I went through hell on "the power" as I bought an extra 3B intended for battery powered use. All sorts of missing willingness to sell a 3A USB output thing, so the idea of 1A+2A = 3A USB output thingies made me build my own wire: "The dual USB wire" It's not a new idea. I'm on version 2 and waiting for more material. The 1st works fine for hours - it's just a design issue and I want a pretty one as well.
Very, very effective means of communicating comparison! Thanks for the video!
Very concise and nice overview! Thanks!
Fast and clear, thx dude awesome video!
Thanks a lot, very complete test, appreciate
I went through hell on "the power" as I bought an extra 3B intended for battery powered use. All sorts of missing willingness to sell a 3A USB output thing, so the idea of 1A+2A = 3A USB output thingies made me build my own wire: "The dual USB wire" It's not a new idea. I'm on version 2 and waiting for more material. The 1st works fine for hours - it's just a design issue and I want a pretty one as well.
I play retro game with model B but Lag. And this models b+ will the same?
nomeirx which game lags?
@@SinX4Lyfe Same, mostly N64 games but Ive heard this is kind of inevitable with a single board and not a lot of upgrade room.
your face scared me