分段學習孫氏太極拳98式 (Sun Style Tai Chi 98 Steps)
- Опубликовано: 4 дек 2024
- 孫氏太極拳是武術百花園中的一朵艷麗的奇葩。 孫氏太極拳是中國近代著名武術家、一代宗師孫祿堂先生集形意、八卦、太極之大成,冶三家於一爐,所創立的優秀拳種之一。
孫氏太極拳 ,又稱「開合活步太極拳」,創始人為孫祿堂 。 孫祿堂名福全,字祿堂,生於1863年1月4日。 早年隨形意拳名家李魁元學習形意拳。 後經李魁元介紹,向其師郭雲深大師學習形意拳,長達八年。 隨八卦掌大師董海川弟子程廷華學習八卦掌。 其後因照顧病中的武禹襄傳人郝為真 ( 日語 : 郝為真 ) ,而蒙其傳授太極拳學。 孫祿堂將三者合而為一,自成一家,人稱孫氏太極拳。
1. 三拳合一孫氏太極拳融合了形意拳、八卦掌、太極拳的優點和性能。
2. 簡單平穩動作簡單,沒有下叉、翻滾跳躍、跺腳捯捶,動作平穩,易學。
3. 每逢轉身,多以開合手相接。
孫氏太極拳第二代掌門人孫劍雲老師 (1914-2003)全面繼承和發揚了先父、著名武術家孫祿堂宗師創立的孫氏太極拳。 孫劍雲老師七十多年來,守武德、遠名利、重潔行、自強不息,以其年近九旬的高齡奔走在長城內外、大江南北、桃李滿天下,熱心推廣中華武術和太極拳。
總之,孫氏太極拳是武術的一種柔和、緩慢、輕靈的高級拳術,具有防身、健身、養生、修身的作用。 孫氏太極拳把形體運動與意念活動相結合,以意念導引形體運動,導引氣血運轉,達到形神兼備、精神與形體雙重的修煉,可以使習練者祛病延年、健康長壽!孫劍雲老師能夠活到90歲,絕非偶然。
Thank you for posting this it is wonderful!
I started practicing Silat and Escrima in 1993. In 2008 I switched to Tai Chi. I drank a lot of Water and found the Tao about 5 or 6 years ago, and I no longer practice fighting. I just meditate.
1:01 第一段招式名稱
2:39 第二段招式名稱
6:27 第三段招式名稱
8:37 第四段招式名稱(一點按影片時間標註的數字可立即連結影像播放 在做標註時要注意數字前後都要留空白)
Thank you for your work which is very useful to beginners!
It's great, I like this video.
I have already completed the English translation of the 98 steps with reference to the work of the masters. Please check my most updated message posted on 20 July 2021!
一 直立,全身放鬆,頂頭懸,腳踭拼攏,兩腳外攞成90度。
二 左腳向左前方邁出半步,腳尖輕觸地上,同時 身體下坐,屈膝,至右膝達右腳尖上方(膝不過尖)。
三 盡量保持 後枕,臀部,及右腳踭成一直線,垂直於地面。
四 兩手上提,左前右後,沉肘,五指自然張開,掌心微窩,坐腕,成前推後拉之意,用力時呼氣,放鬆時吸氣。
Muchas gracias Erik muy interesante
I have already completed the English translation of the 98 steps with reference to the work of the masters. Please check my most updated message posted on 20 July 2021!
Chinese and English Subtitles of 《孫式太極拳》傳統套路98式_Sun Style Tai Chi Traditional 98 Steps:
There are Six Parts with Chinese & English Subtitles. My English translation is completed at my best efforts. If there is any error, please forgive my lack of knowledge.
第一段 (Part 1)
1. 無極式
1. Preparation, stop thinking
2. 太極式
2. Ready to enter into Tai Chi mode
3. 起式
3. Beginning posture
4. 懶扎衣
4. Too lazy to tie my long gown
5. 開手
5. Opening hands
6. 合手
6. Closing hands
7. 單鞭
7. Single whip
8. 提手上式
8. Raise hands
9. 白鶴亮翅
9. White crane shows its wings
10. 開手
10. Opening hands
11. 合手
11. Closing hands
12. 摟膝拗步(左式)
12. Brush past your left knee in a crossed stance, Left
13. 手揮琵琶(左式)
13. Left play the lute
14. 進步搬攔捶
14. Advance, parrying block, and punch
15. 如封似閉
15. Block and close up
第二段 (Part 2)
16. 抱虎推山
16. Push the mountain
17. 開手(右轉)
17. Opening hands (turning to the right)
18. 合手
18. Closing hands
19. 摟膝拗步
19. Brush past your left knee in a crossed stance
20. 懶扎衣
20. Too lazy to tie my long gown
21. 開手
21. Opening hands
22. 合手
22. Closing hands
23. 單鞭
23. Single whip
24. 肘下看捶
24. Fist under elbow
25. 倒攆猴 (4)
25. Moving like monkey (4)
26. 手揮琵琶(右式)
26. Right play the lute
27. 白鶴亮翅
27. White crane shows its wings
28. 開手
28. Opening hands
29. 合手
29. Closing hands
30. 摟膝拗步(左式)
30. Brush past your left knee in a crossed stance, Left
31. 手揮琵琶(左式)
31. Left play the lute
32. 三通背
32. Fan through back
33. 懶扎衣
33. Too lazy to tie my long gown
34. 開手
34. Opening hands
35. 合手
35. Closing hands
第三段 (Part 3)
36 單鞭
36. Single whip
37. 雲手
37. Waving hands like clouds
38. 高探馬
38. High pat on horse
39. 右起腳
39. Right foot kick
40. 左起腳
40. Left foot kick
41. 轉身左蹬腳
41. Turn body, kick with left heel
42. 踐步打捶
42. Step forward and punch down
43. 翻身右起腳
43. Turn body, slap the right foot
44. 披身伏虎
44. Subdue the tiger
45. 左踢腳
45. Left kick
46. 轉身右蹬腳
46. Turn body, kick with right heel
47. 上步搬攔捶
47. Step forward, parrying block, punch
48. 如封似閉
48. Block and close up
第四段 (Part 4)
49. 抱虎推山
49. Push the mountain
50. 開手(右轉)
50. Opening hands (turning to the Right)
51. 合手
51. Closing hands
52. 摟膝拗步
52. Brush past your left knee in a crossed stance, Right
53. 懶扎衣
53. Too lazy to tie my long gown
54. 開手
54. Opening hands
55. 合手
55. Closing hands
56. 斜單鞭
56. Diagonal single whip
57. 野馬分鬃
57. Parting the horse's mane
58. 懶扎衣
58. Too lazy to tie my long gown
59. 開手(左轉)
59. Opening hands
60. 合手
60. Closing hands
第五般 (Part 5)
61. 單鞭
61. Single whip
62. 右通背掌
62. Right through-the-back palm
63. 玉女穿梭
63. Maiden sends the shuttle through
64. 懶扎衣
64. Too lazy to tie my long gown
65. 開手
65. Opening hands
66. 合手
66. Closing hands
67. 單鞭
67. Single whip
68. 雲手 (向左走)
68. Waving hands like clouds (moving left)
69. 雲手下勢
69. Lowering from cloudy hands
70. 金雞獨立
70. Rooster stands on one leg
71. 倒攆猴
71. Moving like money
72. 手揮琵琶(右式)
72. Right play the lute
73. 白鶴亮翅
73. White crane shows its wings
74. 開手
74. Opening hands
75. 合手
75. Closing hands
76. 摟膝拗步
76. Brush past your left knee in a crossed stance
77. 手揮琵琶
77. Left play the lute
78. 三通背
78. Fan through back
79. 懶扎衣
79. Too lazy to tie my long gown
80. 開手
80. Opening hands
81. 合手
81. Closing hands
第六段 (Part 6)
82. 單鞭
82. Single whip
83. 雲手
83. Waving hands like clouds, moving to left
84. 高探馬
84. High pat on horse
85. 十字擺蓮
85. Crossed-body swinging lotus kick
86. 進步指𦡁捶
86. Advance, punch to the crotch
87. 退步懶扎衣
87. Retreat, too lazy to tie my long gown
88. 開手
88. Opening hands
89. 合手
89. Closing hands
90. 單鞭
90. Single whip
91. 單鞭下勢
91. Single whip to low level
92. 上步七星
92. Step forward, cross-hand posture
93. 退步跨虎
93. Step back, sitting-tiger posture
94. 轉角擺蓮
94. Turn-to-the-corner swinging lotus kick
95. 彎弓射虎
95. Bend the bow, shoot the tiger
96. 雙撞捶
96. Punch with both fists
97. 陰陽混一
97. Passive & active merge into one
98. 無極還原式
98. Finishing posture
Un estilo muy bonito por estos lados no es muy conocido está más difundido el estilo Yan,le veo movimientos de mi estilo que es Chen y del estilo Yan, gran aporte este video un abrazo desde Colombia.
I have already completed the English translation of the 98 steps with reference to the work of the masters. Please check my most updated message posted on 20 July 2021!
Es YANG...no Yan!!
This is a beautiful presentation. Is it possible to get the list of postures in Engish?
I will try to get the English translation first. It will be a great contribution to foreigners.
I have already completed the English translation of the 98 steps with reference to the work of the masters. Please check my most updated message posted on 20 July 2021!
nice music
Can we get it with English subtitles.
I will try to get the English translation first. It will be a great contribution to foreigners.
I have already completed the English translation of the 98 steps with reference to the work of the masters. Please check my most updated message posted on 20 July 2021!
Very good
I see that, Sun style uses Xingyi postures during the routine. I heard that, it has a mix of Bagua but, didn't identify the moves from Baguazhang. Either it's the turning moves or something else. Amazing style and routine.:)
I think the easiest place to see the bagua is in part three "fair maiden..." Ala 4 corners👍
What duration is part three at? :)
Forward to 13:55👍
Thank you.:)
I have already completed the English translation of the 98 steps with reference to the work of the masters. Please check my most updated message posted on 20 July 2021!
打得還算工整 !!!