I am a Canadian. I look to you Lewis and I feel sad seeing your frustration anger and sadness with the state of your country. You speak the truth and are a voice of hope in the darkness of the United. Thank you.
I am putting my messed up story here. Some how when I put this story on Reddit, I got found out and sued for this story. About 10 years ago in High school in my Junior year, our school got a mass shooter. The 15 year old kid brought an AR-15, a Remington 1870, and a glock 19. He shot and killed both of the school’s police officers, killed 5 students, killed teacher, killed the old 75 year janitor, and shot but didn’t kill 50 other students. Who stop the shooter, it was not a cop but a senior from anime club that was thinking and taking about committing suicide. Basically though he was going to die and decided to punch the shooter until the shooter stop shooting or the senior died. The senior got shot 5 times but saved about 20 students and a teacher. Now here is the crazy part, the shooter was the 2nd cousin to the governor of the state and the school’s principal pick for future Vallon Victorian. The shooter’s parents sued the school, the senior, and every student. The shooter was sentenced to 56 years to life in prison. The school lost 3 million dollars in state government funding. Every student but 3 signed an agreement not to talk about the shooting until the shooter dies unless you want to get sue by the parents of the shooter. I am currently in civil court in the state because some how the story on Reddit got recognized and I am currently waiting for this dumb court date. Here is the craziest part, the shooter got Pardon by Trump in 2018 some how, and the shooter moved to South Carolina. The shooter a few days ago made a website to get signatures to help him join the United States Army. Everyone in my class and the classes in my school that were there and survived still remember this man’s name and a few have talked about shooting the shooter if he somehow gets into the army. There are over 400 people in the armed forces from our school that all though and said the same thing. The senior that saved lives almost went to prison for all the resources of the shooter’s parents used against him. The senior lives in Canada now and talks to some people from the anime club now and again.
Mr. Lewis, thank you for narrating my thoughts when I'm too angry to form words. It's a relief to know I'm not alone in my outrage - it gets lonely sometimes.
This argue seems to work: When you ask any MAGA 2A right-wing fringe idiot troll to List the States that have sanctioned and organized well regulated Militias, they always go silent, even though Virginia provides for one on paper, and you don't even have to be a citizen to join. 🤪
How right you are, Laura. Even more upsetting is finding out what my friends’ position is in this topic. Lonely? I also feel isolated. Thank G_d for Lewis Black.
Thank you! I am a combat veteran and was in combat with one of those weapons during Combine 99’. Now I have bullet proof backpacks my children… PTSD…. We can’t keep putting our future generations through this!!!!!
You dont need to splain anything to anyone your fanbase absolutley loves and gets you! The one thing we love is you say what you are thinking and godbless your honesty! I swear we are the same person in different bodies. Your foreal dont ever change.
“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” (Winston Churchill, paraphrasing Georges Santayana) As astonishing as our representatives' failures have been, no one should be surprised by the dystopic future we are about to experience.
Military members are required to turn in their weapon before they leave.......so why is it alright for private citizens to have them???. It boggles (sp) my mind. Love you Lewis....sending blessings...J
Ever heard of the Saturday night special?? Those were police officers weapons that the police officers themselves sold because in the 70's cops were aloud to carry the 9 millameters, and they weren't required to turn in there weapons in or even know where they went
@@kansascityjimi2531 Both are true, yet America is one of the only Nation that allows if we go bad Germany, we should have every option on the table! But most don't realize ; all hand held weapons are obsolete! Apartments best weapon is rubber pellets 12 gauge ; because it doesn't normally breaches the adjacent Apartments. 9 millimeter (conceled carring has enough stopping force) can penatrate walls used wonton. 40 cal. can (pending ammunition can create havoc). So I am pro-gun, but I WANT gun reform. The rant missed the parts of famliures. They're the one's who want the gear, the higher callabor weapons, respect of glory, but won't ever risk thier own lives. Then you want to arm staff? I watched too many die in real life wars then political cowards. Drop politicians of in war in a reel, active environmets, weapons maker's, put a bet on politicians shitting their pants; or getting out alive!
Right? Nobody wants us taking any of the other horrifyingly effective weapons of violence with us when we retire. Why are those fine? Idiots. If it wasn't a manufactured culture, where are all the mass knifings, garden-rakings and weed-whackerings?
Because they don't have the same weapons and they're owned by the government like everything that's issued and the other has a self loading rifle they bought themselves. Officers can on some occasions buy their service handguns so they can keep what they've carried for decades.
It's worse than that. One of the reasons the police had trouble entering the building is because of the locked doors they had to find the janitor to give them the keys. These Republicans at this NRA convention or idiots. Also if you arm the teachers when the police do storm the building how are they going to tell who's the active shooter?
Absolutely- there are regulations. How awful we have had active shooter training for years in healthcare. Poor children have learned “there are monsters out there- and at that young age- including the professional educators) I can’t believe the idiot irresponsible speaking points from these uncaring fools.
Remember, it was TED CRUZ that said that the solution to school gun violence is to have only ONE DOOR. The man is profoundly stupid. Remember, it was TED CRUZ that took off to Cancun (Mexico) when his state was freezing cold and their power grid failed. The man is a raging coward.
So guns are more important than our babies, what horrible lesson are we to learn from all those souls lost, our babies ....it just keeps repeating over and over THANK YOU LEWIS FOR YOU BEING YOU,I agree with everything you said very eloquently I might add ☮️❤️🕯️
I really appreciate your remarks at the start. Although comedians aren't supposed to make you weep, you're saying what we're all thinking (at least those of us who have a heart). Keep on keepin' on, Lew.
These problems will not stop until they ARE stopped. And our leaders are not interested in stopping them. It's up to us, the people, to make these tragedies stop.
I love your honest opinion and common sense approach! Please keep doing what you and how you do it!!! Hats of to you, Lewis. A "fan" from The Netherlands
Lewis I was unaware of your career before your daily show gig. I have looked into your past comedy/commentary. You have nothing to apologize for, to anyone! The world sadly has not changed, and neither have you! Frustrating? Hell ya! Keep on being you mano! What can a feeling human being do? I have no answers. The pain is intolerable. School was not deadly in my time. Until we unite nothing will change.
The most poignant thing I think I've ever heard was when you said (& I'm paraphrasing) All those deaths stop being people and become statistics. Wow. That says it all.
Lewis, you are one of few voices of reason we have these days. I remember vividly watching Columbine on the news. I was at my dads, my mother was on her way home from brain surgery at Henry Ford Hospital. Now there’s school shootings and it just normal news which is sickening. I don’t even have kids, but it makes me sick to my stomach that children are being murdered at this rate. It wasn’t even a thing when I was in school from 93-06. And our useless politicians on both sides do nothing about it because they’re owned by the NRA. Which also makes me sick. Thank you for speaking out with anger and expressing what most of us want to express. God bless you.
My rage is right up there with yours. Repeating the same old tropes over and over again every week to 10 fucking days when this happens enrages me the most. Talking like we care. WE DON'T FUCKING CARE OR IT WOULD STOP. I for one can not go through it again knowing NOTHING WILL EVER HAPPEN.
Agreed to 21+ age limit. Background checks & waiting period. Annual license renewal. But, NO semi-automatic military-style weapons. NO civilian should own them. Rifle for hunting, Pistol for home defense. No bump stocks, no high capacity magazines.
An eighteen year old killing kids has nothing to do with a free state and is certainly not well regulated. It is an unconscionable moral tragedy that we allow this to happen under the guise that the constitution somehow protects this type of gun ownership. In the future we will be seen as medieval for this having allowed this to happen- sacrificing children so people can walk out of a store with a killing machine. Seriously???
You read and voice all of our major malfunctions on a weekly basis. I think the least we can do is listen to yours whenever you feel the need. 👍Especially when they happen to be ours too. Anyone who *isn't* enraged at the moment isn't paying attention. Please, rant away. We love ya, Lewis. ❤ And Mom, of course. Oh, and the Rubber Chicken too. 🐔❤
Purchasing and owning a firearm should be as difficult as getting a drivers license, a series of psych questions as well as background check and proficiency tests by professionals as well as safety classes every five years. But NOOOOO, one can come up with a solution and no one needs a personal assault weapon unless the Government issues them one. As it says in the Complete second amendment, which few people ever read.
Define what a no one needs a personal assault weapon is before you make a categorical statement about them. What makes an assault weapon? Or do you mean no one needs a firearm that looks like a military weapon? No one needs a firearm that is the same caliber of a military firearm? So if the answer to these two questions is yes, you want to ban any firearm that looks like an AR, any firearm with a .22, .223 or 5.56mm, .30.06, 7.62, .50 caliber, any shotgun in 10 or 12 ga., any semi auto pistol or revolvers in .38, .40, 9mm, .45 and other calibers. No bolt action rifles in numerous calibers. We have not started on automatic weapons yet. What a firearm looks like, how many rounds it holds, or what size projectile it fires will not do one thing about these shooting incidents. Change your rhetoric to the causes, not the tools of a small number of mass shootings. The assault weapons ban did not stop it before, it will not stop it in the future because it is not a factor in what causes mass shootings. Stop the loopholes in the current laws. Increase the affects of background checks. Increase the training of school counselors in identifying at risk kids who are being bullied in schools and their treatment. Pass universal healthcare, livable wages. Get rid of dark money and the corruption of congress. Stop the hate rhetoric of politicians and broadcasters. Fix the gun culture that equates guns with manhood and that the way to deal with life's problems is violence. Address the causes, not the inanimate objects used to carry some of them out.
Too true. If anyone ever bothered to actually read the entire 2nd Amendment, they would discover that the right to bear arms belongs to a "Well organized militia". That militia has long been the National Guard.
Thank you Lewis! My thoughts, frustration, disgust, anger---with the endless b.s. excusing away our current "gun rights" and the inevitable shootings (large & "small") due to our endless stream of weapons available so easily to most anyone.... Large societies will always have disturbed people in their midst, and I am so f'ing sick of the phrase "we need more good people with guns to stop the bad people with guns" crap.....Until a reliable crystal ball is invented, and we can adjust it for time travel to stop all the nut-jobs; we must deal with the hand we're dealt--logically. Raise the legal age for purchasing firearms; better background checks with stringent requirements, licenses, ammo tax, etc; and stop all selling of assault weapons. Those belong only to the military. No hunters use these for hunting. Let's just face the need to restrict some items within firearms ownership & procession. I'd like to drive 90 to 100 mph once in a while on an empty interstate highway, but I can't. It's against the law, for everyone's safety. Even if I'm an experienced, capable driver. Americans must re-register their vehicles every year; same thing should be done for guns & their owners (I have guns, I drive all over our country). The 2nd amendment was written in the time of the musket, so folks who even breath this amendment "argument" can f-off; as it's an amendment....meaning it can and should be amended as times change. Our country created a new amendment to abolish slavery; to grant the power of the vote to women; and on and on....Amendments are added and adjusted as needed within the forward march of time. WE ALL KNOW THIS, so time to do what must be done. LEWIS, thanks for this rant (and others); as it conveys may feelings spot on...damn, thanks dude!!!
We need you to rant for us b/c no one seems to hear us. I'm so pissed off but all I can do is scream into the void b/c GOP politicians don't give a damn what I or any other American thinks.
I wish the media would publish the photos of the crime scene. When one hears/reads that DNA samples from parents to try and ID the bodies, how badly were these children butchered. Take those photos and ask those pro gun enthusiasts/politicians why this looks acceptable, instead of making it illegal to show those photos because they it might traumatize the general population. Grrr!
Yell at them lewis this is getting ridiculous I have a kid in school and it scares me everyday I send my kid to school. One door what if there's a freaking fire these people are dumb for selling a 18 year old man and 2 ar15 guns fix this nonsense people's kids babies are dying because of their stupidity 🙄.
The Sheriff who wants to shoot intruders hit a nerve with me. Last week in my apartment building I got in the elevator to reach my 1st.floor unit. Unknowingly, I landed on the 2nd floor instead. When my key didn't work for #107, I thought I was losing my mind. But then I noticed I was standing in front of #207. Lucky for me, my upstairs neighbors weren't home or I might have ended up on the hallways floor dead, groceries strewn all around me. You've pitched a lousy idea, Sheriff.
I've said for years -- the only solution for a bad guy with a gun is a good janitor with a key. And by the way -- someone needs to award the officers who stood outside the school with COWARD PAY.
In 1942 hundreds died in a small club fire, in part because one door was locked from the inside, and in part because the revolving door was clogged with bodies of those trying to escape. The fire and building Codes were changed so that regular -- OUTWARD-OPENING -- doors must be installed to each side of revolving doors. Those who preach "one door" "policy" need to review the fire and building Codes.
Federal referendum on these issues would allow the will of the people to go through... No politician would be willing to do that because that would be real democracy.
I just thought of something interesting. Let’s say that you’re 3 days after turning 18 years old and you just bought 2 AR 15 rifles, and 1 9mm handgun ( in Texas ) because NO License Needed. You’re driving around in your car ( you Can’t rent a car unless you’re over 25 years old ) and you stop at a store to buy 2 packs of cigarettes ( illegal in Texas, you have to be 21 to purchase cigarettes ). You’re driving in a School Zone smoking a cigarette and you get pulled over for exceeding the 20 mph speed limit. NOW………… Is the cop going to ticket you ( or possibly take you to jail ) for smoking and having an open pack of cigarettes on your dashboard. BUT…….. BUT the cop never mentioned the 2 AR 15’s and the 9mm handgun sitting on the front seat next to you. Remember that the weapons are legal in Texas. BUT THE Cigarettes…………. OH BUDDY you’re in big trouble. Thanks
I'm waiting for the next sniper to pop up , like the one who shot out of a trunk of a car, Giving guns to teachers , OK the shooter now makes them the first target
People act like a SHOOTER will stop at the first inconvenience... a locked door? Really?? Or less doors 🤡 literally everything besides gun control and mental health
Here in the south of the south, Florida we have many schools with open classrooms, so unless Cruz plans pushing for funding to rebuild the schools, the one door dumb shit idea won't work🙄
It’s going to get worse. According to Beau of the Fifth Column, who knows about such things, the reason that assault rifle is so popular is because these troubled , violent mass murderers fancy themselves ‘ warriors’, and it’s the military gun. Beau demonstrated the AR15 is not an extremely powerful weapon. However, the military is about to change its assault rifle to a different animal. I forget the name of it, but it is a much more powerful weapon. So the next popular mass shooting rifle is going to be far far more destructive to the human body. I’m Canadian. We don’t have the same daily slaughtering of citizens here, but right wing stupidity is spreading up here, just as guns are being sent to Mexico. The trading partners of the US would really appreciate it if your country could get its shit together about the gun industry.
@@Washougalite1 already listen to both as often as they come out. Titus and Lewis are my comedy hero's and the only ones that I will buy everything they put out.
I expect there are neighborhoods in the US that are more dangerous to grow up in than combat areas are to serve in, especially considering growing up we are there for 2 decades, and in combat, maybe a year or 2. And those that die in those neighborhoods, or on the roads, or in hospitals, or from Work, are all dying to make the rich richer and keep the poor in their place, no less than the Soldiers, and so deserve as much 'credit' as those who make that unimaginable sacrifice. Don't you think?
But, but, but Lewis, won't all the Republican "thoughts and prayers" fix this? It is the set answer from EVERY SINGLE MF ONE OF THEM, right after they scream at the other side, the media, and the grieving families that "this is not the time", and "stop politicizing this".
Thats why we the people need to absolutely control the ammo. Want bullets? The state run store will sell you as many live rounds as you bring empty casings back. Just think, no more or at least fewer empty casings littering the countryside, and at least some mediocre control over gun problems.
I like Chris Rock's idea -- Bullets should cost 5,000 dollars each (no refunds). This would put an end to the "innocent bystanders" problem, and a few others, too.
Maybe ban the sale, acquisition of ammunition by any means to individuals, with life imprisonment for any beach of the law, should ever pass to all parties concerned.
Give the kindergarten a gun too why not if you love guns so much the kids should be able to defend themselves right the heck. Teachers have enough issues.
A lot of us are screaming and crying like lunatics because, that’s all we have. We feel powerless. We can’t protect our own children, in schools where we want them to be educated. Our law makers utterly ignore us. Our police are not the answer. We want a system that works. Everyone points to guns. No one is gonna take away our guns. So, that’s not the answer. What’s the solution? Have we identified the problem? Kentucky
I said it before im sayen it again people are to stupid to own weapons period. Including hunters! Only trained and mofidied military or law enforcement affiliated should own auto weapons! And thats because it seves one purpose to protect or uphold a law that protects the masses. The most reasonable civilian individual snaps at least once in their life from lack of discipline its a proven fact.
Am I correct in that less than one third of Americans actually owns a gun? Because that means 400milllion firearms in the hands of 30% is something of a red flag in itself..
Cops have no obligation or duty to protect citizens according to the supreme court. Children have enough sense to see that it's more important that "law enforcement" goes home to their family instead of the students and teachers at #Uvalde How can people trust cops that blame their radio for not doing their job? How can tax paying citizens expect protection from a cop that was on the phone with his dying wife inside the classroom begging for "police" to protect her and the students while he waited outside in the parking lot?
A precious child smeared blood on herself acted dead in order to survive, instead of memories of fun and innocence, she now has this tragedy. Isn’t that enough? She could have been your child Mr elected official. Yet all we hear is your useless noise. It’s a shame you do not show the same courage she has and stand up to your colleagues for change.
I had an uncle while growing up who was a hunter, loved to have venison every night. He only ever hunted with a bow and arrow. Sure the bow was a scary looking mechanized thing that reminded of horror movies, (I was 12) But my uncle said when asked why, “ I hate lead in my steak.”
I am a Canadian. I look to you Lewis and I feel sad seeing your frustration anger and sadness with the state of your country. You speak the truth and are a voice of hope in the darkness of the United.
Thank you.
I was walking up the sidewalk
at the Safeway in Tucson,
to hear Gabby Giffords...I heard every shot.
I hear them in my nightmares, too...clear as day.
I am putting my messed up story here. Some how when I put this story on Reddit, I got found out and sued for this story.
About 10 years ago in High school in my Junior year, our school got a mass shooter. The 15 year old kid brought an AR-15, a Remington 1870, and a glock 19. He shot and killed both of the school’s police officers, killed 5 students, killed teacher, killed the old 75 year janitor, and shot but didn’t kill 50 other students.
Who stop the shooter, it was not a cop but a senior from anime club that was thinking and taking about committing suicide. Basically though he was going to die and decided to punch the shooter until the shooter stop shooting or the senior died. The senior got shot 5 times but saved about 20 students and a teacher.
Now here is the crazy part, the shooter was the 2nd cousin to the governor of the state and the school’s principal pick for future Vallon Victorian. The shooter’s parents sued the school, the senior, and every student.
The shooter was sentenced to 56 years to life in prison. The school lost 3 million dollars in state government funding. Every student but 3 signed an agreement not to talk about the shooting until the shooter dies unless you want to get sue by the parents of the shooter.
I am currently in civil court in the state because some how the story on Reddit got recognized and I am currently waiting for this dumb court date.
Here is the craziest part, the shooter got Pardon by Trump in 2018 some how, and the shooter moved to South Carolina. The shooter a few days ago made a website to get signatures to help him join the United States Army.
Everyone in my class and the classes in my school that were there and survived still remember this man’s name and a few have talked about shooting the shooter if he somehow gets into the army. There are over 400 people in the armed forces from our school that all though and said the same thing.
The senior that saved lives almost went to prison for all the resources of the shooter’s parents used against him. The senior lives in Canada now and talks to some people from the anime club now and again.
@@joshportal2808 What was the school's name? This doesn't seem real.
When you ask any MAGA 2A right-wing fringe idiot troll to List the States that have sanctioned and organized well regulated Militias, they go silent.
It isn't.
Justifiable anger is allways acceptable. Rant on Lewis by all means you are very needed.
Always so good to see Lewis Black and hear the real voice of reason, which our United States of America needs right now more than ever!
Lewis you are the voice of reason. I am a Vietnam combat vet......
well if you're a vet then you probably know "what is the matter with us" as Lewis keeps asking.
Mr. Lewis, thank you for narrating my thoughts when I'm too angry to form words. It's a relief to know I'm not alone in my outrage - it gets lonely sometimes.
Spot-on Laura. I feel the same, and its frustrating to feel so useless within this country's "gun mania"
This argue seems to work:
When you ask any MAGA 2A right-wing fringe idiot troll to List the States that have sanctioned and organized well regulated Militias, they always go silent, even though Virginia provides for one on paper, and you don't even have to be a citizen to join. 🤪
How right you are, Laura. Even more upsetting is finding out what my friends’ position is in this topic. Lonely? I also feel isolated. Thank G_d for Lewis Black.
Me three. 👏 🤬
Thank you! I am a combat veteran and was in combat with one of those weapons during Combine 99’. Now I have bullet proof backpacks my children…
PTSD…. We can’t keep putting our future generations through this!!!!!
Do you remember the duck and cover drills? Our desks would protect us from a nuclear blast…….
Non! You've nothing to apologies for! Let Lewis Black Be Lewis Black! ):
oui oui
You dont need to splain anything to anyone your fanbase absolutley loves and gets you! The one thing we love is you say what you are thinking and godbless your honesty! I swear we are the same person in different bodies. Your foreal dont ever change.
“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” (Winston Churchill, paraphrasing Georges Santayana)
As astonishing as our representatives' failures have been, no one should be surprised by the dystopic future we are about to experience.
future? it looks like business as always for some of us.
This is the dystopia future, brought on by the senseless stupidity spread over the past few decades by Republican elected officials.
When you ask any MAGA 2A right-wing fringe idiot troll to List the States that have sanctioned and organized well regulated Militias, they go silent.
@@Ravenholm337 It will only take one more GOP president with the same psychological profile as Trump, only with brains and focus.
I’m tired Lewis. Thanks for expressing how so many of us feel. You take care of yourself too.
Military members are required to turn in their weapon before they leave.......so why is it alright for private citizens to have them???. It boggles (sp) my mind. Love you Lewis....sending blessings...J
Ever heard of the Saturday night special?? Those were police officers weapons that the police officers themselves sold because in the 70's cops were aloud to carry the 9 millameters, and they weren't required to turn in there weapons in or even know where they went
@@kansascityjimi2531 Both are true, yet America is one of the only Nation that allows if we go bad Germany, we should have every option on the table! But most don't realize ; all hand held weapons are obsolete! Apartments best weapon is rubber pellets 12 gauge ; because it doesn't normally breaches the adjacent Apartments. 9 millimeter (conceled carring has enough stopping force) can penatrate walls used wonton. 40 cal. can (pending ammunition can create havoc).
So I am pro-gun, but I WANT gun reform.
The rant missed the parts of famliures. They're the one's who want the gear, the higher callabor weapons, respect of glory, but won't ever risk thier own lives.
Then you want to arm staff? I watched too many die in real life wars then political cowards. Drop politicians of in war in a reel, active environmets, weapons maker's, put a bet on politicians shitting their pants; or getting out alive!
Right? Nobody wants us taking any of the other horrifyingly effective weapons of violence with us when we retire. Why are those fine? Idiots. If it wasn't a manufactured culture, where are all the mass knifings, garden-rakings and weed-whackerings?
Because they don't have the same weapons and they're owned by the government like everything that's issued and the other has a self loading rifle they bought themselves. Officers can on some occasions buy their service handguns so they can keep what they've carried for decades.
It probably boggles your mind because you’ve never read the second amendment. Maybe you should open your eyes and expand your brain a wee bit.
This should be sent to every nra member. Sent to every republican . Sent to everyone who does NOTHING!!!!
Thank-you Lewis.
Losing the doors. So freaking ridiculous. So when there is a fire, which is happening so often lately also, then what? JFChrist !
It's worse than that. One of the reasons the police had trouble entering the building is because of the locked doors they had to find the janitor to give them the keys. These Republicans at this NRA convention or idiots. Also if you arm the teachers when the police do storm the building how are they going to tell who's the active shooter?
Absolutely- there are regulations. How awful we have had active shooter training for years in healthcare. Poor children have learned “there are monsters out there- and at that young age- including the professional educators) I can’t believe the idiot irresponsible speaking points from these uncaring fools.
Remember, it was TED CRUZ that said that the solution to school gun violence is to have only ONE DOOR. The man is profoundly stupid.
Remember, it was TED CRUZ that took off to Cancun (Mexico) when his state was freezing cold and their power grid failed. The man is a raging coward.
So guns are more important than our babies, what horrible lesson are we to learn from all those souls lost, our babies ....it just keeps repeating over and over THANK YOU LEWIS FOR YOU BEING YOU,I agree with everything you said very eloquently I might add ☮️❤️🕯️
I really appreciate your remarks at the start. Although comedians aren't supposed to make you weep, you're saying what we're all thinking (at least those of us who have a heart).
Keep on keepin' on, Lew.
He’s a real comedian with a real heart.
Effective rant on a very on a serious subject. As a Scot who spent 4 years in Texas, could never understand the love of guns.
AMEN, and again I say AMEN!! Please continue to speak the truth.
These problems will not stop until they ARE stopped. And our leaders are not interested in stopping them. It's up to us, the people, to make these tragedies stop.
Thank you lewis. The anger you showed is what we all feel. Enough is enough. Fucking hell…. Stay strong lewis ❤️
You are the best n if people can't take the truth to bad I watch all of your videos
I love your honest opinion and common sense approach! Please keep doing what you and how you do it!!! Hats of to you, Lewis. A "fan" from The Netherlands
Thank you I just could not have said it better.
Lewis I was unaware of your career before your daily show gig. I have looked into your past comedy/commentary. You have nothing to apologize for, to anyone! The world sadly has not changed, and neither have you! Frustrating? Hell ya! Keep on being you mano! What can a feeling human being do? I have no answers. The pain is intolerable. School was not deadly in my time. Until we unite nothing will change.
The most poignant thing I think I've ever heard was when you said (& I'm paraphrasing) All those deaths stop being people and become statistics. Wow. That says it all.
Statistics and “ soft targets”!
I love your true and honest rage, Lewis! Please be who you are. But thank you for your consideration
Lewis, you are one of few voices of reason we have these days. I remember vividly watching Columbine on the news. I was at my dads, my mother was on her way home from brain surgery at Henry Ford Hospital. Now there’s school shootings and it just normal news which is sickening. I don’t even have kids, but it makes me sick to my stomach that children are being murdered at this rate. It wasn’t even a thing when I was in school from 93-06. And our useless politicians on both sides do nothing about it because they’re owned by the NRA. Which also makes me sick. Thank you for speaking out with anger and expressing what most of us want to express. God bless you.
Agreed. I went from 1979-1991. We had drills where we were taught “duck and cover” and that the school desks would save us from a nuclear blast…….
It's the f***ing guns. Bravo as always, you're spot on. 👊🙂
My rage is right up there with yours. Repeating the same old tropes over and over again every week to 10 fucking days when this happens enrages me the most. Talking like we care. WE DON'T FUCKING CARE OR IT WOULD STOP. I for one can not go through it again knowing NOTHING WILL EVER HAPPEN.
Amazing how "a well-regulated militia" can be read as everyone can own a gun. At least make 21 the age to own these weapons.
In the VERY LEAST, that’s not too hard an ask!
Agreed to 21+ age limit. Background checks & waiting period. Annual license renewal. But, NO semi-automatic military-style weapons. NO civilian should own them. Rifle for hunting, Pistol for home defense. No bump stocks, no high capacity magazines.
That’s not the answer~
@@vanessawhitneypro I so agree! These are such simple & sensible actions.
An eighteen year old killing kids has nothing to do with a free state and is certainly not well regulated. It is an unconscionable moral tragedy that we allow this to happen under the guise that the constitution somehow protects this type of gun ownership. In the future we will be seen as medieval for this having allowed this to happen- sacrificing children so people can walk out of a store with a killing machine. Seriously???
Thank You Loo --- Every time the rage always seems to get suppressed and not expressed. Refreshing honesty is so rare these days...
In Australia yes we think the gun nuts are crazy
you help express our anger and frustration!
Bless you Lewis Black
You read and voice all of our major malfunctions on a weekly basis. I think the least we can do is listen to yours whenever you feel the need. 👍Especially when they happen to be ours too. Anyone who *isn't* enraged at the moment isn't paying attention. Please, rant away.
We love ya, Lewis. ❤ And Mom, of course. Oh, and the Rubber Chicken too. 🐔❤
Purchasing and owning a firearm should be as difficult as getting a drivers license, a series of psych questions as well as background check and proficiency tests by professionals as well as safety classes every five years. But NOOOOO, one can come up with a solution and no one needs a personal assault weapon unless the Government issues them one. As it says in the Complete second amendment, which few people ever read.
Define what a no one needs a personal assault weapon is before you make a categorical statement about them. What makes an assault weapon? Or do you mean no one needs a firearm that looks like a military weapon? No one needs a firearm that is the same caliber of a military firearm? So if the answer to these two questions is yes, you want to ban any firearm that looks like an AR, any firearm with a .22, .223 or 5.56mm, .30.06, 7.62, .50 caliber, any shotgun in 10 or 12 ga., any semi auto pistol or revolvers in .38, .40, 9mm, .45 and other calibers. No bolt action rifles in numerous calibers. We have not started on automatic weapons yet. What a firearm looks like, how many rounds it holds, or what size projectile it fires will not do one thing about these shooting incidents.
Change your rhetoric to the causes, not the tools of a small number of mass shootings. The assault weapons ban did not stop it before, it will not stop it in the future because it is not a factor in what causes mass shootings. Stop the loopholes in the current laws. Increase the affects of background checks. Increase the training of school counselors in identifying at risk kids who are being bullied in schools and their treatment. Pass universal healthcare, livable wages. Get rid of dark money and the corruption of congress. Stop the hate rhetoric of politicians and broadcasters. Fix the gun culture that equates guns with manhood and that the way to deal with life's problems is violence. Address the causes, not the inanimate objects used to carry some of them out.
Too true. If anyone ever bothered to actually read the entire 2nd Amendment, they would discover that the right to bear arms belongs to a "Well organized militia". That militia has long been the National Guard.
Be you. Your rage is my rage. I am grateful to know I’m not alone in my fury and heartache.
Thank you Lewis! My thoughts, frustration, disgust, anger---with the endless b.s. excusing away our current "gun rights" and the inevitable shootings (large & "small") due to our endless stream of weapons available so easily to most anyone.... Large societies will always have disturbed people in their midst, and I am so f'ing sick of the phrase "we need more good people with guns to stop the bad people with guns" crap.....Until a reliable crystal ball is invented, and we can adjust it for time travel to stop all the nut-jobs; we must deal with the hand we're dealt--logically. Raise the legal age for purchasing firearms; better background checks with stringent requirements, licenses, ammo tax, etc; and stop all selling of assault weapons. Those belong only to the military. No hunters use these for hunting. Let's just face the need to restrict some items within firearms ownership & procession. I'd like to drive 90 to 100 mph once in a while on an empty interstate highway, but I can't. It's against the law, for everyone's safety. Even if I'm an experienced, capable driver. Americans must re-register their vehicles every year; same thing should be done for guns & their owners (I have guns, I drive all over our country). The 2nd amendment was written in the time of the musket, so folks who even breath this amendment "argument" can f-off; as it's an amendment....meaning it can and should be amended as times change. Our country created a new amendment to abolish slavery; to grant the power of the vote to women; and on and on....Amendments are added and adjusted as needed within the forward march of time. WE ALL KNOW THIS, so time to do what must be done. LEWIS, thanks for this rant (and others); as it conveys may feelings spot on...damn, thanks dude!!!
Thank you Lewis!! And your ranters!!!
No need to apologize. We're all pretty tired of this. Peace and love, my friend. Better days are ahead. 🌻
@@katsong3302 Right? *sigh*
Please don’t apologize! I understand your rage-it is inspirational.
Dammit, Lew... I love you. Tell 'em. Thank You.
We need you to rant for us b/c no one seems to hear us. I'm so pissed off but all I can do is scream into the void b/c GOP politicians don't give a damn what I or any other American thinks.
One mechanical fact applies to all guns: they shoot bullets that kill.
They say that if they didn’t have a gun they’d use a knife . You can run from a knife , you can’t run from a bullet
@@michaelcarltock3223 And as a friend said to me years ago: a knife doesn't need to be reloaded. :]
We feel your anger and frustration, Lewis! Xx
Thank you for using your voice Lewis
You’re pretty funny, Mr. Black! Thanks for your courtesy as well as your comedy. ❤️
I've been saying that pics of the carnage should be in the public view for years. They hide it because they're ashamed and guilty.
Nobody should be able to get assault weapons How many children have to die before they do something You are so right in every thing you say Lewis
Make sure it has a handle … oh lord that actually made me laugh .. great podcast Lewis!
Love you LB..keep your truth..😎
I wish the media would publish the photos of the crime scene. When one hears/reads that DNA samples from parents to try and ID the bodies, how badly were these children butchered. Take those photos and ask those pro gun enthusiasts/politicians why this looks acceptable, instead of making it illegal to show those photos because they it might traumatize the general population. Grrr!
"...my rage, in light of what happened."
Unfortunately, it's what's happening and will happen.
Loved this! I’m Adult ICU RN! 😂🤣
After arming the teachers, then the grocery store staff, then the restaurant staff, then post-office staff, then mall shop staff, then... wFT
Well said , I see it the same.
Fuck hell yes. I needed this shit in a for real way. Thank you.
Yell at them lewis this is getting ridiculous I have a kid in school and it scares me everyday I send my kid to school. One door what if there's a freaking fire these people are dumb for selling a 18 year old man and 2 ar15 guns fix this nonsense people's kids babies are dying because of their stupidity 🙄.
Goddamn, I love you so much. In a way you’re the modern day George Carlin. I love this country, but fck, it really needs to grow up.
The Sheriff who wants to shoot intruders hit a nerve with me.
Last week in my apartment building I got in the elevator to reach my 1st.floor unit. Unknowingly, I landed on the 2nd floor instead. When my key didn't work for #107, I thought I was losing my mind. But then I noticed I was standing in front of #207.
Lucky for me, my upstairs neighbors weren't home or I might have ended up on the hallways floor dead, groceries strewn all around me. You've pitched a lousy idea, Sheriff.
I've said for years -- the only solution for a bad guy with a gun is a good janitor with a key.
And by the way -- someone needs to award the officers who stood outside the school with COWARD PAY.
Nothing to apologize for. Righteous anger
Thank you
it's about maintaining a voter base that likes guns
It’s good to get it out!
Doors don’t kill people.
In 1942 hundreds died in a small club fire, in part because one door was locked from the inside, and in part because the revolving door was clogged with bodies of those trying to escape.
The fire and building Codes were changed so that regular -- OUTWARD-OPENING -- doors must be installed to each side of revolving doors.
Those who preach "one door" "policy" need to review the fire and building Codes.
@@jnagarya519 👏👏💔
Luis,... Historically the crossbow was made illegal long before the first fire arms had been invented.
You need to run a new version of Root Of All Evil. First show: Mitch McConnell vs Donald Trump.
Of course...where would.you go from there. Satan vs The AntiChrist says it all.
WHERE can I get one of those rubber chickens?
Not the 99 cent store one, one like THIS one!
Federal referendum on these issues would allow the will of the people to go through... No politician would be willing to do that because that would be real democracy.
Politicians are NOT the enemy of American democracy.
REPUBLICAN politicians are the enemy of American democracy.
@@SlikLizrd Tell me about Manchin and his ilk....
All RATS, unwilling to reflect the will of the people then.
Ohio is pushing to let teachers only have 22 hours of gun safety/training rather than the current 700. Because that is what is needed. 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
thank you
Hell all you have to do is go to Facebook they always post pictures of themselves with huge guns
GOP Politicians run ads holding and firing guns. Idiots. Sell grass, not guns.
I just thought of something interesting. Let’s say that you’re 3 days after turning 18 years old and you just bought 2 AR 15 rifles, and 1 9mm handgun ( in Texas ) because NO License Needed. You’re driving around in your car ( you Can’t rent a car unless you’re over 25 years old ) and you stop at a store to buy 2 packs of cigarettes ( illegal in Texas, you have to be 21 to purchase cigarettes ). You’re driving in a School Zone smoking a cigarette and you get pulled over for exceeding the 20 mph speed limit. NOW………… Is the cop going to ticket you ( or possibly take you to jail ) for smoking and having an open pack of cigarettes on your dashboard. BUT…….. BUT the cop never mentioned the 2 AR 15’s and the 9mm handgun sitting on the front seat next to you. Remember that the weapons are legal in Texas. BUT THE Cigarettes…………. OH BUDDY you’re in big trouble. Thanks
Nicely pointed out. 💔
I'm waiting for the next sniper to pop up , like the one who shot out of a trunk of a car, Giving guns to teachers , OK the shooter now makes them the first target
People act like a SHOOTER will stop at the first inconvenience... a locked door? Really?? Or less doors 🤡 literally everything besides gun control and mental health
Cops I saw on the news were running around in body armor with assault rifles. No doubt the military type.
Teacher here, thanks...
Here in the south of the south, Florida we have many schools with open classrooms, so unless Cruz plans pushing for funding to rebuild the schools, the one door dumb shit idea won't work🙄
Well how in the hell am I supposed to shoot my six shooter in the air? When I hit a jackpot at JewyJewy's casino?
It’s going to get worse. According to Beau of the Fifth Column, who knows about such things, the reason that assault rifle is so popular is because these troubled , violent mass murderers fancy themselves ‘ warriors’, and it’s the military gun.
Beau demonstrated the AR15 is not an extremely powerful weapon.
However, the military is about to change its assault rifle to a different animal. I forget the name of it, but it is a much more powerful weapon. So the next popular mass shooting rifle is going to be far far more destructive to the human body.
I’m Canadian. We don’t have the same daily slaughtering of citizens here, but right wing stupidity is spreading up here, just as guns are being sent to Mexico.
The trading partners of the US would really appreciate it if your country could get its shit together about the gun industry.
I love Beau
@@Washougalite1 me too. I find him very very insightful.
I also enjoy Titus"s Armageddon updates and Lewis Black's rantcasts. I highly recommend both.
@@Washougalite1 already listen to both as often as they come out. Titus and Lewis are my comedy hero's and the only ones that I will buy everything they put out.
And dont forget the MAN CARD !
I expect there are neighborhoods in the US that are more dangerous to grow up in than combat areas are to serve in, especially considering growing up we are there for 2 decades, and in combat, maybe a year or 2. And those that die in those neighborhoods, or on the roads, or in hospitals, or from Work, are all dying to make the rich richer and keep the poor in their place, no less than the Soldiers, and so deserve as much 'credit' as those who make that unimaginable sacrifice. Don't you think?
MSo many people feel this way … I was involved with the vt mass shooting … every time this happens I hear the voices of the scared parents
But, but, but Lewis, won't all the Republican "thoughts and prayers" fix this? It is the set answer from EVERY SINGLE MF ONE OF THEM, right after they scream at the other side, the media, and the grieving families that "this is not the time", and "stop politicizing this".
Thats why we the people need to absolutely control the ammo. Want bullets? The state run store will sell you as many live rounds as you bring empty casings back. Just think, no more or at least fewer empty casings littering the countryside, and at least some mediocre control over gun problems.
This would also bypass the 2nd Amendment issues.
I like Chris Rock's idea --
Bullets should cost 5,000 dollars each (no refunds).
This would put an end to the "innocent bystanders" problem, and a few others, too.
Love ya man
Freedom of speech. Exercise it. If something pisses you off, talk about it
Maybe ban the sale, acquisition of ammunition by any means to individuals, with life imprisonment for any beach of the law, should ever pass to all parties concerned.
ahhhh Lewis my love it IS the wild wild west still here, what are you thinking? lol love you hugs hugs hugs
Love from Columbus Ohio ❤
Give the kindergarten a gun too why not if you love guns so much the kids should be able to defend themselves right the heck. Teachers have enough issues.
100% Agree.
A lot of us are screaming and crying like lunatics because, that’s all we have. We feel powerless. We can’t protect our own children, in schools where we want them to be educated. Our law makers utterly ignore us. Our police are not the answer. We want a system that works. Everyone points to guns. No one is gonna take away our guns. So, that’s not the answer. What’s the solution? Have we identified the problem? Kentucky
I said it before im sayen it again people are to stupid to own weapons period. Including hunters! Only trained and mofidied military or law enforcement affiliated should own auto weapons! And thats because it seves one purpose to protect or uphold a law that protects the masses. The most reasonable civilian individual snaps at least once in their life from lack of discipline its a proven fact.
Like military personnel don’t go crazy & kill people too. Your thought process is as deranged as your comment is.
Am I correct in that less than one third of Americans actually owns a gun?
Because that means 400milllion firearms in the hands of 30% is something of a red flag in itself..
My wife won’t let me watch your podcast anymore. I start screaming and I drink. I have to sneak it in when she is out.
Cops have no obligation or duty to protect citizens according to the supreme court. Children have enough sense to see that it's more important that "law enforcement" goes home to their family instead of the students and teachers at #Uvalde How can people trust cops that blame their radio for not doing their job? How can tax paying citizens expect protection from a cop that was on the phone with his dying wife inside the classroom begging for "police" to protect her and the students while he waited outside in the parking lot?
A precious child smeared blood on herself acted dead in order to survive, instead of memories of fun and innocence, she now has this tragedy. Isn’t that enough? She could have been your child Mr elected official. Yet all we hear is your useless noise. It’s a shame you do not show the same courage she has and stand up to your colleagues for change.
I had an uncle while growing up who was a hunter, loved to have venison every night. He only ever hunted with a bow and arrow. Sure the bow was a scary looking mechanized thing that reminded of horror movies, (I was 12) But my uncle said when asked why, “ I hate lead in my steak.”
Speak Lewis