🔹🔹🔹 But you are giving us the proof that summer knits are brilliant !!!
Knitting with your program playing. _. At some point, my hands stopped working when I heard you say: ‘ I have so good memories of knitting those while touring in England. My dad was driving me around everywhere. I was knitting on the back seat with my mother seated beside me.’
My God My God ! Lovely memories indeed.
That is entirely part of the knitting experience.
The Somerset Socks are for princesses ! Soooo nice and fancy. It is so unfortunate that there are mistakes in the printed pattern. Thank you for pointing to us, that there is a corrected version of the pattern on line. Those socks would complement a "smart outfit " with trousers and the right kind of shoes, so nicely. I mean, shoes that leave the top of the feet visible, so that every one can see the charming motif ! It is enlightening to hear you tell of your journey, for this project. Very educative. Thank you.
Yheah, as Marie-Michelle is saying, I don't have original words, but I really appreciate your podcasts. I benefit from them very much. The Somerset Socks exert a special charm on me. Thank you for precious advice you gave about them !
Another lovely one ! In particular, the Home Cardigan sounds like a great idea for me. Our winters are windy and humid. Thank you!
Great video 🏓🏓 An example of a piece of advice that I liked a lot: about the 9 pm Tank Top, you discuss the bind off. You compare between the stretchy bind off and the non-stretchy one. That talk is very interesting. You tell us the way it is done, and you give us your opinion about which of the two is most useful for your specific project. Excellent teaching. 🏓🏓🏓
I love your podcasts because of all the nice patterns and the clever way to make clothes out of them ! 💬💬💬 Clothes like the Home Cardigan are something 80 % of Canadians have in their wardrobes. And for the majority of us, in several copies. Weather goes down to minus 35 degrees in winter, where I am located. 💬💬💬💬 💬 I am all set to cast that cardigan on the needles, and I am very excited about it. Thank you. 💬💬💬
9 PM Tank and Sea Salt t-shirt are lovely. I also like the Home cardigan. You are very gifted, and a great teacher and presenter. 🧧🧧🧧🧧🧧🧧
Thank you for your lovely comments ☺️
I am completely new to silk. Thank you for bringing up the way the fiber is produced. ♈ It is fascinating. ♈You explained the difference between usual industrial silk production, where the silk is freed up from the cocoon while the silk worm is still inside. The cocoon is put into boiling water, which obviously kills the worm. But because the cocoon is intact, the machines are still able to extract a long, continuous shiny thread of silk. That one is smooth, uniform. 🪱🪱 By contrast, there is ethical production of silk. That means the worm is not killed, it is allowed to mature and cracks open the cocoon, to get out. That breaks the silk thread in some places, and the whole silk filament is not as smooth. It is bumpy. 🪱🪱 You told us that the silk yarn by Knitting for Olive is ethically produced, so it is on the bumpy side. But when you wash and block your knit wear, it expands and becomes smoother. That was fascinating. ♈ Thank you for bringing that up ! !
How talented you are! Your projects are very interesting. It is new to me, those summer garments. I had never considered knitting them before. I will have to explore non-wool yarn, like silk, bamboo etc. 🏕🏕🗾 Your channel is a treasure of inspiration !!
Summer knitting opens up a whole new world of yarns and patterns 🫶🏻
Am in enthusiastic agreement with all the positive comments you are receiving ! Hard to find the words to add anything original, but I truly love your podcasts. I have a child size hoody on the needles : Snuggly Baby Bamboo DK by Sirdar. The pattern is well written.
Aw sounds lovely and cosy 🤎
Another excellent one, Emily. Your sessions are very well structured. You put thought and wisdom into them. I really like your Home Cardigan. 🪵🦆🦆🪵
Many ladies in our knitting group are in the thick of making the Somerset Socks. They started them because we saw them in your podcasts. They are using the erratum paper, obviously. But they are doing well. I like to see their work progress. Thank you for the idea ! ! 🦭🐦🦭🐦🦭🐦🦭
So happy to hear 🩷 it’s a beautiful pattern
The Home Cardigan is a lovely pattern, and you are making it very well. Too bad that the yarn is disappointing you. I agree that, on my screen, it looks good [ the greenish tone that you are talking about is not showing on my computer screen, but I believe what you are saying ]. Thank you ! !
Your pink Sea Salt Tee is very very cool. Neck lines are my challenge, about knitting a top, but I think I will put my fear aside, and try that pattern. You knit so well ! Congratulations also for the Home Cardigan. 💦🐟🐟🐟💦
The neckline is perfectly designed on the sea salt tee, definitely give it a go! 🩷
Sending enthusiastic greetings from Ginevria Bossone Knitting Club. We regularly watch your programs. 🍉🍉🍉 I want to make the Somerset Socks. Without your advice, I would fail, though. For example, thank you for directing us to the document that addresses the mistakes in the pattern. Your version of them is growing in beauty.
I wish I could join your knitting club! Sending all my love to your group 🩷
I echo Marie-Suzie's comment: the Mudo Socks get prettier and prettier every time I see them. I guess I have to make them ! ! 🥧🥧🥧
You are very prolific. You are also quite wise. For example, you take care of taking breaks, to prevent hurting your hand. Because once we have a tendinitis ( sprain in a muscle of the hand, that was overused from knitting too much ), it is long to heal and we can be forced to stop knitting for a while, to let it heal. 🏨🏨 Stay well. 🏨🏨
Loved this episode as always! It's so nice to be able to get spring/summer inspiration from you while we northerners are in winter so that I have patterns ready to cast on when the warmer weather approaches :)
Thank you! I’m so glad you’re inspired 😌
I can't help admiring that Home Cardigan, really. Too bad the yarn is not up to the design. But it is still good information that this is a fantastic pattern.
Am thinking of making the Somerset Socks. Ideas are simmering, at the back of my mind, about yarn and color. But I owe you, about that wonderful design. It is unique. Merry Christmas !
I want to make a navy blue Home Cardigan ! It would suit my cold weather now so well [ minus 21 yesterday here ! ]. I really enjoy your podcasts. Merry Christmas ! 🥞🐻❄🐻❄🐻❄🥞
Love the set in shoulder design of your Sea Salt Tee. Raglan increases are boring to me as well. 🤣
So true! Team set in sleeves 👏
Hello ! Congratulations for excellent work. I find the idea about shorts very original and interesting. 🍄🍄 How did the shorts tur out for you ? Are you happy with your result ? Thank you very much. 🍄🍄
They’ve been set aside for the winter, maybe I’ll pick them up again once it warms up 🤗
I really enjoy your approach to your craft. Outstanding episode. There are many wonderful suggestions in there.⛸⛸⛸
This podcast is very interesting. 🐠🐠 You say you went to knit nights. Humm ... I think I would be the youngest one, at one of those ( I am 16 ). I will try to get some other girls I know, to knit with me. Bye 🐠🐠
I’m also the youngest one but it’s great to chat with other knitters and learn from each other 🤗
At the end of this session, you make a very good discussion of the choice of yarn, to knit the Mudo Socks. The yarn you purchased ( you showed the camera ) looks really lovely ! But you are concerned it is only lamb wool, no nylon. You are wondering if you should knit with a nylon filament, concomitantly with the yarn. My question is : is that available in the commerce ( a nylon fiber meant to be held together with the yarn, to make a garment more wear - resistant ) ? Thank you.
Good question! I haven’t done much research into this yet. Some yarns like Lang Jawoll sock yarn come with a spool of reinforcement thread, but I’m sure something similar would be available - perhaps a nylon embroidery thread would work as well 😊🩷
Thank you for your reply, Emily. I will check embroidery thread.
Very interesting video. Thank you for hard work. I have a question: in the book " 52 weeks of socks ", do you know if there are many other patterns that have important mistakes ? Thank you.
Yes, unfortunately there are some other patterns with errors. The errata document lists everything in one place which is very helpful 😊
Thank you for your reply to that one. I will check for that.
I paid special attention to the 9 PM Tank Top discussion. 🦨🦨🦨 You made it with Olive Cotton Merino yarn. I agree it produces splendid fabric. That is new horizon for me, as I used to avoid cotton yarn. But this blend is so attractive. I will get some to try it. 🦨🦨 Thank you !
The cotton merino blend is so much nicer to knit and wear than 100% cotton