This was SO much fun, different stories are always gonna resonate differently with everyone but hope you guys enjoyed hearing our thoughts on FEH lore!
This looks really fun! Great idea, Rocket!! Also, C'mon, Satachi, the Xander and Veronica relationship is adorable, though. 😭 Especially since he's acted like a father figure to her and made her not feel lonely when Bruno was away all the time looking for a cure for her curse, it's really sweet as she also learnt from Xander how to be a proper ruler, teaching her the right thing and telling her about the wrong things she's doing, helping her improve as a human she is. It's honestly a really wholesome bond they have; also, we all know it's Feh the owl who wanted Xander in the story. Also, there's a part where Deirdre also shares a cute moment with Veronica where she tells her how they both are similar in some way, which was a nice interaction. C'mon, A :( it deserves S but I respect y'all opinions, as for my favourite book it's probably book 6 also it's more based on Embla than Askr I'd say I really liked how through we saw how much Veronica developed and her development as a character which was really nice and the whole Askr and Embla character appearance which was really cool also y'all forgot how Alfonse became when Bruno died literally emotionless I wish they didn't throw Bruno under the bus like that and off him out after literally years of waiting for his appearance like he literally come up wih the whole plan to sacrifice himself tricking embla and being many steps ahead of embla over smarting her and planning her defeat which was really cool also would have loved if Veronica was the one to defeat Embla and get revenge for Bruno but ofc it had to be Alfonse also I wish they kept him alive more and explored upon his tactic side even further which would be great growth for his character and maybe him joining the order as officially their tactian showing how brilliant he is since he's such a interesting character and they could do so much with him also the Askr and Embla plot should be further explored and not rushed like that also show us Letizia backstory give her more character and show ud her curse directive group she talks about but other than that it's pretty good book tbh but hopefully the TT give us more background on Askr and Embla Also, Letizia's backstory and reveal the curse directive Letizia was leading; also, I absolutely adored the ending with Vero and Sharena; it was so cute and so wholesome!! Also, book 8 better be S+ seriously B under the obnoxious thing that's book 7?!! I respect y'all opinions but u did the book so dirty the story was pretty good and paced. 😭 It deserves way better than that it's much more paced than book 7 it was a mess let's be honest. Tbh it's also my top favourite book too it's genuinely a great book and the whole plot was really well paced and the plot twist of them being copies was genuinely great and really elevated the book further although wish the ending wasn't that rushed the ending made sense but like it was so rushed we only had 2 story dialogue parts tbh it should have been 2 part books so they expand the plot even further and flesh the characters out it would really helped the book plot even further or atleast in the ending part give it more story dialogue instead of dumb banner characters introduction like show us a flashback on how Eikthyrnir discovered Laerded is a copy like them and how the actual one is dead build up more suspense to his reveal of being a copy too. Also what's the point of putting Veronica on the cover book and not do anything with her in the book except for Nidhoggr poising her plot which sucks cause they keep making her a damsel in distress which she clearly isn't as she literally had embla power imbued in her like show us her helping us instead maybe telling us more info about Yggdrasil and Laerded also show us how slowly she's mastering her power that embla gave her that would be so cool and show us how she's faring with this new power cause she's clearly not a damsel in distress also atleast let her have some lines with Herinette when in the ending they were officially announcing peace between the two countries it would been nice if Vero got to speak some lines and give Hræsvelgr and Niddhoggr more screentime let them do something that expand their character growth which would help them instead of not doing that much with each of their characters. 1:14:46 I don't think that's true, to be honest, since there was a flashback in the book where it showed us the real healing hands kids since Eikthynir isn't wearing his masks. Hræsvelgr doesn't have her scars, and Nidhoggr isn't intoxicated, and it showed Laerdr to be the same still, even with the king flashback. He looked like the same thing that happened before the whole copy thing happened. So maybe this was that tyrant king in Laerdr's backstory, or Alfador, as Laerded mentions, making a deal with someone from the upper hand to bring his kids in return for Laerded to send the quieting hand to disrupt peace between Askr and Embla and assassinate the leaders of both, but they failed to bring his original children back. And tbh I disagree Laerded is such a great villain with a tragic backstory I personally loved his character and backstory it made him the best feh villain in my opinion and u also forgot Ratatoskr development where she had a pretty cool dialogue with Laerded and how she wants to live on she wants to do it for her family and friends how's she's grown throughout the book which honestly makes her a better free oc than some of what we have. Yeah, the whole Sharena is Peony and Peony is Sharena thing was really cool, but they sadly tossed it aside. It would have been so cool to explore it further and help Sharena's development. Sad. :( I wouldn't put it in S tho A yeah. Also, book 5 honestly should just be Dvergar, so we know more about Fanfir and his backstory, not just throwing it away like that since, to be honest, it needed to be explored more, especially with Eitri and her previous versions like Sindri, and how does her summoning other people work and stuff? Make the Jotunheimr be a different whole book from book 5, flesh out Jotunheimr since there's so much more to explore about that realm too. 54:28 LESBIANS I knew they were teasing a duo of them back then, but no one used to believe me lol since it was 2 years since we got it, but it did happen, which makes sense considering the adorable ending.
i always find something to enjoy in every Book, but i do agree Book 3 is one of the best. I personally like it when the Summoner gets more involved in the story as well, despite never talking, so book 4 was also neat! Seeing Alfonse's growth over the game has been a lot of fun and I'm eager to see where we go!
Barely watched the video but Book 6 is my personal favorite book in the game currently because of how tense it is (Well as tense the writing of FEH can get anyways) also i really liked Veronica's character development from Book 3 onwards and she finally got the friends (Especially one in Sharena) she deserved by the end of Book 6.
I never met someone who actually liked book 4 this much. Like I don't think any books are bad but 1 and 2 are the only ones I'd put at C and 3 and 8 would be the only ones I'd put in S. The rest is A or B.
My Tier List: S Tier None - I don't think any of them possess a really grand story. Most of them just don't have enough action to really grab you aside from the first few chapters. This is also a major problem because of the pacing, considering that Winter and Summer take awhile to drop their story banners because of Christmas/New Years and Swimsuits/CYL respectively. A tier: Book 3: Book 3 was definitely a step up, and while I don't think Book 1 was that bad, it was a step up from Book 2. Most of the ideas hit you harder, especially since they actually went with the idea of a Death Metal opener. The character designs are a bit more constrained compared to Muspell, where they can get a little extra at times. Lif and Thrasir's relationship is really cool, Alfonse gets some much needed development, Gustav's death was out of nowhere, and Eir is probably the best story integrated character we've gotten. Easily the best FeH story we've gotten and it isn't even close. Book 5: Book 5 is weaker than Book 3 but aside from the fact that Eitri was the villain and the lack of actual Jotnar significance, everything else was pretty good. Fafnir was a really good villain and he got slept on really bad. Otr was memeable but somewhat still memorable, and Reginn got some good character development. Only issue with this one is that there's very little development for our heroes. B tier: Book 1: While the Book 1 story doesn't hold up really well by today's standards, it is the only one that did a good job at actually being a celebration of the series, mainly due to its map design. I'd dare anyone to actually give me a five chapter layout of any of the other story chapters out of books 2-8 and I guarantee you no one could do it because they're all so lackluster and mesh together too much. It may just have fanservice written all over it, but I'll take it over some of the others written below. Book 2: Book 2s biggest concern is that the story is fine, but it had too many issues going into the second half. Loki is a wild card that to this day has never been answered, the plot twist of Surtr surviving the first assassination attempt was bullcrap, and Ylgr is honestly a poorly written plot device. The Muspell curse is brought up last minute and never addressed, and of course, there's the infamous "Coughing Fjorm" curse that never gets clarified. The first half is actually good writing though. C tier: Book 6: This Book is genuinely boring. It has the same problems that Book 2 had with it having a solid first half but a terrible second half. The only issue is that this story was Askr v Embla Part 2 and not a different story altogether. While we actually get the gods of each kingdom this time around, Askr gets folded about 3 chapters in, Bruno dies too, and Ash isn't a good side character (Verbose the Character, talks too much and serves no purpose in the story). D tier: Book 4/Book 7: Putting them both here since I think they serve the same purpose: being a wet dream for the Summoner. Book 4 takes place within a dream world, which is more like a dream labyrinth, since you can easily get lost in the plot and not realize which world you're in, as if there are layers to this. All of which are never explained. The first half has a slow wind-up, and the second half does next to nothing. Let's also not forget that Freyr dies for basically no reason other than the fact that his death MIGHT cause Freyja to back off. Which it doesn't, since we technically kill him which incures the wrath of the Nightmare Goat. After Book 3, this was such a letdown. As for Book 7, I shouldn't even rank because I got about halfway through it and then quit FeH altogether. Practically just having to deal with a second horny bait OC gimme unit was bad enough. Now I have to go through another first part slog. Didn't even reach the second half cause I was so bummed out. It was also around this point that the powercreep started to get out of hand, so I just dipped out once I saw how busted all these new, popular, but somehow not appealing units began to drop. Unranked: Book 8 Never got around to playing Book 8, and judging by this ranking, I ain't missing much.
I really like your points and the list is almost identical to my personal ranking. My favorite is book 5 because I think Fafnir is an incredible villain and the steampunk aesthetic is peak for me. Book 3 is also up there for similar reasons.
Personally I can at least something of value from each book though if something has to be at the bottom it would probably be book 1 due to pacing or book 4 due to what it had to follow up to.
I wish I had a higher opinion on book 4 and book 3, but I started playing exactly when book 5 debuted so I think part of the enjoyment also comes by reading the story monthly little by little. For me book 8 is my all time favorite, it was a bit rushed ngl, but I think the writers understood the format limitations and didn't wasted precious time in detailing how our heroes obtained the mcguffins and went for a more character driven approach making them feel alive which is rare for these OCs, Ratatoskr facing her father, Eik being sad by the harsh truth, Niohogger begging her father to make her forget, Hraesvger hurt by Ratatoskr betrayal, the weakest one was by far Heidrun but overall every character was memorable, nobody died true sure, but most OC deaths are pointless(Nott, Bruno anyone?) anyway so I don't really mind them giving Ratatoskr a happy ending. My personal ranking is: 8>7>3>4>5>6>2>1
Book 4 was not S. You guys downplayed its flaws, you guys put down other books for failed plotlines and confusing plots. But Alfonse being dead plot twist didn't amount to anything and Sharena got sidelined as bad if not worse than the cow and bat.
Good to see you in action, RocketGal, i am very glad that you and your two other FEH teammates discussing books perspectives were really nice of you, the only reason is that i wish that it reversed to 2017, where FEH was very enjoyable game, but these days i miss a lot. But oh well, past is past staying focusing on the current system of FEH is the way being to be a good FEH enjoyable player, for my perspective. Not to mention, my favorite book was maybe Embla one. The music was great, and the gameplay was a little bit weird, but it was very enjoyable. Only for me, i didn't like book 5 the story was good but i think the story itself was too short. But overall it was a great storyline and gameplay wise, but it was not an awesome book for my personal opinion only.
Book 5 had one of the lowest points for FEH gameplay (Fedelgard release/PathfinderLSigurd AR-D), but I honestly really liked the story despite a lot of the OCs being poorly handled for the most part going forward to today even. We are reaching 2025, and Reginn STILL doesn't have the sword Gramr. The weapon she wields in the trailers, briefly mentioned in the Book 5 story, and on the second half book icon. She was made to be a bit of a crybaby at first, but she really hasn't shaken it off even by the second to last TT+ story episode. She gets some random spear and a hot chocolate robot companion instead. The true protagonist to Book 5 is apparently Dagr if we're to look at how IS has treated them. Very up front and center with directing the story since she got introduced, especially in the TT+, and she has more alts than anyone else. Nött got sidelined into being a source of contention with the main group for a chapter in her chase after OtrMaster1's P2W guides. She then gets herself killed. Stuck as a backpack to her main protagonist sister outside of her base version. Speaking of sidelined, the mythical OtrMaster1 himself was so poorly handled, people forget that he was actually the one who turned Fáfnir crazy with the crown because he got paranoid over his brother remembering his old life. He might love his brother more than Freyja does to hers. He also lied to Eitri about Reginn being the last living heir because he's just unhinged in general. He also gets himself killed by his obsession. No alts for such a mythical OC. Fáfnir is an incredible example for a tragic villain. He's taken from his world and dropped on the side of the road by Eitri. He helps save the kingdom from the usurpers but gets betrayed by his own brother into going mad. The moment he finally becomes clairvoyant again is when he's about to die and finally remembers that he had a family in his previous world. He then just dies. And IS refuses to give us his base version even still. Eitri is a unique antagonist figure up at that point. She wasn't acting like a child (Veronica), a pyromaniac murderer (Surtr), someone who gains amusement from chaos and deception (Loki) or force others into life and death battles (Thorr), or from unhealthy love for a family member (Freyja/Otr). She's a very cold yet passionate and logical-based person acting as a guardian for the kingdom, and the recent usurpers left the kingdom without any heirs of the original king. This had her turn to researching summoning as her primary priority at all costs leading to Fáfnir showing up as the only partial success. When she discovered Reginn's royal status later in the book, she immediately switched her priority to putting her on the throne. She also gave Otr the boot for being lied to over Reginn's bloodline. When Reginn put both Fáfnir down, after he killed Otr and Nött, and claimed control of the land, Eitri went back to her home in the forest. Only to be later killed because Edgy Alfonse and Crybaby Reginn put the blame of everything on her including the deaths of Nött, Fáfnir, and Otr when it was OtrMaster1 who manipulated everyone and caused Fáfnir to go mad from the start. She welcomed Reginn as a queen of the land and got a sword through her gut that we still haven't seen in game for over three years still. Still no Eitri alt either nor any appearance of her old self (Sindri) in the TT+ despite being teased so many times... Pair all this with the resplendents being extremely few and favored to Jötunheimr (STILL no female Niđavellir resplendents like Reginn or Eitri but Jötunheimr ones get male versions on top of the female ones despite having no male Jötun in the book?) for what appears to be little care on IS' side for the book now that it's done. It's a shame really. Still, it's been one of my favorite books so far despite the problems that propped up in the game at that time or in how much IS seems to neglect it compared to their star child known as Fjorm who cannot stop shoehorning herself into Forging Bonds and keep pretending that she was always friends with Laegjarn.
Oh, cool to see you do a tier list on the story chapters for FEH. And having two fellow FE RUclipsrs with you to discuss here. I may have a feeling that this game may be coming to an end or something since it's been running for plenty of years. Either the next one will be the last or the 2nd to last book. We'll just see for ourselves. Fantastic job on this video. Keep up the great work and take care.
Oh Boy would I have been in here there would be outside of book I and III way more discussions that could have caused controversies haha. But I am not, so I just post my short opinions of the books and how I would have ranked them. Book I Not really a story book for me, it was just like many things in the beginning of FEH, testing out what possible and waiting if the app will be a success or flop and of course I think way less investment than in later years when FEH actually ended as a success. Also more a bait of people with known characters and less a story that made sense. The story was basically, Askr good, Embla bad, opening and closing and a reason why there are heroes of other worlds: mainly the summoner and opening gates. Book II Yes it might be boring, but as the first real FEH-story attempt it was good imo, straight forward and not a lot of twists and turns, sure, but honestly it fulfilled the general Fire Emblem Plot with friendly Nation got invaded by evil big bad, good nation fights back, along the way is getting their godlike artefact or blessing and succeed at the end. And I think they did it well and it is, while boring maybe, probably the most polished and actually finished story line of any book we had. Also for a total of 9 new OCs, it personally had a lot of characters, that weren’t just „there“ or were completely poorly written unlike later book characters with way less characters. Fjorm was one of the few main OCs ACTUALLY doing something and ACTUALLY being the main characters of her story, she was very one-dimensional but at least did something. Laegjarn was probably had the best characterisation with kinda being the Camus archetype and they did it well. Laevatein was a loaf of bread, yeah, but her existence made Laegjarns sacrifice giving it a sense and meaning. Helbindi was looking evil, but is a softie in heart and Ylgr recognised that. Also he was forced to fight for Surtr otherwise his sister would have been killed - he found out that already happened and therefore freed Ylgr and Veronica and betrayed Surtr and fought against him. So Ylgr, also with the Loki-plot at least fulfilled a purpose. Even Gunnthrás Death was somewhat impactful. And Loki was a very mysterious character overall where you would want to know more about her. Well okay Surtr was just bad for being bad (despite probably being influenced by Múspell that is how we know by now a bratty teenager but yeah). Only character that doesn’t seem to fulfil any real purpose was and still is Hríd, but yeah. Overall I think it was good, Book III Best book. Hel was another evil for being evil big baddy, but as the goddess of death it kinda makes sense? Still remember that the reveal of Book III with jelly people and Death metal was mind-blowing and also that everybody has seen the plot twist coming, but still everyone was surprised about it haha. It was also the rise of Alfonse, rightfully so and the plot overall was just so different, but also so cool. And the story actually had something like an action curve, which many books are lacking imo. End was rushed, like in all books, so whatever. Eir has still my fav OV design ever, but I am sad, that she is still the main OC that never had the ability to truly shine, not even in her TT story where well Líf got the new Hero Type instead of Eir. I mean most main OCs after her were doing nothing and at least her character is not a over and over again copy of the previous one, but that she was a hostage and was doing more in the ending video than in the whole book was sad. But overall my favourite book still. Book IV For me outside of book I the worst book ever. It was just an drug race, acid trip and total mind fuck and also had the first death that had literally no meaning: Freyr, cause Freyja was already the big bad cause she loved her brother so much, who keeps her distant and after his death she went more insane but her motivation was still the same. Imagine that his impact killing Elimine two years later by him out of nowhere getting released as a mythic was bigger than in his actually book says a lot. I have to admit the „they were children with a bad fate before“ plot was cool and despite it was a hole mess, I appreciate that Freyja was not just evil bad but more of the „godly entity went insane“ trope, we also had with like Duma or Seiros/Rhea in actual fire emblem plots. Also it gave as probably the best OCs in terms of usability (Mythic Dancers with PRF Dances). But the characters mostly and the for the first time since Loki (where it makes sense) oversexualised designs? Phew. Freyja was alright, Triandra actually kinda good and Mirabilis at least is a mood, I can respect that, but Freyr was such a nothing, Plumeria was horny bait, cause she actually has nothing likeable about her imo and Peony, I probably get blacklisted by some FEHtubers, but she is so annoying and bad, I don’t know. I know it fits her role, but I think characters or people that are always happy, always positive, always „that ain’t that bad“ are just either too naive, or plainly fake, suspicious and not trustworthy for me. And Peony is exactly that. Can’t stand her. Especially her Attuned Forging bonds wanted me to grab her, shake her and scream into her face „Open your eyes, wake up girl, the world isn’t like that AH“. On top of that they made a teaser that Sharena would be the relevant character of the book and at the end she wasn’t. They made a teaser that Sharena/Peony probably are the same person of have switched lives or whatever… and never ever a conclusion followed with that, they just left us there. And the „Alliance“ you mentioned… well actually it kinda was Frist and last mentioned at the end of that book. Wouldn’t be surprised if they also do exactly NOTHING with that lel. (The other four are in the answer of this comment.)
Book V Okay it finally brought out an amazing character again: Dagr, she was and still is amazing and was the light of that book. I think the story overall, especially around Fafnir wasn’t that bad and so next to Dagr also Fafnir was a good character, that we for whatever reason never really got after this, NY alt aside, which is kinda sad. But I don’t know why, you may call it plot twist, but I call they throw the story over board at the end of the book and created the worst written villains with Ótr and Eitri we have ever gotten in FEH yet (okay maybe Njödr is giving them a run for their money), cause their actions made no sense considering their motives and vice versa. I mean Ótr standing behind and loving his adopted brother Fafnir, but then supporting Eitri, which actively makes Fafnir insane and kills him? What? Also Eitri wanted to bring the royal line back and doing everything for her country/realm… while creating a fake king, that invades other countries and destroying Nidavellirs reputation and probably even destroying also a lot of Nidavellir itself? Yeah… makes absolutely no sense to me. Also it is probably the book where the most OCs have died and not a single one, especially Nótts was pathetic, had any real impact or created any emotions from the player lel. Oh and Reginn, god was she a useless crybaby the whole time, but I guess understandable, still kinda annoying tho. Book VI I don’t know why you were all so low on this book, but after the messes that IV and V were I thought that was the first book that even came close to book III. First because it developed Alfonse further, a lot actually. It FINALLY developed Veronica’s character way further and it actually gave us probably the best characterised and also somewhat complex villain in Embla we have gotten so far and in a way that actually made sense. Sure Ash and Elm are whatever, I mean Elm suddenly vanished, everyone was believing he died somewhere without a special notice, just for him getting revealed as alive in a Forging Bonds say a lot about him, lol. And sure, after Askr and Embla take over, the Letizia plot suddenly seemed so meaningless, I would have wished a better connection and continuity there, but both parts on their own were fairly good I would say. But also Askrs dead sadly was somewhat meaningless. But overall great book imo. VII It says a lot if Gullveig has won CyL because of the horny people and basically tits and snakes, cause we have known nothing about her at that point where she has won, just for her at the end of the story really turned out to be the best written and most interesting character of the book lol. I confess I don’t like Yoshiku as a books lead artist, cause like Book IV mainly oversexualised designs, which I guess can fit to Vanaheimr, the realm of fertility actually, but EH. The story was better than IV, but also kinda a mindfuck and while I agree, that time travel plots can be extremely interesting, they are also the easiest to mess up and considering FEH‘s incredible story so far, it was kinda a given, that it would end to be kinda mess. In general I am also not that big of a fan of the characters and their designs. Also Njödr probably being the worst villain so far lol. Like I stated at the beginning, Gullveig actually ended up as the only really good written and interesting character of the book and that says a lot. VIII Finally I can agree with y’all again more. I think the book turned out to be somewhat solid, but only after the plot twist with Laeradrs children being dead and they are all basically revived puppets. Until then it basically was just like, person X was poisoned and then saved. Person Y, then person Z etc and also the protagonists seemed to have plot armor, cause while they were Personen it doesn’t really seemed to harm them lol. But still I think it was overall solid, but also kinda „meaningless“ at the very end (cause the outcome of the book doesn’t changed anything really in comparison to what was before it happened) and had some boring/forgettable parts. Also kinda like Book IV with Sharena they made a teaser at the beginning that Henriette might would be finally relevant here, just for again doing basically absolutely nothing with it lol. But I think at least the characters where alright and I mean after Book III we FINALLY got another male OC that actually did something for the plot AND survived, lol. Eik is just built different. Ranking: S-Tier: Book III > Book VI A-Tier: Book II > Book VIII B-Tier: Book V C-Tier: Book VII > Book IV D-Tier: Book I (or maybe not able to be ranked at all)
This was so much fun and a bit nostalgic even though I usually rush a bit through the story. There is honestly no S tier story, they are simply not good enough. Storywise I think book 6 was the most gripping story, where I was genuinely interested in some of the developments that happened and Asked and Embla being fun and interesting characters. It wasnt good all the way through but somewhat more consistent and had the best balance for me for having somewhat interesting characters and a plot not sleep inducing. Book 2 with Laegjarn and the bond she gets with Fjorm still holds a place for me. But yea, Surtr is besides an interesting character on the map nothing special storywise. Book 7 had a very interesting concept and could have been so much more, but so poorly executed. And that one line, so cringe, really instantly undid everything they tried in the story. It was unfitting for FE as a whole and sadly expected but in a negative sense. I hope they won't do it so barely again. All in all, Alfonse is carrying the bunch right at this moment with his character development. It won't carry the whole franchise or other characters but it is at least a light on the horizon. I sound overly negative maybe, and it does deserve it but I still like there is a story mode and it gives the game some more memorability and form. Otherwise it would just be a gacha game with characters from existing FE in it. Hopefully book 9 brings us something good. The writing has definitely improved, but the story concepts and progression is very lacking. Let's stay positive and see where it brings us.
My personal ranking from worst to best: 1. Book 3 2. Book 8 3. Book 6 4. Book 5 5. Book 2 6. Book 1 7. Book 4 8. Book 7 Also, I unironically adore the story of FEH. Shoot me.
Book 5 and Book 7 are my least favorites for two different reasons: Book 5 introduced some cool concepts and then dropped them like a sack of hot potato and it feels very forgettable. Book 7 has the worst character design in all FEH and I'm including Book 9's futuristic military look. Genuinely terrible aesthetic, all the characters feel one note even more than usual, Njordr's evil plan was so dumb and nonsensical I didn't notice he died till the book ended. The one moment with Heidr asking to make a child with the summoner is so out of left field I still don't know what was the point of it. It had a cool gimmick of the chapters being out of order and the whole "time travel to stop an op big bad" was a neat idea that fell through almost immediately.
Xander is protecting Veronica due to the guilt of killing Elise 🤣🤣
man screw u bruh
@@rocketgalFE 1:10:50 well...
This was SO much fun, different stories are always gonna resonate differently with everyone but hope you guys enjoyed hearing our thoughts on FEH lore!
This looks really fun! Great idea, Rocket!!
Also, C'mon, Satachi, the Xander and Veronica relationship is adorable, though. 😭 Especially since he's acted like a father figure to her and made her not feel lonely when Bruno was away all the time looking for a cure for her curse, it's really sweet as she also learnt from Xander how to be a proper ruler, teaching her the right thing and telling her about the wrong things she's doing, helping her improve as a human she is. It's honestly a really wholesome bond they have; also, we all know it's Feh the owl who wanted Xander in the story. Also, there's a part where Deirdre also shares a cute moment with Veronica where she tells her how they both are similar in some way, which was a nice interaction.
C'mon, A :( it deserves S but I respect y'all opinions, as for my favourite book it's probably book 6 also it's more based on Embla than Askr I'd say I really liked how through we saw how much Veronica developed and her development as a character which was really nice and the whole Askr and Embla character appearance which was really cool also y'all forgot how Alfonse became when Bruno died literally emotionless I wish they didn't throw Bruno under the bus like that and off him out after literally years of waiting for his appearance like he literally come up wih the whole plan to sacrifice himself tricking embla and being many steps ahead of embla over smarting her and planning her defeat which was really cool also would have loved if Veronica was the one to defeat Embla and get revenge for Bruno but ofc it had to be Alfonse also I wish they kept him alive more and explored upon his tactic side even further which would be great growth for his character and maybe him joining the order as officially their tactian showing how brilliant he is since he's such a interesting character and they could do so much with him also the Askr and Embla plot should be further explored and not rushed like that also show us Letizia backstory give her more character and show ud her curse directive group she talks about but other than that it's pretty good book tbh but hopefully the TT give us more background on Askr and Embla Also, Letizia's backstory and reveal the curse directive Letizia was leading; also, I absolutely adored the ending with Vero and Sharena; it was so cute and so wholesome!!
Also, book 8 better be S+ seriously B under the obnoxious thing that's book 7?!! I respect y'all opinions but u did the book so dirty the story was pretty good and paced. 😭
It deserves way better than that it's much more paced than book 7 it was a mess let's be honest.
Tbh it's also my top favourite book too it's genuinely a great book and the whole plot was really well paced and the plot twist of them being copies was genuinely great and really elevated the book further although wish the ending wasn't that rushed the ending made sense but like it was so rushed we only had 2 story dialogue parts tbh it should have been 2 part books so they expand the plot even further and flesh the characters out it would really helped the book plot even further or atleast in the ending part give it more story dialogue instead of dumb banner characters introduction like show us a flashback on how Eikthyrnir discovered Laerded is a copy like them and how the actual one is dead build up more suspense to his reveal of being a copy too. Also what's the point of putting Veronica on the cover book and not do anything with her in the book except for Nidhoggr poising her plot which sucks cause they keep making her a damsel in distress which she clearly isn't as she literally had embla power imbued in her like show us her helping us instead maybe telling us more info about Yggdrasil and Laerded also show us how slowly she's mastering her power that embla gave her that would be so cool and show us how she's faring with this new power cause she's clearly not a damsel in distress also atleast let her have some lines with Herinette when in the ending they were officially announcing peace between the two countries it would been nice if Vero got to speak some lines and give Hræsvelgr and Niddhoggr more screentime let them do something that expand their character growth which would help them instead of not doing that much with each of their characters.
1:14:46 I don't think that's true, to be honest, since there was a flashback in the book where it showed us the real healing hands kids since Eikthynir isn't wearing his masks. Hræsvelgr doesn't have her scars, and Nidhoggr isn't intoxicated, and it showed Laerdr to be the same still, even with the king flashback. He looked like the same thing that happened before the whole copy thing happened. So maybe this was that tyrant king in Laerdr's backstory, or Alfador, as Laerded mentions, making a deal with someone from the upper hand to bring his kids in return for Laerded to send the quieting hand to disrupt peace between Askr and Embla and assassinate the leaders of both, but they failed to bring his original children back.
And tbh I disagree Laerded is such a great villain with a tragic backstory I personally loved his character and backstory it made him the best feh villain in my opinion and u also forgot Ratatoskr development where she had a pretty cool dialogue with Laerded and how she wants to live on she wants to do it for her family and friends how's she's grown throughout the book which honestly makes her a better free oc than some of what we have.
Yeah, the whole Sharena is Peony and Peony is Sharena thing was really cool, but they sadly tossed it aside. It would have been so cool to explore it further and help Sharena's development. Sad. :(
I wouldn't put it in S tho A yeah.
Also, book 5 honestly should just be Dvergar, so we know more about Fanfir and his backstory, not just throwing it away like that since, to be honest, it needed to be explored more, especially with Eitri and her previous versions like Sindri, and how does her summoning other people work and stuff? Make the Jotunheimr be a different whole book from book 5, flesh out Jotunheimr since there's so much more to explore about that realm too.
54:28 LESBIANS I knew they were teasing a duo of them back then, but no one used to believe me lol since it was 2 years since we got it, but it did happen, which makes sense considering the adorable ending.
i always find something to enjoy in every Book, but i do agree Book 3 is one of the best. I personally like it when the Summoner gets more involved in the story as well, despite never talking, so book 4 was also neat! Seeing Alfonse's growth over the game has been a lot of fun and I'm eager to see where we go!
Barely watched the video but Book 6 is my personal favorite book in the game currently because of how tense it is (Well as tense the writing of FEH can get anyways) also i really liked Veronica's character development from Book 3 onwards and she finally got the friends (Especially one in Sharena) she deserved by the end of Book 6.
Book 6 is peak FEH in my opinion
@@supereddy6421 Agreed.
I never met someone who actually liked book 4 this much.
Like I don't think any books are bad but 1 and 2 are the only ones I'd put at C and 3 and 8 would be the only ones I'd put in S.
The rest is A or B.
thanks for having me again!! always have lots of fun with y'all! :')
you did a good job
6:58 hey their talking about me
My Tier List:
S Tier
None - I don't think any of them possess a really grand story. Most of them just don't have enough action to really grab you aside from the first few chapters. This is also a major problem because of the pacing, considering that Winter and Summer take awhile to drop their story banners because of Christmas/New Years and Swimsuits/CYL respectively.
A tier:
Book 3:
Book 3 was definitely a step up, and while I don't think Book 1 was that bad, it was a step up from Book 2. Most of the ideas hit you harder, especially since they actually went with the idea of a Death Metal opener. The character designs are a bit more constrained compared to Muspell, where they can get a little extra at times.
Lif and Thrasir's relationship is really cool, Alfonse gets some much needed development, Gustav's death was out of nowhere, and Eir is probably the best story integrated character we've gotten. Easily the best FeH story we've gotten and it isn't even close.
Book 5:
Book 5 is weaker than Book 3 but aside from the fact that Eitri was the villain and the lack of actual Jotnar significance, everything else was pretty good. Fafnir was a really good villain and he got slept on really bad. Otr was memeable but somewhat still memorable, and Reginn got some good character development. Only issue with this one is that there's very little development for our heroes.
B tier:
Book 1:
While the Book 1 story doesn't hold up really well by today's standards, it is the only one that did a good job at actually being a celebration of the series, mainly due to its map design. I'd dare anyone to actually give me a five chapter layout of any of the other story chapters out of books 2-8 and I guarantee you no one could do it because they're all so lackluster and mesh together too much. It may just have fanservice written all over it, but I'll take it over some of the others written below.
Book 2:
Book 2s biggest concern is that the story is fine, but it had too many issues going into the second half.
Loki is a wild card that to this day has never been answered, the plot twist of Surtr surviving the first assassination attempt was bullcrap, and Ylgr is honestly a poorly written plot device. The Muspell curse is brought up last minute and never addressed, and of course, there's the infamous "Coughing Fjorm" curse that never gets clarified. The first half is actually good writing though.
C tier:
Book 6:
This Book is genuinely boring. It has the same problems that Book 2 had with it having a solid first half but a terrible second half. The only issue is that this story was Askr v Embla Part 2 and not a different story altogether. While we actually get the gods of each kingdom this time around, Askr gets folded about 3 chapters in, Bruno dies too, and Ash isn't a good side character (Verbose the Character, talks too much and serves no purpose in the story).
D tier:
Book 4/Book 7:
Putting them both here since I think they serve the same purpose: being a wet dream for the Summoner.
Book 4 takes place within a dream world, which is more like a dream labyrinth, since you can easily get lost in the plot and not realize which world you're in, as if there are layers to this. All of which are never explained. The first half has a slow wind-up, and the second half does next to nothing. Let's also not forget that Freyr dies for basically no reason other than the fact that his death MIGHT cause Freyja to back off. Which it doesn't, since we technically kill him which incures the wrath of the Nightmare Goat. After Book 3, this was such a letdown.
As for Book 7, I shouldn't even rank because I got about halfway through it and then quit FeH altogether. Practically just having to deal with a second horny bait OC gimme unit was bad enough. Now I have to go through another first part slog. Didn't even reach the second half cause I was so bummed out. It was also around this point that the powercreep started to get out of hand, so I just dipped out once I saw how busted all these new, popular, but somehow not appealing units began to drop.
Unranked: Book 8
Never got around to playing Book 8, and judging by this ranking, I ain't missing much.
I really like your points and the list is almost identical to my personal ranking. My favorite is book 5 because I think Fafnir is an incredible villain and the steampunk aesthetic is peak for me. Book 3 is also up there for similar reasons.
I really liked the Xander Veronica thing, as one of the main things of the story, specially when in other books is still around with her.
Personally I can at least something of value from each book though if something has to be at the bottom it would probably be book 1 due to pacing or book 4 due to what it had to follow up to.
I wish I had a higher opinion on book 4 and book 3, but I started playing exactly when book 5 debuted so I think part of the enjoyment also comes by reading the story monthly little by little.
For me book 8 is my all time favorite, it was a bit rushed ngl, but I think the writers understood the format limitations and didn't wasted precious time in detailing how our heroes obtained the mcguffins and went for a more character driven approach making them feel alive which is rare for these OCs, Ratatoskr facing her father, Eik being sad by the harsh truth, Niohogger begging her father to make her forget, Hraesvger hurt by Ratatoskr betrayal, the weakest one was by far Heidrun but overall every character was memorable, nobody died true sure, but most OC deaths are pointless(Nott, Bruno anyone?) anyway so I don't really mind them giving Ratatoskr a happy ending.
My personal ranking is: 8>7>3>4>5>6>2>1
1:14:45 That pretty much the King, the visual looks more like French monarchy to me.
Justice for Fafnir!
Yooo this is hype! Book 8 better not get lower than an A for feh stories 😤😤
Book 4 was not S. You guys downplayed its flaws, you guys put down other books for failed plotlines and confusing plots. But Alfonse being dead plot twist didn't amount to anything and Sharena got sidelined as bad if not worse than the cow and bat.
Good to see you in action, RocketGal, i am very glad that you and your two other FEH teammates discussing books perspectives were really nice of you, the only reason is that i wish that it reversed to 2017, where FEH was very enjoyable game, but these days i miss a lot. But oh well, past is past staying focusing on the current system of FEH is the way being to be a good FEH enjoyable player, for my perspective. Not to mention, my favorite book was maybe Embla one. The music was great, and the gameplay was a little bit weird, but it was very enjoyable. Only for me, i didn't like book 5 the story was good but i think the story itself was too short. But overall it was a great storyline and gameplay wise, but it was not an awesome book for my personal opinion only.
Book 5 had one of the lowest points for FEH gameplay (Fedelgard release/PathfinderLSigurd AR-D), but I honestly really liked the story despite a lot of the OCs being poorly handled for the most part going forward to today even.
We are reaching 2025, and Reginn STILL doesn't have the sword Gramr. The weapon she wields in the trailers, briefly mentioned in the Book 5 story, and on the second half book icon. She was made to be a bit of a crybaby at first, but she really hasn't shaken it off even by the second to last TT+ story episode. She gets some random spear and a hot chocolate robot companion instead.
The true protagonist to Book 5 is apparently Dagr if we're to look at how IS has treated them. Very up front and center with directing the story since she got introduced, especially in the TT+, and she has more alts than anyone else.
Nött got sidelined into being a source of contention with the main group for a chapter in her chase after OtrMaster1's P2W guides. She then gets herself killed. Stuck as a backpack to her main protagonist sister outside of her base version.
Speaking of sidelined, the mythical OtrMaster1 himself was so poorly handled, people forget that he was actually the one who turned Fáfnir crazy with the crown because he got paranoid over his brother remembering his old life. He might love his brother more than Freyja does to hers. He also lied to Eitri about Reginn being the last living heir because he's just unhinged in general. He also gets himself killed by his obsession. No alts for such a mythical OC.
Fáfnir is an incredible example for a tragic villain. He's taken from his world and dropped on the side of the road by Eitri. He helps save the kingdom from the usurpers but gets betrayed by his own brother into going mad. The moment he finally becomes clairvoyant again is when he's about to die and finally remembers that he had a family in his previous world. He then just dies. And IS refuses to give us his base version even still.
Eitri is a unique antagonist figure up at that point. She wasn't acting like a child (Veronica), a pyromaniac murderer (Surtr), someone who gains amusement from chaos and deception (Loki) or force others into life and death battles (Thorr), or from unhealthy love for a family member (Freyja/Otr). She's a very cold yet passionate and logical-based person acting as a guardian for the kingdom, and the recent usurpers left the kingdom without any heirs of the original king. This had her turn to researching summoning as her primary priority at all costs leading to Fáfnir showing up as the only partial success. When she discovered Reginn's royal status later in the book, she immediately switched her priority to putting her on the throne. She also gave Otr the boot for being lied to over Reginn's bloodline. When Reginn put both Fáfnir down, after he killed Otr and Nött, and claimed control of the land, Eitri went back to her home in the forest. Only to be later killed because Edgy Alfonse and Crybaby Reginn put the blame of everything on her including the deaths of Nött, Fáfnir, and Otr when it was OtrMaster1 who manipulated everyone and caused Fáfnir to go mad from the start. She welcomed Reginn as a queen of the land and got a sword through her gut that we still haven't seen in game for over three years still. Still no Eitri alt either nor any appearance of her old self (Sindri) in the TT+ despite being teased so many times...
Pair all this with the resplendents being extremely few and favored to Jötunheimr (STILL no female Niđavellir resplendents like Reginn or Eitri but Jötunheimr ones get male versions on top of the female ones despite having no male Jötun in the book?) for what appears to be little care on IS' side for the book now that it's done. It's a shame really.
Still, it's been one of my favorite books so far despite the problems that propped up in the game at that time or in how much IS seems to neglect it compared to their star child known as Fjorm who cannot stop shoehorning herself into Forging Bonds and keep pretending that she was always friends with Laegjarn.
Oh, cool to see you do a tier list on the story chapters for FEH. And having two fellow FE RUclipsrs with you to discuss here.
I may have a feeling that this game may be coming to an end or something since it's been running for plenty of years. Either the next one will be the last or the 2nd to last book. We'll just see for ourselves.
Fantastic job on this video. Keep up the great work and take care.
Nah they still making really well as a gacha game so they probably have some years before even eos comes.
Oh Boy would I have been in here there would be outside of book I and III way more discussions that could have caused controversies haha.
But I am not, so I just post my short opinions of the books and how I would have ranked them.
Book I
Not really a story book for me, it was just like many things in the beginning of FEH, testing out what possible and waiting if the app will be a success or flop and of course I think way less investment than in later years when FEH actually ended as a success. Also more a bait of people with known characters and less a story that made sense. The story was basically, Askr good, Embla bad, opening and closing and a reason why there are heroes of other worlds: mainly the summoner and opening gates.
Book II
Yes it might be boring, but as the first real FEH-story attempt it was good imo, straight forward and not a lot of twists and turns, sure, but honestly it fulfilled the general Fire Emblem Plot with friendly Nation got invaded by evil big bad, good nation fights back, along the way is getting their godlike artefact or blessing and succeed at the end. And I think they did it well and it is, while boring maybe, probably the most polished and actually finished story line of any book we had. Also for a total of 9 new OCs, it personally had a lot of characters, that weren’t just „there“ or were completely poorly written unlike later book characters with way less characters. Fjorm was one of the few main OCs ACTUALLY doing something and ACTUALLY being the main characters of her story, she was very one-dimensional but at least did something. Laegjarn was probably had the best characterisation with kinda being the Camus archetype and they did it well. Laevatein was a loaf of bread, yeah, but her existence made Laegjarns sacrifice giving it a sense and meaning. Helbindi was looking evil, but is a softie in heart and Ylgr recognised that. Also he was forced to fight for Surtr otherwise his sister would have been killed - he found out that already happened and therefore freed Ylgr and Veronica and betrayed Surtr and fought against him. So Ylgr, also with the Loki-plot at least fulfilled a purpose. Even Gunnthrás Death was somewhat impactful. And Loki was a very mysterious character overall where you would want to know more about her. Well okay Surtr was just bad for being bad (despite probably being influenced by Múspell that is how we know by now a bratty teenager but yeah). Only character that doesn’t seem to fulfil any real purpose was and still is Hríd, but yeah. Overall I think it was good,
Book III
Best book. Hel was another evil for being evil big baddy, but as the goddess of death it kinda makes sense? Still remember that the reveal of Book III with jelly people and Death metal was mind-blowing and also that everybody has seen the plot twist coming, but still everyone was surprised about it haha. It was also the rise of Alfonse, rightfully so and the plot overall was just so different, but also so cool. And the story actually had something like an action curve, which many books are lacking imo. End was rushed, like in all books, so whatever. Eir has still my fav OV design ever, but I am sad, that she is still the main OC that never had the ability to truly shine, not even in her TT story where well Líf got the new Hero Type instead of Eir. I mean most main OCs after her were doing nothing and at least her character is not a over and over again copy of the previous one, but that she was a hostage and was doing more in the ending video than in the whole book was sad. But overall my favourite book still.
Book IV
For me outside of book I the worst book ever. It was just an drug race, acid trip and total mind fuck and also had the first death that had literally no meaning: Freyr, cause Freyja was already the big bad cause she loved her brother so much, who keeps her distant and after his death she went more insane but her motivation was still the same. Imagine that his impact killing Elimine two years later by him out of nowhere getting released as a mythic was bigger than in his actually book says a lot. I have to admit the „they were children with a bad fate before“ plot was cool and despite it was a hole mess, I appreciate that Freyja was not just evil bad but more of the „godly entity went insane“ trope, we also had with like Duma or Seiros/Rhea in actual fire emblem plots. Also it gave as probably the best OCs in terms of usability (Mythic Dancers with PRF Dances). But the characters mostly and the for the first time since Loki (where it makes sense) oversexualised designs? Phew. Freyja was alright, Triandra actually kinda good and Mirabilis at least is a mood, I can respect that, but Freyr was such a nothing, Plumeria was horny bait, cause she actually has nothing likeable about her imo and Peony, I probably get blacklisted by some FEHtubers, but she is so annoying and bad, I don’t know. I know it fits her role, but I think characters or people that are always happy, always positive, always „that ain’t that bad“ are just either too naive, or plainly fake, suspicious and not trustworthy for me. And Peony is exactly that. Can’t stand her. Especially her Attuned Forging bonds wanted me to grab her, shake her and scream into her face „Open your eyes, wake up girl, the world isn’t like that AH“.
On top of that they made a teaser that Sharena would be the relevant character of the book and at the end she wasn’t. They made a teaser that Sharena/Peony probably are the same person of have switched lives or whatever… and never ever a conclusion followed with that, they just left us there. And the „Alliance“ you mentioned… well actually it kinda was Frist and last mentioned at the end of that book. Wouldn’t be surprised if they also do exactly NOTHING with that lel.
(The other four are in the answer of this comment.)
Book V
Okay it finally brought out an amazing character again: Dagr, she was and still is amazing and was the light of that book. I think the story overall, especially around Fafnir wasn’t that bad and so next to Dagr also Fafnir was a good character, that we for whatever reason never really got after this, NY alt aside, which is kinda sad. But I don’t know why, you may call it plot twist, but I call they throw the story over board at the end of the book and created the worst written villains with Ótr and Eitri we have ever gotten in FEH yet (okay maybe Njödr is giving them a run for their money), cause their actions made no sense considering their motives and vice versa. I mean Ótr standing behind and loving his adopted brother Fafnir, but then supporting Eitri, which actively makes Fafnir insane and kills him? What? Also Eitri wanted to bring the royal line back and doing everything for her country/realm… while creating a fake king, that invades other countries and destroying Nidavellirs reputation and probably even destroying also a lot of Nidavellir itself? Yeah… makes absolutely no sense to me.
Also it is probably the book where the most OCs have died and not a single one, especially Nótts was pathetic, had any real impact or created any emotions from the player lel. Oh and Reginn, god was she a useless crybaby the whole time, but I guess understandable, still kinda annoying tho.
Book VI
I don’t know why you were all so low on this book, but after the messes that IV and V were I thought that was the first book that even came close to book III. First because it developed Alfonse further, a lot actually. It FINALLY developed Veronica’s character way further and it actually gave us probably the best characterised and also somewhat complex villain in Embla we have gotten so far and in a way that actually made sense. Sure Ash and Elm are whatever, I mean Elm suddenly vanished, everyone was believing he died somewhere without a special notice, just for him getting revealed as alive in a Forging Bonds say a lot about him, lol. And sure, after Askr and Embla take over, the Letizia plot suddenly seemed so meaningless, I would have wished a better connection and continuity there, but both parts on their own were fairly good I would say. But also Askrs dead sadly was somewhat meaningless. But overall great book imo.
It says a lot if Gullveig has won CyL because of the horny people and basically tits and snakes, cause we have known nothing about her at that point where she has won, just for her at the end of the story really turned out to be the best written and most interesting character of the book lol.
I confess I don’t like Yoshiku as a books lead artist, cause like Book IV mainly oversexualised designs, which I guess can fit to Vanaheimr, the realm of fertility actually, but EH. The story was better than IV, but also kinda a mindfuck and while I agree, that time travel plots can be extremely interesting, they are also the easiest to mess up and considering FEH‘s incredible story so far, it was kinda a given, that it would end to be kinda mess. In general I am also not that big of a fan of the characters and their designs. Also Njödr probably being the worst villain so far lol. Like I stated at the beginning, Gullveig actually ended up as the only really good written and interesting character of the book and that says a lot.
Finally I can agree with y’all again more. I think the book turned out to be somewhat solid, but only after the plot twist with Laeradrs children being dead and they are all basically revived puppets. Until then it basically was just like, person X was poisoned and then saved. Person Y, then person Z etc and also the protagonists seemed to have plot armor, cause while they were Personen it doesn’t really seemed to harm them lol.
But still I think it was overall solid, but also kinda „meaningless“ at the very end (cause the outcome of the book doesn’t changed anything really in comparison to what was before it happened) and had some boring/forgettable parts. Also kinda like Book IV with Sharena they made a teaser at the beginning that Henriette might would be finally relevant here, just for again doing basically absolutely nothing with it lol.
But I think at least the characters where alright and I mean after Book III we FINALLY got another male OC that actually did something for the plot AND survived, lol. Eik is just built different.
S-Tier: Book III > Book VI
A-Tier: Book II > Book VIII
B-Tier: Book V
C-Tier: Book VII > Book IV
D-Tier: Book I (or maybe not able to be ranked at all)
I do not accept this Ylgr slander 😭
This was so much fun and a bit nostalgic even though I usually rush a bit through the story. There is honestly no S tier story, they are simply not good enough.
Storywise I think book 6 was the most gripping story, where I was genuinely interested in some of the developments that happened and Asked and Embla being fun and interesting characters. It wasnt good all the way through but somewhat more consistent and had the best balance for me for having somewhat interesting characters and a plot not sleep inducing. Book 2 with Laegjarn and the bond she gets with Fjorm still holds a place for me. But yea, Surtr is besides an interesting character on the map nothing special storywise.
Book 7 had a very interesting concept and could have been so much more, but so poorly executed. And that one line, so cringe, really instantly undid everything they tried in the story. It was unfitting for FE as a whole and sadly expected but in a negative sense. I hope they won't do it so barely again.
All in all, Alfonse is carrying the bunch right at this moment with his character development. It won't carry the whole franchise or other characters but it is at least a light on the horizon. I sound overly negative maybe, and it does deserve it but I still like there is a story mode and it gives the game some more memorability and form. Otherwise it would just be a gacha game with characters from existing FE in it. Hopefully book 9 brings us something good. The writing has definitely improved, but the story concepts and progression is very lacking. Let's stay positive and see where it brings us.
My personal ranking from worst to best:
1. Book 3
2. Book 8
3. Book 6
4. Book 5
5. Book 2
6. Book 1
7. Book 4
8. Book 7
Also, I unironically adore the story of FEH. Shoot me.
Book 4 🤮
Gotta agree. Book 4 was genuinely a big step down after the colossus that was Book 3.
@@Oblivionknight Let Oblivion speak!! 🗣️
Although I did enjoy the characters the story was eh
Yeah I don't like it either. I wouldn't put it in S tier.
The Ash hate 👿
Eir? You mean Ariana Grande!
Everyone always shits on Seidr. Personally, I'm down for creating a child with her. In whichever way.
we got an oc tripping in book 9 except it's a boy lol
Book 5 and Book 7 are my least favorites for two different reasons:
Book 5 introduced some cool concepts and then dropped them like a sack of hot potato and it feels very forgettable.
Book 7 has the worst character design in all FEH and I'm including Book 9's futuristic military look. Genuinely terrible aesthetic, all the characters feel one note even more than usual, Njordr's evil plan was so dumb and nonsensical I didn't notice he died till the book ended. The one moment with Heidr asking to make a child with the summoner is so out of left field I still don't know what was the point of it.
It had a cool gimmick of the chapters being out of order and the whole "time travel to stop an op big bad" was a neat idea that fell through almost immediately.