Jehovah's Witnesses' Florida Real Estate Deals: 2022

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 100

  • @Joeandfran
    @Joeandfran Год назад +23

    Great scoop, Phil! I hope the U.S. Govt takes note if and when they decide to relieve them of it.

  • @mauriceatwell5939
    @mauriceatwell5939 Год назад +21

    I actually worked on that project. From security to maintenance.
    The brother that was interviewed with his wife was the coordinator on site.
    The property was purchased at such a low cost because it was a rough neighborhood.
    Both projects was considered working not just working for the organization but working for Bethel. BIGG DEAL at the time.
    There are a few more kingdom halls in and around the Ft. Laud area is proposed to be sold.
    I maybe wrong on this because I have been out for awhile there a new hall that was built like a office bldg only to be sold later.

    • @theblueenvelope
      @theblueenvelope  Год назад +11

      Thanks for that! I don't know if you know this answer, but they contracted with CAK Builders for the renovation. Is that company owned by a JW? Saw the name pop up on a few WT projects in FL.

    • @krsouff
      @krsouff Год назад +20

      @@theblueenvelope Ding! Ding! Ding! You would be 100% correct my friend. The owner of CAK Builders is indeed a jw. He has been an overseer in the RBC, now LDC, for years. Miami-Dade/Broward County have a long, long history in playing a big role in the RBC/LDC. Pilot programs, that were later rolled out organization-wide, have been run out of that area for years. I was part of many of them back in the day 😅.
      Anyway, as they say, follow the money and all your questions will be answered. Great video btw.
      P.S. I wanted to add that it's not uncommon for the organization to use contractors, electricians, HVAC techs, roofers, etc. that are brothers. Some brothers derive a large percentage of their income doing construction work for the organization. There is also a pipeline of sorts of brothers who get construction training while at bethel (or working on a large project), and then come out and go work for a local brother who owns a company. In areas with lots of KHs, a robust LDC, or a major disaster relief hub, it becomes a feedback loop. The organization trains them, local brothers with companies employee them, the organization throws project to the brothers with companies, when a big project like RAMAPO opens up the business owners loans the organization their employees, and the cycle continues.
      Many of these brothers have no other education besides what they learned on jw construction sites and working for jws. Admittedly, the training is good. And you can have a decent life...As long as you continue to be "exemplary in the organization." And if you get married, the same goes for your family.
      Notice I specifically said brothers. Sisters are often excluded from this jw career pipeline. Many count on getting married to one of these brothers. And once they do, they have to keep up jw appearances as almost an unspoken requirement for their husband's continued employment, raises, etc. One of the many ways entire families get and stay stuck in this organization. It's really sad. I personally know folks still stuck in this cycle. And folks gearing up their children to be the next generation of this pipeline. It needs to be talked about more.
      I would love to see someone do a video on all of this. Maybe you? The RBC/LDC culture is like a whole other world inside the jw organization.

    • @krsouff
      @krsouff Год назад +14

      @Maurice Atwell The RTO was such a big deal when it was announced! I had a friend that worked there as a sign-language translator part-time. It helped her supplement her pioneer hours. Another big deal. And I remember working on the KH/Office building you're talking about. My crew did the electrical work, and installed all the fans and light fixtures. I want to say the Russian congregation, and a sign-language congregation moved into that hall when it was done. Don't quote me on that though. I don't know if/even it was sold. I left the area years ago, and the organization more recently.
      Nice to meet someone who remembers the old RBC/LDC days in South Florida. You must have a ton of stories. Cheers to you being out! I hope your life is filled with joy, peace, and healing.

    • @theblueenvelope
      @theblueenvelope  Год назад +8

      @@krsouff Good to know!

    • @mauriceatwell5939
      @mauriceatwell5939 Год назад +5

      I am not for sure however I was very close with one of the brother who over saw the property. Also Gary Breau fleshly brother Don was a investment property for the US branch. I will look into your question

  • @dollyllama4079
    @dollyllama4079 Год назад +33

    Thanks very much Phil for uncovering and exposing yet another example of Watchtower's real mission! Not so sure this was glaringly obvious to those in the audience though.

    • @natashapeeters988
      @natashapeeters988 Год назад +1

      dolly Llama... ❤️ love your name 🙂 ! With Watchtower, there's no shortage of: how they are abusing the free-labor... WT is just about control over people and Profit 📈 🙄!🤮😵‍💫🥴🤯🧐😤

    • @gabby4382
      @gabby4382 Год назад +2

      For the sleepers ,suckers , and the spellbound , , its progress toward the kingdom . for the Sharky , shady. shareholder's , its lip licking profitability .

    • @alexshatner3907
      @alexshatner3907 Год назад

      Be aware that Mocking apostates as shown in this video also publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood. They even picket Witness conventions, trying to trap the unwary., it would be a dangerous thing to allow our curiosity to move us to feed on such writings or to listen to their abusive speech! While we might not think it a risk for us personally, the hazard remains. Why? For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of “smooth talk” and “counterfeit words.” (Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Peter 2:3) What would you expect from the table of demons? And while the apostates may also present certain facts, these are usually taken out of context with the goal of drawing others away from the table of Jehovah. All their writings simply criticize and tear down! Nothing is up building. “Avoid them,” says God’s Word. Other translations render that phrase “turn away from them,” “keep away from them,” and “stay away from them!” There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. Well, apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. (1 Tim. 6:3, 4) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them. We know what he means, but are we determined to heed his warning in all respects? Apostates “quietly bring in” corruptive ideas. Like smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views. And just as a clever forger tries to pass phony documents, so apostates use “counterfeit words,” or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they were true. They spread “deceptive teachings,” “twisting . . . the Scriptures” to fit their own ideas. Jesus Christ had foretold, the apostasy did not take in the entire body of Christians; the true, loyal ones were to be as “wheat” associated with “weeds.” After Christ’s second presence begins, invisible, in spirit, and during “the conclusion of the system of things” (then existing) a clear separation and demarcation was to be made evident. The “weeds,” “the sons of the wicked one,” were to be ‘collected out of the kingdom of the Son of man.’ This cleaning out of the true Christian congregation would leave a field of clean wheat; the false imitation Christians would be outside the true Christian congregation. Whereas the ‘weed-like’ ones would finally be pitched into the “fiery furnace,” the ‘wheat-like’ ones would “shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (Matt. 13:24-30, 37-43) This definitely pointed to the concluding portion of the system of things under Satan’s wicked rule preceding its destruction. The prophetic illustration of Jesus also showed that time had to pass before the ‘weed-like’ ones would become fully manifest, finally to be destroyed. Since the apostles knew this, their use of “last days,” “last hour” and like expressions in connection with the apostasy did not mean that they expected Jesus’ second presence and the subsequent destruction of the ungodly right away. Let no man seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.”-2 Thess. 2:1-3.

  • @RiverDanube
    @RiverDanube Год назад +21

    Thanks Phil, you do such a good job with your research and fitting the pieces of information together.

  • @ExJWCaleb
    @ExJWCaleb Год назад +14

    Man your vids are so original

  • @allanu6416
    @allanu6416 Год назад +13

    I always appreciate your hard work and truth that you put into your videos. Thank you!

  • @Broknchainz
    @Broknchainz Год назад +9

    I always learn something new with your videos. Thanks!

  • @amandabomination691
    @amandabomination691 Год назад +6

    Wow, I didn’t know about that one. Or the giant convention center. I am super interested in their real estate, keep ‘em coming!

  • @leebob5372
    @leebob5372 Год назад +11

    The sign language Bible will be really useful in the New System that's just around the corner ,because we are living in the last of the last of the final part of the end of the very end of the final part of the end of the old system of things.

    • @terridovey7648
      @terridovey7648 Год назад +5

      Their god must not have the power to give them hearing in the new world order. 🤔

    • @naomiail1534
      @naomiail1534 Год назад +4

      Lol Bob🤣🤣🤣😋🤣🤣😎
      The last of the last an finally the last

    • @josecarlosrodriguez9876
      @josecarlosrodriguez9876 Год назад +2

      @@naomiail1534 LOL they can always add a couple of more "LASTS" in there haha. How convenient

  • @madamecurious
    @madamecurious Год назад +14

    I’m speechless … what a scam Organization we where born into 😠
    Thank you for this report and thank you for your hard work in making these informative videos!!
    I hope many, many more JWs will wake up and see that they were used and bamboozled by these ruthless men and that they too need to break free and leave!!!!

    • @terridovey7648
      @terridovey7648 Год назад +4


    • @alexshatner3907
      @alexshatner3907 Год назад

      Be aware that Mocking apostates as shown in this video also publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood. They even picket Witness conventions, trying to trap the unwary., it would be a dangerous thing to allow our curiosity to move us to feed on such writings or to listen to their abusive speech! While we might not think it a risk for us personally, the hazard remains. Why? For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of “smooth talk” and “counterfeit words.” (Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Peter 2:3) What would you expect from the table of demons? And while the apostates may also present certain facts, these are usually taken out of context with the goal of drawing others away from the table of Jehovah. All their writings simply criticize and tear down! Nothing is up building. “Avoid them,” says God’s Word. Other translations render that phrase “turn away from them,” “keep away from them,” and “stay away from them!” There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. Well, apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. (1 Tim. 6:3, 4) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them. We know what he means, but are we determined to heed his warning in all respects? Apostates “quietly bring in” corruptive ideas. Like smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views. And just as a clever forger tries to pass phony documents, so apostates use “counterfeit words,” or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they were true. They spread “deceptive teachings,” “twisting . . . the Scriptures” to fit their own ideas. Jesus Christ had foretold, the apostasy did not take in the entire body of Christians; the true, loyal ones were to be as “wheat” associated with “weeds.” After Christ’s second presence begins, invisible, in spirit, and during “the conclusion of the system of things” (then existing) a clear separation and demarcation was to be made evident. The “weeds,” “the sons of the wicked one,” were to be ‘collected out of the kingdom of the Son of man.’ This cleaning out of the true Christian congregation would leave a field of clean wheat; the false imitation Christians would be outside the true Christian congregation. Whereas the ‘weed-like’ ones would finally be pitched into the “fiery furnace,” the ‘wheat-like’ ones would “shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (Matt. 13:24-30, 37-43) This definitely pointed to the concluding portion of the system of things under Satan’s wicked rule preceding its destruction. The prophetic illustration of Jesus also showed that time had to pass before the ‘weed-like’ ones would become fully manifest, finally to be destroyed. Since the apostles knew this, their use of “last days,” “last hour” and like expressions in connection with the apostasy did not mean that they expected Jesus’ second presence and the subsequent destruction of the ungodly right away. Let no man seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.”-2 Thess. 2:1-3.

  • @peterbunyan3924
    @peterbunyan3924 Год назад +8

    Most of the JWs don't have a clue how their organisation operate.

    • @terridovey7648
      @terridovey7648 Год назад +1

      They really don't. They don't know that the wt owns stocks in companies that make alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, machines and artillery of mass destruction, Cinemax, etc. Everything the jw's are to stay away from is what they are invested in. And now they're supporting the democratic party, in the UN, and part of the Freemasons who are luciferians. The gb are not honest people. It's all about the $$$

  • @sofiamorgan6644
    @sofiamorgan6644 Год назад +9

    Always look forward to your well researched videos, and I have throughly enjoyed your book. Thank you.

  • @marcilambert2906
    @marcilambert2906 Год назад +7

    Did you see the program called the 5th estate last wk? It's was about the mormans with all their real estate too. Both organizations seem so similar. You can find the the show on RUclips.

    • @gigi1332
      @gigi1332 Год назад +5

      They are almost the same especially when it comes to the BILLIONS. Not millions but BILLIONS both organizations own in stock's. Watchtower in army weapons and Mormons in the pharmaceutical industry.

    • @ricardorodriguez-ci2ze
      @ricardorodriguez-ci2ze Год назад +3

      @@gigi1332 army weapons stocks? Do you have an article about it?

  • @lindiasanders3948
    @lindiasanders3948 Год назад +4

    Hello.Good to see you.

  • @dand3329
    @dand3329 Год назад +11

    Thanks Phil , this probably all falls under there tax free status . This is the fastest I have seen them sell a property. Maybe they have a new show coming " Kingdom Hall Flip "

    • @terridovey7648
      @terridovey7648 Год назад +3


    • @gabby4382
      @gabby4382 Год назад +2

      When they get the world class studio built , , they can make a movie about the building of it . . . as an advertisement , for immediately selling it , , to who. ever owns Hollywood now .

    • @alexshatner3907
      @alexshatner3907 Год назад

      Be aware that Mocking apostates as shown in this video also publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood. They even picket Witness conventions, trying to trap the unwary., it would be a dangerous thing to allow our curiosity to move us to feed on such writings or to listen to their abusive speech! While we might not think it a risk for us personally, the hazard remains. Why? For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of “smooth talk” and “counterfeit words.” (Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Peter 2:3) What would you expect from the table of demons? And while the apostates may also present certain facts, these are usually taken out of context with the goal of drawing others away from the table of Jehovah. All their writings simply criticize and tear down! Nothing is up building. “Avoid them,” says God’s Word. Other translations render that phrase “turn away from them,” “keep away from them,” and “stay away from them!” There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. Well, apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. (1 Tim. 6:3, 4) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them. We know what he means, but are we determined to heed his warning in all respects? Apostates “quietly bring in” corruptive ideas. Like smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views. And just as a clever forger tries to pass phony documents, so apostates use “counterfeit words,” or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they were true. They spread “deceptive teachings,” “twisting . . . the Scriptures” to fit their own ideas. Jesus Christ had foretold, the apostasy did not take in the entire body of Christians; the true, loyal ones were to be as “wheat” associated with “weeds.” After Christ’s second presence begins, invisible, in spirit, and during “the conclusion of the system of things” (then existing) a clear separation and demarcation was to be made evident. The “weeds,” “the sons of the wicked one,” were to be ‘collected out of the kingdom of the Son of man.’ This cleaning out of the true Christian congregation would leave a field of clean wheat; the false imitation Christians would be outside the true Christian congregation. Whereas the ‘weed-like’ ones would finally be pitched into the “fiery furnace,” the ‘wheat-like’ ones would “shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (Matt. 13:24-30, 37-43) This definitely pointed to the concluding portion of the system of things under Satan’s wicked rule preceding its destruction. The prophetic illustration of Jesus also showed that time had to pass before the ‘weed-like’ ones would become fully manifest, finally to be destroyed. Since the apostles knew this, their use of “last days,” “last hour” and like expressions in connection with the apostasy did not mean that they expected Jesus’ second presence and the subsequent destruction of the ungodly right away. Let no man seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.”-2 Thess. 2:1-3.

  • @lokisfriend
    @lokisfriend Год назад +1

    And alllllll that free labor from the brothers. 👏

  • @Joeandfran
    @Joeandfran Год назад +6

    We are 36 years in and ex’s. We listen to you all the time and appreciate your videos are brilliant . We are in the Utica, NY area and looking for other jw’s that are exiting. Please watch Jason Breshears, of Archaix. He is the most comprehensive chronologist that presents what’s really in front of us, eye opening!

  • @natashapeeters988
    @natashapeeters988 Год назад +2

    Always nice when you make another video 📹 🙂! Thanks 👍!

  • @Estee.Ar.6869
    @Estee.Ar.6869 Год назад +5

    Thank you Phil for bringing this JW real estate scam to my attention and confirming my suspicions. I had JW family members who went down to Florida and worked on this project. 🤣

    • @Goonapachamoothoo
      @Goonapachamoothoo Год назад

      There are so many traitors amonst jehovah s people s too imperfection carries them uglunesse.

  • @joepublisher166
    @joepublisher166 Год назад +2

    Another great video - always fascinated with your fact finding!

  • @jackijax505
    @jackijax505 Год назад +1

    Unbelievable man. They’re ridiculous!

  • @Danielle-nz9tn
    @Danielle-nz9tn Год назад +2

    How do people have so much energy for participating in a cult? I barely have energy for my totally legitimate job, which is very important to me. I can’t imagine trying to be a JW on top of that!

  • @justinthyme5382
    @justinthyme5382 Год назад +4

    The biggest joke is that these properties are dedicated to Jehovah, and more often than not sold to Babylon the Great. I'm so thankful for the internet it's helped me wake up from this nightmare of a religion.

    • @starbrite1121
      @starbrite1121 Год назад +1

      exactly! what happened to Leviticus 27;28 where NOTHING DEDICATED MAY BE SOLD!! oh nah, lets just forget about that says wt.

  • @lindiasanders3948
    @lindiasanders3948 Год назад +6

    Watchtower Always BUYING Some Land to Build Something.A Real Estate Business indeed I say.

  • @Sym6258
    @Sym6258 Год назад +5

    House flipping.

  • @theresistance9872
    @theresistance9872 Год назад +2

    good one Phil!

  • @kingofthedots3835
    @kingofthedots3835 Год назад +5

    There is always a great excuse to blow someone else's money 💰💰💰's the way corporate religions operate !

  • @Mr.Magic_O
    @Mr.Magic_O Год назад

    Great to see you continue to create content. Thx for the tireless effort to shine a light on the Witch Tower.
    Excellent research and clear, succinct and poignant delivery!

  • @b1crusade384
    @b1crusade384 Год назад +6

    You can fault Watchtower for bad doctrine. But not for doing good business.

    • @terridovey7648
      @terridovey7648 Год назад +4

      That's true. The question is why do they need all that money of you can't take it with you when you die? They say it's the last, last, last, last, of the last, the last, last in the days of the last, last days...?And of course, keeping their followers basically in poverty so the gb gets more of their money?🤔🤔🤔

    • @alexshatner3907
      @alexshatner3907 Год назад

      Be aware that Mocking apostates as shown in this video also publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood. They even picket Witness conventions, trying to trap the unwary., it would be a dangerous thing to allow our curiosity to move us to feed on such writings or to listen to their abusive speech! While we might not think it a risk for us personally, the hazard remains. Why? For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of “smooth talk” and “counterfeit words.” (Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Peter 2:3) What would you expect from the table of demons? And while the apostates may also present certain facts, these are usually taken out of context with the goal of drawing others away from the table of Jehovah. All their writings simply criticize and tear down! Nothing is up building. “Avoid them,” says God’s Word. Other translations render that phrase “turn away from them,” “keep away from them,” and “stay away from them!” There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. Well, apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. (1 Tim. 6:3, 4) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them. We know what he means, but are we determined to heed his warning in all respects? Apostates “quietly bring in” corruptive ideas. Like smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views. And just as a clever forger tries to pass phony documents, so apostates use “counterfeit words,” or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they were true. They spread “deceptive teachings,” “twisting . . . the Scriptures” to fit their own ideas. Jesus Christ had foretold, the apostasy did not take in the entire body of Christians; the true, loyal ones were to be as “wheat” associated with “weeds.” After Christ’s second presence begins, invisible, in spirit, and during “the conclusion of the system of things” (then existing) a clear separation and demarcation was to be made evident. The “weeds,” “the sons of the wicked one,” were to be ‘collected out of the kingdom of the Son of man.’ This cleaning out of the true Christian congregation would leave a field of clean wheat; the false imitation Christians would be outside the true Christian congregation. Whereas the ‘weed-like’ ones would finally be pitched into the “fiery furnace,” the ‘wheat-like’ ones would “shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (Matt. 13:24-30, 37-43) This definitely pointed to the concluding portion of the system of things under Satan’s wicked rule preceding its destruction. The prophetic illustration of Jesus also showed that time had to pass before the ‘weed-like’ ones would become fully manifest, finally to be destroyed. Since the apostles knew this, their use of “last days,” “last hour” and like expressions in connection with the apostasy did not mean that they expected Jesus’ second presence and the subsequent destruction of the ungodly right away. Let no man seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.”-2 Thess. 2:1-3.

  • @lindiasanders3948
    @lindiasanders3948 Год назад +7

    Why they do not build Apartments For their Members,Hospitals,Schools? Oh 😳 that would actually HELP people.Non Charitable LIEING CREEPS

    • @terridovey7648
      @terridovey7648 Год назад +7

      I've been asking the same thing... but they wouldn't be able to close it down shortly after to resell. They are greedy pigs in my opinion.

    • @securitycameras341
      @securitycameras341 Год назад +5

      Let the wordly PAY for it.
      They get stuck with the bill.
      Keep sending the money.

    • @alexshatner3907
      @alexshatner3907 Год назад

      Be aware that Mocking apostates as shown in this video also publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood. They even picket Witness conventions, trying to trap the unwary., it would be a dangerous thing to allow our curiosity to move us to feed on such writings or to listen to their abusive speech! While we might not think it a risk for us personally, the hazard remains. Why? For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of “smooth talk” and “counterfeit words.” (Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Peter 2:3) What would you expect from the table of demons? And while the apostates may also present certain facts, these are usually taken out of context with the goal of drawing others away from the table of Jehovah. All their writings simply criticize and tear down! Nothing is up building. “Avoid them,” says God’s Word. Other translations render that phrase “turn away from them,” “keep away from them,” and “stay away from them!” There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. Well, apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. (1 Tim. 6:3, 4) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them. We know what he means, but are we determined to heed his warning in all respects? Apostates “quietly bring in” corruptive ideas. Like smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views. And just as a clever forger tries to pass phony documents, so apostates use “counterfeit words,” or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they were true. They spread “deceptive teachings,” “twisting . . . the Scriptures” to fit their own ideas. Jesus Christ had foretold, the apostasy did not take in the entire body of Christians; the true, loyal ones were to be as “wheat” associated with “weeds.” After Christ’s second presence begins, invisible, in spirit, and during “the conclusion of the system of things” (then existing) a clear separation and demarcation was to be made evident. The “weeds,” “the sons of the wicked one,” were to be ‘collected out of the kingdom of the Son of man.’ This cleaning out of the true Christian congregation would leave a field of clean wheat; the false imitation Christians would be outside the true Christian congregation. Whereas the ‘weed-like’ ones would finally be pitched into the “fiery furnace,” the ‘wheat-like’ ones would “shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (Matt. 13:24-30, 37-43) This definitely pointed to the concluding portion of the system of things under Satan’s wicked rule preceding its destruction. The prophetic illustration of Jesus also showed that time had to pass before the ‘weed-like’ ones would become fully manifest, finally to be destroyed. Since the apostles knew this, their use of “last days,” “last hour” and like expressions in connection with the apostasy did not mean that they expected Jesus’ second presence and the subsequent destruction of the ungodly right away. Let no man seduce you in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.”-2 Thess. 2:1-3.

  • @terridovey7648
    @terridovey7648 Год назад +6

    It's too bad the jw's can't see what their religion is really about. $$$$$
    Love always my friend!

    • @kingofthedots3835
      @kingofthedots3835 Год назад +2

      Hi Terri ......I can't afford this property ....and it might need to be fumigated I'm out !

    • @terridovey7648
      @terridovey7648 Год назад +2

      @@kingofthedots3835 Hi Dots!! 👋
      You're hilarious!! I love it! 😎💪

  • @rubicktdo89
    @rubicktdo89 Год назад +1

    Maybe do a video...on the new Gieco building they just bought in Long Island for 28 million

  • @lindiasanders3948
    @lindiasanders3948 Год назад +5

    Where they always FIND and Get Money 💰 for these Big Progects? Their Poor Members Mostly I think 🤔.

    • @terridovey7648
      @terridovey7648 Год назад +6

      You would be surprised to know how much money the gb members really have, and how much properties they really own. This is why they're not transparent in their businesses. They have many umbrella companies also. I've seen this on other Ex jw channels.

    • @tammyg8031
      @tammyg8031 Год назад +3

      Yes, fleecing the sheep

    • @tammyg8031
      @tammyg8031 Год назад +2

      There's going to be a huge protest in WASHINGTON DC at the white house against Watchtower. October 31st. Please start making your plans so your voice can be heard.

    • @terridovey7648
      @terridovey7648 Год назад +2

      @@tammyg8031 THAT'S AMAZING!!!

    • @tammyg8031
      @tammyg8031 Год назад +3

      @@terridovey7648 The protest has been approved and permitted through homeland security in Washington DC. Pass the word. Watchtower will now pay for what they have done...let's get our families back

  • @broderickwallis25
    @broderickwallis25 Год назад +1

    Good one . Now, as an Australian I would be interested in an examination of Geoffrey Jacksons history . He seems to have some sort of European accent .

  • @siehechristusbekenner-de6217
    @siehechristusbekenner-de6217 Год назад +1

    How to refute and answer Jehovah's Witnesses
    Good reasoning was gathered here in article no. 39 in order to refute false
    doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses and to counter them
    with the Bible. The goal is to lovingly help sincere
    Jehovah's Witnesses, on the basis of 10 of their particular
    beliefs, to recognize their tragical delusion of what they
    belief to be the "truth" and to protect others from it.

  • @deanpixx
    @deanpixx Год назад +1

    This is the only sign language you need to know when talking to the watchtower: 🖕

  • @user-lo4wl6wd7f
    @user-lo4wl6wd7f Год назад +1

    15 years they could have been door knocking instead.

  • @pauldaignault7407
    @pauldaignault7407 Год назад +1

    Making a million dollars s chicken feed for this organization. If they simply invested the $1.45 billion from the sale of the Brooklyn properties at a mere 8% per year they would be making at least $116 million PER YEAR in interest. Spending $4 million buying this FL property was a drop in the bucket. You can bet that the money from the Brooklyn sale is invested a better than 8%, but that is all a secret along the lines of the Manhattan Project.

  • @Ed30675
    @Ed30675 Год назад +1

    So... Am I to conclude that most of the renovation of this property was completed by volunteers from within the organisation.. Only materials had to be purchased to complete the job?

  • @schleprock000
    @schleprock000 Год назад +15

    I really don’t get it. Why does anyone need the Bible in sign language when you can just read it. Wouldn’t it be like watching someone reading the Bible. Boring.

    • @b1crusade384
      @b1crusade384 Год назад +3

      I thought exactly the same thing.

    • @reluctantheist5224
      @reluctantheist5224 Год назад +5

      Lots of deaf can't read well , having never sounded out the letters . One deaf man told me it was like learning a lot of PIN numbers .

  • @MouseQueso
    @MouseQueso Год назад +1

    Hey Phil. Are you local to Florida?

  • @kevink2593
    @kevink2593 Год назад +1

    For reference, when WT brought the W Palm Beach convention facility from the county, several substantial tracts of land came with it, which the Society almost immediately sold. Result: after the land transactions, the net cost to WT for the convention facility was zero.

  • @kawamleko324
    @kawamleko324 Год назад

    Hey Phil are You and Your familiy are ok ? I mean the Snowstorm.

  • @compositioncompilation
    @compositioncompilation Год назад

    Ezek 38 seems to be in process of fulfillment..see if there's mention made regarding accumulated property.
    What must be done in order to fulfill that prophecy ..thus letting God be true though every man a fool or liar?

  • @Danielle-nz9tn
    @Danielle-nz9tn Год назад +1

    If the info the Gov Body member has to share, about what the Watchtower has been up to, is so “very special!!”, why is it not possible for him to commit that information to memory?! Why is it necessary for him to literally READ the information from a piece of PAPER?! That’s some really bad acting!!! And hilarious!!

  • @GEC416
    @GEC416 Год назад +1

    So let me get this straight, they were buying various bldgs and saying they were using them for the same reason to justify buying the and fixing them up and selling them for a profit. Do I have this correct?

    • @Goonapachamoothoo
      @Goonapachamoothoo Год назад +1

      Profit making of thy jhs org is neccessary to work all the needs of the 8000 millions of jhs witnesses missionaries sent to all countries in the world since decades are being emporiumised ,sheltered,all that needs money ,besides all those who each season after the students of galead thecratic school finish their studies they are sent to many countries as missionaries ,they needs money to cover there daily needs and aplace to live so all that is coverred in terms of dollar which the org must find to assist for the welfare of the said missionaries.this is why they invest as jessus did.

  • @rubenmejia942
    @rubenmejia942 Год назад

    Forgive my ignorance. Would doing the entire Bible in sign language truly be beneficial for deaf individuals? If they can see, couldn't they simply READ written word?
    It's not like audio books for blind people.

  • @hustonmices3976
    @hustonmices3976 Год назад +4

    Jehovah was behind this, or was it belzebub, of elhoim, satanas? Some other dud!! lol

  • @MissUsato
    @MissUsato Год назад +1

    Hey there, is there a way i can send you some ex-JW art about this?

  • @LOH__
    @LOH__ Год назад +1

    It’s all silly. Hahahaha.

  • @helmutsanger7726
    @helmutsanger7726 Год назад +1

    JW ORG ??????

  • @patricialynveal4017
    @patricialynveal4017 Год назад

    Oh jeeze.... everyone flips property. You are ridiculous in making some deal about it. As you said what do you do when donations down... so Tony Robbins of them.. this made WTB&TS look thrifty and nothing is secret, so gotta laugh