Bcoz that's the land predestined for the coming of Messiah and the anti messiah... The land promised to the seeds of Abraham... The land which will again prove the existence of God and will reveal who are in the true path. All the denial, confusion and war will be done and gone... May God protect us from the trail and tribulation of the time....
Yes you are right even if we are Muslims this is right Allah (the greatest) told us to do this me as an Arabic person I have heard the “Azahar” says that we shouldn’t reveal the face of our prophets and Jesus is a prophet even in kids stories what do they do ? They put light instead of a face so you are right brother
You are correct. Those evangilical christian already saw the false image of Isa/Jesus a.s. in their dream. If we obsess with the image or something, higher probability we will see it in the dream. We all already experience that situation when we always thinking about something 🤣
it is not a real picture dude, stop being so petty - intent and the information is being more important than some imaginary thoughts that is never materilised
It is strange that the Jews left no stone turned to harm Jesus till he was amongst them and they deny that he was a prophet, really one wonders on the thinking and actions of the Christians.
10 Muslim Misconceptions About Jesus Contrary to the Bible, Muslims view Jesus as one of their own prophets, though they do believe in his virgin birth, his God-given title of Messiah, his many miracles, his rejection by the Jews, his ascension into heaven, and his second coming. However, without knowing the Bible, Muslims do not understand how all of these things fit together. Please feel free to forward this to your Muslim friends to encourage discussions about the historical Jesus, as taught in the Bible. 1. The name "Isa" isn't correct. "Esau" was a different biblical character whose name means "hairy" (Ge 25:25). In the Old Testament, the name of God is Yahweh, and the name of Jesus is the Greek form of "Yeshua", which means "Yahweh alone is Savior". This is the name announced by the angel Gabriel, because "He will save his people from their sins." (Mt 1:21) 2. "Christ" (in the Greek) or "Messiah" means "Anointed One of Yahweh", the title given to the descendant of King David who would rule over Israel and the entire earth forever (Ps 2, Isa 9:7). Not surprisingly, many Old Testament descriptions of this figure are God-like. What is even more surprising, however, are the prophecies that state that the Messiah would be rejected and killed by his own people (Isa 53), yet somehow because of this, all nations on earth would turn to Yahweh and worship him (Ps 22:27, Isa 49:6-7). 3. The prophet Isaiah prophesied 700 years earlier that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isa 7:14). This ancient prophecy also stated that another name of his would be "Emmanuel", which means "God with us" (Mt 1:22-23). The virgin birth is the fulfillment of an even older prophecy given to Eve, right at the outset of humanity, that one day the "Seed of the Woman" would triumph over Satan (Ge 3:15). Jesus is not the Son of God because of the virgin birth (since God can create anything out of nothing). However, the virgin birth is one of many signs that point to Jesus' unique status as Son of God. 4. Jesus performed more amazing miracles than anyone. Sight to the blind (Jn 9), speech to the mute (Mk 7:35), and strength to the lame (Jn 5) were all special signs of the Messianic Age (Isa 35:5-6, Lk 7:22). God alone is the one who grants these powers to mankind (Ex 4:11). Jesus also befriended the despised and downtrodden (Mk 2:17), cured diseases (Lk 8:44), and released people from demonic possession (Mk 5:1-20), demonstrating that he was not just the King of Israel, but also the Great Physician and restorer of all broken humanity. Finally, Jesus could also raise the dead (Jn 11), forgive sins (Mk 2:10-11), and control nature with a mere word (Mk 4:35), things that only God can do. 5. Christians did not make Jesus a partner of God. He always WAS God and IS God (Jn 1:1). Christians agree unreservedly with Muslims that God is one (Mk 12:29, Dt 6:4), unique and unlike anyone or anything else in creation. He is beyond human senses and human comprehension, and even the angels cannot fully bear his sight (Isa 6:2). However, because of his great love for us, God has revealed himself in ways that humans could understand (theophanies), and many of these special occasions have been recorded in the Bible. When God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush (Ex 3), he was truly present in the bush and speaking directly to Moses. The bush was not "God's partner" nor was Moses worshipping a bush. Every time God manifests himself in the physical realm it is through the Word (Jn 1:18, Heb 1:3). God created the universe through his Word (Jn 1:3). The life of Jesus was the most complete revelation of God ever. Not just his words, but his entire human life was an exact representation of the divine character (Jn 1:14, Heb 1:3). This is why the disciple John calls Jesus the "Word of God". 6. As God, Jesus was the only human to ever to live a morally perfect life (2 Cor 5:21). Every word and action exactly displayed the perfect character of God (Jn 14:9-10). Unlike Muslims, Christians and Jews learn from the Bible that the prophets were human, just like us, and fallible. King David committed adultery (2 Sam 11), and Solomon's many wives led him into idolatry (1 Ki 11). While you may have not committed either of these particular sins, any hateful word, lustful look, or broken promise still falls far short of the perfection of God (Mt 5). God’s punishment for sin is death (Rom 6:23, Eze 18:20), so no human being could bear the sins of another, much less even his own. However, as the only one who could bear our sins, Jesus willingly offered his life as a sacrifice for us (John 10:18, Romans 3:25). In this way, God demonstrates both his justice (by exacting the punishment for sin) and mercy (by forgiving us and taking upon himself the consequences of our sin). 7. As the only divine human being, Jesus did not lord his special status over other human beings. He came not to be served, but to serve (Mk 10:45). He washed his disciples' feet, despite their objections (Jn 13:8). He never used his divine power to make his own life easier, as his greatest enemy, Satan, tempted him to do (Mt 4:1-11). Rather, he used his authority to demonstrate his true identity to his disciples and to lift the burdens of others (Mt 8:17). As a perfect human, Jesus also prayed and did everything in complete submission to the Father (Jn 17). Muslims are always fond to point out that Jesus stated that the Son can do nothing by himself and that he can only do what his Father shows him. However, Jesus immediately goes on to state that the Father does NOTHING WITHOUT THE SON (Jn 5:19). Father, Son, and Spirit are always united in thought and action (Ge 1:1-3, Jn 14). As human beings, we are not always in control of our mind or body, but God is always unified in his complete being, though this remains beyond our comprehension. 8. Jesus repeatedly told his disciples that his purpose was to die as a sacrifice for our sins (Mk 10:45). When his disciples objected to this, he rebuked them in the strongest possible terms (Mt 16:23). He challenged his disciples to follow him to his death (Mt 16:24). The Last Supper, beautifully portrayed by Leonardo da Vinci, shows the most solemn and important ceremony instituted by Jesus, in which Christians regularly commemorate his death by eating bread (his "body") and drinking wine (his "blood")(Lk 22:19-20). The original Last Supper was a celebration of the Jewish Passover (Lk 22:8), which commemorates God's deliverance from Egypt and the birth of the nation of Israel (Ex 12). In it, a lamb is slaughtered, and the firstborn sons of Israel were spared from the angel of death if the doorposts of their house were covered by the blood of the lamb. It is no accident that Jesus died during the Passover feast, which is why he is called the "Lamb of God" (Jn 1:29). There is no confusion over the death of Jesus. He was condemned to death in a public trial before Pontius Pilate (Mk 15). He was nailed to the cross by the Romans and spoke to his mother and his disciples from the cross (Jn 19:26). During the torture of crucifixion, you need to flex and extend your legs just to breathe, but Jesus died and was no longer moving his legs, so everyone knew he was dead. They did not have to break his legs to stop his breathing (Jn 19:33). This also explains why the ancient Israelites were not allowed to break any of the bones of the Passover lamb (Ex 12:46). God is not a God of deception. If he had chosen to vindicate his servant by miraculously saving him, he would have made this clear to everyone including his enemies and his followers. Instead, history unambiguously records that Jesus truly died. 9. But God did vindicate his servant by raising him from the dead. After Jesus had completed all of his work, he fully rested on the Sabbath. He was then raised to life on the first day of the week, which is why Christians worship on Sunday. He showed his pierced hands to prove that it was truly him in the flesh (Jn 20:27) and that he had the authority to lay down his life and take it up again (Jn 10:18). Jesus spoke, walked, and ate with his disciples over a period of 40 days (Acts 1:3). After 40 days, he ascended into heaven, promising to return again (Acts 1:11). When he returns, it will not be as a suffering servant but as the everlasting king of kings. All human beings are faced with the question of whether there is life after death. The Resurrection answers this question with an emphatic yes! Jesus promised that if we follow him, we will be raised just like him (Jn 11:25). 10. The Injil, that is, Gospel or "Good News", about Jesus is for all nations. Jesus said that he was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel because he was their king, and it was his mission to suffer and die for them. However, Jesus taught his disciples to proclaim his death and resurrection and to make disciples of all nations (1 Cor 11:26, Acts 1:8, Mt 28:16-20). He charged his disciples with preserving the truth of the gospel and protecting it from false teachers and false prophets (Mt 7:15-20, Mt 24:23-26). He also promised that the Holy Spirit would give them the words to say (Lk 24:15, Jn 14:26, Acts 1:8), so that their words would be the very words of God. Jesus’ disciples recorded his teachings and his life story for all time (Lk 1:1-4, Jn 20:31), and we have their testimony preserved in the New Testament. In his great mercy, God made Jesus not only the Savior of Israel, but also the great hope of the entire world, just as he promised through the Scriptures. Will you believe the Good News and follow Jesus the Messiah as Lord and Savior? (Please read around the Scripture references to confirm that everything I have said is true. You will also find many other convincing proofs that the Gospel is real!)
@@peterhwang1860 Delusional, you will not be forgiven for the sins you commit, just because you believe Jesus was ''crucified''. The Catholic church recognized Israel in 1993 and still supports Palestinian demands for a homeland. BTW over 25,000 Christians are converting to Islam ANUALLY, in the U.S. , many more have converted in UK, France and the rest of Europe. Only those would be enlightened, who get the Almighty's blessings and guidance.
JazakumAllah Khair for the effort. However, why not translate when the sheikh uses Arabic words like "aqidah", "iman", "firqah", "izzah", "yaqeen" etc. so as to make it easier for nonmuslims and even non-Arab Muslims who aren't familiar with those words to understand? Kindly consider this suggestion.
Short answer : same reason they loved the Apartheid South Africa, they support and encourage regimes that practice segregation. For them it is a sign of civilization.
some of them believe that people are not equal to them, they are the purest and closest to God.. Paradise is only for them, other races are not far away from animals, and most of them believe that when their false Christ arrives they will make other rases as their slaves
Name one Muslim nation that would allow 3000 missiles to be fired at their people, think about how America would respond to just 1 missile being fired at them....
@@MenelikWIns Those "missiles" you write write about are glorified fireworks/rockets. As was heavily complained about from the zionists last month, they scared their pet dogs and caused emotional stress 😢. The zionists have been murdering Palestinians (who are Muslim & Christians) for the past 70 years.
Because your fake prophet knew the true Jewish prophecies because he learned them from his Jewish friend. Then he wrote this bla bla bla of not accepting the Mashiach when he will come because he himself knew that G-d never broke his word and was and will keep being true to the Jewish people and will send us the Mashiach.
@@roigedalia4532 There were no Christian or Jewish tribes in Makkah. The knowledge of the previous prophets ect came straight from the Prophet. (this was impossible for him to have known) And even if you still disagree, he certainly wasn't a Jewish Scholar, who would be able to study this sort of thing. And if he was a false prophet, don't you wonder why the Jews were in Medina at all?
@@abelievereverrising283, so Ka'b wasn't a friend of Muhammad? Wasn't Ka'b between those who even entered in Jerusalem together with Omar ibn Kathab? Ka'b was a Jew and he is the one that explained to Muhammad the concept of the Mashiach in the Jewish scripture. Knowing the concept Muhammad then wrote that the Jews will accept the Mashiach when he will come to us. So Muhammad made no prophecy at all regarding this matter, he just re-wrote what the Jewish prophets said.
@@roigedalia4532 80% of tye prophecies of tye quran are unique and never ever mentioned in any other book . For example : the neutreon stars discovered by the USA at the near end of the cold war Was mentioned by the quran centuries ago . Can you find neutreon stars in any other holy book ? Ofcourse not .
{for those who asked for evidences its at the end of this comment} It's mind blowing how blind followers are still refusing warnings against yasser Qadhi & still sharing his videos even after he encouraged sufi polytheism (calling upon other than Allah) & published doubts about the preservation of the Qur'an. Watch some of yassir heresies ruclips.net/video/39w6g_Bf_UI/видео.html
An excellent explanation and the illustrations are superb. This concise, insightful and informed differentiation between the faith based issue of the ancient Jews and the political dispensation of the Romans, would have served humankind well over the last 2,000 years. Regrettably for the Zionazis, piousness involves being kind and just to other people, not stealing their land, not massacring them, not brutalising and humiliating them at every turn. The ultra-Orthodox Jews have an entirely different interpretation of the scriptures and stand for a Free Palestine along with those of us, religious or secular, who have joined the Palestinian Struggle.
Just feeling compelled to respond, though its been 11 months. I just came here today. What you said makes perfect sense to me. I wonder why people can accept an interpretation which makes God so divisive. That God would promise a physical reward (land) to a group of people regardless of what they do to uphold that reward (land). And more, that they are promised of an eternal reward! Heck there is no limit to what they can/need to do - steal/massacre/brutalising/humiliating/lying. As long as they do it to uphold that promise, they are rewarded; not judged accordingly. Seems an ultra divisive God of hatred, of selfishness, not of Love and Care. What a corruption of 'God'. Of piety. Unbelievable. Good to know that not all Jews are the same. Ultimately, however, it seems to me, the idea of this 'Messiah' itself is the most divisive yet. Muslims, Christians and Jews all wait for the messiah who, in the end, is limited to its own community. Worse, one who will destroy the others. Again, through whatever violence and death. And the winner, in any way, is rewarded eternally. Is this really God's plan? I am deeply pessimistic.
@@Rohan-hdjdj brother , our religion do not promote hatredness..don’t believe what u heard ...believe what u know ,.or at least try to know .. so that may change your attitude towards Islam..insha allah ..may allah guide you
@@samuuluinavucu1246 brother ..I didn’t even mentioned about wars here ...?! Did I ..?! And brother Israel - Palestine started in 1940 ‘s then how can my prophet could win the war that time .?! Learn history ..even Spain was a Muslim country for 400 years ..
Fyi Allah send to them 4 thousand prophet as reminder to them but only small group of them followed most disobey..their last call only al quran and jesus/isa.
@@gatomecanico306 not admissible in any court of law. Why did the jew beg for a place when they were kicked out of Germany. Palestinian people were merciful and kind allowed them to stay.
The world changes every second, humanity never. God has always been with us in the form of life. Religions and sacred books are simple an interpretation of a feeling, nothing more..
Wow what a good explanation first class didactic . Towards the middle it gets overload a flash back to the begging quickly for brief review of events and then continuing on would be more perfect but with you tube back function it’s no big deal. You get A+ as a teacher. Thankyou
Thank you, for this informative video. I would like to point two things out: 1. Many evangelicals believe that the Jews also have to accept the Christian faith in order for Jesus to come back. Basically a revelation among to Jews is considered a sign of Jesus’ coming. So it’s not exactly correct to say, that they want them to die. Furthermore, they don’t generally want them to die, but it’s just a consequence from not accepting Jesus. I personally don’t support this believe system and I think that christian Zionism is also a form of antisemitism, but I still want to correct this statement. 2. I think the title of the video, which mentions “the West” is kind of misleading. When talking of “the West” Europe is definitely included and I would also agree that most European counties support Israel, but not because of Christian Zionism, but rather for other more political reasons, which were not mentioned. In general the evangelical Christians are a minority in Europe and amongst them you can find only few which are as extreme as in the US.
What I understood is that Christians who have a Zionist ideology believe that the Jews must be helped to reach the Holy Land, even at the expense of the weak Palestinians. This shows the extent of their uncleanness and that they do not even care about the human being, in any case, according to their claim, if all the Jews gather there, Jesus will come and then he will come to them, and if they do not believe in him, he will throw them into the lake of fire.
Hello all. So I am a former Christian, turned muslim. My knowledge of the Quran is lacking if I am being honest. However that is not the case when it comes to the Christian BIBLE. Thus I will speak from the perspective of someone raised In that religion. The poster of this video has some serious misconceptions and misunderstandings of the Bible and what it states about the end times. I don't mind these sorts of videos that engage of theological debates. However it's important to accurately portray both sides. Evangelicals , baptists , pentecostals, the shared belief is that the Jews are the chosen people of God and that thus the land belongs to them. The idea that Christians want them dead is incorrect and I am curious what sources led him to this conclusion . Ask any Christian and the belief is that Jews will be delivered . The Bible specifically states that Banu Israel will not be destroyed , but will survive even tho all of her enemies will surround her. It is correct that many protestants support Israel because of the prophecy concerning the end times. However keep in mind this spans multiple books, and details are spread out. Obviously, as I'm a muslim now I do not believe in the Christian narrative, however, it is important to represent people in an accurate and unbiased way, especially when having theological debates. Take care all 🙂
Also, please note not all protestants believe the same thing and have the same interpretations of the texts. Perhaps there are some who share the beliefs that's been stated. However , large in part, from my experience from when I was Christian, that was not a commonly held Christian view.
A good chunk of Baptists don't believe the Jews are Gods chosen people. I have talked to many who are nonZionist and believe Jews are going to hell. Or have little interest in the state of Israel.
How is it an Apartheid when a muslim party is part of the Israeli government ? When Arabs are judges, serve in the Army , join the police, go to university and work alongside Jews ? How many Jewish partys are currently part of any Arab government ? Arabs with an israeli citizenships have more rights than any arab in the middle east. It is a fact .
If 20% of the Israel population is Arab, then 20% of the Palestine population should be Jewish... If Palestine refuses to have Jewish people in their future country, then they and only they are racist Apartheids
It is true that the Messiah in Jewish thought will be a king, but he will also be a spiritual leader, and with his new rule peace shall reside in the world , no more blood shed, and all people will be united in the belief in one benevolent god. The spiritual center in Jerusalem will be the place of worship for all religions
You should change title to be something like, why evangelicals support Israel. This way, people who are Catholic or Conservative don't feel bad. Overall, a very good presentation of content 👌
Hey it can't be just evangelicals.. I don't mean to say that the whole west or Christianity. Of course I am aware of the many righteous people there. But I think there's gotta be more. How can a single community which is neither too big to sway elections (by their vote) nor appear financially powerful enough to influence American foreign policy for middle East so much.. Or may be I couldn't find enough about em. There's gotta be more..
You need to deal with the reality of Israel and the atrocities you are willing to commit to drive out 8 million Israeli's from their home. Jerusalem is the holiest site to Jews and Christians, not 3rd. You should respect that.
@@legandarymasterrevan This is 100% true. Anyone that knows the struggle Israel has faced to survive should support Israel. They didn't steal anything and nobody fought for them.
10 Muslim Misconceptions About Jesus Contrary to the Bible, Muslims view Jesus as one of their own prophets, though they do believe in his virgin birth, his God-given title of Messiah, his many miracles, his rejection by the Jews, his ascension into heaven, and his second coming. However, without knowing the Bible, Muslims do not understand how all of these things fit together. Please feel free to forward this to your Muslim friends to encourage discussions about the historical Jesus, as taught in the Bible. 1. The name "Isa" isn't correct. "Esau" was a different biblical character whose name means "hairy" (Ge 25:25). In the Old Testament, the name of God is Yahweh, and the name of Jesus is the Greek form of "Yeshua", which means "Yahweh alone is Savior". This is the name announced by the angel Gabriel, because "He will save his people from their sins." (Mt 1:21) 2. "Christ" (in the Greek) or "Messiah" means "Anointed One of Yahweh", the title given to the descendant of King David who would rule over Israel and the entire earth forever (Ps 2, Isa 9:7). Not surprisingly, many Old Testament descriptions of this figure are God-like. What is even more surprising, however, are the prophecies that state that the Messiah would be rejected and killed by his own people (Isa 53), yet somehow because of this, all nations on earth would turn to Yahweh and worship him (Ps 22:27, Isa 49:6-7). 3. The prophet Isaiah prophesied 700 years earlier that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isa 7:14). This ancient prophecy also stated that another name of his would be "Emmanuel", which means "God with us" (Mt 1:22-23). The virgin birth is the fulfillment of an even older prophecy given to Eve, right at the outset of humanity, that one day the "Seed of the Woman" would triumph over Satan (Ge 3:15). Jesus is not the Son of God because of the virgin birth (since God can create anything out of nothing). However, the virgin birth is one of many signs that point to Jesus' unique status as Son of God. 4. Jesus performed more amazing miracles than anyone. Sight to the blind (Jn 9), speech to the mute (Mk 7:35), and strength to the lame (Jn 5) were all special signs of the Messianic Age (Isa 35:5-6, Lk 7:22). God alone is the one who grants these powers to mankind (Ex 4:11). Jesus also befriended the despised and downtrodden (Mk 2:17), cured diseases (Lk 8:44), and released people from demonic possession (Mk 5:1-20), demonstrating that he was not just the King of Israel, but also the Great Physician and restorer of all broken humanity. Finally, Jesus could also raise the dead (Jn 11), forgive sins (Mk 2:10-11), and control nature with a mere word (Mk 4:35), things that only God can do. 5. Christians did not make Jesus a partner of God. He always WAS God and IS God (Jn 1:1). Christians agree unreservedly with Muslims that God is one (Mk 12:29, Dt 6:4), unique and unlike anyone or anything else in creation. He is beyond human senses and human comprehension, and even the angels cannot fully bear his sight (Isa 6:2). However, because of his great love for us, God has revealed himself in ways that humans could understand (theophanies), and many of these special occasions have been recorded in the Bible. When God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush (Ex 3), he was truly present in the bush and speaking directly to Moses. The bush was not "God's partner" nor was Moses worshipping a bush. Every time God manifests himself in the physical realm it is through the Word (Jn 1:18, Heb 1:3). God created the universe through his Word (Jn 1:3). The life of Jesus was the most complete revelation of God ever. Not just his words, but his entire human life was an exact representation of the divine character (Jn 1:14, Heb 1:3). This is why the disciple John calls Jesus the "Word of God". 6. As God, Jesus was the only human to ever to live a morally perfect life (2 Cor 5:21). Every word and action exactly displayed the perfect character of God (Jn 14:9-10). Unlike Muslims, Christians and Jews learn from the Bible that the prophets were human, just like us, and fallible. King David committed adultery (2 Sam 11), and Solomon's many wives led him into idolatry (1 Ki 11). While you may have not committed either of these particular sins, any hateful word, lustful look, or broken promise still falls far short of the perfection of God (Mt 5). God’s punishment for sin is death (Rom 6:23, Eze 18:20), so no human being could bear the sins of another, much less even his own. However, as the only one who could bear our sins, Jesus willingly offered his life as a sacrifice for us (John 10:18, Romans 3:25). In this way, God demonstrates both his justice (by exacting the punishment for sin) and mercy (by forgiving us and taking upon himself the consequences of our sin). 7. As the only divine human being, Jesus did not lord his special status over other human beings. He came not to be served, but to serve (Mk 10:45). He washed his disciples' feet, despite their objections (Jn 13:8). He never used his divine power to make his own life easier, as his greatest enemy, Satan, tempted him to do (Mt 4:1-11). Rather, he used his authority to demonstrate his true identity to his disciples and to lift the burdens of others (Mt 8:17). As a perfect human, Jesus also prayed and did everything in complete submission to the Father (Jn 17). Muslims are always fond to point out that Jesus stated that the Son can do nothing by himself and that he can only do what his Father shows him. However, Jesus immediately goes on to state that the Father does NOTHING WITHOUT THE SON (Jn 5:19). Father, Son, and Spirit are always united in thought and action (Ge 1:1-3, Jn 14). As human beings, we are not always in control of our mind or body, but God is always unified in his complete being, though this remains beyond our comprehension. 8. Jesus repeatedly told his disciples that his purpose was to die as a sacrifice for our sins (Mk 10:45). When his disciples objected to this, he rebuked them in the strongest possible terms (Mt 16:23). He challenged his disciples to follow him to his death (Mt 16:24). The Last Supper, beautifully portrayed by Leonardo da Vinci, shows the most solemn and important ceremony instituted by Jesus, in which Christians regularly commemorate his death by eating bread (his "body") and drinking wine (his "blood")(Lk 22:19-20). The original Last Supper was a celebration of the Jewish Passover (Lk 22:8), which commemorates God's deliverance from Egypt and the birth of the nation of Israel (Ex 12). In it, a lamb is slaughtered, and the firstborn sons of Israel were spared from the angel of death if the doorposts of their house were covered by the blood of the lamb. It is no accident that Jesus died during the Passover feast, which is why he is called the "Lamb of God" (Jn 1:29). There is no confusion over the death of Jesus. He was condemned to death in a public trial before Pontius Pilate (Mk 15). He was nailed to the cross by the Romans and spoke to his mother and his disciples from the cross (Jn 19:26). During the torture of crucifixion, you need to flex and extend your legs just to breathe, but Jesus died and was no longer moving his legs, so everyone knew he was dead. They did not have to break his legs to stop his breathing (Jn 19:33). This also explains why the ancient Israelites were not allowed to break any of the bones of the Passover lamb (Ex 12:46). God is not a God of deception. If he had chosen to vindicate his servant by miraculously saving him, he would have made this clear to everyone including his enemies and his followers. Instead, history unambiguously records that Jesus truly died. 9. But God did vindicate his servant by raising him from the dead. After Jesus had completed all of his work, he fully rested on the Sabbath. He was then raised to life on the first day of the week, which is why Christians worship on Sunday. He showed his pierced hands to prove that it was truly him in the flesh (Jn 20:27) and that he had the authority to lay down his life and take it up again (Jn 10:18). Jesus spoke, walked, and ate with his disciples over a period of 40 days (Acts 1:3). After 40 days, he ascended into heaven, promising to return again (Acts 1:11). When he returns, it will not be as a suffering servant but as the everlasting king of kings. All human beings are faced with the question of whether there is life after death. The Resurrection answers this question with an emphatic yes! Jesus promised that if we follow him, we will be raised just like him (Jn 11:25). 10. The Injil, that is, Gospel or "Good News", about Jesus is for all nations. Jesus said that he was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel because he was their king, and it was his mission to suffer and die for them. However, Jesus taught his disciples to proclaim his death and resurrection and to make disciples of all nations (1 Cor 11:26, Acts 1:8, Mt 28:16-20). He charged his disciples with preserving the truth of the gospel and protecting it from false teachers and false prophets (Mt 7:15-20, Mt 24:23-26). He also promised that the Holy Spirit would give them the words to say (Lk 24:15, Jn 14:26, Acts 1:8), so that their words would be the very words of God. Jesus’ disciples recorded his teachings and his life story for all time (Lk 1:1-4, Jn 20:31), and we have their testimony preserved in the New Testament. In his great mercy, God made Jesus not only the Savior of Israel, but also the great hope of the entire world, just as he promised through the Scriptures. Will you believe the Good News and follow Jesus the Messiah as Lord and Savior? (Please read around the Scripture references to confirm that everything I have said is true. You will also find many other convincing proofs that the Gospel is real!)
@@peterhwang1860 1) Isa is wrong but "Jesus" is correct? Lol 2) The suffering servant in Isaiah is an allegory for the people of Israel, not Jesus. Ask any rabbi. 3) Adam and Eve also didn't have mothers or fathers, are they also God? Bytheway the old testament refers to many people as sons of God, it was never interpreted literally like the Christians misunderstood it. 4)Other prophets also did miracles, look at the life of Moses, Solomon etc That doesn't make them God. 5) You said it yourself, angels cannot fully bear his sight, but apparently 2000 years ago, people were seeing God on a daily basis, hungry, thirsty and weak? Allahu Akbar. Allah is never weak, if only you understood his attributes. 6) This is justice? Lol Punishing an innocent in place of the guilty? Do you really understand what you're saying? Allah forgives without needing a blood sacrifice he is the most merciful. 7),8)9) 10) As for your last 4 points, Matthew who? Mark who? Luke who? John who? No point in quoting the gospels as according to your own Christian scholars they were found anonymous and nobody knows who wrote them. As for the writings of Paul, he never met Jesus in the flesh, he was a Roman. Let's not even go there.
Really enjoyed your way of presenting and the content. Just to add - more contradiction and irony: Evangelicals - Jesus will come back when Jews are in Israel. Anti Zionist Judaism - The Messiah has not yet come, and we don't belong in Israel until he does....
Assuming the population based on current census statistics for religion. 1.9B Muslim *VS* 1/4 of Christian population and 5M Zionists. 😂 Edited: mind me for speak too soon, I fixed.
@@flamelazer27 well that scale is not valid when idf soldiers almost half the size of a palastinian man with big muscles come in fight one with guns another with fist
@@moinulislammahin2045 I was referring to OneLove's comment But yeah you are right on the spot. Like Israel is a military country, zero civilians. Palestinians are strong regardless of numbers vs them. 💪🦁👊
you got something wrong they are not a country with a military more like sponsered terrorists with world class weapons and I feel bad for the civilians there and Americans that they are supporting oppression by there tax .They have dawrf soldiers with guns but cannot fight courage
One thing is certain No religion or Faith is practicing Love thy neighbor as thyself..instead advocate Hate justification ..towards each other...base on __________
Thank you Sir. This would back up the biblical theory about Abraham and his lineage. Abraham who came from Ur of the Chaldees probably in Southern Iraq went to Canaan, bore two sons Ismael the father of the Arabs and Isaac the father of the Jews.
Jews believe in blood line DNA lineage. X begat Y begat Z etc etc. They don't believe in equality liberty fraternity for all human beings. Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhs and several other religions societies practice and preach equality, liberty, fraternity for all.
It's not only Jews, it's Jews who've not accepted Jesus, along with everyone else who've rejected God: DEU4:29 “But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
Armageddon is simply a figure for Christ's victory at Calvary where He "led captivity captive". So it happened 2000 years ago. It is not about a future physical battle.
It's not that they want them dead the point is that the Israeli Nation of all Jews gathered in Israel doesn't mean they have to reject Jesus they can still be Israeli Christians there's no reason to assume that so many secular Jews won't embrace Christianity if given a fair opportunity to do so no matter where they might live be that in the diaspora or in the Holy Land, itself
Not religious but I always respected the Koran for it being 'more authentic' than modern day bible wether good or not. We cant change the word because we shift ourself. Also because it has not given a face to Allah\God
@@jxbuyo well that too, you could be a christian from austria that doesnt know english, how are you gonna read it ,it needs to be translated anyways you go on keep worshipping this guy that choses a phedophile to be a prophet and that thinks the earth is flat and say the sun rotates around the earth and listen to zakir naik who said our and i repeat our species went extinct 1 million years ago.
@@jxbuyo as this guy says: “Speak with knowledge or remain silent”, so go read the bible and tell me if you think that jesus never claimed to be god or that there is one single contradiction that cannot be explained
@@jxbuyo The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. ... The English Bible Translation is known as the most accurate Bible version due to large number of excellent translations, ask wikipedia.
Please translate the Arabic words : بني إسرائيل - عقيدة - عجب العجاب and so on into English so that non-Muslims can understand you. I'm an Ethiopian Muslim. I refrained from sharing this important video to Ethiopian Christians because they can't understand the above-mentioned Arabic words. I hope you'll favorably respond to my suggestion.
God it is him, the beast is the God that you are worshiping. The emptiness. The God of Abram, The Golden Cow. Money and the One Eyed One. Every each book have been changed.
Like Jews Muslims also believe Mahdi and Messiah to be kings, not spiritual reformers. That's why they rejected Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) as Jews rejected Isa (as).
Watching this video from Canada, I would say that I largely agree with much of what you are saying. I can also say that many of my catholic friends are also big Israel supporters as well. In addition, I would add that Israel has a lot of money and they buy a lot of weapons from us which gives them a lot of clout here and also our education system and media teaches us to never criticize jewish people for any reason because of the holocaust, so there is no room to speak about the harms brought to Palestinians from Israeli's here. It would be like speaking about Xinjang in China. You just really shouldnt do it.
Ask your friends about the Roman Catholic and other ancient Christian communities in Palestine who have been largely depleted because of the creation of Israel. While some Palestinian Christians did leave during Ottoman times, the great catalyst was the creation of the state of Israel, particularly the Nakba and the Israeli takeover of the West Bank and Gaza in 1967 and all the events that followed. Palestinian Christians have been some of the most ardent enemies of Zionism and have suffered because of it as worse as anyone in the region. Israel is truly an existential threat to the presence of Christianity in the Holy Land, from Nazareth, Bethlehem to Jerusalem. The British mandate of Palestine(pre 1948), which kept good records, listed the Christian Palestinians as representing up to 10.8% of the population of Palestine. Today, after 65 years of Zionism, the Christian presence is estimated to represent only 1-2.5% of the population. At least Israel tolerates Christian tourists. That's a $$$ thing.
@@اليقاوت_والمرجان You make me smile, A'ishah .... I always wonder who'd be prepared to foot the bill for such a grandiose enterprise. Nothing could be as beautiful and sacred as Al Aqsa.
@Timur No, Timur, I don't belong to a tribe. I come from a single family in Namibia and we had no relatives among people in South Africa of the same surname.
@@اليقاوت_والمرجان the word "messiah" according to the old testament means "the chosen one". This is what I believe. The Roman empire made solomon's temple as a garbage dump. So when khalifa Umar bin chattab defeated The Roman empire, He cleaned that holly place up, and rebuild the Solomon's temple as The al-aqsha mosque
Battle ignorance: What lots of people (even pastors) don't (yet) understand. God created us according to His own image and likeness. Godly. Mankind/the first Adam fell. The image of God in man got lost. That's why there is all this predicament on earth (selfishness, greed, lust, wars, sicknesses, death, etc). We are all born into that mess. For the fall of man a perfect atoning sacrifice had to be made.... that is what God did in Christ. With His own once and for all perefect sacrifice, He paid the debt for the fall of man for us, so we can be indwelled by His Spirit again and finally receive the divine life of the ages back, the first Adam let got of in the fall of man. An amazing act of grace and love by our creator. That is what you see happening in Christ's first disciples. They too healed all and walked in unselfish love. And yes.... that is still avaible today. The holy blood is in place, the Holy Spirit is here to give us understanding, power and transform us back to origin. Not to be debated about, but to be embraced and be-come. So: The Kingdom of God already came. Through Christ, in Spiritform, in those that understand. Hence the divine healing miracles we experience. God manifested in Christ to give us back the divine life mankind lost in the fall of Adam. Christ, the exact image of the invisible God. The image we were created after in Gen 1. The image we lost in the fall of man. The image that can be freely restored by Christ's blood and Holy Spirit working IN us. What a plan. What a solution. What a love. What a God. Jesus is amazing. It is the ultimate conclusion of the word and plan of God. God came full circle. He Himself stooped down from glory to restore us back to original created value: Christlikeness. Walking in divine healing power and unselfish love. Jesus, born of the Spirit of God, filled with the spirit of God. The "Son" of God, the incarnated word, God in the flesh. For three years He healed all, raised the dead, casted out demons, controlled nature, spoke pure divine truth. He said: "Follow Me. If you see Me, you see the Father. The Father and I are one. The glory I have IN My Father, I give to you. It pleases the Father to give you His Kingdom/Holy Spirit/divine nature. I will send Holy Spirit, the same as Me, He will be IN you, guide you into truth and give you explosive power. The same miracles i do, you will do too, because you will understand that the Father is IN Me and I am IN you. Freely I give you My Kingdom/Holy Spirit/divine nature, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, freely I give, freely share" Etc, etc, etc. I have experienced thousands of beautifull healing miracles through the power of Holy Spirit IN me already. Broken bones, cancers, covid, all kinds of infirmities healed in seconds. Demons manifesting and casted out by a simple "get out, in Jesus name". Jesus. De name above all names. In Him all power and wisdom is sourced and.... He calls us one with Him. God in man and man in God again. C'mon Jesus!! So.... again: God stooped down IN Christ to restore us back to Gen 1:27 were He said: "Let us make man according to our image and likeness and let them have authority.....": walk as Christ. Christ, the exact image of the invisible God. The image we were created after and being restored to by His atoning blood for the fall of man and indwelling Holy Spirit. You are free to receive this original divine life of the ages by Holy Spirit of Christ/God. Ask Him to guide you into truth. Read the Gospel of John and fall in love with your creator. You are not made for the fall of man and its effects, but for the image/glory of God and to walk like Christ. Holy Spirit is the guide and transforming power that will get you there. Amazing grace. A big leap in faith can be made when we start realizing we are already IN Christ, IN the last Adam. Free from the fall! Loved! Growing into awareness of our new (yet old) godly identity. Changing by Holy Spirit. The most fullfilled life ever. Paul healed all on Malta. He understood and wrote: "As in the first Adam ALL died (lost the divine nature), so also ALL were made alive IN Christ to walk in Zoë (= divine life) again". "IN Christ (the last Adam) we are co-cruisified (dead to the fall and its effects), co-raised (justified/made righteousness, holy, blameless, above reproach), co-seated (one with Him)" "The fullness of deity dwells in Christ and YOU HAVE BEEN MADE COMPLETE IN HIM, who is the head of every principality and power". So.... thank you Jesus! Thank you for redeeming me from the fall of man. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that makes this new (yet old) divine life come alive in me. You are amazing! In the shadow of Peter the sick healed... He understood too and wrote: "By Gods power (Holy Spirit) and knowing Christ, we have become partakers of the divine nature and have escaped the fall of man". The divine life of the ages has been returned to us by Jesus once and for all perfect atoning sacrifice for the debt of the fall of man and His indwelling Holy Spirit in us. Jesus/God is amazing!!! Ask Him to give you revelation and change you to the way it was before the fall of man: Christlikeness. He will do so. For it is written: "the Spirit brings forth after His own kind". "I have come to give you Zoë (divine life) in abundance...."
I'm an orthodox-zionist Jew. I found this video suprisingly accurate. I loved seeing it explained from a Muslim prospective. I personally have been studying Jewish theology all day for nine years, and am obsessed with Maimonides. One small point- most Hassidim view Masiah more like the Christians and Muslims, ya'ani a spiritual figure as opposed to a political figure. As a maimonadian rationalist, i personally view the concept as you described, hence religious Zionism
If you’re zionist that means you’re praying to Dajjal. Actual devil (anti christ). Because thats zionism stands for. We know clearly ortodox jews are against zionists and IsraHell.
@@אברהםדודסולומון ad- dajjal is the anti christ of Muslims. And we that he will be followed largely by the Jews who will mistake him for their messia. We believe that in order for the dajjal to arrive their needs to be a great amount of unrest, bloodshed and ungodliness in the world, which as you can see is happening now. No disrespect, everyone's beliefs are different. Look it up.
@@saiqhai9968 thank you for explaining that to me. One thing that is unique in Jewish theology is that there is no evil counterpart to G-d. Satan in original Judaism is at most the angel G-d sends to punish or test people, but the principal of singularity makes him not much than any other manifestation of the L-rd
@@אברהםדודסולומון Satan, or shaitan in Islamic belief was once an angel until he showed arrogance when ALLAH asked him to bow down to prophet Adam a. s. He then vowed to lead humanity astay. In Islamic belief there is huge significance of Palestine and masjid al aqsa, that why we as Muslims support plastine but I aslo know there is huge significance of isreal to the Jews. We believe that when prophet Essa or jesus returns he will destroy the dajjal and with Imam medi will conquer Palestine from the zionist Jews.. There is much more information on these prophecies if you are interested in Islamic pov, if you visit the merciful servant channel. Please I don't mean any disrespect, these are the prophecies in Islam. Each abrahamic religion has similarities and differences.
To my dear brother, the speaker in the video, who said that in Islam there is the coming back of the messiah or the anti-christ (dadjaal)? It's not mentioned in the Quran. Nowhere does the Quran claim the Messiah shall return nor anywhere does it mention that they will face each other. That is a christian belief and the early Muslim scholars force fed the Muslims these ideas since themselves were ex-christians or ex-jews or ex-zoroastrians, if at all they wholy embraced Islam.
It's mentioned in authentic hadith. As you know our religion is based on Quran and Sunnah( verbal and actions). If you leave out one, you're taking only half the religion. Be very careful, you can be easily mislead if you ignore the hadith.
@@SK-ns6slالجاية: 6/7 تلك ايات الله نتلوها عليك بالحق فباي حديث بعد الله واياته يومنون (6) ويل لكل افاك اثيم(7) القلم: مالكم كيف تحكمون (36) ام لكم كتاب فيه تدرسون (37) The Quran is THE only book on words of Allah and there is no second to it, not hadeeth nor Sunnah; those are but books written by men. I take Quran as the ONLY book of authority to Islam and so should every true believer in Allah. About Eissa: العمر ان: 55 إذ قال الله ياعيسى ورافعك الي ومطهرك من الذين كفروا وجاعل الذين التبعوك فوق الذين كفروا الى يوم القيامة ثم الي مرجعكم فاحكم بينكم في ما كنتم فيه تختلفون....
Watching this while Israel is bombing Gaza and west defending their actions as usual.. We believe in Quran which said they will take the land again then Allah servants will defeat them again.. So thank to them their end is near as they are moving forward
Bro, Jesus was not crucified. But Jews think they killed jesus, even Christians think that. It was a person, who resembled with isa (AS) was crucified. But reality is Isa(AS) is alive and will come back.
TO ANYONE WONDERING WHY THEY DIDN’T GO TO A LAND OTHER THAN PALESTINE: They wanted a “holy land” and as we all know Palestine was the home to many prophets (peace be upon them) who are mentioned in the holy books of all the three religions, namely, Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The miraculous birth of Jesus (A.S.) also took place in Palestine. It is believed that Abraham(A.S.) and Isaac (A.S.) are buried in Hebron, Palestine. Allah refers to it as “holy land” in reference to its purity and sanctity (source: ONEPATH, “Why Palestine is important to Muslims”)
Actually in jewish traditions there are 2 messiahs that are destined to come - 1 is a political figure that will come from joseph's lineage and the second whos more of a religious figure will be from David's lineage. It is true that a messiah is viewed as a king because the hebrew word משיח(messiah) originates from the custom of bathing a king or a priest that was anointed with the holy anointing oil.
interesting, no wonder the Israel PM is really nationalist and have strong political power. as if he want to be THE messiah. I don't intend mock or anything, its just my observation
They share a love of money and power ! kindred spirits ! when will enough be enough ? money cant buy you happiness but neither will poverty or oppression !
Imagine if all these religious people believing in different things were studying modern scientific knowledge and methods as fiercely as they argue about what’s written all those old books. Probably too bold wish for 21st century :/
The Rambam is not the chief Rabbi of the Jews, where do you get that from? I used to be Jewish religious and there are so many Rabbis who are followed more than him (The Rosh and Rabbi Youssef Karo für example)
I am a Christian (Pentecostal) my Bible, the King James version, says as Christians we are to always pray for the peace of Jerusalem for those who curse Jerusalem shall be cursed. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem every night as an American. They are God's chosen people and this all confuses me what they're saying here. Help....
This crazy idea make me become a full blown atheist or agnostic. It doesn't makes no sense. The whole idea of Religion is to control, to believe the unknowns, not to question, to be fearful all your life Some Devil out there to get me. The whole idea of a chosen people or superior is inherently racist. I think the righteous God suppose to be impartial and all human being suppose to be equal. I am lost.
This conflict is not about religion, it's about nationalis. Btw, I heard from a guy called ReligionForBreakfast (Religious scholar scholar, kind of archeology and sociology) that the concept of "religion" was crafted by early scholars, it doesnt have a clear definition and not all cultures have it. I personally like to use the term spirituality, because this is more universal, I mean I guess everyone has a form of spirituality
Most islamic scholars said it haram, bcoz the tendecy we may worshipping it. But for todays world it seem not practical anymore, bcoz everybody know its not their real images
Regardless of various Christian denominations, they all support Israel to various degrees. Also there are more contributing factors in Western support for state of Israel. Factor like racial, cultural and geo-strategic.
I think you shouldn't have drawn/shown the cartoon of the prophet Isa (A.) or christ as they say, since it is not permissible to draw or show the face of prophets in Islam.
With all due respect Shaikh Yassir Qadhi, Yahud say they're a ppl of the Torah , so they've back tracked to David and Goliath. The say there's no such thing as Palestine and bla bla
If they love it so much why they don't give them a land in Europe or in the states
Ikr. But they are still capitalists so i think it's still something about "you give me oil, i give you democracy" kind of things
They did offer them a lot of land in the states for a country actually. They decided that they want to live in todays israel.
Bcoz that's the land predestined for the coming of Messiah and the anti messiah... The land promised to the seeds of Abraham... The land which will again prove the existence of God and will reveal who are in the true path. All the denial, confusion and war will be done and gone... May God protect us from the trail and tribulation of the time....
@@evolutiontellsthetruth7812 because Palestinians have their own land occupied by Israelis
Everyone refused only Palestinian people agreed to give land to beggar cheating Shylock.
Please don't show pictures of our dear Jesus PBUH it may make people misinterpret about him
True, brother
Yes you are right even if we are Muslims this is right Allah (the greatest) told us to do this me as an Arabic person I have heard the “Azahar” says that we shouldn’t reveal the face of our prophets and Jesus is a prophet even in kids stories what do they do ? They put light instead of a face so you are right brother
You are correct. Those evangilical christian already saw the false image of Isa/Jesus a.s. in their dream. If we obsess with the image or something, higher probability we will see it in the dream. We all already experience that situation when we always thinking about something 🤣
it is not a real picture dude, stop being so petty - intent and the information is being more important than some imaginary thoughts that is never materilised
It is strange that the Jews left no stone turned to harm Jesus till he was amongst them and they deny that he was a prophet, really one wonders on the thinking and actions of the Christians.
10 Muslim Misconceptions About Jesus
Contrary to the Bible, Muslims view Jesus as one of their own prophets, though they do believe in his virgin birth, his God-given title of Messiah, his many miracles, his rejection by the Jews, his ascension into heaven, and his second coming. However, without knowing the Bible, Muslims do not understand how all of these things fit together. Please feel free to forward this to your Muslim friends to encourage discussions about the historical Jesus, as taught in the Bible.
1. The name "Isa" isn't correct. "Esau" was a different biblical character whose name means "hairy" (Ge 25:25). In the Old Testament, the name of God is Yahweh, and the name of Jesus is the Greek form of "Yeshua", which means "Yahweh alone is Savior". This is the name announced by the angel Gabriel, because "He will save his people from their sins." (Mt 1:21)
2. "Christ" (in the Greek) or "Messiah" means "Anointed One of Yahweh", the title given to the descendant of King David who would rule over Israel and the entire earth forever (Ps 2, Isa 9:7). Not surprisingly, many Old Testament descriptions of this figure are God-like. What is even more surprising, however, are the prophecies that state that the Messiah would be rejected and killed by his own people (Isa 53), yet somehow because of this, all nations on earth would turn to Yahweh and worship him (Ps 22:27, Isa 49:6-7).
3. The prophet Isaiah prophesied 700 years earlier that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isa 7:14). This ancient prophecy also stated that another name of his would be "Emmanuel", which means "God with us" (Mt 1:22-23). The virgin birth is the fulfillment of an even older prophecy given to Eve, right at the outset of humanity, that one day the "Seed of the Woman" would triumph over Satan (Ge 3:15). Jesus is not the Son of God because of the virgin birth (since God can create anything out of nothing). However, the virgin birth is one of many signs that point to Jesus' unique status as Son of God.
4. Jesus performed more amazing miracles than anyone. Sight to the blind (Jn 9), speech to the mute (Mk 7:35), and strength to the lame (Jn 5) were all special signs of the Messianic Age (Isa 35:5-6, Lk 7:22). God alone is the one who grants these powers to mankind (Ex 4:11). Jesus also befriended the despised and downtrodden (Mk 2:17), cured diseases (Lk 8:44), and released people from demonic possession (Mk 5:1-20), demonstrating that he was not just the King of Israel, but also the Great Physician and restorer of all broken humanity. Finally, Jesus could also raise the dead (Jn 11), forgive sins (Mk 2:10-11), and control nature with a mere word (Mk 4:35), things that only God can do.
5. Christians did not make Jesus a partner of God. He always WAS God and IS God (Jn 1:1). Christians agree unreservedly with Muslims that God is one (Mk 12:29, Dt 6:4), unique and unlike anyone or anything else in creation. He is beyond human senses and human comprehension, and even the angels cannot fully bear his sight (Isa 6:2). However, because of his great love for us, God has revealed himself in ways that humans could understand (theophanies), and many of these special occasions have been recorded in the Bible. When God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush (Ex 3), he was truly present in the bush and speaking directly to Moses. The bush was not "God's partner" nor was Moses worshipping a bush. Every time God manifests himself in the physical realm it is through the Word (Jn 1:18, Heb 1:3). God created the universe through his Word (Jn 1:3). The life of Jesus was the most complete revelation of God ever. Not just his words, but his entire human life was an exact representation of the divine character (Jn 1:14, Heb 1:3). This is why the disciple John calls Jesus the "Word of God".
6. As God, Jesus was the only human to ever to live a morally perfect life (2 Cor 5:21). Every word and action exactly displayed the perfect character of God (Jn 14:9-10). Unlike Muslims, Christians and Jews learn from the Bible that the prophets were human, just like us, and fallible. King David committed adultery (2 Sam 11), and Solomon's many wives led him into idolatry (1 Ki 11). While you may have not committed either of these particular sins, any hateful word, lustful look, or broken promise still falls far short of the perfection of God (Mt 5). God’s punishment for sin is death (Rom 6:23, Eze 18:20), so no human being could bear the sins of another, much less even his own. However, as the only one who could bear our sins, Jesus willingly offered his life as a sacrifice for us (John 10:18, Romans 3:25). In this way, God demonstrates both his justice (by exacting the punishment for sin) and mercy (by forgiving us and taking upon himself the consequences of our sin).
7. As the only divine human being, Jesus did not lord his special status over other human beings. He came not to be served, but to serve (Mk 10:45). He washed his disciples' feet, despite their objections (Jn 13:8). He never used his divine power to make his own life easier, as his greatest enemy, Satan, tempted him to do (Mt 4:1-11). Rather, he used his authority to demonstrate his true identity to his disciples and to lift the burdens of others (Mt 8:17).
As a perfect human, Jesus also prayed and did everything in complete submission to the Father (Jn 17). Muslims are always fond to point out that Jesus stated that the Son can do nothing by himself and that he can only do what his Father shows him. However, Jesus immediately goes on to state that the Father does NOTHING WITHOUT THE SON (Jn 5:19). Father, Son, and Spirit are always united in thought and action (Ge 1:1-3, Jn 14). As human beings, we are not always in control of our mind or body, but God is always unified in his complete being, though this remains beyond our comprehension.
8. Jesus repeatedly told his disciples that his purpose was to die as a sacrifice for our sins (Mk 10:45). When his disciples objected to this, he rebuked them in the strongest possible terms (Mt 16:23). He challenged his disciples to follow him to his death (Mt 16:24). The Last Supper, beautifully portrayed by Leonardo da Vinci, shows the most solemn and important ceremony instituted by Jesus, in which Christians regularly commemorate his death by eating bread (his "body") and drinking wine (his "blood")(Lk 22:19-20). The original Last Supper was a celebration of the Jewish Passover (Lk 22:8), which commemorates God's deliverance from Egypt and the birth of the nation of Israel (Ex 12). In it, a lamb is slaughtered, and the firstborn sons of Israel were spared from the angel of death if the doorposts of their house were covered by the blood of the lamb. It is no accident that Jesus died during the Passover feast, which is why he is called the "Lamb of God" (Jn 1:29).
There is no confusion over the death of Jesus. He was condemned to death in a public trial before Pontius Pilate (Mk 15). He was nailed to the cross by the Romans and spoke to his mother and his disciples from the cross (Jn 19:26). During the torture of crucifixion, you need to flex and extend your legs just to breathe, but Jesus died and was no longer moving his legs, so everyone knew he was dead. They did not have to break his legs to stop his breathing (Jn 19:33). This also explains why the ancient Israelites were not allowed to break any of the bones of the Passover lamb (Ex 12:46).
God is not a God of deception. If he had chosen to vindicate his servant by miraculously saving him, he would have made this clear to everyone including his enemies and his followers. Instead, history unambiguously records that Jesus truly died.
9. But God did vindicate his servant by raising him from the dead. After Jesus had completed all of his work, he fully rested on the Sabbath. He was then raised to life on the first day of the week, which is why Christians worship on Sunday. He showed his pierced hands to prove that it was truly him in the flesh (Jn 20:27) and that he had the authority to lay down his life and take it up again (Jn 10:18). Jesus spoke, walked, and ate with his disciples over a period of 40 days (Acts 1:3). After 40 days, he ascended into heaven, promising to return again (Acts 1:11). When he returns, it will not be as a suffering servant but as the everlasting king of kings.
All human beings are faced with the question of whether there is life after death. The Resurrection answers this question with an emphatic yes! Jesus promised that if we follow him, we will be raised just like him (Jn 11:25).
10. The Injil, that is, Gospel or "Good News", about Jesus is for all nations. Jesus said that he was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel because he was their king, and it was his mission to suffer and die for them. However, Jesus taught his disciples to proclaim his death and resurrection and to make disciples of all nations (1 Cor 11:26, Acts 1:8, Mt 28:16-20). He charged his disciples with preserving the truth of the gospel and protecting it from false teachers and false prophets (Mt 7:15-20, Mt 24:23-26). He also promised that the Holy Spirit would give them the words to say (Lk 24:15, Jn 14:26, Acts 1:8), so that their words would be the very words of God. Jesus’ disciples recorded his teachings and his life story for all time (Lk 1:1-4, Jn 20:31), and we have their testimony preserved in the New Testament.
In his great mercy, God made Jesus not only the Savior of Israel, but also the great hope of the entire world, just as he promised through the Scriptures. Will you believe the Good News and follow Jesus the Messiah as Lord and Savior?
(Please read around the Scripture references to confirm that everything I have said is true. You will also find many other convincing proofs that the Gospel is real!)
@@peterhwang1860 Delusional, you will not be forgiven for the sins you commit, just because you believe Jesus was ''crucified''. The Catholic church recognized Israel in 1993 and still supports Palestinian demands for a homeland. BTW over 25,000 Christians are converting to Islam ANUALLY, in the U.S. , many more have converted in UK, France and the rest of Europe. Only those would be enlightened, who get the Almighty's blessings and guidance.
Jewish Talmudic Teachings say Jesus is currently burning in excrement in hell.
@@fouadmas5413 This sounds very peculiar. Rather check and quote the specific Talmudic source directly.
@@peterhwang1860 enough with your nonsense!
JazakumAllah Khair for the effort. However, why not translate when the sheikh uses Arabic words like "aqidah", "iman", "firqah", "izzah", "yaqeen" etc. so as to make it easier for nonmuslims and even non-Arab Muslims who aren't familiar with those words to understand? Kindly consider this suggestion.
Highly recommended
Good point. Thanks.
Its true, Most of the Muslim are familiar to these words, this is very serious topic for Muslims. May Allah save us from Fitna of Dajjal.
Short answer : same reason they loved the Apartheid South Africa, they support and encourage regimes that practice segregation. For them it is a sign of civilization.
some of them believe that people are not equal to them, they are the purest and closest to God.. Paradise is only for them, other races are not far away from animals, and most of them believe that when their false Christ arrives they will make other rases as their slaves
Name one Muslim nation that would allow 3000 missiles to be fired at their people, think about how America would respond to just 1 missile being fired at them....
@@MenelikWIns Those "missiles" you write write about are glorified fireworks/rockets. As was heavily complained about from the zionists last month, they scared their pet dogs and caused emotional stress 😢.
The zionists have been murdering Palestinians (who are Muslim & Christians) for the past 70 years.
RABBI - Theodor Herzl mocked jews and Zionists were real antisemites.
@@MenelikWIns what missiles are you referring bro....??????
The prophet SAW said that 1400 years ago.
Because your fake prophet knew the true Jewish prophecies because he learned them from his Jewish friend. Then he wrote this bla bla bla of not accepting the Mashiach when he will come because he himself knew that G-d never broke his word and was and will keep being true to the Jewish people and will send us the Mashiach.
@@roigedalia4532 There were no Christian or Jewish tribes in Makkah. The knowledge of the previous prophets ect came straight from the Prophet. (this was impossible for him to have known)
And even if you still disagree, he certainly wasn't a Jewish Scholar, who would be able to study this sort of thing.
And if he was a false prophet, don't you wonder why the Jews were in Medina at all?
@@abelievereverrising283, so Ka'b wasn't a friend of Muhammad? Wasn't Ka'b between those who even entered in Jerusalem together with Omar ibn Kathab? Ka'b was a Jew and he is the one that explained to Muhammad the concept of the Mashiach in the Jewish scripture.
Knowing the concept Muhammad then wrote that the Jews will accept the Mashiach when he will come to us. So Muhammad made no prophecy at all regarding this matter, he just re-wrote what the Jewish prophets said.
@@roigedalia4532 80% of tye prophecies of tye quran are unique and never ever mentioned in any other book .
For example : the neutreon stars discovered by the USA at the near end of the cold war
Was mentioned by the quran centuries ago .
Can you find neutreon stars in any other holy book ? Ofcourse not .
“Speak with knowledge or remain silent”
Most useful advice that not a billion shall follow.
Yet yassir himself doesn't follow that instruction
No investigation, no right to speak ~ Mao Zedong
{for those who asked for evidences its at the end of this comment} It's mind blowing how blind followers are still refusing warnings against yasser Qadhi & still sharing his videos even after he encouraged sufi polytheism (calling upon other than Allah) & published doubts about the preservation of the Qur'an. Watch some of yassir heresies ruclips.net/video/39w6g_Bf_UI/видео.html
~ Al-Dhahabi
An excellent explanation and the illustrations are superb. This concise, insightful and informed differentiation between the faith based issue of the ancient Jews and the political dispensation of the Romans, would have served humankind well over the last 2,000 years. Regrettably for the Zionazis, piousness involves being kind and just to other people, not stealing their land, not massacring them, not brutalising and humiliating them at every turn.
The ultra-Orthodox Jews have an entirely different interpretation of the scriptures and stand for a Free Palestine along with those of us, religious or secular, who have joined the Palestinian Struggle.
Just feeling compelled to respond, though its been 11 months. I just came here today. What you said makes perfect sense to me. I wonder why people can accept an interpretation which makes God so divisive. That God would promise a physical reward (land) to a group of people regardless of what they do to uphold that reward (land). And more, that they are promised of an eternal reward! Heck there is no limit to what they can/need to do - steal/massacre/brutalising/humiliating/lying. As long as they do it to uphold that promise, they are rewarded; not judged accordingly. Seems an ultra divisive God of hatred, of selfishness, not of Love and Care.
What a corruption of 'God'. Of piety. Unbelievable.
Good to know that not all Jews are the same.
Ultimately, however, it seems to me, the idea of this 'Messiah' itself is the most divisive yet. Muslims, Christians and Jews all wait for the messiah who, in the end, is limited to its own community. Worse, one who will destroy the others. Again, through whatever violence and death. And the winner, in any way, is rewarded eternally. Is this really God's plan? I am deeply pessimistic.
“ alhamdulillah, that our prophet (sa) taught us very clearly every aspect in a way none of the groups were taught .,,
@@Rohan-hdjdj brother , our religion do not promote hatredness..don’t believe what u heard ...believe what u know ,.or at least try to know .. so that may change your attitude towards Islam..insha allah ..may allah guide you
@@Rohan-hdjdj come on mayn
alhamdulillah bro
@@samuuluinavucu1246 brother ..I didn’t even mentioned about wars here ...?! Did I ..?! And brother Israel - Palestine started in 1940 ‘s then how can my prophet could win the war that time .?!
Learn history ..even Spain was a Muslim country for 400 years ..
Yes. Jumbled and convenient.
By far one of my new favorite channels on RUclips. I love how you explain stuff. Thank you
Teach the Jews. They have taken advantage of the Palestinian kindness and mercy.
Can't believe my eyes..
Fyi Allah send to them 4 thousand prophet as reminder to them but only small group of them followed most disobey..their last call only al quran and jesus/isa.
That land was Jewish land way before Palestinians even existed. King Salomon
@@gatomecanico306 not admissible in any court of law. Why did the jew beg for a place when they were kicked out of Germany. Palestinian people were merciful and kind allowed them to stay.
@@gatomecanico306 have a listen to BBC hardtalk on this topic. ruclips.net/video/P3FI_zUB-6k/видео.html
The world changes every second, humanity never. God has always been with us in the form of life. Religions and sacred books are simple an interpretation of a feeling, nothing more..
Wow what a good explanation first class didactic . Towards the middle it gets overload a flash back to the begging quickly for brief review of events and then continuing on would be more perfect but with you tube back function it’s no big deal. You get A+ as a teacher. Thankyou
Thank you, for this informative video. I would like to point two things out:
1. Many evangelicals believe that the Jews also have to accept the Christian faith in order for Jesus to come back. Basically a revelation among to Jews is considered a sign of Jesus’ coming. So it’s not exactly correct to say, that they want them to die. Furthermore, they don’t generally want them to die, but it’s just a consequence from not accepting Jesus. I personally don’t support this believe system and I think that christian Zionism is also a form of antisemitism, but I still want to correct this statement.
2. I think the title of the video, which mentions “the West” is kind of misleading. When talking of “the West” Europe is definitely included and I would also agree that most European counties support Israel, but not because of Christian Zionism, but rather for other more political reasons, which were not mentioned. In general the evangelical Christians are a minority in Europe and amongst them you can find only few which are as extreme as in the US.
What I understood is that Christians who have a Zionist ideology believe that the Jews must be helped to reach the Holy Land, even at the expense of the weak Palestinians.
This shows the extent of their uncleanness and that they do not even care about the human being, in any case, according to their claim, if all the Jews gather there, Jesus will come and then he will come to them, and if they do not believe in him, he will throw them into the lake of fire.
Please shared the link to the original lecture .. I wanted to listen to it . But didn't know the title 😃
i agree to this. i'm gonna try to find it. if i do i'll share~
Where's the full lecture for this video?
Plzz tell me any book name in which i can get this type of knowledge
@@cecil123 lol... Ur a deceiver just like dajjal
@@cecil123 We don't need propaganda, the evangelicals are very clear about this.
Jerusalem in the Quran by Syeikh Imran N Hosein (yutube video n book).
RABBI - Theodor Herzl mocked jews and Zionists were real antisemites.
Is it ok make sketches of hazrat esha(P.B.U.H) like christians becuz we don't make sketches of prophets?
Hello all. So I am a former Christian, turned muslim. My knowledge of the Quran is lacking if I am being honest. However that is not the case when it comes to the Christian BIBLE. Thus I will speak from the perspective of someone raised In that religion. The poster of this video has some serious misconceptions and misunderstandings of the Bible and what it states about the end times. I don't mind these sorts of videos that engage of theological debates. However it's important to accurately portray both sides. Evangelicals , baptists , pentecostals, the shared belief is that the Jews are the chosen people of God and that thus the land belongs to them. The idea that Christians want them dead is incorrect and I am curious what sources led him to this conclusion . Ask any Christian and the belief is that Jews will be delivered . The Bible specifically states that Banu Israel will not be destroyed , but will survive even tho all of her enemies will surround her. It is correct that many protestants support Israel because of the prophecy concerning the end times. However keep in mind this spans multiple books, and details are spread out. Obviously, as I'm a muslim now I do not believe in the Christian narrative, however, it is important to represent people in an accurate and unbiased way, especially when having theological debates.
Take care all 🙂
Also, please note not all protestants believe the same thing and have the same interpretations of the texts. Perhaps there are some who share the beliefs that's been stated. However , large in part, from my experience from when I was Christian, that was not a commonly held Christian view.
A good chunk of Baptists don't believe the Jews are Gods chosen people. I have talked to many who are nonZionist and believe Jews are going to hell. Or have little interest in the state of Israel.
Mind Begs the Question:
To support & aid an Apartheid State
How is it an Apartheid when a muslim party is part of the Israeli government ? When Arabs are judges, serve in the Army , join the police, go to university and work alongside Jews ? How many Jewish partys are currently part of any Arab government ? Arabs with an israeli citizenships have more rights than any arab in the middle east. It is a fact .
If 20% of the Israel population is Arab, then 20% of the Palestine population should be Jewish...
If Palestine refuses to have Jewish people in their future country, then they and only they are racist Apartheids
The Arab party, Ra'am, is part of the new Israeli government.
There are 15 Arab member in the Israeli parliament. No apartheid.
"tactical blabbering idiot" I never imagined I would hear those words in that order and it would still make sense!
Turkey sends Uighur refugees back to China.
@@RiseofTaitoShirei you again
@@Haris70103 Well they do send Uighur refugees back to China
@@RiseofTaitoShirei have you not seen how China treats Muslims?
@@Haris70103 Yes and Turkey sends them back to China.
Is it aqidah of ultra Orthodox (hasidic) only or the Reformists also
It is true that the Messiah in Jewish thought will be a king, but he will also be a spiritual leader, and with his new rule peace shall reside in the world , no more blood shed, and all people will be united in the belief in one benevolent god. The spiritual center in Jerusalem will be the place of worship for all religions
It's really simple. Colonialism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing is in their very history (past and present)
Same with Islam its the history of the world. Stop playing the victim... Your acting like the nine year old Muhammad married .....
@@thejamaicanpolak3988 Ahh classic and you are acting like an illiterate nine year old.
@@thejamaicanpolak3988 truth hurts pal.
@@thejamaicanpolak3988 truth hurts pal.
Why are you drawing eesa (A.S)?
You shouldn't.
That is why there are 500+ Bible 'Versions'.
I love the presentation with the infotainment presented. Alhamdulilah, thank you for this.
You should change title to be something like, why evangelicals support Israel. This way, people who are Catholic or Conservative don't feel bad. Overall, a very good presentation of content
Hey it can't be just evangelicals.. I don't mean to say that the whole west or Christianity. Of course I am aware of the many righteous people there.
But I think there's gotta be more. How can a single community which is neither too big to sway elections (by their vote) nor appear financially powerful enough to influence American foreign policy for middle East so much.. Or may be I couldn't find enough about em.
There's gotta be more..
You need to deal with the reality of Israel and the atrocities you are willing to commit to drive out 8 million Israeli's from their home. Jerusalem is the holiest site to Jews and Christians, not 3rd. You should respect that.
it's not just evangelicals that support israel.
@@legandarymasterrevan This is 100% true. Anyone that knows the struggle Israel has faced to survive should support Israel. They didn't steal anything and nobody fought for them.
@Chaplain Bob Walker B. Th. If he hadn't died, the world wouldn't have been saved. What kind of Chaplain are you? 🙄
Subhannallah it's all so clear to me now
10 Muslim Misconceptions About Jesus
Contrary to the Bible, Muslims view Jesus as one of their own prophets, though they do believe in his virgin birth, his God-given title of Messiah, his many miracles, his rejection by the Jews, his ascension into heaven, and his second coming. However, without knowing the Bible, Muslims do not understand how all of these things fit together. Please feel free to forward this to your Muslim friends to encourage discussions about the historical Jesus, as taught in the Bible.
1. The name "Isa" isn't correct. "Esau" was a different biblical character whose name means "hairy" (Ge 25:25). In the Old Testament, the name of God is Yahweh, and the name of Jesus is the Greek form of "Yeshua", which means "Yahweh alone is Savior". This is the name announced by the angel Gabriel, because "He will save his people from their sins." (Mt 1:21)
2. "Christ" (in the Greek) or "Messiah" means "Anointed One of Yahweh", the title given to the descendant of King David who would rule over Israel and the entire earth forever (Ps 2, Isa 9:7). Not surprisingly, many Old Testament descriptions of this figure are God-like. What is even more surprising, however, are the prophecies that state that the Messiah would be rejected and killed by his own people (Isa 53), yet somehow because of this, all nations on earth would turn to Yahweh and worship him (Ps 22:27, Isa 49:6-7).
3. The prophet Isaiah prophesied 700 years earlier that the Messiah would be born of a virgin (Isa 7:14). This ancient prophecy also stated that another name of his would be "Emmanuel", which means "God with us" (Mt 1:22-23). The virgin birth is the fulfillment of an even older prophecy given to Eve, right at the outset of humanity, that one day the "Seed of the Woman" would triumph over Satan (Ge 3:15). Jesus is not the Son of God because of the virgin birth (since God can create anything out of nothing). However, the virgin birth is one of many signs that point to Jesus' unique status as Son of God.
4. Jesus performed more amazing miracles than anyone. Sight to the blind (Jn 9), speech to the mute (Mk 7:35), and strength to the lame (Jn 5) were all special signs of the Messianic Age (Isa 35:5-6, Lk 7:22). God alone is the one who grants these powers to mankind (Ex 4:11). Jesus also befriended the despised and downtrodden (Mk 2:17), cured diseases (Lk 8:44), and released people from demonic possession (Mk 5:1-20), demonstrating that he was not just the King of Israel, but also the Great Physician and restorer of all broken humanity. Finally, Jesus could also raise the dead (Jn 11), forgive sins (Mk 2:10-11), and control nature with a mere word (Mk 4:35), things that only God can do.
5. Christians did not make Jesus a partner of God. He always WAS God and IS God (Jn 1:1). Christians agree unreservedly with Muslims that God is one (Mk 12:29, Dt 6:4), unique and unlike anyone or anything else in creation. He is beyond human senses and human comprehension, and even the angels cannot fully bear his sight (Isa 6:2). However, because of his great love for us, God has revealed himself in ways that humans could understand (theophanies), and many of these special occasions have been recorded in the Bible. When God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush (Ex 3), he was truly present in the bush and speaking directly to Moses. The bush was not "God's partner" nor was Moses worshipping a bush. Every time God manifests himself in the physical realm it is through the Word (Jn 1:18, Heb 1:3). God created the universe through his Word (Jn 1:3). The life of Jesus was the most complete revelation of God ever. Not just his words, but his entire human life was an exact representation of the divine character (Jn 1:14, Heb 1:3). This is why the disciple John calls Jesus the "Word of God".
6. As God, Jesus was the only human to ever to live a morally perfect life (2 Cor 5:21). Every word and action exactly displayed the perfect character of God (Jn 14:9-10). Unlike Muslims, Christians and Jews learn from the Bible that the prophets were human, just like us, and fallible. King David committed adultery (2 Sam 11), and Solomon's many wives led him into idolatry (1 Ki 11). While you may have not committed either of these particular sins, any hateful word, lustful look, or broken promise still falls far short of the perfection of God (Mt 5). God’s punishment for sin is death (Rom 6:23, Eze 18:20), so no human being could bear the sins of another, much less even his own. However, as the only one who could bear our sins, Jesus willingly offered his life as a sacrifice for us (John 10:18, Romans 3:25). In this way, God demonstrates both his justice (by exacting the punishment for sin) and mercy (by forgiving us and taking upon himself the consequences of our sin).
7. As the only divine human being, Jesus did not lord his special status over other human beings. He came not to be served, but to serve (Mk 10:45). He washed his disciples' feet, despite their objections (Jn 13:8). He never used his divine power to make his own life easier, as his greatest enemy, Satan, tempted him to do (Mt 4:1-11). Rather, he used his authority to demonstrate his true identity to his disciples and to lift the burdens of others (Mt 8:17).
As a perfect human, Jesus also prayed and did everything in complete submission to the Father (Jn 17). Muslims are always fond to point out that Jesus stated that the Son can do nothing by himself and that he can only do what his Father shows him. However, Jesus immediately goes on to state that the Father does NOTHING WITHOUT THE SON (Jn 5:19). Father, Son, and Spirit are always united in thought and action (Ge 1:1-3, Jn 14). As human beings, we are not always in control of our mind or body, but God is always unified in his complete being, though this remains beyond our comprehension.
8. Jesus repeatedly told his disciples that his purpose was to die as a sacrifice for our sins (Mk 10:45). When his disciples objected to this, he rebuked them in the strongest possible terms (Mt 16:23). He challenged his disciples to follow him to his death (Mt 16:24). The Last Supper, beautifully portrayed by Leonardo da Vinci, shows the most solemn and important ceremony instituted by Jesus, in which Christians regularly commemorate his death by eating bread (his "body") and drinking wine (his "blood")(Lk 22:19-20). The original Last Supper was a celebration of the Jewish Passover (Lk 22:8), which commemorates God's deliverance from Egypt and the birth of the nation of Israel (Ex 12). In it, a lamb is slaughtered, and the firstborn sons of Israel were spared from the angel of death if the doorposts of their house were covered by the blood of the lamb. It is no accident that Jesus died during the Passover feast, which is why he is called the "Lamb of God" (Jn 1:29).
There is no confusion over the death of Jesus. He was condemned to death in a public trial before Pontius Pilate (Mk 15). He was nailed to the cross by the Romans and spoke to his mother and his disciples from the cross (Jn 19:26). During the torture of crucifixion, you need to flex and extend your legs just to breathe, but Jesus died and was no longer moving his legs, so everyone knew he was dead. They did not have to break his legs to stop his breathing (Jn 19:33). This also explains why the ancient Israelites were not allowed to break any of the bones of the Passover lamb (Ex 12:46).
God is not a God of deception. If he had chosen to vindicate his servant by miraculously saving him, he would have made this clear to everyone including his enemies and his followers. Instead, history unambiguously records that Jesus truly died.
9. But God did vindicate his servant by raising him from the dead. After Jesus had completed all of his work, he fully rested on the Sabbath. He was then raised to life on the first day of the week, which is why Christians worship on Sunday. He showed his pierced hands to prove that it was truly him in the flesh (Jn 20:27) and that he had the authority to lay down his life and take it up again (Jn 10:18). Jesus spoke, walked, and ate with his disciples over a period of 40 days (Acts 1:3). After 40 days, he ascended into heaven, promising to return again (Acts 1:11). When he returns, it will not be as a suffering servant but as the everlasting king of kings.
All human beings are faced with the question of whether there is life after death. The Resurrection answers this question with an emphatic yes! Jesus promised that if we follow him, we will be raised just like him (Jn 11:25).
10. The Injil, that is, Gospel or "Good News", about Jesus is for all nations. Jesus said that he was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel because he was their king, and it was his mission to suffer and die for them. However, Jesus taught his disciples to proclaim his death and resurrection and to make disciples of all nations (1 Cor 11:26, Acts 1:8, Mt 28:16-20). He charged his disciples with preserving the truth of the gospel and protecting it from false teachers and false prophets (Mt 7:15-20, Mt 24:23-26). He also promised that the Holy Spirit would give them the words to say (Lk 24:15, Jn 14:26, Acts 1:8), so that their words would be the very words of God. Jesus’ disciples recorded his teachings and his life story for all time (Lk 1:1-4, Jn 20:31), and we have their testimony preserved in the New Testament.
In his great mercy, God made Jesus not only the Savior of Israel, but also the great hope of the entire world, just as he promised through the Scriptures. Will you believe the Good News and follow Jesus the Messiah as Lord and Savior?
(Please read around the Scripture references to confirm that everything I have said is true. You will also find many other convincing proofs that the Gospel is real!)
yes me too, subhanallah, alhamdulillah for the blessing of islam
@@peterhwang1860 1) Isa is wrong but "Jesus" is correct? Lol
2) The suffering servant in Isaiah is an allegory for the people of Israel, not Jesus. Ask any rabbi.
3) Adam and Eve also didn't have mothers or fathers, are they also God? Bytheway the old testament refers to many people as sons of God, it was never interpreted literally like the Christians misunderstood it.
4)Other prophets also did miracles, look at the life of Moses, Solomon etc That doesn't make them God.
5) You said it yourself, angels cannot fully bear his sight, but apparently 2000 years ago, people were seeing God on a daily basis, hungry, thirsty and weak? Allahu Akbar. Allah is never weak, if only you understood his attributes.
6) This is justice? Lol Punishing an innocent in place of the guilty? Do you really understand what you're saying? Allah forgives without needing a blood sacrifice he is the most merciful.
7),8)9) 10) As for your last 4 points, Matthew who? Mark who? Luke who? John who? No point in quoting the gospels as according to your own Christian scholars they were found anonymous and nobody knows who wrote them. As for the writings of Paul, he never met Jesus in the flesh, he was a Roman. Let's not even go there.
RABBI - Theodor Herzl mocked jews and Zionists were real antisemites.
Excellent comment!
Really enjoyed your way of presenting and the content.
Just to add - more contradiction and irony: Evangelicals - Jesus will come back when Jews are in Israel. Anti Zionist Judaism - The Messiah has not yet come, and we don't belong in Israel until he does....
As good as this message is, it is difficult to look past the disrespect of drawing Issa (as) I just don't get why draw him?
Because drawings depicting prophets in Islam can encourage idolatry
Thanks for so fantastic information. Duwa with regards from Assam India.
Very clearly explained....respect masha Allah
what the diff of many of that group will be his follower and many of his follower will be of that group ?
Short answer: To destroy Islam
Assuming the population based on current census statistics for religion.
1.9B Muslim *VS* 1/4 of Christian population and 5M Zionists. 😂
Edited: mind me for speak too soon, I fixed.
@@flamelazer27 well that scale is not valid when idf soldiers almost half the size of a palastinian man with big muscles come in fight one with guns another with fist
@@moinulislammahin2045 I was referring to OneLove's comment
But yeah you are right on the spot. Like Israel is a military country, zero civilians. Palestinians are strong regardless of numbers vs them. 💪🦁👊
you got something wrong
they are not a country with a military more like sponsered terrorists with world class weapons and I feel bad for the civilians there and Americans that they are supporting oppression by there tax .They have dawrf soldiers with guns but cannot fight courage
@@flamelazer27 boy will you be disappointed soon
One thing is certain No religion or Faith is practicing Love thy neighbor as thyself..instead advocate Hate justification ..towards each other...base on __________
MashaAllah. May Allah bless Muslims and punish deceivers. Aameen.
Bro how it can be similler when they believe Jesus is God in human body and we don't..it couldn't be more different in my opinion.
Shaikh you have explained it very well. May ALLAH save us from the fitna of dajjal and his followers AAMEEN.
Can i upload this video on my newcomer page? I'm from Bangladesh🇧🇩
You can share this on FB.otherwise it would be copyright infringement I think
RABBI - Theodor Herzl mocked jews and Zionists were real antisemites.
Thank you Sir. This would back up the biblical theory about Abraham and his lineage. Abraham who came from Ur of the Chaldees probably in Southern Iraq went to Canaan, bore two sons Ismael the father of the Arabs and Isaac the father of the Jews.
Yes, but Jews are the son Esau not Jacob. Jacob would be in Christianity not Judaism.
The images of people's feet appearing upon the holy names doesn't seems appropriate. Am I wrong?
Also do one where u explain what is meant by the term Bani Israeel/Children of Israel and how it's misinterpreted by many
Jews believe in blood line DNA lineage. X begat Y begat Z etc etc. They don't believe in equality liberty fraternity for all human beings.
Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhs and several other religions societies practice and preach equality, liberty, fraternity for all.
Because the Christians Bible tells them they must honor the Jews who are HIS People!
Thanks for sharing your knowledge ❤️🙌🏼
I am christian, but this is really interesting!
Awsome video, new subscriber, keep it up
RABBI - Theodor Herzl mocked jews and Zionists were real antisemites.
have full link for his lectures?
JazakAllah 🤲🏻🕋 it gave clarity to the understanding of this division.
Brilliant video, thank you!
Thank you for this insightful video
Can you please publish a print version of tbis presentation ?
MashAllah. So beautiful video.
It's not only Jews, it's Jews who've not accepted Jesus, along with everyone else who've rejected God:
“But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
This speaker is blabbering his own version and making up much. But what would you expect from this islamic propaganda.
Armageddon is simply a figure for Christ's victory at Calvary where He "led captivity captive". So it happened 2000 years ago. It is not about a future physical battle.
Alhamdullilah it's amazing continue watching it
RABBI - Theodor Herzl mocked jews and Zionists were real antisemites.
Not the entire West: the most of America of spanish lenguage and portuguese and most of the slavs orthodox don t support zionism.
Those European Jews are not bani Israel (the sons of Jacob)
Absolutely correct they all are anti semitic
Muslims are Muslims due conquests and forced conversions! And your comment is pure anti-Jew propaganda!
@@stevenm2949 muslims never forced conversions and islam spread because its the truth thats why many convert to islam
@@stevenm2949 and your comment is pure propaganda and islamophobia
@@stevenm2949 Shut up to all of you who makes Jesus the God or son of God
Thanks you love your vids and explanation
Thanks for this video.... informative
It's not that they want them dead the point is that the Israeli Nation of all Jews gathered in Israel doesn't mean they have to reject Jesus they can still be Israeli Christians there's no reason to assume that so many secular Jews won't embrace Christianity if given a fair opportunity to do so no matter where they might live be that in the diaspora or in the Holy Land, itself
Not religious but I always respected the Koran for it being 'more authentic' than modern day bible wether good or not. We cant change the word because we shift ourself. Also because it has not given a face to Allah\God
we dont change our bible, we simplify it, you could say: i have legally purchased a cruzer glide 3.0 or: i've bought a USB
@@omarturek4956 simplify? 🤣 You mean translated over 500 times
@@jxbuyo well that too, you could be a christian from austria that doesnt know english, how are you gonna read it ,it needs to be translated anyways you go on keep worshipping this guy that choses a phedophile to be a prophet and that thinks the earth is flat and say the sun rotates around the earth and listen to zakir naik who said our and i repeat our species went extinct 1 million years ago.
@@jxbuyo as this guy says: “Speak with knowledge or remain silent”, so go read the bible and tell me if you think that jesus never claimed to be god or that there is one single contradiction that cannot be explained
@@jxbuyo The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. ... The English Bible Translation is known as the most accurate Bible version due to large number of excellent translations, ask wikipedia.
Please translate the Arabic words : بني إسرائيل - عقيدة - عجب العجاب and so on into English so that non-Muslims can understand you. I'm an Ethiopian Muslim. I refrained from sharing this important video to Ethiopian Christians because they can't understand the above-mentioned Arabic words. I hope you'll favorably respond to my suggestion.
Meaning the weirdest thing ever..the fact that evangelical want to help them.only for they own sakes
God it is him, the beast is the God that you are worshiping. The emptiness. The God of Abram, The Golden Cow. Money and the One Eyed One. Every each book have been changed.
Like Jews Muslims also believe Mahdi and Messiah to be kings, not spiritual reformers. That's why they rejected Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) as Jews rejected Isa (as).
Well worked well researched vedio I love it.
Watching this video from Canada, I would say that I largely agree with much of what you are saying. I can also say that many of my catholic friends are also big Israel supporters as well.
In addition, I would add that Israel has a lot of money and they buy a lot of weapons from us which gives them a lot of clout here and also our education system and media teaches us to never criticize jewish people for any reason because of the holocaust, so there is no room to speak about the harms brought to Palestinians from Israeli's here. It would be like speaking about Xinjang in China. You just really shouldnt do it.
Israel controls the whole world
Ask your friends about the Roman Catholic and other ancient Christian communities in Palestine who have been largely depleted because of the creation of Israel. While some Palestinian Christians did leave during Ottoman times, the great catalyst was the creation of the state of Israel, particularly the Nakba and the Israeli takeover of the West Bank and Gaza in 1967 and all the events that followed. Palestinian Christians have been some of the most ardent enemies of Zionism and have suffered because of it as worse as anyone in the region. Israel is truly an existential threat to the presence of Christianity in the Holy Land, from Nazareth, Bethlehem to Jerusalem. The British mandate of Palestine(pre 1948), which kept good records, listed the Christian Palestinians as representing up to 10.8% of the population of Palestine. Today, after 65 years of Zionism, the Christian presence is estimated to represent only 1-2.5% of the population. At least Israel tolerates Christian tourists. That's a $$$ thing.
Masha Allah
Such a nice elaboration
Muslim Christian jews an all other religions .must put faith aside n be humans then only will peace be amongst us
when people put faith aside they started worshiping the dollar.
Thank you soo much may Allah soubhana wataallah guide you towards his eternal light ans bless you
only muslims who rebuild solomon's temple. So Muhammad pbuh is the messiah..
Nooo Muhammad pbuh isn’t the messiah you silly . It’s Jesus pbuh who will come back . I honestly don’t know who will build the Solomon temple .
@@اليقاوت_والمرجان You make me smile, A'ishah .... I always wonder who'd be prepared to foot the bill for such a grandiose enterprise. Nothing could be as beautiful and sacred as Al Aqsa.
@Timur Yes, Timur, I'm Jewish.
@Timur No, Timur, I don't belong to a tribe. I come from a single family in Namibia and we had no relatives among people in South Africa of the same surname.
@@اليقاوت_والمرجان the word "messiah" according to the old testament means "the chosen one". This is what I believe. The Roman empire made solomon's temple as a garbage dump. So when khalifa Umar bin chattab defeated The Roman empire, He cleaned that holly place up, and rebuild the Solomon's temple as The al-aqsha mosque
Battle ignorance:
What lots of people (even pastors) don't (yet) understand.
God created us according to His own image and likeness. Godly.
Mankind/the first Adam fell. The image of God in man got lost. That's why there is all this predicament on earth (selfishness, greed, lust, wars, sicknesses, death, etc).
We are all born into that mess.
For the fall of man a perfect atoning sacrifice had to be made.... that is what God did in Christ.
With His own once and for all perefect sacrifice, He paid the debt for the fall of man for us, so we can be indwelled by His Spirit again and finally receive the divine life of the ages back, the first Adam let got of in the fall of man. An amazing act of grace and love by our creator.
That is what you see happening in Christ's first disciples. They too healed all and walked in unselfish love.
And yes.... that is still avaible today. The holy blood is in place, the Holy Spirit is here to give us understanding, power and transform us back to origin.
Not to be debated about, but to be embraced and be-come.
So: The Kingdom of God already came. Through Christ, in Spiritform, in those that understand.
Hence the divine healing miracles we experience.
God manifested in Christ to give us back the divine life mankind lost in the fall of Adam.
Christ, the exact image of the invisible God.
The image we were created after in Gen 1.
The image we lost in the fall of man.
The image that can be freely restored by Christ's blood and Holy Spirit working IN us.
What a plan. What a solution. What a love. What a God. Jesus is amazing.
It is the ultimate conclusion of the word and plan of God. God came full circle.
He Himself stooped down from glory to restore us back to original created value: Christlikeness. Walking in divine healing power and unselfish love.
Jesus, born of the Spirit of God, filled with the spirit of God. The "Son" of God, the incarnated word, God in the flesh.
For three years He healed all, raised the dead, casted out demons, controlled nature, spoke pure divine truth.
He said:
"Follow Me. If you see Me, you see the Father. The Father and I are one. The glory I have IN My Father, I give to you. It pleases the Father to give you His Kingdom/Holy Spirit/divine nature. I will send Holy Spirit, the same as Me, He will be IN you, guide you into truth and give you explosive power. The same miracles i do, you will do too, because you will understand that the Father is IN Me and I am IN you. Freely I give you My Kingdom/Holy Spirit/divine nature, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, freely I give, freely share" Etc, etc, etc.
I have experienced thousands of beautifull healing miracles through the power of Holy Spirit IN me already. Broken bones, cancers, covid, all kinds of infirmities healed in seconds. Demons manifesting and casted out by a simple "get out, in Jesus name".
Jesus. De name above all names. In Him all power and wisdom is sourced and.... He calls us one with Him. God in man and man in God again. C'mon Jesus!!
So.... again: God stooped down IN Christ to restore us back to Gen 1:27 were He said: "Let us make man according to our image and likeness and let them have authority.....": walk as Christ.
Christ, the exact image of the invisible God. The image we were created after and being restored to by His atoning blood for the fall of man and indwelling Holy Spirit.
You are free to receive this original divine life of the ages by Holy Spirit of Christ/God. Ask Him to guide you into truth. Read the Gospel of John and fall in love with your creator.
You are not made for the fall of man and its effects, but for the image/glory of God and to walk like Christ. Holy Spirit is the guide and transforming power that will get you there. Amazing grace.
A big leap in faith can be made when we start realizing we are already IN Christ, IN the last Adam.
Free from the fall! Loved! Growing into awareness of our new (yet old) godly identity. Changing by Holy Spirit. The most fullfilled life ever.
Paul healed all on Malta. He understood and wrote:
"As in the first Adam ALL died (lost the divine nature), so also ALL were made alive IN Christ to walk in Zoë (= divine life) again".
"IN Christ (the last Adam) we are co-cruisified (dead to the fall and its effects), co-raised (justified/made righteousness, holy, blameless, above reproach), co-seated (one with Him)"
"The fullness of deity dwells in Christ and YOU HAVE BEEN MADE COMPLETE IN HIM, who is the head of every principality and power".
So.... thank you Jesus! Thank you for redeeming me from the fall of man. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that makes this new (yet old) divine life come alive in me. You are amazing!
In the shadow of Peter the sick healed... He understood too and wrote:
"By Gods power (Holy Spirit) and knowing Christ, we have become partakers of the divine nature and have escaped the fall of man".
The divine life of the ages has been returned to us by Jesus once and for all perfect atoning sacrifice for the debt of the fall of man and His indwelling Holy Spirit in us. Jesus/God is amazing!!!
Ask Him to give you revelation and change you to the way it was before the fall of man: Christlikeness.
He will do so. For it is written: "the Spirit brings forth after His own kind".
"I have come to give you Zoë (divine life) in abundance...."
Evangelicals are actually supporting B'nai Edom not B'nai Israel they do nor even have no clue of themselves!
I'm an orthodox-zionist Jew. I found this video suprisingly accurate. I loved seeing it explained from a Muslim prospective. I personally have been studying Jewish theology all day for nine years, and am obsessed with Maimonides.
One small point- most Hassidim view Masiah more like the Christians and Muslims, ya'ani a spiritual figure as opposed to a political figure.
As a maimonadian rationalist, i personally view the concept as you described, hence religious Zionism
If you’re zionist that means you’re praying to Dajjal. Actual devil (anti christ). Because thats zionism stands for. We know clearly ortodox jews are against zionists and IsraHell.
@@abdulahosmanbegovic2479 i have never heard of dajjal. You appear to be a terrible person. I hope bad things happen to you
@@אברהםדודסולומון ad- dajjal is the anti christ of Muslims. And we that he will be followed largely by the Jews who will mistake him for their messia. We believe that in order for the dajjal to arrive their needs to be a great amount of unrest, bloodshed and ungodliness in the world, which as you can see is happening now. No disrespect, everyone's beliefs are different. Look it up.
@@saiqhai9968 thank you for explaining that to me. One thing that is unique in Jewish theology is that there is no evil counterpart to G-d.
Satan in original Judaism is at most the angel G-d sends to punish or test people, but the principal of singularity makes him not much than any other manifestation of the L-rd
@@אברהםדודסולומון Satan, or shaitan in Islamic belief was once an angel until he showed arrogance when ALLAH asked him to bow down to prophet Adam a. s. He then vowed to lead humanity astay.
In Islamic belief there is huge significance of Palestine and masjid al aqsa, that why we as Muslims support plastine but I aslo know there is huge significance of isreal to the Jews.
We believe that when prophet Essa or jesus returns he will destroy the dajjal and with Imam medi will conquer Palestine from the zionist Jews.. There is much more information on these prophecies if you are interested in Islamic pov, if you visit the merciful servant channel. Please I don't mean any disrespect, these are the prophecies in Islam. Each abrahamic religion has similarities and differences.
To my dear brother, the speaker in the video, who said that in Islam there is the coming back of the messiah or the anti-christ (dadjaal)? It's not mentioned in the Quran. Nowhere does the Quran claim the Messiah shall return nor anywhere does it mention that they will face each other. That is a christian belief and the early Muslim scholars force fed the Muslims these ideas since themselves were ex-christians or ex-jews or ex-zoroastrians, if at all they wholy embraced Islam.
It's mentioned in authentic hadith. As you know our religion is based on Quran and Sunnah( verbal and actions). If you leave out one, you're taking only half the religion. Be very careful, you can be easily mislead if you ignore the hadith.
@@SK-ns6slالجاية: 6/7 تلك ايات الله نتلوها عليك بالحق فباي حديث بعد الله واياته يومنون (6) ويل لكل افاك اثيم(7)
القلم: مالكم كيف تحكمون (36) ام لكم كتاب فيه تدرسون (37)
The Quran is THE only book on words of Allah and there is no second to it, not hadeeth nor Sunnah; those are but books written by men. I take Quran as the ONLY book of authority to Islam and so should every true believer in Allah.
About Eissa:
العمر ان: 55
إذ قال الله ياعيسى ورافعك الي ومطهرك من الذين كفروا وجاعل الذين التبعوك فوق الذين كفروا الى يوم القيامة ثم الي مرجعكم فاحكم بينكم في ما كنتم فيه تختلفون....
funny that in bible its named as Palestine
😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i cant stop laughing omg
Assalamualaiqum, can u help me I also want to make videos like this .
So many wrong statements.
“Speak with knowledge or remain silent”
Watching this while Israel is bombing Gaza and west defending their actions as usual.. We believe in Quran which said they will take the land again then Allah servants will defeat them again.. So thank to them their end is near as they are moving forward
Who crucified the Messiah and why?
No evil goes unpunished.
Bro, Jesus was not crucified. But Jews think they killed jesus, even Christians think that. It was a person, who resembled with isa (AS) was crucified. But reality is Isa(AS) is alive and will come back.
@@51TahirAhmad ok Tahir thanks. There is a site in kashmir some people including locals say hasrat isa was buried here.
@Sparrow bird... Shoo
@@RajeevYadavVoyager may I know where?
@@51TahirAhmad rozabal or HAZRATBAL shrine in Kashmir. Google, RUclips search and you will arrive.
They wanted a “holy land” and as we all know Palestine was the home to many prophets (peace be upon them) who are mentioned in the holy books of all the three religions, namely, Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The miraculous birth of Jesus (A.S.) also took place in Palestine. It is believed that Abraham(A.S.) and Isaac (A.S.) are buried in Hebron, Palestine. Allah refers to it as “holy land” in reference to its purity and sanctity (source: ONEPATH, “Why Palestine is important to Muslims”)
Actually in jewish traditions there are 2 messiahs that are destined to come - 1 is a political figure that will come from joseph's lineage and the second whos more of a religious figure will be from David's lineage.
It is true that a messiah is viewed as a king because the hebrew word משיח(messiah) originates from the custom of bathing a king or a priest that was anointed with the holy anointing oil.
interesting, no wonder the Israel PM is really nationalist and have strong political power. as if he want to be THE messiah.
I don't intend mock or anything, its just my observation
What is the full talk called ?
Why is there a sataninc pentagram on book of aqidah
That was jewish aqidah book
You watch to many 80s horror movies like me 👌
@@afiemon iknow but why a pentagram
Very interesting about piousness and being fervent. What God cares about is how you treat others, not how well you follow rituals.
Good information
They share a love of money and power ! kindred spirits ! when will enough be enough ? money cant buy you happiness but neither will poverty or oppression !
Imagine if all these religious people believing in different things were studying modern scientific knowledge and methods as fiercely as they argue about what’s written all those old books. Probably too bold wish for 21st century :/
@i Flux
The Land belongs to the Jewish People.
The Rambam is not the chief Rabbi of the Jews, where do you get that from? I used to be Jewish religious and there are so many Rabbis who are followed more than him (The Rosh and Rabbi Youssef Karo für example)
Learn from the amazing sheikh imran hosein.... you'll gain more and more knowledge!
I am a Christian (Pentecostal) my Bible, the King James version, says as Christians we are to always pray for the peace of Jerusalem for those who curse Jerusalem shall be cursed. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem every night as an American. They are God's chosen people and this all confuses me what they're saying here. Help....
Imagine the Christians reaction when Jesus come back and tell them how stupid they were
😂 ikr
This crazy idea make me become a full blown atheist or agnostic. It doesn't makes no sense. The whole idea of Religion is to control, to believe the unknowns, not to question, to be fearful all your life Some Devil out there to get me. The whole idea of a chosen people or superior is inherently racist. I think the righteous God suppose to be impartial and all human being suppose to be equal. I am lost.
This conflict is not about religion, it's about nationalis. Btw, I heard from a guy called ReligionForBreakfast (Religious scholar scholar, kind of archeology and sociology) that the concept of "religion" was crafted by early scholars, it doesnt have a clear definition and not all cultures have it. I personally like to use the term spirituality, because this is more universal, I mean I guess everyone has a form of spirituality
Religion is a part of national identity.
@@jerrynelson5289 many think that religion involves identity, but not always. Wait, i'll send u a link to a video of what I was talking about
@@jerrynelson5289 ruclips.net/video/c5KHDR8jdbA/видео.html
i thought it was haram to draw pictures of the prophets?
He didn’t he wrote their names
It is , he shouldn't had drawn Jesus pbuh
Most islamic scholars said it haram, bcoz the tendecy we may worshipping it. But for todays world it seem not practical anymore, bcoz everybody know its not their real images
@@muhammadhafizudinidris1592 yet the Christians continue to pray to Jesus and believe him to be a white man with blue eyes.
Yeah it is.
Link for full lecture if you have kindly.
Regardless of various Christian denominations, they all support Israel to various degrees. Also there are more contributing factors in Western support for state of Israel. Factor like racial, cultural and geo-strategic.
Don't think anyone supports Israel for racial reasons, Jews are not even White people.
thanks it's clear, and very important subject, people every where need to know just the truth????
I think you shouldn't have drawn/shown the cartoon of the prophet Isa (A.) or christ as they say, since it is not permissible to draw or show the face of prophets in Islam.
With all due respect Shaikh Yassir Qadhi, Yahud say they're a ppl of the Torah , so they've back tracked to David and Goliath. The say there's no such thing as Palestine and bla bla