I bought one last week. I've used it to tumble a load of .45 and five loads of 9mm. So far, it's doing well. Get back with my sometime around June of 2030 and I'll give me my real impression of it.
Glad you mentioned the dust problem with those cutouts! I use corn cob and walnut with polishing compounds. The Hornady does a good job polishing but it gets dust everywhere! I use 2-inch masking tape to close it out and prevent it from dusting the loading bench.
I bought this tumbler about a month ago, I have cleaned about 900 rifle and pistol cases. So far I am happy with the product, the dirtiest cases take about 2.5 to 3 hours to clean with treated corn cob media. I like the sifter included, this removes about 95% of the media, I still use my Lyman separator to make sure to remove all the media. The cutouts mentioned have not really been an issue, perhaps a little leakage of the media when the tumbler is running.Overall I have been very happy with the purchase.
I kind of like the cut outs!... don't you think there would be less dust if you can dump out the bulk of the media before you put your nifty cover, turn upside down and shake the heck out of it?
Hornady uses the same system that Makita power tools uses it's a double grounded system that only requires a hot and negative the actual unit itself is double grounded so basically the unit is grounded it just does not require a third leg to complete the grounding.
I just bought one of these today. I used the cutouts to tidy up the power cord inside the bowl so it wasn’t just dangling from the base. I haven’t used the machine yet through.
I have had mine for about 3 years I don't get to much dust I would like to use metal shavings but it would not work if you had it to heavy but walnuts work just a lot of dust and if I add wax it seams to clump up I think anyway but I love my hornaday tumbler
So like was that cut out a problem? It’s kind of weird you are perceiving problems on a review on something you hadn’t yet used kind of confused here if the thing was good or not did you do brass for that or do you have another video maybe I just didn’t find yet
Man I live in the Washington mountains where the internet is at a snails pace. You could have made this video less than half as long if you hadn't repeated things one, two, three, four or five times. Up here we listen to things closely. As far as the notch cut out of the edge of the rim being a minus because of dust, is that a hole in the top ? Anyway.... Thank you for the review. I just picked up the Hornady lock and load AP and am piecing together a reloading set up.
Keep in mind most folks who feel compelled to post a vid on YT are stone amateurs. The more "professional" ones usually work from a script, or edit their video before posting. FWIW, someone posted pics of toasted buckwheat used as tumbling media. More expensive than walnut, but it won't clog up the flash hole, and there's no dust. Might be worth a try.
*impressed with quality. my unit came 🔎🔍 **allabout.wiki/Lyman** with a pound or so of what looks like stainless steel shot and more importantly a spare o-ring for the access hatch and a toothed-belt for the motor-drum drive. Nice touch.the drum and base are both larger than I expected and heavy.the materials and build quality seem good to very good.it's been running on the slowest speed for the last couple of hours with2 pounds or so of my steel parts to be deburred,4 pounds or so of 1" ceramic stars andwater with a little bit of dawn soapfilled to 1/2 the drum volume.I weighed the drum half filled with the previous mentioned items and it came out a little under 9 **pounds.like**: I like the way the drum hatch gets locked.the robustness of the build and motor.con: no instructions that I can see on how to work the base dials/controls, but I got it running by just turning the knobs.grin.not sure if the timer is on or what the 1/0 switch does (it's not on/off to the motor), timer use maybe ??I'll have another look in the box for the instructions or maybe on line .... this is not a big enough of an issue to take rating stars off my initial 5 star rating.update 10.1.2017: ran it 24hrs/day for 4 days straight with 4 different batches of parts and it worked without issues. My a36 steel parts came out as expected with a nice even finish.BTW not mentioned but as I state in the previous line, I've been running it without a 'timer' limit. I suspect the '1/0' switch when switched to '0' disables the timer ... however I got it to work this way, it's the way I wanted, so I can run it overnight without a 3hr reset of the timer.*
I bought one last week. I've used it to tumble a load of .45 and five loads of 9mm. So far, it's doing well. Get back with my sometime around June of 2030 and I'll give me my real impression of it.
2020 now, I just got mine, they now have timers built in and a grounded cord.
Glad you mentioned the dust problem with those cutouts! I use corn cob and walnut with polishing compounds. The Hornady does a good job polishing but it gets dust everywhere! I use 2-inch masking tape to close it out and prevent it from dusting the loading bench.
Hello Joe, nice Video. Thanks for the review. Please, what media do you use in this video? Thanks in advance!
I bought this tumbler about a month ago, I have cleaned about 900 rifle and pistol cases. So far I am happy with the product, the dirtiest cases take about 2.5 to 3 hours to clean with treated corn cob media. I like the sifter included, this removes about 95% of the media, I still use my Lyman separator to make sure to remove all the media. The cutouts mentioned have not really been an issue, perhaps a little leakage of the media when the tumbler is running.Overall I have been very happy with the purchase.
Just got one of these for 59.99 on sale. Thanks for the review, it helped.
Great video. Thanks for the review. Do you know if you can add a cup of water to this tumbler?
I kind of like the cut outs!... don't you think there would be less dust if you can dump out the bulk of the media before you put your nifty cover, turn upside down and shake the heck out of it?
Hello very good video thank you
Please the hornady tumbler
for 9mm or 308win
How long does it take?
And please what its the name of the media.?
Hornady uses the same system that Makita power tools uses it's a double grounded system that only requires a hot and negative the actual unit itself is double grounded so basically the unit is grounded it just does not require a third leg to complete the grounding.
Joe, what media are you using there?
Maybe the cutout is meant to add further brass. Or at least you can use it for that.
Or to pour out liquid solution
I just bought one of these today. I used the cutouts to tidy up the power cord inside the bowl so it wasn’t just dangling from the base. I haven’t used the machine yet through.
I have had mine for about 3 years I don't get to much dust I would like to use metal shavings but it would not work if you had it to heavy but walnuts work just a lot of dust and if I add wax it seams to clump up I think anyway but I love my hornaday tumbler
So like was that cut out a problem? It’s kind of weird you are perceiving problems on a review on something you hadn’t yet used kind of confused here if the thing was good or not did you do brass for that or do you have another video maybe I just didn’t find yet
It's double insulated, that's why it it's grounded/earthed.
I just purchased 1 today Jan 8 2022. Cheapest place I've found is $69.00 bucks know. N they still have the cut out in the lid lol.
ANy info on how this would do for glass tumbling?
2 weeks later, I need to say that I like that cutout. I use it to drain my liquid in the middle of a tumble.
To do what?. If you want a frosted look, you have to use a good abrasive like silica sand.
@@Vortexan9804 I want to tumble broken glass to soften the edges of the glass.
Nice and to the point.
Man I live in the Washington mountains where the internet is at a snails pace. You could have made this video less than half as long if you hadn't repeated things one, two, three, four or five times. Up here we listen to things closely. As far as the notch cut out of the edge of the rim being a minus because of dust, is that a hole in the top ? Anyway.... Thank you for the review. I just picked up the Hornady lock and load AP and am piecing together a reloading set up.
Keep in mind most folks who feel compelled to post a vid on YT are stone amateurs. The more "professional" ones usually work from a script, or edit their video before posting. FWIW, someone posted pics of toasted buckwheat used as tumbling media. More expensive than walnut, but it won't clog up the flash hole, and there's no dust. Might be worth a try.
That's why I don't post video's .....lol. I ended up picking up the The Hornady 9L Hot Tub sonic cleaner because an entire AR upper will fit in it.
Slow internet? That's still a thing these days? I thought that went out with flip phones...
*impressed with quality. my unit came 🔎🔍 **allabout.wiki/Lyman** with a pound or so of what looks like stainless steel shot and more importantly a spare o-ring for the access hatch and a toothed-belt for the motor-drum drive. Nice touch.the drum and base are both larger than I expected and heavy.the materials and build quality seem good to very good.it's been running on the slowest speed for the last couple of hours with2 pounds or so of my steel parts to be deburred,4 pounds or so of 1" ceramic stars andwater with a little bit of dawn soapfilled to 1/2 the drum volume.I weighed the drum half filled with the previous mentioned items and it came out a little under 9 **pounds.like**: I like the way the drum hatch gets locked.the robustness of the build and motor.con: no instructions that I can see on how to work the base dials/controls, but I got it running by just turning the knobs.grin.not sure if the timer is on or what the 1/0 switch does (it's not on/off to the motor), timer use maybe ??I'll have another look in the box for the instructions or maybe on line .... this is not a big enough of an issue to take rating stars off my initial 5 star rating.update 10.1.2017: ran it 24hrs/day for 4 days straight with 4 different batches of parts and it worked without issues. My a36 steel parts came out as expected with a nice even finish.BTW not mentioned but as I state in the previous line, I've been running it without a 'timer' limit. I suspect the '1/0' switch when switched to '0' disables the timer ... however I got it to work this way, it's the way I wanted, so I can run it overnight without a 3hr reset of the timer.*