Who was your most overpowered D&D character, and how did they get to be that powerful? #1

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 300

  • @DomyTheMad420
    @DomyTheMad420 3 года назад +144

    *smile dissapears*
    "... You got hasted."
    x'D Strike!

    • @robinheinemann1740
      @robinheinemann1740 3 года назад +2

      Especially because it's the 3.0 broken Variant.

    • @IveBeenWithBruma
      @IveBeenWithBruma 3 года назад +1

      Would've been funnier if it was an aoe spell like fireball. Permanent nukes killing you and your party instantly.

  • @CroobieLetter
    @CroobieLetter 3 года назад +109

    I like how half the OP Characters were so because of DM shenanigans

    • @nidohogg4783
      @nidohogg4783 3 года назад

      I enjoyed your comment but unfortunately you already have 69 likes.

    • @nidohogg4783
      @nidohogg4783 3 года назад +2

      Who the hell fucked it up

  • @fabiansuckfull9446
    @fabiansuckfull9446 3 года назад +43

    ...the MLM bard. I wanted to play a conman character so I came up with the MLM bard that would get people to invest into an adventurer investment sceme. The idea is that a farmer would pitch in a few gold that'd go towards buying gear for adventuring and in return he'd get a share of the loot. Of course he never got a share of the loot, he just got the money from the next smuck who invested. You could also get your buddies to invest and that'd net you a share of their profit.
    I became so ridiculously rich that I bankrolled an entire war just to make an exit to get out of the MLM/ponzi sceme I created. Money is power, my guys.
    I also may have taken advantage of our fighters -3 int modifyer to get him to invest into the adventuring fund as well.

    • @thatoneaparanoidguy862
      @thatoneaparanoidguy862 3 года назад +4

      I see this and raise you a MLM bard who is also Gay. The MLM MLM bard

    • @davidegaruti2582
      @davidegaruti2582 3 года назад +2

      That's not an MLM , it's a ponzi scheme : an MLM is when you convince the pepole who bought to become sellers to repay their debt , and then they will outsource their debt to the pepole they sell to , a pyramid scheme essentially , the problem with pyramid schemes is that they burn trough potential customers very quickly ,
      A ponzi scheme on the other hand is what you did , and burns trough potential customers more slowly , besides also potentially getting advertizment from customers who might also come for another round ,
      The problem with them is that the more pepole you get in the scheme the more ineffective it becomes , and the less pepole you pay , meaning it becomes less effective over time ,
      This can be solved if you hop to another market wich as adventurers you do ...

    • @nesmandan1037
      @nesmandan1037 3 года назад +2

      Bard here too, just wanted to try one. Except campaign was more about exploring than interacting in towns. Absolutely sucked in the fight supporting role. Acquired a Cloak of Elvinkind and Boots of Striding and Springing - to balance out the loser character out. Even crated a “boxing” proficiency for 4 att/rd with fists cause 1d2 points of damage doesn’t come near to what’s going on but allows him to disrupt spellcasters. Still the worst fighter at 6th level, but entertaining. Until we did a random treasure roll.... Girdle of Storm Giant Strength. So suddenly +6 to hit and +12 damage with each fist. Within 5 min he went from a joke to the Predator. He would spring and sneak into camp, launch a fireball into enemy barracks, then drop down and pulverize anyone in his way while cloaked. Good times, retired early, but brought out for goofball nights.

  • @penguinparty119
    @penguinparty119 3 года назад +53

    This wasn’t my character, but a friends; he made a war forge barbarian monk that was resistant to ALL types of damage except for psychic and required no sleep/food/ and breathing, when I asked him on how he told me that’s he’s good at math, reading between lines, and knowing how the game mechanics work.

    • @RasmusVJS
      @RasmusVJS 3 года назад +8

      So he just chose the warforged race (that takes care of the no sleep/food/breathing required) with the Path of the Totem barbarian (At 3rd level, if you choose the bear totem, you get resistance to all damage except psychic damage during rage). Cool idea, I love both of those individually, probably a lot of fun together. Though it didn't require any reading between the lines, that's just what that race and subclass does.

    • @BlackRainRising
      @BlackRainRising 3 года назад +1

      the 'hold construct' and 'control construct' spells could be really devastating in this situation... as well as 'rusting grasp' and 'acid fog'

    • @RasmusVJS
      @RasmusVJS 3 года назад +1

      @@BlackRainRising Where are those spells from? Never heard of them.

    • @turatimauro98
      @turatimauro98 3 года назад +3

      @@BlackRainRising Warforged are not considered constructs for spells that specifically target constructs. But oh boy do rust monsters harm them.

    • @JoelLopez-gq4uu
      @JoelLopez-gq4uu 3 года назад +2

      Sorry to burst your bubble, our your friends bubble. But didn't do anything special. He got the no food/sleep/etc from being a war forged that's just what they get as a racial feature. And path of the totem warrior barbarian gives him resistance to all damage except psychic while he's raged. Tbh he didn't do anything very special, he didn't read between the lines. A normal warforged barbarian going that same path. With no levels in monk, would do the exact same thing. So the monk levels did nothing, at least for what you've mentioned.

  • @blakeetter280
    @blakeetter280 2 года назад +1

    In a very high magic and homebrew campaign my character stood out for being almost entirely base dnd content. Literally all of his major features were from the players handbook (I think). Dude was a wild magic sorcerer, a 400 year old elf with a rogues backstory basically (family got murdered, sought revenge, yada yada). What really stood out is how effective he was at dismantling encounters. Dude regularly solo’d things that were supposed to be BBEGs or mini bosses. One highlight was collecting artifacts taken from demon lords, who were the main plot enemies. By the end of the campaign I had nine. He also charisma’d his way out of an ancient red dragon trying to kill him (owed her 20k, got out of it on a technicality) and then accidentally seduced her (I chickened out, it was weird). Made a walking castle with the DMs permission, became a millionaire and a lord, and went down in the lore as the most powerful mortal to ever live after I solo’d the demon kings second form. Mostly cuz I died but had made in game preparations in case I died months ago with the DM tho I hadn’t told anyone else so my death was properly dramatic.
    All in all dude was just really good at surviving encounters and defeating enemies. I think the best part was how he talked his way out of everything. Dm let us actually talk for them instead of just rolling so I got a lot more use out of persuasion.
    Oh and he was drinking buddies with the Overgod who also became his patron. Good times.

  • @ThorRockett
    @ThorRockett 3 года назад +13

    First ever “real” character I played in d and d 5e I was still pretty new to d and d and hopped in to a running dungeon crawl at my local comic shop that was aimed at newer/ younger played so my friend (the dm) was super excited to have someone who could actually learn the game and enjoy it in depth added to the ranks. Knowing I wanted something simple to start with I rolled up a barbarian, and oh what a mistake that was.... for the game and dm. I rolled up a Goliath bear totem barbarian for level 6 and took the toughness feat, so an additional +2 hp each level. And I rolled for my stats, what I ended with (in front of the dm) was an 18 (+2 for Goliath) in strength, 17(+1 for Goliath) in con, a 16 in dex, 14 in intelligence, 14 in wisdom, and 16 in charisma. I shouldn’t have kept those stats but as it was my first character and the fact that it was a fun no story dungeon crawl the dm let me keep it. So then I rolled for hot points.... not one roll was below a 10, and +6 hp per level.... Paired with my rage essentially doubling my hp in the heat of battle and being resistant to everything but physic damage I essentially sat at something like almost 200 hp, but it gets better. Our dm rolled loot for the end of every level and rolled a lot of two handed weapons early in so Ulog dragon slayer had a fire-tongue great sword, a plus 3 great axe, a dragon slayer great sword, and about a half dozen other weapons that he kept strapped to his back like spokes on a bike wheel. Fast forward and we decide to take these characters out of the dungeon with a time skip, we skipped to level 12, now here is where things got better and the most fun story came from, I took 3 levels in champion fighter and got the great weapon master feat. And did I mention I still never rolled lower than a 10 ON HP ROLLS! So I crit on a 19, have more hp than the party(which were like 5 other players) combined when I rage, I have a ton of movement, I can Reroll damage die on my weapon attacks, and just a bunch of other Melle stuff I can’t all remember. Then came the dire crocodile fight. I was the parties loot carrier and kept all the miscellaneous things in out bag of holding. When we come up to 6 dire crocodiles I reach in the bag drink a “make me small potion” (potion of reduce size) and turn gnome size, and the dm let me keep all my bonuses due to ulog have unnatural Goliath strength. And I proceeded to rage and force my way down 3 crocodiles throats and cut my way out from the inside with my flame tongue great sword, yep he killed 3 fire crocodiles by forcing his way in and cutting his way out, talk about heartburn. But what was revered as his MOST overpowered moment was when he soloed the big bad. We were in a small dungeon where the like lv 20 half dragon paladin in full plate and shield was waiting at the bottom, I somehow make it to him first while the party was tied up and whiteout a scratch so far. We had a full 10 rounds of exchanging blows and I almost killed him when (white a Nat 20 smite with a max spell slot ) took me to 0hp for the first time,(I was later told he was at on hp) when I hit zero I told the bbg that it was the best fight I bet had and I put my sword tip down and hit 0 still standing in a sentinel esc. Pose, I stayed like that until I my party FINALLY made their way to me right as they were about to heal me I gasp as I rolled my third death save and look at the (now really rough and out of spells and with low hp)party and smile “you guys just missed the greatest fight you would have ever seen” we stopped that group not long after but was my most cherished character I still have the sheet with his hoard of weapons and all, I plan on getting it framed

    • @logbobtom1234
      @logbobtom1234 3 года назад +2

      I’m not reading all of that but I’m happy for you or I’m sorry idk what happened

    • @Willimann
      @Willimann 3 года назад +3

      holy shit, how lucky rolls can make a character op as fuck so that he can solo the bbeg (almost). Nie char bro.

  • @swordseizure5114
    @swordseizure5114 3 года назад +5

    5E, this was my first DND campaign ever so I tried to keep it simple and made a variant human fighter, taking the sentinel feat because my DM recommended it.
    In the second session of that campaign us as level one characters were facing off against a plesiosaur. This was no ordinary plesiosaur though; its body was like elastic, and it was able to stretch its neck out much further than what we assumed normal.
    Our wizard was able to spot a strange object on the creatures fin with a lucky perception roll but my concern was just trying to keep from being eaten. With sentinel, I was able to stop the creature from attacking our cleric who was behind me. During this near suicidal act of heroics, I grappled the beasts outstretched neck. In doing so I caught a wiff of something extremely disturbing. This monster smelled like butter.
    It’s back to our wizards turn and he uses his familiar to attempt to remove the device that he spotted on the fin of the monster. With a successful strength check from a pigeon the item was removed and the beasts neck snapped like a broken rubber band; this sent me flying about 20 feet.
    This story is important because the item recovered was a pair of magical rubber underwear. Upon learning of this, the entire party was creeped out except mine because I was new and was having fun. My character promptly put them on and was taught to attune to them. The stats of the underwear are as follows:
    -Immunity to lightning
    -you can stretch your body in such a way that your reach is extended by 5ft.
    -you smell of butter, persisting through any other magical means.
    With training my character was able to increase this to 10 feet, and by level 4 I had the polearm master feat. So with an effective range of 15 feet with a polearm and a range of 10 unarmed, couple with a fighting style giving infinite opportunity attacks should they present themselves, enemies that were 10 feet away from me were completely unable to move.
    Should a creature enter 10ft of me, I would gain an opportunity attack and shove them prone which also reduces their movement to zero. Then on my turn I would use my action to attack them while prone, then step back to the proper range. It would get back to their turn they would need to get up and either enter my unarmed range or leave my armed range, both invoking attacks that render them immobile. As an Erdrich knight I was also able to cast create bonfire on them for one of my attacks, and while prone, they would most likely fail their saves.
    This resulted in my level 4 fighter being completely immune to melee combat (and lightning) by making my enemies unable to close in or escape and one by one find themselves rolling around in a bonfire.

    • @lucaswinsor4469
      @lucaswinsor4469 3 года назад +1

      The Tunnel fighter fighting style is the sole reason UA was banned in my first D&D campaign

  • @tobias2287
    @tobias2287 3 года назад +14

    Also I know it's a lot to ask of you guys, but could you someday do a video on Old Man Henderson? The only character to actually kill an Elder God in Call of Chthulu?

  • @ComicBookGuy420
    @ComicBookGuy420 3 года назад +20

    So I was scrambling to come up with a new big bad after one of my players (plot armor) fluked a lucky shot into the dragons eye
    So I ripped off Iron Fist
    My new big bad who had been a servant to the dragon entered the chamber after my merry band of loot ninjas had gone to work
    And he absorbed the dragons essence
    Level 5 minor bad guy can now transform into a Dragon at will and breathe fire in his human form
    I can't wait until my players discover that little treat

  • @purpleboye_
    @purpleboye_ 3 года назад +5

    My DM homebrewed a bunch of classes from Guild Wars 2. I created a Soulbeast Ranger that was able to temporarily fuse with his animal companion and take it's physical stats. My companion was a dire wolf.

  • @JCook-dx5pf
    @JCook-dx5pf 3 года назад +2

    Y'know Dave, I started watching Rip's channel for your narrative style, energy and humor. I subbed, not only for Nat 20's, but also for Brian's little inspirational blurbs at the end of his readings. The two of you got me through some dark spots this year. I'm glad to hear you adding a similar feel good blip to your stories. Thanks man.

  • @RasmusVJS
    @RasmusVJS 3 года назад +3

    Hearing these as someone who didn't play 3-3.5e (or at least didn't understand the mechanics when I did), the amount of words that have no meaning to me is astounding. :D

  • @itzmewalf
    @itzmewalf 3 года назад +17

    I had a campaign that a friend was doing. It was his first time DMing a campaign instead of just a one shot. I made an Aasimar war cleric with an acolyte background. (Fought in war, joined a church after.) I didn’t read too much into the archetype until after I made the character. For anyone that doesn’t know the war archetype, it allows you to attack as a bonus action for as many times a day as your wis mod. Pair this with inflict wounds, and you have a possible 60 damage at level 1.
    This character was accidentally OP.

    • @ikeillue8385
      @ikeillue8385 3 года назад +4

      I hate to be 'that' guy, but you can't actually pair that with inflict wounds, on multiple levels.
      First, it specifically states 'when you make an attack action', spells attacks are not attack actions. Attack actions are specifically done with weapons, spell attacks are specifically made as something separate, hence why they are called spell attacks, instead of attack actions.
      Second, you can't use the bonus action to cast a spell. Again, attack actions are specifically for weapons, not for spells.
      Third, inflict wounds is not a bonus action, so you can't use it as a bonus action, even if you have one available. A Sorcerer's meta magic, quickened spell, is a way around this, only because it literally turns the spell into a bonus action.
      Fourth, there is only one way in all of dnd 5e, that you can cast two leveled spells (any spell leveled 1-9) in one turn, and thats with action surge, otherwise, its straight up not allowed, even with the above mentioned quickened spell. At best you can do one leveled spell, and one cantrip. Otherwise a Sorcerer with quickened spell is the most op class in the game.

    • @ikeillue8385
      @ikeillue8385 3 года назад +3

      @Great White I suppose I don't know for sure, but all the information he gave fits directly into 5e system, including race, class, subclass, background, action types, subclass ability, and the spell mentioned. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that inflict wounds specifically, is only in 5e (I think there are things like, inflict light wounds, and inflict major wounds, but not inflict wounds.).

    • @itzmewalf
      @itzmewalf 3 года назад +1

      @@ikeillue8385 well I feel dumb. Thanks for pointing that out.

    • @RasmusVJS
      @RasmusVJS 3 года назад

      @@ikeillue8385 That last part is technically false, there are other ways of casting two spells on the same turn. The only restriction is that you can't both cast a spell with your bonus action AND your action. Yes, action surge is one way. Using your reaction to cast a spell would be another, for instance. Since we're being 'those guys' right now. :D

    • @ikeillue8385
      @ikeillue8385 3 года назад

      @@itzmewalf My intent was not to make you feel dumb, and I apologize for that. My intent was more for a learning experience.

  • @perl7789
    @perl7789 3 года назад +6

    My first character was a halfling named Rose. By the time I permanently retired her, she was a lv 20 Druid, lv 20 Ranger, lv 20 Rogue. With an ice Cerberus animal companion who had enough intelligence to be a Druid himself (made it to lv 18; as he replaced my winter wolf who died of old age when I became a rogue). With well over a thousand hp, spells from all three classes, AND a fully charged ring of 9 lives, she was almost impossible to kill. She was known as the dragon killer, as she had 5 different armors to equip to resist the 5 basic dragon types. Once she and her group were facing an elder red dragon, and she used hide in shadows so the dragon wouldn't notice her, then snuck close. At only 3 ft even, she snuck in between his legs, grabbed his nuts, and sliced them off. The dragon, surprised at the move, since he hadn't seen me, became prone. With a spell (I don't remember which one as it's been almost 10 years) up the anus, I blew it up.

    • @Im_A_Nerd
      @Im_A_Nerd 3 года назад +1

      how the heck did u go to lvl 20 in 3 classes that seems like it would take a very, very long time

    • @perl7789
      @perl7789 3 года назад +1

      @@Im_A_Nerd She was my first character. I made her almost 15 years ago. Up until last year, I pulled her out occasionally.

  • @eleventoes4421
    @eleventoes4421 3 года назад +5

    I currently have Sir Gallart Finch, a "shield knight"
    A battle master fighter with 20 con who wears 6+ shields to protect himself and others, dm homebrewed that he can benefit from 3 of the shields (instead of the usual 1). I also just so happened to find a set of plate armor in the very first dungeon we cleared. So, 24 AC. I also spam the Protect fighting style reaction to keep my friends safe, and I have the UA chef feat to heal my friends plenty extra during short rests. Oh, and I have a squire, his name is Estiere
    Did I mention I'm only level 4?

  • @renthegigglefox
    @renthegigglefox 3 года назад +1

    I had a DM that loved encouraging overpowered character builds through feat and rules exploits in 3.5. One of the characters that I built under his guidance was a Gnome Warmage that was equipped with a set of Mithril Full Plate armor, which was possible due to a combination of the Armored Spellcaster feat that comes with the class, Improved Armored Spellcaster, and the fact that Mithril cuts the armor classification of equipment by one tier (The armor weighed a mere 12.5 lbs due to being both small and mithril, halving its weight twice over). Another of my characters was a multiclass Sorcerer/Elemental Savant/Exalted Arcanist, the combination of which allowed them to, quite literally, rain holy fire onto the battlefield with all elemental energy types being converted to fire, then half of the damage becoming holy. But both of these pale in comparison to his own creation, which was an Artificer/Effigy Master who crafted a Geurillan effigy that had a modified strength (due to being a construct) of 35, and hit with 4 1d4+12 claw attacks, a 1d6+6 bite attack, plus, if two or more claw attacks connected, did an additional 1d4+12 rend damage. That character's effigy was so overpowered that, in an evenly matched CR encounter, nobody bothered to throw more than minimum effort into the fight, and it was over in two rounds.

  • @GermanRepublic3434
    @GermanRepublic3434 3 года назад +69

    "lesser demon fetish" I'll leave it at that.

    • @Garwinium
      @Garwinium 3 года назад +4

      good please dont elaborate

    • @mew9516
      @mew9516 3 года назад +4

      I wish you to elaborate, despite what Garwinium says.

    • @Garwinium
      @Garwinium 3 года назад +2

      @@mew9516 please for the love of chuck norris don't explain it to us

    • @gharley4172
      @gharley4172 3 года назад +2

      @@Garwinium demon balls

    • @mew9516
      @mew9516 3 года назад +2

      @@Garwinium *i think they already did*

  • @Boundless-Boredom
    @Boundless-Boredom 3 года назад +5

    5e: Rune knight,Paladin,hexblade,blood hunter.(every attack with my greatsword did a ridiculous amount of damage)
    3.5: wujen/incantatrix(so much metamagic)or the Uber charger that can one shot a dragon

    • @RasmusVJS
      @RasmusVJS 3 года назад +1

      1 character with 4 different classes for the 5e one? :D

  • @brentramsten249
    @brentramsten249 3 года назад +3

    i always wanted to make a character that was incredibly powerful, but never outshined my fellow players... and so i made the strongest pure tank build there is.
    the incarnum sourcebook for 3.5 had nifty feature called soulmelds. these were new meldshaper class dependent items worn on your body that could be made more powerful by binding them to your chakras, but prevent magic items being worn on those slots. this made it so that the most powerful use of its feature tended to be paired with other classes so people rarely level 20 characters with these class cause they usually locked you out of wearing magic items.
    this simple problem was corrected by my introduction of the vow of poverty from the book of exalted deeds gave you a set of bonus for a character completed decked out in magic gear of about that level for the low cost of not having any possessions and giving your shared of the gold to those deserving (and less fortunate).
    most of the bonuses are utility (like not needing to eat, drink or even breathe as well as other immunities stat bonuses) and laughably huge bonus to armor (+15 by itself at level 18) and 10 damage resistance.
    combine that with the 'good incarnate' class, not only is your primary stat constitution you could give yourself decent bonuses passively to armor, most of which stacked with the vow of poverty bonuses. heck i could give myself +14 armor as a swift, standard and free action in one turn. not to mention the huge amount of immunities i could gain access to using specific soulmelds like evasion, fire damage for every successful melee hit on me and immunity to all death effects (if it says "dies" you are immune to it). so long as you know what your up against, you basically get to sit there and say, "no" to the DM every time he tells you something.
    so... you might be asking at this point, "why would any monster ever attack you?", and thats where the loop hole in the vow of poverty comes in. you arent allowed possession, but you are allowed no magic equipment specifically to aide you in combat.
    and for anyone who doesnt know, tower shields are the most brokenly OP things a level 1 character can have access to. they are so powerful in fact that almost all shield based feats exclude tower shields lest they become too broken. in any round the character doesnt attack, they may use a tower shield they have equipped to grant themselves or anyone standing within reach 180 degrees of "total cover" 1. cannot be the subject of attacks 2. prevents line of sight (this stops a lot of spells) 3. has a plus 8 bonus to dex saves. (for some reason this doesnt cost an action, not even a free action of which you only have 7 of in a turn). you can attack the shields themselves, which does do non-leathal damage to the wielder, but since any magical healing cures all non-lethal damage instantly, they would have to do my entire health in 1 turn, and even then id just get right back up to full after literally any healing.
    so my character unironically dual wields tower shields so she can protect the squishies of the team while they deal death... in their own time.
    funniest part was i put far more effort into her backstory and how she'd be role played than into making this build.
    too bad i was forever DM, never did get to play her.

  • @PsychoticLynxx
    @PsychoticLynxx 3 года назад +1

    lvl 10 barbarian with a homebrew hammer that stored every hit that would send him below 1hp while enraged as a charge, once rage ended he'd fall unconscious and the charges would convert to failed a death save per charge, the loophole was that if i was healed before rage ended, all the charges would disappear. i could in theory enter a fight with 1 hp and leave it within 10 rounds with more hp as long as i didnt take lethal damage, which was hard to achieve at that level with around 100hp maximum and the highest damage dealt ever in our campaign by anyone up to that point was 67 acid damage, from a dragon on which back i was riding at that time. we had a ranger with an allied eagle who's only task was to drop a modified homebrew potion of healing on me right before my rage ended. our artificer had chemically modified the potion of healing recipe to work on contact with skin instead of ingestion but with a lesser healing effect. in short i was invinsible for 10 rounds at a time

  • @Thundarr100
    @Thundarr100 3 года назад +1

    My most powerful character in D&D was probably my very first character, Nord Steelheart, a human male Chaotic Good Barbarian Berserker. I made him way back in 1st Edition AD&D. He was 7'8" tall, weighed about 400 pounds of solid muscle, with 18/100 STR, 18 DEX, 18 CON, 18 CHA, and 21 COM (Comeliness, aka Physical Beauty), with an INT and WIS of 14 & 15 respectively.
    Because he was my very first character, and our group was very small (myself, the DM, and one other player) the DM didn't want me getting frustrated and quitting the game, so he allowed me to roll with a VERY generous system (4d6, reroll all 1s, 2s and doubles, drop the lowest die) so that I wouldn't die very easy and I would be able to do some awesome feats of heroism. And because I told him that I wanted my character to be "Andre The Giant type huge" he hand waved the percentile roll for extraordinary strength and allowed me to just have maximum (18/100).
    I was allowed to play that character for years, converting him to 2nd Edition and working him up to 13th level before semi-retiring him. If I'm ever playing in a 1st or 2nd Edition game with high-ish level characters (13 level plus) I might dust him off and bring him out of retirement to kick some more monster ass.
    He also has acquired some badass magical items, including a suit of dragon skin armor, a +2 broadsword of Nine Lives Stealing, a +2 Battle-axe, Boots Of The North, and a fur cloak made from the hide of a winter wolf.

  • @neock
    @neock 3 года назад +1

    my most op character was a homebrew golem called a core golem. his class was a berserker (starved archtype). his golem attributes allowed him to avoid being killed by shrinking his class when he hits zero HP, then regain all his HP back again. he had 300 HP at level 18, and was classed as a huge creature. he could attack 8 times a round, every attack being a forced crit at x4 damage while forcing a max hit die. he could add his starvation level(10+level) to the damage bonus mod with his attack already doing 4d8+6d4. he ended up being a siege class monster and ripped his way thrue a castle when the paladin used a growth spell on my golem. he was capable of hitting 2688 damage a round. the downside was he would turn on his allies when in the state he could hit like this, as a true berserker. he also has a 10 foot field of heat that would do 2d6 damage a round to anything within the area, and anything that didnt move from that 10 foot aura would be lit on fire for 2 rounds... after the campain, he was banished via Devine intervention. some say to this day, he is pulverizing everything that moves in some other dimention...

  • @timdrugge907
    @timdrugge907 3 года назад

    I joined an X-COM style campaign that began with Enemy Unknown/Within, though I was only able to play for a week, work and family issues pulling me away for a few months. A few things to understand first. 1) Each player got 2 characters; a soldier who did the fighting and a base admin who helped make the decisions. 2) The DM intended the game to be fairly standard, but we players wanted to 'mod' it right from the start; bring in classes from X-COM 2 and Long War and things like that. The DM warned "if you get to mod, then I get to mod" and we'd agreed that was fair, so ADVENT had a very wide variety of forces with large numbers we had to face. 3) Right at the start, we were told the campaign was going to involve multiple games and would be the equivalent of max difficulty, so think carefully about our actions and decisions. Because of this, we went in expecting to be effectively playing X-COM 2 at the end, but as the DM also said they weren't going to railroad, we could change how and what events occurred. And 4) MELD compatibility and Psionic gifts were exclusive features that, unless you expressly said you wanted a psionic soldier or one with MELD augments, you had to roll 2 d100s to determine if your soldier was MELD compatible or Psionically gifted. What the DM didn't tell was there was a threshold of, if you rolled below 10 on both, you're soldier got both.
    Because I left early, my initial soldier was turned into an NPC, who later died when an NPC squad was sent on a mission nobody came back from, and my base admin was an engineer who just became the assistant of another player's chief engineer, who was also later killed during the HQ assault (RNG was brutal). I'd wanted to play a psion once we unlocked that ability, so when I was able to return, I asked the DM if my soldier could be one, which they allowed, the PC squad not having a dedicated psion still (when I left, the player count dropped to 5, but when I came back, it rose up to 8). What I didn't expect was for the DM to make my soldier a stand-in for Annette Durand, a powerful psionic rescued in a EW council mission who, in the game, was guaranteed to test positive for the psionic gift while being a regular soldier. Here, my Durand was a dedicated psion, though I did have a "wild magic" element to them at first, needing to roll each time I used my powers to keep them under control until I reached Captain rank, otherwise I could let out a shockwave to damage/panic everyone around me or accidentally stasis myself, though I also had a chance to double the power of my attack. Playing them was fun, but they weren't the most powerful person on the squad, so was far from being overpowered.
    That came when it came time for the ADVENT Mothership Assault Mission and I sent Durand into The Gollop Chamber as The Volunteer. The DM then instructed me and the player whose base character was The Commander to step into another room. The DM explained that Asaru, a friendly Earth-born Ethereal from X-COM The Bureau Declassified, was a secret advisor of X-COM's Commanders, having been attaching itself to whoever led the X-COM organization since its awakening and learning from them, but nobody who achieved a leadership role was a strong enough psion to make Asaru consider bonding to them. Because of how powerful Durand was, Asaru was willing to form that bond, seeing the mission as too important to leave up to someone who had only recently gotten full control of their powers, and just wanting to get back out into the field and into active combat again, but on the condition that Durand become an instructor for X-COM's psions, taking on an admin role. I agreed and the DM gave me Asaru's character sheet as my second character and second soldier to control during the mission.
    This is what made Durand overpowered, as Asaru could perform their own psionic abilities independently from Durand's, making it so I was effectively casting two spells every turn. And because the player's soldiers weren't limited to the abilities of their class's skill tree, Durand also had Sprinter for extra movement and various melee skills as they trained towards becoming a Templar to gain further control over their powers. During the Mothership Assault, the DM, knowing we players wanted to capture the mothership for ourselves, as Asaru instructed Durand to race forward, physically grab one of three Ethereals on the bridge, and use Mind Control/Domination on them, which didn't work on the first one but did on the second, allowing them to tear the knowledge of how to control the ship away while also draining some of their psionic energy due to the actions dealing enough damage to kill the Ethereal, increasing both Durand and Asaru's maximum psi-energy. Combined with the fact the DM had rolled a 4 on MELD compatibility when rolling up Durand's sheet, meaning they were able to be augmented too, they only got even more stupidly powerful as the campaign continued into its next arcs.
    The DM later admitted they were planning on having Asaru come into play purely because we players believed things were going to reach X-COM 2's situation and wanted to capture the Mothership for scrapping or conversion, having already started the process with the captured battleship from the Friend In Low Places chain; a seed that was planted before I was able to rejoin, so Durand ended up getting boosted just because it made the most sense, but the DM wasn't expecting that to work so well, having made the chance for it to work very, very low. Durand was still a lot of fun to play, even in the later arcs, the DM being creative in the situations we were forced into where how overpowered we were in combat didn't matter, so props to them for making my character OP while also keeping the risk of death and failure persistent.

  • @catherinehalcrow1666
    @catherinehalcrow1666 3 года назад +2

    ooh i love this character, 2nd character i ever made so it was a monk teifling. We were playing with a warlock and fighter, and we were allowed to take some magic items due to us starting at around level 8-10, it was a year ago im bad at remembering. I took only magic items that buffed my stats (belt of fire giant strength, circlet of intellect and necklace of health), so my stats were busted. My average was 19.3, i think it was str:25 dex:20 con:19 wis:18 int:19 and cha:15. I wasnt mad at anything, basically like an anime character. I took astral monk which didnt make much of a difference but became hilarous at the end. We adventured around a castle and got some more items, i got the chuck noriss, a red spandex glove that gave +5 to all unarmed strike damage and improvised thrown weapon damage (i liked to throw rocks). Eventually i had a stupid moment where i threw a giant door into a room that i thought had owlbears in, but didnt. I decided to keep the door for the time being because my carrying capacity was busted. We ran off and travelled to a village, where i negociated with the dm to turn the door into 2 giant metal gauntlets. Not counting as weapons, -5 to hit, +5 to damage. Cant hold weapons with it on, and takes 5 mins to don or doff. This made my attacks deal 1d6 + 17, which was stupid. I then starting the multiclassing. I first went for 3 levels in fighter for action surge, then 3 in ranger for gloom stalker bonuses. At this point, i could attack 8 times per turn because my dm let me double my gloom stalker extra attack with action surge. I was carrying this party at the moment, doing massive damage, massive tank and amazing mobility, good skills and brilliant negociating skills by using the power of smashing someone next to the person you want to intimidates head in in .2 seconds. The final few sessions arrive and we are tasked to kill some sorceress. We went to her castle and looted it, very hard. It had stupid op gear, like a scroll that made us demigods and gave us x10 damage to mortals, and x2 damage to other demigods, as well as 300 extra max hp. The best item, by far, was a new set of gauntlets. Same as the old gauntlets, but when i attack, i can attack again once. Every attack. All the time. It also gave me the ability to use one of 6 charges to restrain an enemy until they use 20ft of their movement to break out. This meant i could get 16 attacks in one turn. With 1d6 + 17, 2d6 + 17 with hunters mark. Then the dm gave us a level before the final boss fight. Echo knight time. The gauntlets extra attacks came in the form of astral arms, seperate from my astral self. I could get my jojo stand a jojo stand for his jojo stand. I had 20 attacks with stupid attack damage, and then the sorceress appeared with some cultits doing a ritual behind her. I used my super mega ultra wombo combo and then a few turns of normal attacking before the cultists finished whatever they were doing and turned the sorceress into a god. We got a full reset, but i didnt realise so i didng action surge the man, i still did by far the most damage in the party though (they all also got godlike gear, one had an instakill sword on crits, popped once on a cultist). We settled down in a town and ended the campaign. I secretly put a party im running in this town, and im planning on having the party have the option to duel the woman who killed a god as an optional level 20 boss. Also amazingly fun to play, and im so proud of the character i made. Thank you if you read this, ilyall.

  • @votalitas
    @votalitas 3 года назад

    I made a warforged character named Tony for a 5e one-shot where we started at level 6. He had 2 levels in Fighter, 2 as a Hexblade Warlock (with both Agonizing Blast and Pushing Blast invocations) and 2 levels in Sorcerer (Storm). This meant that he could cast Hex on the first round, Hexblade's curse on the second (both while casting Eldritch blast, striking twice as I was above 5th level). This followed with a ridiculous 3rd round involving him casting Eldritch Blast as an action, quicken it to cast it again, then action surge to cast it a third time, each time dealing damage an additional 1d6 from the Hex and his CHA mod (+2) added to each beam with a total of 6 beams in one round. Additionally, the Hexblade's curse meant that it crit on a 19 or 20 and dealt additional damage equal to my prof bonus (+3). This meant that, assuming that he hit with all 3 casts but didn't crit on any of them, he would deal 6×d10, 6×d6 +30 and, assuming he managed to crit all 6 attacks, had the potential to deal 222 force damage and push a creature 60ft in one turn at level 6. All while being able to wear full plate. The final boss for the one-shot was a slightly nerfed Kraken and he dealt nearly half its health on the 3rd round, finishing it off completely. I worked out that he would have been more powerful being a half-elf but he was painted gold and red and his warlock patron was called Jarvis. Additionally, my DM allowed my eldritch blasts to look like Iron Man's Lasers so I thought that a warforged would be more fun. TLDR: I our one-shot ended with Iron Man obliterating a Kraken with lasers in a cave :-)

  • @KarmicKnight97
    @KarmicKnight97 3 года назад

    I had an Aasimar fighter (Purple Dragon Knight), called Markus. I rolled really shitty stats, but fortunately in the party there was a Rune Priest, which I'd never heard of in 5e. He was presumably a homebrew class, and had the ability to enchant items with runes from low levels, which for some reason he usually did in exchange for the heads of whatever we kill. So we began to experiment with it. I gave him my jacket to work on, which was a vital part of the character, seeing as my wings were sewn into it. He then carved a rune that tripled my flight speed. So now I can fly at 90ft per round. He added another rune, which enabled me to use my wings at will, which was a massive boon for a front line fighter, and as a means of transport. Then, a few sessions later after watching him enchant a crossbow, I had the idea of getting my greatsword enchanted. Because its a large weapon, it had space for 3 runes. I chose 3 identical runes of fire, leading to a sword that did not only 2d6+4 slashing but also another 3d6 fire damage as well. Combined with the extra radiant damage from my Protector Aasimar ability, I could reliably get 20-30 damage on a single hit. I could attack twice on a turn at that point, 4 if I used action surge. The mobility as well as the damage, combined together with the PDK support abilities AND healing hands meant that I was a tank, DPS, vehicle, healer and generally useful. All that was before I stole a ring of invisibility, bought a ring of protection, looted better armour and reinforced my jacket for a total AC of 20 in medium armour and no shield.
    Its a shame that campaign didn't work out. I miss Markus.

  • @ikeillue8385
    @ikeillue8385 3 года назад

    My most broken character was partially due to the campaign we were playing, partially due to the character. We were playing Curse of Strahd. I was a Hex blade warlock, human variant with polearm expert (as you do), obviously used the extra attack invocation, and the lifedrinker invocation, used a scythe (just a quarterstaff homebrewed to slashing damage), and a very expensive buckler, designed to be attached to the arm, with out use of a hand (this allowed me to use the two handed damage of my weapon), which was also given a plus 1 enchantment, a ring of spell storing (always had a counter spell in that sucker), bought a rod of the pact keeper (that one cost me a pretty penny), and found *spoilers again* the shield guardian and control amulet. Even with nothing else going for him, a character who takes half damage from all sources, who has armor of Agathys active is a terrifying foe (essentially a 50 temp health shield, that does 25 damage to you every time you land a melee attack on it. 29 damage is hex blade's curse is active. The melee oriented vampires were a joke to my character).
    Due to the hex blade aspect making my weapon crucial to my character, the dm allowed my scythe to consume and take on the magical properties of another magic weapon, so I ate *spoilers for curse of Strahd* Vladimir Horngaard's Great sword, which bumped my scythe up to a d8/d10 weapon (instead of 2d6. probably for the better), with a plus 2 enchantment, and gained the ability that it did a bonus 4d6 damage specifically to Strahd.
    Anyway, in short, I had a, not amazing, but not terrible AC of 18 (mage armor for free was a worth while invocation investment), around 80ish health (which was effectively 160 because of the shield guardian), had 4 5th level spell slots (rod of the pact keeper restoring 1 of my natural 3), 1 4th level spell slot (the ring of spell storing), and 1 1st level spell slot (magic initiate), and could build up my damage every round, up to 2d10's (base weapon damage) 3d6's (hex) 1d4 (bonus action hit) plus 48 (between my charisma twice for base damage and life drinker, hex blade's curse, and the plus 2 on my weapon), and thats on any random enemy we encountered. Against Strahd, I got to add 12d6 to that.
    Essentially, when we actually fought Strahd, it boiled down to, first action Strahd summoned his armor, so I dispelled it and hex blade cursed him. Second action (this was after he tried to use meteor swarm, which I counter spelled. My Dm buffed Strahd a bit.), I used hex, and threw two attacks his way, did a little over 60 damage (I rolled really poorly). Third action, he attempted to run away by phasing through a gate, which I used Scatter to just put myself and my allies around him again. Unfortunately, the DM threw a random Banshee at us at this point, and I failed my con save, so I was knocked unconscious, but my team finished Strahd off that turn anyway. I suppose its all well and good, its a little awkward when one of the PC's could have literally soloed the final boss in 4 turns.

  • @themustardman219
    @themustardman219 3 года назад

    I know a couple people (streamers) that are currently in a d&d campaign. I'm not sure if they're still doing the campaign, as I haven't watched in a bit, but last I remember: These two people's characters are cats. Literally just cats. One is a cleric, one is a bard. The cleric's god is Bahamut/Bahammut/however it's spelled, and has an AC of 24 at level 10, his weapon being a fucking spoon. The bard had a +17 modifier for charisma and used it to hug everyone she saw, including Bahamut, a blue dragon, and a storm giant (after drinking 5x her bodyweight in mead to befriend the giant) In the first fight, the cleric turned a hobgoblin captain to dust in one turn with a spoon, and the two managed to intimidate two hobgoblins named Steve and Greg for information, and they became best friends through PTSD. The cleric also succeeded in casting Divine Intervention on a hag, and the bard got to hug Bahamut when that happened. This comment is taking too long to type out, so I'll list the party members and their twitch.
    www.twitch.tv/FurTrap, the cleric.
    www.twitch.tv/ariyana the bard
    I can't remember the other two, but you might be able to find them if your interested.
    They are all vrstreamers.

  • @HyperChronos27
    @HyperChronos27 3 года назад

    In a mostly homebrew setting 5e campaign, I had a phoenix sorcerer who was able to deal mountains of damage, mostly due to exploiting the line "Whenever you roll fire damage on your turn, the roll gains a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier." by using a lot of scorching ray.
    He was a mid-later game character, so it wasn't uncommon for most if not all of his shots to hit their mark. Because of that, on his turns, it was easy to expend a 5th level spell slot to end up dealing 12d6 + 30 fire damage. Combined with elemental adept, this damage ignored resistances, and I treated 1s rolled as 2s.
    Another fun side effect of phoenix sorcery is that the mantle of flame caused people who attacked me to take fire damage equal to my charisma modifier. Combined with Flames of Phlegethos (my boi was a tiefling) and the 1d4 roll was technically "rolling fire damage on my turn", at least, for attacks of opportunity that I triggered. I'd bait people into attacking me and they'd end up taking 1d4 + 10 fire damage, and sometimes I'd throw in a hellish rebuke too for fun.
    The best part is that at one point, we ran into the deck of many things. My boi said he was going to draw all of them on a dare, but ended up dealing with the after effects of the first card for a while and forgot to finish. This led to every single card in the deck taking effect at once. Most of the truly bad stuff was canceled out by other cards, and in the end, he was even more absurdly powerful than before, as his charisma bonus had been bumped to +6.
    There was a lot more cheese and damage later on that came in the form of a homebrew spell and two levels in monk, but for now, I'll stick with official stuff.
    For information on my boi himself, he was actually the idol of a cult who worshipped him as the son of the demon lord Pale Knight. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons (I played no small part myself), the rest of the campaign is the kind of thing that belongs in r/rpghorrorstories, but that's a story for another time.

  • @vahlok1426
    @vahlok1426 3 года назад +1

    My most powerful character ever was my 3.5e pure Barbarian; Vahlok (val-ock) Rhogar (row-gahr) of Clan Wolfhold.
    Firstly, the DM let us roll for stats, meaning I started at level 1 with something either 17-18 in strength, 14 Dex, and 14 Con. I wanted him to be the one who chonked the chonky bois, so kept pumping Str. This wasn't enough to make him OP though.
    See, at one point during the campaign we were tasked with helping a benevolent female lord of a vampire kingdom, no seriously this was a thing, to stop the more dark vampire lords from overthrowing her. We as a party infiltrated the evil vampire count's manor and in there found a curious item/NPC; a sentient skull of a gambler, cursed to live forever by the count and hold an infamous DECK OF MANY THINGS. Us being us, we all wanted to draw from said deck at least once. Rogue lost a couple stats, but drew again and gained four levels on the spot. Bard drew and gained a fiefdom somewhere, I forget. Meanwhile, I drew and got the card that targets one of your weapons and buffs and enchants it permanently. Hoped it would choose my sword, but it went for my great club instead. I wasn't about to turn down a free +5 Icy Burst Great Club though. So there's that, but I was feeling the need. The need for greed. So I drew again. Got the card that spawns 2 chests; one with gold, the other with just as much in gems and jewelry. Took the latter, got over 30k in gold for all of it. I used it to buy a breastplate for myself, now I know immediately people are going to say "Wait, barbarians only get to rage with light or less in 3.5!" You're right, which is why I had it made from Mithril. For those out of the loop, in 3.5 a mithril item was lightened by one step. Meaning my medium breastplate was made light, and I asked around for a place that could upgrade the armor. Found a smith who could pump it up to as much as +3, our DM was into us getting powerful (we were fighting a fallen angel and her demon allies after all) so I had the armor upgraded.
    So, +5 Icy Burst Gr. Club, +3 Mithril Breastplate, what else? Well there were the random magic items we found, including; a cloak of resistance +5, an amulet of natural armor +3, and a Belt of Giant's Strength (which back then didn't just nearly cap your stat, it added to it).
    Altogether I didn't get to play past level 8 on this Barb. But I did end with;
    Base Stats -
    95 HP, 23 AC, 40 Speed, 21 Str base (Modified to 25 w/ belt, and went up to 32 when I raged), 14 Dex, 14 Con base (modified to 18 w/ items, buffed to 22 when raging), a paltry 8 Int, 12 Wis, and 10 Cha.
    Saves -
    Fort. +15
    Reflex +11
    Will. +10/12(raging)
    Icy Burst Gr. Club -
    Atk Bonus: +20/+13 (multiattacks) buffed to +23/+18 when raging
    Damage: 1D10 +12/15(when raging) +1d6 cold
    My minimum damage with the maul was 13, but considering I nearly didn't miss ever I often swung much higher. And I got to attack twice, making it minimum 26 per turn. Max damage, with a crit on both attacks equaled 74 damage altogether in a best case scenario. Mind, I also had Great Cleave, so enemy hordes just melted to this guy. And the kicker, all of this was done before and at level 8. I didn't even get to fulfill my dream of prestige classing into a Frenzied Berserker. Hoo boy! That would have been even worse!
    You might think that with all this that the campaign was a slog of big guys hitting enemies and them all dying in one or two hits, well yes that was the case often, but my friend was good at sending hordes at us and making it fun as hell. It was like living out our own Lord of the Rings battles, man that campaign was fun.

  • @logans.7932
    @logans.7932 3 года назад +3

    The lake gnome story just goes to show what you could pull off when the game was more complicated lol

  • @camdenthompson4307
    @camdenthompson4307 3 года назад

    i one time made a character for D&D that i was originally made for a video game i wanted to make in the future ( i placed him in D&D to see how people would like him). to summarize, he was a sort of ghost/Ninja/Wizard who was born in a separate continent. he was sent to the mainland to make sure their current foe didn't conquer any other places ( they didn't know the foes were Aberrations from the far realm, like Mind Flayers and Beholders. but luckily they were resistant against Psionics as well and Necromancy for some reason). now, i tried making him as close as i could to how i envisioned him to be. which ended up currently being someone who can turn invisible for 1 minute one per day, and at level 3 can phase through walls ( i made a custom race and background). on top of that, his background allowed him to use any damage spell, FOR A SNEAK ATTACK! he quite literally has some ridiculous powers

  • @D_1_O
    @D_1_O 3 года назад +2

    I may or may not have created a fighter that ended up multiclassing 18 levels into wizard, resulting in a wizard with Action Surge and an AC of 19...

  • @spartanhawk7637
    @spartanhawk7637 3 года назад

    Nihlus Modares, a proud protector of Warhammer 40,000's Imperium of Man in the Adeptus Arbites (basically Judge Dredd). He was a simple man in his mid-30s who'd been on the force for 10 years, busting criminals, leading police raids, and generally being the ultimate SWAT officer while working with the Inquisition on a long-standing case of alien gunrunning. All this combat experience gave him near indomitable willpower on par with an Astartes (that took a lot of levels to get), this made him near immune to demonic happenings and made him an ideal Inquisitorial Agent. He was also a good leader and better warrior, known for spotting weaknesses in a foe's defense and exploiting them expertly. All of this culminated into a final showdown with a big bad with the unholy ability to regenerate from death itself. We sent this dude through a GAUNTLET, stabbing him, shooting him, pouring acid on his corpse, destroying the grenades on his belt...and none of it worked. No matter what he would just keep coming. Eventually, Nihlus hotwired a hovercar and drove it into him at full speed, hoping to pin him to the wall...and the car EXPLODED. Nihlus survived just barely (I burned a fate point permanently to have him hold on) and that was when the DM and I had some FUN.
    He emerged from the operating table a new man(?), covered in ceramics and titanium alloys in a crude mockery of the human form. His fingers didn't curl all the way but he was functional, calculating, brilliant, and under it all, human. He was better equipped than ever to take on crime, having no need to breathe, instead using advanced air filters to remove toxins and take in the cleanest air he'd ever smelled. He was a crack shot with his triple-shot uzi, made legendary by never jamming, and had a shield he could telescope out of his arm. He was known for walking through gunfire, taking out petty scum with ease.
    Yes, my DM and I turned him into Robocop and it was GLORIOUS. ruclips.net/video/Kb1_38445vA/видео.html

  • @Wolfy00000
    @Wolfy00000 3 года назад

    Probably my first and current character, Aust the Half-elf monk. He is not of in the sense of being unkill able, but more like skill. He can speak a ton of languages because of learning or a magic charm with the language, he can cast telekinesis using a ring that had 50 total charges (currently 34 charges), could teleport shadow to shadow up to 60ft (Way of the Shadow), likes to make jewelry, which he can use to inlay runes into items, now knows how to use runes (only has 7 runes at the moment, two of which destroy the item in them at te moment, but he is going to learn more), and his most OP skill is his diplomatic skills using words and a flute. He has a +3 to charisma and is a half-elf, who are well known for their trustworthiness. He helped found a COUNTRY and exercise a demon who had beef with the party trying to ruin the debate, helped with a war by flinging barbarians as projectiles (or just flinging them), took care of a ton of stuff during the last character arch of our warlock and his Old-one patron, and is now making magic items on the fly with runes. Can still be killed though.

  • @Transubstantiate
    @Transubstantiate 3 года назад

    I once built a gnome Red Mantis Assassin Rogue in Pathfinder 1e named Thurliss for a level 20 mythic game (actually my second character, the first died in battle against impossible odds - a good death). Thurliss was an amazing little gnome who used their magical assassin abilities to their fullest, once even assassinating a target in the instant before he could rub away (Red Mantis Assassins used a kind of mesmerism effect to lock a target down for three rounds before swinging their two saw-toothed sabers at the same time to decapitate an opponent). What made them so powerful was the combination of abilities that led to their armor class being more than 70 (I don't remember how I managed it, I just remember the GM verifying everything dumbfounded). Nothing could hit Thurliss on anything less than a natural 20. At mythic tier 10, we fought against the Whispering Tyrant (super badass lich the GM made by reskinning and improving the Lich King, a lich with 40 levels, from the 3.5 World of Warcraft bestiary) and an army of undead and enslaved orcs. Thurliss was flying and went right past the BBEG, who was invisible and had made his epic sword into his phylactory. This provoked an attack of opportunity and the Whispering Tyrant rolled a natural 1. The GM rolled to confirm - crit fumble. She was again dumbfounded and, after a moment, described how the BBEG swung his badass sword and missed so hard it slipped from his grasp. Thurliss was the first to the sword and the rest of the party showered re-death on the lich king before we created a plane for the Duke purpose of destroying the sword, which could only be destroyed in a volcanic eruption big enough to destroy a plane. That fumble is a moment I take credit for to this very day, insisting that it only happened because of how scary Thurliss' AC was.

  • @KBgamer2010
    @KBgamer2010 3 года назад

    Okay so I went through this campaign where it is basically a mix of multiple pulp fictions rolled into one and it mostly used Pathfinder system. Races and classes were reskins of Pathfinder race/class (We were also using the Mythic Adventures add-on system from pathfinder)
    This campaign had 2 Overpowered characters the first was my younger brother's who
    coincidentally was THE answer to the main plot of the campaign (Space Sci-fi setting)
    Brother plays a freaking TIME LORD named...The Mechanic. 13 lives upon death, turns into a ticking time bomb when he dies automatically dealing xd8 damage to everything within a 20ft radius around him (x = level)
    The Mechanic can then manipulate time however he liked, removing enemies from time, speed everyone else up, slow time down so that the party can get a full 8 hours of rest in 10 minutes. By the end of the campaign, the mechanic was able to become invisible AT WILL, TELEPORT, cause enemies IN POWERSUITS to explode randomly, recreate any piece of machinery that he has seen, chuck bombs at enemies and they NEVER miss and had a mechanical dog to shoot plasma at the enemies.
    The 2nd OP character was me (3rd character of the campaign for me, first died due to brain exploding, 2nd character got caught in the middle of the Time Lord's timebomb moments)
    First off, I played a Klingon Draconic Bloodrager with the Dragon Disciple prestige (GM allowed it to stack with bloodrager)
    Debut he was able to chomp off the head of an Ogre-like bug alien off an AoO...it was a critical
    So high base Con of 20 and a Base STR of 22 (Level 8 epic 2) As a bloodrager, you're basically a barbarian with sorcerer's spellcasting.
    During his first adventure with the rest of the party, all sorts of things happened. Gained a dragon's breath weapon, wings, and his natural attacks deals massive damage. Eventually he was able to become a full fledge dragon due to Dragon Disciple.
    No armor, no martial weapons
    AC of 34 fully buffed with 6 natural attacks all at full BaB, 200+ HP NOT Raging and 260 WHILE Raging, at will Enlarge himself upon entering rage, and then transforms into his dragon form to lay down more smack...It took a LITERAL army to bring him down...Did I forget to mention he had fast healing 4 and automatically MAX his critical hit damage? He also has access to Mirror Image, Shield, Mage Armor, Displacement and is able to move 75ft a round (105ft when hasted)
    By the end he's dealing roughly 80-100 points of damage per critical hit due to his immense strength of a 36 fully buffed.

  • @damonvinson5076
    @damonvinson5076 3 года назад

    Mine was actually a human named Desmond Tiny. He was a sophisticated sort that relied on his wits and intelligence. In his campaign he began his journey as a federal detective looking to make a name for himself. His first case was a group of missing people, six people to be specific within the black forest in Germany during itd winter during Christmas. He was trapped purposely in the forest with only 1 ranger on duty named Richard Mantis. Apparently he was under cover and actually killed the other 4 rangers that looked over the dangerous forest. With large ravines and a lake that was said to have no bottom, roaring Rapids, bears and wolves it was easy to explain disappearances. By the time bodies usually were found they were majorly decomposed and looked as if eaten by carnivorous creatures. There was also apparently a goatman creature like pack that controlled him through a voice of his brother who he killed by accident in the past do to the creature. It was able to take the form, mimic others and even use items like radios, open doors and pick locks. After a couple sessions of digging we found a couple things. The goatmen mimicked Richard's Brothers form and voice and it caused him to suspect his real brother resulting in him shooting his brother. After this his radio would go off constantly after his death causing Richard to fall as a servant of the goatmen but they were mere pawns in a bigger story to unfold. Within a week of the people being missing a photo was found around one of the missing rangers tower and it showed them using climbing equipment near the bridge that crossed the enormous ravine that split the forest in half. Upon searching around the ravine and nearly dying to the goatmen who lurked in the shadows and Richard being killed off I found a cave that had the story of the goatmen and a ancient island of the coast of the US named Denekawa. We found out that they were very resistant to physical harm but heat was extremely effective and that they never talked or were seen during the day. So he assumed they hid in the caves at night. During the day he made a trap. He gathered all the wood he could and grabbed as much gunpowder helicopter fuel, match boxes and made a medium sized bomb within the tower and he set a escape route. Desmond fell asleep within the tower when night fell and the plan went to crap. The towers leg was destroyed and the tower began to fall near the cliff. When it fell the nest layed hanging over the cliff where the explosives and Desmond were. With luck in the dice I managed to climb out of the nest and blow it as the goat men rushed towards with. The explosion threw me through the air and slammed me into the wall shortly after. The sides of the ravine began to fall so Desmond kept running. The remaining injured goatmen were unlucky and were killed either from debris or by Desmond on the run. As Desmond escaped the ravine he got into another tower and radios help and he falls asleep as he's flewn away from the forest, with a broken arm, forearm sliced open and a hole in his side where a stalagmite impaled him. After a while of preparing and recovering from his injuries Desmond begins seeing visions within his dreams of denekawa and a voice beckons him to go there. He complies to the voice and embarks on a journey to the island, but he treads carefully.

  • @brookshyde5663
    @brookshyde5663 3 года назад

    Nar Gharzvog, my Half-Orc fighter. It wasn't even the Belt of Storm Giant Strength or my sentient weapon that made him strong. It was a homebrew attack I worked on for weeks of real life sessions making. I enchanted my armor with Invulnerability. It gives resistance to all slashing piercing and bludgeoning from non-magic damage, and once a day, I can activate it to become immune to that damage. I had a necklace custom made that allows me to cast Growth on myself, and I had a Helm of Teleportation. With my all of my gear, height, and muscles, my character weighed around 350lbs. Growth increases your weight by 8x, so I weighed about 2,800lbs. My DM ruled that the non-magic immunity included fall damage. When I combined everything, I turned my character into a kinetic bomb. I teleported a mile into the sky, cast Growth, and activate the immunity to hit the ground with incredible force. My DM was really cool about it, and he made it so it tactical nuked like an entire block of a city. My group called it the Nar Bomb or the Narhattan Project. We were lvl 16 by that point, and my DM was really good at balancing fights and encounters, so it didn't even break the game.

  • @lockwoan01
    @lockwoan01 3 года назад +1

    Not me, but more of a friend of a friend. According to my friend, back in the days of 3.5, this guy, who had all the books, would try to make the most broken character of them all. Recently, this guy and my friend met up with me at a comic shop the D&D group I play with plays at. We're doing "The Orrery of the Wanderer" from Acquisitions Incorporated, and I decided to home rule that the one dude is granting each party member 600 gold worth of equipment (I don't want to kill them off too quickly). This guy, who decided to make a Loxodon Druid, was like "What about Magic items like Flame Tongue swords? That's only a hundred gold, right?" Had to break his bubble by pointing out that it would at least 2,000 gold. I did grant a concession by homebrewing Scale Mail armor that was made with Crocodile Scales (cosmetic re-flavor only) for an extra 86 gold on the item's value - rolled for the value to add onto the price. That being said, this elephant druid is decently fit - 15 strength, 14 dex, 14 con, 14 wis, 10 int, and 8 cha - and with a shield has an ac of 18 - a bit more than the Fighter my friend made that uses two-handed weapons, although that Fighter has Heavy Armor Master. I wonder how things will go when they meet up with the rest of the group.

  • @dragonriderxi5764
    @dragonriderxi5764 3 года назад +1

    I'm currently playing a Goblin Conjuration Wizard/Artificer. Our DM is amazing and allows a lot of homebrew. My goblin can make constructs and guns. Before I learned how balancing worked I made a gun that does 4d4+28 magical piercing damage at level 3. We nerfed it fast. Any construct made acts as a follower he controls through telepathy using a glass eye construct. We have another player who has played 3 pcs (none of them died) and 2 were like 18th level characters at level 6. One was a tarasque.

  • @dragondestroyer8465
    @dragondestroyer8465 3 года назад

    My OP DND character: a hill dwarf artificer/warlock/wizard, the idea was that his spell casting focus was his heavy crossbow which he modded with Eldritch cannons, he had an arcane ward that was his energy shield as well, he was next to unkillable and had the damage in different varieties to back it up

  • @aidanjackson5084
    @aidanjackson5084 3 года назад +3

    That last one made me curious to know what other silliness could happen if some other kind of spell was permanently casted upon you.

    • @Attaxalotl
      @Attaxalotl 3 года назад +1

      *Permanent Fireball*

    • @Cishsun
      @Cishsun 3 года назад +4

      Permanent true resurrection.

    • @Attaxalotl
      @Attaxalotl 3 года назад +1

      @@Cishsun That would be useful.

    • @Willimann
      @Willimann 3 года назад

      @@Cishsun cool, immortality.

  • @nidohogg4783
    @nidohogg4783 3 года назад

    3:19 You know he had to take a few shots at that name before hand. And if not you have my highest respect lol

  • @-guy-2686
    @-guy-2686 3 года назад +1

    My dear goblin started as an Oath of the Ancients Paladin, he was a defender of a druid's grove that had a portal to the plane of Elfheim (plane of life and light in this world's lore) one day the grove was attacked by a massive undead army and he fought bravely, but in the end he was overpowered and realized he would ultimately fail to protect the druids and priestesses of life, at this moment he called upon the proud God of Strength Cleitius and struck a deal he would become the God's slave as long as he gave him enough power to defeat his enemies, the god accepted it and put a twist on the contract: My goblin can break the contract if he faces the God of Strength in a fair duel and manages to at least wound him lightly (not very easy considering he's goddamn Minotaur Barbarian that ascended to Godhood by being too proud to die and meditating while in rage for more than 1 year).
    It was then my goblin earned his adventurer name "Slave" and after securing the grove set out as a Paladin Ancients/ Hexblade Warlock to get some adventures under his belt and grow in power so he can someday at least stand a chance against the Minotaur God, he has since then done some incredibly amazing stuff alongside his party including: Defeating a whole Ice Giant Army, killed a young dragon in a fair duel (Dragons in this world are extremely overpowered, a young dragon here could probably smoke a vanilla adult dragon without much trouble) and even stopped the avatar of the God of Murder from ascending. Now at the end of his journey he enlisted the help of an ancient Vampire witch that helped him undergoe magic rituals and powerful mutations, thus taking his last 3 levels as Blood Hunter Mutant.
    Right now he's sitting at a beastly 26 base AC with multiple magic items/mutagens, can dish out some retarded amounts of damage with hexblade curse + eldritch smite + divine smite + fury of the small, has some crazy tracking abilities from bloodhunter and deals easily with social encounters, Tough + Resilient also made his HP and saves really good, Slave is now starting his "Godslayer" training and will try to get some Epic Boons just to be sure XD.

  • @thesuminer
    @thesuminer 4 дня назад

    Pathfinder 1e campaign, playing a basic Magus, focused hard into the spell combat and spellstrike feature of the class. The spellstrike allows you to, when delivering a touch attack spell, to instead make a melee attack with your weapon to deliver the spell, if the melee attack crits, the spell crits. So I naturally picked up a Keen Katana at level 3, in pathfinders rules, a Keen weapon with a natural 18-20 threat range is increased to a threat range of 15-20. I have 1-shot 6/9 bosses we have faced in the campaign to date by casting a spell (usually a Shocking Grasp, Frigid Touch or Vampiric Touch), walking up and swinging at the boss, critting and dealing over 40-80ish damage overall.
    When I put this character together I figured it would be powerful, but the first boss encounter of the campaign showed both the DM and the party, just how bonkers things were gonna be. It was a dark druid who had been forcefully shapeshifted into a warg (though not entirely as his 'paws' were actually still human hands and feet) as punishment for his crimes by some supernatural force. What changed him? We dont know and we never will, because what was supposed to be a recurring antagonist, engaged us in combat with the plan on fleeing when things got dangerous for it. Pally walks up, smacks him with his hammer, rogue siddles in behind him, gets a sneak attack off, I pull up to the opposite side of the rogue, and proceed to crit with a 4d6 shocking Grasp (as we were level 4 at this point). I did 51 damage, killing the boss outright, HP straight past 0 and 6 points past negative HP threshold to kill him. Something similar happened with a necromancer (second boss), who planned on casting Become One With Stone to meld into the stone arena we'd been fighting him in so he could regenerate. Before he got to act the turn he planned on doing it, I crit with a spellstrike of Scorching Ray (I took the close range Arcana which lets me convert ray spells into touch spells) and killed him outright. The last most recent boss to die this way was an Ogre who'd led the sacking and razing of the neighboring town to ours, and fancied himself an Ogre king. He did some serious damage to the Paladin thanks to his Human-bane Hook, but when I rolled up and crit him with Vampiric Touch I drained him completely to death getting almost 50 temp hp in the process, which did good work protecting me from the rest of his goons after the 'king' was dead.

  • @brandonleecross468
    @brandonleecross468 3 года назад

    Mine was hassmir Moonfang. He was a white dragonborn, in which before the campaign he became a part of was 6'8" and covered with small.scars, the most prominent one was upon his neck. Tail and wings, started out as beast barbarian. He wanted to die. Now at level 12 he was 7'4", wears a black owlbear cloak with many trophies hanging on it, a white dragon's jaw taking up the fluffy collar. The dm introduced hybridization, in which I chose figjter and subclassed with brute (hybridization keeps the multiclassed classes at the same level but take either one feature of one or the other. The hybridization was archetyped to berserker. In combination, the beast barbarian and fighter brute gave great amounts of damage, and the hybridization turned the bonus action to a normal attack action for 3 rounds. Combine this with an eldritch claw tattoo, getting that feature activated, and reckless attack, and a couple other feats that were buyable for the patroning being of the group, hassmir using the claws of the beast barbarian was, with everything prepped and combined, was able to strike a target or multiple targets within his 30ft. Range 16 times when he activated action surge, 18 with haste. His average damage output for a round was more than 100 damage. We all love hassmir, but we vowed that there will never be another hassmir character to ever make the loght of day. Ffs this character nearly took out a god of war before he was slaughtered. The dm who created this god of war from a different campaign said the damage hassmir did, he would never be able to fully heal from, he would have scars that will remind him of the barbarian dragonborn that brougjt him to 9hp and that he has to focus so much of his attention to keep the corpse he animated to keep under his control.
    Despite this hassmir is like butter around children and kept the group's, children safe when he was home with them. No one dared come close to him except for children, which he assimilated into the fluff of the owlbear cloak (his daughtwr and a bunch of kobolds mostly.)

  • @ixcxe6663
    @ixcxe6663 3 года назад

    Mine was Aine, a young girl with a halfling father and wood elf (Sorceress) mother, her parents were killed the day she was born, by an evil mage (Sileas Lithrand) from their past who had sought her mother for himself.
    At sixteen years of age, after learning hunting & trapping as well as a few other skills from her halfling community and her wood elf community/side that she spent equal time with (and a few minor fights traveling between them) she left her home the morning after heer birthday for her first "adventure." Over the two months that followed she stalked the mage at the small keep he owned further south. Picking off the highwaymen and mercenaries he employed and eventually, the mage himself. Leaving only one of them (horribly disfigured/hobbled) to recount the tale when she returned their remains to a nearby city for the reward. And this was all a solo act. From that point she became a bounty hunter that specialized in hunting down people/creatures that used magic toward evil deeds &/or ends. And in the process became a priestess as well as a sorceress/ritual caster with some rogue/bard abilities. Heer improvement was incremental from that point and I played that character for a LONG time. So she eventually garnered a lot of power and skills (think boons and the like). So she was basically a multiclass/everyman of extremely high ability. Because through hard-won effort she'd actually Earned It.
    Being Lawful Good (with Chaotic Neutral tendencies in certain well-defined situations, primarily when dealing with evil/corrupt/tyrannical types) sahe never flaunted her power, and to mosrt peeps she was just like any other halfling, but with a strange choice of profession considering her lineage and apparent age. She remained at her peak age of 21 for a VERY long time, and was easily mistaken or taken for being a human child/pre-teen due to her size and lithe (more elven) physique, but all that's an entirely different story.
    Her combat abilities were great because she roleplayed tactically: Primary weapons; a halfling shortsword with +1 improved critical chance (citicals on 19-20), her whip which was enchanted so the handle portion was a necroconic staff and delivered painful (salt & iron-salted) lashings. A shortbow, a halfling sling, a halfling PickHammer (one handed) with an equally matched/balanced halfling AdzeHawk which wer utilitarian as well as deadly, and a number of stiletto-like daggers (3 minimum) balanced for throwing & enchanted to leave bloodless wounds at will (as were all her weapons). Favorite armor was studded leather with Mithril/Adamantium forearm and shin guards, and 2 razor-edged long triangular bucklers (using both added normal shield DC with blunt smashes, and her punches delivered piercing or slashing blows (all 1d4). Though she also carried a blowgun, a few bolas, etc. as needed. And she was a master at tying people up or rigging things.
    Between her conservative methods and all-out ability during unexpected (on-the-fly) situations she was deadly as F. Though her actions & mentality seldom went to that extreme. She was all about meeting out swift and fair justice. Not a murder hobo. And ropleplay-wise she was/is way fun. Though she more often takes a more patronly role in most campaigns now. But thankfully, I keep a separated record sheet for each level of her progression, so some adventures/scenarios can be played as past events.
    Her technique was to remain cautious and prepare well, then upon deciding the best course of action she'd finalize a few safeguards (setting a trap, casting caltrops, blocking doors/paths, making sure others knew whay her various calls meant, etc. BEFORE going "Apache/Balls-out" when her opponents (most often) had no idea she was about to mess them the F Up.
    And in large-scale battles she had plenty enough skill and made good use of her magic... as well as plenty of hp (again, boons), her ring of regeneration, and misty step should thingsgo south... BTW, her movement speed was 60' per turn by level 20.
    She didn't use a lot of magic items or rely on them very much, and though her damage/backstab was weeak in comparison to full rogues (6d6 max) her other abilities gave her a +2 critical threshold. So her sword scored crits on 17-20, 18-20 for everything else, and she nearly always rolled with advantage because she PLAYED SMART. 6D6 crit + her Path of the Grave ability to induce vulnerability... and she has 2 attacks per round as well as a lot of bonus/opportunity action choices (magic, skills. etc.) Added to her proficienct and well rolled/acquired stats= ASS KICK. Like a Honeybadger ripping the nutsack off of an attacking lion.
    Her number one mantra/power... Conservative wisdom applied with well-honed discipline (practice/drills nearly every day)... and huge levels of tenacity.
    And having access to all the magic stuff (aka booty) acquired from her bounty work didn't exactly hurt.
    She also lives meagerly (not miserly) and does her own work/chores (even when the guest of upper nobility)... so her excesses usually go toward training, or well deserved charities.
    And she has a elven GF as well, though she's actually dead (Ehlissara by name) who was a wisp of a ghost/soul trapped in an amulet (by Sileas Lithrand) that was later able to take increasingly more material form. She's also half drow and high-elf lineage ( with a very sad beginning, very much worse than Aine's). Who later became her equal, though along many different skill and talent choices... her primary being Crystallomancy (enchanting crystals, gems, and jewels with one-shot or permanent magical use). Though she also kicks major ass in combat, preferred weapon a versatile & finesse PickHammer that does 1d6 on handed or 2d4 two handed damage (look up a lucerne hammer) and its handle grows to double for reach as a polearm. She favors a set of armor and guards like Aine uses, with a regular sized punching shield similar to Aine's bucklers. With an elven folding Shortbow and a few daggers as well, though she can use Aine's other weapons too. She's more focused on healing and aoe control magic-wise and often uses a sling to place enchanted crystals at range to do AOE damage or other magic effects, whereas Aine is the high DPS one-on-one damager and (as needed) they both can tank quite well, should a situaton warrant.
    Sorry for being overly long... I just spent a LOT of time developing and playing the character, so she's my all-time fave, and I've crossed her over to a number of other rpg's. Even working on her story in novel form, though more for my own amusement (no plans to ever publish). As writing is a hobby of mine, don't want to ruin it by making a professional go.

  • @letstec
    @letstec 3 года назад

    I remember my little gnome monk, he had cruel past, but met a wonderfull group. Part of this group was a warforged who thought he was a god of war. And we all played along with it. But with every session my monk became stronger. He was a way of the kensei monk, who became the actuall god of war. I dont remember his stats but I think he had around 18 armor getting a +2 when entering his defensive stance. He usually ran into the enemies attacked everyone he could and almost never got hit. When someone shot an arrow at him, he catched it. Someone tried to hit him he dodged it. Someone tried to run away AoO into his back. At first our DM tried to use enemies out of the gnomes range but with the dash bonus action and a short bow he also was able to kill them. Our so called "god of war" the warforged slowly turned into a tank rather than an actual fighter.
    The best part of all of this is that while we called the gnome a god, the gnome actually hated gods for not helping him in his early life and swore to kill every god he encountered.

  • @aderaderxy
    @aderaderxy 3 года назад +1

    Well my most op character is a fighter 11/ Barbarian 3 Multiclass. What makes him really broken though are the combination of feats and class abilities he has: Since the bear totem barbarians level 3 feature doesnt say „while not wearing heavy armor“ my DM allowed me to use it even though my character is usually wearing heavy armor. Then add the fact that I tool the heavy armor master feat which reduces the damage from attacks even more. I am also using the polearm master feat for a bunch of extra damage each turn and have a spellguard shield which makes it really hard to hit me with spells as well. Add all of that to the fact that we are allowed to use one potion per turn as a free action and you have an unkillable tank. It got so bad my DM literally banned anyone at the table from ever playing bear totem barbarian multiclasses again. Recently as a lvl 13 character I essentialy solo‘d a Dragon boss who is probably around CR 25 and know he is climbing through the ranks of hell as fast as noone did before.

  • @kirxuvalentine4795
    @kirxuvalentine4795 3 года назад

    Pathfinder, I had a Gnome kineticist that allowed himself to be baleful polymorphed into a squirrel. With over 160 hit points, and a base AC of 38. His blast attacks (unaffected by his size) did 6d6 + 12 damage and he was diminutive, could fly and breath underwater.

  • @funnyblog100
    @funnyblog100 3 года назад +4

    Tiefling divine soul sorcerer probably one of the most broken race/class combos in the game you get the entire cleric spell list plus sorcerer spells and the additional spells from your race. You get fire resistance and you can take two of the best racial feats in the game. Infernal constitution which gives you resistance to poison and cold damage and you already get fire resistance from your race it boosts your con by 1 and gives you advantage on saving throws for being poisoned. You can also take the feat flames of Phelageos which lets you reroll any nat one when you cast a fire spell and deals an extra 1d4 fire damage in a 30 foot radius each time you deal fire damage till the start of your next turn and you can boost your charisma or intellegence by 1. So that is three damage resistances, extra spells, extra fire damage and you get to reroll nat 1s. Does that sound like a broken character?

    • @christianwhite8877
      @christianwhite8877 3 года назад

      Don't forget 2 levels of warlock

    • @funnyblog100
      @funnyblog100 3 года назад

      @@christianwhite8877 Those were the extra spells I mentioned from the race. I should mention no other race in the game gets anything like this and people say Yuan-Ti is broken for having magic resistance and poison immunity. Tieflings are overpowered as all shit with Xanathar's guide.

    • @funnyblog100
      @funnyblog100 3 года назад

      @@christianwhite8877 Also it makes perfect sense lore wise as Asmodeus is a greater deity and the tieflings from his bloodline would have divine blood in them.

  • @Hansenfmly
    @Hansenfmly 3 года назад

    This is for campaign that is yet to happen, but I made a Bard for it that has a +24 and +28 Modifier to Deception and Persuasion rolls respectively. The GM to be allowed me as a human to put 2 points into any stat I wanted as a Racial Bonus. I chose Charisma. Then, since I was a certain type of Human, I could add 2 points to 1 stat or 1 point to 2 stats as another Racial Bonus. Once again, I chose Charisma. Then, using the D&D 5e Point Buy Calculator, I dumped as many as I could into Charisma (which maxed out at 15). So 2+2+15 (and an extra point I don't remember why I have) gave me 20 Charisma. So I had a +5 Modifier to my character's Charismatic rolls. Oh but we're not done yet. I still had my Saving throws and Skills. With the points I put in, I had a +8 to Charismatic Saving throws. And for Skills, +11 to deception, and +14 to Persuasion. So for Deception I had a +24 modifier and for Persuasion I had a +28 modifier. So yeah, if the campaign I'm using this character for happens, My GM is gonna be in for one heck of a Bard to work with.

  • @plauxier1945
    @plauxier1945 3 года назад

    My moms boyfriend is running a campaign and my current backup character is a High elf fighter/rogue with a bounty hunter background. He has a +9 to initiative and can hit you with 4 arrows from a longbow from 600 to 630 feet away with zero penalty. Also has sneak damage and magic, as well as leather armor that allows him to use an action to give him advantage on stealth and give disadvantage to others trying to see him. I am not playing him right now, but I hope to in a while.

  • @samburcham4753
    @samburcham4753 3 года назад +3

    So, the wizard that became permanently hastened is just Flash now right?

  • @theelysium1597
    @theelysium1597 3 года назад

    In TDE (The Dark Eye) we once fought a vampire. The GM was relatively new, but it wasn't his first campaign. I was a regular thief/burglar with some nifty double handed attacks, but nothing that would be a real thread to a trained fighter. We managed to kill the vampire eventually by guessing his weakspot (this is more or less the only way how you can kill a vampire in TDE) and he was giving away magical artifacts like they were nothing (magical artifacts are super rare in TDE). After that my thief had a cold AND heat resistant coat, some attribute boni which instantly made him the strongest fighter and gave him tons of boni for his regular abilities and a pair of gloves that made thieving trivial. You might've guessed it already: I never played this character again after this session :/

  • @EvilDeath66X
    @EvilDeath66X 3 года назад

    Few things to know about me and the situation. First, I love psuedodragons. They're adorable and interesting little creatures. Second yeeeears ago I saw a template in a book (this was 3.5 era) which basically made the creature rock based and have it a burrow speed by sacrificing any chance for a fly speed. Because you're literally made of rocks. So since then, I have been enamored with the idea of a burrowing psuedodragon. I had wanted to have a wizard or something with it as a familiar. After years of just not playing a wizard, I had reserved to the idea that it would have to be an npc. But then! ... I get my chance. My buddy wants to run a world building campaign in which the PCs play smaller monster races instead of humanoids. We had a kobold, something that basically amounts to the kitties from monster hunter, and me... A psuedodragon with a burrowing template. We weren't able to find the specific template that I had seen years before, but we settled on a modified half elemental one. Literally the only thing I wanted from it was the burrow speed anyways. Digger, was going to be a tunneling little ankle stabber. Fun thing about psuedodragons, they have a sleeping poison that puts things to sleep for 1d3 hours. A poison they have to save against twice. A poison that is Con based. Another cool thing. Psuedodragons are stupid good at hiding. Especially in forested areas. Due to camouflaging scales and their tiny size in tandem with their agile stats. Now my DM had the foresight to nerf me slightly by making me a small size instead of tiny. But even with that, I had a +32 to my hide checks at low levels. And since we were playing these monsters as PCs... Of course we had to have class levels. Lol I was a rogue variant called a Spellthief. Basically, I could forgo extra damage through my sneak attack to attempt to steal prepared spells and spell slots from my targets. Later on, I could even steal supernatural abilities and such. The cherry on top, is the burrow mechanics itself. Burrowing is stupid broken in 3.5. you are hidden. Not advantage or a bonus or anything. You are just straight up hidden, because you are literally just under the ground. The only counter is tremorsense. And while you're under, the choices the enemy has to attack you are limited to just a few spells. You can't just stab through the ground or anything. High level spells, or wait for me to come up. I was blissfully unaware the monstrosity I was creating. But my DM stopped scheduling sessions because he couldn't figure out how to affect me without nearly murdering the other characters. I feel bad about that, and even though I loved playing Digger, he has been eternally retired.

  • @mudkipmaster42
    @mudkipmaster42 3 года назад

    my op character was a warlock, but only when he's on shrooms. So my party was buying some weird shrooms from a vendor and we wanted to see what they did, my warlock being impulsive, to one and shoved it in his mouth. Nothing happened, until an in-game hour later, where I pass out. One of the other players slaps me awake, and now my charisma is raised I don't remember by how much, but I had the agonizing blast invocation and I ended up adding a +8 to my Eldritch Blast
    attack damage for a temporary amount of time. Now I was level 3 at the time and after defeating a group of dryads( a story for another time) I was able to reach level 4, I made sure to put both points of ability score improvement into charisma. We were able to get more shrooms so whenever I wanted to do a vast amount of damage I would just eat a shroom like an hour before.

  • @GiM_Retrospect
    @GiM_Retrospect 3 года назад +2

    When the stat rolls are ridiculous... 18, two 17s, two 14s and a 13. Playing a mountain Dwarf so stuck the 17s in str and con. 18 Wisdom, and voila, cler-barian with 20 str and 20 con. Still playing him, just about to take my first level of Barbarian now. I'll tell the story again when there's more juce.

  • @AmaroqFan
    @AmaroqFan 3 года назад

    My Favorite OP character is my Noble Golden Dragonborne Fighter, Tazlasar Drarnok of House Feyven (he was adopted by elves as a child). We started the campaign at lvl 3 and the party awaken to find themselves locked in a cell made of stone. We come to find out that we've been captured by an elven lich that wants to use us as test subjects for her random concoctions that are ment to strengthen the people she comes from before they are wiped from existence by a demon horde. The lich force feeds my character a potion that permanently boosts his STR stat from 18 to 28. Later in the same campaign (lvl 5 at this time), I decide to buy a fishing pole as an option for food besides hunting. I go fishing and roll on a random fishing table. The first time fishing, I fish up a barrel of rare gemstones that we random filled with appox. 300,000gp worth of gems for each party member (4of us), and a talking lobster claiming to be royalty polymorphed by an evil pirate wizard. We later returned the lobster to his real form and returned him to his rightful throne. In doing so, we random rolled exactly how noble and powerful my noble family was... Apparently Taz is really Prince Tazlasar Drarnok of House Feyven, 3rd in line to the throne of Arklandia. Long story short, my favorite OP character is a Prince Noble Golden Dragonborne Fighter that can bench-press a loxodon and buy a town.

  • @refresh4736
    @refresh4736 2 года назад

    Mine was Outlander, the variant human bear barbarian 3, brute fighter the rest, he used quarterstaff and shield with polearm master, sentinel, and tunnel fighter to control spacing, and his high str and brute bonus dice made his polearm master bonus attacks hit like a truck. He was also incredibly hard to kill because of his high ac, bear barbarian resistances, brutish durability, resilient wis, and shield master. At level 14, he could do 3 attacks of 2d6+8 and one attack with 1d6+1d4+8 for a total of 59 average damage per round if he hit without factoring in any magic items, extra attacks from polearm master/tunnel fighter reactions, or crits, which he rolled fairly often due to reckless attack. With his action surge, he could hit an average of 104, a 9th level disintegrate averages 106.5 for reference. A +2 quarterstaff and belt of giants strength gave him even more damage and accuracy. He was a monster of a tank and one of my all time favorite builds. I have played him a few times now, one time taking a few levels in blood hunter for even more damage on each attack and another time getting a magic quarterstaff that had a bonus 2d6 on it that the dm eventually had to nerf, for obvious reasons.

  • @chaosjimthevoidlord3762
    @chaosjimthevoidlord3762 3 года назад

    I made a warforged mech pilot. A robot who could pilot a bigger robot. But that’s not all, being a warforged I am immune to all the damage types that can bypass the mech when I’m inside it, so I can just be in the mech and ignore certain damage types, I can also ignore certain mech modules that would be required to allow an organic creature to use it in all environments for any amount of time. This is all at level 1. Level 3 allows me to double my proficiency in anything construct and tech related, this combos well with level 6, which allows me to graft mech modules to armor and into myself, it only works if I succeed on a int check which I have double prof with, so +12. I use this to integrate all the mech modules I can into my warforged, meaning I have become a smaller version of my mech, I can shoot missiles, shock blasts, flamethrower people, grapple around like spider man, use the force in the form of magnets, have wall hacks, see magic stuff all the time, be immune to magic detection, seal damage back to the target when attacked by melee, have 3d6 + str mod for an unarmed strike, an AC of however high I want because I can take reinforced armor(+1 AC) as many times as I want as long as I have slots so I’m at 26 AC and counting, I also have shields I can activate which do different things, an ablative shield which raises my AC by 3 for 10 mins, a force field which blocks all damage from one attack and redirects it as force damage in a 5 foot radius, and a shield that grant temp hp, I can use each of them twice every 3 rounds because of an upgraded shield generator, so I can raise my AC by 6 getting 32 AC, two fully blocked attacks that redirect damage, and temp hp, I can also heal myself while in the mech, and dash as a bonus action, which I can do into someone and if they hit a wall they take fall damage equal to the distance they traveled in feet. I can fly at level 10, at 17 I can deal 85d6 fire damage in one turn with missiles, and at 20 I can build new bodies to tea after my consciousness into when I die, so I can be immortal. At level 20 I’m going to have an AC of 40+ with the shields now being able to be used 4 times, and the ability to deal 100+ damage a turn with any kind of attack I want, this not even mentioning the fact I can apply enchantments from weapons and armor to my mech and to myself.
    This is literally the most OP thing I’ve ever made in a game yet.
    There is a lot more to this class that make it even more broken, and I’m not even getting into the race abilities.

  • @dakotamcintire7419
    @dakotamcintire7419 3 года назад

    So I wound up making a Fallen Aasimar Dual Wielding Oath of Vengeance Paladin with about 9 levels in Celestial Patron Warlock. Pulling this off took some work, needing Fighting Initiate: 2 Weapon Fighting and the Dual Wielder Feat just to get the 2 weapon fighting down. But once that was accomplished, the real fun began. 2 decent magic 1 handed long swords with additional damage options on them was a nice touch, but hardly necessary with everything the build had to offer. After level 11, Paladins automatically get 1d8 Radiant damage tagged onto their weapon attacks, which becomes even more brutal with Hunters Mark (available through the oath of vengeance paladins spell list). Then you have how there's the normal radiant damage smites from Paladin but also the force damage ones available through the eldritch smite invocation. Then you can tag on extra Necrotic damage through the fallen Aasimar racial ability. I was in some debate whether or not to go Oath of Vengeance or Oath of the Conqueror paladin, as Conqueror allows casting hold person, hold monster, etc and can punish those who melee strike you with psychic damage at higher levels, but Vengeance gives access to casting Haste on yourself which I considered an even trade. The end result was a heavily armored living blender of a character easily capable of pumping out hundreds of points of damage on their own, and having access to multiple ways of healing themselves if need be, not to me ntion an arsenal of damage options thanks to the Warloc in case of long distance enemies proving tricky.

  • @whitefox3189
    @whitefox3189 3 года назад

    We had a level 20 one shot. Basically the gods have summoned us to fight in an arena for their amusment.
    So I picked Theurgist Wizard with Arcana as my domain 14 levels, Arcana Clerics they get one 6th to 9th level wizard spells at 17th level and Theurgists get the 17th level subclass cleric abilities.
    Then Warlock Hexblade 3. I also picked the psionic sorcerer 3 levels, so I can skip out on verbal, somatic and material components, if I'm lucky with psionic sorcery feature. Took twinned spell and quickened spells. For level 20 took another Sorcerer level for ability score improvement.
    We are fairly far away in the arena. When the fight starts l immediately use quickened Fly and then use a twinnned wish spell on my turn to make myself immune to antimagic field and also cast antimagic field. After which I proceeded into the air and continuously raining twin Magic missle until everyone was dead.

  • @RandomGuy-nt1no
    @RandomGuy-nt1no 3 года назад

    My most overpowered character was in a homebrew campaign were we had home brew magic and classes. My character, Clockwork, was a steam punk cyborg sorcerer who specialized in lava magic and in this campaign when you reached the highest level of magic mastery you could create your own custom spell based in the type of magic you used. The spell I created was called inferno and it allowed me to completely control the temperature of any rock or metal within range of me so any enemies who had armour or weapons made of metal or rock would end up being burned alive to to my ability because I could instantly turn their armour into a molten death trap. Even if they didn’t have any armour I could just turn the earth they stood on into a pool of lava and then solidify it burying hem alive after being badly burned.

  • @tomkerruish2982
    @tomkerruish2982 3 года назад +2

    A 60+ level paladin made for The Throne of Bloodstone module. He was later decapitated fighting Surtur.

    • @MarshaunLugo
      @MarshaunLugo Год назад +1

      I always wanted to play that module, how did you like it? Was it harder than you thought?

    • @tomkerruish2982
      @tomkerruish2982 Год назад +1

      @MarshaunLugo I liked it. Obviously, it's over-the-top power fantasy, but reasonable within that context. First edition had much slower progression past a certain point. For example, after about 10th level (depending on class), your character would only receive a certain fixed amount of hot points rather than additional hit dice. Also, there were no stat increases as you leveled up (except for cavaliers); all you had were wish spells and those special books (which would only raise you one point). It would need to be seriously reworked for any later edition, but IMO worth it.

    • @MarshaunLugo
      @MarshaunLugo Год назад +1

      @@tomkerruish2982 That is so cool!!! Might have to edit it for 5E and continue playing epic level adventures

  • @narcisoferreira9976
    @narcisoferreira9976 3 года назад +1

    Our DM said screw the rules and we started to play past level 20 and went up to level 40 I was playing a necromancer and by the end we just had a massive war between our group because each of us ended up in control of a minor country that we developed. Me being a necromancer I had a functionally infinite ammount of soldiers that required no upkeep and managed to win the war through attrition and gathered all of their magical artifacts by the end of this campaign the gods themselves had to come down to stop me. That was a true power fantasy for me

  • @edschramm6757
    @edschramm6757 3 года назад

    My most OP that was the character being the cause was a barbarian sorcerer who was permitted to cast in rage. He was also a Goblin (planeshift Zendikar form) so he was resistant to fire and acid innately. Storm Herald barbarian added Lightning resistance. Oh, and I could use Halberds without disadvantage (not that it mattered, I used a dex/con build). So at level 10 (in each class, we had a weird progression system) I had 240 hp, a 23 ac with access to Shield, resistance to most relevant damage types, Counterspell and Wall of Flame because phoenix sorcerer. Oh, and I could choose to not go below 1 hp against a hit once per day. My offense was decent, able to keep up with the fighter/paladin, but I was ungodly durable. What finally pulled me down was sprinting through enough enemies to trigger 29 attacks of opportunity, trailing wall of Flame in my wake. I only went down after standing up to over 800 raw damage

  • @LordDukane
    @LordDukane 3 года назад

    I wanted to try out a 3.5 transforming character. Actually got to the end of Master Transmogrifist when you can basically combine forms to make some ridiculous megazord-esque mutation. I pumped myself up into a gold dragon, and immediately used it's ability to remain exactly as I was. The onlooking Balor assumed that my spell had failed, and even the fact that it had true sight revealed me exactly as I was... So then this 5'3" elf girl with a chip on her shoulder walks over and puts a FLAMING BALOR IN A HEADLOCK!!!! The only thing he said before she snapped its neck and emerged completely unscathed from the fire? "What... the hell??"
    I asked the DM to kill the character and have never actively gone for a shapeshifter since...

  • @patrickduffin7912
    @patrickduffin7912 3 года назад

    Okay not sure if this is powerful in comparison to some others I've seen, but here we go:
    So first off, Aarakocra started out at LV 1 (Named Silver wing, affectionately named bird person.) Started out as a rogue, eventually getting into arcane trickster. Now he was powerful early on, nothing op yet. What pushed him over the edge, is when we descended a cavern, and found a couple of wererats. Soooo, our barbarian Goliath gets the lovely idea of grabbing one of them, and clamping their jaws down onto my character. Crit fail, became cursed with lycanthropy. So, the immunity to all non magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing at level 3, and could fly, made me near impossible to kill, as even put against Spellcasters, I could deal enough damage to them in a round that they never got to cast in the first place.
    Got even worse by the end of the campaign (Out of the abyss) Finished up as 7AT/9 Div Wizard. Needless to say, being great at most skills, wide spell selection for coverage, having a lot of rogue defensive options, all while outputting a respectable amount of damage, made me a one size fits all, kinda character. Led me to being knocked unconscious only once in the entire campaign.
    Needless to say, he was perhaps the most untouchable character I've ever played, good times.

  • @realryleu
    @realryleu 3 года назад

    My DM was playing with a homebrew potion mixing rule where a 100 on the table makes a random one of the potions permenent. My ranger started mixing healing with invisibility until it worked.
    This ability coupled with a disguise self hat thingy lets my character toggle invisibility with a bonus action :D

  • @NathanSmith-im4yn
    @NathanSmith-im4yn 3 года назад

    My most op character was a level 14 warlock. The level wasn't why he was over powered. The DM had a homebrewed item that cast a random homebrewed spell on the person who used it. The spell it used on this character gave him infinite souls. Anytime he died, his body grew a new soul, with all his memories, skills and powers. His alignment changed every time this happened. But the best part was when we had a TPK and the DM decided to continue with the campaign in the underworld. He had to use a permanent Banishment on my character. But basically my character just continuously sold his souls to whatever they came across. He basically became a level 1 warlock 40 times in addition to his 14 levels. He had so many 1st level spells and slots. He only ever took a short rest to refill his higher level spell slots.

  • @Nyghtking
    @Nyghtking 3 года назад

    The most Op character I had was one of two because the DM was new.
    A homebrew puppet race wizard the DM let me play, the DM handed out loads of money in the game and let up enchant items or buy magic items for cash, so I used the money to upgrade my puppet with an adamantium skeleton so it couldn't be destroyed in most instances and bought a ring that made me immune to psychic damage essentially making me unkillable as the puppet race had the ability to regenerate health as long as their body wasn't completely destroyed, the DM shortly after just allowed our characters to ascend to godhood.
    The second was a dwarven fighter, the DM let me stack rings of protection and allowed me to enchant the wrench i was using to be an adamantium wrench with returning, the ability to be a thrown weapon, make it a +5 weapon, crit on an 18, and add with +5 thunder and lighting damage to it, so my wrench could be thrown, had a +15 to hit, returned to me as a minor action, couldn't be destroyed in most circumstances, and I AC went up to about 30, the game ended shortly after I upgraded my wagon with a pair of mechanical horses that never needed to rest, gave the wagon and the horses flying, and added a pocket dimension to the wagon that we set up to look like a mansion.

  • @NorthernWind0
    @NorthernWind0 3 года назад

    I'm gonna keep saying this but it was Mordrimat Hiridiriparithinarosemirine. Dude was a half-Silver Dragon, Half-Air Elemental living in a suit of scale mail armor. He existed as a living tornado of dragon scales with the ice element attached and was, get this: a Cleric of Justice and Air domains back in 3.5.
    His favorite combat trick was to animate his dire-flail and become invincible through the use of Sanctuary as a spell, doling out both healing and damage every round.
    what an absolutely insane build that was, especially since our DM did not and DOES not believe in Level adjustment.

  • @MrMarkimusGame
    @MrMarkimusGame 3 года назад

    My current character, Zevnariel, is my most powerful by far.
    Started off as a Dual Wielding Barbarian, managed to get hold of a legendary Trident that he can dual wield, rolled really well when removing scales of an Ancient Siren boss, and then another in the party rolled super well with making an armour set, so my AC is 19 when dual wielding and because the legendary armour is so good it halves all magical damage. So in effect, I have 19AC, half damage while raging and half magic damage AGAIN due to the armour. And with dual wield, I can hit 3 times in one turn. Boom!

  • @derp24lordz
    @derp24lordz 3 года назад

    It was my first ever campaign in dnd(still going too), I made an elf ranger, after our first game, I decided to use a bow instead(got a really good one from a goblin), eventually, I decide to try the fey wanderer(play test) and it was just that for a few games, eventually, because of a teammates stupidity, we fight a red dragon. We decided to use the bones to make weapons and armor, I got a flaming longbow, scalemail, and a +1shortsword, then after leveling up a bit more, and now every shot does about 30 damage at minimum, and about 110 at max

  • @funniestpuppy0791
    @funniestpuppy0791 3 года назад

    My friend's character used create water to make a literal world ending nuke. I don't know all the details but since create water has a volume limit (how much room it takes up), he decided to condense as many gallons of water as he could into that space without the water becoming like plasma or something. I am also pretty sure he used it as a cantrip or whatever so he could ignore any costs or fees for using the spell.
    Nuking the planet at level 1.
    No-one expects the spanish inquisition

  • @stockvillain
    @stockvillain 3 года назад

    3.5 E, Wizard/Incantatrix/Archmage, playing in an epic-level game at level 21.
    All I had to do was make Spellcraft checks to rewrite whatever magic the DM threw at the party.
    Combined with my buddy, who was playing a Barbarian/Frenzied Berserker with Leap Attack and a few other feats, juiced up with my buff spells, we annihilated demon generals in the Blood War.

  • @callumcasey9156
    @callumcasey9156 3 года назад

    I became the Lord of the Second Layer of Hell, had the stats and some of the abilities of a Pit Fiend, along with +8 INT and WIS, resistance to most damage, more than 300HP flight and 9th level spells as I was a 20th level wizard. I also had a pair of glasses that gave me some level one/two spells as cantrips like Detect Thoughts, a ring that allowed me to switch subclasses 1/day and acted as a Ring of Spell Storing that was capable of storing 50 levels of spells and the spell driver feat from the Tal Dori setting book.
    It was the first character I ever had.

  • @Witchtheif89
    @Witchtheif89 3 года назад

    My characters name is Varashi Tarkus.
    She is rather overpowered in our game and I'll tell you how she got that way after a stat break down.
    Str: 30
    Dex: 9
    Con: 25
    Int: 15
    Wis: 12
    Cha: 14
    She's a homebrew race of Demi-titans, They embody an aspect of humanity and become that aspect to the Nth degree. Varashi is strength, pure physical, raw power. The world she plays in is on a rather epic level so she fits in better than you might think. Her party members are a Faun, a young white Dragoness, a Phoenix Sorceress, and a Paladin that is basically the Doom Slayer. Varashi is a Battlemaster fighter/paladin of conquest. Pally 3, Fighter 17. Her main weapon is her "Ur'shada N'kai" It's a +3 siege weapon that looks like the FUGS from dark souls and deals 3d12. Did you know that the Conquest paladin channel divinity "Guided Strike. " the battle master "Precision Attack" and the "Sentinel feat" makes a Great weapon Fighting/ Defense styled fighter with the feat Great Weapon Master a monster to try and kill?
    Vara is BIG too. 9'9" big. She has a 10 foot reach. She wears full adamantine armor Plate, and the reality of who she is is that without her armor, her strength can hurt her. She has to wear her gauntlets to drink out of cup, and glasses with out breaking them, or to do anything that requires fine motor skills. She's big, she's loud, she kicks a hell of a lot of ass. She's my absolute favorite character to play. Tons of backstory for her and she is a hardcore girl.
    Another was a Barbarian with a Homebrew "Path of the Protector" (Basically a barbarian healer/mamma bear) and an Arcane Archer subclass. She had a strength based 1d12 great bow, could use the help action as a bonus action and do it from 30 feat, and if one of her charges (Party members) bit the dust she could use an action to cast revivify once per long rest. She was a lot of fun. Very comforting and kind. A big Goliath MILF, that doted on her party like they were her children. This was Thea Longspear
    Last but certainly not least Varna D'squiet My Drow Necromancer. Let's start with her writing 50 pages in the book of Vile Darkness before she finally got her hands on the Hand and Eye of Vecna and ascended into a Lich. She became the main BBEG of a lot of future campaigns (Damn you clone spell lol). I took a different approach with her. Instead of having her be the classic "Hates all lower life forms" drow. She adores humans. However, she loves humans the same way humans think Hamsters are cute. They are pets, play things, and lab rats for her. She promised her party that if they helped her get the Hand of Vecna, she would make sure they all lived for ever. The moment she got the hand she killed the whole party, rose them from the dead, and keeps them in her underdark sanctum as her personal, and favorite, zombie slaves.

  • @MusicoftheDamned
    @MusicoftheDamned 3 года назад +1

    Honestly, all of these examples save for the first one are due to the DM/GM, even the Lake Gnome Monk one. The first one, however, is a good example of *why* Vivisectionist archetype is banned by default from Pathfinder Society.

  • @chaosscott5682
    @chaosscott5682 3 года назад

    My most overpowered character is a vampire cleric named R.I. PHD. Imagine a vampire without the weakness to radiant and with access to spells such as holy weapon. The best part though is he has a mace that can cast enlarge/reduce as a bonus action further increasing melee abilities, and finally he has boogie bombshell which causes a 15 foot sphere of creatures to do a will save or be under the effects of ottos irresistible dance for 1 minute.

  • @fricc3824
    @fricc3824 3 года назад +1

    this was obviously homebrew, but we had a "god of ropes" as an actual player character. once he hit max level he could create an infinitely long and unbreakable rope at the cost of 2 spell slots and 1 cantrip slot. it was a lot more overpowered than you would think cause he could change what kind of rope it was and different status effects of it by drinking different alcohol at the cost of him getting more drunk each time but he had a pretty high tolerance so it was alright

    • @BushBumperBaker
      @BushBumperBaker 2 года назад

      A...cantrip slot....???

    • @fricc3824
      @fricc3824 2 года назад

      @@BushBumperBaker homebrew rules because he was very very crafty with the rope. like he could change the width of it and sew enemies feet to the ground or normal sized rope that could wrap around a house and then get the barbarian to use his strength to pull it off its foundation. it was a more for fun character

  • @gaelicgaming99
    @gaelicgaming99 3 года назад

    We once had a ranger on our team who put a ring that disenchanted and magic that passed through it. He proceeded to mount it on the edge of his musket and in the next ten he bought every cannonball he could find nd got someone to shrink said cannonballs he then broke our quest as whenever he was threatened he pulled out mini cannonballs loaded his musket and literally fired a hand held cannon

  • @user-zv6mq2ss4p
    @user-zv6mq2ss4p Год назад

    10 years of playing a Wizard/Cleric in Advanced D&D which led him to be a 10th level in both classes. He died once and was reincarnated into a halfling.

  • @trevorburke8660
    @trevorburke8660 3 года назад

    It was my Dm's fault, he didn't balance the things properly, but in his defense, this was during a test campaign specifically to test his custom items, feats, spells, et cetera for his future campaigns, so finding things like this was the point. That being said, I'll get right into it. So, I was playing a very generic character, a Human Variant Fighter Champion with a greatsword. His trip to the OP lane came slowly, but all came together at the end and was absurd when it did. I wont go over what the Champion Fighter added to the table as every one either already knows or can pick it up with a google search, but what broke the game was a few feats I took and then compounded by an enchanted greatsword I came across and later a modified belt of Storm Giant Strength and Ring of Enlargement.
    Great Weapon master - The only important part here was the -5 to hit and +10 damage, but the extra attack when killing or critting was nice too.
    Life Long Practice - Select one weapon you're proficient in. You gain expertise with that weapon but lose all other weapon proficiency. Increase the critical threat range of the chosen weapon by 1 but you cannot critically strike with any other weapon.
    Now, those three feats are pretty good on a champion fighter as it is with increased crit chance and re-rolling 1s and 2s with the great weapon fighting style and getting up to 4 attacks and having action surge, but thats not what made me broken. What ended up breaking the character was the magic greatsword I found. Now, this weapon scaled with the campaign and was basically spoon fed to me early in the campaign, as my Dm liked to make player specific magic doodads and place them in our path to make us feel strong and important, but he made a mistake with this one because he didn't connect the dots during design time. The fact that it scaled wasn't really important, it just meant that its magic bonus went up by 1 and 6/12/18 so by the end of the campaign it was +3. For ease of explanation, Ill use the end game calculations when I demonstrate why it was broken, but first, the weapon was:
    Equalizer - Magic Greatsword, 2D6 +Str (+3). "Your bonus to Hit and bonus to Damage become the same, with the smaller number adjusting to match the larger."
    The modified belt of Stormgiant Strength was adjusted to scale up for round numbers (my Dm and I hate odd numbers and since he had buffed the Storm Giants to 30 strength for that reason, he did the same with the belt) so while I wore it and was attuned I had 30 Strength (which equals to a +10 bonus.)
    The Ring of Enlargement increased your size category by one stage, your carry weight and push/pull weight by x4 and increased the size of your weapon dice by 1 as long as it was worn and attuned.
    We spent almost a dozen sessions at level 20 testing various things, screwing around and fighting his end game boss tests, so for that reason and for the ease of explanation, as I mentioned before, ill calculate things using my level 20 stats.
    First, its important to note how Life Long Practice, Great Weapon master and Equalizer interact with each other. Since Great Weapon Master is a MAY, it doesn't enter the calculation right away, which means that Equalizer and LLP first interact by causing my bonus to damage match my bonus to hit, which, due to LLP and the modified belt of stormgiant strength, meant my bonus to hit was 25 (10 from Strength thanks to the belt, 12 from expertise, 3 from Equalizers +3 enchant.) So right away, its 25 to hit and damage, thats pretty silly, but when you apply GWM on top of it, -5 hit and +10 damage means I have +20 to hit and +35 damage, but Equalizer makes the smaller number match the larger, so when I activate GWM, my bonus to hit and damage both become +35. Its also important to note that LLP's second effect increasing my crit chance meant I crit on a 17 or higher (roughly 20% chance). The Ring of Enlargement honestly didn't factor in much, since its major contribution was changing Equalizers damage from 2D6+35 to 2D8+35. Whoopty-doo at that point, right? Yeah. So at that point on, my turns consisted of 4-6 attacks per round (depending on if I crit or killed something for the bonus action attack and I didnt have a better use for my bonus action and weather the wizard hasted me or not) at 2D8+35 damage, criting on a 17 or higher, which when you attack up to 6 times a round, turns out, is pretty often. Needless to say, he took out Equalizer and re-worked how Life Long Practice works as a feat now.

  • @yoshi_705
    @yoshi_705 3 года назад

    Well, we never got to start the campaign, but we had a PC with every stat besides charisma above 13 or 16, with 2 20s. They had 3 charisma, but we had 2 bards with high charisma, one being me.

  • @whiskeyweekly7533
    @whiskeyweekly7533 2 года назад

    I just subscribed. I better see some 20's in my future.

  • @skeletromebone6412
    @skeletromebone6412 3 года назад

    I stumbled on my most overpowered character. Bonum Furem (translated to Good Theif), the rogue. Originally, he was really underpowered compared to the elf eldrich knight. Then the player (who was playing the elf eldrich knight) decided he was going to announce his plan to PvP with the bard (big mistake). In preparation, I bought some cantrips that restrict a target's movement (and some that did a lot of damage). Just in case things went south, I got blur, misty step, and absorb elements (just in case he tried to cast fireball). Add the Necrotic Shroad (I was a fallen aasimar), and my character could do a LOT of single-target damage.

  • @yanderenejoyer
    @yanderenejoyer 3 года назад

    Has to be my Aasimar Celestial Warlock. All I needed to make him op was Adamantium heavy armor and trading some proficiencies for armor proficiency.
    Well. I got my hands on a +2 shield, got the armor to +1.
    We had a cleric and a druid. You know where this is going. They buffed me every fight and I became an unstopable, 23-25 AC killing machine. Shadow of moil and everyone got disadvantage to hit me, I got advantage, eldrich smite for sick damage.
    I retired him because he was getting too much spotlight. And when I did, well, we got destroyed by some slaadi.
    My other character did get away, but that game ended.
    However! He conquered a Succubus by kissing her willingly and surviving the damage, rolling a nat 20 on persuasion. They had a kid.
    18 years later, I am now playing as said kid. Half Celestial blood, half fiend blood, and playing as my homebrew Entity class (Concept is you have a weapon, and your powers come from it. In my case, since his blood was in conflict, his parents sealed most of his power on a big ass sword. As he grows in levels, he gets more power from the blade. Good fun.)

  • @wyatt1592
    @wyatt1592 3 года назад

    I wouldn't say OP in combat but in role play. I had a monk Goliath named Dicklett that was maxed on strength at the beginning of the campaign. I made a deal with our DM to subtract 2 in Intelligence for every 1 added to Strength. He ended up with 4 Int only able to say his name. DM made me make Strength checks on pretty much everything I touched. Introducing our characters, an elf rode in on an Elk he spent all his money on. Dicklett thought it was a puppy and tried to pet it. Made a Strength check and accidentally broke it's back killing it. This was all first 10 minutes of the campaign

  • @elmsigreen
    @elmsigreen 3 года назад

    I have one accidental OP character in dnd 5e. I was asked to make a lvl 4 character for a campaign where I barely knew one of the players (still don't know why he wanted me to join)
    Anyway I had recently read about Kobolds and noticed their seemingly OP Pack Tactics ability. I decided to quickly just throw together a Fighter with the Archery fighting style and grap the Sharpshooter feat instead of taking the ASI because we rolled for stats and got one 18 and put that into my Dex which jumped to 20 with racial bonuses (my other stats were pretty shit, I think my Str, Int and Cha were all negative).
    Anyway, I was a fine archer at that point but when we reached lvl 6 and I could get another feat I decided to drop my shortbow in favor of a handcrossbow and grab Crossbow Expert. With that and Extra Attack I could make three attacks per round each of which, thanks to a +2 magical handcrossbow, did 1d6+17 damage. With a +7 to hit and advantage on every bolt because most of the other PCs were frontliners, I hit almost every time and averaged 60 damage per round which for a lvl 6 character is quite a lot.
    Even got my hands on a pair of Slippers of Spider Climb and since we were mostly fighting in dungeons, I could always run up a wall to be out of reach of any melee enemy and often find cover. I came out of almost every combat without a scratch

  • @tazman2253
    @tazman2253 3 года назад

    My most character started as an elf wizard. Our Dm allowed template stacking as long as the templates could in theory work together (so you couldn't be a infernal and a celestial character.) He became a lich then a demi lich. Then he became a worm that walks (so a pile of undead worms) thats right an undead ooze that then became a rank 3 deity of the nightmare realm in our game. A undead ooze pile of worms with 3 divine ranks. Toss up between that and my summoner that could cause his summoned creatures to explode for their HD in damage. He was a worshiper of the far realms so his creatures were farspawned giving them a natural form that was a pile of tenticles so they would grapple things then explode on them

  • @tobias2287
    @tobias2287 3 года назад

    My most OP character would have to be my half-elf shifter. This is in Pathfinder first edition, and for those unaware shifters are the druid's Wild Shape class ability turned into its own standalone class. No spells, but I get extra bonuses that change depending on which animal aspect I use. I started with snake, and at level four the party was in a losing battle against a mage throwing fireballs like confetti. I decided that since I'm an eighteen-foot-long snake, I should grapple someone.
    Oh. My. God.
    It was the most ridiculous move I could've made. After that my next animal aspect was Tiger, since all the natural attacks have the grab special quality - it lets me make a free grapple check if the attack hits, as per the monster ability. Stack up feats that up my grapple damage dice (Powerful Shape, treats my animal forms as one size larger), add extra damage (kraken style line from monk feats) a shifter-exclusive feat that lets me wild shape as a swift action if I move at least ten feet, and even Body Shield - it lets me use the guy I'm grappling as cover - If I use the feat I roll a grapple check as an immediate action. If it succeeds, I gain cover against that attack. If the attack misses me, it resolves against my grapple target using the same attack roll. My GM was so infuriated with me he homebrewed enemies exclusively to out-grapple me. Not only did they get utterly butchered by the rest of the party, they were only minorly effective against me. I made a hail mary move early on and it turned into the most ridiculously combat-breaking character I've ever played. Given my absolute love of Tiger Aspect having the grab special quality, I actually had a catchphrase for him too - "Kitty wants hugs~"

  • @Teethconsumer
    @Teethconsumer 3 года назад

    Mine was more situationally op, and only because of the campaign we were doing. We were going to, basically, Hell, which we had to go underwater to get to, to fine a portal in a city that had collapsed and been sunken into the ocean, and I was playing an android monk. Who doesn't need to breathe. And has both dark and low-light vision. And isn't effected by fear or sleep effects, the two of which are about 85% of what we encountered. It wasn't that I could clear a room in one turn, or kill a God or anything, I just accidentally made a character that, in that campaign, was immune to almost everything that got thrown against it, and didn't need to breathe or sleep. It was great.

  • @caolanochearnaigh9804
    @caolanochearnaigh9804 2 года назад

    My only character that started at Level 20.
    A female High-Elf Monk/Warlock/Sorcerer multiclass known only as "The Amalgam", due to her being a fusion between my monk, the warlock, and the Twins of Light. (Homebrew goddesses based off of the Olsen twins.) Due to this fact, she had INSANE bonuses to Charisma and Wisdom.
    "OP" was a fucking UNDERSTATEMENT...
    She could conjure fucking meteors, one-shot Tarrasques like it was nothing, and violently obliterate anything within a 20 mile radius. God, I miss her...
    I still have her character sheet.
    The way she got this powerful was because of the shenanigans of the absolute fucking legend of a DM.

  • @jackarmstrong4070
    @jackarmstrong4070 3 года назад

    13th age game: I played a dragonborn paladin but he didn't become OP until after he died and was brought back my a party member. Following being brought back he became a savage (Flavoured as a cyborg due to the reviver) and by level 10 was literally immortal.
    His build by level 10 were Gigantic Weapon (Augmented Strength) (Adv)
    , Frenzied Vitality (Regenerative Nano tech) (Adv, Cha, Epic) and Unstoppable Determination (Adv, Cha). Along with the insane items (crafter had a +24 bonus to making stuff and couldn't roll less than 10) I was made by the same PC that revived me I became very difficult to hit with busted health.
    The final nail in the coffin was that by the end of the campaign I became an Icon and anyone familiar with 13th age will know how nuts that is.

    • @jackarmstrong4070
      @jackarmstrong4070 3 года назад

      Also we met the God (Not a god, THE god. As in the creator of everything and all other gods) and I was basically chosen to be their conduit on the planet but that's no big.

  • @garuelx8627
    @garuelx8627 3 года назад

    In Pathfinder I made a Natural Werewolf martial artist. What made him OP? I used a Path of War class. At lv5 I inflicted around 70-90 DR breaking unarmed damage with a 3hit flurry maneuver.

  • @commonsensegaming1756
    @commonsensegaming1756 3 года назад

    Most proud of my natural attack Tengu witch barbarian. He was also like 7 other classes but witch barbarian describes him best.
    At level 9 he single handedly killed a dragon turtle while the rest of the party coward or stumbled around on the boat .
    I would always spend the first round powering up sometimes the second too. It just depends on how many bonuses and abilities I wanted to activate. He had 5 primary natural attacks and got up to 11 primary natural attack if I spent 1 or 2 rounds powering up.
    Keeping track of all the dice and effects on that character was a major headache. Omg I had color coded dice and a graph to help me keep everything straight.

  • @jackhammerMean
    @jackhammerMean 3 года назад

    PF 1st ed
    This is a two man build (minimum) that uses teamwork feats.
    I'm not going to describe how to do it beyond that, because its my hideous creation that breaks down combat into "are they immune to crits or piercing damage? No? They probably die, and we repeat the process again"
    To summarize, two fighters, different archetypes, good dex on the repo man, good strength and 2nd highest stay in dex on the wrecker.
    Repo man repositions the target, thus triggering at least 2 attacks of opportunity thanks to several feats.
    Crit threats using a rapier trigger attacks of opportunity thanks to a feat.
    Attack of opportunity can be paired with a free reposition thanks to a feat, reposition allows for yet another attack of opportunity.
    Crit threat ALSO allows for a reposition attempt.
    Archetype and favored class race give massive bonuses to reposition.
    A feat allows any confirmed crit from the repo man to do normal damage and allow the NEXT MELEE ATTACK that hits the target to become an automatically confirmed critical instead.
    The wrecker weilds an adamantine pickaxe for x4 crit mod.
    If they cannot be harmed, wrecker sunders whatever is posing more of a threat, be it weapon, armor, or mcguffin wonderous.
    What ends up happening is, before enemy can even take their turn, we've gotten off up to dex mod +1 full BAB attacks with a pickaxe effectively having a crit threat range of 15-20, x4, and on the repo man's turn, we do it all over again.
    There likely isn't anything left