That's cool. But this series would be most people first look into the perspective of police officers and their duties. If it was a series about your occupation, you'd want it to be as real as possible so people could see it from your perspective.
One thing that 'real life' officers liked about Nathan Fillion's previous show 'Castle' was that they always used gloves in crime scenes. There are times on 'The Rookie' where they go into crimes scene and touch a bunch of stuff with their bare hands. Aren't they just contaminating evidence?
I am guilty of saying the q word on a police ride along. Bright side, knocking on the fake wood trim of the car worked and nothing crazy happened. But I learned my lesson from the glare of my deputy...
Same actress was given an M4 with an Duel Laser in front of an ACOG in front of an AIMPOINT all mounted on top for a shootout scene (in mexico I think) .... the Armorer on that show HAS to be just messing with us.
i get its not a realistic show, but that's what I like. If it were Too realistic, it would be Boring! i watch tv for escapism not realism . Real Cops are boring
Not really. It all depends on capability of writers and fight coordinator. I mean you could have made that fight more realistic instead of Nolan standing in the open waiting to get shot
The door getting shot is not really so fake since the LAPD has ballistic resistant door panels. Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has a standard for ballistic-resistant vehicle door panels, published in November 2018. The standard, E3113, defines ballistic tests for door panels, standardizes protection levels, and includes language to help police departments retrofit current vehicles or purchase new vehicles with ballistic-resistant doors
I watched the first episode and I was immediately done. I love Nathan Fillion, but in the first episode he has a hostage taker and shoots him in the leg to take him down without killing him. Literally everything was wrong with that, if a trainee had a hostage scenario and failed to take the headshot when it was available, thus putting the hostage at risk, they would be super fired. A tv depicting a cop doing that is super frustrating because it contributes to the public having unrealistic expectations.
I find the rookie is mostly entertaining but not realistic at all. Is just after mild action playtime...must be fun to act in tho...cops and robbers playing
The Q-Word was a plague on my career in the fire service, so many dang probies ruining my nap tim- I mean important work as a Driver/Engineer by wanting to run every call in the world lol
Great clip! Thanks for calling out the optics on that M4. That's been annoying me as well. Sgt Bradford (who alter joins METRO) runs an M4 with two ACOGs on it, in a row and he's supposedly ex US Army with two tours in Afghanistan, so that makes no sense at all. Like someone else commented, the show's armorer must just be messing with us.
The one thing that drives me nuts about all of these cop shows is the fact that they get into massive shootouts with 1 to 5 police the scene when in real life especially in Los Angeles what have a small Battalion of cops behind you. Snae go's for Chicago PD
The last time someone genuinely wished me a quiet shift, I was one of only two officers on duty. And we had an armed robbery while we were both busy at the jail processing a different arrest…
It's crazy to me that EVERY time cops in these shows go into a fight with 3 to 5 people at real life you would have a small Battalion of cops swarming the area.
At 4:20, some magnifiers or NV optics don't perfectly level with red dots or holographics. My magnifier doesn't level with my red dot despite them being the same brand with the proper riser, hence why my magnifier has to be zeroed with two set screws. EDIT: She's running a PVS-14 with what looks like a USGI picatinny mount.
I thought it was just a regular Elcan Specter optic, which also would make 0 sense as Eotech famously has flip magnifier anyway. why not just use that.
@@IamKieran22Technically not incapacitated, but he is hurt. The vest may stop the bullet, but you still take all that force. You also don’t just stand straight up in front of people shooting at you. Getting shot in the vest can still take you out of the fight.
It's fun to compare shows to real day to day scenarios and the professional insight is awesome. For the commentors, complaining about the "That would never happen in real life" events, don't lose sight that this is filmed for entertainment and isn't meant to be a docuseries. It's "escapism" at best.
Alright, as for the shootout around 3:40 when they shoot the car door, I do know that LAPD has Ballistic paneled doors that I believe are IIIA rated. So, theoretically it's possible you could have someone fire rifle rounds into your door and still not get hit. To clarify: I know they have ballistic doors, but I am unsure exactly what level. I believe I hear somewhere is was level III but not totally sure.
From the moment on, seeing 3 LAPD officers flying to Guatemala (S4, E1) to rescue another officer already showed me it's not that realistic. But, except for that, I really like it, even though some scenes are not that realistic and more of a Hollywood thing.
The rookie is my favourite police show - but here: Police don’t just stand in the open and fire. They take cover. The brown lady was just standing there without any cover and not getting shot? 2. Criminals can hit their shots. They don’t miss 100+ shots especially when there are 5 bad guys on their team. 3. Police literally can’t die in this show
i know many fire figthers in germany if you say ``Heute ist eine ruhige schicht``(Todays shift is quiet) they say that to 99% they get a building fire or a bad vehicle crash today
that's because Nyla, she wanted to lock then by herself, and show for everyone that she is the Best, but in the end she got rep by her sargeant. and almost sued by Nolan.
The biggest problem I have with this show is the detective work. Do cops really bribe convicts with a lighter sentence to give up a bigger fish? If that’s really true, then there are 1000’s of convicts roaming the streets because cops set them free. All the cops had to do, was talk to their sergeant, and they may pass the case on to a bureau that can investigate further.
Did no one else notice that the M4 the female officer was 'firing' was NOT ejecting shell cases ! The bad guys with the MP5K's look as though they were ejecting shell casings but not the M4...the muzzle flash also looked kinda CGI.
Bringing their cell phones inside the prison, and visiting inmates in their cell like Oscar is so unrealistic 😂😂 I still love the show and the chenford relationship
It's a riot reading the asinine comments from ppl that suddenly become police experts. The lines are so cringy I couldn't imagine a shopping mall security or crossing guard say any of them with a straight face.
If I remember correctly, I think Tim once had a rifle with two laser sights and a like two scopes after joining Metro one time. At that point, bro just add a third laser and become the Predator
If it would be really realistic than no one would watch it. As a watcher you want action, shootings etc you want it unrealistic else no one would watch
@@jellew8343 Yes because it's a show and not supposed to be realistic everywhere. Most cops don't get in combat situations where they have to fight. Actors have to train in combat because fight scenes are common.
The thing on the rifle is a scopecam. The entire show they do that with any optic. They sadly dont know that if ya have a scope cam it goes infront of the optic.
5:27 Hey I'm pretty sure that 99% of police cars have ballistics plates in their doors to stop rounds from turning the "shop" into a coffin, and its passengers into DBs.
The fact that the bad guys have more sense to get behind cover. While the HIGHLY TRAINED police officers stand out in the open and get into a shootout is just... amazing. Also 18 inches off the wall bullets love walls.
3:51 you can pause zoom in real good. Looks like a magnifier for the most part, seems a bit big but also lines up pretty good. She definitely isn’t looking through it though
My favourite is the nvg scope mounted 6 ft away from the eotech 😂 and in some episodes an acog 😂 and they are always firing full auto with their rifles lol
Lady with the AR isn't even aiming down the fucking sights. I was like...that's a dumb set up. Not only is it a short barrel making it worse for range, it is also gonna be much louder than a more longer barrel. Not sure if that's a thermal or a night scope on the AR but damn it was pointless. You should watch a scene later where they kept using that exact weird scope behind a red dot but the dude's red dot was mounted on the handguard
The only thing good or realistic in that last scene was calling out malfunction cover and I always thought the doors on a squad car have kevlar lining in them you would think they would have some resistance to small caliber
I’m not sure where you are a cop at but I unfortunately live in Los Angeles county and dealt with lapd sometimes in my job and the front doors for lapd and la county sheriffs have armor panels in them capable of stopping rifle rounds. So for the exact situation it’s accurate being lapd but other departments I’m not sure so I won’t argue overall.
I love this show but ya that last scene when I watched it the first time was super immersion breaking. She asked for night vision and an Ar15.... Even though it's day time and the gun they gave her looks more like an m4.
"I'm gonna put the trauma plate in my vest". It's like, supposed to be there, from the beginning of carrying the damn thing. There are so many ex-LEOs in circulation, why don't they hire/listen to them so that basic stuff, that won't hurt the entertainment aspect of the movie/show, isn't overlooked? Btw, Southland, older series, when I watched it, it did feel somewhat "real", mind giving that a go?
What’s she’s running on the “AR-15” because I’ve seen the show. Is a PVS-14. Which makes no fucking sense for a day shift. (Unless I’m wrong about this, lmk if I am) Not to mention that “AR-15” is firing in fully automatic
If you want "reality" watch a documentary. This is not a documentary so OF COURSE IT'S NOT REAL!!!! I can't print what I'm really thinking. I'll let you use your imagination.
Agreed. I also think shows are there to entertain you and not to educate you (or some people watch shows or play games for example to like escape reality so I hope they are all aware that these shows are not realistic)
You can only suspend disbelief for so long until you get to S4 E21 when Lopez tells a robber that he's under arrest WHILE SHE IS UNARMED AND A GUN IS IN HER FACE. In real life, she'd be deleted. This show is garbage.
That’s such a lame excuse. People say this when they don’t want to admit the thing they like is poorly written. You don’t actually believe that anyone can do anything because it’s fiction. Nolan walks straight in, bullets bouncing off his chest, and all the bad guys just a so impressed, they immediately reform, and everyone goes out for caffe and donuts. But then the death start shoes up and blows up earth. Because it’s fiction.
I really liked the Rookie for the first season. The 2nd was ok for parts but it’s gone full comicbook stupid since. I can’t list the amount stupid it’s become.
I think that's not a night vision with an EOTech. I think the crew tried to make an EOTech HHS i.e. an EOTech EXPS3 holographic on the front and a G33 magnifier on the back. But G33 doesn't look like that.
@king_julien2114 It's like the SWAT guys are doing every other job of the force. They're patrolling, community policing, doing detective work, etc. They also seem to work in a super high-tech lab/gym rather than a cop station.
Season 1 is the most realistic (yes there are stupid mistakes too). After season 1 they went the Hollywood road.
Fake muzzle flashes 😂
Yeah but the show's still good at least
Had to go back and watch Southland after the first season... 😊
After season 1 they went woke af. Gave up on this steaming pile about 2 episodes into season 2. Shame.
The whole Q-word superstition also goes for food service lmao
As a former jail officer, the LAST thing you want to say is how quiet your shift is.
The Q word is real no matter what job it is I swear 😂😂
As soon as someone says “it’s a quiet day..” all hell breaks loose.
I know the rookie is full of shit- but damn if I won’t keep watching it. Love it all day
There's a whole episode where they go to a movie set and give advice to 'on set' actors playing cops, within the show.
so meta
Imagine real cops went to the set to give advice to the actors playing the rookie in that episode 😂
It's just a tv show. At this point I've accepted that unless it's COPS or's hollywood fake.
This show has some massively insane scenarios however there’s something about it that has great charm to it. And overall super enjoyable.
If they wanted to be realistic they would just have them sit at an intersection radaring for hours on end
Personally I do not really care if it is not realisitc or not. For me series/movies are there to escape the realism.
That's cool. But this series would be most people first look into the perspective of police officers and their duties.
If it was a series about your occupation, you'd want it to be as real as possible so people could see it from your perspective.
@@KolaOyeyemi it also helps with the immersion
One thing that 'real life' officers liked about Nathan Fillion's previous show 'Castle' was that they always used gloves in crime scenes. There are times on 'The Rookie' where they go into crimes scene and touch a bunch of stuff with their bare hands. Aren't they just contaminating evidence?
I didn't know cop cars had bulletproof doors.
Since the north hollywood shootout LAPD cars are bulletproof.
I am guilty of saying the q word on a police ride along. Bright side, knocking on the fake wood trim of the car worked and nothing crazy happened. But I learned my lesson from the glare of my deputy...
I said the n word
What's ironic is that the director of this show wanted it to be as realistic as possible, but it's completely the opposite.
That’s not a bad thing . Maybe he relized too much realism is actually boring
Same actress was given an M4 with an Duel Laser in front of an ACOG in front of an AIMPOINT all mounted on top for a shootout scene (in mexico I think) .... the Armorer on that show HAS to be just messing with us.
that gunfight was hilarious
i get its not a realistic show, but that's what I like. If it were Too realistic, it would be Boring! i watch tv for escapism not realism
. Real
Cops are boring
Not really. It all depends on capability of writers and fight coordinator. I mean you could have made that fight more realistic instead of Nolan standing in the open waiting to get shot
@@danzansandeev6033 it was cool the way it was .
The door getting shot is not really so fake since the LAPD has ballistic resistant door panels. Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has a standard for ballistic-resistant vehicle door panels, published in November 2018. The standard, E3113, defines ballistic tests for door panels, standardizes protection levels, and includes language to help police departments retrofit current vehicles or purchase new vehicles with ballistic-resistant doors
I watched the first episode and I was immediately done. I love Nathan Fillion, but in the first episode he has a hostage taker and shoots him in the leg to take him down without killing him. Literally everything was wrong with that, if a trainee had a hostage scenario and failed to take the headshot when it was available, thus putting the hostage at risk, they would be super fired. A tv depicting a cop doing that is super frustrating because it contributes to the public having unrealistic expectations.
I will make a comment about the rounds that hit the door. LAPD does have level IIIA armor in the front doors and on the windshield of their cruisers.
I find the rookie is mostly entertaining but not realistic at all. Is just after mild action playtime...must be fun to act in tho...cops and robbers playing
The Q-Word was a plague on my career in the fire service, so many dang probies ruining my nap tim- I mean important work as a Driver/Engineer by wanting to run every call in the world lol
LAPD cop cars actuallyhave AR 500 plates in the doors.
Didn’t that happen after North Hollywood?
@@Don_cheedle right on
Great clip! Thanks for calling out the optics on that M4. That's been annoying me as well. Sgt Bradford (who alter joins METRO) runs an M4 with two ACOGs on it, in a row and he's supposedly ex US Army with two tours in Afghanistan, so that makes no sense at all. Like someone else commented, the show's armorer must just be messing with us.
Yeah bro, two ACOGs mounted together like that, your sight picture is pretty jacked up sadly 😢
The one thing that drives me nuts about all of these cop shows is the fact that they get into massive shootouts with 1 to 5 police the scene when in real life especially in Los Angeles what have a small Battalion of cops behind you. Snae go's for Chicago PD
Remember: in Hollywood, cars are always bulletproof.
The doors of the new police cruisers are bulletproof.
@@redwankabir8506 remember, it's not a cruiser, it's called a shop. 😉
NEVER say the Q word! Accurate asf as a public sector employee!
The last time someone genuinely wished me a quiet shift, I was one of only two officers on duty. And we had an armed robbery while we were both busy at the jail processing a different arrest…
The gun fights are the one thing that bother me about the show, but I always have to remind myself its for entertainment purposes.
its legit like watching 2 silvers fight eachother with the hardest weapon to control
It's crazy to me that EVERY time cops in these shows go into a fight with 3 to 5 people at real life you would have a small Battalion of cops swarming the area.
At 4:20, some magnifiers or NV optics don't perfectly level with red dots or holographics. My magnifier doesn't level with my red dot despite them being the same brand with the proper riser, hence why my magnifier has to be zeroed with two set screws.
EDIT: She's running a PVS-14 with what looks like a USGI picatinny mount.
The Q-word is also evil if you work in a hospital or at walwart^^
That's not only a cop thing :-)
Even in Belgium bars & restaurants we say "hope it's calm tonight" AND BAMMMM yinxed it
3:05 Behind the EOtech is a PVS-14 (night vision monocular) which make absolutely no sense obviously.
I thought it was just a regular Elcan Specter optic, which also would make 0 sense as Eotech famously has flip magnifier anyway. why not just use that.
I like he is on the ground, incapacitated, and she yells "get up" and he just wa la, stands right up. Must be a strong spell.
He has bulletproof vest on. He isn’t incapacitated.
@@IamKieran22Technically not incapacitated, but he is hurt. The vest may stop the bullet, but you still take all that force. You also don’t just stand straight up in front of people shooting at you. Getting shot in the vest can still take you out of the fight.
Tim's tests. I am pretty sure some are real but I suspect others are bs.
The one that I find ridiculous is the flour IED scene
@duck5304 my worst is the bath stalls needing to be floor to ceiling
They have posted Tim's tests
Nyla in the the rookie has a license
It's fun to compare shows to real day to day scenarios and the professional insight is awesome. For the commentors, complaining about the "That would never happen in real life" events, don't lose sight that this is filmed for entertainment and isn't meant to be a docuseries. It's "escapism" at best.
3:24 as an ex lapd cop ive seen this happen before. Guy got shot 3 times though.
i loved the show (everything but the gunfight scenes, uhrhrhehehh) but im curious if any of the investigation scenes were realistic to an extent
Alright, as for the shootout around 3:40 when they shoot the car door, I do know that LAPD has Ballistic paneled doors that I believe are IIIA rated. So, theoretically it's possible you could have someone fire rifle rounds into your door and still not get hit.
To clarify: I know they have ballistic doors, but I am unsure exactly what level. I believe I hear somewhere is was level III but not totally sure.
You're right it varies but they can be equipped with level III and IV rated panels.
From the moment on, seeing 3 LAPD officers flying to Guatemala (S4, E1) to rescue another officer already showed me it's not that realistic. But, except for that, I really like it, even though some scenes are not that realistic and more of a Hollywood thing.
It shouldnt be realistic, it should be a good series!
It's trash
@@ic3man669Everything that's not fully realistic is trash apparently
The new ford Police Cruisers have bulletproof doors for this type of situation. They showed it in Jay Leno's Garage
The rookie is my favourite police show - but here: Police don’t just stand in the open and fire. They take cover. The brown lady was just standing there without any cover and not getting shot? 2. Criminals can hit their shots. They don’t miss 100+ shots especially when there are 5 bad guys on their team. 3. Police literally can’t die in this show
Brown lady?
Bro you cant say "the rookie is my fav show" and dont know the name of the character
Police can’t die? Jackson west he died?
@@magicdinosaure1400”POLICE” show not favorite.
i know many fire figthers in germany if you say ``Heute ist eine ruhige schicht``(Todays shift is quiet) they say that to 99% they get a building fire or a bad vehicle crash today
1:15 as soon as you said that i got a fire call. Thanks buddy
Oh. Thank you for your Service sir!
Ik I saying the same thing while watching the show. They be running the most goofy optics while using their rifle in CQB 😂
What annoys me the lot is when a officer pursue an huge crime scene without calling for any back up. Especially Nolan and Nyla.
Yea and they almost die
Especially since they were so on that in the first season, but kinda...forgot, moving forward.
that's because Nyla, she wanted to lock then by herself, and show for everyone that she is the Best, but in the end she got rep by her sargeant. and almost sued by Nolan.
they might have ballistic panels in the doors of that cruiser. it is LA after all.
Ford does install Ballistic panels in the doors
The biggest problem I have with this show is the detective work. Do cops really bribe convicts with a lighter sentence to give up a bigger fish? If that’s really true, then there are 1000’s of convicts roaming the streets because cops set them free. All the cops had to do, was talk to their sergeant, and they may pass the case on to a bureau that can investigate further.
It’s true 👀
LAPD cars have plates in the doors
Harper went full auto with the carbine, as a police officer. hmm...
Worst part is the safety selector was in semi
The Q Word is also exist in healthcare as well. I always use the Q word to mess with people.
"You do not ever use the q word"
Me, giving charms candies to my buddies when I'm mad at them.
Did no one else notice that the M4 the female officer was 'firing' was NOT ejecting shell cases ! The bad guys with the MP5K's look as though they were ejecting shell casings but not the M4...the muzzle flash also looked kinda CGI.
Because it is cgi
I read something somewhere where apparently they use BB guns and edit the flashes later for safety.
Bringing their cell phones inside the prison, and visiting inmates in their cell like Oscar is so unrealistic 😂😂 I still love the show and the chenford relationship
It's a riot reading the asinine comments from ppl that suddenly become police experts. The lines are so cringy I couldn't imagine a shopping mall security or crossing guard say any of them with a straight face.
Hey but ngl it’s a good show
"There's a sling on it for a reason." I've watched enough Active Self Protection to know that cops not using the sling is realistic
The Q word is true I think in every profession
If I remember correctly, I think Tim once had a rifle with two laser sights and a like two scopes after joining Metro one time. At that point, bro just add a third laser and become the Predator
"Do you ever watch a TV show or movie and say 'there's no way...'"
Yes, anything medical in my case.
hospitals are like that too with the word quiet lol
God bless you brother! I hope your channel grows!
There was literally an episode where they were talking about 24 hours till you can report a missing person but I still love the episode
Bro was running an Acog on a holo
If it would be really realistic than no one would watch it. As a watcher you want action, shootings etc you want it unrealistic else no one would watch
The shootings are way over the top and way too frequently brev
@@jellew8343 Yes because it's a show and not supposed to be realistic everywhere. Most cops don't get in combat situations where they have to fight. Actors have to train in combat because fight scenes are common.
To be fair, I would assume most LAPD cruisers are equipped with the Ford factory ballistic door inserts which are Level IV+ rated.
The thing on the rifle is a scopecam. The entire show they do that with any optic. They sadly dont know that if ya have a scope cam it goes infront of the optic.
5:27 Hey I'm pretty sure that 99% of police cars have ballistics plates in their doors to stop rounds from turning the "shop" into a coffin, and its passengers into DBs.
Some bigger agencies do, but the majority do not. LAPD does have them though.
@@roughmanready Oh okay, thanks man 😁
@roughmanready my local pd has ballistic panels on all of our squad cars, and it's not a huge pd, it's pretty small.
@@noobster6587 really, which police department is it?
@@noobster6587 that’s awesome, what state?
The fact that the bad guys have more sense to get behind cover. While the HIGHLY TRAINED police officers stand out in the open and get into a shootout is just... amazing. Also 18 inches off the wall bullets love walls.
The scene with the door is realistic as I have seen police cruises using Kevlar sheets in the door
Still bad form and unrealistic to training.
In another episode they got an acog set up with a pvs-14 but they got it set up so you had to look through the pvs-14 first and then into the acog
Who cares its a great show
It's Hollywood man, there's nothing realistic about this show. But it's fun and it's funny and Lopez is hot!
And the daddy cop song is epic!
Even Lucy and Celina are hot
There are some realistic things cus the show is made with the real LAPD
4:43 even if I were the actor I would look through the optic.
Most probably director/producer choice, or just ignorance
LAPD has kevlar in the doors.
They be rocking no recoil loudouts 😂
i love full hollywood to be fair
3:51 you can pause zoom in real good. Looks like a magnifier for the most part, seems a bit big but also lines up pretty good. She definitely isn’t looking through it though
Supposed to be a pvs-14 cowitnessed with an eotech
There was an episode where a joint agency was shooting her rifle without a magazine. 😂😂
I noticed that when I watched the show too.
My favourite is the nvg scope mounted 6 ft away from the eotech 😂 and in some episodes an acog 😂 and they are always firing full auto with their rifles lol
Lady with the AR isn't even aiming down the fucking sights. I was like...that's a dumb set up. Not only is it a short barrel making it worse for range, it is also gonna be much louder than a more longer barrel. Not sure if that's a thermal or a night scope on the AR but damn it was pointless. You should watch a scene later where they kept using that exact weird scope behind a red dot but the dude's red dot was mounted on the handguard
The only thing good or realistic in that last scene was calling out malfunction cover and I always thought the doors on a squad car have kevlar lining in them you would think they would have some resistance to small caliber
I’m not sure where you are a cop at but I unfortunately live in Los Angeles county and dealt with lapd sometimes in my job and the front doors for lapd and la county sheriffs have armor panels in them capable of stopping rifle rounds. So for the exact situation it’s accurate being lapd but other departments I’m not sure so I won’t argue overall.
“Unfortunately I live in Los Angeles” checks out
I love this show but ya that last scene when I watched it the first time was super immersion breaking. She asked for night vision and an Ar15.... Even though it's day time and the gun they gave her looks more like an m4.
Funniest thing i've seen to date is ''green screening myself into station 19, to make it more realistic'' 😂 that's hilarious
"I'm gonna put the trauma plate in my vest". It's like, supposed to be there, from the beginning of carrying the damn thing.
There are so many ex-LEOs in circulation, why don't they hire/listen to them so that basic stuff, that won't hurt the entertainment aspect of the movie/show, isn't overlooked?
Btw, Southland, older series, when I watched it, it did feel somewhat "real", mind giving that a go?
I love your videos, I’m you’re 700th subscriber now. Keep up the good work
What’s she’s running on the “AR-15” because I’ve seen the show. Is a PVS-14. Which makes no fucking sense for a day shift. (Unless I’m wrong about this, lmk if I am) Not to mention that “AR-15” is firing in fully automatic
Yeah when I reached this episode I noticed that too, definitely one of the more unrealistic parts of this show
I love seeing real cops react to these cop shows and movies. You get a real perspective, just like when veterans react to war movies. Great job 👍🏽
What is your take of the daddy cop song
If you want "reality" watch a documentary. This is not a documentary so OF COURSE IT'S NOT REAL!!!!
I can't print what I'm really thinking. I'll let you use your imagination.
Agreed. I also think shows are there to entertain you and not to educate you (or some people watch shows or play games for example to like escape reality so I hope they are all aware that these shows are not realistic)
You can only suspend disbelief for so long until you get to S4 E21 when Lopez tells a robber that he's under arrest WHILE SHE IS UNARMED AND A GUN IS IN HER FACE. In real life, she'd be deleted. This show is garbage.
That’s such a lame excuse. People say this when they don’t want to admit the thing they like is poorly written. You don’t actually believe that anyone can do anything because it’s fiction. Nolan walks straight in, bullets bouncing off his chest, and all the bad guys just a so impressed, they immediately reform, and everyone goes out for caffe and donuts. But then the death start shoes up and blows up earth. Because it’s fiction.
I really liked the Rookie for the first season. The 2nd was ok for parts but it’s gone full comicbook stupid since. I can’t list the amount stupid it’s become.
2:45 what about their counter argument of u being on their property and they dont have to ID u?
I think that's not a night vision with an EOTech. I think the crew tried to make an EOTech HHS i.e. an EOTech EXPS3 holographic on the front and a G33 magnifier on the back. But G33 doesn't look like that.
Looks like it had a modified lens too, although I highly doubt that a department would want to spend that much on a single patrol officers AR.
@@AirGhostAlpha maybe the officer paid out of own wallet for the sights?
@@borisglevrk Not a bad theory, I do know some officers that would do that so it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
At 3:21 The women fire nearly half a mag.An still only manage to hit one person,on full auto none the less
Oh please do some on SWAT CBS....
Cringe galore
The gear and the tactics are a lot better then on the Rookie 😭
@king_julien2114 It's like the SWAT guys are doing every other job of the force. They're patrolling, community policing, doing detective work, etc. They also seem to work in a super high-tech lab/gym rather than a cop station.
Do they even train the actors to make use of cover?
People don’t get shot in the show so, no. Magically nobody ever gets hurt during any crimes
Quiet is throughout first responders. EMS is the same way on the East Coast.
And hospitals
love this !! you should totally review brooklyn 99 or supernatural from a police pov!