The Quran Doesn’t Want You To Know THIS About Jesus


Комментарии • 451

  • @IslamCritiqued
    @IslamCritiqued  6 месяцев назад +30

    Thank you to my awesome supporters via Patreon and Super Thanks!

    • @Atlantis_will_repeat_from_YHVH
      @Atlantis_will_repeat_from_YHVH 6 месяцев назад

      Judgement day has started!!!🦉🦉
      I think it's high time to reveal hidden truths!
      I know what i am saying can make yur conscience weary nd exhausted if yu start thinking what i am saying, because this is how Serpent matrix controlled by dark entities 🐍 works!
      Its a pin point attack to serpent matrix propoganda which he gives to muslims nd thats why yur darkness resonating conscience makes yu neglect this point, nd sometimes yur mind automatically gets diverted! Sometimes yu can feel insidious if yu are sensitive!
      It will make this point feel uneffective in terms of yur earthly knowledge!
      But it will shatter the base of islam! From its core
      If yu christianity wNt to counter islamic scholars claim that Christians follow Trinity nd they are polytheistic!
      Then yu should ask muslims what is root word for allah?
      If they say allah came from elaha or elohim, then in elohim there's come many gods like all previous gods which yhvh has cursed , demons nd ghosts nd all supernatural entity!
      Even the human kings nd judges are elohim at their level!
      Then which god does muslims follow?
      Who follows more gods Christians (trinity holders) or elaha(elohim aka allah)?

    • @stevejames6813
      @stevejames6813 6 месяцев назад +1

      Hey Colin
      I believe one of the major obstacles for Muslims against Christians is that we worship 3 Gods, no matter how many time we keep repeating not 3 Gods, one God made up of 3 essences, allah or no one can do that, so allah is the only true God.
      About to show all Muslims irrefutable proof of that silly argument.
      Both Christians and Muslims agree we are all made in Gods image (bible) and allahs image (quran)
      Both the bible and the quran say Love God or Love allah with all your heart,soul and mind. All agree.
      Why was it not written, just love God always or just love allah always. Makes sense as well.
      Because my dear Muslim friends, each and every person on earth,no exceptions, are a walking, breathing, thinking living trinity, all of us are one being made up of 3 essences heaet, soul and mind, to make one whole human being exactly like God, God the Father, God the son Jesus and God the Holy Spirit, one being made up of three essences to make one perfect being God. NOT 3 GODS
      We are all made in the image of love and the image of the trinity.
      Now unless you muslims say no you have no heart, soul or mind, unless you are just a skeleton with flesh attached, or you are a mindless zombie, which sadly may be closer to the truth, then yes allah can't be god, Islam is all built on lies.
      Go ask allah how on earth is this possible, how can you muslims be a trinty when allah can't, no answer, go read your quran, no answer, go ask your scholars, no answer, they too are a trinity.
      What a mess you guys are in now.
      Not all is lost, all the answers are in the bible, always has and always will be. The bible stands alone and above every book ever written. Seek and you shall find.
      All the glory to our wonderful saviour and God, part of the Glorious Trinity
      Please muslims stop using the lame argument that Christians worship 3 Gods.
      One God with 3 essences exactly like every other person on earth

    • @Simsam-b1d
      @Simsam-b1d 5 месяцев назад +7

      This channel should reach a million subscribers
      It's saving Muslims from islam, before others

    • @efrencruz8327
      @efrencruz8327 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@Simsam-b1d keep spreading islam critiqued on Facebook and twitter and Instagram and in your country and other countries but it is going to take years my friend

    • @tobyc8668
      @tobyc8668 5 месяцев назад +1

      Beware of deliberate mistranslations by english translators of the Quran. They like adding things which are not found in the Arabic to mislead other in the English language.

  • @ambassadorkees
    @ambassadorkees 6 месяцев назад +109

    Continue exposing the lies and athrocities of Islam!
    Let Jesus Christ be exalted❤

    • @SusanLlewellyn-pp2xn
      @SusanLlewellyn-pp2xn 6 месяцев назад +10


    • @syedhasan5861
      @syedhasan5861 5 месяцев назад +1

      I presume that you are an evangelical christian and you believe in the doctrine of the trinity and vicarious atonement but not doing good works then you also believe as long as a man who rapes and murders your daughter and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rapes and murders your sister and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rape and murders your mother and then repents and later on sin the same sin or rapes and murders your wife and then repents and later on sin the same sin and evangelical christian still believes in the doctrine of the trinity and also believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins that he will be forgiven and will go to heaven and despite continuing to rape and murder innocent people but will still go to heaven as he still believe in the doctrine of the trinity and also as long as he still believes that Jesus died on the cross because you believe that this man is your evangelical christian brethren who you will embrace him but you also believe that good works are just like dirty rags according to your apostle Paul as your apostle Paul also said that faith alone believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins they you are forgiven and will go to heaven is your only salvation.
      According to christian evangelical theology, good works are the consequence of salvation and not its justification. They are the sign of a sincere and grateful faith. They include actions for the Great Commission, that is, Christian evangelism, service in the Church and charity. So Good works is a consequence but not a necessity for christian evangelical salvation. That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. ~Romans 10:9-10 You cannot be saved by your good works, because no matter how hard you try, your “good” is not good enough for the perfectly holy and completely righteous God who alone grants salvation. Nor can you be saved by your moral perfection-no matter how moral or how perfect you are. As the Old Testament prophet Isaiah points out, your righteousness is about as good as a “snot rag”. (Isaiah 64:6 ). I have actually cleaned that up a bit, because the Hebrew phrase for filthy rags, ukabeged ehdim, literally means, “like as rags of menstruation.”
      Sorry if that disgusts you, but it’s Scripture-so blame Isaiah. The point is, both our acts of righteousness, and the quality of righteousness that we hope they produce, are disgusting to God. So if you are disgusted by Isaiah’s language, think of how God, who inspired Isaiah to choose those coarse words, is repulsed by our efforts to get him to save us. So what hope, then, is there for our salvation? Well, frankly, no hope resides within us. None whatsoever. Ephesians 2:1 says “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.” That’s how hopeless we are apart from God’s work to save us. You see, all a dead person can do is lay there and be dead, let alone try to be righteous before God.

    • @cutest6562
      @cutest6562 5 месяцев назад

      worship human tht can go to toilet poop n pee ?n then you claim as god ? lol 😂

    • @Krypterium
      @Krypterium 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @jeanmullen8327
    @jeanmullen8327 6 месяцев назад +49

    Onceagain amazing content….pure facts….no hyperbole…..deep respect.

  • @SusanLlewellyn-pp2xn
    @SusanLlewellyn-pp2xn 6 месяцев назад +38

    So glad I stumbled upon. I add you to my short list to be watched regularly ❤

    • @truthseeker630
      @truthseeker630 5 месяцев назад

      Don't get taken up by this deceiver, read my comments, and read the Quran for yourself. You will see the truth. Don't take culture as religion. See what the scriptures actually teach. (This is why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the west; it's because we have access to true information)
      Women are treated as garbage according to the bible. The Quran elevates them to a status so high, that the media tries to distort it. Let's see:
      People let's distinguish between what culture teaches, and what the Quran actually teaches. Let's see:
      Quran 4-19
      "O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women
      against their will. Nor should ye treat them with with them on a footing of kindness and equity...."
      Quran 3-42 gave the highest respect to Mary the mother of Jesus, and women in general, as compared to any other scripture in the history
      "Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah hath chosen
      thee and purified thee- chosen thee above the women
      of all nations."
      Clearly, we see the true treatment of women according to the Quran, thank you for allowing us to clarify these misunderstandings.
      In the bible, a man can rape a woman, pay her father, and he can then marry her. No reprimand. What about justice for the woman, and her feelings, and what she wants???? And you speak about Islam????
      Deuteronomy 22
      28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they are found;
      29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.
      Deuteronomy 22:21
      Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she dies: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.
      Gen 3, 16
      I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow, thou shalt bring forth children; thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
      Ephes 5, 22-24
      Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands For the husband is the head of the wife wives be to their own husbands in everything.
      Matthew 15 26 (Jesus/god referring to women as DOGS)
      It is not meet to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs.

  • @jeanmullen8327
    @jeanmullen8327 6 месяцев назад +22

    Awesome…such a.
    Clear distinction between the quran and the works of the New Testament , no matter your faith belief,such a contradiction is clear.

    • @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah
      @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah 5 месяцев назад

      The only contradiction is the “Bible”. It has thousands of contradictions because it’s authors can’t agree on anything theology or history. That’s why the Quran came to fix that mess.

  • @blindvision4703
    @blindvision4703 6 месяцев назад +26

    God bless, Colin! Sorry, I have been around in a while. Sometimes you gotta take a break from all the Islamic craziness to deal with… Well, to be honest, other types of craziness. I’ve listened to some other Christian channels address, Islam, but I haven’t been back here in a little bit. Shalom from Ohio.

  • @johnpatmos1722
    @johnpatmos1722 6 месяцев назад +16

    Very good analysis.

  • @geertje1947
    @geertje1947 6 месяцев назад +38

    Thank you very much God bless you.
    Watching and listening from the Netherlands.

    • @pindakaas4443
      @pindakaas4443 6 месяцев назад +7

      🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱 Gods zegen

    • @efrencruz8327
      @efrencruz8327 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@pindakaas4443 keep spreading islam critiqued on Facebook and twitter and Instagram and in your Beautiful country Netherlands and other European countries but it is going to take years so take your time and be a messenger my friend save European country my friend

  • @Contagious93812
    @Contagious93812 6 месяцев назад +127

    As an atheist I fully support your work. I don't mind Christianity or any other non-Muslim religion.

    • @cosmiccruxbot3841
      @cosmiccruxbot3841 6 месяцев назад

      Awesome, although Atheism on it's own simply cannot battle this cancerous ideology.

    • @Oldwhiteguy
      @Oldwhiteguy 6 месяцев назад


    • @AhmedWilders
      @AhmedWilders 6 месяцев назад

      Because you follow your lust and devil ..and Islam is the only religion that regulate the human life while chrisinity and non muslim religion say to you do whatever you want

    • @AhmedWilders
      @AhmedWilders 6 месяцев назад

      Christianity and other non-Muslim religion are empty and do not pose a threat for Illuminati

    • @mysotiras21
      @mysotiras21 6 месяцев назад +1

      As a Christian, I share that sentiment. Islam is a threat to peace and human welfare, while other religions are not.

  • @Derek_Baumgartner
    @Derek_Baumgartner 6 месяцев назад +47

    As the Lamb of God and the perfection of the priesthood, there was indeed an inversion regarding cleanliness laws where He was involved.
    Recall also the woman with an 'issue of blood' who sought to secretly touch just some part of Jesus's clothing, hoping to be healed.
    Recall also Jesus touching the leper.
    In both cases, under Levitical law the person touched by the sickly (either by contact with the woman with the issue, or with the leper) would become ceremonially unclean.
    But in Jesus's case, it's inverted: rather than Jesus becoming unclean, the unclean are cleansed.
    It synergizes perfectly with Jesus's Gospel message: that He came to save sinners, and died for us even while we were in our sin - that in His perfection, He was not made unclean, but rather that He bore our infirmities (both sickness and especially sin) to make us clean. This He did perfectly: and unlike us, death could not hold Him, nor did He give in to the sin he bore.
    ...not that the Qu'ran or Ha'dith understands or communicates any of these wonderful truths. The more you know, the more clearly Islam's falsehood shines through.

    • @andys3035
      @andys3035 5 месяцев назад +3

      I like this and add in that he bore our ultimate sickness which is death. Christ takes on mortality and raises humanity in Him so that we may become immortal, imperishable and incorruptible through union with Him in His death. Death is the invader at Eden, and it is conquered through death.

    • @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah
      @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah 5 месяцев назад

      It’s truly astonishing how one can be such a newbie in biblical symbolism and yet so arrogantly proclaim that the Quran doesn’t understand the so-called ‘deeper’ ‘spiritual meanings’ behind the Messiah’s miracles. In case you weren’t aware, the idea of ‘spiritual blindness’ and ‘sickness’ from sin is a universal concept found in almost every major religious text, including the Quran (9:28, 2:10, 22:46). The Quran doesn’t need to communicate the ‘deeper’ meanings behind the Messiah’s miracles. Literally anyone could deduce it from just reading through the Quran alone (forget the Bible). The Quran’s audience was also already familiar with the Bible so that would’ve been rather pointless. “Jesus” (as you call him) himself doesn’t communicate them in the gospels either. In fact, I can do a little “Midrash” on the Quran and conclude based on verses like 3:50, 22:46, 2:10 plus John 12:40, that the Messiah only came to heal those who sought the cure to their illnesses and wanted to see the light, which was him. He taught nothing about dying for the sins of men, which is only found in the later books of the New Testament (i.e. several of the Epistles).

    • @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah
      @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah 5 месяцев назад

      @@andys3035​​⁠​​⁠ What utter nonsense. The inmates of Jahannam are not dead. In fact, they are weeping and gnashing their teeth according to the “Bible” (Matthew 13:42), verified by Quran (11:106). The Messiah is called “The Life” because through him, the disciples escaped Jahannam which is neither life nor death (Quran 20:74). Nothing more. The idol known as “Jesus” who died for the sins of men is found no where in the gospels. He is a fictional character.

    • @syedhasan5861
      @syedhasan5861 5 месяцев назад +1

      I presume that you are an evangelical christian and you believe in the doctrine of the trinity and vicarious atonement but not doing good works then you also believe as long as a man who rapes and murders your daughter and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rapes and murders your sister and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rape and murders your mother and then repents and later on sin the same sin or rapes and murders your wife and then repents and later on sin the same sin and evangelical christian still believes in the doctrine of the trinity and also believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins that he will be forgiven and will go to heaven and despite continuing to rape and murder innocent people but will still go to heaven as he still believe in the doctrine of the trinity and also as long as he still believes that Jesus died on the cross because you believe that this man is your evangelical christian brethren who you will embrace him but you also believe that good works are just like dirty rags according to your apostle Paul as your apostle Paul also said that faith alone believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins they you are forgiven and will go to heaven is your only salvation.
      According to christian evangelical theology, good works are the consequence of salvation and not its justification. They are the sign of a sincere and grateful faith. They include actions for the Great Commission, that is, Christian evangelism, service in the Church and charity. So Good works is a consequence but not a necessity for christian evangelical salvation. That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. ~Romans 10:9-10 You cannot be saved by your good works, because no matter how hard you try, your “good” is not good enough for the perfectly holy and completely righteous God who alone grants salvation. Nor can you be saved by your moral perfection-no matter how moral or how perfect you are. As the Old Testament prophet Isaiah points out, your righteousness is about as good as a “snot rag”. (Isaiah 64:6 ). I have actually cleaned that up a bit, because the Hebrew phrase for filthy rags, ukabeged ehdim, literally means, “like as rags of menstruation.”
      Sorry if that disgusts you, but it’s Scripture-so blame Isaiah. The point is, both our acts of righteousness, and the quality of righteousness that we hope they produce, are disgusting to God. So if you are disgusted by Isaiah’s language, think of how God, who inspired Isaiah to choose those coarse words, is repulsed by our efforts to get him to save us. So what hope, then, is there for our salvation? Well, frankly, no hope resides within us. None whatsoever. Ephesians 2:1 says “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.” That’s how hopeless we are apart from God’s work to save us. You see, all a dead person can do is lay there and be dead, let alone try to be righteous before God.

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_AllahIgnored the entire video’s argument against the very thing you wrote here. Well done.

  • @MaryamofShomal
    @MaryamofShomal 5 месяцев назад +3

    I hate that RUclips never gives me notifications for your videos 🤬
    Stellar work, as per usual. God bless and protect you always 🙏🏽

  • @foundthetruth2003
    @foundthetruth2003 6 месяцев назад +8

    Brilliant, as ever.

  • @ioanniskalher6030
    @ioanniskalher6030 5 месяцев назад +10

    Muslims believe they love Jesus more than we Christians do. (They obviously dont know Jesus as we do) ... I appreciate your work. Please continue!

    • @labdulekrem
      @labdulekrem 5 месяцев назад +4

      Thats the lie they tell you , as an ex Muslim the only thing I heard about Jesus are bad things from other Muslims around me. Moderate or radical Muslims both don't even believe he was a prophet and majority they hates him.

    • @bluelightmoon777
      @bluelightmoon777 5 месяцев назад +2

      Saying Jesus was not divine is an insult and blasphemy.

    • @bristolrovers27
      @bristolrovers27 5 месяцев назад +1

      This is a flat out lie
      I have never heard anything remotely derogatory about Jesus (pbuh) let alone hatred. He is one of the most respected Prophets of Islam

    • @bristolrovers27
      @bristolrovers27 5 месяцев назад +1

      Or potentially the truth.
      The Gospels are very meally mouthed about his divinity and it's mainly Paul that seems to push this line

    • @bluelightmoon777
      @bluelightmoon777 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@bristolrovers27 nope, Jesus used divine Titles, Gods name, Forgave sins, said things no mortal could say, did things no mortal could do, so youre left with 2 options. You join the people who accuses him of blasphemy as we read in john 10:33 " “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”
      Or you accept that Jesus is the Son of God and divine, without sin and never commited Blasphemy to stay consistent with the whole Bible.

  • @arnoldnathanael4670
    @arnoldnathanael4670 6 месяцев назад +5

    Thank you for this clear and insightful explanation. I wrote this comment (by my own permission)

  • @quaver1239
    @quaver1239 6 месяцев назад +8

    Thank you.

  • @trinitymatrix9719
    @trinitymatrix9719 6 месяцев назад +16

    is lam and quran deny logic and reasoning. This is why its so funny n hillarious 😂😂

  • @davidzack8735
    @davidzack8735 5 месяцев назад +32

    The funniest sura in the Quran is Sura 33 where Muhammad tries to justify marrying the wife of his adopted son Zayd by saying 'Allah wanted me to!'

    • @happyguy650
      @happyguy650 5 месяцев назад +7

      No the part where he asks Aisha to brestfeed his friends has to be the funniest.

    • @skolsuper8447
      @skolsuper8447 5 месяцев назад +6

      @@happyguy650 Don't forget the splitting of the moon, Burrack the flying donkey who took mo mo to seventh heaven, talking Ants lol. The quran is full of funny pagan stories.

    • @davidzack8735
      @davidzack8735 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@happyguy650 That bit about breastfeeding and stoning for adultery is not in the Quran because Aisha said those verses were eaten by her pet sheep. 😁

    • @happyguy650
      @happyguy650 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@davidzack8735 They are so ashamed of this breastfeeding and stoning verse that they do not consider this as authentic "sahih" hadith.

    • @Tar-Elenion
      @Tar-Elenion 5 месяцев назад +3

      I find that to be the funniest one too, though not the Zayd verse (37).
      The verse (53) where Allah has had the Pen write in the Book for Jibril to read and tell Muhammad to say to the muslims that they are only to come to Muhammad's house to eat when the food is ready and have to leave when the meal over, not try and stay to talk. And Muhammad is not saying this of his own volition, because he is too shy to do that. It is Allah's command. Oh yeah, and you can't marry his wives after he dies.
      But remember this is from Allah and not Muhammad, he is very shy and just cannot say that coming from himself...

  • @bapu8984
    @bapu8984 5 месяцев назад +2

    Keep up the good work ❤🎉😊

  • @dorayantz3649
    @dorayantz3649 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this video. God bless you! 🙏😇

  • @jackthisout9480
    @jackthisout9480 6 месяцев назад +26

    You can make a similar argument for Mohammed in islam. Or Abraham in islam. Hardly anything that islam says about them is meaningful or shows a deeper knowledge of its beliefs.

    • @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah
      @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah 5 месяцев назад

      I have 99.999% certainty that you’ve never truly studied either the “Bible” or the “Quran”. That’s why you think Islam has nothing “meaningful” to say about the prophets عليهم السلام. Meanwhile, educated Christian scholars and Jews remain silent because they know the truth.
      Keep barking.

    • @syedhasan5861
      @syedhasan5861 5 месяцев назад +1

      I presume that you are an evangelical christian and you believe in the doctrine of the trinity and vicarious atonement but not doing good works then you also believe as long as a man who rapes and murders your daughter and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rapes and murders your sister and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rape and murders your mother and then repents and later on sin the same sin or rapes and murders your wife and then repents and later on sin the same sin and evangelical christian still believes in the doctrine of the trinity and also believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins that he will be forgiven and will go to heaven and despite continuing to rape and murder innocent people but will still go to heaven as he still believe in the doctrine of the trinity and also as long as he still believes that Jesus died on the cross because you believe that this man is your evangelical christian brethren who you will embrace him but you also believe that good works are just like dirty rags according to your apostle Paul as your apostle Paul also said that faith alone believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins they you are forgiven and will go to heaven is your only salvation.
      According to christian evangelical theology, good works are the consequence of salvation and not its justification. They are the sign of a sincere and grateful faith. They include actions for the Great Commission, that is, Christian evangelism, service in the Church and charity. So Good works is a consequence but not a necessity for christian evangelical salvation. That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. ~Romans 10:9-10 You cannot be saved by your good works, because no matter how hard you try, your “good” is not good enough for the perfectly holy and completely righteous God who alone grants salvation. Nor can you be saved by your moral perfection-no matter how moral or how perfect you are. As the Old Testament prophet Isaiah points out, your righteousness is about as good as a “snot rag”. (Isaiah 64:6 ). I have actually cleaned that up a bit, because the Hebrew phrase for filthy rags, ukabeged ehdim, literally means, “like as rags of menstruation.”
      Sorry if that disgusts you, but it’s Scripture-so blame Isaiah. The point is, both our acts of righteousness, and the quality of righteousness that we hope they produce, are disgusting to God. So if you are disgusted by Isaiah’s language, think of how God, who inspired Isaiah to choose those coarse words, is repulsed by our efforts to get him to save us. So what hope, then, is there for our salvation? Well, frankly, no hope resides within us. None whatsoever. Ephesians 2:1 says “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.” That’s how hopeless we are apart from God’s work to save us. You see, all a dead person can do is lay there and be dead, let alone try to be righteous before God.

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 5 месяцев назад

      @@Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_AllahDelusional claims. Many resources out there literally have exposed your book plagiarising gnostic gospels, Arian heresies, Simon Magus, the Mishnah and even Zoroastrian folklore. We aren’t in the dark ages we can all read and look these up.

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 5 месяцев назад

      @@Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_AllahA “Johnny Come Lately” follower of a semi gnostic cult having the audacity to tell Jews and Christians on their beliefs.

    • @jackthisout9480
      @jackthisout9480 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah The idea of course is that the more you read the quran and hadith, the more you know. This idea is strongly discouraged in Islam, which is actually also the case in catholicism.
      But yes, I have read the quran and many hadiths, including the necessary commentaries of Ibn Kathir, Jalalayn, and others. And as such, I can safely conclude that there is no meaningful content in Islam that is worth adopting.
      The issue is not so much what all these 'Christian scholars and Jews' know, although I wonder why you assume that these scholars are interested in Islam in the first place. An islamic scholar would be, right?
      Your name is interesting. Can you tell me which message 'Eesa' has, by quoting your books?

  • @hiphop74100
    @hiphop74100 3 месяца назад


  • @redpill8273
    @redpill8273 6 месяцев назад +60

    There's no contradictions in quran....ALL of its teachings are in full compliance with Satan.

    • @insectslayer1374
      @insectslayer1374 5 месяцев назад +8

      Shaitan almost went all out in that Jibril cosplay but he couldn't resist revealing his true nature lmao

    • @I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid
      @I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid 5 месяцев назад +4


    • @syedhasan5861
      @syedhasan5861 5 месяцев назад +1

      I presume that you are an evangelical christian and you believe in the doctrine of the trinity and vicarious atonement but not doing good works then you also believe as long as a man who rapes and murders your daughter and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rapes and murders your sister and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rape and murders your mother and then repents and later on sin the same sin or rapes and murders your wife and then repents and later on sin the same sin and evangelical christian still believes in the doctrine of the trinity and also believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins that he will be forgiven and will go to heaven and despite continuing to rape and murder innocent people but will still go to heaven as he still believe in the doctrine of the trinity and also as long as he still believes that Jesus died on the cross because you believe that this man is your evangelical christian brethren who you will embrace him but you also believe that good works are just like dirty rags according to your apostle Paul as your apostle Paul also said that faith alone believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins they you are forgiven and will go to heaven is your only salvation.
      According to christian evangelical theology, good works are the consequence of salvation and not its justification. They are the sign of a sincere and grateful faith. They include actions for the Great Commission, that is, Christian evangelism, service in the Church and charity. So Good works is a consequence but not a necessity for christian evangelical salvation. That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. ~Romans 10:9-10 You cannot be saved by your good works, because no matter how hard you try, your “good” is not good enough for the perfectly holy and completely righteous God who alone grants salvation. Nor can you be saved by your moral perfection-no matter how moral or how perfect you are. As the Old Testament prophet Isaiah points out, your righteousness is about as good as a “snot rag”. (Isaiah 64:6 ). I have actually cleaned that up a bit, because the Hebrew phrase for filthy rags, ukabeged ehdim, literally means, “like as rags of menstruation.”
      Sorry if that disgusts you, but it’s Scripture-so blame Isaiah. The point is, both our acts of righteousness, and the quality of righteousness that we hope they produce, are disgusting to God. So if you are disgusted by Isaiah’s language, think of how God, who inspired Isaiah to choose those coarse words, is repulsed by our efforts to get him to save us. So what hope, then, is there for our salvation? Well, frankly, no hope resides within us. None whatsoever. Ephesians 2:1 says “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.” That’s how hopeless we are apart from God’s work to save us. You see, all a dead person can do is lay there and be dead, let alone try to be righteous before God.

    • @MaryamofShomal
      @MaryamofShomal 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @MaryamofShomal
      @MaryamofShomal 5 месяцев назад

      @@insectslayer1374exactly! I always say he’s just Satan in a shoddy disguise, and he pretty much admits as much several times to that P3do False Prophet

  • @Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics
    @Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics 6 месяцев назад +28

    Great stuff! Jesus's miracles in the Quran don't say anything about his identity. 🤔 Like most stuff in Islam, it is superficial.

    • @inkyfingers3447
      @inkyfingers3447 5 месяцев назад +5

      They are clueless about why Jesus is the Messiah. They give him the title but don’t know anything else about him or how he fulfilled prophecy

    • @Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics
      @Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@inkyfingers3447 Yeah. That's why I don't believe in Islam. So much is superficial. He has the title of Messiah, but we have no clue what that actually means. It's like stealing a car claiming it's yours, but you don't know how to drive it. 🥴😵‍💫

    • @truthseeker630
      @truthseeker630 5 месяцев назад +1

      But Jesus' explicit words in the bible say about his identity. And he commands us to worship the Father, and not him. After all, he says that the Father is greater than him, and he cannot do anything unless granted the power of god. SO if we claim to love Jesus, lets really follow his instructions.

    • @Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics
      @Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@truthseeker630 Jesus accepted worship many times in the Bible.

    • @truthseeker630
      @truthseeker630 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics Quote 1, just 1 from the bible. And give me the words of Jesus himself.

  • @mysotiras21
    @mysotiras21 6 месяцев назад +28

    Once again, you demonstrate that the Qur'an is an incoherent mess. It is theologically shallow, also completely unanchored in the principles of the earlier scriptures, even though it borrowed heavily from them. About what you'd expect from a fake scripture that plagiarized from dozens of contradictory sources, by a writer who could not differentiate between history and fable. Great video.

    • @quaver1239
      @quaver1239 5 месяцев назад +2

      Well said. Thank you.

    • @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah
      @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah 5 месяцев назад

      The Quran is an incoherent mess? Is that why Islam is growing faster than “Christianity”, the fastest dying religion on earth bIeeding out far more converts than it can ever hope to gain? It seems the only thing that doesn’t make the “Bible” shallow is it’s a amazing ability to space people out harder than a telephone directory. Lol. I can bet my life that “Mysotiras21” never truly studied the “Bible” nor the Quran, but only parrots the arguments from low-level apologists like “Islam Critiqued”. Had he, he would’ve realized that he just described the NT in that comment.

    • @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah
      @Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_Allah 5 месяцев назад

      The Quran is incoherent because it doesn’t anchor itself in biblical principles? The Bible contradicts itself thousands of times. It does not have any consistent “principle”. The Bible authors contradict themselves on every topic they touch. Why would the Quran want to anchor its teachings on such a confused, jumbled source? It’s the reason why Crosstianity is on a one way trip to extinction. Alhamdulillah for Quran, the most preserved, perfect book from Allah.

    • @syedhasan5861
      @syedhasan5861 5 месяцев назад +1

      I presume that you are an evangelical christian and you believe in the doctrine of the trinity and vicarious atonement but not doing good works then you also believe as long as a man who rapes and murders your daughter and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rapes and murders your sister and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rape and murders your mother and then repents and later on sin the same sin or rapes and murders your wife and then repents and later on sin the same sin and evangelical christian still believes in the doctrine of the trinity and also believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins that he will be forgiven and will go to heaven and despite continuing to rape and murder innocent people but will still go to heaven as he still believe in the doctrine of the trinity and also as long as he still believes that Jesus died on the cross because you believe that this man is your evangelical christian brethren who you will embrace him but you also believe that good works are just like dirty rags according to your apostle Paul as your apostle Paul also said that faith alone believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins they you are forgiven and will go to heaven is your only salvation.
      According to christian evangelical theology, good works are the consequence of salvation and not its justification. They are the sign of a sincere and grateful faith. They include actions for the Great Commission, that is, Christian evangelism, service in the Church and charity. So Good works is a consequence but not a necessity for christian evangelical salvation. That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. ~Romans 10:9-10 You cannot be saved by your good works, because no matter how hard you try, your “good” is not good enough for the perfectly holy and completely righteous God who alone grants salvation. Nor can you be saved by your moral perfection-no matter how moral or how perfect you are. As the Old Testament prophet Isaiah points out, your righteousness is about as good as a “snot rag”. (Isaiah 64:6 ). I have actually cleaned that up a bit, because the Hebrew phrase for filthy rags, ukabeged ehdim, literally means, “like as rags of menstruation.”
      Sorry if that disgusts you, but it’s Scripture-so blame Isaiah. The point is, both our acts of righteousness, and the quality of righteousness that we hope they produce, are disgusting to God. So if you are disgusted by Isaiah’s language, think of how God, who inspired Isaiah to choose those coarse words, is repulsed by our efforts to get him to save us. So what hope, then, is there for our salvation? Well, frankly, no hope resides within us. None whatsoever. Ephesians 2:1 says “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.” That’s how hopeless we are apart from God’s work to save us. You see, all a dead person can do is lay there and be dead, let alone try to be righteous before God.

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 5 месяцев назад

      @@Isa_is_the_Messenger_of_AllahThe audacity of a Johnny Come Lately. Read up more pre existing sources before your gnostic inspired cult existed. Arian heresies, Plotinus, Simon Magus, and other Gnostic hermeneutics all have established ideas that 1 sl am took from - and it didn’t even credit them for its inception.

  • @kbm5134
    @kbm5134 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @abdhaigardez5680
    @abdhaigardez5680 5 месяцев назад +2

    The most dangerous Vers of Quran for baby girls: (chapter Divorce 4)

  • @romandacilv9260
    @romandacilv9260 5 месяцев назад +2

    John of Damascus had some interesting comments on Islam.

  • @Baran_2000
    @Baran_2000 Месяц назад

    Very interesting.

  • @jfr45er
    @jfr45er 6 месяцев назад +60

    Sure Jesus could heal the blind, sick and lame, Clense the Leper, raise the dead and forgive sins to be the ultimate priest but he didn’t have the eloquence of muhummad to produce such wisdom such as
    “The Eyes are the leather straps of the anus” - Sunan abi dawud 203.

    • @ifecoAE
      @ifecoAE 6 месяцев назад +10


    • @Makintosh-484
      @Makintosh-484 6 месяцев назад +10


    • @SahihChristian
      @SahihChristian 6 месяцев назад +11


    • @MsAfrocomb1
      @MsAfrocomb1 6 месяцев назад +13

      😳Wow, the eloquence was strong with that one 🥴

    • @Bennnnnnnnnnnn-n
      @Bennnnnnnnnnnn-n 6 месяцев назад +8

      Bro what!!?😭

  • @frankjaeger9068
    @frankjaeger9068 6 месяцев назад +2


  • @gerrycassidy8414
    @gerrycassidy8414 5 месяцев назад +4

    Hafs Quran was not canonised until 1924. This is the most widely used Quran followed by the Warsh Quran. However there are approximately 30 different Qurans with thousands of differences. So much for the standard Islamic narrative. Come to Jesus because through him is the only way to the father. 🙏🏼

  • @collectiveconsciousness5314
    @collectiveconsciousness5314 5 месяцев назад +4

    And it is for this reason that Mahometans just can’t get typology. They strip everything from its proper context.

  • @sECUREij
    @sECUREij Месяц назад +1

    The last thing you wanna be is an unclean spirit in front of of Jesus of Nazareth

  • @ereksa
    @ereksa 5 месяцев назад +1

    I would love to ask a side question and would really appreciate if you take your time to answer.
    What is your studio gear?
    I really like your setup quality and would love to know more.

  • @davidmcintosh3468
    @davidmcintosh3468 5 месяцев назад +2

    When I saw that Jesus was mentioned in Zechariah 3 as the High Priest of Heaven, and God the Father's covenant with Him,
    I realized that Jesus could create and abolish priesthoods on earth.
    When I read Psalm 1&2 "kiss the Son", I realized that Israel (the ones who read the Bible) knew exactly that Jesus was the Son of God when He appeared.
    So I did the math..
    What would I do if I were there when the Lord God Jesus Christ showed up in the flesh, and fulfilled everything that Israel, the Priesthood, the King, Princes and Kingdom, and the Messiah is supposed to do?
    1. I would bow down and confess that He is God's fulfillment of all things (remember, that Levite priesthood may not have been doing much at that time for the people but engage in politics)
    2. I would DENY Him, and hate Him for being everything True, Righteous, Holy and Pleasing in God the Father's eyes, (because I am not)
    I would try to bury any witness of Him,
    I would cover over the truth with jewish "hasbara", explanations to explain everything away or twist it completely from the truth.
    And I would have to continue to lie, to keep up my spider web of lies.
    And my lies would not stop until my death, or until I came to...
    Repentance Towards God the Father, and Faith Towards the Lord Jesus Christ.
    God bless you all!

  • @josephfox9221
    @josephfox9221 6 месяцев назад +4

    How does mohammad stack up to other prophets from the quran? In the hadith we dont see the best person but the quran seems to paint prophets as perfect

    • @ekkimittrettanafn2242
      @ekkimittrettanafn2242 4 месяца назад

      Study the life of Muhammad (saw) if you’re actually sincere and care about finding out the truth. If not then your arrogance is unchristian like.
      May God Almighty guide us all the the Truth.

  • @jonhilderbrand4615
    @jonhilderbrand4615 5 месяцев назад +5

    Imagine someone copy-pasting passages out of the various works of Charles Dickens, including articles from newspapers and magazines about him, then calling it a new work by the author. That's pretty much the Quran.

    • @syedhasan5861
      @syedhasan5861 5 месяцев назад +1

      I presume that you are an evangelical christian and you believe in the doctrine of the trinity and vicarious atonement but not doing good works then you also believe as long as a man who rapes and murders your daughter and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rapes and murders your sister and then repents and later on sin the same sin or a man rape and murders your mother and then repents and later on sin the same sin or rapes and murders your wife and then repents and later on sin the same sin and evangelical christian still believes in the doctrine of the trinity and also believes that Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins that he will be forgiven and will go to heaven and despite continuing to rape and murder innocent people but will still go to heaven as he still believe in the doctrine of the trinity and also as long as he still believes that Jesus died on the cross because you believe that this man is your evangelical christian brethren who you will embrace him but you also believe that good works are just like dirty rags according to your apostle Paul as your apostle Paul also said that faith alone believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins they you are forgiven and will go to heaven is your only salvation.
      According to christian evangelical theology, good works are the consequence of salvation and not its justification. They are the sign of a sincere and grateful faith. They include actions for the Great Commission, that is, Christian evangelism, service in the Church and charity. So Good works is a consequence but not a necessity for christian evangelical salvation. That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. ~Romans 10:9-10 You cannot be saved by your good works, because no matter how hard you try, your “good” is not good enough for the perfectly holy and completely righteous God who alone grants salvation. Nor can you be saved by your moral perfection-no matter how moral or how perfect you are. As the Old Testament prophet Isaiah points out, your righteousness is about as good as a “snot rag”. (Isaiah 64:6 ). I have actually cleaned that up a bit, because the Hebrew phrase for filthy rags, ukabeged ehdim, literally means, “like as rags of menstruation.”
      Sorry if that disgusts you, but it’s Scripture-so blame Isaiah. The point is, both our acts of righteousness, and the quality of righteousness that we hope they produce, are disgusting to God. So if you are disgusted by Isaiah’s language, think of how God, who inspired Isaiah to choose those coarse words, is repulsed by our efforts to get him to save us. So what hope, then, is there for our salvation? Well, frankly, no hope resides within us. None whatsoever. Ephesians 2:1 says “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins.” That’s how hopeless we are apart from God’s work to save us. You see, all a dead person can do is lay there and be dead, let alone try to be righteous before God.

  • @FarisDzenetovic
    @FarisDzenetovic 4 месяца назад +1

    I remember watching a testimony of an ex-Islamic extremist from Egypt, named Khalil. At the time, he was also a scholar. Upon studying the Quran and the Bible, he not only came to the conclusion that the Bible is true and the Quean is false. He even claimed that even the Quran proved that Jesus is God. I was wondering how this could be, since the Quran openly denies the divinity of Jesus, right. So it is on the surface. I was just wondering how Khalil could claim the Quran contains such proof about Jesus being the Son of God. And then came to my mind Surah Maryam 19:19, where Jesus was called PURE. No other "messenger of God" in the Quran is called pure, except Jesus. Not even Muhammad. Allah is likewise called pure. If God, or as the Arabs call Him Allah, is pure and Isa (Jesus) is pure then Isa (Jesus) is the Son of God (God in human form and flesh). And that Surah contains this evidence, well hidden by satan. The Quran, therefore, is just a satanic and unholy book, full of contradictions, which in a typical satanic, luciferian style mix truth with lies and hides certain truths to deceive those who follow the demonic, pagan, Baal-worshipping cult of Islam. May the Lord Jesus open the eyes of Muslims to renounce satan's lie called Islam, come to know Yahweh, the One True God, and smash the idolatry shrine, known as the Kaabah.

  • @stefanblumhoff2744
    @stefanblumhoff2744 5 месяцев назад

    Is it possible to do a series on SHIRK or polytheism in muslim prayer, tradition, pilgramage and the quran

  • @davidzack8735
    @davidzack8735 5 месяцев назад +7

    The Quran is completely contradictory about Jesus. He said to have been born of the Virgin Mary 'by the spirit of Allah' but is also said to be wholly human and not divine at all. Then the Quran quotes the Gnostic belief that Jesus being wholly divine, the crucifixion was an illusion. It demonstrates the illiteracy of the author of the Quran alright. 😁

    • @rida-18
      @rida-18 5 месяцев назад

      The spirit of Allah means by the will of Allah who created the spirit of Prophet Isa AS. It doesn't mean the actual spirit or soul of God.
      The event of the crucification is explained that Allah lifted up Prophet Isa to the heavens and made it appear so that the crucification had taken place. This alludes to Allah's divinity, not Jesus's.
      Allah is the divine one who saved Prophet Isa when no one else could even try. Hazrat Isa was a mortal man and wanted aid from his creator which he received by divine intervention. It says nowhere that Hazrat Isa was himself divine.

    • @davidzack8735
      @davidzack8735 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@rida-18 The Quran says that the spirit of Allah came to Mary 'in the form of a perfect man who spoke to her.' 🤣

    • @rida-18
      @rida-18 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@davidzack8735 Verse 19:17 which you mention states that the *ANGEL* GABRIEL came in human form in front of Hazrat Maryam to give her the news of her pregnancy. Gabriel/Jibrael AS is an angel, not a spirit of God himself. Get your facts about Islam right.
      Verse 19:19
      Jibrael said, “I am only a messenger from your Lord, sent to bless you with a pure son"

    • @davidzack8735
      @davidzack8735 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@rida-18 Taqiyya at its best. The Quran 19.19 does not mention the name 'Jibreel'. Either you knew that and deliberately used a false modern version to make your point thinking to deceive me, or you have been deceived by a false modern version yourself.

    • @davidzack8735
      @davidzack8735 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@rida-18 You cant have it both ways. Either the Spirit of Allah is Jibreel. Or the Spirit of Allah is as you say here "the will of Allah.' So which is It? However you try to twist it, the fact is that the Quran says that Jesus was not born by mortal man but by 'the spirit, will or power of Allah.' Just as in the Bible story, Jesus partakes of the Divine. Then a few verses later the Quran claims that he is wholly human. Contradiction that cannot be explained away.

  • @Mas-Haro
    @Mas-Haro 5 месяцев назад

    *Priest Gould David* : 😅😅😅

  • @cruisesoetz1087
    @cruisesoetz1087 4 месяца назад +1

    Prophet Jesus as well as all other Prophet's and mankind are and will always be slave of almighty Allah.

  • @larsvanderheeg4305
    @larsvanderheeg4305 3 месяца назад

    Hi! How about a joint venture between Apostate Prophet, Islam Critiqued, and Apologetics Roadshow on the topic on the notion of "Abrahamitic Religions"
    As I meet the topic in discussions it is used as a way of criticizing Judaism and Christianity for not being generous about islam.
    According to the notion all three religions have the same god, scriptures, personage and ideas and that the personage is active in all religions.
    Your differences would make the topic easier to spread and would even give good knowledge about all three religions. I'll send this message to all of you.

  • @peaceforyou-ag
    @peaceforyou-ag 5 месяцев назад

    How come Abrahamic religions can't stand each other while Eastern religions are rather at peace with each other?

    • @Johnatube
      @Johnatube 5 месяцев назад +1

      Abrahamic religions is poorly coined. Like Hinduism or Eastern religions.
      Jews and Jewish Chrisitans profess to the same God. Ancient greeks and europeans took up christian ideology and their written history places them how far as a civilization they have progressed.
      Hinduism is to demographically pin point to primary source of its narratives that is present day north india. Its war stories resonate to sibling rivalry. Even a southern king who conquered a portion in the north gave himself the title king of ganges and went on to conquer places in far east Asia where today "hinduism" archaeology remains are found. Some Hindus have another name claimed to shed off Hindu but has not taken public traction. The right or wrong concepts are intertwined with what result they want to get. Very relative. Lots of reformations.
      Islam is an offshoot of a sister practice of Hinduism. They share the concept of the stone in their most holy place. Walk around it as a ritual. Walk in holy place in white robes. The logic of their rules is to advocate what they want to get. No reformation ever since its inception although there different quran versions. Latest known enforcement of barbaric practices is through isis isil caliphate movement in Iraq / Syria region.
      Eastern religions other than Hinduism have gone through much reformations in practice and each area has tried to develop into nation state in a modern sense.
      Who is fighting in terms of religion?
      Slavery, social division and servitude is found in very part of the world. Which regions of the world with their predominant religious influences shed off such practices?
      Which religious group have an ideology that explicitly names all groups are its enemies? Why does majority of banned terrorist organisations share this religious ideology in very troubled spot?
      Some religious groups in so called peaceful asian places are reverting to older interpretation and practices of their religion becoming hostile to others. India is a cocktail of this movement as North is different from South and East from West. Its a fascinating example and test of how far a cluster of groups can coexist as a country.
      The closest entity to this with multiple cultures and size is new comer EU which is struggling.
      Which regions of the world have addressed in practice about freedoms that many immigrants both legal and illegal strive to go there? What were the predominant religious influence of those regions?

  • @kimoelmasry784
    @kimoelmasry784 5 месяцев назад

    Hey Colin, do you have videos discussing the Quran’s plagiarism with apocrypha?

    • @IslamCritiqued
      @IslamCritiqued  5 месяцев назад

      Yes, see my playlist in the pinned comment.

    • @kimoelmasry784
      @kimoelmasry784 5 месяцев назад

      @@IslamCritiqued Your pinned comment is a link to your Patreon, or am i looking in the wrong place?

  • @kaitheosenhologosao
    @kaitheosenhologosao 5 месяцев назад

    Great job! Very informative.

  • @nikostheater
    @nikostheater 5 месяцев назад +2

    Great video, but I have a comment: Jesus forgiving sins by his own, is a proof that he is divine and not of his “priestly” status, because the Scribes and the Pharisees around thought or commented that only God can forgive sins (implying that no human can). In addition, forgiveness of sins from the Temple’s priests involved sacrifices and cleansing rituals, but Jesus required none of that from the sick person: Jesus healed with just his voice, showing absolute authority over nature with just his will and his voice.

    • @IslamCritiqued
      @IslamCritiqued  5 месяцев назад

      "....proof that he is divine and not of his “priestly” status." The problem with your assertion is that it is one thing and NOT the other. It can be, and is, both. In interpretation, it is too easy to default to "either/or" reasoning when there is no reason to. Hope that helps.

    • @nikostheater
      @nikostheater 5 месяцев назад

      @@IslamCritiqued for the Scribes and the Pharisees, Jesus was rabbi alright (they could accept him as such), but rabbis, scribes and Pharisees were not priestly classes. So for them, Jesus wasn’t a priest and could not be a priest. How Christianity views Jesus is irrelevant as much as the passage in context is concerned, because the views expressed in the passage although it’s written by a Christian, expresses how those people viewed Jesus and his claims and actions in the light of second temple Judaism.

    • @IslamCritiqued
      @IslamCritiqued  5 месяцев назад +1

      Not sure what your comment is attempting to add but "but rabbis, scribes and Pharisees were not priestly classes. So for them, Jesus wasn’t a priest and could not be a priest" is a non-sequitur.

  • @solascriptura1536
    @solascriptura1536 6 месяцев назад +12

    The Quran doesn't know everything about Jesus, and that which it knows about him it distorts or leaves out.
    Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God. Matthew 14:33
    Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God? 36 He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him? 37 And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. 38 And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him. John 9:35-38
    [43:81] Say: “If the Merciful One had a son, I would have been the first one to worship him.”
    Allah said if he wanted a son he would just say BE and the son will be, then he said BE and Isa was. How come Muslims don't worship Allah's son seeing as Muhammad said he would worship Allah's son if Allah had a son???

    • @meina0614
      @meina0614 5 месяцев назад +1

      Its possible that it started off as Nestorian polemic against other christians but lost its Nestorian flavor at one point. Hence the weird accusation that the “nasara” worship “mary and jesus alongside allah”. The verse never made sense as there is no evidence of any christians worshiping Mary prior to or during the rise of Islam, but if you consider it from a nestorian perspective it makes more sense as they objected to the use of the title Theotokos. The verses that then refer to Jesus as “word of allah”, spirit from Allah”, and the reference to the virgin birth make a bit more sense when viewed from this lense.

    • @RDD3lap3n496
      @RDD3lap3n496 5 месяцев назад +3

      Don't forget the Allah of Islam has 3 pagan daughters and doesn't have a son

    • @rida-18
      @rida-18 5 месяцев назад

      A simple Google search and you would have known the back story to this verse.
      Allah reveals to the Prophet Muhammad SAW regarding the beliefs of Christians that had he produced an offspring, the Prophet would be the first to believe and worship the offspring as God. However the idea of Allah having counterparts or children is highly illogical and in contrast to what Allah has himself stated. He is alone, sole and without partners or children. Thus, do not believe what disbelievers say and worship Allah alone.

    • @rida-18
      @rida-18 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@RDD3lap3n496Where do you even get your garbage information from? Please I am curious

    • @RDD3lap3n496
      @RDD3lap3n496 5 месяцев назад

      @@rida-18 Suuuree, even your Koran says this Allah makes a son to Maryam, Baam!, indeed she got pregnant without a man touching her...
      Your "final profit" is indeed confused after all, he found it ridiculous that Allah can have a son...... But this Hadith stated that Allah has daughters
      The concept of Spiritual Father makes no sense to him after all this Profit had a bitter life that has no parents, they died early even other relatives don't want to have...
      A God is a God, defining it to your own creator makes no sense, all real Prophets know the basic knowledge...
      Hence, the conclusion of the profit of Islam, his own interpretation has bias in it regarding this Allah can have spiritual son

  • @Simsam-b1d
    @Simsam-b1d 5 месяцев назад +5

    This channel should reach a million subscribers
    It's saving Muslims from islam, before others

  • @NJIT22
    @NJIT22 5 месяцев назад

    This is pretty accurate, if you use critical thinking

  • @Fastbenefits-y4p
    @Fastbenefits-y4p 5 месяцев назад +1

    Brother, please ask Muslims these questions to challenge them and to make them think.....
    Why did they and many Muslims leave their societies and prefer to live in a Christian country for a life? Why Islam despite its superiority claim failed to create a good society for the last 1400 years?
    Whose truth claim could be right - Christian's or Muslim's, considering the fact that all everywhere including Muslims prefer to live in a society which was nurtured by Judeo Christian principles over centuries?
    Why the number of Muslims who received recognition in the modern world, say Nobel price winners, is shamefully low compared to Jewish Nobel laureates despite Quran's claim that everything man needs is given in Quran? Compare the population of Muslims and Jews and explain.
    Why almost all terrorists and terrorist organizations are Islamic? And, why the Muslims do not disown them if they go against Islam's teachings?
    How can you believe in Quran while many of its claims are false and silly and contradict established facts (Eg, Sun setting in mud etc.)?
    How can you consider Muhammed, an Arab, who hated Jews, claim he was the last in the line of Jewish prophets?
    How can Muslims follow Muhammed who broke all that those Jewish prophets and Jesus taught, like do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not lust,.... be the last in their line?
    How is Allah's character, if allah is same as Christian God, diametrically opposite to the God of the Bible who taught Christians to love and forgive their enemies?

  • @elisabeth5285
    @elisabeth5285 6 месяцев назад +17

    Why does the Quran deny Jesus’s death by crucifixion? The reason is because of theological reasons. That is, it is the same reason why the Quran denies Jesus’s claim to be the Messiah king, resurrection and His divinity. It conflicts with the Quranic theology.
    Jesus’s death by crucifixion is a historical fact. The Quran denies this historical fact because if Jesus died, His prophecy in the Gospels would be fulfilled.
    That is:
    Then he began to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.
    Mark 8:31
    The problem is that this prophecy has two parts.
    (a) Jesus’s death
    (b) Jesus’s resurrection
    If Jesus died and resurrected, that would make His theology (found in the NT) true. However, if the NT theology is true, that would make Islamic theology false.
    New Testament theology has many points that directly contradicts Islamic theology.
    Jesus’s death
    Jesus’s resurrection
    Jesus’s divinity
    NT salvation
    To name a few. If the person of Jesus is true in the NT, Muhammad is a false prophet. This is the reason.

    • @el_killorcure
      @el_killorcure 6 месяцев назад +5

      David Wood makes the case that the Quran's language actually confirms it, but it is the imams who distort it to make it seem it contradicts it, for the reasons you stated.

    • @bdbestxyzIII
      @bdbestxyzIII 5 месяцев назад

      Well yeah no kidding. Quran doesnt agree with your NT that Jesus was crucified and resurrected. Your theology is contradictory. If end result was that Jesus was resurrected, it means he never truly died! It's that simple.
      And if he was truly crucified, that means the Jews were correct, which was their plan all long, to disprove that he was righteous prophet of God by crucifying him and giving him the worst death possible. This is exactly why God says in the Quran, the Jews of that time planned against Jesus, but God had better plan in mind.

    • @el_killorcure
      @el_killorcure 5 месяцев назад

      @@bdbestxyzIII Yeah: sending Muhammad to preach the Gospel translated into Arabic, only to have Uthman corrupt it and distort it to the point he created a fake pagan religion out of it, and why he had every Quran copy prior to his destroyed.

    • @collectiveconsciousness5314
      @collectiveconsciousness5314 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@bdbestxyzIIIRead the book of Daniel, it prophesies that very event alongside 70 A.D.
      So no, that’s not quite the case.
      Were they successful when they killed the other prophets as your Quran says?

    • @bdbestxyzIII
      @bdbestxyzIII 5 месяцев назад

      If you say Daniel prophesied the events, then your book is clearly false. Let me demonstrate-->Why does your Apostle Paul claim that coming of Jesus was a mystery that was hidden since beginning of time! Rather, it was only revealed during ministry of Paul. (Colossians 1:25-26).

  • @harkamelrandhawa7125
    @harkamelrandhawa7125 5 месяцев назад +1

    Very interesting discussion highlighting the thinking behind Islam and Christianity. Islam focuses on proving divinity while Christ was about healing the sick. Islam does similar with Mohammad splitting the moon to say his the prophet. Joke is no one else saw it being split. False prophet.

  • @stevejames6813
    @stevejames6813 5 месяцев назад +1

    Hey Adilabdura
    How can anyone reply when all muslims take everything out of context. You only understand what you have been either led to believe by other's or by so called scholars
    Any how you do not need to much knowledge to see that you are made in Christs image, so you see why even bother with the quran, its all false.
    You now prove to me its not false and I will convert to Islam

    • @rida-18
      @rida-18 5 месяцев назад

      Quran is indeed not false. How can it be that the entirety of Muslim nation takes every word in the Quran out of context? Do Muslims really lack a brain that much even in today's world? The only people taking The Holy book out of context are these apologists who twist and turn a verse's meaning to fit their own narrative while ignoring the actual context behind it. I see so many comments misinterpreting a simple verse of Quran and just one Google search could tell them the actual meaning but they are so blinded by these apologist's views that they deny to do their own research.

  • @Frst2nxt
    @Frst2nxt 5 месяцев назад

    Muhammad depended on hardly mentioning his own mame to utilize the name 'al-Lah as a means of commanding that his own will be done sneakily,while saying much to change perceptions of JESUS to render HIM as nothing to those who worship muhammad in hus alter ego as 'al-Lah.

    • @doomdesire3460
      @doomdesire3460 5 месяцев назад

      Arab Jews called God Allah
      Christian Jews called God Allah
      Pagans called their idols Allah
      U think Ur special picking on Islam cause u put a - in-between Al lah

  • @ruimteschipYT
    @ruimteschipYT 5 месяцев назад +1

    Jezus is King

  • @ehallam08
    @ehallam08 5 месяцев назад

    Everything? 🤔

  • @robertd716
    @robertd716 5 месяцев назад

    We must to Leave islam to save the world free from higab

  • @HashimKassim-m2w
    @HashimKassim-m2w 5 месяцев назад

    Yours father head not me god bless Malique.

  • @stevejames6813
    @stevejames6813 5 месяцев назад +1

    Hey adilabdura
    I have just read the nonsense you think you have discovered. Firstly you say want to ask 1 question, then suddenly 2 questions, then from asking you want a challagne.
    Without any understanding of the Gospels and the old testament, you fail to see why Christs sacrifice was needed, and now we are under Grace. Do you even know what that means?
    The saddest thing is that Gods love is for everyone, you muslims and a lot of other Christian denominations have ignored or been misled on this truth
    Seek and you shall find

  • @compumetal7959
    @compumetal7959 5 месяцев назад

    All hail Zeus. King of the Gods

  • @nisarfazil6104
    @nisarfazil6104 5 месяцев назад

    William lane craigh says no adam and eve

  • @rida-18
    @rida-18 5 месяцев назад

    The only thing you keep babbling about is how the Quran does not give any details about Jesus's person or acknowledge his powers as anything more than a blessing and sign of Prophet hood from Allah. Well guess what, the Quran isn't a story book revealed to focus on just one Prophet. The Bible has been altered and according to Christians themselves is 'Divinely inspired' aka written by man so ofc it would have a mush of real and fabricated details about Prophet Jesus's life.
    Meanwhile the Quran is completely revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW by Allah and mentions only the information that actually occurred without any embellishment, rest Allah knows best.
    Secondly, we don't believe that Prophet Isa AS was related to or near to being divine or godly by any chance. To state that we are in the wrong and you are the only one who's right is kindergarten behaviour. Learn to respect other religions instead of disrespectfully talking about our Prophets.

  • @michaelfishbeck384
    @michaelfishbeck384 5 месяцев назад

    Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but thru Him. Repent everyone of you and be baptized into Christ for the remission of your sins and the promise of Eternal Life. And this promise is for ALL, both Jew and Gentile, and started with the first Gentile Abram from UR of the Chaldeans, and later became Abraham. And the promise continues with Jacob whom God called Israel.
    My friends the scriptures are clear that this promise is for ALL who will believe.
    For God so love the world that He gave His one and only Son, that WHOEVER believes on Him will not perish but have Everlasting Life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that thru Him the world might be saved.
    Praise Yeshua Hamashiach, our Great God & Savior!!!
    Come quickly Lord Jesus, AMEN

  • @Krypterium
    @Krypterium 5 месяцев назад +1

    koran is a Copy ,Paste ,EDIT

  • @ehshshhshshs
    @ehshshhshshs 5 месяцев назад

    Bro is just yapping

  • @TheHaqtivist
    @TheHaqtivist 5 месяцев назад

    Do you agree that Christian Prince is a liar? Just wanted to know your opinion.

  • @Invictus357
    @Invictus357 6 месяцев назад +4

    Here’s a thought from Dr David Wood! Muhammad was a Christian Apostle, bringing the Gospel in Arabic to the Arabic peoples.
    After his death, it was Uthman, and others who corrupted the Gospel in Arabic to gain power over the Arab people.
    There are many, many chapters of the Arabic Gospel that have the Christian message, but you can clearly see that Uthman, and his followers have Corrupted it!
    Prove me wrong!

    • @stephenboshoff8316
      @stephenboshoff8316 5 месяцев назад +2

      However mohammad was a womaniser and a war lord.
      Hadiths indicate this where his child bride also confirms this

  • @bristolrovers27
    @bristolrovers27 5 месяцев назад

    Interesting apologetics, believe what you wish to believe, make no mistake you are playing to an audience who hate Islam and frequently Muslim with next to no knowledge.
    I doubt you will ever manage the courage to address your own beliefs and its internal contradictions with such rigour

  • @Human_Being_2
    @Human_Being_2 19 дней назад


  • @Noah-1999
    @Noah-1999 6 месяцев назад +12

    Actually, the Quran is *true*, and everyone in history talked like this - "Blah, blah, blah, the disbelievers will taste of painful punishment! And Allah is Most Gracious, The Knowing"

    • @mysotiras21
      @mysotiras21 6 месяцев назад +4

      Blah blah blah is an apt description of this twaddle.

    • @ShadyOakMinistries
      @ShadyOakMinistries 6 месяцев назад +1

      U C!!! it's da pruf!

    • @m_d1905
      @m_d1905 5 месяцев назад +1

      The Quran is true? Which one of the more than 27 is true?

    • @valerieprice-wn9qb
      @valerieprice-wn9qb 5 месяцев назад +3

      According to Dr. Jay Smith there are 32 perfectly preserved Qurans and they all contradict each other so where should we start if we want to learn more about this ?

    • @stefanblumhoff2744
      @stefanblumhoff2744 5 месяцев назад +3

      Then why do you pray directly TO muhammad 5 times a day? SHIRK/ POLYTHEISM. who does Al lah pray to? Why does muhammad drink alcohol and sacrifice to idols AFTER being told not to.

  • @adilabdurahman5846
    @adilabdurahman5846 6 месяцев назад

    Can I ask just one fundamental question about one doctrine the Bible teaches, my Christian brother in the video, along with all my Christian brothers and sisters here, since I do doubt that you'd be to able give a legitimate response. I'm a Muslim. Will any of you take this challenge?

    • @FlippyD1998
      @FlippyD1998 6 месяцев назад +5

      Let me guess, the doctrine you are about to ask about is the Trinity

    • @adilabdurahman5846
      @adilabdurahman5846 6 месяцев назад

      @@FlippyD1998 That guess is wrong.

    • @FlippyD1998
      @FlippyD1998 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@adilabdurahman5846 Well…. Spit it out then. I’m sure someone can answer it.

    • @IslamCritiqued
      @IslamCritiqued  6 месяцев назад +16

      Your comment telegraphs your intentions. First, you had a “question,” but by the end of your comment, it’s a “challenge.” Typical dawah strategy.

    • @FlippyD1998
      @FlippyD1998 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@adilabdurahman5846 Uh oh you messed up now. You got OP sicked on you @islamcritiqued

  • @truthseeker630
    @truthseeker630 5 месяцев назад

    Well, according to your logic, the New Testament is copied from the Old Testament.
    Nowhere in the bible has Jesus ever claimed divinity. Learn your scripture.
    The Jesus of the bible is a 'CURSE'. The bible itself has claimed at places to be written by man, and not god, who can trust this scripture? Please...
    After all, the Bible doesn't even have the words of Jesus himself.
    Only 'according to' others. Not even the others themselves.

    • @IslamCritiqued
      @IslamCritiqued  5 месяцев назад +1

      What’s worse than a dumb comment? Copy pasting the dumb comment.

    • @dwight9850
      @dwight9850 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@IslamCritiquedChristian guidance.
      "if you can't debunk them, insult them".

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 5 месяцев назад

      @@dwight9850Islam makes claims that don’t prove. Imagine upholding a pdf ile for a prophet over a sinless and righteous one.

    • @dwight9850
      @dwight9850 5 месяцев назад

      @@ophanimangel3143 Who's authority is it to decide a Prophet of God?
      other men? lineage? morality? influence? wealth? ethnicity? or God himself ?

    • @truthseeker630
      @truthseeker630 5 месяцев назад

      @@IslamCritiqued Both your dumb sentences look like a copy and paste to me lol. No wonder you cant reply. Go learn something before coming on media, you'll embarrass yourself. We all have the technology to research and see insincerity.

  • @atillanasution1446
    @atillanasution1446 5 месяцев назад

    Are you a follower of the teachings of a false prophet?
    Jesus' message in the Bible is wary of the teachings of false prophets who rode on the fame of Jesus' name.
    Matthew 24 :4-5
    4.Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.
    5.For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah,' and will deceive many.
    And confirmed in Mathius 7 : 21-23
    21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of heaven - only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.
    22 on the last day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons and do many powerful deeds?
    23 Then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers!
    In John 14:16-17, John 14:26.
    Who is the spirit of truth/holy spirit as another helper who will teach everything forever and also remember the words (teachings) of Jesus?
    The answer is the last prophet Muhammad.
    Many of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad were the same as the teachings of Jesus (Prophet Isa).
    Such as fasting, praying with prostration, women must cover their heads (hijab), prohibition on getting drunk (alcohol), prohibition on taking usury, prohibition on eating pork.

  • @danielreiss-cy4zr
    @danielreiss-cy4zr 5 месяцев назад

    We've always known about Jesus, but we wanted to keep it in the family.

  • @dewofera7092
    @dewofera7092 5 месяцев назад

    Maybe your problem is not in the Qur'an but in the reliability of your "Holy" book and its original Language and Words.
    In verse 5:110 I can't see the word (clear sign/s) at all, but I'm not against it; however, never distort Allah's words because later it will cause trouble for Muslims, and they would blame Allah of being wrong when he is never wrong. The word Bayyināt does not mean clear signs or evidence; it just means "what is [clear]" many things that are clear and nothing more.
    Allah would not say that Jesus is a Priest because that word is already used in the Qur'an to describe someone doing an action that is not good, like saying things not from god but Jinns or making assumptions and pretending to know the future when you don't know anything. This is how we Muslims know it.
    The Arabic word Kahin/كاهن is what you call a priest, or Kohen in Hebrew. Kahin is not someone who is considered good in Islam at all; are you sure your book is called Jesus this way? Are you sure that word is what is really mentioned? Study More, because Kahin/kohen is mentioned twice in the Qur'an in 69:42 and verse 52:29 the word kahin is wrongly translated to soothsayer, but Allah said that Prophet Muhammed is not a Kahin/priest. Allah rejected a bad thing to say, or they used to say, about Prophet Muhammad, and he would not be saying it about any of his honourable prophets.
    Al Rabaniyon/الربانيون
    Al Ahbar/ الأحبار
    Al Ruhban/الرهبان
    Al Qissisin/القسيسسون
    Al Magus/المجوس
    Al Nasara/النصارى
    Allazina hadu/الذين هادوا
    These words above are what Allah recognized for the people during the time of Jesus and before him, regardless if they believe or not; they may be names that Allah himself called them for many reasons, just like the words (Muslims) the reason why I am mentioning this so that you don't mix Kahin with Qiss like many people think that both words mean priest. This is wrong, at least for me; because Allah consider kahin is bad while Qiss is not, but someone who is good or supposed to be. According to verse 5:82 it was related to Al-Nasara along with the word Ruhban, but hey.. This did not stop Allah in verse 9:31 from saying that some people took their "Ahbar and Ruhban" and Issa the son Of Mariam as Lords/Arbab rather than Allah when they should not have; so this make Prophet Issa not from AL Ahbar or AL Ruhban; because Allah separate between them in the verse as if he is not related to them at all.
    Studying Qur'an Verse 3:79-80
    Allah saying it was not meant for a human to be given the Scripture, authority, and prophethood and he would say to the people, "Be my Worshipers rather than Allah" but he would say "be Rabaniyon".
    We should be (Rabaniyon) from what we have known and taught of the Scripture/book and of what we have studied.
    Allah saying he would not order you to take the "Angels and Prophets" as Arbab(Plural)/Lords.
    The word Rab/lord (Singular) is one for Allah the only god LORD of the worlds; it was mentioned many times in the Qur'an.
    Final Conclusion from the Qur'an:
    Rabaniyon (plural) is what we should be, or you should be Rabani (Singular), not a Rab/Lord yourself.
    Jesus was a Rabbi/Rabani/رباني (singular)a person belong to Allah a follower of the only Rab/lord of the world Allah. Maybe the word "Divine" is the most accurate word for Rabani without making that person a god; as for cleansing prophet Issa was already called Masih a word used in the Qur'an for wiping cleansing before prayer, and don't say he was Kahin/priest, because that's an insult.
    Al Fatiha
    Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

  • @dundadunda552
    @dundadunda552 5 месяцев назад

    The original quaran mentioned jesus was god. Uthman destroyed those verses when he burnt the original manuscripts

    • @rida-18
      @rida-18 5 месяцев назад

      What's your source to this information? Cite please.

    • @doomdesire3460
      @doomdesire3460 5 месяцев назад

      Uthman RA
      standardized the quran
      Referred back to The SUHUF (the original sources from fellow sahaba)
      And recompiled it
      It proves even more the quran will never be changed

    • @dundadunda552
      @dundadunda552 5 месяцев назад

      @doomdesire3460 uthmans codex is the changed version...didn't match earlier mushaf..well known fact.

    • @doomdesire3460
      @doomdesire3460 5 месяцев назад

      @@dundadunda552 there is no changed version
      If your going to talk about ahruf, it's literally synonym differences
      Which is why it's "not the exact"
      The 7 ahrufs were revealed at once,
      What uthman did, never changed the meaning in the quran

    • @doomdesire3460
      @doomdesire3460 5 месяцев назад

      Did the so called original version also mention Ali radiallahu anhu as sirat Al mustaqeem 🙄

  • @nadermusa4562
    @nadermusa4562 5 месяцев назад

    The whole point of the Quran in regards to Jesus is that he was not fully, nor partially God. The reason it lists his miracles is to make it clear they were performed with the permission of other than him. The signs are described as "for you" and "from your Lord". They testify to Jesus' identity, leaving no doubt as to his humanity and prophethood, like others before and after him. It is a message to those conjecturing on his identity due to these very miracles, and trying hard to find a subtext to them in relation to the HB.

    • @IslamCritiqued
      @IslamCritiqued  5 месяцев назад

      The whole point is that the messengers and prophets in the Quran are all the same stock characters. It’s just that the Quran couldn’t resist the later Jesus legends while having no knowledge of first century sources. It really makes a mockery of itself. The material couldn’t have been any more poorly chosen- like a bad writer who picks all the wrong sources and can’t edit worth a crap.

    • @nadermusa4562
      @nadermusa4562 5 месяцев назад

      @IslamCritiqued the whole point of the Quran when mentioning any past event or character is to be relevant to its internal context and that of whom it addresses. It doesn't concern itself with dry storytelling, conjectures and details that take the focus away from spiritual reform. Yes, all prophets were stock characters in the aspect of calling their contemporaries to believe and be obedient to the One that sent them.
      Concerning the infancy Gospel's reliability, just because it was rejected as apocrypha, does not mean it was rejected for all of its contents and besides, a man's apocrypha was another's scripture until very late in the canonization process of the Bible. The book of revelation for example was regarded as apocrypha and then finally canonized. Current estimates for the composition of the book of revelations point to the late 80s while traditionally believed to be around the 60s. If oral tradition can be preserved for almost a century for it to be considered reliable enough according to Church standards, then what kind of logic denies the reliability of the transmission of oral tradition just a few years later when the infancy Gospel of Thomas was put to writing? That Gospel is believed to have been finalized anywhere between the late 80s (which would make it contemporaneous with Luke's gospel) and 185CE. It was never discredited for all of its contents, neither for the miracles in it such as the bird from clay miracle. It was rejected because among other things it depicts Jesus in an unflattering, capricious, malicious way, Similarly to how Greek mythological “trickster” gods and pagan “child-gods” from antiquity were depicted. Scholars believe this Gospel integrated these pagan themes so as to serve as a missionary propaganda tool. It demonstrated the divine nature of Jesus in a manner familiar to the Hellenistic, Egyptian and other pagans proselytized by the early Christians.
      Even a "late compilation" argument of that Gospel is a non-issue, considering that every book of the NT was composed decades after Jesus, containing traditions obviously preceding it and transmitted orally until written down. There exists no other account anywhere of Jesus' infancy and childhood. The canonical Gospels make a passing reference to a 12 year old Jesus. Besides that there is no point of reference in Christian tradition to determine the genuine from fictional parts in the Infancy Gospel. In fact by the time of the writing of the Gospels, many lost accounts, written and oral, of Jesus' life were in circulation. The Gospel of Luke's author, unknown and thus making it impossible to ascertain his agenda and credibility, chose, according to his standards, one or more versions of Jesus' early life to include in his writings Lk1:1.

  • @Maazhmd06
    @Maazhmd06 5 месяцев назад

    How can Jesus be god and the son of god at the same time If Jesus was truly god and had died on the cross temporarily before being resurrected days later, who was running the universe and all that it contains in his absence If you distinguish between the father and Jesus you've contradicted yourself because the father and the son are supposed to be one in essence according to the trinitarianists If Jesus was born and had died on the cross, how is he god because god is supposed to be eternal and immortal respectively If Jesus didn't know when the hour (the Day of Judgement) is, how can he be god because god is supposed to be omniscient, the one who knows everything If Jesus made certain individuals commit the sin of killing him only so that their sins could be forgiven later rather than simply forgiving mankind out of his mercy,how is he omnibenevolent Whom did Jesus pray to while he was alive because a god praying to himself is just a bogus concept found in Greco Roman mythologies (which might have perhaps made its way into Christianity after the adoption of Christianity as the state religion of the Roman empire) Why does John 14:28 quote Jesus as saying that the father is greater than him if both of them are the same but in different forms as per John 10:30 Isn’t that a contradiction? Why does Matthew 7:21-23 say that Jesus will refuse to be associated with those who took him as their god and worshipped him instead of worshipping the actual god Why does Jesus say in John 5:30 that he could do nothing on his own;whatever he did was not out of his own free will but that of the father This clearly shows that they're both different beings though the blind followers will continue to impose their irrational beliefs onto those who don't affirm or agree with their ignorance and lack of knowledge

  • @JayApologetics
    @JayApologetics 5 месяцев назад

    @islamcritiqued I saw in ur video on the Al Mushaf Al Sharif by Dr tayyar been trying to find it and no luck was wondering if u still have access to the pdf file u used to keep it for my personal research if u can I’ll really appreciate you thanks !

  • @Atilla963
    @Atilla963 5 месяцев назад

    How can the quran hide things? The content never changed or changes. And the name Jesus is mentioned more in amount in the quran than in the bible? What is the bible hiding and erasing? Because some people think they are Jesus or God and can erase verses from the book.

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 5 месяцев назад

      Son, the entire 27 books of New Testament literally is around Jesus and His divinity. That’s more than your one gnostic inspired c u lt could have come up with.

    • @Atilla963
      @Atilla963 5 месяцев назад

      @@ophanimangel3143 That's the whole problem. 1 book became 27 books. And why are you saying "your one book", it's not mine.
      It should be all mine by the way. Tevrat, İncil, Quran. It is from the Turks. Not jews.
      And all people of the books are Turks, not jews. Christianity is even a Turkic religion. Moses, Jesus and Muhammed are all Turks. Hz. İbrahim is a Sumerian Turk, 100% Turk.

    • @Atilla963
      @Atilla963 5 месяцев назад

      @@ophanimangel3143 - Gene D. Matlock - What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?

    • @IslamCritiqued
      @IslamCritiqued  5 месяцев назад +1

      Atilla, your comment is a whole other level of bizarre.

    • @Atilla963
      @Atilla963 5 месяцев назад

      @@IslamCritiqued I know. Because you never looked at it in this way probably. You need to have the original Aramaic bible to come with claims.
      If Jesus didn't knew English, and with this in mind he never could have said God? It is not even a spoken out term/word by him. It is literally not his word. What are we all discussing about? A new made up term, non-existing term in history. What a joke. Look at the Aramaic to English dictionary, it was always Aalah. Allah. Ilah.

  • @ibrahimawann9833
    @ibrahimawann9833 6 месяцев назад +1

    😂😂😂 very funny man

    • @Aceincoming
      @Aceincoming 6 месяцев назад +13

      Islam is so bad that its hilarious

    • @Makintosh-484
      @Makintosh-484 6 месяцев назад +8

      This is more funny
      Muhammad saw Um Habiba the daughter of Abbas while she was fatim (age of nursing) and he said, "If she grows up while I am still alive, I will marry her."
      Musnad Ahmad, Number 25636
      Ibn Ishak/Ibn Hisham
      (Suhayli, ii.79: In the riwaya of Yunus I.I recorded that the apostle saw her (Ummu’l-Fadl) when she was baby crawling before him and said, ‘If she grows up and I am still alive I will marry her.’ But he died before she grew up and Sufyan b. al-Aswad b. Abdu’l-Asad al-Makhzumi married her and she bore him Rizq and Lubaba….(ref.10, p. 311)

    • @garybowings1538
      @garybowings1538 6 месяцев назад +7

      Never any details. Why? 😂

    • @trinitymatrix9719
      @trinitymatrix9719 6 месяцев назад +5

      the quran is just too funny n hillarious 😂😂😂😂

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 5 месяцев назад

      Momo was a comedian in the worst sense.

  • @BachirKahki
    @BachirKahki 5 месяцев назад +1

    The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is mentioned in the Qur’an more than I'sa ibn Maryam peace be upon him.
    When Allah addresses the Prophet Muhammad in Quran, he does not call him by his name, O Muhammad, but rather, O Prophet or O Messenger, and this indicates the high status of the Prophet Muhammad with Allah

    • @IslamCritiqued
      @IslamCritiqued  5 месяцев назад +6

      Not interested in what your tradition says the Quran is saying.

    • @rida-18
      @rida-18 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@IslamCritiquedNot interested in what your Christian apologist understanding of Quran is either. Don't pretend you know better when you clearly deny to do proper research and make up interpretations by yourself.

  • @fieldday1418
    @fieldday1418 5 месяцев назад +1

    foolish nonsense of making birds from mud but by permission
    foolish nonsense

    • @valerieprice-wn9qb
      @valerieprice-wn9qb 5 месяцев назад +1

      God made the first man the very same way !

    • @garybowings1538
      @garybowings1538 5 месяцев назад


    • @rida-18
      @rida-18 5 месяцев назад +1

      This event is mentioned in the Gospel of Thomas as well whether you wish to believe it or not.

    • @garybowings1538
      @garybowings1538 5 месяцев назад

      @@rida-18 Gospel of Thomas is a forgery.

    • @rida-18
      @rida-18 5 месяцев назад

      @@garybowings1538 Could be
      After all, all the gospels and bible combined are heavily altered and edited that's why nothing written in it should be taken without a huge grain of salt.

  • @tentimesful
    @tentimesful 5 месяцев назад

    jesus was a muslim and this proves he never said he was God by your crazy christians and he didnt say I died for your sins so you dont have to worship, instead he said worship God my lord and your lord:
    :Matthew 4:109
    10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written:
    ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’[a
    Matthew 7:21
    Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
    but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
    Qur'an 20:14
    "I am God; there is no other god beside Me.
    You shall worship Me alone, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) to remember Me.
    Quran 51:56
    I did not create the jinns and the humans except to worship Me alone.
    quran sura fatir 35:36
    As for the disbelievers, they will have the Fire of Hell,
    where they will not be ˹allowed to be˺ finished by death, nor will its torment be lightened for them.
    This is how We reward every ˹stubborn˺ disbeliever.
    quran maedah 5:116
    And ˹on Judgment Day˺ Allah will say,
    “O Jesus, son of Mary! Did you ever ask the people to worship you and your mother as gods besides Allah?”
    He will answer, “Glory be to You! How could I ever say what I had no right to say?
    If I had said such a thing, you would have certainly known it.
    You know what is ˹hidden˺ within me, but I do not know what is within You.
    Indeed, You ˹alone˺ are the Knower of all unseen.
    quran maedah 5:117
    I never told them anything except what You ordered me to say:
    “Worship Allah-my Lord and your Lord!”
    And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them.
    But when You took me,1 You were the Witness over them-and You are a Witness over all things.
    p.s. islam never had a pause in spreading its revelation so the quran uthman disallowed was false because had errors or were unreadable etc... so we got the arabic in quran that has lifted above other arabic scriptures as they had u e a on letters to know how to read it and most qurans from the mainstream didnt have it and the 1.5 billion people reading quran have the mainstream...

  • @almazchati4178
    @almazchati4178 5 месяцев назад

    Thanks for bringing out all the hidden things Quran did not want us to know. If you learned them from Quran, it must be available to everybody. In that case, you must be a liar.
    If you lerned it from others, they must be liars.
    The God of Christians does not know how to communicate. There is a letter of Paul signed by his slave Tertius, a third person not worth having a proper name. The reason he was using Tertius was that Tertius was an expert in letter
    writing and knew how to impress the recepients. I suppose neither Paul, nor the God who transmitted this letter to him, did not know how to write a letter as good as Tertius.
    Since Tertius says he wrote the letter, it can not be from God. Otherwise, he would immediately turn into a stone. For one thing, nobody knows if he was a Christian and/or a companion of flesh. I can't figure out why God would chose such an imposter pretending to be God.
    So explain to me why Gods words were changed by Tertius, and why Paul lied about this letter being from God.

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 5 месяцев назад

      You clearly never read the entire Bible. Even your Quran ended up affirming Christian beliefs. Allah did an oopsie with Jesus being deemed as divine Lord.
      “They have taken their rabbis and their monks as lords apart from God (min dooni Allahi), and the Messiah, Mary's son -- and they were commanded to serve but One God; there is no god but He; glory be to Him, above that they associate” -- S. 9:31

    • @almazchati4178
      @almazchati4178 5 месяцев назад

      You don't have an answer. My first comment has nothing to do with the Quran or Bible, it is about you. You are illogical. Your whole premise is wrong.
      My second comment makes it clear how Gospels came about. Tertius is the real author. Straight from your Bible. There is no heavenly source for Gospels. They are all fake. Paul's Egyptian slave . What a messed up religion, 2000 years of fraud.

  • @bdbestxyzIII
    @bdbestxyzIII 5 месяцев назад

    -->@8:04 "Jesus was Identifying himself as messenger of Isaiah"-->Oh yeah, then why does your Apostle Paul claim that coming of Jesus was a mystery that was hidden since beginning of time! Rather, it was only revealed during ministry of Paul. (Colossians 1:25-26).
    -->Appealing to Bible as historically reliable--> Does history affirm dead people rising from graves?
    -->Quran does affirm identity of Jesus: A messenger who performed signs, and miracles, just like other messenger before him. The story about Jesus talking in his cradle is more believable than some of the other miracles mentioned in Bible or Quran. His birth was miraculous, which led people to question and doubt Marayam. It is perfectly reasonable to believe that his prophet hood basically started when he was a baby. Now, the problem starts as soon as you start claiming that baby was also God...which Muslims do not adhere to.

    • @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388
      @seekthetruthandthetruthwil2388 5 месяцев назад +4

      Did jibreel HEAR Allah recite Quran revelation in Arabic? Either yes/ no will expose Allah and Islam.

    • @collybever
      @collybever 5 месяцев назад +4

      ? That must be from a rather dopey dawah script. Colossians 1.25-26 is talking about the mystery of "Christ in you, the hope of glory." This is something not elaborated in the Old Testament. This is tied to theology and the way the Trinity works. That is, christians get "born again" when they believe the work of salvation done by Jesus for us all, that is their spirits are transformed, can know receive the presence of God, whereas before we belonged to a "lost race", spiritually. Then we receive the Holy Spirit. That enables us to be lifted up to God's glorious perfection, in part here, but fully in heaven. Whereas if we were like Mohammed, i.e. just men trying to struggle in religous rituals and the like, we would not have this hope.

    • @IslamCritiqued
      @IslamCritiqued  5 месяцев назад +5

      Just when I think Muslims can’t read the Bible any worse….I see that comment on Colossians 1. My goodness what a joke.

    • @bdbestxyzIII
      @bdbestxyzIII 5 месяцев назад

      @@IslamCritiqued What is "joke" about it? According to your Apostle, "the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people."
      So it was hidden all these times and was only truly explained during Paul's ministry. So, this in effect negates any claim about the messenger in Isaiah, Daniel, etc. So now, reversing the table, since coming of Jesus was "mystery" all these times, who is the prophet like Moses?! The joke is actually on you guys.

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 5 месяцев назад

      @@bdbestxyzIIIDoubling down on the dummy hermeneutics I see. Verses like sun setting in muddy waters makes up more consistent and rational theology than the Bible for you. ☪️ancer logic.

  • @jungleebushcraft
    @jungleebushcraft 5 месяцев назад

    Its easier to admit you're mesmerised by islam and the quran ...

  • @CyrusPersae
    @CyrusPersae 6 месяцев назад

    Theologies of Islam and Trinitarian Christianity differ in their assumptions about Jesus. While the Quran is not a historical sourcebook on Jesus, it does contain themes found in the general Christian tradition. It's easy to criticize other religions from our own theological standards, but we must be fair and acknowledge that theological differences don't determine which theology is true or false. There are no theological methods of demonstrating the truth of one theology over another, which explains the vast diversity of theologies in Christianity and religions worldwide. When dealing with Islam and the Quran's literature, it's crucial to be fair and avoid imposing our own theological standards. It's similar to what Unitarian Christians have done to Trinitarian Christians, and what Observant Jews have done to Christianity. Let's approach other religions with an open mind and respect their beliefs, even if they differ from our own.

    • @mysotiras21
      @mysotiras21 6 месяцев назад +9

      Theological differences alone can't determine which religion is true, but the egregious, numerous errors in Islam prove that it is false.

    • @malcolmlayton2050
      @malcolmlayton2050 6 месяцев назад +1

      The religion that permits s€x with children ... the unlifeing of apostates ... the abuse and murder of its critics ... the subjugation and humiliation of anybody that disagrees with it deserves no respect ...

    • @kaloarepo288
      @kaloarepo288 5 месяцев назад +4

      Islam is however the easiest to refute - if one were two cross off religions one by one Islam would be the first I would cross off -largely by the circumstances of its creation and the character of its leading figures -and from their own sources!

    • @valerieprice-wn9qb
      @valerieprice-wn9qb 5 месяцев назад +2

      The Quran clearly states that if you are struggling with spiritual matters to ask those who came before you, the people of the Book and the scriptures (the Jewish and Christian followers) for they have been given the truth

    • @meina0614
      @meina0614 5 месяцев назад +1

      The problem with this disposition that you try to hold with Islam is that the religion is inherently polemical and cynical of other faiths. Suspending disbelief and looking at other faiths in a charitable manner is all nice and well if it were done on neutral grounds which is rarely ever done especially in the case of Islam.

  • @chriss2452
    @chriss2452 5 месяцев назад +3

    The quran is a mess. No context, no stringens, no story, it's so obvious that the author has copied from previous scriptures without any understanding of Biblical principles and theology. It's an embarrassment. Even more strange that it is studied on academic levels when it is a pile of garbage.

  • @TrTriTrippin
    @TrTriTrippin 6 месяцев назад

    Religon is division and it's all perception and our vision is muddy
    We came to experience heaven for the hell of it, The Devils just god in a skimask, All hatred is self hatred, We're just fucking mindless.

    • @mysotiras21
      @mysotiras21 6 месяцев назад +3

      Lay off the opioids.

    • @djentile7773
      @djentile7773 6 месяцев назад +2

      Sounds like really bad song lyrics

    • @m_d1905
      @m_d1905 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@mysotiras21 That's not front opoids, that's more a hallucinogenic vision.

    • @quaver1239
      @quaver1239 5 месяцев назад +1

      I agree with your first sentence. In the second part you seem to have slipped off the rails into a muddy bog; Get yourself out of the mud, please. It will destroy your life.

  • @CirrowProductions
    @CirrowProductions 5 месяцев назад

    Can you stop fighting with other religions? You should be practicing your own, not primitively fighting other people.s

    • @ophanimangel3143
      @ophanimangel3143 5 месяцев назад +1

      Maybe your cult shouldn’t have created animosity with Jews and Christians in the first place.

    • @IslamCritiqued
      @IslamCritiqued  5 месяцев назад +3

      You think Islam is only a religion? Wow. Learn some stuff.

    • @rida-18
      @rida-18 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@IslamCritiquedIslam is literally classified as a religion everywhere you look, I mean if you tried looking that is.
      _It's not the eyes that are blind but the hearts in the chests that grow blind_

  • @Simsam-b1d
    @Simsam-b1d 5 месяцев назад +5

    This channel should reach a million subscribers
    It's saving Muslims from islam, before others

    • @doomdesire3460
      @doomdesire3460 5 месяцев назад

      Islam is still growing fast, convert rates not just birth rates
      Keep coping, haters are gonna hate