Hebrew Halacha: Hebrew Marriage & Contract/Ketubah

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2016
  • This ketubah/marriage contract is a template from our ancestor Simon ben Shetach who lived during the first century B.C.E.
    On.....the...day of the month....in the year....since the Creation of the Universe, the era according to which we are wont to reckon, here in the town of...., how ....son of.....said to this virgin.....daughter of...., 'Be thou my wife in accordance with the Law of Moses and Israel, and I will labor for thee, honor, maintain and support thee according to the custom of Hebrew husbands who toil for their wives, honor, maintain, and support them in integrity. And I will set aside for thee.....lieu of thy virginity---which are thine in accordance with the Law of Moses---and thy sustenance, clothing and necessities and live with thee in conjugal relationship in accordance with universal custom'. And this virgin concurred and became his wife. The dower which she brought from her father's home, in silver, gold valuables, raiment, and bed-clothes, amounts to......and.....the bridegroom agreed to enlarge this amount from his own possessions with the sum of....., making a total of.....And thus said......the bridegroom, 'I undertake, and my heirs too after me, the responsibility of this marriage contract, of the dower, and of the supplementary sum, so that all this shall be a charge upon the best of my property, real and personal, that I now possess or may acquire in the future. All my possessions, even the cloak on my back, shall be pledged for the security of this contract and the dower and of the supplementary sum assigned thereto'........the bridegroom has undertaken the responsibility for all the obligations of this marriage contract, as is usage with other marriage contracts made on the behalf of the daughters of Israel in accordance with the establishments of the Sages, whose memory be for an increasing. It must not be considered as a fictitious obligation or as just a form or deed. We have fulfilled the legal rite of symbolical delivery between.....the bridegroom....son of....and....the virgin...daughter of....., and have employed a means legally suited for het object to fortify everything that is stated here above, and all is licit and confirmed.
    _________________________ Bridegroom
    __________________________ Witness
    __________________________ Witness
    Petition Over Wine
    Baruch atah YHWH Elohenu Melek Ha'Olam, Bore Pri Ha'Gafen
    (Benevolent are You, YHWH our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who created the fruit of the vine)
    ***Sidenotes to Ketubah: I would suggest also adding the date as is aligns with the Gregorian as well in the top rendering of dates, times, years, for the Hebrew years, months, and days should be mentioned first
    *Only the father's name is put in the "son of..." parts
    For further questions:

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