D&D 5E: Mage Easy, Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Characters made easy for new and advanced players. Efficient choices, easy hacks and real survival prospects. Today we are building a Wizard and we are covering equipment, stat distribution and initial spell choices as well as things to avoid or only take in specific circumstances.
    Start, Class, Alignment: 01:11
    Stat distribution: 04:23
    Proficiencies: 05:54
    Equipment: 08:02
    Spells: 18:23
    End, Final thoughts: 28:58
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    sorry I've been absent, missed you guys, hope you haven't forgotten me :)

Комментарии • 24

  • @morganpetros9635
    @morganpetros9635 3 года назад +7

    The fact that Sleep does not scale well is an excellent argument FOR taking it at first level, not against, particularly with how effective it is at very low levels. After all, as you pointed out, the Wizard learns two new spells with EVERY level it gains plus can learn spells from scrolls or spellbooks, which means that by 2nd level the character could add Charm Person if it took Sleep instead at first level. I also think, since you talk about scaling so much when talking about Sleep, that failing to mention Tasha's Hideous Laughter is a crime against wizardry, since it scales even better than Hold Person (with similar effects), being able to charm any intelligent creature, not just humanoids.
    Find Familiar is possibly the best low-level DIVINATION (scouting) spell in the game and, since it costs only 10 gold to cast, should probably be considered by 1st-level wizards. The utility functions of this spell are *at least* on par with Unseen Servant or Detect Magic, albeit in different ways. Useful in combat too, either by providing the Help action or delivering that Shocking Grasp cantrip you were so hesitant about recommending.
    Finally, though I sorta-kinda agree about Chromatic Orb at first level, I should note that the spell description does NOT say that the 50gp material component is consumed by the spell, which means it isn't. Is the typical adventuring Wizard going to have 50gp before reaching 2nd level? Most likely. So this one is probably not the dog you seem to think it is, particularly since having access to EVERY elemental type in a single spell makes it useful far into middle and even high levels of play.

  • @crimegods1607
    @crimegods1607 3 года назад +9

    What I really want DrowBard? An Unconventional Wizard guide. I feel like there is the optimizer's spell selections, but what I always do as a Wizard is pick spells that I feel logically follow that characters exploration of magic. I think this approach can really lend itself to some cool niche, themed builds. Have a Wizard obsessed with flight? They might start by learning spells like Catapult, Tenser's floating disc. Build on that to explore Gust of Wind, etc. That's how i played a UFO-centric wizard in a Modern game setting recently.

    • @wuggldy
      @wuggldy 3 года назад +2

      I am definitely looking forward to the Unconventional Wizard guide, even if it's just a list of spells Drow Bard thinks are cool!

  • @ericpeterson8732
    @ericpeterson8732 3 года назад

    Shocking grasp is your get out of melee spell. And I love the taser-like effect. But I also prefer to take a saving throw spell as well. Whether it's acid splash to damage 2 opponents, frostbite for the disadvantage rider, create bonfire for the round by round damage, or toll the dead for bonus damage if they're wounded. Because sometimes the dice don't favor you and you want to force the DM to roll every round instead.
    Sleep can be a good finisher spell. If you can damage the hard to hit or hard to kill enemy (legendary saves, anyone?) to almost dead, you can use a well-placed sleep spell to finish them off. And you don't have to upcast it. Unfortunately it can be hard to determine when something has 5d8 worth of hp left, but no other 1st level spell does 5d8 hp damage. Sleeping creatures get autocritted. Maybe not useful at the beginning of the fight, but definitely useful at the end.

  • @brettonalwood4173
    @brettonalwood4173 3 года назад

    This is something for Adventure League players. You can trade wizards book with other wizard players. With this in mind I recommend taking a couple of odd spells for trading purposes. I take a lot of the more unconventional and niche use spells like knock. Really doubling down on the utility facet. Then i have just traded books with other wizard for spells like invisibility, fly, fireball, chromatic orb, find familiar, etc.

  • @ericpeterson8732
    @ericpeterson8732 3 года назад

    I missed this one last month, but I'm here now. (There was this whole election thing you might have heard about, it WAS in all the newspapers) I look forward to part 2. I think alignment is a tricky subject. Nobody likes to be forced into behaving a certain way. But I think your assessment of being good aligned is mistaken. I guess it depends on how you see yourself. I consider myself Neutral Good as I generally behave towards the good of others but I'm not a stickler for the rules or feel restricted by them. Being good doesn't mean you always do the right thing. It just means you don't actively do the wrong thing. I don't have a problem with being neutral, some of my best friends are neutral. But I dislike the weasel-ness of being neutral in order to "keep your options open." I prefer to emphasize my character's heroic ideals. That's why I play fantasy roleplaying games after all, to pretend to be a hero and do the things my weakness or fears don't allow me to do IRL. Interesting thoughts on starting equipment. Personally, I like to include a grappling hook and a crowbar. Whether I am throwing said hook or using mage hand or a familar to attach it, a grappling hook is useful in many situations. And advantage on strength checks to force something open is very useful even with an useless Str modifier. (You might roll 15 or higher to pop that chest or door) Otherwise you have it for the stronger party member who weren't smart enough to buy one.

  • @dozi3r
    @dozi3r 3 года назад

    how did i miss this video? we love you, thanks for everything. #D2LOD4LYFE

  • @ericpeterson8732
    @ericpeterson8732 3 года назад

    As for character art, go with Edwin, he's got that classic wizardly look.
    As for schools, please don't go either bladesinger or divination. Way over done on both of those. Take a chance on abjuration (how to keep your ward up) or conjuration or hell, even transmutation. Enchantment is hard, the hypnotic eye is hard to use without putting yourself at serious risk. Add to the complications of charm person and I don't think enchantment is the way to go. Evocation is pretty easy, just choose a variety of damage types and saving throws.

  • @zinogrevz7389
    @zinogrevz7389 2 года назад

    if u want to multiclass into other nonarcana classes, u can use the componentpouch for both classes spells , but would need to hold 2 foci

  • @frostfire8490
    @frostfire8490 3 года назад

    something to take note about wizards is that they are unable to switch out low level or non-useful spell for better or higher level spell like the other spell casters can do so I think it may be necessary to think somewhat longterm when choosing your spells like for an example sleep would be a bad choice as it's usefulness will be very low in higher levels making it a kind of dead pick in higher levels

    • @theonlymatthew.l
      @theonlymatthew.l 3 года назад

      Really you can't find other scrolls or other spell books and copy them? Throughout your entire adventure you won't come across any other first level spells to replace sleep? I haven't found that to be the case with any of the games that I played...

    • @frostfire8490
      @frostfire8490 3 года назад

      @@theonlymatthew.l i haven't played a wizard yet so I am unable to know how often one comes across scrolls or other spellbooks especially when it's up to the DM my comment was with the mindset of not depending on the DM to give you spells especially when those spells will be used against there future encounters so I think you should take spells that you will be happy with for the whole campaign and go hunting for the more niche spells like Snare or Jump as I think a DM will more likely give you those spell over something like Shield, Magic Missile and Phantasmal Force

    • @theonlymatthew.l
      @theonlymatthew.l 3 года назад

      @@frostfire8490 and keep in mind regardless of what a DM says you get two new spells at every level so you could always choose to replace sleep

    • @frostfire8490
      @frostfire8490 3 года назад

      @@theonlymatthew.l i refer back to my original comment i know you can get two new spells every lvl my point is that you likely would prefer to get higher lvl spells over lower lvl spells and the fact that you cant replace them like sorcerer and warlock just means that your spell choices are just that more important

  • @lilfox378
    @lilfox378 3 года назад +1

    I was recently playing a evil character in a campaign and he turned out to be one of the most merciful characters I ever made. mainly because he believed that he could convince anyone he saved that they owe him a life debt and now work for him forever as indentured slaves but still he saved more lives then I think any of my "good align" characters have.

  • @Wytchblades
    @Wytchblades 3 года назад

    Sleep is great at higher levels if you dont want to kill a target. Just have to beat them down to low hps then cast it.

  • @O-D-X
    @O-D-X 3 года назад

    A new DB video, clicks immediately.

  • @ericpeterson8732
    @ericpeterson8732 3 года назад

    I'm sorry, what joke about four candles? Oh, it's a British thing. We didn't get that show over here in the states. We got Benny Hill and Monty Python and Faulty Towers instead.

  • @101BadBreath
    @101BadBreath 3 года назад +1

    Divination for 2nd?

  • @teiabutters7732
    @teiabutters7732 3 года назад +1

    Where is the ten foot pole? Every good adventurer has a ten foot pole. That's a rookie mistake.

  • @binolombardi
    @binolombardi 3 года назад

    My wizards are lawful neutral. My wizards thoroughly enjoy structure and reliable systems, but neutrality allows for my wizard to justify most things for the pursuit of knowledge. Generally dont Rock the boat, unless the boat really needs rocking. Even if the boat needs rocking, all options to rock the boat need to be fully examined for most benefit. It helps to also role play long term and short term decisions that need to be made.
    Can be that methodical thinker that “over thinks” everything to play off of other player/character temperaments.

  • @dustinmccollum7196
    @dustinmccollum7196 3 года назад +2

    I love your videos and what i love about them is they arnt cookie cutter. BUT this one is soooo cookie cutter its the poster boy for cookie cutter.

  • @kevinnoorman4815
    @kevinnoorman4815 3 года назад

    Where did you find the character sheet

  • @victordevillers3899
    @victordevillers3899 3 года назад

    Part two?