why are you taking their fish ? you are fishing somalia sea without permission and you telling us pirates are we foolish , its also shame to this channel to upload this documentary without questioned them ,
200 miles off of the coast is international waters. The real question is why would Somalians travel 200 miles to steal at terrorize legal boats when they can fish right off the shore?
Porque debe haber cooperación siempre, nunca nadie es autosuficiente completamente. El problema son los términos de la cooperación, EEUU, europa usan los tratados de libre comercio (TLC) que son muy deshonestos
Leave their fish alone. These guys are the local fishermen. Leave their waters alone!! Edit: There are individuals who are commenting on my post without the ability to read and write in their own native language. They neglect to conduct even basic research before expressing their opinions. Their comments are incoherent and disrespectful. I encourage them to invest more time in reading and educating themselves. I will not engage in arguments with individuals who are unable to comprehend factual information.
من السعوديه كل الحب للصومال🇸🇦 الحبيب وهاؤلاء الغربيين لصوص ويجب ان يتوقفوا وباذن الله كل الدول العربيه والافريقيه يصبح لها شأن في المستقبل ويخرج هاؤلاء اللصوص من كل بلد عربي
who's the pirate the one who came from 1000 miles away to dump nuclear waste into someones seashore or the one who suffers from radioactive, diseases & contaminated fishes so they fight back to protect thier sea, fish & thier life tell me who's the pirate?
@@DRAINTVofficialLand is No Water. Water is Water! And somalian Fisher man have 1000years No Problem.Comes biiig Ships was in one,2 coups tons of Fish fishing!(Internationale?)Hungry Familys is Only Not International.When in Amerika comes Chinese or Somalian Fisher was want Fishing in international Water was in America See What comes!! Pirates come From Hungry
عندما تأتي إلى بحارهم وتصطاد أسماكاً مملوكة لهم، فهل تعتقد أنهم سيسمحون لك أن تفرح بذلك، أم أنهم سيدافعون عن حقوقهم التي تعود إليهم، وليس من حقك أن تأخذ ممتلكاتهم التي يعتمدون عليها لإشباع جوعهم؟ نحن لا نلومهم، بل نلومك، لأنك تعيش بشكل مريح. تأكل أطيب الطعام ولا تشبع منه أبداً. جئتم لنهب حقوق المظلومين والفقراء والجياع الذين ليس لديهم ما يأكلونه، وتسمونهم القراصنة.
صح اخي بس الدول العربيه المحيطه ،لازم تكون ايد وحده هذه منطقه الجزيره ،بس الحين ندرب البحريه الصوماليه ونشتري قطع بحريه بمساعده تركيا، لأن الجامعه العربيه ضيعت الوقت.
Klar, es waren immer die Europäer, die die Kameltreiber zum Arbeiten gezwungen haben...und wenn Arbeit keinen Profit bringt, zum Beispiel, wenn man keine Energie zeigt, dann ist es auch legitim, alle Schiffe anzugreifen. Denk mal über meine Worte nach und sag dann etwas zur Problematik, warum die nomadischen, arabischen Korsaren im 19. Jahrhundert so viele Europäer gefangen nahmen und als Sklaven in arabische Länder entführt haben...
Das ist eure Ausrede für alles. Europa hat inzwischen unendlich viel Geld über die Entwicklungshilfe in eure Region gepumpt. Das es nur ungenügend bei den armen Menschen ankommt, ist nicht die Schuld Europas. Eure Clankriege und eure Korruption ist das Problem. Wir in Deutschland hatten nichts nach dem verlorenen Krieg. Und doch ist es uns gelungen ein Leben aufzubauen. Aus eigener Kraft. Das Problem ist euer Gesellschaftssystem. Es ist nicht sozial und dient nur wenigen. Helft euch ohne andere zu unterdrücken und zu bedrohen. Nur dann werdet ihr ernstgenommen.
تسرقون خيرات ارضهم والسمك في البحر الصومالي وتسميهم قراصنة هم يدافعون عن ارضهم لماذا لم تسأل نفسك ماذا اتى بك في بحر الصومال ولماذا هؤلاء الرجال يهاجمونك ؟
والله غريب يسرقون ثرواة الصومال و عندما يدافع الشعب عن ملكه يقولون عنهم قراصنة. هذا يؤكد أن الغرب يضنون أن الكرة الارضية ملكهم هم و نحن سيوا أوناس نعيش في ضيافتهم فقط و هذا سببه حكام العرب أبناء العاهرات و بعض حكام دول إفريقية كا كل
LOL Nobody is worried about ''force'' coming from Somalia and any other shithole African country. They blame everyone but themselves. They can't even make proper roads in Africa.
اللهم انت ربي لا اله إلا انت خلقتني وانا عبدك وانا على عهدك و وعدك ما استطعت اعوذ بك من شر ماصنعت ابوء لك بنعمتك علي وابوء بذنبي فغفر لي فإنه لايغفر الذنوب الا انت.
Halo aku dari indo, somalia menurutku benar menjaga teritorial wilayah lautnya supaya tidak di rusak negara lain. Kapal2 mereka lebih canggih dan pasti bisa mengeruk semua kekayaan laut dan juga merusak ekosistem, karena itu nelayan somalia jadi kekuragan ikan2.
@@zoltancsikos5604 territorial sea is a thing so when other countries go into other countries territorial sea without permission expect punishment silly guy smfh.
bullshit, you are criminals who profit from the bad security situation in somalia and the other country. You are no robin hoods but warlords doing what warlords do best, making the life of their own ppl miserable.
@@maciejgabrys1346but still surviving unfortunately the whole world is joining us ruining itself look at Ukrain middle east, south china sea. Yet we formed capacity of bearing and surviving under the turmoil at least where the newcomers don't.
ايها الاسباني ما الذي أتئ بك تسرق وتنهب بحارهم وثرواتهم وخيرات بلدهم وعندما يدافعون عنها تصفهم با القراصنه ؟ تحياتنا من اليمن 🇾🇪🇸🇴 لشعب الصومال العظيم .❤
why are you fishing thousands miles away from your home? somalia is poor country , when millions of people die of Hunger you exploit the sea resource with out paying a penny. why you complain when they attack you? really this is greedy . move out of Somlian sea.
We in Indonesia, once our goverment seized and burned down ilegal fishing boats from our neighbours country. Also Australian coast guard seized and burned down our fishing boat once they were accidentally trespass their sea border.
هذا الفيديو هو قلب للحقائق... لقد صور القراصنة انفسهم كصيادين ابرياء و صوروا الأبرياء أصحاب الأرض بانهم قراصنة معتدون 😅 الأجانب دائما يرتكبون الجريمة ثم يدعون البراءة و يصورون البرامج بكميراتهم لتظهرهم كابطال و ضحايا ليتعاطف معهم المشاهد...
@@pietrojenkins6901 outside actors played a key role to make Somalia a lawless place. They all had big gain and they gave Somali warlords few millions to achieve this goal. Very similar to what they did to Libya and doing now to Sudan.
Just stop this illegally fishing in our waters 😂 just go back home to your waters mate we called this as Somalia maakkoo mookkoo mate just crack on and go home in English 😊
Sebenarnya saudara dari SOMALIA ini bukan mencuri dari kapal2 asing, tapi mereka mengambil hak2nya dari kapal asing tsb yg mengambil hasil lautdari maritim mereka.. Jadi tidak salah mereka seharusnya pemerintah SOMALIA tsb bertindak tegas dari kapal2 asing yg menerobos wilayah maritim dan mereka menjarah hak2 nelayanmasyarakat setempat. Salam dari INA🇲🇨
We support our oppressed Somali brothers and tell them to continue defending your wealth. Do not remain silent, for the world only knows the language of power.
إذا كان المظلومون يبحثون عن لقمة العيش، يطلق عليهم القراصنة. أما القراصنة الحقيقيون فهم الذين التهموا موارد وقدرات شعبهم وأدخلوه في صراعات داخلية. من هم القراصنة، هؤلاء الفقراء الذين لا يجدون ما يأكلونه، أو أولئك الذين يعيشون في قصور مكيفة ولا يهتمون بشؤون الآخرين، ولا يتركونهم حتى وشأنهم؟ فالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وبريطانيا، بتدخلهما في شؤونهم وزرع الفرقة بينهم، هم من زرعوا الصراعات بين الشعوب وجعلتهم يتقاتلون وهم يشاهدون.
انهم الغرب الذي افتعل الحرب داخل الصومال على شان ان يقوما في نهب ثرواتهم ثروات الصومال حلال على الغرب وحرام على الموطن الصومالي يالها من معادله صفريه ويالها من عنجهييه غربيه
Fischer greased cgxs cds and I think he was a bit too good for the game but he is still the most underrated character of all the time so far so I don’t see him being the same for him being the one to blame him being a good player and being the only person to beat the game is a good thing for me to watch him play in the future and not just for the game but for the game and the game and the game ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤has to go to a point in which I don’t like to be honest and admit I think he’s not really think he’s not good
You guys look well fed and well clothed. You're fishing close to where local fishermen make their living while starving. And you wonder why they attack?
Uh...wrong. Jumping aboard a boat with assault rifles and rocket launchers and taking the crew hostage so you can get a ransom from their government is not protecting their waters from foreign vessels 😂😂😂
@@kennyclauw9713 Why do non-native English speakers often focus on how someone who is a beginner speaks English, even when it’s clear what they are trying to say?
@@mohamedgabow3888no we won’t we have weapons and know how to use them that’s why the cowards in this video don’t go messing with the wrong ships they pick the ones that have no protection that’s what cowards do pick the soft target
@@bradthackston5217my friend, just because you have a gun doesn't mean you go around robbing people at gun point. Injustice isn't excused because you're powerful. Somali people don't want issues with your country, we just want you to respect our fish, seas and sovereignty . If you don't you will face hardship and be in our crosshairs.
The people of great Somalia must protect their waters, oceans and seas from thieves. This world does not understand the language of power. Long live Somalia from the sister Republic of Djibouti 🇸🇴🇩🇯🇩🇯
I have a problem with those who made the documentary because they didn't consider with the fact that the worship is or the other ship is they were making or causing problems to the local people by destroying their fish and their environment
the warship would not need to be there if they also weren't attacking passing cargo ships and merchant ships. the "they are just protecting there people and fishing" argument kinda falls apart when they also just attack random passing ships that have nothing to do with there fishing economy and have no negative impact on the locals
This are our naval officers protecting our water they are protecting our fishing and dumping chemicals in our water live long my mother land Somalia 🇸🇴
Anda baru beberapa waktu saja mengalami kejang jantung akibat Somali bajak laut , tapi bagaimana nasib rakyat yang tergenosida bertahun tahun oleh negara lain .
Even though most will disagree, pirasy along the coast of East Africa is justifiable---why is a Spanish boat fishing in Somali water. The 'pirates' have always claimed that what is being termed as pirasy is actually a defence against plundering of their country's sea resources.
A recently announced defense deal between Somalia and Turkey to enhance the African nation’s naval capabilities is as much about Mogadishu’s sense of security as it is about Ankara’s ambition to project maritime power beyond its own shores, according to regional experts. The two nations inked a defense and economic deal earlier this month, and on Feb. 22 Somalia explained that it had an agreement with Turkey for training and equipment for the Somali navy. Beyond that, few details were shared, but a Turkish defense official told journalists that his nation “will provide support in the field of maritime security, as we did in the field of fight against terrorism.” “We will help Somalia develop its capacity and capabilities to combat illegal and irregular activities in its territorial waters,” the official said, according to reports.
يعني تأخذو أسماكهم وتسرقو ثروتهم أنتو تصطادو بحر الصومال دون إذن وأنتم إخبارنا أنهم القراصنة هل نحن حمقى، إنه كذلك عار على هذه القناة أن تقوم بتحميل هذا الوثائقي دون استجوابهم،......اخوكم من اليمن احب الصومال واهلها
These comments have given me a new perspective on "piracy". Watching from UK. I do think its disgusting that we exploit Africa so terribly to maintain our standard of living. Surely through co operation there is plenty for everybody
من اين جاءت القراصنة , خلقوا وجهّزوا وزودوا معلومات أعلى البواخر للنهب واستباحة الثروات المياه وسماسرهم يحصل نصيب الأسد الفدية وأكثر , وصعاليك القراصنة تأخذ عشرون فى المئة وأقلّ .
@@DRAINTVofficialso can Somalians travel to the coast of Spain and fish? Come on! Always western atrocities! Want to steal oil, call them terrorists! Want to steal fish, call them pirates! Western hypocrisy.
Yanh seharusnya dilakukan oleh negara maju terhadap Somali. 1. Cari solusi kenapa mereka nenjadi bajak laut, bukan memerangi mereka 2. Berikan pekerjaan kepada mereka / beri pajak dari beberapa penangkapan ikat di laut mereka, 3. Saya yakin mereka menjadi bajak laut karna merasa tertindas di negara/laut mereka, mereka merasa kalah bersaing dengan kapal besar dalam menangkap ikan
Tengo entendido que por ello se volvieron piratas... Ya que no pudieron competir legalmente contra pesqueros más grandes y extranjeros. Eso es lo que no comentan, solo la versión que les conviene a las grandes industrias!!
EXCELENTE VIDEO: ES MUY IMPORTANTE que el gobierno español apoye a esos marineros que navegan miles de millas para pescar. Son trabajadores que deben ser protegidos por España; Su madre patria. Mi nombre es Darío Mendoza (USA).
Somalis are not pirates in reality but they are protectors of their marine resources. This fishing boats are illegally fishing in Somali water to land their catches on non-Somali grounds. Why can't they approach the Somalis to be granted fishing permits so as to catch in peace instead of bringing in frigates with heavy firepower to protect them while they are illegally fishing and depleting the Somali marine resources? This is no modern piracy at all, this is illegal fishing off the coast of Africa.
why are you taking their fish ? you are fishing somalia sea without permission and you telling us pirates are we foolish , its also shame to this channel to upload this documentary without questioned them ,
Go look a job you guys don’t own the water Somalia is poor and need other countries there to help develop go look a job peasant
We support you our brother Somali
Why are you not putting your energy into fishing these waters and building vessels to do so instead of acting like animals?
@@rickywilliams3027 u called us animals and u need to steal our fish peacefully 😂😂😂Idiot
@@rickywilliams3027 it's still Somali territory even if they don't catch a single fish😂
why the hell are spanish and french boats fishing around Afrikan waters
200 miles off of the coast is international waters. The real question is why would Somalians travel 200 miles to steal at terrorize legal boats when they can fish right off the shore?
Porque debe haber cooperación siempre, nunca nadie es autosuficiente completamente.
El problema son los términos de la cooperación, EEUU, europa usan los tratados de libre comercio (TLC) que son muy deshonestos
They’re stealing
@@astridduarte6378to steal fish?
@@Babazulu para robar todo lo que les dejen y permitan ...
Lamentablemente, la historia natural de la humanidad se ha construido sobre el robo.😢
لماذا يتم نهب وسرق ثروات الصومال ؟ ❤️تحيا الصومال 🇸🇴 من قلب السعودية 🇸🇦 ❤
❤love suadi arabia
ههه تسأل عن سبب سرقة خيرات الصومال او الوطن العربي ككل؟الجواب بين يديك اكيد السعودية السبب، ما تحتاج ذكاء.
صه يا مشرد يكفيك فخر انك تتحدث لغتنا يا بقايا الروم
@@Aref964 نباحك 🐕 لايزعجنا
you're stealing our fish and you called us pirates that is unfair
everytime i come across a somalian , im gonna ask, where is your parrot haha
France is finished now 😂😂😂@@kennyclauw9713
@kennyclauw9713 according to Google translate you will have to say "aaway baqbaqaagii" which is supposed to be Somali for where's your parrot.
If someone is stealing your fish call your US Congress person.
Your fish?
You come to Somalia and steal their fish and then call them pirates?
Bro WTF!!! It’s You are the pirate! not them.
butt yet you eat fish
@@G66ii do you think they own the whole ocean hahah they only own 12 miles out to sea
No, probably the people that are pirates, are the pirates.
Your an idiot there in international water
Leave their fish alone. These guys are the local fishermen. Leave their waters alone!!
Edit: There are individuals who are commenting on my post without the ability to read and write in their own native language. They neglect to conduct even basic research before expressing their opinions. Their comments are incoherent and disrespectful. I encourage them to invest more time in reading and educating themselves. I will not engage in arguments with individuals who are unable to comprehend factual information.
Cargo ships aren't fishing.
@@DavidZ4-gg3dm 😂😂
@@DavidZ4-gg3dm whatever they are, they’re not supposed to be in their waters!
@@Young_Tizothey do take fish not for sale
@@DavidZ4-gg3dmAre you part of the criminals that are illegally fishing in the Somali sea? How wicked of you to support this terrorism.
من السعوديه كل الحب للصومال🇸🇦 الحبيب وهاؤلاء الغربيين لصوص ويجب ان يتوقفوا وباذن الله كل الدول العربيه والافريقيه يصبح لها شأن في المستقبل ويخرج هاؤلاء اللصوص من كل بلد عربي
شكرا علي كل الحب وشكرا علي فهم الحقيقة
لانهم احرار
والله لوفيهم خير ما قاتلوا بعص يامغيب
who's the pirate the one who came from 1000 miles away to dump nuclear waste into someones seashore or the one who suffers from radioactive, diseases & contaminated fishes so they fight back to protect thier sea, fish & thier life tell me who's the pirate?
The pirates come from Somalia.
@@zoltancsikos5604 so?
Link me any evidence. Also 1000miles from land is international waters
@@DRAINTVofficialLand is No Water. Water is Water! And somalian Fisher man have 1000years No Problem.Comes biiig Ships was in one,2 coups tons of Fish fishing!(Internationale?)Hungry Familys is Only Not International.When in Amerika comes Chinese or Somalian Fisher was want Fishing in international Water was in America See What comes!! Pirates come From Hungry
They said Somalis are pirates, while the real pirates are them selves !!
OK genius.
عندما تأتي إلى بحارهم وتصطاد أسماكاً مملوكة لهم، فهل تعتقد أنهم سيسمحون لك أن تفرح بذلك، أم أنهم سيدافعون عن حقوقهم التي تعود إليهم، وليس من حقك أن تأخذ ممتلكاتهم التي يعتمدون عليها لإشباع جوعهم؟ نحن لا نلومهم، بل نلومك، لأنك تعيش بشكل مريح. تأكل أطيب الطعام ولا تشبع منه أبداً. جئتم لنهب حقوق المظلومين والفقراء والجياع الذين ليس لديهم ما يأكلونه، وتسمونهم القراصنة.
اخيرا في حدا غيرنا فاهم الحقيقة.
@@Su_Ma09we understand very well many know your story the Europeans are the thieves. Peace with you.
I stand with Somalia. There is no piracy here, they are just protecting their waters and their resources. Sending love to Somalia from South Africa 🇿🇦
يجب على الشعب الصومالي ان يتحدون لتشكيل حكومه فالحكومه هي الشعب والشعب هو الحكومه و إلا جميع البشر يقومون بسرقة ثروات بلادكم 🇸🇦🇸🇴
إن شاءالله الانتخابات الجايه سوف نختار حكومه وطنيه ونستخرج النفط والخيرات الله يديم لكم الأمن والرخاء 🇸🇴🇸🇦
@@Moa10 اللهم آمين 💙
لا يأتي حاكم عربي او غير عربي الا عن طريق أمريكا ولو حدث غير ذالك سوفا يحاربونه
صح اخي بس الدول العربيه المحيطه ،لازم تكون ايد وحده هذه منطقه الجزيره ،بس الحين ندرب البحريه الصوماليه ونشتري قطع بحريه بمساعده تركيا، لأن الجامعه العربيه ضيعت الوقت.
Aku bahkan tidak tahu siapa sebenarnya yg mencuri.. bukankah penangkap ikan tuna ini mencuri ikan di wilayah teritorial Somalia..???
تحياتي لي شعب الصومل اخوكم من اليمن 🇾🇪
عاشت الصومال حره ابيه لكم الحب من اليمن
Long live Somalia, we love you from Yemen
ونحبكم اخواننا اليمنيين
@@alijama1249 we love you too ❤❤
we love you in South Africa Yemen, Palestine and our dear brothers in Somalia
لقد تم نهب ثروات الشعب الصومالي من قبل دول أوروبا لقد كانت الصومال دولة غنية في كثرت مواردها الطبيعية عاشت الصومال كل الحب والاحترام من الشعب الاردني
And which natural resources are this?
Klar, es waren immer die Europäer, die die Kameltreiber zum Arbeiten gezwungen haben...und wenn Arbeit keinen Profit bringt, zum Beispiel, wenn man keine Energie zeigt, dann ist es auch legitim, alle Schiffe anzugreifen. Denk mal über meine Worte nach und sag dann etwas zur Problematik, warum die nomadischen, arabischen Korsaren im 19. Jahrhundert so viele Europäer gefangen nahmen und als Sklaven in arabische Länder entführt haben...
@@MilosVuksanovic-sj8kj Camels and european sailors...
Das ist eure Ausrede für alles. Europa hat inzwischen unendlich viel Geld über die Entwicklungshilfe in eure Region gepumpt. Das es nur ungenügend bei den armen Menschen ankommt, ist nicht die Schuld Europas. Eure Clankriege und eure Korruption ist das Problem. Wir in Deutschland hatten nichts nach dem verlorenen Krieg. Und doch ist es uns gelungen ein Leben aufzubauen. Aus eigener Kraft. Das Problem ist euer Gesellschaftssystem. Es ist nicht sozial und dient nur wenigen. Helft euch ohne andere zu unterdrücken und zu bedrohen. Nur dann werdet ihr ernstgenommen.
@@staplerpit1everything foo 😂
i support Somalia´s people from Argentina
Argentina is good at losing wars and supporting terrorism.
ولماذا تتوجه كل الاتهامات الإجرامية الباطلة إلى المظلومين، في حين أن الطغاة المستكبرين يقتلون وينهبون والإعلام يتستر عليهم؟
Warum sind 90 Prozent der somalischen Frauen an den Genitalien verstümmelt?
تسرقون خيرات ارضهم والسمك في البحر الصومالي وتسميهم قراصنة هم يدافعون عن ارضهم لماذا لم تسأل نفسك ماذا اتى بك في بحر الصومال ولماذا هؤلاء الرجال يهاجمونك ؟
sie greifen an um Lösegeld zu erpressen und nicht um ihr Meer zu verteigen es sind Verbrecher
You are right.
والله غريب يسرقون ثرواة الصومال و عندما يدافع الشعب عن ملكه يقولون عنهم قراصنة. هذا يؤكد أن الغرب يضنون أن الكرة الارضية ملكهم هم و نحن سيوا أوناس نعيش في ضيافتهم فقط
و هذا سببه حكام العرب أبناء العاهرات و بعض حكام دول إفريقية كا كل
إننا ندعم إخواننا الصوماليين المضطهدين ونطلب منهم مواصلة الدفاع عن ثرواتكم. لا تصمتوا، فالعالم لا يعرف إلا لغة القوة.
LOL Nobody is worried about ''force'' coming from Somalia and any other shithole African country. They blame everyone but themselves. They can't even make proper roads in Africa.
As of 2024 main problem in somalia is islamist extremist group Al-Shabaab. Which are wahhabi muslims. So much about your brotherly love for somalia!
@@MilosVuksanovic-sj8kjsearch up the “mad mullah” the ottomans praised him
صدقت يا أخي
يارب ترى ضعفنا
من الصومال
Terrorism is Europe, the killer of the occupying children, Fackio
اللهم انت ربي لا اله إلا انت خلقتني وانا عبدك وانا على عهدك و وعدك ما استطعت اعوذ بك من شر ماصنعت ابوء لك بنعمتك علي وابوء بذنبي فغفر لي فإنه لايغفر الذنوب الا انت.
احلا تحيه طيبه من صعيد مصر لكل شعب الصومال
Salaams to my brothers in somalia 🇸🇴from THE U.S AND I WOULD LOVE TO VISIT AND MAYBE LIVE THERE
Noboby stops you
What a documentary! Respect to these guys who managed to show us the " real face " of modern piracy!
Thiefs. Somalis are protecting what belongs to them
Halo aku dari indo, somalia menurutku benar menjaga teritorial wilayah lautnya supaya tidak di rusak negara lain. Kapal2 mereka lebih canggih dan pasti bisa mengeruk semua kekayaan laut dan juga merusak ekosistem, karena itu nelayan somalia jadi kekuragan ikan2.
They call us pirates but we are defend our border sea fish 🐟🐟🐟🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤
You aren't defending anything as none of it is yours.
@@zoltancsikos5604 territorial sea is a thing so when other countries go into other countries territorial sea without permission expect punishment silly guy smfh.
bullshit, you are criminals who profit from the bad security situation in somalia and the other country. You are no robin hoods but warlords doing what warlords do best, making the life of their own ppl miserable.
@@zoltancsikos5604Nope. They have rights out to 200 miles. Use your brain please.
🇾🇪Greetings to the people of Somalia, your brother from Yemen
both countries are ruin lmao
@@maciejgabrys1346but still surviving unfortunately the whole world is joining us ruining itself look at Ukrain middle east, south china sea. Yet we formed capacity of bearing and surviving under the turmoil at least where the newcomers don't.
عاشت اليمن والصومال ❤❤
ايها الاسباني ما الذي أتئ بك تسرق وتنهب بحارهم وثرواتهم وخيرات بلدهم وعندما يدافعون عنها تصفهم با القراصنه ؟
تحياتنا من اليمن 🇾🇪🇸🇴 لشعب الصومال العظيم .❤
تحية طيبة من اليمن لاخواننا وحبايبنا الشعب الصومالي الشقيق🇾🇪✌️🇸🇴
وتحيه لكم اخواننا اليمنيين نحبكم في الله والله يحفظكم من كل مكروه
@@alijama1249 وإياكم وجميع المسلمين يارب 🤍💐
why are you fishing thousands miles away from your home? somalia is poor country , when millions of people die of Hunger you exploit the sea resource with out paying a penny. why you complain when they attack you? really this is greedy . move out of Somlian sea.
Cargo ships don't fish.
@@RobertTaylor-gz2fuAre you part of the criminals that are illegally fishing in the Somali sea? How wicked of you to support this terrorism.
Somalia by resources are the wealthiest nations. Iron, oil and rich minerals are found there. Plus golds and diamonds
@@RobertTaylor-gz2fuis your dad tuna fish thief 😂
@@khalidatteye8142they have abundant natural resources but their human resources are poor
نحنا لا نريد الدفاع عن بلادنا توقف عن. السرقة من صيد الأسماك شيء الأخرى ( هذا بحر لبس لكم شيء نحنا لا نسماح الدخول اي احد سرقة الاسماك ) صومالي واحد❤
Goormaa laa duubay xogtaan Abyo❓
@@Cabdiraxman..Gaalkacyomaar hore weeye lkn hada la so dhigay
One man's pirate is another man's coastguard
yup so true
Hahah you understand nothing in this
By saying all that crap you people have killed millions all over the world in the name of religion
We in Indonesia, once our goverment seized and burned down ilegal fishing boats from our neighbours country. Also Australian coast guard seized and burned down our fishing boat once they were accidentally trespass their sea border.
تحية كبيرة من الشعب الموريتاني إلى الشعب الصومالي ❤الشقيق
هذا الفيديو هو قلب للحقائق... لقد صور القراصنة انفسهم كصيادين ابرياء و صوروا الأبرياء أصحاب الأرض بانهم قراصنة معتدون 😅
الأجانب دائما يرتكبون الجريمة ثم يدعون البراءة و يصورون البرامج بكميراتهم لتظهرهم كابطال و ضحايا ليتعاطف معهم المشاهد...
💯 percent
أنت على حق أنا من الصومال❤
نعم.. صدقت
يقول المثل. ضربني وبكى سبقني وشتكى.
هذا ينطبق على على الاسبان والفرنسيي. هم من انفسهم قراصنه وليس الصومال 🇸🇴
رجال ياخذو حقهم بأيديهم لأنهم مظلومين
Stop stealing our fish.
They illegally fish in our waters and call us "PIRATES". How arrogant and evil of them.
If Somalia wasn't such a lawless failed state then this wouldn't be happening. Since 1990 Somalia has been in civil war, bloodshed and anarchy.
The arrogance and evil comes from pirates. The fish is not yours.
@@zoltancsikos5604 Ok Zoltan
@@pietrojenkins6901 outside actors played a key role to make Somalia a lawless place. They all had big gain and they gave Somali warlords few millions to achieve this goal. Very similar to what they did to Libya and doing now to Sudan.
Just stop this illegally fishing in our waters 😂 just go back home to your waters mate we called this as Somalia maakkoo mookkoo mate just crack on and go home in English 😊
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد، كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد
"Nobody works here. They omly steal and shoot." Living in Sweden, I can confirm that the Somlais do the same here, but they are more wellfare pirates.
They said Somalis are pirates, while the real pirates are them selves !!
Racist slug.
Feminine scandic man shouldn't even be speaking on Somalis. Go do your makeup sir😂
Sweden is an inconsequential existence.
هذا يصطاد السمك من ديارهم ويبيعه عليهم دون ان يدفع المال..
انت تشوف
Sebenarnya saudara dari SOMALIA ini bukan mencuri dari kapal2 asing, tapi mereka mengambil hak2nya dari kapal asing tsb yg mengambil hasil lautdari maritim mereka..
Jadi tidak salah mereka seharusnya pemerintah SOMALIA tsb bertindak tegas dari kapal2 asing yg menerobos wilayah maritim dan mereka menjarah hak2 nelayanmasyarakat setempat.
Salam dari INA🇲🇨
من الصومال لا احد يرضي سرقه الثروات بلادنا بدون مقابل هذا سرقه مصلحه بحميك أسرق
@@Alex-cx4sx😂😂😂we can even see each one of them in details.
Amazing that this still exists in 2024. Cheers for sharing with us.
Somali is rapidly growing and I am glad it is we need peace one Africa East Africa lets respect territories,land,water air etc
semoga Alloh melindungi saudaraku di somalia...
We support our oppressed Somali brothers and tell them to continue defending your wealth. Do not remain silent, for the world only knows the language of power.
إذا كان المظلومون يبحثون عن لقمة العيش، يطلق عليهم القراصنة. أما القراصنة الحقيقيون فهم الذين التهموا موارد وقدرات شعبهم وأدخلوه في صراعات داخلية. من هم القراصنة، هؤلاء الفقراء الذين لا يجدون ما يأكلونه، أو أولئك الذين يعيشون في قصور مكيفة ولا يهتمون بشؤون الآخرين، ولا يتركونهم حتى وشأنهم؟ فالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وبريطانيا، بتدخلهما في شؤونهم وزرع الفرقة بينهم، هم من زرعوا الصراعات بين الشعوب وجعلتهم يتقاتلون وهم يشاهدون.
Somalia 🇸🇴 peace🇪🇬🇾🇪🇩🇿🇩🇯🇸🇳
Always watching from Georgetown Guyana south America 🇬🇾🇬🇾
انهم الغرب الذي افتعل الحرب داخل الصومال على شان ان يقوما في نهب ثرواتهم
ثروات الصومال حلال على الغرب وحرام على الموطن الصومالي يالها من معادله صفريه ويالها من عنجهييه غربيه
ولله ما خلوا شى فى بلداننا 😢😢
Fischer greased cgxs cds and I think he was a bit too good for the game but he is still the most underrated character of all the time so far so I don’t see him being the same for him being the one to blame him being a good player and being the only person to beat the game is a good thing for me to watch him play in the future and not just for the game but for the game and the game and the game ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤has to go to a point in which I don’t like to be honest and admit I think he’s not really think he’s not good
Bukakah mereka menangkap ikan tuna yg sangat mahal itu di wilayah Somalia... Jadi aku bertanya padamu, siapa sebenarnya yg merompak..???
So many euro boats over fishing in other continents areas 4:17
You guys look well fed and well clothed. You're fishing close to where local fishermen make their living while starving. And you wonder why they attack?
Yes, the cargo ships they hijack are out there stealing their fish stocks.
The pirates target cargo ships & tourist sailing boats who don't fish.
@RobertTaylor-gz2fu it's called casualties of war.
Everyone has to eat some maynot like how it's done,..but at this point it'scalled survival.@RobertTaylor-gz2fu
you want to fish all the tuna back to Europe
They're not pirates They're just protecting their water from foreign vessels
if that were the case they would not be attacking passing merchant ships that have nothing to do with the fishing so that argument is flawed
Uh...wrong. Jumping aboard a boat with assault rifles and rocket launchers and taking the crew hostage so you can get a ransom from their government is not protecting their waters from foreign vessels 😂😂😂
Cargo ships have every right to be there.
Somali steals fish
@@RobertTaylor-gz2funope they drop hazardous waste in the waters
the government of Somalia should wake up and protect its territories may god protect the brothers who defend our land
French guy... "But I don't understand.... We steal thier oil and their fish and they want to shoot us"..... FFS
I see the same ,,the is a joke ..
@@wiley2968 the??
@@kennyclauw9713 Not 'to' its 'too' ...I think your english is pretty good (LOL),🤣
@@kennyclauw9713 Why do non-native English speakers often focus on how someone who is a beginner speaks English, even when it’s clear what they are trying to say?
@@Epicbaba calling yourself epic says enough lol, hahaha wtf
Muito massa sou do Brasil e top vê documentários desse nível
lanetullah brasıl
@@Yunuseratwhy ?
It is unacceptable to steal our fish and even worse to use frigates to protect illegal fishing. What terrible things I am witnessing.🤯😡
no worries its going to stop soon
Is this a joke? Your fish? That fish isn't yours. Nobody is stealing anything from you.
@@zoltancsikos5604come to Somalia to fish then you’ll go back in ⚰️
@@mohamedgabow3888no we won’t we have weapons and know how to use them that’s why the cowards in this video don’t go messing with the wrong ships they pick the ones that have no protection that’s what cowards do pick the soft target
@@bradthackston5217my friend, just because you have a gun doesn't mean you go around robbing people at gun point. Injustice isn't excused because you're powerful. Somali people don't want issues with your country, we just want you to respect our fish, seas and sovereignty . If you don't you will face hardship and be in our crosshairs.
The people of great Somalia must protect their waters, oceans and seas from thieves. This world does not understand the language of power. Long live Somalia from the sister Republic of Djibouti 🇸🇴🇩🇯🇩🇯
why are you taking their fish ?!!!
القرصان الحقيقي هو من يقطع مسافه من قارات ألعالم الى البحر الصومالي وصيد الاسماك بكميات ضخمة وتلويث البحر الصومالي
لا حولة ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم ينهبون خيرات الصومال باستعمال السلاح تحياتي لشعب الصومالي من المغرب ❤❤
Gostei muito parabéns pela reportagem ❤❤😂🎉😢são Paulo Brasil 😮😮😢😢😅
Who is the pirate the one coming from Spain,Italy or the one protecting his food?
I have a problem with those who made the documentary because they didn't consider with the fact that the worship is or the other ship is they were making or causing problems to the local people by destroying their fish and their environment
It's the rulers of these countries that are the real cause of their poverty and violence.
Yeah but that still doesn't give them the right to attack people and steal whatever they have.
They have to do whatever it takes to protect their water. It's the western vessels who steal their fish so why wouldn't they hijack western cargos 💀
if a thief is broken into ur house what do do?
the warship would not need to be there if they also weren't attacking passing cargo ships and merchant ships. the "they are just protecting there people and fishing" argument kinda falls apart when they also just attack random passing ships that have nothing to do with there fishing economy and have no negative impact on the locals
من رأيي الشخصي لو قامت الحكومة الصومالية بتأمين وسائل الصيد الحديث لي الشعب الصومالي ايما وجدت القراصنة
It is not government job to provide ships for population. Government should enforce laws and provide safe environment so civil society can flourish.
This are our naval officers protecting our water they are protecting our fishing and dumping chemicals in our water live long my mother land Somalia 🇸🇴
Anda baru beberapa waktu saja mengalami kejang jantung akibat Somali bajak laut , tapi bagaimana nasib rakyat yang tergenosida bertahun tahun oleh negara lain .
المجرمون لا يتركون الرجل الأبيض يسرق ثروتهم السمكية في سلام 🥲
هذا غير عادل لماذا لا يتركون الرجل الابيض يسرقهم انهم وحوش
هناك طريقه لتبادل المصالح يسمحون للشركات بالصيد شرط ان تطور هذه الشركات المواني الصوماليه وتدخل الخدمات لتلك البلدات ليعمل بها الشباب
Even though most will disagree, pirasy along the coast of East Africa is justifiable---why is a Spanish boat fishing in Somali water.
The 'pirates' have always claimed that what is being termed as pirasy is actually a defence against plundering of their country's sea resources.
It’s so funny the pirates are calling the native pirates 🏴☠️
These are international waters, the piracy is in no way shape or form justified, they even go against regular cargoships not only fishing boats.
how can you identify that
@@jtc7961 no one owns the ocean? its not a lake
@@UnderwaterFishFilms so you beleaive no one owns ok its fine anything we found either ship or human its ours
@@jtc7961 dont act dumb, i said the waters are international, what you own is yours, no one ownes the ocean... jeez
If you looting our fish what are denying us to loot your cargo ships? Win win let’s go
Another great doco
استمعوا إلى الدقيقة 38:20
يتكلم عن من بالله عليكم!!!!!
القراصنه الأوروبيون ام أصحاب الأرض المدافعون عن بحرهم
مضحك جدا
180 Tons of fish in one day and he said not a lot for the season. Imagine the damage they can do in a year
Look at me. " I'm the captain now"
A recently announced defense deal between Somalia and Turkey to enhance the African nation’s naval capabilities is as much about Mogadishu’s sense of security as it is about Ankara’s ambition to project maritime power beyond its own shores, according to regional experts.
The two nations inked a defense and economic deal earlier this month, and on Feb. 22 Somalia explained that it had an agreement with Turkey for training and equipment for the Somali navy. Beyond that, few details were shared, but a Turkish defense official told journalists that his nation “will provide support in the field of maritime security, as we did in the field of fight against terrorism.”
“We will help Somalia develop its capacity and capabilities to combat illegal and irregular activities in its territorial waters,” the official said, according to reports.
لقد اصبح من يحمي ثروته وارضه قرصانا بينما من يسرق ثروات الاخرين هو الشريف يااللعار
WATCHING from South Africa
From India❤
From Hargeisa Somaliland
Somalia has a right to defend its self from pirates
Why are so many stupid people in the comments saying cargo ships in international waters are stealing Somalia's fish?
الصوماليين اصحاب الحق تقولو عليهم قراصنة 😂 السارق على حق وصاحب الحق سارق😂 اأاأآه لسخرية القدر
So you still my country 😮 then don’t want to defend our country stop stealing from our fishing 🎣 industry 🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🇸🇴🤦♂️
Cargo ships don't do any fishing.
@@RobertTaylor-gz2fuAgain another terrorisr spotted. Is against the law to fish on another countries waters.
@@Mohamed-oz9op Basically no country owns sea so tf you on?
@@maciejgabrys1346there is a EEZ and a territorial zone at sea bozo
Dios todo poderoso les bendiga y les guarde❤❤❤😢😢saludos desde PANAMÁ
anyone watching with me?🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
Sim...vendo de Moçambique
With you
Weird comment!😂
.. It's an hour later here😅..
Terima kasih karna ada BAHASA INDONESIA nya😊
Im one of those modern pirates 💪
Salute to you guys
i am on your side you can do anything what you want i havent seen anything you can take everything too hahahaha still not seen anything XD
i hope you have a parrot
المفروض منع السفن الاجنبيه من الاصتياد في المياه الصوماليه ام انهم يقولون الممر الدولي يعني يمر ولايصتاط اي سمك
يعني تأخذو أسماكهم وتسرقو ثروتهم أنتو تصطادو بحر
الصومال دون إذن وأنتم
إخبارنا أنهم القراصنة هل نحن حمقى، إنه كذلك
عار على هذه القناة أن تقوم بتحميل هذا الوثائقي دون استجوابهم،......اخوكم من اليمن احب الصومال واهلها
Esse canal é top 🔟
These comments have given me a new perspective on "piracy". Watching from UK. I do think its disgusting that we exploit Africa so terribly to maintain our standard of living. Surely through co operation there is plenty for everybody
its not africans waters, its international waters
من اين جاءت القراصنة , خلقوا وجهّزوا وزودوا معلومات أعلى البواخر للنهب واستباحة الثروات المياه وسماسرهم يحصل نصيب الأسد الفدية وأكثر , وصعاليك القراصنة تأخذ عشرون فى المئة وأقلّ .
I'm african support my somali brothers why Europeans doing in somali water
It ain't somali water. It's international waters.
@@DRAINTVofficialso can Somalians travel to the coast of Spain and fish? Come on! Always western atrocities! Want to steal oil, call them terrorists! Want to steal fish, call them pirates! Western hypocrisy.
@@DRAINTVofficial They're too stupid to understand this.
Why are Africans in Europe?
Yanh seharusnya dilakukan oleh negara maju terhadap Somali.
1. Cari solusi kenapa mereka nenjadi bajak laut, bukan memerangi mereka
2. Berikan pekerjaan kepada mereka / beri pajak dari beberapa penangkapan ikat di laut mereka,
3. Saya yakin mereka menjadi bajak laut karna merasa tertindas di negara/laut mereka, mereka merasa kalah bersaing dengan kapal besar dalam menangkap ikan
You right i am from somalia
But why are they fishing in Somalian waters.. 🤔
Tengo entendido que por ello se volvieron piratas... Ya que no pudieron competir legalmente contra pesqueros más grandes y extranjeros. Eso es lo que no comentan, solo la versión que les conviene a las grandes industrias!!
EXCELENTE VIDEO: ES MUY IMPORTANTE que el gobierno español apoye a esos marineros que navegan miles de millas
para pescar. Son trabajadores que deben ser protegidos por España; Su madre patria. Mi nombre es Darío Mendoza (USA).
Somalis are not pirates in reality but they are protectors of their marine resources. This fishing boats are illegally fishing in Somali water to land their catches on non-Somali grounds. Why can't they approach the Somalis to be granted fishing permits so as to catch in peace instead of bringing in frigates with heavy firepower to protect them while they are illegally fishing and depleting the Somali marine resources? This is no modern piracy at all, this is illegal fishing off the coast of Africa.
Hahaha, okay bud.
That's the reality but they don't want to be told because they have the same mindset of stealing African resources by force
@@zoltancsikos5604 ok me but time will tell
@@bettynhindaLazy Somalis can’t even fish. If they knew how to fish properly, they wouldn’t go robbing people.
We have every right to defend our resources. Call us whatever you want.