I'm Kripp Harrison, and this is my Hearthstone stream. I work here with my dog and my wife, Rania the Succubus. Every arena run in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know WHAT my opponent is going to topdeck.
Ooh I can feel it! The medivas, tonight is my night! Can't wait for this new arena. Hopefully I am in EVERY arena run. I am such a good card. Also.... LEGION!
Even if it doesn't reset, you will be playing against the other classes that have their bad cards removed. If it helped you at all it would be very moderate.
Marcus Mührmann-Lund Think about it, though. if the arena had its own rarity system, they can either tone down the more degenerate classes or boost the viability of the less synergistic classes (or both) by just editing the individual chances of cards appearing, rather than just saying cards x, y, and z will never show up period. The easiest example I can think of would be something to the effects of snow chugger counting as a rare or higher in arena rather than flat-out removing it.
Funny thing is, purify is actually good with ethereal peddler because it's a 0 mana cantrip, and you always have a target for it (peddler itself, if not better)
Eh, thing is Demonfuse can at least sometimes be good. After like turn 6 in arena the extra mana crystal doesn't matter anymore and it is a pretty substantial buff. What the fuck is purify ever going to do?
BillyTheSillyWilly Well yeah it's a late game card - there are plenty of those - and it shouldn't be drafted unless you've got some demon synergy going - there are several cards like that. Purify is bad in every single imaginable scenario, it's basically just cycle, it's a non-card.
Mage is still really strong, but getting rid of faceless summoner is a huge help. There's absolutely, positively no excuse for that being a -common- card added to the strongest arena class. No matter how good your deck, if you're playing against a mage that goes turn 5 faceless into turn 6 faceless you just lose. And then they follow it up with a flamestrike on 7 to rub it in.
Would it have just been simpler to give the player more than three options of cards to pick from? Wouldn't increasing the amount to, say 5, have increased the power level of all decks, especially decks with dead possible cards?
I don't think a straight ban of cards is what they should strife for. I would rather see different tiers (similar to the current rarity tiers) in which cards are put in on a card-per-card basis instead of rarity. If a card under/over performs, they can very easily adjust it. So flame strike would show up as often as current rare cards, purify as often as epic cards etc Legendarys should be en exception tho.
rofl blizzard really think snowchugger is the problem? its like they forgot flamestrike, firelands portal, water elemental, frostbolt, blizzard, etc etc etc
Actually, these changes might really help. It's not that mage is too good. Other classes are just too bad. This way, with other classes having access to their good class cards and not having to pick garbage, mage might not be able to out value his opponent with his efficient common removal cards. I might be wrong, but I personally think warrior will be top arena class now, because his new weapon is INSANE in arena tempowise and he got the biggest boost by removing shitty class cards. Also, rogue will be way worse (like druid level now), which kind of makes me sad. And paladin will be worse too (because others got buffed), which doesn't make me sad.
why should they remove flamestrike? yes, it's the best bc in the game, but it's pretty essential if you want mage to get more than 3 wins ever in arena.
Oh yes, let's just remove all of the mage cards that make it good and leave it as a class that has absolutely 0 good minions with no healing or removal.
The difference doesn't has to be like in tavern brawl. Small changes make a difference. Most players use the same class, choose the max point cards and only experienced players are left. This leads to 85% draw luck and 15% skill. Adopting to a changing meta is more interesting than replaying the same game a 1000times.
Gou Karuma Arena needs to be more skill based, not luck based. Why do you think they're getting rid of shitty cards? So you don't get unlucky and are forced to draft them.
I have a different idea. Take the existing system, but then weight cards based on the number of times they're picked compared to the number of times they show up. The more often they're picked, the less often they show up. This should apply to all classes equally. ...and in the end, that's it - just one additional weight based on that. People would have to pick more interesting and more typically "worse" cards in order to make a good deck, and things will be on average standardized. Another good idea would be to make a formula where each deck ALWAYS has at least X number of each type of card - at least 1 legendary, at least 2 epic, at least 4 rare, at least 15 common, etc - or something like that. Both of those changes would probably increase consistency by quite a lot in arena, while making people have some tough choices in the draft (an important part of arena).
if you are playing mage in arena and you have a snowchugger in your deck when the patch hits does that mean that you just lose the arena or what happens
+kewl bron on and off since nax came out, been playing alot since wotog using my gold for arena runs, got 11 3 twice last week one with warrior and one with rogue
does this mean it is disabled for cards like Nefarian as well? I would assume yes. I had a game against shaman as a non shaman where I got double totemic might needless to say I was a little annoyed.
I would have liked a system that encourages playing different classes while helping new players. It monitors popular classes currently picked played on arena. When you get your three choices it highlights the unpopular one and offers like at 3 wins a 6 win prize.
This is a great change. I exclusively play arena because ranked decks are all the same. I love variety and introducing this change will encourage more variety.
It would be amazing if Hearthstone implemented something like a "free arena ticket" quest! I've had many times where I've had enough gold for a run but buy a pack instead to save me from the 0-3 run and overpriced pack humiliation...
How about a system that dynamically adjusts chance of a card occurance based on how often the card is picked? Additionally, it may be possible to add winrate statisctics of decks with that card into equation. So both very good and very bad cards will gradually become less common until they reach a certain threshold.
I think it would also be nice if they made neutral cards that synergize well with a class more common to be drafted by that class. For example: Injured Blade Master would be more likely to show up if you are playing a Priest or a Warrior.
I think one of the problems with warriors is that not enough of their class cards actually fit into their play style. The way they were presented, they are 'down and dirty' characters who don't mind doing direct damage with weapons (and get plenty of charge minions), but honestly a relatively small percent of their total class cards are weapons. This often results in very few being available during draft (I had a draft once with warrior where I only got one weapon the whole time).
I would love if tavern brawl would, instead of rewarding a pack, would reward a free arena entry, this would mix the player pool in arena up a lot more, and also allow some players that are bad at arena to play arena anyway once in a while without loosing on value.
This is a good start to fixing arena now if they started creating cards with correct rarity on their viability for arena sake so we don't get more uldamans, firelands portals or 4 mana 7/7's that'd be great.
Agreed, the rarity of a card should be first and foremost about arena. A super serious constructed player would have the resources to make an epic instead of a common anyway.
What if they removed hero powers for arena? Or remove hero powers and let you draft 10 more cards? I don't know, just thoughts that came to mind after watching this. Thoughts?
So great that they are finally paying more attention to arena. Few tweaks here and there and the draft will be so much better and allow for playing more than a few classes. I mean I play most classes now but only if mage, rogue, or druid aren't options.
Create an algorithm with a card ranking for each card (like arena drafting websites) that lowers the chance of the top cards appearing when a class is winning too much and raises the chances of a class' top cards showing when a class is losing too much.
@kripparrian how do you feel about removing Flamestrike on mage? It seems too big of a step for Blizzard to take, but it would change the scene so much I think in a positive way. Prolly never gonna happen though :)
New Legendary should solve this ;) Ner'Zul - 10 mana 0-15 stats, Battle Cry, summon Arthas Menethil (4-8 with divine shield, taunt), Can't attack, After your turn ends if neither minion has died, transform both minions into the Lich King with 10-10 stats (every kill from the Lich King heals him to full and puts their soul [their card] into your deck) Can't be targeted by spells and Deathrattle (Cataclysm, Deathwing triggers his battlecry and is played onto the board if in hand)
succubus is one of those situational cards when it comes to the discard theme.u cant build arena decks around such themes because u dont know what u get
I know, but malchezaar's imp is a class common kz card (so a lot of those) removing a classic blue, that has synergy with it doesn't seem that good, given that it has good stats for a 2 mana card.
i actually got my only 12-wins with Shaman in arena with a deck that included Ancestral Healing - it works and when it works good you gain SUCH value! Seriously, I just saved it for one of my mid/late minions, traded the minion with the opponent's large threat and used this card and the opponent would not recover. plus the card works well against aggro, so I'm actually quite sad that they removed this seemingly terrible card because it's got great potential and can be played with in arena :)
Believe it or not but Ancestral healing actually won me several games in chaman. Some of those cards are really bad but other just require some skill to make them works
I like windspeaker actually. On a few shaman runs, I picked it and it did a pretty decent job. it enabled me to trade favorably through windfury (removing 2 minions for one minion of mine) and a 3/3 body is not terrible either.
I think Blizzard should do this with all expansions. Let the class cards simmer and be played for a month or two in Arena and as the playerbase voices its concerns over cards they can remove them.
+++ LEAKED: The first and last pick is between Magma, Ice and Am'gam Rager! +++
Source: Core Rager
I like how of all the Kripperino comments, you always have the most creative ones! Keep it up
Thank you mate!
They will pick me.
I'm Kripp Harrison, and this is my Hearthstone stream. I work here with my dog and my wife, Rania the Succubus. Every arena run in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know WHAT my opponent is going to topdeck.
A man is early, a man makes a joke...
Hearthstone is a competitive game
>trying to role play as a non Kripperino on a krip vid
Jaqen H'gharino Kripperino
fuck outta here with that pathetic shit
got em
***** No one is a roleplayer
4.20 Vegichugger Freezes any card that gets cucked by vegis lmaolmaoallalamala
IMO one of the best kripperino.
dad, this fake bitch is still here...
fakerino fuck offerino
how can you tell
+Aj Koorstra you go on their channel and look at the subs they have
Arena is a canvas and if you believe, you can do anything with it
I believe... I believe... everybody can go 0-3
jus play little things, just beat the warlock out of it
Blizzard doesn't make mistakes, they just have happy little patches
Ooh I can feel it! The medivas, tonight is my night! Can't wait for this new arena. Hopefully I am in EVERY arena run. I am such a good card. Also.... LEGION!
Go back to the hell that spawned you.
+Sargeras The Destroyer you are not a real kripperino change your name
+Sargeras The Destroyer Im done.
theres is people playing you in arena..... you suck sorry.
You... you better not ruin my kingdom okay! I better still reign supreme in this newer arena.
And mine either!
nah you're already uncommon because you lost your ocurrence boost, and karazhan got it
Haha the Portal has worked. Master? are you here?
You have done well my minion. I have finally entered the comment section. My demons shall destroy this world.
+Sargeras The Destroyer scrub, fix your name
+Sargeras The Destroyer Name...
+Sargeras That name is so bad I give you an 0/10
+Sargeras The Destroyer You are a failure. Only true Demons have LEGIONS!
they're removing minions that I can make into 1/1s :(
so make 1/1 spells
don't worry! you can still turn a deathwing into a 1 1!
But now you can pull out better minions (like a 1/1 barnes)
Barneserino Kripperino no like a 1/1 purify
Oh baby, a Kripple!
Those changes are pretty sick, eager to see what impact they'll have.
hold on now, that's a little dark... and funny
14:23 I'm the real one
+Fakerino Skipperino Alerterino Kripperino wow
+Fakerino Skipperino Alerterino Kripperino The dedication is real
this meta is expanding
thanks for saving us from this pest!
+Fakerino Skipperino Alerterino Kripperino I think this is my new favourite
There is no time for games, but there is time for Kripp
I think I'll draft myself a sexy Mage deck, wait for the patch to roll around and go on an unnerfed rampage!
inb4 not getting any of the removed cards
They might reset it when they implement the updates... I've seen it happen...
Even if it doesn't reset, you will be playing against the other classes that have their bad cards removed. If it helped you at all it would be very moderate.
Your a fucking genius. We need more people like you
oh u scumbag
+Bil Mason L
did you just like your own comments rofl
boohoo the video isn't exactly what I thought it would be
I bet it was accidental clickbait
rather than removing them, I feel cards should have a pack rarity and an arena rarity, wherein the dust value is, of course, tied to the pack rarity
give this man a cookie!
why you aren't in top comments?
I honestly thought this would be a no-brainer. I was expecting my comment to be what blizz announced, rather than an arena retcon.
I would just prefer for them to change the rarity of the most powerful cards to a higher one. Anyway, the solution they chose is bad.
Marcus Mührmann-Lund
Think about it, though. if the arena had its own rarity system, they can either tone down the more degenerate classes or boost the viability of the less synergistic classes (or both) by just editing the individual chances of cards appearing, rather than just saying cards x, y, and z will never show up period. The easiest example I can think of would be something to the effects of snow chugger counting as a rare or higher in arena rather than flat-out removing it.
Wow my value has gone up due to how many shit class cards have left
You can still get sick purify value though , stolen cards ignore arena bans
+Relkor oh ok thx for the info
Funny thing is, purify is actually good with ethereal peddler because it's a 0 mana cantrip, and you always have a target for it (peddler itself, if not better)
seriously? that sucks
Still have Demonfuse.
A card arguably as bad or worse than Purify. At least Purify dosen't read: Lose the Game. Demonfuse basically does.
Eh, thing is Demonfuse can at least sometimes be good. After like turn 6 in arena the extra mana crystal doesn't matter anymore and it is a pretty substantial buff. What the fuck is purify ever going to do?
+Harry Jones cicle
BillyTheSillyWilly Well yeah it's a late game card - there are plenty of those - and it shouldn't be drafted unless you've got some demon synergy going - there are several cards like that.
Purify is bad in every single imaginable scenario, it's basically just cycle, it's a non-card.
+Harry Jones
What if you draft The Purifier tho?
If I see Kripp in real life and a bobblehead of him side by side, I won't be able to tell the difference.
Just wait a few seconds... the bobblehead will eventually stop moving.
cant unsee it now =/
lmao 😂😂😂
Literally can't unsee this holy shit
Me and Kripp both so happy about chugga being removed! You might say weapon classes have been "Upgraded!" (I'll see myself out now)
Mage is still really strong, but getting rid of faceless summoner is a huge help. There's absolutely, positively no excuse for that being a -common- card added to the strongest arena class. No matter how good your deck, if you're playing against a mage that goes turn 5 faceless into turn 6 faceless you just lose. And then they follow it up with a flamestrike on 7 to rub it in.
Would it have just been simpler to give the player more than three options of cards to pick from? Wouldn't increasing the amount to, say 5, have increased the power level of all decks, especially decks with dead possible cards?
I don't think a straight ban of cards is what they should strife for. I would rather see different tiers (similar to the current rarity tiers) in which cards are put in on a card-per-card basis instead of rarity. If a card under/over performs, they can very easily adjust it. So flame strike would show up as often as current rare cards, purify as often as epic cards etc Legendarys should be en exception tho.
Great, now shaman has an even higher chance to get a 4 mana 7/7 in drafting. Thanks, brode
rofl blizzard really think snowchugger is the problem? its like they forgot flamestrike, firelands portal, water elemental, frostbolt, blizzard, etc etc etc
Actually, these changes might really help. It's not that mage is too good. Other classes are just too bad. This way, with other classes having access to their good class cards and not having to pick garbage, mage might not be able to out value his opponent with his efficient common removal cards. I might be wrong, but I personally think warrior will be top arena class now, because his new weapon is INSANE in arena tempowise and he got the biggest boost by removing shitty class cards. Also, rogue will be way worse (like druid level now), which kind of makes me sad. And paladin will be worse too (because others got buffed), which doesn't make me sad.
why should they remove flamestrike? yes, it's the best bc in the game, but it's pretty essential if you want mage to get more than 3 wins ever in arena.
Snowchugger is a good two-drop. Having one less good two-drop is going to make Mage's early game a bit less consistent...ly stupid.
Oh yes, let's just remove all of the mage cards that make it good and leave it as a class that has absolutely 0 good minions with no healing or removal.
Its to help weapon classes.
You can still draft them now and save the deck until later, right? Would be fun to see Kripp run into some of those a month after the expansion.
Is there a date announced yet for when these changes come into effect?
1 day- 2 weeks
Maybe they could change the draw rules every month to make it more interesting. They still can cancel the months theme if it sucks.
That'd be paying for a tavern brawl that you get rewards from.
The difference doesn't has to be like in tavern brawl. Small changes make a difference.
Most players use the same class, choose the max point cards and only experienced players are left. This leads to 85% draw luck and 15% skill. Adopting to a changing meta is more interesting than replaying the same game a 1000times.
Gou Karuma Arena needs to be more skill based, not luck based. Why do you think they're getting rid of shitty cards? So you don't get unlucky and are forced to draft them.
You have me on a t-shirt but not in your heart :(
the feels
What internet speed do you get in heaven?
its dial-up
+Jagger Nooo itd rather go to hell
So he says at the Beginning purify will be put out from arena, but in that list at the ende purify is not listed. So will it be out or not?
Can you still discover the disabled cards? Or get them in other random ways?
The cards that are being removed, you can still see them in a game in Arena, just not in the draft, right?
so as of now is it worth playing arena or shud i wait for the patch changes?
I have a different idea. Take the existing system, but then weight cards based on the number of times they're picked compared to the number of times they show up. The more often they're picked, the less often they show up. This should apply to all classes equally. ...and in the end, that's it - just one additional weight based on that. People would have to pick more interesting and more typically "worse" cards in order to make a good deck, and things will be on average standardized.
Another good idea would be to make a formula where each deck ALWAYS has at least X number of each type of card - at least 1 legendary, at least 2 epic, at least 4 rare, at least 15 common, etc - or something like that.
Both of those changes would probably increase consistency by quite a lot in arena, while making people have some tough choices in the draft (an important part of arena).
if you are playing mage in arena and you have a snowchugger in your deck when the patch hits does that mean that you just lose the arena or what happens
Do you Think some spell should get a legendary rating? (limit of one card per deck)
Shoutout to me getting my first 12 0 arena run yesterday. Rogues 4 life
when did u start playing hs?
+kewl bron on and off since nax came out, been playing alot since wotog using my gold for arena runs, got 11 3 twice last week one with warrior and one with rogue
Surprised u dont have dozens of 12win runs by now. I assume u focused on ranked
he said 12 - 0 not his first twelve win, read kewl
oh sorry, didn't see
12:10 - "That is a HUUUUUUGE option" I love it, just fantastic
does this mean it is disabled for cards like Nefarian as well? I would assume yes. I had a game against shaman as a non shaman where I got double totemic might needless to say I was a little annoyed.
does this change the cards you can burgle as well
Krip does know the second 'B' in Bomb is silent right? Right?
so purify is still in the priest set ?
I would have liked a system that encourages playing different classes while helping new players. It monitors popular classes currently picked played on arena. When you get your three choices it highlights the unpopular one and offers like at 3 wins a 6 win prize.
Why remove snipe and cobra shot and timber wolf?
This is a great change. I exclusively play arena because ranked decks are all the same. I love variety and introducing this change will encourage more variety.
It would be amazing if Hearthstone implemented something like a "free arena ticket" quest! I've had many times where I've had enough gold for a run but buy a pack instead to save me from the 0-3 run and overpriced pack humiliation...
im not sure in which world +1 to weapon damage or COMBO: deal 1 damage is better than sap or shadow strike, but...
How about a system that dynamically adjusts chance of a card occurance based on how often the card is picked?
Additionally, it may be possible to add winrate statisctics of decks with that card into equation.
So both very good and very bad cards will gradually become less common until they reach a certain threshold.
How is the correct pronnunciation for "new"?
Why they removed windspeaker, but not windfury???
When are these changes coming through...
Does this mean that the good class cards are going to be more common? Meaning if I play mage I can get more flamestrikes then I would normally?
what is if i have a arena deck with for example faceless summonor and i wait to play until the Patch is up?
I think it would also be nice if they made neutral cards that synergize well with a class more common to be drafted by that class. For example: Injured Blade Master would be more likely to show up if you are playing a Priest or a Warrior.
"Alright, go back!, we fucked up!"
I think one of the problems with warriors is that not enough of their class cards actually fit into their play style. The way they were presented, they are 'down and dirty' characters who don't mind doing direct damage with weapons (and get plenty of charge minions), but honestly a relatively small percent of their total class cards are weapons. This often results in very few being available during draft (I had a draft once with warrior where I only got one weapon the whole time).
If you drafted an arena with some of the removed cards before Blizzard removed them, will you still have them for that arena?
This may be an unpopular opinion, but after playing warrior a few times: I'm going to miss rampage
I think it's a solid card in arena, but im not a pro
Rampage and Axeflinger werent that bad to be honest
but they arent amazing either,you're going to miss rampage,but what if you had an execute instead,or cleave, or even a 4/3 charge?
Wait, what about Priest? Did they not get any changes? Or did I just space out on that part of the video?
u spaced it maaaaaaan
What was the timestamp?I don't wanna watch the whole video again lol
I would love if tavern brawl would, instead of rewarding a pack, would reward a free arena entry, this would mix the player pool in arena up a lot more, and also allow some players that are bad at arena to play arena anyway once in a while without loosing on value.
how often does kripp pick the heartharena suggestion?
You could make video which cards else could be removed
What if I make a deck with removed cards and hold on to it until after the patch?
Is that Kripp's face on screen? Can't see it behind that black forest.
purify isn't removed from arena ?
Draft deck with 28 snowchuggers.
Sit on deck until patch goes live.
Queue up against unsuspecting 0-0 warrior.
Enjoy your free win.
No comment on the removal of Inner Fire? I'm disappointed in more than one way.
This is actually a really refreshing change to heard about. I have terrible cards myself so arena is my favorite mode to play on.
Played 3 mage arenas back to back, all went 11 - 12 wins, so many firelands portals so much value.
I re-subbed to kripp's youtube channel as soon as i saw the new arena announcement waiting for this video FeelsGoodMan
backstab is probably one of the best class cards in the game. You literally win the tempo game before the enemy has a chance to start, same for sap
This is a good start to fixing arena now if they started creating cards with correct rarity on their viability for arena sake so we don't get more uldamans, firelands portals or 4 mana 7/7's that'd be great.
Agreed, the rarity of a card should be first and foremost about arena. A super serious constructed player would have the resources to make an epic instead of a common anyway.
Did they remove purify\/?
What if they removed hero powers for arena? Or remove hero powers and let you draft 10 more cards? I don't know, just thoughts that came to mind after watching this. Thoughts?
When is this arena coming?
The last expansion is Karazhan, not "League of Explorers".
So great that they are finally paying more attention to arena. Few tweaks here and there and the draft will be so much better and allow for playing more than a few classes. I mean I play most classes now but only if mage, rogue, or druid aren't options.
Im just confused why they removed Windspeaker but are letting Windfury stay
With these cards removed from Mage will mage not just get Flamestrike and Fireball offered more often?
Why didn't they remove Cursed Blade??
Where is Skipperino? :(
Last time I was this early my comment got lost. :(
it will agein
Lets Pretend probably
+ikeberrythegaminggod maybe my comment will keep it alive.
Tim Arndt :D
Don't you think we are moving to only strong cards,and basically to classified with these changes?
Create an algorithm with a card ranking for each card (like arena drafting websites) that lowers the chance of the top cards appearing when a class is winning too much and raises the chances of a class' top cards showing when a class is losing too much.
@kripparrian how do you feel about removing Flamestrike on mage? It seems too big of a step for Blizzard to take, but it would change the scene so much I think in a positive way. Prolly never gonna happen though :)
Did they remove the headphone jack?
They should remove some bad neutral cards like ancient watcher, eerie statue and the fucking angry chicken
No, all classes get them so it's fair. Tough luck.
but all the classes can get those so it doesnt change anything in terms of class balance
Every class could get them cards it makes virtually no difference having a few bad cards in there - you just don't pick them if offered.
Actually it does, removing angry chicken directly buffs classes with very good 1 drops
Nick Cavalcante Removing a shitty one drop from a class buffs them regardless of what kind of one drops they already had...even if they had none.
Kripp u are the biggest nerd on Hearthstone that is a compliment
Base Hero Portrait D&D Alignments
Warrior: Chaotic Evil
Shaman: Lawful Evil
Rogue: True Neutral
Paladin: Lawful Good
Hunter: Chaotic Neutral
Druid: Neutral Good
Warlock: Neutral Evil
Mage: Lawful Neutral
Priest: Chaotic Good
Shoutout to Kripp for always being awesome!
New Legendary should solve this ;)
Ner'Zul - 10 mana 0-15 stats, Battle Cry, summon Arthas Menethil (4-8 with divine shield, taunt), Can't attack, After your turn ends if neither minion has died, transform both minions into the Lich King with 10-10 stats (every kill from the Lich King heals him to full and puts their soul [their card] into your deck) Can't be targeted by spells and Deathrattle (Cataclysm, Deathwing triggers his battlecry and is played onto the board if in hand)
Is that a Yugioh card?
still would rather play my golden millhouse over that
Kripp, with new KZwarlock cards, which push discard, you think is good to take out succubus?
succubus is one of those situational cards when it comes to the discard theme.u cant build arena decks around such themes because u dont know what u get
I know, but malchezaar's imp is a class common kz card (so a lot of those) removing a classic blue, that has synergy with it doesn't seem that good, given that it has good stats for a 2 mana card.
i never saw it so can someone help me out
when Facless summoner summons Bran does he summon a second minion? i seriously have no idea
i actually got my only 12-wins with Shaman in arena with a deck that included Ancestral Healing - it works and when it works good you gain SUCH value! Seriously, I just saved it for one of my mid/late minions, traded the minion with the opponent's large threat and used this card and the opponent would not recover. plus the card works well against aggro, so I'm actually quite sad that they removed this seemingly terrible card because it's got great potential and can be played with in arena :)
So basically Kripp is happy because there will be many more people that don't play arena trying the mode so he can destroy them.
Still. As a mage, I'd love to have seen Shatter also removed from the pool. I don't mind the nerfs but it's only fair they take shatter out too.
Believe it or not but Ancestral healing actually won me several games in chaman. Some of those cards are really bad but other just require some skill to make them works
I like windspeaker actually. On a few shaman runs, I picked it and it did a pretty decent job. it enabled me to trade favorably through windfury (removing 2 minions for one minion of mine) and a 3/3 body is not terrible either.
I think Blizzard should do this with all expansions. Let the class cards simmer and be played for a month or two in Arena and as the playerbase voices its concerns over cards they can remove them.
they should combine the magma rager and the amgam rager to make the ragam geram, a 3 cost 1/1, ez game