SDAS REACT TO: 3 Reasons Seventh Day Adventism Is a Cult Part 3


Комментарии • 127

  • @AlejandroCastro-fn6kj
    @AlejandroCastro-fn6kj 17 дней назад +3

    Great Bible study!! I pray for all who don't understand Bible truth. If they just humble themselves like a little child then the Holy Spirit can guide them in all truth 🙏

  • @thatnicekid04
    @thatnicekid04 18 дней назад +4

    0:00 - Intro
    4:21 - Is it wrong to believe we can keep God's law?
    38:26 - Did Jesus finish saving us from sin at the cross?
    39:45 - Is it Legalism to keep the Commandments?
    42:49 - Can we chose which Commandments to do and not do?
    48:08 - Does the sacrifice of Christ allow us to sin?
    58:45 - Under the Law/ Under Christ
    1:07:15 - The Desire of the Nations?
    1:12:27 - Do SDAs believe we are Saved by the Law?
    1:16:25 - Cults in the Bible
    1:18:22 - Does Galatians expose SDAs as Cultish?
    1:19:53 - Are SDAs in love with the Law?
    1:22:34 - Desire of Nations/ Desire of Ages clarification
    1:23:20 - Is a church False because it came at the same time as other False Religions?
    1:33:39 - Does God decide who receives grace?
    1:39:22 Can a person lose their salvation?
    1:56:18 - Critics are against one Commandment
    1:57:30 - Did EGW invent the Investigative Judgement?
    2:06:31 - Closing Thoughts/ Announcements
    2:08:15 Is the SDA Church the one true church?

  • @russhay422
    @russhay422 16 дней назад +1

    Keeping Gods law is the work of “Christ in you, the hope of glory”. Our work is a work of submission. We must be connected to the vine at all times in order to bear the fruit of obedience.

  • @MajorGari
    @MajorGari 18 дней назад +7

    This was good, really good, a lot to learn here amazing work as always ADL, God bless y'all

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 18 дней назад

      Anything after Revelation chapter 11 is not written to you!

    • @MajorGari
      @MajorGari 18 дней назад +1

      ​@@jimbob1644 You can't get one thing right, can you, kiddo? Oh, but 2 Peter 3:3 talks about people like you. Because that's what you're doing.
      But good job with engagement you're giving to ADL, although I'd suggest you review your mindless and baseless accusation, or rather... you're just spewing senseless words to people believing you are right, zero bible, zero knowledge shown, only hatred and bad fruits. I know the Lord is the Lord I believe, what about you? Or are you following the Lord in 2 Cor 4:3-4?
      The fruits you're showing with your comments are rotten. You're behaving like the Pharisees, like the accuser with your commentary. A follower of Christ would never behave like you do, so watch it, remain vigilant and in prayer to the Lord. Other then that, I do not care for what you have to say your empty words means nothing, since you've shown you have nothing to say but offensive things and baseless accusations.

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 18 дней назад +5

      He is a troll. This is how trolls behave. I engage him for 2 reasons, 1) it’s fun and he gets to learn the truth. 2) it drives up the comments which benefits the channel. But he doesn’t even realize his desire to constantly talk and talk is benefitting the channel he is trying to discredit. Hilarious! 😂

    • @lavieenrose5954
      @lavieenrose5954 18 дней назад

      None of Revelation is written to us today ❤

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 18 дней назад

      @@lavieenrose5954 not as far as anything that's going to happen on the earth while the saints are here. The saints are gone when Revelation 13 starts

  • @BlakeMlungisi
    @BlakeMlungisi 18 дней назад +2

    Thank you guys❤

  • @smangelenondonga1241
    @smangelenondonga1241 18 дней назад +8

    I really don't understand these critics, do they even read their Bible's? Don't even get me started on the lack of research 😢😢

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 18 дней назад

      Why can't SDA do a math equation..? If you did .you wouldn't be, SDA!

    • @JamieElison
      @JamieElison 17 дней назад

      When are you going to do the math equation between 457b.c. and 1844 in the fall. or what day the 69 Weeks end on?.. and how far that is to the cross!

    • @INEEDYOUHolyspirit688
      @INEEDYOUHolyspirit688 17 дней назад +1

      Critics are out in force 😅 jimbob, Jamie & Mary Martinez are likely the same person.
      Very very desperate to deceive people into thinking they are different people with exactly the same opinion and wording the same

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 17 дней назад

      @@INEEDYOUHolyspirit688 if a critic tells you the truth !is that a critic??

    • @russhay422
      @russhay422 16 дней назад

      As the word says, strong delusion.

  • @deborahmitchell140
    @deborahmitchell140 17 дней назад +1

    1 yes I love the word of God❤️🌹🙏

  • @russhay422
    @russhay422 16 дней назад +1

    At the cross Jesus opened the door unto salvation. Going through the door is a path of submission and character refinement. As long as we are in submission/repentance we are covered by his shed blood.
    The implication of the 144,000 is that they are the only living righteous people when the 2nd coming takes place. Many people are saved and resurrected at that time who died while connected to the vine and walking in submission. The 144,000 are like Enoch and Elijah while those who are raised up at the last day are like Moses. However, we cannot presume that we can be saved while willfully disobedient and without submission/repentance.

    • @russhay422
      @russhay422 16 дней назад +1

      Keep in mind that even Paul said that he had not attained the goal of perfect submission. We must continually strive to a higher level of victory through the spirit working in and through us unto obedience.

    • @russhay422
      @russhay422 16 дней назад +1

      So we see the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is fully sufficient both to open the door to salvation and to cover our sins when we fall, allowing us to reconnect to the vine and receive the fruit of the spirit working obedience in us. Even the submission itself is a gift of the spirit but choosing that submission is our choice.

  • @JW-po9mb
    @JW-po9mb 17 дней назад +1

    The man really proved himself to be a false teacher.

  • @dallyjacobson2146
    @dallyjacobson2146 13 дней назад

    You Guys need to look at what you believe.
    You believe in 1844 Jesus went for the first time through the Vail into the Holy of Holies. This is no Biblical.
    Among other doctrines.

    • @AdventDefenseLeague
      @AdventDefenseLeague  13 дней назад +1

      Not "for the FIRST time." One of our pioneers used that phrase, but the church does not and neither does EGW. Jesus entered the entire sanctuary to inaugurate it first, that's what we read in Hebrews 9. Then He began His ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary in the Holy Place, according to the type. That's why during John's days we see in Rev. 1-4 Jesus walking among the candlesticks, which was an item in the Holy Place. It was later that Jesus ministers in the Most Holy. He followed the pattern in the type to completely fulfill it. Any claim that He didn't means He didn't fulfill it correctly and in order.

  • @jimbob1644
    @jimbob1644 18 дней назад +1

    SDA should be proud of (the just a messenger guy .!!!..that speaks on here.. that has two eyes like the Illuminati dollar bill! the eye of the pyramid! He is your representative !!! representing SDA theology! ( He said there is no tribe of Joseph!..)!!!! as it says in Revelation 7 verse 8!!!.. because he says Revelation 12.. the 12 Stars the Sun and the Moon cannot be what is being described in Genesis 37: 9.. because Joseph cannot be one of the tribe members! You should be proud of this guy..

  • @JamieElison
    @JamieElison 18 дней назад

    Hey Jason.. Myle's. Where is Daniel 7:10 happening at ?and who is there? What's happening in Revelation 5:11 who are those thousands and 10,000'S where are they at? When does Zechariah 14 happen? Who's with Jesus Christ in Zechariah 14:5 at the end of the verse?. Who are the voices in heaven in Revelation 19 in the very beginning?. Is it the same as Daniel 7 verse 10? Who are the people of Jude 1:14? Are they the same people ?when does that happen?. Where do they come from? When do they leave? you did a whole video. Proving the raptor don't happen and no saints go to heaven.. but did not go to the verse.. where they leave! What does 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 say? where do they meet him?. Is that the same thing as Revelation 19?.. can you show me the scripture verse that you're going to go to to heaven?

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 18 дней назад +5

      Daniel 7:10 and revelation 5:11 took place in heaven. But they were different events, daniel 7:10 was a judgment that took place while the little horn was doing its thing. And revelation 5 was when Jesus came to heaven after His death. Not sure what your point is.
      Revelation 19 are voices rejoicing in heaven praising God right around the second coming but the verse does not say who they are.
      The thing is that verse 2 says the whore has already been judged and verse 3 says she is burning in fire with her smoke rising up forever and ever. This means that those who are speaking in verse 1 is after the second coming.
      I believe that revelation 19 is a continuation of chapter 18 and occurs after revelation 19:21.
      Zech 14 says “the day of the Lord”…that is the second coming. This has not happened yet. If the saints at the end of the verse are with Jesus at the second coming, they are probably the saints mentioned in Matthew 27:52.
      Jude 1:14 says enoch prophesied about saints coming with the Lord to pass judgment on the wicked. This happens after the 1000 years when they come down in the new Jerusalem. Judgment of the wicked is not passed at the second coming, it is passed to the wicked after the 1000 years is over. So this does not prove a rapture.
      1 Thessalonians 4:16 is the second coming and the saved being taken off the planet to be with Jesus in heaven for 1000 years. Notice that the verses say nothing about those who taken off the ground ever coming back down. The next time we see anyone coming back to the earth after the second coming is in revelation 21.
      There is no pre-trib or any kind of rapture other than the rapture that occurs at the second coming of Jesus.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 18 дней назад

      ​@@justamessenger4577show me why they're different events? when did it happen?

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 18 дней назад +4

      I told you when they happened. I was quite clear on that.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 18 дней назад

      @@justamessenger4577 so you're saying the 42 months of Revelation 13 has already passed. And nothing in Revelation 13 is going to happen!

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 18 дней назад +2

      The 42 months has already happened. Most of revelation 13 has happened but not all. What does revelation 13 have to do with those two “different events” you asked about? I explained what those two events were and they were not in revelation 13.

  • @JamieElison
    @JamieElison 18 дней назад

    Revelation 12.. are the people that keep the commandments of God. Genesis 37 9. God is a covenant with these people in Revelation 12 Joseph is added to the picture and it tells you all of history till the end of time. and at the end they know who Jesus is. Because they recognize the guy that's calling himself God is not their Messiah who they're waiting for. they go through the Great tribulation. They are the people of Zechariah12+13.. They mourn for him as their only son they asked him where did you get these wounds!. They are the law keepers spoken of their that's not you!. Notice that's why they're law keepers!! and they become aware of who Jesus is !and now they have (the faith of Jesus )!that's not you! They are the people of Isaiah 11:11 Daniel 12! The children of Daniel for the last 42 months Revelation 12:14!

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 18 дней назад +4

      Nothing you just said made any sense.
      The twelve stars are Joseph and his brothers? In Genesis 37:9, the stars bowed down to Joseph. He was never called a star. And if you are going by Genesis 37:9, Joseph was higher than the other stars. But revelation 12 has them all on equal plane.
      Perhaps, just maybe, the 12 stars are the 12 tribes, of which none were Jospeh.
      I agree that the woman prior to verse 5 is the OT church but nothing to do with Joseph specifically. The woman after verse 5 is the NT church.

    • @JamieElison
      @JamieElison 18 дней назад

      @@justamessenger4577 once again you're showing how illiterate you are . When there's 11 Stars bowing down to him those are his brothers but if he's in the mix of them there's 12 Stars the moon and the sun who are his parents

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 18 дней назад +1

      Ok, show me where Joseph is called a star. His brothers are obviously shown to be stars but Joseph is not. I am looking forward to seeing where you get the idea that Joseph was called a star.
      You don’t think that the stars are the actual 12 tribes? Not even remotely possible?

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 18 дней назад

      ​​​@@justamessenger4577why his brothers are called a stars and it lets you know the sun and the moon are his parents. now he's showing you everybody at the end of time the woman is Israel! And the seven Kings are the seven Kings of Revelation 17 10+11. The devil is number 8. That go after the woman from the beginning of time to the end! The 1260 days the devil chases them to Petra in 70 add. after Jesus is caught up to heaven as it says ..and he sits at the right hand of the father with a rod to take care of you when you show up. Psalms 110. at the end of time. And the devil goes after the woman and they flee to Petra for 1,260 actual days. Then it says there's a war in heaven and now it takes you to the last (time times and a half a time) to the children of Daniel Daniel the end of time. Those that keep the law and they get put through the Great tribulation those that are not saved the 1/3 of Zechariah 13. And God changes their hearts they recognize who he is.! They were the law keepers now they are. and have the faith of Jesus! Zechariah 12 and 13!

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 18 дней назад

      ​@@justamessenger4577the uploader doesn't like the truth of Revelation 12 so I can't print it!

  • @JamieElison
    @JamieElison 18 дней назад

    Revelation 14 is not you people !you're just that blind! they are the remnant of Isaiah 11:11. the covenant is with them! after Romans chapter 11:25. you're finished!( that last line is you)!( from there on the covenant is with Jacob.. if you're still here you missed the rapture! they very conversation you were talking about on the other video..( that's not you)!. The same thing as it says in Luke 21:24!( you're finished)! everything from there on is not written to you! prophecy is not written to you! It's written( to Daniel's( children) of Daniel 12. Told to you by Daniel 9( determined)!!! unto his people for all of time!) and he tells you the names that are written in the book. Daniel 12! and those that are not ..(go through the fire.). Which is described in Zechariah chapter 13..( those people are not you ). Notice they asked him where did you get these wounds where would they have to be!????? Notice Zachariah 12... (they weep for him as their only son!)!! they're the people that flea in Revelation chapter 12 !(with the wings of a great eagle)! which has not happened yet the time times and a half a time of Revelation 12: 14!. Is Daniel 12! Notice those that get saved are the 1/3. They do not die !! They rule and reign and go right into the thousand year reign of Revelation 20! and the rest of them the devil goes after and puts them through the Great tribulation... in Revelation 12! At the very end . he goes after the woman! And puts them through the Great tribulation ( through the fire!) Why don't you know what Revelation 12 says? why do you not understand what Jesus Christ is still going to do? Ezekiel 36 God says He (puts his spirit in them )!not that they deserve it ..(but for his own name's sake).! In Romans chapter 11 ..he says the gifts and calling of God (are without repentance!!..) the covenant is with them! and he does it for the covenant that He made with their fathers! The (elect for the father sakes read it)!!!.. it tells you that! It is not you! you're finished!

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 18 дней назад +2

      You really need to learn how to construct coherent paragraphs.
      The time times and a half has happened in all its forms. There is no need to be looking for it.
      The only rapture that will take place is the one at the second coming, there are none prior to that. No pre-trib rapture.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 18 дней назад

      ​​@@justamessenger4577has Revelation 13 been completed. Did it even start yet?. Could you post the scripture verse that says you're going to heaven?

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 18 дней назад +2

      “Post the verse that says you are going to heaven”
      John 14:2-3. This passage says that we will be with Jesus where He is “in my fathers house” in the mansions He will make.
      Revelation 13 began a long time ago and is not complete yet.

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 18 дней назад

      ​@@justamessenger4577no that's the verse that says the (saints) Go to Heaven. but SDA is not Christian. and it doesn't tell you when.. show me where the verse that tells you you're leaving... It gives a description of it happening! There is that one? you should know where it that is.

    • @justamessenger4577
      @justamessenger4577 18 дней назад

      The saints go to heaven when Jesus returns and takes them off the planet (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. I do not know when that will be. No one on earth does.
      You want me to show you a verse that says that I am going to heaven?
      I did. John 14:2-3 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
      I am not sure why you bring up SDA church like this. This is proof positive that you are only here to argue and troll with SDA. Your desire that no SDA is saved is atrocious behavior. Atrocious. Do you actually think you exhibit Christlike behavior?