How To DESTROY With HANZO In COMPETITIVE!! | Hanzo Wraxu - Overwatch Season 5 Top 500 Vod Gameplay
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- As you can see the title is slightly changed because why not. I want to include the character name earlier and make the title a bit shorter so yea. I do what I want is the just of it. Anyways today we talk about hanzo best wraxu hanzo in overwatch competitive season 5. Right about now we have a super good dps meta so hanzo is actually doing pretty ok. What do you all think of hanzo?
As well would you ever like to see a guide on how to win as hanzo in bronze, how to climb out of gold, or how to get to diamond with hanzo or something of the like?
Playlist: • Overwatch | Top 500 Gr...
thumbnail: in game
video from: • Rank 1 Hanzo - PURE Ge...
What is overwatch?: Well overwatch is Blizzards new take on the fps genre. In this game you choose a hero or "Class" to take on enemies, push payloads, and take control points. The point of the game is to beat the other team over and it is indeed a whole bunch of fun to play. The game includes 24 heroes so far and Is a blast to play. In this video I mostly go over playing it in a commentary type of manner, and these types of videos will usually be overwatch live commentaries or overwatch group commentaries. As well expect a few guides of this game in the future and some box openings as well. Anyways, hope you enjoy blizzards new hit!'
Who is JoeKing aka me. Im a overwatch youtuber that likes to talk about character updates, how to get better, and the competitive community. Trying to help you get better at overwatch and entertain at the same time hopefully. How GRANDMASTER Players DESTORY with hanzo - Overwatch Top 500 PRO Tricks Overwatch - 20 Trickshanzo Grandmasters ABUSE That You Don't! Some tips and tricks to master hanzo! Overwatch - 7 OP Tips and Tricks Grandmaster Players use every game!
hanzo overwatch, hanzo guide top 500 tips and tricks
Today we are looking into how the grandmaster top 500 player moonmoon vod win with hanzo in overwatch competitive season 5. Going over some hanzo pro tips and tricks and how to play hanzo in overwatch season 5, hanzo season 5 tips, wraxu hanzo season 5, how to win as hanzo, hanzo troll, hanzo is bad, hanzo is the worst hero, why i hate hanzo, hanzo pro tips, wraxu hanzo tips
A lot of you wanted to see Wraxu as he is jamming right now, so here you go!
More character tip videos like this here :
As well Im leaving until sunday, but there are preuploaded videos until them. Sorry if they feel a bit rushed as I kinda had to rush trough them a bit to leave you all with something to watch. Still hope you enjoy them!!
I would just like to know how you got the fact of him having a hair sensitivity. Just because you can turn fast doesn't mean you have a high sensitivity, it could just mean he can move his arm really fast
I main Hanzo with finally 90+ hours overall between 60 on QP and 30 on Comp, and he is a demanding character. Even with all that time, I'm still disappointed at times with my play and I'm not ALWAYS on point with the guy. Trust me, the more you play the less it'll happen, but it STILL will happen.
I recommend practicing him in QP for closer to 30+ hours first, then determining if you're good enough for your level of Comp. Try playing Attack over Defense when you first start, and avoid KotH maps altogether. You'll be happier with how much you can do VS what you can't yet and it'll make you want to keep to him. ALWAYS Recon and try to either use Scatter for quicker characters because of the lenience, tanks that are causing your team a lot of issues, or lead a fight with it so it can refresh when you get jumped on by someone else. I personally have a big issue 1v1's with certain characters: Mei, Sym, Tracer, Genji. I'm getting better but still not good. That may just be me.
On Comp, I generally have to convince my team mates that I am a good Hanzo almost each game. They'd almost always give me a fair shot and things would be fine, but expect to be blamed for many loses even when you work with the team and accomplish your DPS role.
Other than that, have fun. TRY not to get too tilted when you're having a dry spell and realize soon enough to switch off to save as much time. He can be a GREAT character and he can destroy a ton. Good luck
I have almost 100 hours on hanzo and ive gotten to a point where i can be consistently good but teams just rage at me or send hate messages
Umm btw if sim is hard to kill for u I’ve Maine’s hanzo since I started playing so this may be why but u should try to work on ur aim more because I usually dink them as soon as they get on me also u forget u counter her so u should win those fights most of the time unless they are really good mei understandable but only if she gets the drop on you because u forget u can one shot her and u should win any ranged fights and for gengi yeah if they don’t suck u should die to them every time no hate at all for this reply intended just some friendly advice from hanzo main to hanzo main also personally after playing hanzo for so long I find it a breeze to play him once I have warmed up after a game or two unless I haven’t played in a little if that’s the case I go either soldier or junk
I really love this youtuber because he is very nice and he is not saying that u cant play him, so thats good, I like this guy his kind and friendly, I wish I can be his friend in future.
Coming to you as a person who legitimately wants to get better and despite what some people might say is an unrealistic dream of someday getting out of plat where I'm currently kicking around and reaching t500, please, please play what you want if you're serious about it. I'm not saying pick a character like torbjorn with just the intention to "give it a test run" on attack or ignoring your teams comp, or one trick a character directly into a loss because you're running against multiple direct counters. I'm saying play widow even if your aim isn't the best, or play hanzo despite what some of your team might say or if you're mechanics need some work -maybe a lot of work. Play attack bastion because you love bastion. Play widow because you want to be really good with her. Play Hanzo because he's the character out of the entire roster that just feels right and the most rewarding. From season 1 through 4 I bought into the "meta is key" belief so hard that I used to be that guy that came on coms and asked you to switch. Not necessarily because I thought it couldn't work, or because I didn't like those characters myself, but because back in the early days of the game, that's what everyone told me, and I believed it. I thought comp meant so much and I was trying so hard to get the win and rank up. Now, I realize I was being a "meta sheep." It wasn't until recently I put trying to make myself better, to get better on a personal level before my want to get better at the SR level. The difference between doing good, and only doing good because I expect it get me the win versus branching out and extending what I was comfortable with, going for headshots instead of sticking with the body shots I knew I could hit, flashbanging a tracer and going for the flick headshot so I could get good enough to do it instead of fanning the hammer which was easier, playing hanzo because he felt right and doing my damndest to get better with him everytime I hit select, and playing a character with all intentions to get better with them, despite what I see at the end of the game, win or loss. I used to never play Hanzo or mccree in comp because I thought my game just wasn't strong enough with them. After slamming myself again and again at characters I don't like, like reaper or soldier, or characters I do good with, but don't enjoy like pharah, or mercy, and not getting anywhere with it, I got fed up. I decided "Hey, if I'm struggling to get to diamond anyways, and I'm just fluctuating, why not just play the characters I want to play. What if I end up dropping to gold or silver? I'll just be playing hanzo and mccree at silver and actually be doing something I like." I've put in almost 30 hours with mccree this season alone and 12 with hanzo whereas I never or barely played them in comp before. I was like "I am going to better with these characters no matter what. Even if I lose." I did lose quite a first. Then I got really good with both of them and I'm still playing at a similar level, even higher actually. I've got about a 56% accuracy rate with mccree now and can play him even better than my soldier, and I'm shooting pharah's out of the sky with hanzo on a more regular basis than most soldiers I play with and have about a 49% accuracy rate with him, up from the like 20% I had before. Not only that, but even through the flaming I get occasionally from playing hanzo, I still end on a much happier note. He feels a lot more rewarding, and I never feel like I'm going "through the motions" with him. I'm playing Ana instead of mercy, because I've never liked how uninvolved her playstyle has felt, but I played her because she was- for me -easier. I'm doing better now and not just that, I'm feeling better. I haven't enjoyed the game or been so devoted to it like this since it's earlier days. If you take away anything from this, look to improve yourself before anything else, no matter what. Don't make excuses either. Don't look to blame your team. I used to do that, and it got me nowhere. Even if you can't find anything at fault with your gameplay in a session, don't go "oh, well, it was this guy. or it was because so and so wouldn't do x." because even if that is the case, you could still do better, you could potentially do so good to carry that player. Look to improve yourself to a level where it doesn't matter so much who you get paired with or against, or how they affect your playstyle, but how you will improve the circumstances by doing what you're doing, and that it matters more whether or not you can carry. A GM player could nearly if not solo carry a Platinum game with relatively no help. It's a lot to ask, and it'll take a lot of devotion, but how do you expect to get to grandmaster if you don't already play like One in the tier your in? Just keep playing to improve, no matter what. I hope this helps someone, but I doubt it will. I wish you the best on your overwatch journey.
I practiced my Hanzo in quick play for 10 hours then I started using him in competitive and I am doing pretty good so far
My favorite thing to do with Hanzo ir rek tracers like I did today in my comp games and making then mad
His cross hair color is yellow, not white.
Morgan Young eyes are hard to use
Morgan Young yep, just was about to say that
im dumb
JoeKing all good man. still like your vids! :)
Honestly, I would tell people if they want to practice with a hero, play in QP.
.....but being one who tried to practice Genji is QP, I can see why people want to practice in comp. Nobody picking heals and/or nobody picking tank.
Lunis1992 That why you do smurf or ask low elo friend account :)
I'm in high silver - mid hold and I have almost 150 hours on Hanzo but I get called a troll. I could be on fire with 4 golds but ppl are trolls and tell me that it doesn't matter because we still lost and I played Hanzo. Also season 6 has the most amount of leavers I have ever seen, it's crazy.
what i do is if i see a widow i peak really fast and shoot a sonic arrow near them, then depending on the range i aim to where its gonna hit her head and then peak super fast and shoot the arrow and peak back
20-30-40 hours in quick play lol, sure, I'll get right on that!
Double that
The problem is, the people who play hanzo doesn't say anything, just picking hanzo and leaving voice chat. thats trolling and its a problem
You play with the constant abuse since season 1 and see how you turn out,
most off meta player's WANT to communicate with their team. But get costant abuse and blame when the team starts losing. Of course it can be the hanzo's fault. But people never hold in-meta hero's accountable for making a bad play IF there's a hanzo widow genji junkrat etc. Its unfair
Rasmus Valta Play With The Abuse
I understand why they do it. Just cause its everytime even BEFORE the match starts "Hanzo switch"
I wonder what Wraxu thinks about this video. He doesn't really like to talk about his Hanzo play.
He said its before the buff he has the anniversary skin which was at the same time
i think my rank is too low for me im unranked getting matched against silvers and im rocking my hanzo tbh i have many highlights and almost nonstop on fire yes of course sometimes im not hitting anything but overall i rock almost everygame what should i do ? people keep calling me a dirty smurf and i should go kms etc
I've recently taken up playing some hanzo at gold level. been watching wraxu and yajji quite a bit. I'm having fun and would love any tips I can get.
Nick Weight how ydo you deal with people that tell you to change
Start off the game telling them that you are playing to win, and not trolling. Also if you have a lot of hours on hanzo tell them to look at your stats as it makes you look more credible.
MeinGrein its actually not that bad since I play in a 5-6 stack of guys. I know them all so I don't get crap.
Notification Squad
Dont need to be part of the notification squad... if you make the video :Thinking:
I'm not in the squad I just check my sub box constantly
Am I the only one who thinks he sounds like a minecraft RUclipsr lol
Uhhhhhh please tell me you didn't just say that hanzo is good vs dive.. what are you smoking
Dude on the video wraxu use yellow crosshair, not white
I do what you said where spam shots dont be afrqid of missing and should the ult where you think theyll go if theres no one to combo with but my powitionjng and aim is not nearly as good ehich is my problem but i am not a projectile player anyway but i want to 1 trick him on a smurf
Did he stun the Dragons and you lost your ult?
Vetle Peterson you know this isn't his own gameplay
Clorox Bleach yeah, sorry, I read his comment after watching the video while still having the one part in my mind and in result addressed him instead of wraxu
i watch his stream just right now and his sanstive is diffult
Yo, where's that face reveal you've been promising us?
J Trounce >_>
yo boi
for the love of jeff kaplan use 60 fps :-:
Shadowburn playing 1600 dpi and 5 ingame, Wraxu's 3 isnt that high tbh
Still pretty high when you consider people play 4 with 800 dpi. And some 3 with 800 dpi. Didnt know that about shadowburn tho. That is impressive lol.
I was playing at 3.33x800 (equal to 1 in CS:GO) as soldier and had to go up to 5 to play genji.
I play 6 in game sens with 1600 dpi
spiderhammer249 800 dpi and 3.97 in game sens here ;)
That is crazy high bro