“You believe the Empire is continually plotting to do harm. Let me tell you, your view of the Empire is far too dramatic. The Empire is a government. It keeps billions of beings fed and clothed. Day after day, year after year, on thousands of worlds, people live their lives under Imperial rule without seeing a stormtrooper or hearing a TIE fighter scream overhead." - Thrawn
But how about the unfair trade and explotation of the resources and species on many planets? Like Mon Kala was forced to accept the incredibly low price on selling their materials to the empire
I love Thrawns character and his whole existence is quiet poetic: The Imperials most competent officer is alien and originated from the outer rim worlds, contrary to the Empire's own preferences.
Also poetic that despite how xenophobic and racist the Empire is, it's most brilliant strategist isn't even human. And despite all the hatred he received rising through the ranks, Thrawn was actually their best officer in the end.
+Jeff Sol Well he WAS managing a galactic war at the time, and juggling the smugglers C'baoth and sowing adversity in the senate, so he could have let his guard down considering how the noghri revered him as a christ figure. Shouldnt have kept poisoning the planet prolly though. Thats more like Palpatine than him.
He isn't a villain. He didn't lead with emotion.. He led with logic and knowledge.. If the republic was still around and there was the empire he would chose one of the 2 that would best satisfy the galaxy without destroying many lives..
The Chiss's first contact with the Yuuzhan Bong ending in a Chiss victory just goes to show that it was not only Thrawn, but the whole race that was extremely efficient, they fought an enemy they didn't know, with a bigger force and more advanced technology (specially considering the Chiss didn't even know what droids were), and with no force users (aside of those they used to navigate) and won the first contact
The Chiss were extremely advanced. They just didn't have droids because droids were a Rakatan invention, and the Chiss never interacted or meet the Rakatans, and thus no Droids.
James Walker it would be awesome if he was at least mentioned somewhere in a spin off. But I rather doubt they will actualy include him in a movie. Would be great ofc.
He kinda was, really. He had his moments of "kill this person because they failed", but he ONLY reserved those instances for people who refused to admit their mistakes or showed signs of disloyalty to the Empire (not disloyalty to him, he had a surprisingly in-check ego). He also liked to promote creative thinking and idea sharing. Once, a guy was trying to capture Luke Skywalker and failed. Thrawn confronted him about it, the guy refused to own his error, and he was killed for it. Later though, another guy failed to capture Skywalker, but when Thrawn confronted him about it, it ended with Thrawn giving the man a promotion, because he owned his mistake and was creative in his thinking. Thrawn's campaign didn't get as far as it did because of him alone. Though he did play a MAJOR part in it, he got as far as he did because he genuinely believed in his men, and they, in turn, believed in him. Because of that, they all fought with more loyalty and ferocity than the Empire ever did in the days of Vader and Palpatine.
@@sugdolomar Agree. Legends Ackbar managed to defeat a Grand Admiral, and in a classic ship to ship duel no less. True, Mon Cala cruisers are considered more powerful than Star Destroyers, but it's still a great display of skills. Against Thrawn though, he wouldn't last, but definitly longer than the others mentioned here.
John Smith Disney has already crafted a pretty cohesive story following the Battle of Endor through several books so far, and they're not bad. Yes, Disney's still in it's infancy compared to the original EU and it's not totally fair to make that comparison yet, but in my opinion even in it's beginning the EU started off cooler.
+Zachary Lloyd true. Any chance you can name a few titles from the Disney EU? I would really love to start the new canon after I finish the Fate of the Jedi series.
There's the 'Aftermath' series, 2 out of 3 are completed, Bloodline, Before the Awakening, Force Awakens novelization, A New Dawn, Smugglers Run, Lost Stars, Face of Evil, Shattered Empire, Weapon of a Jedi, Perfect Weapon & a whole lot of new comics too
You couldn't be more insightful or correct if you tried, my friend. :) I would LOVE to have seen some kind of comic-style "Else Worlds" fiction that showed if that had somehow happened.
Such a universe likely would have seen Vader usurping the Emperor and Thrawn taking full command of the Imperial military. It would have been potentially harsher than the Emperor's rule, but not as unjust. Vader wasn't interested in power so much as he wanted to see the Jedi destroyed. Thrawn would have had complete authority over many aspects of the Empire. It would have been exactly the climate that the galaxy needed to stave off the Yuuzang Vong
If anakin some how managed to kill obi wan He most probably would of taken palpatines place and most definitely would of made thrawn have full command of the Empire. Under his rule and Luke and lia probably would of been found and made into sitj
Hope you guys enjoy this video, it took me a ton of effort and time to make. Let me know if you like the added quotes between each segment of his life or if there's anything you would change regarding them or other aspects of the video.
"The difference between a mistake and an error, Ensign, is that everybody can make errors, but it doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." ~Mith'raw'nurudo
Wow! So the empire was just a way to fortify the entire galaxy from the Yuzhann Vong, damn so the rebellion truly left the galaxy vulnerable to this threat and fuck... Thrawn is a badass; Disney really screwed up they so should have done a trilogy leading up to the Galaxy fighting the Yuzhan Vong
I really want an alternate-universe story line to be built on Thrawn surviving to be recruited by the New Republic, and facing the Yuuzhan Vong using the resources that the New Republic had at the time of the invasion. He would have been the only one to make sense of their art/engineering and devise a brilliant strategy for Luke and the others to follow. The Yuuzhan Vong are really why I stopped reading the books - it got too depressing for me, facepalming at every trap the New Republic walked right into like children. Even their victories were too costly. RIP Anikin.
I would love to work under thrawn. He is nice, respectful, respected. He has manners. He most likely not kill you if you fail a mission like Darth Vader he would push you further and harder and make you better at the mission you failed at.
who is Grand Admiral Thrawn? Only the greatest Imperial ever. Defender of Life and Bane of the vile Rebellion. He fought for the galaxy, though the New Republic tried to stop him. #ImperialLivesMatter #RebelLivesDon'tMatter
Wiuld exactly call him a villan srriosly the empire wasn t THAT villanous just take it as if it was your country and that you wanted to unite the world under your country s flag...Not evil is it?
The emperor and his storm troopers were the space nazies. The Chiss were a sovereign people fighting for who they thought would best survive and keep peace within the galaxy (hence their people choosing to fight with the Sith Empire during the Old Republic era.)
Can you call the guy who s the leader of the german nation a natzi just because he used to serve the natzi s and is black?Nope And palpy was the main reason why the empire was potrayed as EVIL considering it was run by a sith lord nethertheless it was a BETTER idea than the Galactic Republic or the rebels Killing billions of people is also considered BAD(Which luke totally did by destroying the deathstar) but history is written by the winners this case the rebellion You can t call the german nation evil even if they were natzi s can you? And the world isn t black and white and a galaxy far far away in a long time ago isn t that black and withe either
SPOILERS, SPOILERS, AAAHHH, AAAHHH!!! In the newest episode of The Mandalorian (Good show, i recommend it) it's revealed that Ahsoka Tano is looking for Thrawn so there is a hint he is alive, so maybe they should get Hiddleston to play him...IF he does make an appearance on the show.
Thrawn was also known for his association with Interdictor cruisers, how he used them sparingly, 'the thrawn pincer' was a famous tactic that he used in conjunction with these cruisers.
My gawd what a character! In Star Wars rebels, I respected him real quick, even though he was "the bad guy" it's through our enemies that we learn patients, empathy, & forgiveness. Things we might not have learned otherwise.
ROw GAMinG It depends, you really think allies were good guys? Hahaha winner writes history buddy if German wouldve won WWII allies would be nazis for you. Both sides are bad, but nazi for the win but not war criminals. They're scum.
A Potato Were the allies the good guys? For the most part, yes, they were. Maybe except the communists who were just as evil. The point is that the Empire and the Nazis were pretty much the same. George Lucas was heavily influenced by them when he created the Empire.
ROw GAMinG allies the good guys??? Lol US troops raped german women as much as the soviets did. US bombing of dresden search that up if you want. Bombing an entire city that was of no strategic value just for fun. I hate how you call them nazis. That would be me calling US republicans. The republicans lost the war against vietnam. The republicans "the strongest army in the world" lost against some chinese peasants.
ROw GAMinG the republicans also bombed laos and cambodia with agent orange and drop more bombs there than the whole of ww2. Digusting rapist republicans
Yeah.... this is why a lot of true Star Wars Fans get pissed off at Episode 7. No way in hell the Empire just falls in a year after Endor. the Empire was vast and mighty and had 20 plus years to Establish itself after Episode 3.
seonbin Song Go skim through the new "lore" the Empire fell in a year. That's how dumb the new lore is. Not to mention this fractured and broken 'New Order" some how got the funding and resources to build a large ass planet size Super Weapon. New lore is Completely stupid.
Haunted Melon You truly have no understanding how large and powerful the Empire is. The Rebels never had the Numbers let alone the Production to ever match the Empire. It's like saying the USA after the Revolution had the power to Invade the fucking British Empire. That's how absurd "New Lore" is. And even if you went with This "New Order" They could have built Thousands of Star Ships instead of building a fucking 3rd Super Weapon! and the best part about this Lore is that it has to explain all the BS and utter lack of Creation that was Episode 7
For me, The Empire were the bad guys. Sure they did some good but you can't really ignore the fact that they wiped out a planet just for an example (I think, my memory is a bit foggy), killed many of the innocent, and other stuff. Maybe if Palpatine wasn't in control it would have been different.
@@mage_r338 Honestly i think Palpatines motivation for defeating the invasion would be to be able to keep his personal power not because he really cared about the galaxys well being One could argue that having an empire could be a necessary evil to fend off an invasion but i think Palpatines motivations were always for mimself
06:09 I like that Palpatine doesn't see race or color and solely sees the potential in his subordinates. That's why he also had Darth Maul as a Sith Apprentice. You could say a lot about Palpatine but at least he wasn't racist.
God I hate bunch of the stupid Disney Rebel fan comments here arguing "No, ThRawn wAS diSPOSed by EzrA!" No, people. I think it makes much more sense that he was absent during the Battle of Endor to explore and expand the defensive line in the Outer Rim against Yuuzhan Vong. Much better than the dumb plot of struggling more than 5 years to merely catch a jedi kid and suddenly got dragged away by the space whales that appeared out of nowhere, don't you think?
This is exactly the kind of villain I really appreciate. Just because their a villain does not necessarily mean they cannot show compassion. I really appreciate the in depth history lesson.
8 лет назад+55
Cool story ... I would like to see a Admiral Thrawn movie or animation...
'disagreed with palpatine deciding to build superweapons instead of a massive navy fleet' ifkr what the fuckwas the point of building two death stars. and now that new snook dogg built another death star built inside a planet Still blew up anyway.
RAFPony well remember palpatine and vader believed in using fear tactics, what better way to scare the alliance and other defectors then.. a giant planet destroying space station lol
+slaymaster999 do it by building a star destroyer that can one shot a battleship bloody hell. what use is blowing up a planet. heck what they only destroyed a Couple of important planets. scare tactics my ass. theyre shit tactics. if fuckin space terrorists/insurgents can fly into your scary death ball then its not scary
RAFPony true but the sith dreamt of a planet destroying super weapon as far back as the ancient sith empire, thrawn felt it wasn't necessary or wise to construct an expensive superweapon and they should've strengthened the emperial navy, they might have won if they did
Perhaps one day there will be movies that canonize at least some of the event between movies only told in EU. I feel like they would do well. Like how they did with Rogue One.
@Palpatine McSenateFace he could have returned but the way he was presented made me want to exterminatus this planet. Actually on that though I'm gonna be back and do it .
@Hills_ong His name is Kung'urama'nuruodo, he was a jedi padawan during the Clone Wars. There's also Master Ranos during the Old Republic era. The Chiss do not really appreciate force users, especially when they're members of their own species, they see them as "impure" and force sensitive Chiss are often exiled or even executed if they are caught using the Force within the Chiss Ascendancy. (in Legends)
Read the Thrawn: Alliances book. They exist and are top secret. They are nearly always girls. They have skill at hyperspace navigation and little else. As they age, their skills degrade. The Chiss use them as navicomputers and pilots.
Just imagine for a second...if Thrawn could have known the force...i guess that point would be impossible since he would be Godlike, what wouldnt really help the Balance :D ...but still...just imagine for a second! :OOO
i thought i know a lot about Thrawn i was wrong. Sir i have to say you have done an analysis that even Thranw would say was beyond the call of duty. so artfully done.
I thought this vid was a great alternative to show that the empire wasn't completely dark. I always had high regards for Thrawn when I saw him in Star Wars rebels and thought he is a brilliant tactician with some code of honour; he inspires respect and admiration rather than fear and dread; the very necessary quality of strong leadership. Gotta say Thrawn is the guy I liked most in the Empire
I've loved Star Wars my entire life, and though I always knew of Thrawn, I never knew what he was about or why people love him...Now I Know!... and I'm a fan!
+Tuffluck 1337 you are right. However it wasn't just Rommel that thrawn was based off. It was also Hannibal, I forget his title but he's the genius that rampaged through Rome (the state). And i believe the other was Robert.E.Lee
Reuben Ellis I see Hannibal, but the comparisons to the Nazies had me on Rommel. Also, if I were to compare anyone in the Civil War, I believe it to be a mix of Sherman and Lee. Lee had compassion for his men and did what he thought was best for peace and unity. But Sherman was bulwark and headstrong, completely annihilating anything the enemy stood for. (Not including civilians and their families, that's outright monstrous) while also standing to the tenets of the Union.
One of the reasons he is my favorite characters is because in book trilogy about him, many stormtroopers stated that the battle of endor would have gone differently if thrawn was in command
Yes. That is why he built death star and used so much money on Imperial armed forces. Then rebels came and blew up Imperial Armed forces and death stars, leaving galaxy woulnerable for Vong invasion. Without rebels, millions of lives would have been saved.
It never states how he found it. He just had knowledge of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet and knew that they would eventually invade the galaxy. It's the main reason why he wanted super weapons during his reign as emperor.
I wonder what the CIS Navy would have been like if they had recruited Thrawn instead. That would be very interesting to see. (Arguably one of the best navies + One of the best Admirals = Profit).
Closest thing to a Thrawn on the CIS side is Trench from The Clone Wars show (the humanoid spider alien dude). I'd like to see Trench VS Thrawn, in a tactics contest, since a fighting contest would most likely end with Trench beating up Thrawn, considering that Trench is tough to kill. Seriously, the guy got bombed the fuck out of on his ship's bridge by a ship piloted by Anakin (and he was even willing to accept his possible death judging by his motions right before the bombs hit the bridge), and he came out of it alive (though he had to get cybernetic implants, which didn't seem to limit him at all), plus, him having more limbs and eyes would help as well with his movement.
Remember in rebels when he had that wall with sabrine's art on it? Was he like "Bring that wall to my quarters" to the troopers? That's a fricking wall!
Just to add to it, when Thrawn destroyed the Trade Federation Fleet he, more specifically, destroyed a droid control ship, destroyed 9 techno union frigates, and captured a droid control ship while in command of only a single ship and without firing a shot. Goes to show you how cool Thrawn is. He is the Desert Fox of Star Wars
i hope they bring him back like the Thrawn who was assassinated was a clone to begin with and he new he would be killed... i don't no i just fucking love Thrawn haha!
Kargath Bladefist (WoD) I know that this was meant for the OP, but I'll answer too because I know a tiny bit about it: For humans, personalities are partially inherited, like part of the DNA, with the rest being influenced by what we experience throughout our lives. It's why people that you thought you knew seem to be so different after some-odd years of not seeing them. In other words. the clone would have the _core_ of Thrawn's personality, but the little details and ticks of who and what Thrawn was will forever be lost thanks to one traitorous lizard.
Soooooooo Glad There Is Info Out Here On Thrawn From YEARS AGO UNINFLUENCED BY DISNEY+. This helps me trust the merit of the content! THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO TO CINTRIBUTE TO THE SW FAN CULTURE! VERRRRRRY COOL!
So in other words, Grand Admiral Thrawn is the perfect leader (aside from the fact that he isn't above committing evil acts). I have a lot of respect for Thrawn just from this video alone.
I love how Thrawn doesn’t punish his men for failing but rather wants them to improve on their mistakes.
Sanspiro oh he’s punished them (killed) before
Only killing them if they became disloyal or arrogantly ignorant of their short comings. A decent man indeed.
The Joker he sure didn’t... he let his bodyguard do that.
Definitely makes them more loyal.
@@badlandskid Rukh... if i am not wrong.
i love it when i can respect a villan
Weapons Free Very true!
Sheev Palpatine Hey Palpy, who is the Senate?
He’s not a villain. He’s the good guy.
When he goes home to his wife Thrawn be like
"Gimme a Chiss"
ok dad
Lol also when I'm writing this your likes are at 501
oh you
You got 555 likes
“You believe the Empire is continually plotting to do harm. Let me tell you, your view of the Empire is far too dramatic. The Empire is a government. It keeps billions of beings fed and clothed. Day after day, year after year, on thousands of worlds, people live their lives under Imperial rule without seeing a stormtrooper or hearing a TIE fighter scream overhead."
- Thrawn
But how about the unfair trade and explotation of the resources and species on many planets? Like Mon Kala was forced to accept the incredibly low price on selling their materials to the empire
@@OmiTheEel you liberal piece of shit! It takes resources to run an empire. Jedis are arrogant and ironically indisciplined.
Long live the empire!
That's America rn
@@dubstep101angu how is he liberal you idiot.
I love Thrawns character and his whole existence is quiet poetic:
The Imperials most competent officer is alien and originated from the outer rim worlds, contrary to the Empire's own preferences.
Also poetic that despite how xenophobic and racist the Empire is, it's most brilliant strategist isn't even human. And despite all the hatred he received rising through the ranks, Thrawn was actually their best officer in the end.
Now I understand why people like him so much
Same here
Same as well
Read the book Heir to the empire! its great he steals the show for me
warren byrne hm yeah why not?
The only thing I hated about his lore was his death, would have loved to see him against the Vong
+Jeff Sol Well he WAS managing a galactic war at the time, and juggling the smugglers C'baoth and sowing adversity in the senate, so he could have let his guard down considering how the noghri revered him as a christ figure. Shouldnt have kept poisoning the planet prolly though. Thats more like Palpatine than him.
But it was so artistic
Well, that proved me that nothing can pierce the “good guys” plot armor, not even Thrawns pure genius.
@Atlas Ine Pretty sure the show runners confirmed him and Ezra survived after Rebels. There's still more Thrawn to go around in the new Canon
Anthony Garcia doesn't change the fact its ass
A villain with the leadership tactics of a hero. Interesting.
You cant exactly call thrawn a Villan
He isn't a villain. He didn't lead with emotion.. He led with logic and knowledge.. If the republic was still around and there was the empire he would chose one of the 2 that would best satisfy the galaxy without destroying many lives..
+Vini Gaming exactly. he is fighting for what he thinks is right. no- one can blame him for that.
+Bethel Adiele
He is a good hero on a bad side of history.
Basically Rommel.
Is it just me or is this guy one of the best characters in starwars?
If you haven't discovered that many others have also loved Thrawn, I would mark you as stupid.
@@ExcaliburHeavyBattlecruiser k
No he definitely is.
If you ask me he’s the best Star Wars tactician in the original trilogy (or prequel trilogy idk) u get the point
The Chiss's first contact with the Yuuzhan Bong ending in a Chiss victory just goes to show that it was not only Thrawn, but the whole race that was extremely efficient, they fought an enemy they didn't know, with a bigger force and more advanced technology (specially considering the Chiss didn't even know what droids were), and with no force users (aside of those they used to navigate) and won the first contact
Yooo the yuuzhan bong. I’d pay millions to green out using that
@@Barrystue I wanna try the Yuuzhan Bong
@@malusofficial we all do
The Chiss were extremely advanced. They just didn't have droids because droids were a Rakatan invention, and the Chiss never interacted or meet the Rakatans, and thus no Droids.
Thrawn seems like a really ok guy to work under tho .
compared to all the others definitly. But his successor Pellaeon did great as well. Daala was also a good leader.
You think they are going to have him in any of the movies ?
James Walker it would be awesome if he was at least mentioned somewhere in a spin off. But I rather doubt they will actualy include him in a movie. Would be great ofc.
I see he will be in the DX star wars show coming out .
He kinda was, really. He had his moments of "kill this person because they failed", but he ONLY reserved those instances for people who refused to admit their mistakes or showed signs of disloyalty to the Empire (not disloyalty to him, he had a surprisingly in-check ego).
He also liked to promote creative thinking and idea sharing. Once, a guy was trying to capture Luke Skywalker and failed. Thrawn confronted him about it, the guy refused to own his error, and he was killed for it. Later though, another guy failed to capture Skywalker, but when Thrawn confronted him about it, it ended with Thrawn giving the man a promotion, because he owned his mistake and was creative in his thinking.
Thrawn's campaign didn't get as far as it did because of him alone. Though he did play a MAJOR part in it, he got as far as he did because he genuinely believed in his men, and they, in turn, believed in him. Because of that, they all fought with more loyalty and ferocity than the Empire ever did in the days of Vader and Palpatine.
if the alien threat is real then the rebels are dooming the galaxy
Tarek Chamas sadly it might not be cannon now
The rebels were always the villains but they just got more screentime
Tarek Chamas I
They very nearly did. The Yuzhan Vong were the closest the galaxy ever came to being completely subjugated
I like Thrawn and how he didn't hurt/kill his men and instead of punishing them he had them learn from their mistakes and retreated if he had to
Thrawn could beat admiral Ackbar, Trench, and Yuularon, all at the same time while only having one main ship and possible fighters
Actually ackbar would probably hold out longer. Trench would be wiped out before him due to attacking head on with larger and powerful ships.
@@sugdolomar Agree. Legends Ackbar managed to defeat a Grand Admiral, and in a classic ship to ship duel no less. True, Mon Cala cruisers are considered more powerful than Star Destroyers, but it's still a great display of skills.
Against Thrawn though, he wouldn't last, but definitly longer than the others mentioned here.
@@lkvideos7181 Just imagine a battle between Thrawn and Admiral Hordo, I would pay to see that, probably wouldn't last long.
I think a battle between Revan and Thrawn would be far more interesting
@@theravenlordmasterofthevib8991 Revan's not a fleet admiral though, so how does that work?
Who would win:
The whole Jedi council
Or one blue boi
Edit: how about
One blue boi
The blue boi obviously
Blue boi🥶
Da blue boi 👤
Blue boi
What about red-eyed boi?
This EU is so much more interesting than the Disney canon
It's just more developed.
John Smith Disney has already crafted a pretty cohesive story following the Battle of Endor through several books so far, and they're not bad. Yes, Disney's still in it's infancy compared to the original EU and it's not totally fair to make that comparison yet, but in my opinion even in it's beginning the EU started off cooler.
+Zachary Lloyd true. Any chance you can name a few titles from the Disney EU? I would really love to start the new canon after I finish the Fate of the Jedi series.
Ya. Eu is good but some is awful
There's the 'Aftermath' series, 2 out of 3 are completed, Bloodline, Before the Awakening, Force Awakens novelization, A New Dawn, Smugglers Run, Lost Stars, Face of Evil, Shattered Empire, Weapon of a Jedi, Perfect Weapon & a whole lot of new comics too
Thrawn seems like exactly the leader the galaxy needed at the time. Imagine how different things would have been under his, not Palpatine's, rule.
You couldn't be more insightful or correct if you tried, my friend. :) I would LOVE to have seen some kind of comic-style "Else Worlds" fiction that showed if that had somehow happened.
Such a universe likely would have seen Vader usurping the Emperor and Thrawn taking full command of the Imperial military.
It would have been potentially harsher than the Emperor's rule, but not as unjust. Vader wasn't interested in power so much as he wanted to see the Jedi destroyed. Thrawn would have had complete authority over many aspects of the Empire. It would have been exactly the climate that the galaxy needed to stave off the Yuuzang Vong
Sheev, you're one to talk. You barely did any ruling yourself! Wasn't it all shoom-shoom-clash-spark-zap and the occasional pod race?
If anakin some how managed to kill obi wan
He most probably would of taken palpatines place and most definitely would of made thrawn have full command of the Empire.
Under his rule and Luke and lia probably would of been found and made into sitj
@@dylanwight5764 Palpatine was the one who wanted the Jedi to be destroyed Vader wanted power to protect the universe
Thrawn is a Badass.
End of Story.
Brent Sewell I hope Disney doesn't screw him up in Star Wars Rebels
And I hope he doesn't die either,so we can see him in the movies.
They take most of the original story of Thrawn into canon and make him antagonist in Future movies
more or less id like him to be in official stuff for the general fanbase get to know him and see him as a well known figure
Thrawn 2k16
make the empire great again
Cygnus Gaming hmm based upon your profile image i can see u have a slight disregard to the republican president Donald J Trump
better than trump
@@Kiyoti0 nope
Good ol Space racism
apparently killing and discriminating against talented people soley due to their inherent characteristics isn't the way to do things!
I really do think Thrawn would make a great Emperor,but when he would have died his Empire would have gone to chaos.
like alexander the great
ryan weidman
Thats a good comparison
Charles Ford i imagine him as a erwin rommel and alexander the great mix
I always saw him as Napoleon
+ryan weidman I'd see him as a rommel and Patton mix.
Now I understand why this character is so beloved. Thanks for the video.
Hope you guys enjoy this video, it took me a ton of effort and time to make. Let me know if you like the added quotes between each segment of his life or if there's anything you would change regarding them or other aspects of the video.
The Video is perfect👍
it's an amazing video man
The video is amazing and keep up the good work
it was awsome😆😉😆
thank you fact free
"The difference between a mistake and an error, Ensign, is that everybody can make errors, but it doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it."
He was too dangerous to stay alive, the force saw to it that he was killed by his bodyguard
He's too dangerous to be kept alive!
Welp he’s alive now 🤷🏾
@@thegoat4232 Shiiit, how do you think he’ll be in Mandalorian
The most interesting man in the Star Wars universe. He's like a cross between Julius Caesar and Sherlock Homes.
I believe the figure you're thinking of is Erwin Rommel.
Hindenburg also maybe?
@@thebrutusmars I'd have to look into him more. I never knew who he was until I saw he was the President of Germany in the 20's and 30's.
Rommels probably a better example
Grandadmiral Thrawn *is* the best character of the whole Star Wars!
And now he's canon
+Renegade Spark you're damn right he's Canon
The Joker it's link in with the primary story or something even though it's not shown or mentioned.
Revan, Thrawn, Vader, Obi-wan, R2 and Han are my favorite Star Wars characters (and HK-47, hehe)
Behemous YES! obi wan 'badass peace walker 'Kenobi
Dang, Palpatine actually looked out for the people.
He wouldnt survive the invasion either so he wasnt really
He more like used the people for his own safety..
Kind of, but he used them for himself.
Sith are notorious for spotting the strong and talented, and of course rewarding the loyal with opportunity.
Well, you might argue a fully militarized and prepared Galactic Empire would've had better odds against the Vong.
Wow! So the empire was just a way to fortify the entire galaxy from the Yuzhann Vong, damn so the rebellion truly left the galaxy vulnerable to this threat and fuck... Thrawn is a badass; Disney really screwed up they so should have done a trilogy leading up to the Galaxy fighting the Yuzhan Vong
AL EX i mean. They made a huge resource sink.... twice. Built off of. What must of been millions of slaves.
"But... it was so Artistically Done...."
"good men mean well. We just don't end up doing well" -Issac Clarke
I really want an alternate-universe story line to be built on Thrawn surviving to be recruited by the New Republic, and facing the Yuuzhan Vong using the resources that the New Republic had at the time of the invasion. He would have been the only one to make sense of their art/engineering and devise a brilliant strategy for Luke and the others to follow. The Yuuzhan Vong are really why I stopped reading the books - it got too depressing for me, facepalming at every trap the New Republic walked right into like children. Even their victories were too costly. RIP Anikin.
This makes me want to see a versus video with the Empire vs the yuzzhan vong
Non cannon
I don't care
+SpiderPool I like you
Thank you
SpiderPool Tell that to Disney XD
I would love to work under thrawn. He is nice, respectful, respected. He has manners. He most likely not kill you if you fail a mission like Darth Vader he would push you further and harder and make you better at the mission you failed at.
And now he's making his first live action debut.
who is Grand Admiral Thrawn? Only the greatest Imperial ever. Defender of Life and Bane of the vile Rebellion. He fought for the galaxy, though the New Republic tried to stop him.
Never forgive, never forget.
Including an apostrophe in a hashtag ruins it.
or simply
gimme my cookies!
no and u cant make me hehehehehehhehehehhehehhehehehehhehehehehheheheheh *bang*
Couldn't say it better
wouldn't it be great to see Thrawn in rogue one
their wouldn't a rouge one if Thrawn was in ....poof*
We do see him in rebels
Sean Mansfield true. But what mean is that would wipe out the rebels because were in their early days and less tactical
I'm hoping season 3 of rebels will show them losing more, maybe even losing a main character. This is THRAWN after all
Rogue One has already competed filming (pretty much) so I highly doubt that.
Thrawn is my favorite bad guy
Wiuld exactly call him a villan srriosly the empire wasn t THAT villanous just take it as if it was your country and that you wanted to unite the world under your country s flag...Not evil is it?
+Vini Gaming The empire were pretty much space nazis, so...
The emperor and his storm troopers were the space nazies. The Chiss were a sovereign people fighting for who they thought would best survive and keep peace within the galaxy (hence their people choosing to fight with the Sith Empire during the Old Republic era.)
Can you call the guy who s the leader of the german nation a natzi just because he used to serve the natzi s and is black?Nope
And palpy was the main reason why the empire was potrayed as EVIL considering it was run by a sith lord nethertheless it was a BETTER idea than the Galactic Republic or the rebels
Killing billions of people is also considered BAD(Which luke totally did by destroying the deathstar) but history is written by the winners this case the rebellion
You can t call the german nation evil even if they were natzi s can you?
And the world isn t black and white and a galaxy far far away in a long time ago isn t that black and withe either
+Vini Gaming sorry for my bad spelling...
I didn’t know Thrawn had a clone of himself as a backup plan🧠
You really can’t help but respect this man👏
I think one picture is Tom Hiddelston as thrawn.
I saw that and thought the same thing. 😄
One was also Chris Pratt as thrawn
One of them was Henry Cavill i think.
honestly, I would pay to see a Star Wars movie with Tom Hiddleston as Thrawn.
In the newest episode of The Mandalorian (Good show, i recommend it) it's revealed that Ahsoka Tano is looking for Thrawn so there is a hint he is alive, so maybe they should get Hiddleston to play him...IF he does make an appearance on the show.
Thrawn was also known for his association with Interdictor cruisers, how he used them sparingly, 'the thrawn pincer' was a famous tactic that he used in conjunction with these cruisers.
Can't wait for the canon story. You know because of Star Wars rebels.
no shit
+Ganon stop being a bitch
+Imulsion slinky did I offended you nigga.
+Ganon shut up you rude little bitch
+tacodog117 Timothy Zann is writing for him
if he is put in a movie he should be played as Benedict cumberbach
I personally think he should be played by Tom Hiddleston
Lj 88 Tom Hiddleston would slay as him
AhmedDare22 no he doesn't have the right demeanor for the role. Cumberbach is much more calculating and calm which is perfect for Thrawn
Lj 88 Maybe Matthew McConaughey ?
AhmedDare22 idk after watching dazed and confused its hard to see him in a serious role
My gawd what a character! In Star Wars rebels, I respected him real quick, even though he was "the bad guy" it's through our enemies that we learn patients, empathy, & forgiveness. Things we might not have learned otherwise.
So, in other words, Thrawn was a good guy, on the bad guy's side... A bit like Rommel.
Cameron McAllister on the good guy side*
ROw GAMinG It depends, you really think allies were good guys? Hahaha winner writes history buddy if German wouldve won WWII allies would be nazis for you. Both sides are bad, but nazi for the win but not war criminals. They're scum.
A Potato Were the allies the good guys? For the most part, yes, they were. Maybe except the communists who were just as evil. The point is that the Empire and the Nazis were pretty much the same. George Lucas was heavily influenced by them when he created the Empire.
ROw GAMinG allies the good guys??? Lol US troops raped german women as much as the soviets did. US bombing of dresden search that up if you want. Bombing an entire city that was of no strategic value just for fun. I hate how you call them nazis. That would be me calling US republicans. The republicans lost the war against vietnam. The republicans "the strongest army in the world" lost against some chinese peasants.
ROw GAMinG the republicans also bombed laos and cambodia with agent orange and drop more bombs there than the whole of ww2. Digusting rapist republicans
Great vid. Didn't know anything about him till now.
Yeah.... this is why a lot of true Star Wars Fans get pissed off at Episode 7.
No way in hell the Empire just falls in a year after Endor. the Empire was vast and mighty and had 20 plus years to Establish itself after Episode 3.
+Dogmeat1950 Uh, I'm pretty sure it didn't fall in one year. maybe 10. Or 15.
seonbin Song
Go skim through the new "lore" the Empire fell in a year.
That's how dumb the new lore is.
Not to mention this fractured and broken 'New Order" some how got the funding and resources to build a large ass planet size Super Weapon.
New lore is Completely stupid.
Haunted Melon
You truly have no understanding how large and powerful the Empire is. The Rebels never had the Numbers let alone the Production to ever match the Empire. It's like saying the USA after the Revolution had the power to Invade the fucking British Empire. That's how absurd "New Lore" is.
And even if you went with This "New Order" They could have built Thousands of Star Ships instead of building a fucking 3rd Super Weapon! and the best part about this Lore is that it has to explain all the BS and utter lack of Creation that was Episode 7
Hey, I liked Episode 7.
As in the words of Cinema Wins, did it entertain me?
Thrawn is one of the greatest characters in Star Wars! Only Revan and Darth Vader are better in my opinion.
Same except add Rex and Darth Malgus to your list.
And HK-47. Can't ever get enough of that guy...
add juhiani to that list
that girl was sexy and a awesome character...
4:12 I KNEW IT !!!
I keep telling people that the Empire aren't the bad guys in Star Wars and rarely someone would agree or understand
For me, The Empire were the bad guys. Sure they did some good but you can't really ignore the fact that they wiped out a planet just for an example (I think, my memory is a bit foggy), killed many of the innocent, and other stuff. Maybe if Palpatine wasn't in control it would have been different.
Honestly i think Palpatines motivation for defeating the invasion would be to be able to keep his personal power not because he really cared about the galaxys well being
One could argue that having an empire could be a necessary evil to fend off an invasion but i think Palpatines motivations were always for mimself
Give or take the blowing up of peaceful planets here and there :p
06:09 I like that Palpatine doesn't see race or color and solely sees the potential in his subordinates. That's why he also had Darth Maul as a Sith Apprentice. You could say a lot about Palpatine but at least he wasn't racist.
God I hate bunch of the stupid Disney Rebel fan comments here arguing "No, ThRawn wAS diSPOSed by EzrA!"
No, people. I think it makes much more sense that he was absent during the Battle of Endor to explore and expand the defensive line in the Outer Rim against Yuuzhan Vong.
Much better than the dumb plot of struggling more than 5 years to merely catch a jedi kid and suddenly got dragged away by the space whales that appeared out of nowhere, don't you think?
This is exactly the kind of villain I really appreciate. Just because their a villain does not necessarily mean they cannot show compassion. I really appreciate the in depth history lesson.
Cool story
... I would like to see a Admiral Thrawn movie or animation...
Ever heard of Star Wars Rebels?
Toxic Pea I’m glad it has him doing his thing but it’s not really about him I would love to see a Trilogy of the Heir of the Empire tho
He is and he gets eaten by space whales
'disagreed with palpatine deciding to build superweapons instead of a massive navy fleet'
ifkr what the fuckwas the point of building two death stars. and now that new snook dogg built another death star built inside a planet
Still blew up anyway.
Admiral thrawn for president.
RAFPony well remember palpatine and vader believed in using fear tactics, what better way to scare the alliance and other defectors then.. a giant planet destroying space station lol
do it by building a star destroyer that can one shot a battleship bloody hell. what use is blowing up a planet. heck what they only destroyed a Couple of important planets.
scare tactics my ass. theyre shit tactics.
if fuckin space terrorists/insurgents can fly into your scary death ball then its not scary
RAFPony true but the sith dreamt of a planet destroying super weapon as far back as the ancient sith empire, thrawn felt it wasn't necessary or wise to construct an expensive superweapon and they should've strengthened the emperial navy, they might have won if they did
its a shit dream.
stahp it sith
If only EU was canon instead of the crap Disney is giving us.
The return of thrawn was the only good thing to come out of Disney canon
Totally trashed him in rebels
Perhaps one day there will be movies that canonize at least some of the event between movies only told in EU. I feel like they would do well. Like how they did with Rogue One.
@Palpatine McSenateFace he could have returned but the way he was presented made me want to exterminatus this planet. Actually on that though I'm gonna be back and do it .
I want a chiss Jedi
There was one actually.
@Hills_ong His name is Kung'urama'nuruodo, he was a jedi padawan during the Clone Wars. There's also Master Ranos during the Old Republic era.
The Chiss do not really appreciate force users, especially when they're members of their own species, they see them as "impure" and force sensitive Chiss are often exiled or even executed if they are caught using the Force within the Chiss Ascendancy. (in Legends)
Read the Thrawn: Alliances book. They exist and are top secret. They are nearly always girls. They have skill at hyperspace navigation and little else. As they age, their skills degrade. The Chiss use them as navicomputers and pilots.
Just imagine for a second...if Thrawn could have known the force...i guess that point would be impossible since he would be Godlike, what wouldnt really help the Balance :D ...but still...just imagine for a second! :OOO
I would serve under Thrawn
Thrown is the best tactician in the imperial army. Even though he had a lot of enemies, his brilliance saves him every time
i thought i know a lot about Thrawn i was wrong. Sir i have to say you have done an analysis that even Thranw would say was beyond the call of duty.
so artfully done.
i hate the way he died so much
I‘d wish Thrawn would have crushed the new republic.
@@tjb_6203 more realisticly, took the capital for a few moments, then be defeated honorably
@@thesenate5913 why would that be more realistic ?
He had the entire Rebellion by the balls at Bilbringi before Rukh took him out.
Well, he may not be dead
TJB _ honestly it’s exactly the death I saw coming for him from the beginning of the first book. Kind of lame, but also poetic.
I thought this vid was a great alternative to show that the empire wasn't completely dark. I always had high regards for Thrawn when I saw him in Star Wars rebels and thought he is a brilliant tactician with some code of honour; he inspires respect and admiration rather than fear and dread; the very necessary quality of strong leadership. Gotta say Thrawn is the guy I liked most in the Empire
Disney would ruin it
oh hell no, Disney would ax murder this
@@Arylwren1 True, but they're also the only ones who are able to do it, unless someone else like... Rents the rights, or something.
Fan films?
He will be on mandalorian
That clip at the very end tho
It was true art
It's Rich Evans of RedLetterMedia (famed for the Plinkett Prequels reviews) from their Episode VII reaction pisstake
I've loved Star Wars my entire life, and though I always knew of Thrawn, I never knew what he was about or why people love him...Now I Know!... and I'm a fan!
I'm here because I have no idea who he is and I want to know because of Mando.😂
Sadly this is no longer canon. He was the main villain for Seasons 3 and 4 of Rebels though, that is his new canon
You should watch Star Wars Rebels too, and Clone Wars, if you haven't
Just watch Rebels. That's all I know of him and it still makes him into such a badass who always outsmarts people and plans ahead
@@fuzzyotterpaws4395 he toned down in Rebels a lot, better read some books about him from Timothy Zann, his creator.
@@fuzzyotterpaws4395 and some space whales defeated him which is BS.
Admit it, you're here after watching THAT mando episode :)
And now we’ve seen him in live action.
He's like Erwin Rommel.
+Tuffluck 1337 Rommel was one of the inspirations for Thrawn
Sean Da Sheep Then that reinforces my theory that much more.
+Tuffluck 1337 you are right. However it wasn't just Rommel that thrawn was based off. It was also Hannibal, I forget his title but he's the genius that rampaged through Rome (the state). And i believe the other was Robert.E.Lee
Tuffluck 1337 Well then you can see the similarity between him and thrawn am i right?
Reuben Ellis I see Hannibal, but the comparisons to the Nazies had me on Rommel. Also, if I were to compare anyone in the Civil War, I believe it to be a mix of Sherman and Lee. Lee had compassion for his men and did what he thought was best for peace and unity. But Sherman was bulwark and headstrong, completely annihilating anything the enemy stood for. (Not including civilians and their families, that's outright monstrous) while also standing to the tenets of the Union.
More human than most of the humans
One of the reasons he is my favorite characters is because in book trilogy about him, many stormtroopers stated that the battle of endor would have gone differently if thrawn was in command
If Thrawn had been in charge the empire would have lasted 1000 years
Wait, Palpatine knew about the Vong?
Yes. That is why he built death star and used so much money on Imperial armed forces.
Then rebels came and blew up Imperial Armed forces and death stars, leaving galaxy woulnerable for Vong invasion.
Without rebels, millions of lives would have been saved.
+TheRomanRuler Mind. Blown.
How did he find out?
It never states how he found it. He just had knowledge of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet and knew that they would eventually invade the galaxy. It's the main reason why he wanted super weapons during his reign as emperor.
***** Well there was other Sith that knew about the Vong before plageuis and palpatine.
I wonder what the CIS Navy would have been like if they had recruited Thrawn instead. That would be very interesting to see. (Arguably one of the best navies + One of the best Admirals = Profit).
Closest thing to a Thrawn on the CIS side is Trench from The Clone Wars show (the humanoid spider alien dude). I'd like to see Trench VS Thrawn, in a tactics contest, since a fighting contest would most likely end with Trench beating up Thrawn, considering that Trench is tough to kill. Seriously, the guy got bombed the fuck out of on his ship's bridge by a ship piloted by Anakin (and he was even willing to accept his possible death judging by his motions right before the bombs hit the bridge), and he came out of it alive (though he had to get cybernetic implants, which didn't seem to limit him at all), plus, him having more limbs and eyes would help as well with his movement.
Remember in rebels when he had that wall with sabrine's art on it?
Was he like "Bring that wall to my quarters" to the troopers?
That's a fricking wall!
Thrawn was a true and honorable admiral, wanted to see him succeed actually. Soo much skill and understanding.
The expanded universe is so much better than the new movies...
another great character Disney going to fuck up
Don't worry he'll die in Rebels. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?!?
what do you mean Disney?
+Ramsay Bolton and his pork sasuage Disney owns star wars
+Vindictus ya i know that, i thought he meant that Disney makes rebels
+Da Sword Of Gork this is the problem if they kill thrawn they need to kill him right
I just came here to say "THIS IS THE WAY"
You know what i am talking about
This is the way
Just to add to it, when Thrawn destroyed the Trade Federation Fleet he, more specifically, destroyed a droid control ship, destroyed 9 techno union frigates, and captured a droid control ship while in command of only a single ship and without firing a shot. Goes to show you how cool Thrawn is. He is the Desert Fox of Star Wars
4:02 “Yeah, that’s just happening”
When Thrawn enters the battlefield, you know you have lost the battle or even the war
Grand Admiral is my hero. I would want to serve under him.
Who else thought he was going to say Boba Fett at 7:10?
Imagine doing all that just to get assassinated
Grand Admiral Thrawn has got to be my most favorite character in the Star Wars universe
Came here after The Mandalorian’s last episode, thanks for this video mate. Always liked your channel
Anyone else here after watching Asoka Tano on Mandalorian?
when I heard his name I squealed like a girl
You should watch Star Wars Rebels too, and Clone Wars, if you haven't
Ahsoka: "I'll do you one better! WHERE is Grand Admiral Thrawn?!"
Here because of the latest Mandalorian eps :)))
7:15 Well... That explains A LOT... 👀
Btw Luke "accidentally" killing Thrawn's clone has to be one of the biggest dick moves of all Legends continuity
First 20 seconds and got right into the video much respect
I got an ad for the Blue Man Group before this LOLs
Who’s here after the Mandalorian episode with Ashoka?
Me lol
i hope they bring him back like the Thrawn who was assassinated was a clone to begin with and he new he would be killed... i don't no i just fucking love Thrawn haha!
I agree...Thrawn wouldn't be so stupid as to assume the the Remnant would accept an alien back into the fold, last Grand Admiral or not.
Jack Briggs how could his clone have his personality thou.
Kargath Bladefist (WoD) I know that this was meant for the OP, but I'll answer too because I know a tiny bit about it:
For humans, personalities are partially inherited, like part of the DNA, with the rest being influenced by what we experience throughout our lives. It's why people that you thought you knew seem to be so different after some-odd years of not seeing them. In other words. the clone would have the _core_ of Thrawn's personality, but the little details and ticks of who and what Thrawn was will forever be lost thanks to one traitorous lizard.
Soooooooo Glad There Is Info Out Here On Thrawn From YEARS AGO UNINFLUENCED BY DISNEY+. This helps me trust the merit of the content! THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO TO CINTRIBUTE TO THE SW FAN CULTURE! VERRRRRRY COOL!
I just finished the Thrawn novel two days ago. Thrawn is easily one of my favorite characters in the SW universe.
dam, that changed the whole way I think about him
Thrawn is what most makes me like The Empire more than the other powers fighting for the galaxy.
So in other words, Grand Admiral Thrawn is the perfect leader (aside from the fact that he isn't above committing evil acts). I have a lot of respect for Thrawn just from this video alone.
Thanks :) This was very helpful in learning more about him
You did a fabulous job on this video. Thank you!
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for watching!