I am a survivor from a marriage in which horrendous abuse was supported by my church. I was told by church leaders that if I did not fulfill my husband's wishes, I would go to hell; and because I was raised to submit without question to authority I believed it. I only left him and the church because I almost killed myself. It has been a very long road to learning to think for myself and I am not even near the end of that road. Thank you very much for this topic. It's important.
I am an atheist who happens to be a black female. I remember a few years ago for my birthday the ladies at my mother's church (of which I was an unwilling member) gave me this book that was sort of like "A Christian Woman's Guide To The Bible". I immediately took it home, gave it the benefit of the doubt and thumbed through it for a few minutes; it's been sitting on the top shelf of my closet, untouched, ever since. I think I'll be making an offering to my garbage bin tonight lol.
I'm a secretly non believer who hates anything to read the Bible never enjoys Sabbath and all the biblical crap I was trapped with. I definitely want to burn my bibled
Hey. Zoroastrian here. I feel the need to introduce to the Good Religion, which is a feminist religion. Yasna 35.6 "As both man and women know the duty (to God), so let him, or her, declare it and fulfill it, O Ahura Mazda (God)"
As tempting as it is to ditch any objectionable book, it might be worth hanging onto. Especially if the book falls out of favour. As a "How not to do it" reminder sort of thing. Difficult issue, I know. And at the risk of touching a nerve, consider the so-called 'slave Bible'. From what I understand, it's next to impossible to find a copy of it due to most being burned or otherwise destroyed. Which makes it difficult to obtain for research or to even confirm or deny some of the rumours going around about it. On the other hand if the thing is still being printed and handed out everywhere, hoik the thing in the bin and forget about it. Given that I'm typing this eleven years later, I can't help but wonder what you decided to do with the thing.
So basically what she said was "We ignore all the bad stuff in the bible and then just interpret the rest of it to fit our personal views." In other words you're about as Christian as I am. If the Bible doesn't mean what the words on the page mean, that it doesn't mean ANYTHING as we can all interpret as we like to fit our views this way.
im pagan and women are by no means second to men. i can teach, start my own coven, and use my mind like a man. this is one of the major reasons i couldnt never be Christian.
Wow, my crazy church taught me that my sexuality was cursed by God. There was also a lot of sexual abuse in my church as well. We learned that it was God's will. This created in me severe PTSD. However, I started finding healing when I broke away from Christiananity all together. Think you so much for making this podcast.
The woman pastor is wrong when she says that this is the first time women were educated. Egyptian women held property and were educated. Do some research.
If she's just talking about in that region and that society (Middle east or whichever label is used now) then she's accurate enough for the discussion. Your point and that of the viking women being educated etc is well made however, and the pastor ideally should have given the region or society based qualifier as part of her statement if that IS what she meant. Clear communication is important. And often awkward.
that girl's story who was claimed to be schizophrenic for having sex reminded me to the times when I was still in church, they kept telling me that couples who had sex before marriage had a worse relationship than those who remained 'pure' until marriage. nobody ever questioned these claims, but actually nothing proved it. 😄
I cannot understand those people like this woman pastor who knows that the bible contains horrible acts and bad morals, but still rationalize it and still believe it's the word of god. Everything makes sense in the scripture if you just accept that the scripture is written by ancient tribes to codify their morals and laws in it. No divine intervention, no inspiration by any gods at all. The god part is just invented to give the scripture authority. I think it's because as children they were indoctrinated that there is a god and the bible is the word of god. So even if they accept and know that the bible have bad parts, their feelings can just not accept the possibility that there is no god at all. And they are wasting all their live making sense of those conflicts.
When i was a kid, on our drives to church there was a man who used to walk, when my dad stopped and asked him for a ride, he accepted. When my mom drove without my dad, he refused. When asked by my dad why he refused a ride from my mom, he said because she was a woman. At that time, women also could not sit in the front row of the church.
this is quite possibly the first time i've ever heard a man talk about women in such a positive way and truly mean it. usually, in my experience, whenever men listen to what women have to say, it's in a "isn't that sweet, she has an opinion. now let the men talk, mmmkay?" a lot of the time it feels like men say they support women's achievements but it seems hollow. and i completely agree with women who take the feminist thing to the man-hating extreme. it's just polarization of the problem.
I've faced this before from a ignorant girl in gym class. She will randomly get into arguments with people who haven't said a word to her but are doing anything such as:PDA,swearing,or even making adult jokes.One day she started on a good friend of mine, myself, and my boyfriend.I and him where hugging and such.She spouted "I'm going to be a minister!" during her nails on chalk board arguing. I told her of the bibles word and she shouted "LIES". I calmly said "Read your bible my dear."
I'd upgrade that to 'study' rather than just read. As Seth has said, many believers have 'read' their bible and not processed the information. There's also the famous quotes and lines about the road to atheism being litered with bibles read cover to cover, or atheists who know the bible better than the believers, or an atheist will read the bible whereas a believer has it read for/to them, and of course the best one "How to make an atheist: Have them read the bible." I think the real trick though is having the person actually process the information without someone else 'interpreting' it for them, or while not wearing the God Glasses that make everything mean the opposite of what it should.
Its so awesome you are doing shows as often as you are now. Thanks a bunch these vids are actually important to me to keep up hope. I live in an extremely religious community. We have 5 churches in our town. 1 gas station, 2 liquor stores and 1 bar. Thats it. Well a school of course as well.
While I agree that women should NOT be silent, is it not more important that NONE of us who oppose this oppression are not silent? Forget gender, oppose all religions which subjugate those who don't buy into their lies
"they love their women. their wives, moms, daughters" That's the problem. They think of women as possessions, they only care about women who they are attached to. You can love someone without seeing them as human, and that is (by and large) how a lot of religious men think. By this common line of reasoning revealed by your (and many others') language, a man can be a man, but a women is a wife, mother, or daughter, she exists only in her relationships to others.
The posessive twist on the language has always irked me. "My mother. My father. My friend. My this, my that." Our language is structured so that it's difficult to avoid. It'd be nice if we could move away from the "Me" part while still being able to identify the parties involved. I'm also reminded of the "When talking to your atheist" or "When I witness to my atheists" I've heard some preacher types use. Now that irks me. Has much stronger overtones to it than "People that I know who are atheists" or even just "people I know" or "atheists I talk with". English is a mess and is getting messier. We can do without this, and other similar things. Much like the gender specific pronouns. Amusingly, we used to have gender neutral pronouns but moved away from them. Then invented new ones. Then didn't use them. Now we're inventing new new ones. I have to admit I'd feel silly saying 'thee' and 'thine' and 'ye' and so on though.
The female pastor sounded relatively young (no older than Seth was at the time who was in his early 40's), but she had attitudes regarding women that my great grandmother did who was born in 1900. I just don't get how someone who is female and or gay and or black could be religious. I just don't understand how any person from those three groups of people could stand and defend a religion that clearly doesn't see them as an equal to a white man.
Several points: Rome never persecuted Christians as Christians but as tax evaders. Rome didn't give a hoot about religion (that was for women and children). Sparta educated women. Both girls and boys went to state schools, the boys boarded while the girls were day students. Spartan women were encouraged to exercise, to be fit and healthy and weren't permitted to be married until age 20. Please note, Sparta worshipped Pallas Athena and the Right to Rule came through the Queen - which is why they had to get kidnapped Helen back. (Menelaus would have had to step down as king if he didn't get Helen back.) The Bronze Age wasn't a monolith. Lilith was told by God that she could return to Eden if she would submit to Adam. If she'd refuse, He'd give her whatever lifestyle she chose. Lilith retired to the beach and lived a happy life screwing whomever she pleased.
Of course it's a piece of history, just like the The Iliad, Harry Potter, The Odyssey, Peter Pan, The Koran, and every other large tale. Nobody says it wasn't. But it's a piece of fantasy literature that was written in history, not a documentation OF history.
Well said...............as a male I have always stood up for the rights of women on equal terms with any man. In regards to the female pastor........it seems like she couldn't reject her faith and had to find a denomination that was compromised enough for her to manage those issues.............bottom line is that she is not being true to herself... BTW.....Congratulations for thinking for yourself and not submitting to such nonsense after being raised in the yoke of female oppression.
Very honest person that Kelly. That pastor-lady? Glad you included that. It's something I absolutely love about your podcasts. Actual input from both sides, eventho you dont see eye to eye with them.
For those that don't know a shekel is a weight equal to 11 grams, so 50 shekels are equal to 550 grams or 19.4 ounces of silver. Today that's worth $336.98, so that's what a virgin girl is worth to the Bible.
The fact that there is and old testament and a new one confuses me, isn't god timeless? Isn't god supose to be all knowing and all seeing? Then why do even the apologists say "But the scriptiors are written in another time" If this is the word of god, then why does time matter?
I know I'm a little late to the party (I just discovered this podcast), but I grew up Catholic and in a very religious small town. After I left Catholic school and started going to the local public school, some teachers there would teach science from the secular textbook and then say "Well, here's what God says..." Being fresh out of Catholic school, I didn't see a problem with it at the time, but I think I've always known deep down inside that I wasn't really dedicated to religion at all (I took the textbook's word over God's). Then, when I got into high school, myself and a group of about 4 other girls sat at a lunch table of about 2 boys. One of the boys was deeply religious and said to a table that where a majority of women were seated (including myself) that he and his family (presumably his mother as well) that women shouldn't have leadership positions either in the church or in government. Specifically he said that a woman shouldn't be president. I was completely astounded that he would have the nerve to say something like that to a group of women. Realizing how misogynistic, patriarchal, and sexist religion can be was one of the main reasons I decided to quit it entirely. I didn't see the point in dedicating any energy whatsoever to a belief system that defines women as lesser than. For me, it also ties in with ignorance about what the world is actually like (physically and mentally, women and men aren't that different), and leaving Catholic school and going to a secular school really opened my eyes to that. I had classmates that would refuse to even learn what evolution is in an academic setting (disrupting class in the process) and it just appalled me.
Christians the first to educate women??? Women had more standing in some ancient Greek cities than that. Granted, they couldn't vote, but especially some 'whores' had a lot of social standing, not to mention all the priestesses. Then in ancient Rome they had property rights, could divorce, etc. In Egypt it's not very clear to me, but they had women in very important roles, like Hatshepsut. Generally polytheisms treated women better.
I'm from Lithuania too. I agree with what he said. Bible was probably written not just to control women, but all people controlled by kings and rulers.
Prt4: There are many version of this story, but roughly it is said(at least in Jewish tradition) that Adam and Lilith were created as equals, but Adam felt that he should rule over her. Lilith informed him that they are equals, and after he tried to force obedience from her, in rage she ascended into the air and left him. Katalyzt
My grandmother was a United Methodist minister. An incredible and loving woman. Although it was more accepted in the Methodist church for a woman to lead she received so much hate mail throughout her life. No matter the amount of good she did for the world. Its just so sad to me
I've never understood why it is that Scripture demands that women be treated like second class citizens, that they deserve to be treated like animals. I've read the Bible my whole life, and it's always confused me to no end. Jesus said to love your neighbour as yourself, but it also said that women are to be abused, and if the husband didn't like her behaviour, God said that it's ok to kill her.
Hey, Seth, I'm an atheist and I went to a school full of penticostles, so I have a ton of studies if you do a podcast of religion is schools, please give a heads up
I grew up in the 1970s and I remember being told by my father, my male school counselors, and others that it was a waste of time to send a girl to college "just to get her MRS degree" - as if girls just went to college for fun and to screw around until they met their husbands-to-be. It totally didn't matter that I excelled in school and was taking AP science classes, as well getting my writing published. I also liked woodworking and other manual skills but was not allowed to take shop in high school - girls could only take "Home Economics" (sewing, cooking), or Typing for elective classes. My dad bitched constantly about having nothing but daughters for whose weddings he'd be obligated to pay. I used to piss him off by pointing out that he wouldn't have to fork over for our weddings if we went to college and could get good jobs with our degrees. Well, he didn't pay for either my wedding or college. I put myself through college and then nursing school, and my husband and I did our own wedding. Meanwhile, my mother (the religious one in the family) just pressured us all to get married because single college girls would "just get ruined having sex out of wedlock". When I lived with my partner for two years before getting married, she was so worried about me "living in sin". She constantly sent me religious books and propaganda aimed at the "proper role" of women. I've been an atheist for over thirty years, and I'm so much happier. My husband is my partner, not my owner or my master.
I heard the story of Lilith many years ago back when I was a Christian. I liked her. Somehow I don't think that I was suppose to like her, but I thought that she was awesome lol. Lilith > Eve. A lot of Christians (the ones the I know at least) either don't know the story of Lilith or outright object/deny it.
You always pick such great, interesting subjects that everyone has something to say about. I look forward to more of these podcasts. ROFL at the "men's rooms" bit.
@ScholarVisual concerning those verses also, where exactly does the woman have any say in the situation whatsoever? oh that's right they aren't people they are objects to be used by men, created from the rib of man, and subject to a mans will according to Christianity.
Hey Seth, some guy on campus was passing out books today. "How Science Shows There MUST Be A Creator" by Timothy R. Stout. You would love this book, some of his reasons include: Irreducible Complexity, arbitrary selection, and a comparison between the law of thermodynamics and information entropy. He's also quote mined several of the great minds of science. This book has provided me with some cheap laughs for the last couple hours.
@TheThinkingAtheist Seth, the way you approached the interview with a pastor was fantastic. You were frank yet tactful and were consequently received much better than someone else may have been. I commend you! If I had been in your place I suspect the interview would have terminated pretty quick. (It doesn't take long to piss of a believer when you use words like bloodthirsty, misogynistic, homophobic and psychotic to describe their god). Keep up the great work!
I am a Christian, and while my church is more progressive than most Baptists, I still, every now and then, experience a touch of sexism from some of the men in my church. Although they don't mean it to be that way, it still sets my teeth on edge. These are good men, who revere their wives and cherish their daughters, so that is why I have faith in their integrity. But it still irritates me.
As the survivor of domestic violence I can tell you a victim will often defend her victim. I'm not a psychiatrist so I don't know why but it would be nice to have a mental health professional speak on this subject.
Reminds me of the "rule of thumb". I heard that originally it was the rule that you should only strike your wife with a rod no thicker than your thumb. I was pretty horrified when I realized what it meant and how I used to use it all the time :(
The Methodist lady made a good attempt at explaining herself but Paul said,after saying that women should not teach,I quote "For Adam was formed first, then Eve." Paul explained why he said women should not teach.Her explanation about why he said women should not teach is contradictory with what Paul actually said.She insisted that it was because women were being educated and Paul did not what them to attract attention from the Romans but Paul made it clear that women should not have authority over men because MAN WAS CREATED FIRST.
Mr. MyErs Yet another apologetic, granted not one I'd ever heard before. Why would any historically or currently oppressed group uphold such a barbaric text as something worth following? Good on Seth for calling her on it.
When discussing why the Old Testament cannot be tossed out I like to bring up the verses (in the OT) that say the word of God will stand forever and is perfect. Watch the videos of GIIVideo to find those verses.
I'm listening to the Methodist female pastor and my question is: Will she keep looking for a positive spin to the bad verses in the Bible until she finds one or will she ever admit that they are just bad?
My father wasn't even in a cult (just orthodox), but I had to wear a headscarf (only in church, thankfully...)... in the middle of europe! Why? Why should I? I just wanted to rip it off and ask everybody in that room what's so horrible about my female body. Because it's just that, my body, the freakin' packaging. I have no desire to be a man, but i don't get the big deal there.
I really wanna talk on the show for a few minutes to Seth, but I live in England and to call America from where I live is £1.60 a minute ($2.55), and that's way too much for the amount of time I assume I'll get to talk for. If I can get on via Skype, that would be very helpful.
I love woman i think there exotic beautiful yet powerful smart yet bold...i never think of a woman an a lesser being. When asked by a woman from Attica: 'Why are you Spartan women the only ones who can rule men?', she said: 'Because we are also the only ones who give birth to men.'-daughter of Kleomenes I...so live long and prosper with a open mind
Don't these people realize they aren't even following the religion when they ignore the parts they don't like. I have more respect for the intellectual honesty of fundamentalists.
Agora is a good film regarding the fear that Christianity had (and still continues to display) regarding education of women. Sad story. Funny that you bring up the point about anti-men movements, because until I learned otherwise, I considered myself anti-sexist but also anti-feminist, as I thought feminism meant putting women on a pedestal and crushing all males. Not really a fan of the term... it could be clearer. Equalist or equalitist or equigenderism, or something similar. Plenty of words and lingual roots that could represent the idea more accurately.
@smithjustinn What you're missing is that it DOES NOT MATTER if Paul wrote them or not. That's beside the point. All I did was ask for CITATION and you vaguely mention some other writings. Also, I don't know WHY you keep referring to 2 Timothy. I've not mentioned it, it wasn't mentioned in the podcast and it's also beside the point. Regardless of whether it was written by Paul or not, the verses I was referring to, but didn't cite so you don't KNOW what I refer to, are misogynistic.
Wow! I was Christian for over 50 years… I’ve never heard the Lilith story. Reminds me of the very old silly sitcom The Munsters… now I know who Herman’s wife was. I thought she was just some vampire since her father is Dracula. Very cool!
who doesn't do so is selfish. I've wanted to be a scientist since I was freakin five and he knew it. Why can't I just have ONE or TWO children? "Because that's selfish and against the order of God."I said "Oh, I'll be fine with any present, but please no dollhouse..." guess what I got? (It wasn't more legos or toy robots) these are all little things, but they accumulate and they weigh down on your self image... that was one of the main reasons I turned away from christianity, it's woman-hating
You're right. Women tend to defend these religious systems even the Methodist minister in this podcast. Women are often more emotional and perhaps this helps explain why women often turn to religion. Religion fulfills an emotional need. Women in evangelical churches are reminded often of their place and it does seep into the mind. It's amazing how women accept/tolerate this. In my experience, the women who defend it the loudest are NOT actually submissive..they teach OTHER women to do that.
You're walking down the street, its night, the street isn't busy but its not completely empty. Someone is walking towards you. They're a man, dressed fine for the weather and social setting (lets say nice jeans and a simple t-shirt and light jacket). How can you tell if he is a danger to you or not?
It is like in the matrix movie when neo says they have been so conditioned to depend on the system they will defend it. Still it is sad and self defeating when one admits weakness, and in self hate goes alnong with it or so brainwashed that the info doesnt get in, they defend it out of the ego sense of defending what you have known or been used to and resist change.
32:20 What? "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" 2 Timothy 3:16 Have I misunderstood this verse?
Oh yeah, consider yourself lucky! His impression IS spot on, which gives me flashbacks of high school and therefore infuriates me. He's too good at that!
11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety
I may have missed a mention of it here, but... there is a school of thought which also traces the origin of the word "lullaby" to Lilith... from (supposedly) "Lilith-Abi", or "Lilith, begone".... My brother is a fundamentalist minister, and I come from the same background; I was a bit surprised when you mentioned not hearing about these verses growing up... I certainly did, in our church(es) here in Texas... yet another reason I rejected religion....
The interview with the pastor around 30:00 frames the scriptures (for me at least) as basically "It's better than nothing, and nothing is what we had before this." Okay, fair enough. I can get that. We have better than that now though, so will the fundies please stop following this outdated text literally? I liked the idea of Jesus tossing out the Old Testament entirely and recreating Christianity as a new religion. Sure the new still had flaws and problems, but it would have been a step in the right direction, and we could take another step and another as society develops. Without this huge drogue stone of a bunch of fragments of old texts.
@owlthoughts And just to get this out there in case it would come up again, I'm not arguing the existence of God. I'm speaking hypothetically within a viewpoint in order to address the flaws and limitations of that viewpoint. RUclips makes it a hassle to include such qualifiers so I simply made my point within its own bubble. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough.
@eahazell True, but at the end the important thing is, not making everyone think like us, but to make everyone think for they own. Its obvious that the lady has no problem in recognizing the flaws in her own believe, thats good enough for me.
She thinks women just started "demanding things" recently? If they weren't "demanding" things 2,000 years ago, would the male writers have even bothered spelling out the role of women in the texts? Just a rhetorical question. The caller @ 20:00 or so has a good observation, even if she does not understand it.
The female pastor completely sidestepped the issue that God could've very easily told the Israelites, "Don't rape." If he felt wearing mixed fabrics and picking up sticks on Saturday was important enough to issue a divine edict about, but didn't feel the same way about how important it was to tell people not to rape, what does that say about her God?
@matthewlane I don't assume either person is a danger, nor do I assume either person is devoid of possible threat. I'm just pointing out you literally have no way of telling who is going to hurt you or when. Be they male, female or something else.
Do you claim to follow the bible? If you do then why don't you follow it when it says "But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."? Matthew 6:5 ESV Why do self proclaimed Christian's have no problem praying and declaring their faith in public when the bible says “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others." Matthew 6:5 Why do so many "Christians" proudly believe and proclaim they are special and have a unique relationship with god when the bible says "Blessed are the meek," Matthew 5:5 Why do Christian "followers of Christ" not follow his teachings? in fact there are so many different forms of "Christianity" who are at odds with themselves. I can't help but notice those claiming to believe in the bible know very little about what it says. Relying on "faith" and "mystery" to resolve all contradictions?
@smithjustinn I cited FIRST Timothy. So did the podcast. Indeed, the Bible does have some contradictory scriptures, but that only serves to further illustrate that it should not be considered any sort of divine revelation. Erhman, while a decent Biblical scholar, is also an apologist. BTW, it doesn't matter WHERE the misogyny of the Bible came from. It's there and considered divine revelation and the word of god by those who will use it to justify their misogyny.
I am a survivor from a marriage in which horrendous abuse was supported by my church. I was told by church leaders that if I did not fulfill my husband's wishes, I would go to hell; and because I was raised to submit without question to authority I believed it. I only left him and the church because I almost killed myself. It has been a very long road to learning to think for myself and I am not even near the end of that road. Thank you very much for this topic. It's important.
I am an atheist who happens to be a black female. I remember a few years ago for my birthday the ladies at my mother's church (of which I was an unwilling member) gave me this book that was sort of like "A Christian Woman's Guide To The Bible". I immediately took it home, gave it the benefit of the doubt and thumbed through it for a few minutes; it's been sitting on the top shelf of my closet, untouched, ever since.
I think I'll be making an offering to my garbage bin tonight lol.
CxHxRxIxSxTxIxAxN Good for you! I still have my "Bible," from highschool! It is sitting up in my closet, so cute. I use it to attack religious people.
I'm a secretly non believer who hates anything to read the Bible never enjoys Sabbath and all the biblical crap I was trapped with. I definitely want to burn my bibled
Hey. Zoroastrian here. I feel the need to introduce to the Good Religion, which is a feminist religion. Yasna 35.6 "As both man and women know the duty (to God), so let him, or her, declare it and fulfill it, O Ahura Mazda (God)"
As tempting as it is to ditch any objectionable book, it might be worth hanging onto. Especially if the book falls out of favour. As a "How not to do it" reminder sort of thing. Difficult issue, I know. And at the risk of touching a nerve, consider the so-called 'slave Bible'. From what I understand, it's next to impossible to find a copy of it due to most being burned or otherwise destroyed. Which makes it difficult to obtain for research or to even confirm or deny some of the rumours going around about it.
On the other hand if the thing is still being printed and handed out everywhere, hoik the thing in the bin and forget about it. Given that I'm typing this eleven years later, I can't help but wonder what you decided to do with the thing.
So basically what she said was "We ignore all the bad stuff in the bible and then just interpret the rest of it to fit our personal views." In other words you're about as Christian as I am. If the Bible doesn't mean what the words on the page mean, that it doesn't mean ANYTHING as we can all interpret as we like to fit our views this way.
All christians cherrie pick in the Bible. There is basicly a verse for everyone in there.
I'm a Black female atheist, along with my black sister-in-law and my black mother. Yes! We do exist :) lol
Kay Indigo I am one, too! Be proud, my sister!
im pagan and women are by no means second to men. i can teach, start my own coven, and use my mind like a man. this is one of the major reasons i couldnt never be Christian.
Indeed. Blessed be, sister. )O(
Awesome. And, not like a Man. Like a woman! Inspiration!
I love it when he imitates the Christian preachers XD it's so spot on and it leaves me laughing every time
Wow, my crazy church taught me that my sexuality was cursed by God. There was also a lot of sexual abuse in my church as well. We learned that it was God's will. This created in me severe PTSD. However, I started finding healing when I broke away from Christiananity all together. Think you so much for making this podcast.
lilith was a pagan goddess. the church demonized her in order to keep women in check.
Martha Camejo I named my daughter after her because she was such a strong character
The woman pastor is wrong when she says that this is the first time women were educated. Egyptian women held property and were educated. Do some research.
she meant in that time and place.
@@AutoTerminator in that time and place, Egyptian women could own property. They had more rights than early hebrew women.
Viking woman could be warriors i think. And were respected
If she's just talking about in that region and that society (Middle east or whichever label is used now) then she's accurate enough for the discussion. Your point and that of the viking women being educated etc is well made however, and the pastor ideally should have given the region or society based qualifier as part of her statement if that IS what she meant. Clear communication is important. And often awkward.
that girl's story who was claimed to be schizophrenic for having sex reminded me to the times when I was still in church, they kept telling me that couples who had sex before marriage had a worse relationship than those who remained 'pure' until marriage. nobody ever questioned these claims, but actually nothing proved it. 😄
I cannot understand those people like this woman pastor who knows that the bible contains horrible acts and bad morals, but still rationalize it and still believe it's the word of god. Everything makes sense in the scripture if you just accept that the scripture is written by ancient tribes to codify their morals and laws in it. No divine intervention, no inspiration by any gods at all. The god part is just invented to give the scripture authority.
I think it's because as children they were indoctrinated that there is a god and the bible is the word of god. So even if they accept and know that the bible have bad parts, their feelings can just not accept the possibility that there is no god at all. And they are wasting all their live making sense of those conflicts.
When i was a kid, on our drives to church there was a man who used to walk, when my dad stopped and asked him for a ride, he accepted. When my mom drove without my dad, he refused. When asked by my dad why he refused a ride from my mom, he said because she was a woman. At that time, women also could not sit in the front row of the church.
this is quite possibly the first time i've ever heard a man talk about women in such a positive way and truly mean it. usually, in my experience, whenever men listen to what women have to say, it's in a "isn't that sweet, she has an opinion. now let the men talk, mmmkay?" a lot of the time it feels like men say they support women's achievements but it seems hollow. and i completely agree with women who take the feminist thing to the man-hating extreme. it's just polarization of the problem.
If you are menstruating and you feel unclean, I say: take a shower.
No need for exile.
But I guess I'm not as wise as God.
I've faced this before from a ignorant girl in gym class. She will randomly get into arguments with people who haven't said a word to her but are doing anything such as:PDA,swearing,or even making adult jokes.One day she started on a good friend of mine, myself, and my boyfriend.I and him where hugging and such.She spouted "I'm going to be a minister!" during her nails on chalk board arguing. I told her of the bibles word and she shouted "LIES". I calmly said "Read your bible my dear."
I'd upgrade that to 'study' rather than just read. As Seth has said, many believers have 'read' their bible and not processed the information. There's also the famous quotes and lines about the road to atheism being litered with bibles read cover to cover, or atheists who know the bible better than the believers, or an atheist will read the bible whereas a believer has it read for/to them, and of course the best one "How to make an atheist: Have them read the bible."
I think the real trick though is having the person actually process the information without someone else 'interpreting' it for them, or while not wearing the God Glasses that make everything mean the opposite of what it should.
Its so awesome you are doing shows as often as you are now. Thanks a bunch these vids are actually important to me to keep up hope. I live in an extremely religious community. We have 5 churches in our town. 1 gas station, 2 liquor stores and 1 bar. Thats it. Well a school of course as well.
Most of the very religious people I know are women and I honestly don't understand. Thankfully, I'm not.
People in conflict and denial about their own nature often project their own perceived shortcomings onto others.
Women shouldn't silent. I like hearing them speak. How dare the Bible try to tell them to be quiet.
Thank you, Chris.
I'm a woman, and I like you too, Chris :)
While I agree that women should NOT be silent, is it not more important that NONE of us who oppose this oppression are not silent? Forget gender, oppose all religions which subjugate those who don't buy into their lies
a certain female pastor has no idea of what the real history is of the time the bible was written. it's really kind of ridiculous to listen to her.
"they love their women. their wives, moms, daughters"
That's the problem. They think of women as possessions, they only care about women who they are attached to. You can love someone without seeing them as human, and that is (by and large) how a lot of religious men think. By this common line of reasoning revealed by your (and many others') language, a man can be a man, but a women is a wife, mother, or daughter, she exists only in her relationships to others.
The posessive twist on the language has always irked me. "My mother. My father. My friend. My this, my that." Our language is structured so that it's difficult to avoid. It'd be nice if we could move away from the "Me" part while still being able to identify the parties involved. I'm also reminded of the "When talking to your atheist" or "When I witness to my atheists" I've heard some preacher types use. Now that irks me. Has much stronger overtones to it than "People that I know who are atheists" or even just "people I know" or "atheists I talk with". English is a mess and is getting messier. We can do without this, and other similar things. Much like the gender specific pronouns. Amusingly, we used to have gender neutral pronouns but moved away from them. Then invented new ones. Then didn't use them. Now we're inventing new new ones. I have to admit I'd feel silly saying 'thee' and 'thine' and 'ye' and so on though.
The female pastor sounded relatively young (no older than Seth was at the time who was in his early 40's), but she had attitudes regarding women that my great grandmother did who was born in 1900. I just don't get how someone who is female and or gay and or black could be religious. I just don't understand how any person from those three groups of people could stand and defend a religion that clearly doesn't see them as an equal to a white man.
Several points: Rome never persecuted Christians as Christians but as tax evaders. Rome didn't give a hoot about religion (that was for women and children). Sparta educated women. Both girls and boys went to state schools, the boys boarded while the girls were day students. Spartan women were encouraged to exercise, to be fit and healthy and weren't permitted to be married until age 20. Please note, Sparta worshipped Pallas Athena and the Right to Rule came through the Queen - which is why they had to get kidnapped Helen back. (Menelaus would have had to step down as king if he didn't get Helen back.) The Bronze Age wasn't a monolith. Lilith was told by God that she could return to Eden if she would submit to Adam. If she'd refuse, He'd give her whatever lifestyle she chose. Lilith retired to the beach and lived a happy life screwing whomever she pleased.
Of course it's a piece of history, just like the The Iliad, Harry Potter, The Odyssey, Peter Pan, The Koran, and every other large tale. Nobody says it wasn't. But it's a piece of fantasy literature that was written in history, not a documentation OF history.
Well said...............as a male I have always stood up for the rights of women on equal terms with any man.
In regards to the female pastor........it seems like she couldn't reject her faith and had to find a denomination that was compromised enough for her to manage those issues.............bottom line is that she is not being true to herself...
BTW.....Congratulations for thinking for yourself and not submitting to such nonsense after being raised in the yoke of female oppression.
Very honest person that Kelly. That pastor-lady? Glad you included that. It's something I absolutely love about your podcasts. Actual input from both sides, eventho you dont see eye to eye with them.
wow what a pretzel the lady pastor turned out.
I feel sorry for religious people for the hurdles they must need to jump to validate their religions.
For those that don't know a shekel is a weight equal to 11 grams, so 50 shekels are equal to 550 grams or 19.4 ounces of silver. Today that's worth $336.98, so that's what a virgin girl is worth to the Bible.
A virgin wife who becomes essentially my property for less than am Xbox 1 you got a deal!
LordDragul Smitty And you get to choose ! Imagine out of 10,000 you could get a pretty damn good deal at that ! ( Sarcasm )
Michael Cox Seems the value of women goes down.. today they cost $297.07. dollars.
Sad isn't it?
That's a lot of cheese...
The fact that there is and old testament and a new one confuses me, isn't god timeless? Isn't god supose to be all knowing and all seeing? Then why do even the apologists say "But the scriptiors are written in another time"
If this is the word of god, then why does time matter?
felt like re listening to this today...and...err...oh gawd, did seth's microphone improve...it sounds like he stuck a sock over it XD
I know I'm a little late to the party (I just discovered this podcast), but I grew up Catholic and in a very religious small town. After I left Catholic school and started going to the local public school, some teachers there would teach science from the secular textbook and then say "Well, here's what God says..." Being fresh out of Catholic school, I didn't see a problem with it at the time, but I think I've always known deep down inside that I wasn't really dedicated to religion at all (I took the textbook's word over God's). Then, when I got into high school, myself and a group of about 4 other girls sat at a lunch table of about 2 boys. One of the boys was deeply religious and said to a table that where a majority of women were seated (including myself) that he and his family (presumably his mother as well) that women shouldn't have leadership positions either in the church or in government. Specifically he said that a woman shouldn't be president. I was completely astounded that he would have the nerve to say something like that to a group of women. Realizing how misogynistic, patriarchal, and sexist religion can be was one of the main reasons I decided to quit it entirely. I didn't see the point in dedicating any energy whatsoever to a belief system that defines women as lesser than. For me, it also ties in with ignorance about what the world is actually like (physically and mentally, women and men aren't that different), and leaving Catholic school and going to a secular school really opened my eyes to that. I had classmates that would refuse to even learn what evolution is in an academic setting (disrupting class in the process) and it just appalled me.
Christians the first to educate women??? Women had more standing in some ancient Greek cities than that. Granted, they couldn't vote, but especially some 'whores' had a lot of social standing, not to mention all the priestesses. Then in ancient Rome they had property rights, could divorce, etc. In Egypt it's not very clear to me, but they had women in very important roles, like Hatshepsut. Generally polytheisms treated women better.
55:04 to 55:53
I wonder if Peter Gabriel knows his music from 'Passion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ' is being used in that TV show?
The girl in the picture? I could listen to her talk all day.
I'm from Lithuania too. I agree with what he said. Bible was probably written not just to control women, but all people controlled by kings and rulers.
There are many version of this story, but roughly it is said(at least in Jewish tradition) that Adam and Lilith were created as equals, but Adam felt that he should rule over her. Lilith informed him that they are equals, and after he tried to force obedience from her, in rage she ascended into the air and left him.
She disappeared because she knew you were right and had nothing to come back at you with.
My grandmother was a United Methodist minister. An incredible and loving woman. Although it was more accepted in the Methodist church for a woman to lead she received so much hate mail throughout her life. No matter the amount of good she did for the world. Its just so sad to me
Okay, here we go. Standby! 3, 2, 1, action!
Such a good way to start this off every time.
I've never understood why it is that Scripture demands that women be treated like second class citizens, that they deserve to be treated like animals. I've read the Bible my whole life, and it's always confused me to no end. Jesus said to love your neighbour as yourself, but it also said that women are to be abused, and if the husband didn't like her behaviour, God said that it's ok to kill her.
Hey, Seth, I'm an atheist and I went to a school full of penticostles, so I have a ton of studies if you do a podcast of religion is schools, please give a heads up
I grew up in the 1970s and I remember being told by my father, my male school counselors, and others that it was a waste of time to send a girl to college "just to get her MRS degree" - as if girls just went to college for fun and to screw around until they met their husbands-to-be. It totally didn't matter that I excelled in school and was taking AP science classes, as well getting my writing published. I also liked woodworking and other manual skills but was not allowed to take shop in high school - girls could only take "Home Economics" (sewing, cooking), or Typing for elective classes. My dad bitched constantly about having nothing but daughters for whose weddings he'd be obligated to pay. I used to piss him off by pointing out that he wouldn't have to fork over for our weddings if we went to college and could get good jobs with our degrees.
Well, he didn't pay for either my wedding or college. I put myself through college and then nursing school, and my husband and I did our own wedding. Meanwhile, my mother (the religious one in the family) just pressured us all to get married because single college girls would "just get ruined having sex out of wedlock". When I lived with my partner for two years before getting married, she was so worried about me "living in sin". She constantly sent me religious books and propaganda aimed at the "proper role" of women.
I've been an atheist for over thirty years, and I'm so much happier. My husband is my partner, not my owner or my master.
I heard the story of Lilith many years ago back when I was a Christian. I liked her. Somehow I don't think that I was suppose to like her, but I thought that she was awesome lol. Lilith > Eve. A lot of Christians (the ones the I know at least) either don't know the story of Lilith or outright object/deny it.
You are Brilliant Seth! I can think of few spokespersons for Atheists that could do this better than you do! Well Done!!!
You always pick such great, interesting subjects that everyone has something to say about. I look forward to more of these podcasts.
ROFL at the "men's rooms" bit.
@ScholarVisual concerning those verses also, where exactly does the woman have any say in the situation whatsoever? oh that's right they aren't people they are objects to be used by men, created from the rib of man, and subject to a mans will according to Christianity.
You sir have a dedicated listener! awesome podcast!
I love these videos. Thanks, TheThinkingAtheist!
Thank you for this. I'm finally thinking critically about the beliefs I was brought up with.
Hey Seth, some guy on campus was passing out books today. "How Science Shows There MUST Be A Creator" by Timothy R. Stout. You would love this book, some of his reasons include: Irreducible Complexity, arbitrary selection, and a comparison between the law of thermodynamics and information entropy. He's also quote mined several of the great minds of science. This book has provided me with some cheap laughs for the last couple hours.
@TheThinkingAtheist Seth, the way you approached the interview with a pastor was fantastic. You were frank yet tactful and were consequently received much better than someone else may have been. I commend you!
If I had been in your place I suspect the interview would have terminated pretty quick. (It doesn't take long to piss of a believer when you use words like bloodthirsty, misogynistic, homophobic and psychotic to describe their god).
Keep up the great work!
@ScholarVisual the point is that shes penalized for life, she has to marry her rapist, and has no rights, this is immoral.
@Vainslain "Do atheists really think?" Yes we do think, it's how we came to the realization that there is no god.
I am a Christian, and while my church is more progressive than most Baptists, I still, every now and then, experience a touch of sexism from some of the men in my church. Although they don't mean it to be that way, it still sets my teeth on edge. These are good men, who revere their wives and cherish their daughters, so that is why I have faith in their integrity. But it still irritates me.
As the survivor of domestic violence I can tell you a victim will often defend her victim. I'm not a psychiatrist so I don't know why but it would be nice to have a mental health professional speak on this subject.
@Otokogoroshi Fair points. I suppose I'll leave this open and read additional comments for a while. I've said my peace in any case.
Reminds me of the "rule of thumb". I heard that originally it was the rule that you should only strike your wife with a rod no thicker than your thumb. I was pretty horrified when I realized what it meant and how I used to use it all the time :(
The Methodist lady made a good attempt at explaining herself but Paul said,after saying that women should not teach,I quote "For Adam was formed first, then Eve." Paul explained why he said women should not teach.Her explanation about why he said women should not teach is contradictory with what Paul actually said.She insisted that it was because women were being educated and Paul did not what them to attract attention from the Romans but Paul made it clear that women should not have authority over men because MAN WAS CREATED FIRST.
Mr. MyErs Yet another apologetic, granted not one I'd ever heard before. Why would any historically or currently oppressed group uphold such a barbaric text as something worth following? Good on Seth for calling her on it.
Women were here first
When discussing why the Old Testament cannot be tossed out I like to bring up the verses (in the OT) that say the word of God will stand forever and is perfect. Watch the videos of GIIVideo to find those verses.
Find the answers in the bible? Wow. I would be afraid of anyone like that.
I just don't get that methodist pastor lady... going form catholic to methodist. That's kinda like going from heroin to codeine, y'know what I mean?
I'm listening to the Methodist female pastor and my question is: Will she keep looking for a positive spin to the bad verses in the Bible until she finds one or will she ever admit that they are just bad?
My father wasn't even in a cult (just orthodox), but I had to wear a headscarf (only in church, thankfully...)... in the middle of europe! Why? Why should I? I just wanted to rip it off and ask everybody in that room what's so horrible about my female body. Because it's just that, my body, the freakin' packaging. I have no desire to be a man, but i don't get the big deal there.
I had a running argument with one of my fathers aunts over that headscarf in church .God wanted that hair on my hair, so what was wrong with it.
Whoah im so early to comment. I've been waiting for this post like a kid for a cod game. Fantastic.
I really wanna talk on the show for a few minutes to Seth, but I live in England and to call America from where I live is £1.60 a minute ($2.55), and that's way too much for the amount of time I assume I'll get to talk for. If I can get on via Skype, that would be very helpful.
I knew about Lilith thanks for listening to loads of metal music. Thanks Seth for bringing this up!
The Thinking Atheist brings sanity to my world :)
I love woman i think there exotic beautiful yet powerful smart yet bold...i never think of a woman an a lesser being. When asked by a woman from Attica: 'Why are you Spartan women the only ones who can rule men?', she said: 'Because we are also the only ones who give birth to men.'-daughter of Kleomenes I...so live long and prosper with a open mind
Darkest King Beautiful.
I was brought up in the WWCG cult also I'm still trying to overcome it 58 years later.
0:55:03 -gave me chills. "A religion of peace indeed"
Reading how women are treated in the Bible and the fact that God was OK with slavery pushed me on the road to really questioning the Bible.
Don't these people realize they aren't even following the religion when they ignore the parts they don't like. I have more respect for the intellectual honesty of fundamentalists.
Agora is a good film regarding the fear that Christianity had (and still continues to display) regarding education of women. Sad story.
Funny that you bring up the point about anti-men movements, because until I learned otherwise, I considered myself anti-sexist but also anti-feminist, as I thought feminism meant putting women on a pedestal and crushing all males. Not really a fan of the term... it could be clearer. Equalist or equalitist or equigenderism, or something similar. Plenty of words and lingual roots that could represent the idea more accurately.
Have a cool idea for a vid thanks to this vid. Will share it with ya when done. May not be ready till next weekend.
@abornpoker That was such a great idea, I can't believe anyone ever relaxed that rule.
Lillith is finally getting some of the spotlight.
@smithjustinn What you're missing is that it DOES NOT MATTER if Paul wrote them or not. That's beside the point. All I did was ask for CITATION and you vaguely mention some other writings.
Also, I don't know WHY you keep referring to 2 Timothy. I've not mentioned it, it wasn't mentioned in the podcast and it's also beside the point.
Regardless of whether it was written by Paul or not, the verses I was referring to, but didn't cite so you don't KNOW what I refer to, are misogynistic.
Wow! I was Christian for over 50 years… I’ve never heard the Lilith story.
Reminds me of the very old silly sitcom The Munsters… now I know who Herman’s wife was. I thought she was just some vampire since her father is Dracula. Very cool!
This should be preached in the churches. Wake people up.
who doesn't do so is selfish. I've wanted to be a scientist since I was freakin five and he knew it. Why can't I just have ONE or TWO children? "Because that's selfish and against the order of God."I said "Oh, I'll be fine with any present, but please no dollhouse..." guess what I got? (It wasn't more legos or toy robots) these are all little things, but they accumulate and they weigh down on your self image... that was one of the main reasons I turned away from christianity, it's woman-hating
You're right. Women tend to defend these religious systems even the Methodist minister in this podcast. Women are often more emotional and perhaps this helps explain why women often turn to religion. Religion fulfills an emotional need. Women in evangelical churches are reminded often of their place and it does seep into the mind. It's amazing how women accept/tolerate this. In my experience, the women who defend it the loudest are NOT actually submissive..they teach OTHER women to do that.
You're walking down the street, its night, the street isn't busy but its not completely empty. Someone is walking towards you. They're a man, dressed fine for the weather and social setting (lets say nice jeans and a simple t-shirt and light jacket). How can you tell if he is a danger to you or not?
It is like in the matrix movie when neo says they have been so conditioned to depend on the system they will defend it. Still it is sad and self defeating when one admits weakness, and in self hate goes alnong with it or so brainwashed that the info doesnt get in, they defend it out of the ego sense of defending what you have known or been used to and resist change.
32:20 What?
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" 2 Timothy 3:16
Have I misunderstood this verse?
Oh yeah, consider yourself lucky! His impression IS spot on, which gives me flashbacks of high school and therefore infuriates me. He's too good at that!
It's that kind of selfrighteous nonsense that drives more and more people away from fairytales
So thanks for helping!
11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety
I may have missed a mention of it here, but... there is a school of thought which also traces the origin of the word "lullaby" to Lilith... from (supposedly) "Lilith-Abi", or "Lilith, begone"....
My brother is a fundamentalist minister, and I come from the same background; I was a bit surprised when you mentioned not hearing about these verses growing up... I certainly did, in our church(es) here in Texas... yet another reason I rejected religion....
The interview with the pastor around 30:00 frames the scriptures (for me at least) as basically "It's better than nothing, and nothing is what we had before this." Okay, fair enough. I can get that. We have better than that now though, so will the fundies please stop following this outdated text literally? I liked the idea of Jesus tossing out the Old Testament entirely and recreating Christianity as a new religion. Sure the new still had flaws and problems, but it would have been a step in the right direction, and we could take another step and another as society develops. Without this huge drogue stone of a bunch of fragments of old texts.
is it me or is the picture of the thumbnail one of Aaliyah ?
@owlthoughts And just to get this out there in case it would come up again, I'm not arguing the existence of God. I'm speaking hypothetically within a viewpoint in order to address the flaws and limitations of that viewpoint. RUclips makes it a hassle to include such qualifiers so I simply made my point within its own bubble. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough.
@eahazell True, but at the end the important thing is, not making everyone think like us, but to make everyone think for they own. Its obvious that the lady has no problem in recognizing the flaws in her own believe, thats good enough for me.
@cporter73 -Weren't Jesus disciples said to be unlearned and uneducated?
She thinks women just started "demanding things" recently? If they weren't "demanding" things 2,000 years ago, would the male writers have even bothered spelling out the role of women in the texts? Just a rhetorical question.
The caller @ 20:00 or so has a good observation, even if she does not understand it.
The female pastor completely sidestepped the issue that God could've very easily told the Israelites, "Don't rape." If he felt wearing mixed fabrics and picking up sticks on Saturday was important enough to issue a divine edict about, but didn't feel the same way about how important it was to tell people not to rape, what does that say about her God?
If mental gymnastics were an Olympic event she would have a gold medal.
You might also want to point out the rights of women in Scandinavian societies (vikings) and what their standing in their society.
@matthewlane I don't assume either person is a danger, nor do I assume either person is devoid of possible threat. I'm just pointing out you literally have no way of telling who is going to hurt you or when. Be they male, female or something else.
Do you claim to follow the bible? If you do then why don't you follow it when it says "But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."?
Matthew 6:5 ESV
Why do self proclaimed
Christian's have no problem praying and declaring their faith in public when the bible says “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others."
Matthew 6:5
Why do so many "Christians" proudly believe and proclaim they are special and have a unique relationship with god when the bible says
"Blessed are the meek,"
Matthew 5:5
Why do Christian "followers of Christ" not follow his teachings? in fact there are so many different forms of "Christianity" who are at odds with themselves. I can't help but notice those claiming to believe in the bible know very little about what it says. Relying on "faith" and "mystery" to resolve all contradictions?
@smithjustinn I cited FIRST Timothy. So did the podcast.
Indeed, the Bible does have some contradictory scriptures, but that only serves to further illustrate that it should not be considered any sort of divine revelation.
Erhman, while a decent Biblical scholar, is also an apologist.
BTW, it doesn't matter WHERE the misogyny of the Bible came from. It's there and considered divine revelation and the word of god by those who will use it to justify their misogyny.