The beauty of the puppet ripper is that it attacks through walls and corners, very helpful to hit enemies that try to ambush you. In the BRB's 2nd round, you can just stand behind a pillar and hit them hard.
Yeah I found the charge r2 mostly avoids the collision that most weapons fall victim too and the way the head of it goes further to increase range is amazing too
I just beat it with Frozen Feast. It actually trivialized the game for me. People think that speed kills in this game and its not necessarily the full truth. Frozen Feast staggered bosses so fast that I was just wasting their health bars. Also they break opponents weapons when parrying much faster. Dont sleep on the Motivity builds people, they're really good.
I feel the exact same way, I used frozen feast the second I got it and I demolished bosses with it, it’s super quick when you break all the stone off and does tremendous damage. Definitely my go to weapon
I think people just say that because it's how they typically play other Souls-like games. LoP is too far off on its own mechanically for direct comparisons to be true.
I think about skill issue .Idk. I love Frozen Feast is a good dmg but still slow But I use it beat the game neither. It literally good for me and I think strength people love this sword. But I'm Dex people so It's more fun when you need more time to attack. I change my style play for this sword then the game is harder than usual for me but still funny to play this sword. tbh
The Frozen Feast is just a worse Holy Sword. The Holy Sword of the Ark is better damage wise and in the first playthrough i was charge hitting shit in the game and staggering most enemies pretty easily. Unga bunga ftw
Holy Sword on a motility build is absolutely a special kind of hilarious. When you pair it with iron wall amulet you can guard absolutely everything. If you build for health regain after block it becomes even more silly. Basically, "I'M FUKKIN INVINCIBLE!"
How much motivity stat u put until u spend it on other stat? I'm currently put 30 and it only add +1 damage to weapon. Is it worth to put more than 30?
I would never chose the Nameless puppet's weapon over its amulet in my first run. Immunity to status saves your life again both bosses and harsh environment, like lorenzini arcade or the barren swamp.
Trident of the covenants parry has a charge attack to it. Deals extreme posture damage or whatever it is called. The normal attacks of the dragon sword also have i-frames aswell as the normal heavy
@@Imminent_Wrathyeah that and two dragon can easily carve and poke the competition away if you can properly use two dragon bosses are a cake walk and the trident gets bonus crit and has insane stagger for how fast it is
The Seven Coil Spring Sword is just too good. The parry takes time to master, but the running leap heavy attack, which combos into a second vertical heavy, massive slapdown in confined spaces, closes gaps really well. The Fable Arts attack does massive DPS, and you have hyper armor the whole time, which can save you from, well, a lot of things, especially if you build into damage reduction during Fable Arts and Charge Attacks. Coming from Dark Souls as a UGS main, it's like the Black Knight UGS all over again.
I honestly can't use weapons that don't have guard parry on the handle, after beating the game with the dancer's handle. The damage-to-fable ratio is just crazy. The spring sword is awesome (my favorite motivity weapon), but I do wish the follow-up to the guard parry had more forward momentum to guarantee a hit, because you're sometimes pushed out of range by enemies' attacks.
Heads up about the seven coil spring sword, it also has a thrust attack if you dodge and attack after, I used that weapon for the majority of my first playthrough and let me tell you, this weapon is beautiful
I agree with you. It's a very balanced weapon. For the ammount of stagger it does, it is also a lot faster than it's heavier counterparts. Also the single heavy attack (which is not shown in the video) is a super fast upward vertical cut that can be used on the narrowest of places.
@@jbuno1426 thanks😃 i will start this game tomarrow. Beat demo version with greatsword of fate. Cant wait see how feet this sword.. look of sword is realy imortant to me in every game 😂 this is beautiful
Dragon sword and Etiquete are my choices. Both extremely strong. You can use with "Special move" stack and dodge everything and you can just spin away from attack while attacking them back. That weapon is so broken
Hell yeah. I grabbed the proof of humanity in my original playthrough and have it maxed out before starting NG+. So excited to use it through my next playthrough.
Dude I fucked up and didn’t look at the endings to not spoil it for myself and went with the real boy ending with what I’m assuming would be max humanity only to my horror finding out I completely fucked up by giving geppetto my heart
and if you block with the perfect block fable art and then use the fable art again you do a counter attack that dont use charges and does insane damage to the target. :)
@@mamutzzyou still use the 2 charges to do the block in the first place. the follow up attack is just considered part of the block. but yeah, surprised he glossed over that entirely, it’s the whole point of the move.
Great weapons. I'm liking the Uroborous Eye for it's ability to release the weapon for a long range hit. That could be quite useful. For normal attacks the weapon in hand is short but that release is amazing. Bookmarked.
You really should give the two dragons sword a try. This weapon is amazing because it allows you to constantly dodge while attacking + the heavy attack is a devastating counter when timed right.
In my opinion that wepon is one of the worst because with frozen feast just have good parts so you can tank the hot without getting staggered and with the thing at +5 you do tremendous amount’s of damage .
@seanandmonicalebay2847 yeah that was before it is very slow, the new special weapon that is given to you at the beginning of the game does a lot of damage and is very easy to use, it probably does less damage than the frozen feast, but you can attack faster, and with the counter you can down a boss so easy
@@BryanMartinez-ec8ev what aparently most people dont realize is that the graple arm combo attack aplies damage and stagger based on your weapon damage for the downhit so for the bosses that are really fast but have less stagger you can use the arm combo and them follow with a heavy+ your weapon art attack and there is no boss in the game that doesnt get staggered from that, the only ones that can aboid that are the human minibosses with high mobility and the electric lady but for the rest if its to fast you use the arm and if its to slow then dodge and charged for the stagger
I noticed the holy sword i put out as much damage in one hit as the "Wrench baton" combo people use. Switching the glave back to the sword version gives it the same buff, and tripple charge the first art and WOMP! Not to mention the umbrella having innate guard when unfolded in a heavy attack. So many little quirks the boss weapons have, that you can only notice after using them for a time! I love it, shows they put thought into their designs.
Two dragon sword is incredibly good once you get the charge parries down, fastest stagger for technique and the wind slash is by far one of the best fable arts, 10/10 weapon and hard to master but fun to use.
I feel like you kinda skipped over the best part of the "Holy sword of the ark", the transformed heavy combo: Its two stabs with pretty insane range and while the first hit is on normal tempo for a heavy, the secound hit comes out really fast after.
That stab carried my first playthrough lmao. Also if you use the amulet for more fable damage during stagger, you can buff the weapon, get the stagger, switch back to greatsword to buff the next attack and then charge the fable art and hit for INSANE damage
You forgot something big with the holy ark sword. When you transform it back to a greatsword, you get a special boost with it than empowers the first attack you do with it. Making for some absolutely nuts damage
Little tidbit about etiquette and the Absolute Counterattack fable art. One you parry something, press the button again and you will preform an absolutely destructive counter that i absolutely abused when I got the chance.
After a few quality of Life patches, I think this game has 10/10 potential. It’s already a 9/10 for me but it definitely has some things that need tweaking like Parry timing, a Poise bar, etc etc
I think the lack of a poise meter is fine. It would be nice to know the exact numbers for min-maxing but it's not necessary. In combat you only need to know their poise when they're on the verge of being poise broken and it's ok to go for a risky charged attack, and the white health bar outline tells you that information. You also pick up boss's poise thresholds just from refighting them so much.
Definitely not a 10 and especially not before the update. Boss speed for basic attacks needs to be decreased by like 5%, the perfect block increased by a few frames, give a damn telling sign for bosses that just instantly teleport to you and instant half health you like Romeo or Laxasia in phase 2. If they do that and increase the dash by a half or whole step further, then I'd give it an 8. The update has made it a 5 in the first 3rd of the game, a 7 in the mid point, 8 in mid late, 6 in late game, 5 in final area with most of the bosses after the police robot boss being a 8 or a 10 but still having that swing speed issue.
the saint boss weapon carried me through NG and it has better damage at +5 than proof of humanity which is nutty as hell (modified both with tech cranks)
Strange that you didn't mention the critical rate on trident and Proof sword. That's something that really separates them, especially as you can buff the crit with assassin's amulet and grinder. Basically three times the normal rate. That just melts bosses.
@@P4wnyhof Hello again I need help, I've spent almost 35 hours and I haven't finished the game yet, I just got to the penultimate boss, I'm not sure what it's called but it's like the hulk haha, mostly I need help with the P-organ quartz stars if i write right,what is the best way to set them up, because this way how i set them I'm just changing the joystick like a baby's diaper 😄
Two dragons sword has an inbuilt counter attack if you time the R2 with an enemies attack, was the coolest thing about the sword for me. Also by walking left it right as you attack he does lil flourishes in that direction as he attacks
Big fan of Mjolinr and the Noblesse Oblige myself, for the increased ergo in NG+, and its sprint heavy attack is a pretty good leap. The Guan Yu style special weapon is amazing IMO for tech build
I used Two Dragon Sword with the Aegis Legion arm I loved it. I used the Booster Glaive Blade and puppet string during most of my playthrough before getting it
I like that with most of the weapons or atleast the puppet scythe you get similar or same attacks as the boss and its an actually good upgrade especially if you upgrade it a bit and change the handle
Early game fav weapon was the Seven Coil Spring Sword from the ground slam fable art. Mid game was the Puppet Ripper. End game it was between the Uroboros Eye, Two Dragon Sword and the Puppet Axe head with Glaive Handle. I got to play again for Golden Lie and the Proof of Humanity
I played the whole game with the holy blade of ark, but only in alter mode, I just wish more people had liked that weapon, I found it quite easy to stagger even bosses with some decent range heavy attacks and following up with a whole fable art combo, health bars went down pretty fast and I enjoyed using that weapon, but I regret didn’t trying the other weapons too
I’ve been using the flame dagger since I got it early in the game. I’m now at the grand exhibition boss. The flame dagger has been treating me pretty good, it’s at +7 now
Puppet ripper kicks so much ass. Love it. Urobouros eye has been awesome too. I really wanna like nameless puppets sword but it’s slightly weaker in exchange for its higher critical chance. Same with the twin dragon sword. I was so excited to use it but it’s just a bit weak. Partly I think it just has a much higher skill ceiling. But all of these are what I’m trying out in NG+ now on my technique build.
I actually have the Proof of Humanity at +5 (had a bit of trouble getting it, since Explorer Hugo wasn't at the Hotel and wouldn't want to trade with me at that point anyway, and Alidoro also was nowhere to be found, had to try all the places :-) and man it's so great. Love it.
Attach the salamander head to a spear handle, awesome quick fire build up. And the katana is badass. Good range and buildup. R1 into r2 gives a good quick combo, and you can confirm hit the 2nd r2 if they aren’t attacking
You missed the basic heavy attack on the transformed version of the sword. Fast stab that if you hit two in a row knocks back most enemies and it has such good range
I beat the entire game using the umbrella. Having a perfect parry as a fable art its extremely useful against every boss in the game and pretty much carried me. The only downside is how easy the weapon brakes
Saying "Not bad.. but also not good" for the guard counter is CRAZY! One of the best fable arts - can cancel enemy combos, does pretty good damage compared to 3-slot fable arts, and is just a better parry. I used the Seven coil spring sword for my first 3 playthroughs, and it is a beast. Do not underestimate the guard counter!!
Holy sword is my favourite, the range and speed when you use the fable art alter is insane for a big weapon!! For me at least, I found it also staggers enemies and bosses quite often which is Nice.
Holy sword of the ark is my favorite weapon, he missed a few attacks for it, when it's in spear form you can stab enemies to cancel their attack animation. Overall is really good.
Funny part with the holy sword begins when you realise that switching back two regular regime buffes damage of next attack. Doing this and charging the big bonk up to 3 releases damage strike of 7k damage. I haven't seen anything even close to this strike, it's literally minus half of hp of any boss.
the Dragon sword was not for samurai general. IT WAS THE SWORD OF THE ADMIRAL YI,THE LEGENDARY HERO OF KOREA.who made the ironcovered turtleship and save ancient Korea from Japanese invasion
My only real gripe with LoP is the insanely unforgiving parry window. It makes the parry-related fable arts useless because the risk is almost never worth the reward, since you'' spend your fable just to 98% likely get KTFO.
I played ng+ with noblesse oblige is a very nice weapon, endure really help you with red attacks and on some cases allows to stagger enemy if you dont have the chance
So far I’m having a blast with this game, wasn’t expecting it lol, might even be my goty, I’ve been using the ark boss weapon mainly, the range on the right trigger attack/poke is great, I can out range most monsters.
Laxasasia is a boss who fights with an extremely distinct greatsword and a prominent lightning theme. So let's give her a boss weapon that is not a sword and does not deal electric damage?
The frozen feaster sword is not bad if you have the stats for it. It’s not good early though. It has very high guard reduction and you can get the health back. Its fable arts are actually really good. Mostly against bosses though. If you get all the guard perks in the p organ, it breaks weapons and staggers bosses really easy.
The Frozen Feast is absolutely incredible. It's slow but you only need to hit a few times to completely wreck boss fights. Single Slash is *devastating*. I think I only attacked Nameless Puppet like 6-10 in total? It does so much dmg in a single hit and does absurd stagger build up.
@sdotwallace It's okay, sdot. I know that growing up, the teacher didn't call on you to answer the questions when your hand was raised. It's all good. Just heal, bro.
@sdotwallace LMAO, no one is ignorant. You are surmising that I do not know the intended use of these words over a simple error on a RUclips video about a video game. Mind you, you act like you are trying to be helpful but yet someone who did the same thing in another comment you want to attack them. You spew hypocracy. Now go nag someone else's notifications, I have a shipping manifest to interpret and crossconnect. All the best.
For 2nd phase keep hugging it's right try to circling him with occasional dodge to right, for the flame atk you really want to time the stagger when he started to flame coat his weapon.
you missed the follow up attack with Etiquette’s L1 +🔺 attack. if you press 🔺 again after blocking an attack, you do a single hit that does more damage than the other counter fable art (the one on the starting rapier and the one curved great sword). it’s actually one of the best counter moves in the game, since you have soooooo much leeway when trying to time it. but yeah, it’s not just a block, that would be silly.
Golden Lie looks completely different for me! It has a mostly golden shaft, leaves on one end and on the other it has a bunch of gold coin fruits. Anyone else noticed?
@@mangolemonades i agree but it is kinda cool to watch it progress again on my new game plus playthrough. Didn't expect a kung fu staff in this game lol
@@marcelomachado5677 are using a quality build? i'm wondering if it will be enough damage for NG+ on a tech build, with a tech crank it's only B scaling
@@mangolemonades honestly quality builds are kind of the best in this game because you can just even put the scaling with a crank. Also just a word of advice pump your capacity stat so you can wear heavy gear and keep a decent roll. It also raises your legion stat and it never soft caps. It was the first stat I pumped to 60 in new game plus
Completed my first playtrough with dancing sword and ripper handle? Forgot the name its quite doable, i dont understand how to use twindragon sword or etiquette Now im confused if i should stay technique trying those or try motivation build
New to the game. I got tired of the weight limits of the game and took out time to increase it to Level 65 before completing my first run. I have it at Level 90 right now, and plan on bumping it up to Level 100 before starting my second playthrough. Shit's far less annoying now.
2 dragon sword, it is a weapon that has a big skill gap between new and experienced players, but no matter how good one is, you can beat any boss easily. The hard part of getting good at that weapon is learning the parry frame of the heavy attack, as when you hold heavy, the katana shines and parries then counterattacks your enemy dealing a lot of posture and health damage
The beauty of the puppet ripper is that it attacks through walls and corners, very helpful to hit enemies that try to ambush you. In the BRB's 2nd round, you can just stand behind a pillar and hit them hard.
Yeah I found the charge r2 mostly avoids the collision that most weapons fall victim too and the way the head of it goes further to increase range is amazing too
I just beat it with Frozen Feast. It actually trivialized the game for me. People think that speed kills in this game and its not necessarily the full truth. Frozen Feast staggered bosses so fast that I was just wasting their health bars. Also they break opponents weapons when parrying much faster. Dont sleep on the Motivity builds people, they're really good.
I feel the exact same way, I used frozen feast the second I got it and I demolished bosses with it, it’s super quick when you break all the stone off and does tremendous damage. Definitely my go to weapon
It kind looks like the moonlight in its second from 🤔
I think people just say that because it's how they typically play other Souls-like games.
LoP is too far off on its own mechanically for direct comparisons to be true.
I think about skill issue .Idk. I love Frozen Feast is a good dmg but still slow But I use it beat the game neither. It literally good for me and I think strength people love this sword. But I'm Dex people so It's more fun when you need more time to attack. I change my style play for this sword then the game is harder than usual for me but still funny to play this sword. tbh
The Frozen Feast is just a worse Holy Sword. The Holy Sword of the Ark is better damage wise and in the first playthrough i was charge hitting shit in the game and staggering most enemies pretty easily. Unga bunga ftw
Holy Sword on a motility build is absolutely a special kind of hilarious.
When you pair it with iron wall amulet you can guard absolutely everything. If you build for health regain after block it becomes even more silly.
How much motivity stat u put until u spend it on other stat? I'm currently put 30 and it only add +1 damage to weapon. Is it worth to put more than 30?
I'd say cap at 30, add more to HP and capacity and stamina
@@VultureXV thank you
you can t hurt me Jack
I would never chose the Nameless puppet's weapon over its amulet in my first run. Immunity to status saves your life again both bosses and harsh environment, like lorenzini arcade or the barren swamp.
The fire king sword is great in glaive mode. Just tapping the heavy attack is a huge thrust forward. Really helped me take out archbishop
Kinda surprised none of them have any advanced scaling
Dropping Advanced scaling gudie tomorrow :D!
What is advanced scaling?
They do
@@miguelbarrientos3213a stat you can level.
@@miguelbarrientos3213por lo que entiendo es como la estadística de arcano de elden ring o la estadística de suerte de dark souls 3
Trident of the covenants parry has a charge attack to it. Deals extreme posture damage or whatever it is called. The normal attacks of the dragon sword also have i-frames aswell as the normal heavy
Dragon Sword is quite crazy but need you to be a very agile gamer :) And most people simply aint xP
im on second playthrough with trident both times... best dex weapon to me hands down
@@Imminent_Wrathyeah that and two dragon can easily carve and poke the competition away if you can properly use two dragon bosses are a cake walk and the trident gets bonus crit and has insane stagger for how fast it is
The Seven Coil Spring Sword is just too good. The parry takes time to master, but the running leap heavy attack, which combos into a second vertical heavy, massive slapdown in confined spaces, closes gaps really well. The Fable Arts attack does massive DPS, and you have hyper armor the whole time, which can save you from, well, a lot of things, especially if you build into damage reduction during Fable Arts and Charge Attacks. Coming from Dark Souls as a UGS main, it's like the Black Knight UGS all over again.
I honestly can't use weapons that don't have guard parry on the handle, after beating the game with the dancer's handle. The damage-to-fable ratio is just crazy.
The spring sword is awesome (my favorite motivity weapon), but I do wish the follow-up to the guard parry had more forward momentum to guarantee a hit, because you're sometimes pushed out of range by enemies' attacks.
wow, interesting. Hardly anyone has had good things to say about this weapon, makes me want to dust if off and max it out later just to try it
Heads up about the seven coil spring sword, it also has a thrust attack if you dodge and attack after, I used that weapon for the majority of my first playthrough and let me tell you, this weapon is beautiful
I agree with you. It's a very balanced weapon. For the ammount of stagger it does, it is also a lot faster than it's heavier counterparts. Also the single heavy attack (which is not shown in the video) is a super fast upward vertical cut that can be used on the narrowest of places.
My personal fav
Is it good for late game ?
@tajsam5556 Oh yeah, I used it for my first playthrough and it is a beauty
@@jbuno1426 thanks😃 i will start this game tomarrow. Beat demo version with greatsword of fate. Cant wait see how feet this sword.. look of sword is realy imortant to me in every game 😂 this is beautiful
Dragon sword and Etiquete are my choices. Both extremely strong.
You can use with "Special move" stack and dodge everything and you can just spin away from attack while attacking them back. That weapon is so broken
the weapon has no durability at all gets broken vers fast idk how to upgrade it
Hell yeah. I grabbed the proof of humanity in my original playthrough and have it maxed out before starting NG+. So excited to use it through my next playthrough.
Dude I fucked up and didn’t look at the endings to not spoil it for myself and went with the real boy ending with what I’m assuming would be max humanity only to my horror finding out I completely fucked up by giving geppetto my heart
@@countengladx7156 you where really not putting a lot of atention to all the flags that the game trows at you about geppeto aparently xD
Just beat the game and got the best ending. I think I'm going to try the Uroboros Eye and Proof of Humanity for NG+!
Good Choices!
Also a little extra note for the Etiquette when the umbrella is open it works as if you are blocking
and if you block with the perfect block fable art and then use the fable art again you do a counter attack that dont use charges and does insane damage to the target. :)
@@mamutzzyou still use the 2 charges to do the block in the first place. the follow up attack is just considered part of the block. but yeah, surprised he glossed over that entirely, it’s the whole point of the move.
Great weapons. I'm liking the Uroborous Eye for it's ability to release the weapon for a long range hit. That could be quite useful. For normal attacks the weapon in hand is short but that release is amazing. Bookmarked.
how can i usethat ability
You really should give the two dragons sword a try. This weapon is amazing because it allows you to constantly dodge while attacking + the heavy attack is a devastating counter when timed right.
In my opinion that wepon is one of the worst because with frozen feast just have good parts so you can tank the hot without getting staggered and with the thing at +5 you do tremendous amount’s of damage .
The hit****
@seanandmonicalebay2847 yeah that was before it is very slow, the new special weapon that is given to you at the beginning of the game does a lot of damage and is very easy to use, it probably does less damage than the frozen feast, but you can attack faster, and with the counter you can down a boss so easy
@@BryanMartinez-ec8ev what aparently most people dont realize is that the graple arm combo attack aplies damage and stagger based on your weapon damage for the downhit so for the bosses that are really fast but have less stagger you can use the arm combo and them follow with a heavy+ your weapon art attack and there is no boss in the game that doesnt get staggered from that, the only ones that can aboid that are the human minibosses with high mobility and the electric lady but for the rest if its to fast you use the arm and if its to slow then dodge and charged for the stagger
I noticed the holy sword i put out as much damage in one hit as the "Wrench baton" combo people use.
Switching the glave back to the sword version gives it the same buff, and tripple charge the first art and WOMP!
Not to mention the umbrella having innate guard when unfolded in a heavy attack.
So many little quirks the boss weapons have, that you can only notice after using them for a time!
I love it, shows they put thought into their designs.
The charged heavy on the umbrella can perfect guard too.
Uh thats perfect! Did not know
Two dragon sword is incredibly good once you get the charge parries down, fastest stagger for technique and the wind slash is by far one of the best fable arts, 10/10 weapon and hard to master but fun to use.
I just beat the game with that sword and once I got the parry times for the last three bosses I beat them super quickly.
I feel like you kinda skipped over the best part of the "Holy sword of the ark", the transformed heavy combo: Its two stabs with pretty insane range and while the first hit is on normal tempo for a heavy, the secound hit comes out really fast after.
Iam just not a big fan :( But yes it has 2 stabs forward!
That stab carried my first playthrough lmao. Also if you use the amulet for more fable damage during stagger, you can buff the weapon, get the stagger, switch back to greatsword to buff the next attack and then charge the fable art and hit for INSANE damage
The holy ark in spear mode has a really long stab attack was reaches out very long. Love that feature. Like a bbourne trick weapon.
You forgot something big with the holy ark sword. When you transform it back to a greatsword, you get a special boost with it than empowers the first attack you do with it. Making for some absolutely nuts damage
The Ark is best Motivity for poking. Tapping R2 has some nice poke range.
Ill revisit it!
As a massive sunwukong nerd, golden lie is my new main weapon 😊
Hands down favorite weapon is the bone cutting saw blade with the dancers curved sword handle. Second favorite is two dragons blade.
OMG YES it's got crazy range and the best windup attack I'm so glad to see someone else using it
Little tidbit about etiquette and the Absolute Counterattack fable art. One you parry something, press the button again and you will preform an absolutely destructive counter that i absolutely abused when I got the chance.
After a few quality of Life patches, I think this game has 10/10 potential. It’s already a 9/10 for me but it definitely has some things that need tweaking like Parry timing, a Poise bar, etc etc
Already 10/10 for me because endings are perfect :D But yes it could be a wee bit better with a few QOL
I think the lack of a poise meter is fine. It would be nice to know the exact numbers for min-maxing but it's not necessary. In combat you only need to know their poise when they're on the verge of being poise broken and it's ok to go for a risky charged attack, and the white health bar outline tells you that information. You also pick up boss's poise thresholds just from refighting them so much.
@@P4wnyhof btw Frozen Feast is not F tier, i destroy every boss with it :O
Definitely a 10/10 for me! I freaking love this game. Maybe because my expectations weren't so high, but I adore this game
Definitely not a 10 and especially not before the update. Boss speed for basic attacks needs to be decreased by like 5%, the perfect block increased by a few frames, give a damn telling sign for bosses that just instantly teleport to you and instant half health you like Romeo or Laxasia in phase 2. If they do that and increase the dash by a half or whole step further, then I'd give it an 8. The update has made it a 5 in the first 3rd of the game, a 7 in the mid point, 8 in mid late, 6 in late game, 5 in final area with most of the bosses after the police robot boss being a 8 or a 10 but still having that swing speed issue.
God what a great video. Thank you for this. I learned all i needed to. I got my weapon goals to achieve!!!
Lezzz gooooooo!!!!!
Happy i could help :D!
the saint boss weapon carried me through NG and it has better damage at +5 than proof of humanity which is nutty as hell (modified both with tech cranks)
@@sdotwallace most enemies atk WAY than any monster in monster hunter though
Hah :D Good to know!
what weapon do you mean, i am confused :D
@@sdotwallaceahh yea i see, it felt super clunky to me. Even my wrench head felt better tbh :D
Strange that you didn't mention the critical rate on trident and Proof sword. That's something that really separates them, especially as you can buff the crit with assassin's amulet and grinder. Basically three times the normal rate. That just melts bosses.
The only thing that surprised me was that it is not an online game, which I think would be pretty great
And thanks for this video it help me alot!
Nah its perfect as a solo game!
@@P4wnyhof Why? If it was coop you could still play single player.
Hello again I need help, I've spent almost 35 hours and I haven't finished the game yet, I just got to the penultimate boss, I'm not sure what it's called but it's like the hulk haha, mostly I need help with the P-organ quartz stars if i write right,what is the best way to set them up, because this way how i set them I'm just changing the joystick like a baby's diaper 😄
@@P4wnyhofco-op would have been God sent.
Playing with or helping friends/strangers is the best part of the Souls like games.
Two dragons sword has an inbuilt counter attack if you time the R2 with an enemies attack, was the coolest thing about the sword for me. Also by walking left it right as you attack he does lil flourishes in that direction as he attacks
Big fan of Mjolinr and the Noblesse Oblige myself, for the increased ergo in NG+, and its sprint heavy attack is a pretty good leap.
The Guan Yu style special weapon is amazing IMO for tech build
I used Two Dragon Sword with the Aegis Legion arm I loved it. I used the Booster Glaive Blade and puppet string during most of my playthrough before getting it
The thumbnail looks as if P is going to invite me to the birthplace of a certain dynasty.
Honestly I would say the puppet ripper is top 3 boss weapons because you can hit enemy’s from behind walls and objects it’s rlly broken
I like that with most of the weapons or atleast the puppet scythe you get similar or same attacks as the boss and its an actually good upgrade especially if you upgrade it a bit and change the handle
The saw with the explosion handle and aegis legion arm makes the game a walk in the park
You forgot to mention etiquettes heavy also blocks as well when the umbrella is out
Another benefit of the two dragon is quick attacks can dodge enemy hits if they slash across, saved my butt multiple times
Its true!
Early game fav weapon was the Seven Coil Spring Sword from the ground slam fable art. Mid game was the Puppet Ripper. End game it was between the Uroboros Eye, Two Dragon Sword and the Puppet Axe head with Glaive Handle. I got to play again for Golden Lie and the Proof of Humanity
You forgot to mention that in spear form, the uncharged heavy attacks are really fast pokes that you can chain with Holy sword of Ark.
I played the whole game with the holy blade of ark, but only in alter mode, I just wish more people had liked that weapon, I found it quite easy to stagger even bosses with some decent range heavy attacks and following up with a whole fable art combo, health bars went down pretty fast and I enjoyed using that weapon, but I regret didn’t trying the other weapons too
Every single time I tried to break my holy sword habits with a new weapon I came back to the holy sword
im having a blast with the Two Dragons Sword rn
Me too
I’ve been using the flame dagger since I got it early in the game. I’m now at the grand exhibition boss. The flame dagger has been treating me pretty good, it’s at +7 now
Forgot one move from the holy sword is a direct stab fast move tapping heavy atack
With the katana you can press left and right during light combo to move around enemies and yes it avoids attacks.
Noblesse Oblige gets a s scaling in motivity when cranked and the fable art only uses 1000 ergo for massive damage. Definitely my favorite weapon.
Puppet ripper kicks so much ass. Love it. Urobouros eye has been awesome too. I really wanna like nameless puppets sword but it’s slightly weaker in exchange for its higher critical chance. Same with the twin dragon sword. I was so excited to use it but it’s just a bit weak. Partly I think it just has a much higher skill ceiling. But all of these are what I’m trying out in NG+ now on my technique build.
I actually have the Proof of Humanity at +5 (had a bit of trouble getting it, since Explorer Hugo wasn't at the Hotel and wouldn't want to trade with me at that point anyway, and Alidoro also was nowhere to be found, had to try all the places :-) and man it's so great. Love it.
BTW all guides seem to say you get it from Hugo, but I got it from Alidoro (who I didn't kill), actually.
@@ZoopiAniyunhugo replaces alidoro if you kill him. That why you don’t lose out on a boss soul merchant
I like using the puppet ripper on the bramble sword handle and the golden coil spinning sword the most.
Started using the uroboros eye when i got it and i keep coming back to it no matter what i use
Attach the salamander head to a spear handle, awesome quick fire build up.
And the katana is badass. Good range and buildup. R1 into r2 gives a good quick combo, and you can confirm hit the 2nd r2 if they aren’t attacking
You missed the basic heavy attack on the transformed version of the sword. Fast stab that if you hit two in a row knocks back most enemies and it has such good range
Frozen Feast is extremely underated. Its probably the best weapon in the game
I beat the entire game using the umbrella. Having a perfect parry as a fable art its extremely useful against every boss in the game and pretty much carried me. The only downside is how easy the weapon brakes
You can later have some regain of durability through perfect guard - That helps quite
4:29 you forgot to mention how with the Holy Sword of the Ark, you can also do an attack while you change the form of the weapon like in Bloodborne
Saying "Not bad.. but also not good" for the guard counter is CRAZY! One of the best fable arts - can cancel enemy combos, does pretty good damage compared to 3-slot fable arts, and is just a better parry. I used the Seven coil spring sword for my first 3 playthroughs, and it is a beast. Do not underestimate the guard counter!!
one big detail about etiquette is that when the umbrella is open it blocks attacks
Me who beat all ng cycles up to plus 3 wiith the seven coiled spring sword and still loved it
You missed another move with the Two Dragon Sword.
It has a secondary attack for heavy. Tap R2. It's like a dodge attack followed by a lunge attack
It looked like the frozen feast slowly revealed itself as you attacked with it anyway, so the first fable art seems to be just a skip for it.
Holy sword is my favourite, the range and speed when you use the fable art alter is insane for a big weapon!! For me at least, I found it also staggers enemies and bosses quite often which is Nice.
Holy sword of the ark is my favorite weapon, he missed a few attacks for it, when it's in spear form you can stab enemies to cancel their attack animation. Overall is really good.
Funny part with the holy sword begins when you realise that switching back two regular regime buffes damage of next attack. Doing this and charging the big bonk up to 3 releases damage strike of 7k damage. I haven't seen anything even close to this strike, it's literally minus half of hp of any boss.
the Dragon sword was not for samurai general.
IT WAS THE SWORD OF THE ADMIRAL YI,THE LEGENDARY HERO OF KOREA.who made the ironcovered turtleship and save ancient Korea from Japanese invasion
Puppets axe with booster glaive handle is my fav weapon.
My only real gripe with LoP is the insanely unforgiving parry window. It makes the parry-related fable arts useless because the risk is almost never worth the reward, since you'' spend your fable just to 98% likely get KTFO.
I played ng+ with noblesse oblige is a very nice weapon, endure really help you with red attacks and on some cases allows to stagger enemy if you dont have the chance
you missed big factor on two dragon sword it's crazy move set
Totally dig the game & I'm very surprised of just how much there is in it. Great vid dude 👍🏻💪🏼
I'm confused as to why the weapons aren't more like eldin ring remembrances. Who wouldn't want to use laxacias sword?
Well this is the way they choose to make it :)
Frozen feast + puppet string lvl 4 is absolutely insane
So far I’m having a blast with this game, wasn’t expecting it lol, might even be my goty, I’ve been using the ark boss weapon mainly, the range on the right trigger attack/poke is great, I can out range most monsters.
Laxasasia is a boss who fights with an extremely distinct greatsword and a prominent lightning theme. So let's give her a boss weapon that is not a sword and does not deal electric damage?
Ikr I was so bummed when I realized we weren’t getting her lightning blade
The frozen feaster sword is not bad if you have the stats for it. It’s not good early though. It has very high guard reduction and you can get the health back. Its fable arts are actually really good. Mostly against bosses though. If you get all the guard perks in the p organ, it breaks weapons and staggers bosses really easy.
You forgot to mention with the two dragon sword you can move while attacking like dodge and attack at the same time
The Frozen Feast is absolutely incredible. It's slow but you only need to hit a few times to completely wreck boss fights. Single Slash is *devastating*. I think I only attacked Nameless Puppet like 6-10 in total? It does so much dmg in a single hit and does absurd stagger build up.
That Blasphamous blade attack on the first sword is to OP. Wish it went farther
The only sad part is that their are no advance scaling boss weapons, which would have been nice. 😢
Super odd that they decided not to have at least one that scales with advance
@@sdotwallace I also think it would be nice if trolls like you didn’t exist just to hate on everyone all the time
@@sdotwallace Lol okay dude
@sdotwallace It's okay, sdot. I know that growing up, the teacher didn't call on you to answer the questions when your hand was raised. It's all good. Just heal, bro.
@sdotwallace LMAO, no one is ignorant. You are surmising that I do not know the intended use of these words over a simple error on a RUclips video about a video game. Mind you, you act like you are trying to be helpful but yet someone who did the same thing in another comment you want to attack them. You spew hypocracy. Now go nag someone else's notifications, I have a shipping manifest to interpret and crossconnect. All the best.
I used all of the special ergo up until I met the dog man cause I didn’t know they had a secondary use 😢
Holy Sword is awesome. It's my secondary weapon of choice, in my motivity build
Oroboro’s eye can be stacked with the special grinder while using the fable arts OP
Me. I love my umbrella there. I will never find a better weapon
Two Dragon Sword. Hold my Full Moonstone.
Yu kinda forgot non charched L2 attacks. The umbrella for exampe, jumps you back after the trust and the holly sword gains a pircing move.
for skilled one, umbrella is the best. No need to worry about the perfect defense
Noblesse oblige in NG+ I used it for every boss rolled on the game super easy, spam hook fully maxed and fable attack..
I just realized from looking at the first weapon that the nameless puppet copies the heavy attack
I’m totally stuck in the second phase of Nameless Puppet right now. I can beat phase 1 in less than a minute but phase 2 kicks my ass
Get throwables like crazy and Nuke him
For 2nd phase keep hugging it's right try to circling him with occasional dodge to right, for the flame atk you really want to time the stagger when he started to flame coat his weapon.
you missed the follow up attack with Etiquette’s L1 +🔺 attack. if you press 🔺 again after blocking an attack, you do a single hit that does more damage than the other counter fable art (the one on the starting rapier and the one curved great sword). it’s actually one of the best counter moves in the game, since you have soooooo much leeway when trying to time it.
but yeah, it’s not just a block, that would be silly.
Been using Puppet Ripper +5 and I'm at Arche Abbey Broken Rift. Been farming Ergo there for a few hours now...
I believe in two dragon supremacy
Edit: the spear and the scythe are also close seconds
It's a fantastic weapon!
You can move left and right in between attacks with the twin dragon by just moving your stick
Used trident entire game and tried other ones but just stuck with trident abusing charge attack is easy
Sometimes you just find that one weapon you love :D
Trident is making NG+ an absolute joke. Crit medallion and Crit grindstone. Just strings crits together and bosses melt.
Golden Lie looks completely different for me!
It has a mostly golden shaft, leaves on one end and on the other it has a bunch of gold coin fruits.
Anyone else noticed?
When you do new game plus the golden lie changes back to other way it looks before it's all golden that's probably why.
@@marcelomachado5677 that's lame -_-, it looks way cooler with the gold petals and coins on the ends
@@mangolemonades i agree but it is kinda cool to watch it progress again on my new game plus playthrough. Didn't expect a kung fu staff in this game lol
@@marcelomachado5677 are using a quality build? i'm wondering if it will be enough damage for NG+ on a tech build, with a tech crank it's only B scaling
@@mangolemonades honestly quality builds are kind of the best in this game because you can just even put the scaling with a crank. Also just a word of advice pump your capacity stat so you can wear heavy gear and keep a decent roll. It also raises your legion stat and it never soft caps. It was the first stat I pumped to 60 in new game plus
The reason for etiquette being a dagger is probably just for it's speed.
Completed my first playtrough with dancing sword and ripper handle? Forgot the name its quite doable, i dont understand how to use twindragon sword or etiquette
Now im confused if i should stay technique trying those or try motivation build
Keep in mind - Technique/Motivatoin give "minimal" bonuses to damage it is not like elden rign where you can get insane boosts!
New to the game.
I got tired of the weight limits of the game and took out time to increase it to Level 65 before completing my first run. I have it at Level 90 right now, and plan on bumping it up to Level 100 before starting my second playthrough. Shit's far less annoying now.
14:37 one thing to note about the golden lie, I believe it gets longer the more you lie but withers on new game plus
The Golden Lie has been a weird and a lovely concept!
which of them u suggest for technique build? (i am new one ) :D nice video i loved it
2 dragon sword, it is a weapon that has a big skill gap between new and experienced players, but no matter how good one is, you can beat any boss easily. The hard part of getting good at that weapon is learning the parry frame of the heavy attack, as when you hold heavy, the katana shines and parries then counterattacks your enemy dealing a lot of posture and health damage
@@_Nagy_ yea but..this weapon is at the end of the game :P i just defeated the brotherhood ''part one'' xD