I did indeed have a green 6 speed - which I had tweaked a tonne. But it was stolen along with my car. This is the replacement. I am not sure what I have saved in lbs. but the mechanic at our local Brompton dealer hefted it today and said, ‘Wow’.
@@raleighnut oh man that sucks sorry to hear! Hope the new P makes it less bad. I’ve been eyeing a Brompton for awhile now and your P with the upgrades look great!! Enjoy!
Very jealous! Did you have a Brompton before this? What’s the weight savings with the mods
I did indeed have a green 6 speed - which I had tweaked a tonne. But it was stolen along with my car. This is the replacement. I am not sure what I have saved in lbs. but the mechanic at our local Brompton dealer hefted it today and said, ‘Wow’.
@@raleighnut oh man that sucks sorry to hear! Hope the new P makes it less bad. I’ve been eyeing a Brompton for awhile now and your P with the upgrades look great!! Enjoy!