You talk about leg cramps like you know something about it. A tiny hole in your sock won't relieve the pressure. The calf muscle is long and is not sectioned in little pieces. You have to relax the whole muscle for it to matter and for that to happen you would have to cut a longitudinal hole on your sock. There is no reason for cutting little holes in your sock. Stop destroying your socks, kids.
You talk about leg cramps like you know something about it. A tiny hole in your sock won't relieve the pressure. The calf muscle is long and is not sectioned in little pieces. You have to relax the whole muscle for it to matter and for that to happen you would have to cut a longitudinal hole on your sock. There is no reason for cutting little holes in your sock. Stop destroying your socks, kids.
Leave the socks alone cutting off is absolutely not for the peeps who lov footiesoxs
Who’s going to tell him about leg warmers 😅