Snoring Cat


Комментарии • 16

  • @mbofny
    @mbofny 14 лет назад

    Kitty, that's a loud snore! So cute!

  • @Guernicaman
    @Guernicaman 14 лет назад

    LOL! Imagine being alone in bed late at night and woken up by that sound throughout the house.

  • @bsl103158
    @bsl103158 14 лет назад

    we have had a number of cats over many years living where we do (rural- lots of rescue cases, and various breed mixes, etc) The British (or Russian) blue mix we currently have, who is about 3 and a half now,is certainly the most playful cat we've ever had-!! she is so fun to watch, we have taken MANY one -use camera loads of photos of her in action!!

  • @roundup123
    @roundup123 15 лет назад

    Hahaha its so damn funny!!!!!!!!!! this cat rules!!

  • @HowToStopSnoring
    @HowToStopSnoring 13 лет назад

    Thanks for the info. I loved your video! Great channel!

  • @CharlieCathimself
    @CharlieCathimself 14 лет назад

    oh.. my cats snoring too when they are sleeping

  • @chadzilla007
    @chadzilla007 15 лет назад

    sounds like a seal...

  • @Rydaine
    @Rydaine 14 лет назад

    Cute. A little weird that the snores don't match up with the movement of his body, but maybe that's just a video sound delay or something.

  • @freshsmiles305
    @freshsmiles305 14 лет назад

    he sounds like a creaking door

  • @Entharion
    @Entharion 14 лет назад

    looks more like a british blue tho :O

  • @SuperExtreamTeam
    @SuperExtreamTeam 15 лет назад

    how often do you wake him up so you can get some sleep ? :P

  • @SerAkimbo
    @SerAkimbo 14 лет назад


  • @davidthemistmaker
    @davidthemistmaker 14 лет назад

    hahahah my cat talks in sleep .... hahahha

  • @MrModifythis
    @MrModifythis 14 лет назад

    its hilarious aint it lol?

  • @iRydeLines
    @iRydeLines 14 лет назад

    @Guernicaman LOOOL

  • @m0rk0vka
    @m0rk0vka  15 лет назад

    ....and who?