Check out my Substack newsletter where I made disciples: If you feel led to support me: Join my Patreon for a tighter community and fasting group chat:
"It's not hurting anybody." It's hurting everybody and the horror is that you cannot actually see this until you've been on the other side. The difference is like in It's A Wonderful Life. Living in lust is like the whole world and everyone you interact with is trapped in a dimension where you were never born.
You may not realize the impact of your work and words here. I have an addictive personality that extends to all aspects of life pleasures, ambition, money, and life itself. The inner struggle and the "beast" within are very real. Sometimes, a message comes at just the right moment. You've helped me gain clarity about the distinction between ambition and purpose, and the power of surrender. Keep shining!!! our world feels increasingly dark lately, overwhelmed by materialism.
Another category is the sister which can be the greatest relationship. Its the sisters job to keep the brother pure like you doing and the brothers job to stand up and protect the sisters chastity. its so hard in modern world but spiritual life helps a lot. 😇
I wasn't listening to you until you mentioned the scene in Godfather with such memory and detail. I always like that movie and do it fact remember that scene, but never expected to hear it recounted in detail by a Chinese woman.
I'm 15 minutes in and you are saying things that I discovered about the Lord through my own meditations and understandings through content on the subject. You're so right. It's taken me 29 years of living to discover this path. You're even more wise to say something i appreciate, which is how young alcoholics are like young sexual sinners. It's harder to change. Very well said. Thanks so much, I'll enjoy finishing this video. The Lord's commandments are not to bind us but to guide us away from the very things that everyone online is tearing each other apart about. Every time someone cheats and they testify that "they dont know what came over them", it's all predicted in his Word. Or when they fornicate lustfully and ignore the feelings of shame and disgust with themselves that is radiating from a deeper place than they initially suspect (their soul), it's all predicted by Him to be an expected reaction for sullying our souls. We compare, we envy, idolize, judge and everything opposite to what the Lord laid out for us to live as our best selves...not knowing that we are built from the ground up NEEDING Him to achieve such a thing. They won't understand, but when you or others peer for answers in the Lord, it's like you begin to see the matrix, and you lay out that matrix in this video so well. Finally, thank you again, because you were sent to me by Him. Today i spoke to my Dad about my new views and he agrees but also emphasized strongly about me needing to forget my past and accept His forgiveness and to move on with being a better person, but i had difficulty explaining to him that it's much more than that. It's a constant battle every day to battle temptation and sin, and a constant duty to pray and submit to Jesus for salvation and guidance. He only sees my suffering but not what caused it. Once again, your analogy about the young alcoholic was spot on. I feel seen.
Everything is brain pattern addiction and marketing knows that only way is to detoxify by the renewing of the word and creating new habits which take a long time to established
Sister, I admire your confidence. I find myself desperately clinging to my old man. I don't know how to let go. I put the plow to the field and look back. How do you go all in?
1John5:19 "We know that we are children of God, and that *the whole world is under the control of the evil one* . 20We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son *Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life* . 21Dear children, keep yourselves from idols."😊💕🙏💖🔥🕊 Genesis 38:10 "What he did was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so the LORD put him to death also." And what did Onan do?🙊🙈🙉
I really like the movie the Godfather as a Catholic, it shows exactly how sins have consequences and lead to greater and greater evils: Vito, the godfather, starts out as a thief, because he unjustly lost his job; then a mafioso asks him to pay tribute on what he steals or else, not wanting to be ruled over Vito kills the mafioso. So from the 8th commandment, to not steal, Vito is now murdering, 6th commandment. And so on and so forth it goes, the gravity of their sin gets worse and worse: Vito then becomes the mafioso, and commits greater sin by providing alcohol(during the time of probation in America '20s), gambling and prostitution. Then when narcotics are being introduced he doesn't want to participate, it's 'an unnatural vice', too sinful for him, but that's not how it works: There's only one moral code to live by, which is God's law, you either accept it fully or you don't at all, and so even if Vito won't participate it's too late, he lives in iniquity, and someone more evil will push Satan's agenda, which is exactly where the film part 1 starts with, Vito is almost killed just to sell drugs on the streets, which will destroy millions of lives, directly or indirectly.
I'm guilty of blatant sexual sin. Do I still want to experience god and be in a deeper relationship? Of course! I've been struggling with gluttony, I'm 5'9 at 220lb, very unhealthy I lost 44lb in 7 month and gain 34lb and stayed like that for 11 months Everyday I fail, I just don't lose weight, I have 2 strongholds that imma need my brother and sisters to help pray for me. I long to experience his love for me.
He already loves you brother. But our sin blinds us from seeing and experiencing that love. What i realized is that the more you try in your own strength to overcome sexual sin. The more you will fail. Don't try on your own strength, rather depend on God's grace to overcome those temptations, his strength is made known when we are weak. As him to help you overcome. Also "walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh" we cannot do it in our own human strength brother. Also don't feel condemned. "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ" and we are now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, that is your true identity. You are no longer a sinner.
Sprenzy, try to eat less if you want to lose weight. Do not ask God to make you skinnier, I made this mistake. He destroyed my finances and made me homeless. Do not ask for something that reduces. Do it yourself
Such a great speech! For what you said, that fornication isn't as bad as adultery: it's true. But to anyone reading, don't go thinking that it's not so bad. It's right next to adultery. The only difference is that you aren't breaking a covenant. But you are still sinning against your future marriage and still forming soul ties. Remember, before covenantal marriage, sex was (and partially still is) the establishment of marriage. ALL sexual sins are mortal sins. Matrimony is Holy, it is a sacrament, meaning sinning against marriage is sacrilege.
Lust makes Christian men and women impotent in that one can’t be fully present and emotionally available as a parent, husband, wife, etc as long as lust(or any other addiction for that matter) is still in the picture. Too many Christian men want to get married ASAP to “cull” their lust, but God’s desire is for a person to be WHOLE in Him first and then marriage. Lust is the modern day “Goliath” of this world. 🌍 Beat Goliath. Then get the woman(wife)or man(husband). “Seek Ye the Kingdom of Heaven first AND THEN all of these things shall be added unto you. ✊✊👑
Nobody dies to Lust. We die to inordinate lusts, extremes. Glory means balanced. To say we have zero lust is a lie or we are a eunuch naturally. Which I have known some.
@ sometimes it take deliverance prayers. But all we can do is remove the temptations. Ask God to take care of it. What we give to God we overcome. But when we think overcoming is not having any desires we are under a delusion. We will pretend or waste years fighting ourselves
At the church I go to here in Los Angeles I’ve seen men get deliverance. Our pastor advocated deliverance sessions if one can’t stop their lusting. You made an excellent point , brother. Spot on. ✊✊
The best way i have found to deal with lust is to talk with women honorably. If i can speak to a beautiful young woman about anything besides sex, it works wonders for the soul.
Many women, but not all, will believe you are being fake. But that is no reason to stop being good. The better you behave, the more fakers will thunk you are faking.
This is a FIERY 🔥 and powerful message Alice. I love the refining words the Lord gives you and this one is included. Us as men must not be given u to lust and the desires of our flesh. It’s brings destruction. I’m speaking from experience. However, I do disagree with it being something wrong with a man who doesn’t want to be married or have kids. Maybe you were referring to worldly men who do it just so they can continue to fornicate. If so, I agree. Also those who don’t want to marry do to soul ties, or previous hurt and pain. Healing needs to take place. However, some men (though VERY VERY FEW) are called to singleness. Not everyone will get married. It is what it is. Not everyone should be married. If we aren’t married we have no business fathering biological children. Paul was that guy. Who was the most influential in the New Testament outside of Christ. No wife and no biological children. (As far as we know). Again, it’s rare but does happen. God Bless and I thank The Lord for using you to give another beautiful and sharp word in Jesus Name 🙏🏾💯
I have questions concerning the biblical view of male sexuality. I find it hard to believe that masturbation for men is firmly comparable to physical sexual immorality or lust. Mainly because of the lack of emotional connection thereof, in contrast to women as their counterpart. If masturbation is not mentioned in the bible as fornication, how is it exclusive to it? It may be distressing for some as it is still repulsive undesirable and weird, yet because it is not exclusive it makes sense not mentioned it as sin. What I do not understand is how this causes masturbation to be typified by religions as only wrong? in contrast to what is specifically mentioned like lust and adultery which are denoted as being detrimental to humanity. If masturbation is as or more detrimental, then why would it not be denoted as such? Does masturbation involve lust and or sexual immorality? Why not specifically mention it as a sin?
Other aspects of this prove questionable if the concept of soul ties is introduced. Mainly how does one have soul ties to something that might not poses a soul? To anyone who may have the answers much love
Before this subject can be discussed, one should ask is the Nature of men good or is the Nature of men bad? Because going against Nature is in itself unnatural. All things were made by Him and for Him. If you ever debate an atheist and got frustrated if you cannot agree on what is God or who is God or how God functions, then the debate is a total waste of time. If you want to go against Nature - first define what Nature is and whether that Nature is good or evil. Lock in on that starting position so you can build a meaningful debate. Be aware of cult ideology - stay grounded, you still have to pay your bills every month no matter how righteous your actions may be in the eyes of the Lord. I advise staying neutral and not go bananas or fanatic on anything. Guilt can be influenced by environment and is not a fundamental thing like conscience, 2 completely different existence yet some people assume they are the same.
How is sex sinning against the body but smoking a cigarette isn’t? It’s just frustrating sometimes. It makes me hate life itself. I hate being a man. If I knew the Lord would forgive me, I would have hopped in the sooiside pods a long time ago.
Yeah sounds impossible, yet with Maria Luisa Clare, I've come to the conclusion that financially anything is possible. I got my self my dream car 🚗 just last weekend and a whooping $320k in savings already, My journey with her started after my best friend came back from New York and saw me suffering in debt then told me about her and how to change my life through her. Maria L. Clare is the kind of person one needs in his or her life! I got a home, a good wife, and a beautiful daughter. Note!:: this is not a promotion but me trying to make a point that no matter what happens, always have faith and keep living!!
Why is lust and sex against god? It's just pleasure. You do so many things for pleasure, how's that different? And I've gone 14 without eating food and i have done other challenges too to see who i am. Why is lust so important? You can't avoid lust because it's all encompassing. I don't mean to say embrace it, just don't fear it because when you fear it or avoid it like the plague, you're already in it's grasp. Why can't i lust for a person that i love romantically? How's that against god? So many imperfect beings believe in god but because they are imperfect they believe in a false god. Be at peace with reality, that's all you can really do. God is omniscient, you see from tunnel vision. That's what you said. And those that talked in the name of god, that applies to them too. I don't know god, i am searching. I would rather find truth than believe shallow truths that give me comfort because the comfort you seek is just another aspect of lust.
Interesting comment. I am also a seeker, have not been satisfied with most religious groups, and their interpretations and applications of religious texts A lot of religions seem to be there for feeling good, addressing the human desire to have answers and to believe things whether or not they’re True
Did you know that the first word the Holy Spirit said to the Prophet Muhammad was "Read" because God wants to show us that the truth comes from the books and whoever reads truthfully will find the truth
It always funny to hear from women's perspective how it is hard for men to resist sex with women, because her vision of men is based on chads that are on her radar. And yeah I agree it's probably really hard for a chad to stop having hookups. But the thing that women really are unable to comprehend is that most men don't have sex, at all
What is the psychological impact of this little satanic ritual?. Gods creation is perfect even if we don’t understand all of its ways, God creates Man and Woman and gives them a prime directive to be fruitful and multiply, kind of important yeh? Then along comes Man/Satan influenced I’m guessing and says to God you know the thing you created to multiply with yeh, I’m going to mutilate it when it’s new born now see how you like them apples. Thoughts?
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Alice if it's you who keeps highlighting these comments in response to my issue, Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Just discovered your channel, as a guy I agree. Its only through Jesus that I could be freed by the chains of lust.
Same. Its the only way. I've tried everything and have always failed. Jesus makes it easy
“What is to give light must endure burning.”
Amen to anyone who reads this. May God bless you all.
Your messages are not sugar coated. They are direct and hit straight into the heart. It is so rare.
"It's not hurting anybody." It's hurting everybody and the horror is that you cannot actually see this until you've been on the other side.
The difference is like in It's A Wonderful Life. Living in lust is like the whole world and everyone you interact with is trapped in a dimension where you were never born.
Sin is a thing that fascinate, but it also assassinate
Sister, I thank God for imparting so much heavenly wisdom to you at your age!!🙏🙏🙏
You may not realize the impact of your work and words here. I have an addictive personality that extends to all aspects of life pleasures, ambition, money, and life itself. The inner struggle and the "beast" within are very real. Sometimes, a message comes at just the right moment. You've helped me gain clarity about the distinction between ambition and purpose, and the power of surrender. Keep shining!!! our world feels increasingly dark lately, overwhelmed by materialism.
Another category is the sister which can be the greatest relationship. Its the sisters job to keep the brother pure like you doing and the brothers job to stand up and protect the sisters chastity. its so hard in modern world but spiritual life helps a lot. 😇
I never thought Id ever hear a woman speak so much wisdom, the Lord truly speaks thru you.
Men practice NO Fap, it will take your walk with Christ to a whole new level, and you will have insight and joy you never knew!!!
nofap magic is real.
Thank you for this topic, we as men are dealing with this and always remind us to flee from temptations.
This video was a blessing today. Thank you Alice
I like how you reference Godfather's Sonny with his weakness with women to convey your imagery.
I wasn't listening to you until you mentioned the scene in Godfather with such memory and detail.
I always like that movie and do it fact remember that scene, but never expected to hear it recounted in detail by a Chinese woman.
Spot on sister, amen.
I'm 15 minutes in and you are saying things that I discovered about the Lord through my own meditations and understandings through content on the subject. You're so right. It's taken me 29 years of living to discover this path. You're even more wise to say something i appreciate, which is how young alcoholics are like young sexual sinners. It's harder to change. Very well said. Thanks so much, I'll enjoy finishing this video.
The Lord's commandments are not to bind us but to guide us away from the very things that everyone online is tearing each other apart about. Every time someone cheats and they testify that "they dont know what came over them", it's all predicted in his Word. Or when they fornicate lustfully and ignore the feelings of shame and disgust with themselves that is radiating from a deeper place than they initially suspect (their soul), it's all predicted by Him to be an expected reaction for sullying our souls.
We compare, we envy, idolize, judge and everything opposite to what the Lord laid out for us to live as our best selves...not knowing that we are built from the ground up NEEDING Him to achieve such a thing. They won't understand, but when you or others peer for answers in the Lord, it's like you begin to see the matrix, and you lay out that matrix in this video so well.
Finally, thank you again, because you were sent to me by Him. Today i spoke to my Dad about my new views and he agrees but also emphasized strongly about me needing to forget my past and accept His forgiveness and to move on with being a better person, but i had difficulty explaining to him that it's much more than that. It's a constant battle every day to battle temptation and sin, and a constant duty to pray and submit to Jesus for salvation and guidance. He only sees my suffering but not what caused it. Once again, your analogy about the young alcoholic was spot on. I feel seen.
Prostitutes have existed for a long time, but this modern phenomenon of unpaid, casual prostitutes is quite strange.
Wish they would just make prostitution legal. No reason why it’s illegal.
This is very helpful to me it lust is my main sin. Alice thank you dear lady.
Thank you for this podcast Alice
thank you for this, this has helped me out
This found me exactly when i needed it Thank you
I love you too, sister. You spoke beautifuly today.
Everything is brain pattern addiction and marketing knows that only way is to detoxify by the renewing of the word and creating new habits which take a long time to established
offer your body to Christ and Fear him more
I lust for money, I need to get out of this mindset.
you're very wise when it comes to this specific subject of lust .
God bless you Alice. I pray one day speak on the true Sabbath, Saturday and how we are called to keep it holy. That will be a bombshell of a video
Read Hebrews 3 and 4. Read collisions. Explains the sabbath. Old = outward. New = inward
@@RileyedColossians* not road side collisions 🚗😂
@@danielsalac5113 close enough.
@@RileyedSaying old is outward new is inward does not prove your theory bro. Actually give us the verse WITHOUT twisting it with your bias.
You SDA too bro? I think alice is pentecostal judging by her emphasis on tongues
Sister, I admire your confidence. I find myself desperately clinging to my old man. I don't know how to let go. I put the plow to the field and look back. How do you go all in?
"We know that we are children of God, and that *the whole world is under the control of the evil one* . 20We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son *Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life* .
21Dear children, keep yourselves from idols."😊💕🙏💖🔥🕊
Genesis 38:10
"What he did was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so the LORD put him to death also."
And what did Onan do?🙊🙈🙉
I really like the movie the Godfather as a Catholic, it shows exactly how sins have consequences and lead to greater and greater evils:
Vito, the godfather, starts out as a thief, because he unjustly lost his job; then a mafioso asks him to pay tribute on what he steals or else, not wanting to be ruled over Vito kills the mafioso.
So from the 8th commandment, to not steal, Vito is now murdering, 6th commandment. And so on and so forth it goes, the gravity of their sin gets worse and worse: Vito then becomes the mafioso, and commits greater sin by providing alcohol(during the time of probation in America '20s), gambling and prostitution. Then when narcotics are being introduced he doesn't want to participate, it's 'an unnatural vice', too sinful for him, but that's not how it works: There's only one moral code to live by, which is God's law, you either accept it fully or you don't at all, and so even if Vito won't participate it's too late, he lives in iniquity, and someone more evil will push Satan's agenda, which is exactly where the film part 1 starts with, Vito is almost killed just to sell drugs on the streets, which will destroy millions of lives, directly or indirectly.
I'm guilty of blatant sexual sin. Do I still want to experience god and be in a deeper relationship? Of course!
I've been struggling with gluttony, I'm 5'9 at 220lb, very unhealthy I lost 44lb in 7 month and gain 34lb and stayed like that for 11 months
Everyday I fail, I just don't lose weight, I have 2 strongholds that imma need my brother and sisters to help pray for me.
I long to experience his love for me.
Pray for the Spirit's help my friend; He is with you. Keep seeking His guidance and aid.
He already loves you brother. But our sin blinds us from seeing and experiencing that love.
What i realized is that the more you try in your own strength to overcome sexual sin. The more you will fail. Don't try on your own strength, rather depend on God's grace to overcome those temptations, his strength is made known when we are weak. As him to help you overcome. Also "walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh" we cannot do it in our own human strength brother. Also don't feel condemned. "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ" and we are now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, that is your true identity. You are no longer a sinner.
Sprenzy, try to eat less if you want to lose weight. Do not ask God to make you skinnier, I made this mistake. He destroyed my finances and made me homeless. Do not ask for something that reduces. Do it yourself
Such a great speech!
For what you said, that fornication isn't as bad as adultery: it's true. But to anyone reading, don't go thinking that it's not so bad. It's right next to adultery. The only difference is that you aren't breaking a covenant. But you are still sinning against your future marriage and still forming soul ties. Remember, before covenantal marriage, sex was (and partially still is) the establishment of marriage.
ALL sexual sins are mortal sins. Matrimony is Holy, it is a sacrament, meaning sinning against marriage is sacrilege.
Fornication is adultery. Jesus says if you even look upon a woman lustfully, then you have committed it.
Lust makes Christian men and women impotent in that one can’t be fully present and emotionally available as a parent, husband, wife, etc as long as lust(or any other addiction for that matter) is still in the picture. Too many Christian men want to get married ASAP to “cull” their lust, but God’s desire is for a person to be WHOLE in Him first and then marriage. Lust is the modern day “Goliath” of this world. 🌍 Beat Goliath. Then get the woman(wife)or man(husband). “Seek Ye the Kingdom of Heaven first AND THEN all of these things shall be added unto you. ✊✊👑
Nobody dies to Lust. We die to inordinate lusts, extremes. Glory means balanced. To say we have zero lust is a lie or we are a eunuch naturally. Which I have known some.
@@Rileyedtrue you can’t fully escape it as it is apart of our biology. So I don’t fully know why to do about lust.
@ sometimes it take deliverance prayers. But all we can do is remove the temptations. Ask God to take care of it. What we give to God we overcome. But when we think overcoming is not having any desires we are under a delusion. We will pretend or waste years fighting ourselves
At the church I go to here in Los Angeles I’ve seen men get deliverance. Our pastor advocated deliverance sessions if one can’t stop their lusting. You made an excellent point , brother. Spot on. ✊✊
The best way i have found to deal with lust is to talk with women honorably.
If i can speak to a beautiful young woman about anything besides sex, it works wonders for the soul.
Many women, but not all, will believe you are being fake. But that is no reason to stop being good.
The better you behave, the more fakers will thunk you are faking.
So cringe. They still won’t date you
This is a FIERY 🔥 and powerful message Alice. I love the refining words the Lord gives you and this one is included. Us as men must not be given u to lust and the desires of our flesh. It’s brings destruction. I’m speaking from experience.
However, I do disagree with it being something wrong with a man who doesn’t want to be married or have kids.
Maybe you were referring to worldly men who do it just so they can continue to fornicate. If so, I agree.
Also those who don’t want to marry do to soul ties, or previous hurt and pain. Healing needs to take place.
However, some men (though VERY VERY FEW) are called to singleness. Not everyone will get married. It is what it is.
Not everyone should be married. If we aren’t married we have no business fathering biological children.
Paul was that guy. Who was the most influential in the New Testament outside of Christ. No wife and no biological children. (As far as we know).
Again, it’s rare but does happen.
God Bless and I thank The Lord for using you to give another beautiful and sharp word in Jesus Name 🙏🏾💯
It will negatively impact your marriage and ability to marry right in the future.
I have questions concerning the biblical view of male sexuality.
I find it hard to believe that masturbation for men is firmly comparable to physical sexual immorality or lust.
Mainly because of the lack of emotional connection thereof, in contrast to women as their counterpart.
If masturbation is not mentioned in the bible as fornication, how is it exclusive to it?
It may be distressing for some as it is still repulsive undesirable and weird, yet because it is not exclusive it makes sense not mentioned it as sin.
What I do not understand is how this causes masturbation to be typified by religions as only wrong?
in contrast to what is specifically mentioned like lust and adultery which are denoted as being detrimental to humanity. If masturbation is as or more detrimental, then why would it not be denoted as such?
Does masturbation involve lust and or sexual immorality?
Why not specifically mention it as a sin?
Other aspects of this prove questionable if the concept of soul ties is introduced. Mainly how does one have soul ties to something that might not poses a soul?
To anyone who may have the answers
much love
Matt 5:28 Jesus said: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
what if I don't have purpose or ambition?
then rid yourself of things that suppress that
Seek God more, he will reveal to you your true identity, and purpose.
Before this subject can be discussed, one should ask is the Nature of men good or is the Nature of men bad? Because going against Nature is in itself unnatural. All things were made by Him and for Him. If you ever debate an atheist and got frustrated if you cannot agree on what is God or who is God or how God functions, then the debate is a total waste of time. If you want to go against Nature - first define what Nature is and whether that Nature is good or evil. Lock in on that starting position so you can build a meaningful debate. Be aware of cult ideology - stay grounded, you still have to pay your bills every month no matter how righteous your actions may be in the eyes of the Lord. I advise staying neutral and not go bananas or fanatic on anything. Guilt can be influenced by environment and is not a fundamental thing like conscience, 2 completely different existence yet some people assume they are the same.
too long, would be better if you added bullet points to your video.
I keep getting distracted by the advertisements every few minutes and it breaks my train of thought. Google is making a lot of money off of this
Revanced RUclips
spoiler tags for the shows please
How is sex sinning against the body but smoking a cigarette isn’t? It’s just frustrating sometimes. It makes me hate life itself. I hate being a man. If I knew the Lord would forgive me, I would have hopped in the sooiside pods a long time ago.
This was accurate. You're obsessed with The Godfather, but I can overlook that. 😅
$75k biweekly changed my mindset and behavior, my goals, my family and I've to say this video has inspired me a lot!!!!❤️.
I'm feeling really motivated.
Could you share some details about the bi-weekly topic you brought up?
Yeah sounds impossible, yet with Maria Luisa Clare, I've come to the conclusion that financially anything is possible. I got my self my dream car 🚗 just last weekend and a whooping $320k in savings already, My journey with her started after my best friend came back from New York and saw me suffering in debt then told me about her and how to change my life through her. Maria L. Clare is the kind of person one needs in his or her life! I got a home, a good wife, and a beautiful daughter. Note!:: this is not a promotion but me trying to make a point that no matter what happens, always have faith and keep living!!
Wow 😱 I know her too!
Miss Maria Luisa Clare is a remarkable individual whom has brought immense positivity and inspiration into my life.
I got started with a miserly $1500. The results have been mind blowing I must say TBH!!
why dont u show ur face anymore :(
But Alice I like girls too much.
You're enslaved by your desires
hello, can you do a talking episode with jonathan pageau (christian youtuber) ?
What is a sin is to twist the scriptures to claim they teach what is not there. God will have the last word.
Why is lust and sex against god? It's just pleasure. You do so many things for pleasure, how's that different? And I've gone 14 without eating food and i have done other challenges too to see who i am. Why is lust so important? You can't avoid lust because it's all encompassing. I don't mean to say embrace it, just don't fear it because when you fear it or avoid it like the plague, you're already in it's grasp.
Why can't i lust for a person that i love romantically? How's that against god?
So many imperfect beings believe in god but because they are imperfect they believe in a false god. Be at peace with reality, that's all you can really do.
God is omniscient, you see from tunnel vision. That's what you said. And those that talked in the name of god, that applies to them too. I don't know god, i am searching. I would rather find truth than believe shallow truths that give me comfort because the comfort you seek is just another aspect of lust.
I lusted over my ex romantically, it creeps them out.
Interesting comment. I am also a seeker, have not been satisfied with most religious groups, and their interpretations and applications of religious texts
A lot of religions seem to be there for feeling good, addressing the human desire to have answers and to believe things whether or not they’re True
Masturbation absolutely is sin. It is fornication in the heart.
Starting today, I'm on nofap
Did you know that the first word the Holy Spirit said to the Prophet Muhammad was "Read" because God wants to show us that the truth comes from the books and whoever reads truthfully will find the truth
It always funny to hear from women's perspective how it is hard for men to resist sex with women, because her vision of men is based on chads that are on her radar. And yeah I agree it's probably really hard for a chad to stop having hookups. But the thing that women really are unable to comprehend is that most men don't have sex, at all
She also talks about dudes who masterbate or look at porn. Still equally as sin.
Amen 🙏♥️
Please please post more more more
Gluttony is against the body as well
your peter pan
What is the psychological impact of this little satanic ritual?.
Gods creation is perfect even if we don’t understand all of its ways, God creates Man and Woman and gives them a prime directive to be fruitful and multiply, kind of important yeh? Then along comes Man/Satan influenced I’m guessing and says to God you know the thing you created to multiply with yeh, I’m going to mutilate it when it’s new born now see how you like them apples.
Sister God bless you. Do you have email?
Plot twist, Alice is a former ØF performer turned religious
is that true?
Probably not true
Why are you lying and slandering a sister in Christ?