Država je pokradena in uničena, ampak te pesmi in kultura so domovina. In to nikole ne umre, tako da hvala. Hvala da sem lahko ponosen na to da sem slovenec. Hvala za kulturo, hvala za zgodovino, hvala da sem lahko eden od 2eh miljonov ljudi, ki lahko to razume in to živi.
Za šolo sem naredila tebe za opis ker si mi zelo navdihojoč človek. Nadarjen kljub temu sem vesela da ohranjaš ta tvoj glas da si ga ohranil vsa ta leta od Beltinške bande nazaj. Res bravo ohranjaj ga še naprej lep pozdrav.
This is the best translation I could find....sorry, probably not very accurate....... Bright, green, shy, and cool I'd come up high on the rock, I'd grow up and a stream, equalizer, and Sleigh. The gray Canyon would have kept me and my hand. He is my profanity of a child, He would have washed the sand with their legs, He would have washed the gold and him, Sometimes I'd catch someone with a bridge. River, river! I would understand. How you fall and love with fish and crabs, I'd be each other on my surface. And there would be people on the banks, And in the reflection, the Sand the Wolves. River, river! If there's a question of what you want to be, What do you want me to do again? I want to be a river, water, and ice, When you step and I, you chuck the whole world. River, river! Bright, green, shy, and cool
Država je pokradena in uničena, ampak te pesmi in kultura so domovina. In to nikole ne umre, tako da hvala. Hvala da sem lahko ponosen na to da sem slovenec. Hvala za kulturo, hvala za zgodovino, hvala da sem lahko eden od 2eh miljonov ljudi, ki lahko to razume in to živi.
Zelo lubim. Oprostite mene v jezyku, sem tujec. Ampak zelo ljubim
Zrasla ob reki. Seže do srca. Hvala g. Kreslin💙
Eden lepših komadov. Čim več takih 🙏🏼💙.
Hvala, hvala da je še nekdo, ki čuti tako. Hvala ker si.❤️
Cuten clovek. Petje njegovih pesmi mi bogati duso. Poj legenda poj..
Še ena več med mnogimi Vladotovimi, ko se mi naježi koža.
Čudovit umetnik in človek ste. Bog vas blagoslovi!
Za šolo sem naredila tebe za opis ker si mi zelo navdihojoč človek. Nadarjen kljub temu sem vesela da ohranjaš ta tvoj glas da si ga ohranil vsa ta leta od Beltinške bande nazaj. Res bravo ohranjaj ga še naprej lep pozdrav.
Včasih bi koga dol z mosta ujel......
Vrhunska! Hvala!
Za dušo. Hvala ker si ❤🍀
Preko drevoreda do reke. Bravo g. Kreslin
Ena beseda.fenomanalno❤🎵
Enostavno čudovito. Hvala g. Kreslin.
❤️ reka
Iz Češke, hvala.
super, to se je dugo čakalo :D
Back vokal poje Vokalni ansambel Reunion .
zelo zelo hud komad !!!!
Kakav divan zvuk!
In tudi g. Tomassini.
This is the best translation I could find....sorry, probably not very accurate.......
Bright, green, shy, and cool
I'd come up high on the rock,
I'd grow up and a stream, equalizer, and Sleigh.
The gray Canyon would have kept me and my hand.
He is my profanity of a child,
He would have washed the sand with their legs,
He would have washed the gold and him,
Sometimes I'd catch someone with a bridge.
River, river!
I would understand.
How you fall and love with fish and crabs,
I'd be each other on my surface.
And there would be people on the banks,
And in the reflection, the Sand the Wolves.
River, river!
If there's a question of what you want to be,
What do you want me to do again?
I want to be a river, water, and ice,
When you step and I, you chuck the whole world.
River, river!
Bright, green, shy, and cool
Rad bi bil reka,....
É uma maldade que alguém usa o nome dele,pra dar golpes na internet,
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