I love the Carnies, they were pretty cool to talk and hang out with. I love that one guys hat. The blue one that says WTF?! great job guys can't wait to show everyone
I can't wait to see the video! Looks good fellass :D I wish i lived in Canada so maybe i could see you guys in concert for one in my life -.- rawr favorite band ever
The video is gonna be amazing. I'm bummed I don't have MuchMusic cause I really wanted to see it premiere. I miss you guys and Im already requesting the song so you guys can come back to Montreal.
my friend and I were planning on going to Vancouver so we could help out and be in the video :] We didn't though... we couldn't convince anyone to go with us.. haha.. but I can't wait for it! come back to Winnipeg sometime
Wow I thought they filmed the girl that ignores him seperate from him whispering in her ear. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face I'd just start laughing/smiling.
This is funny, I have a friend who's also terrified of clowns so I constantly post scarry clown pics on Facebook and tag her in them at night to help her sleep. I'm just like "your welcome!"
"Ok, i follow this girl, Kirstin, through the city, and as I follow her, she's not paying attention to me, which is ridiculous." LOL Josh is soo funyy, and I know it's a video,, but not pay attention to him isn't right.
Mr.Ramsay you have done it agian. -tear- -tear- I'm so proud of you. On a serious note, the effort paid off. Awesome ass music video+song. :] ily. x inifinty & beyond. & Josh's hair is lookin' sexed.
I loved how everything was all pale except for the blue in Josh, so amazing!
How could anyone not love the amazing creation that is Marianas Trench?!
WHOA! I spotted myself at 1:05, 1:15, 1:21, and 1:47!! SWEET.
Great work, you guys. The music video's AWESOME!!
why am i so in love with his voice? just his voice nothing else!!
Matt looks friggin amazing
when it shows him in the beginning it looks sOOOOOOOOOOO awesome how the only colour is blue! i LOVE it!
"and she's not paying any attention to me.. Which is ridiculous!"
Oh Josh
I love the Carnies, they were pretty cool to talk and hang out with.
I love that one guys hat. The blue one that says WTF?!
great job guys can't wait to show everyone
Wow first time seeing this . They are all super talented!
oh my gosh, i love the guys hair!! I love Marianas Trench!! they are awesome!!
I can't wait to see the video! Looks good fellass :D
I wish i lived in Canada so maybe i could see you guys in concert for one in my life -.- rawr
favorite band ever
i think this video coming out was the best birthday present i got this year :)
Lol, "And she's not paying attention to me, which is ridiculous"
I absolutley love Josh
this was #27 out of 100 top music videos of the decade :D
AH! i LOVE it!!!!! i missed the premiere on much on demand today but it's on again tomorrow morning so i can watch the whole thing then ;)
I love it @ the beginning where Matt just pops up and gives the camera a evil eye..LOL I love Ian,Mike,Matt and of course JOSH
Awesome! they should be on the juno awards!
the behind the scenes just makes me love them even more than i did bfore
The video is gonna be amazing. I'm bummed I don't have MuchMusic cause I really wanted to see it premiere. I miss you guys and Im already requesting the song so you guys can come back to Montreal.
i just love how his blue hair stands out it is frikin amazing
if i were that girl, i wouldn't be able to not smile every time josh came up behind me and started singing!!
Kirsten Ley, she’s a famous fashion designer now
Don't look her up, let her be remembered in this memory.
i can't wait for the new album! :)
I was 5 when this came out.... well
This is a name I was 3
It was this video cross my heart
That I first heard Marianas Trench ❤️ loved them since ❤️ my sacred band 💛 💖 😍 ^_^♡
my friend and I were planning on going to Vancouver so we could help out and be in the video :] We didn't though... we couldn't convince anyone to go with us.. haha..
but I can't wait for it! come back to Winnipeg sometime
josh: "and as I follow her, she's not paying attention to me..which is ridiculous.." LOOOL love josh!! you're right, dude.. xD
Wow I thought they filmed the girl that ignores him seperate from him whispering in her ear. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face I'd just start laughing/smiling.
"we're shooting a video" no really? i had no idea lol! haha I
haha i love you guys! especially matt and josh
i love how all the blue stuff is colourful
SWEET I SEE MYSELF with my friend walking in through the door at 0:32
This is funny, I have a friend who's also terrified of clowns so I constantly post scarry clown pics on Facebook and tag her in them at night to help her sleep.
I'm just like "your welcome!"
You, madame, are the Devil's mistress. So evil...
notice this whole time they highlighted blue bits, they didnt highlight josh's eyes
Omg too awesome
When can we actually see this vid?
Ok the way only Josh's shirt ad hair is the only thing in color (which is a amazing blue) is AMAZING!!!!!
"using fake makeup, because I don't need any!"
"Clowns fucking terrify me!" I must say I agree with that statement!!!
OMG Clowns are so terrifying. Finally someone gets me! Thank you Josh!
0:34 I LOVE HIS SMILE!! (and him)
Josh sounds so awesome :]
Cross my heart is the first song I remember listening to by them...now I'm a SUPAHFAN.
i love it when he says which is ridiculos and when he says like yo welcome!!!
Well where I live, it's about -5'C
It was colder this afternoon. We had super cold wind.
OMG!!! i miss you guys SOOOOO much can't WAIt for the CD!!!!
I'm painting my room Ramsay blue because of this man.
Great song-3
i love the mv for cross my heart
LOVE his hair
1:09 best part of the whole vid i dont know why but i love it when josh swears it smexi lol
"hopefully we'll see it on tv soon"
it was on tv everyday at every hour.(on muchloud) O.O
i want them to come to LONDON i love them also josh the way he loves her......
if josh ramasay strated whispering in my ear "take me with u ill start 2 miss u" i would like scream and hug him
ur hair looks awesome!!!!!
i am deathly afraid of clowns
**cold shiver down spine**
"Ok, i follow this girl, Kirstin, through the city, and as I follow her, she's not paying attention to me, which is ridiculous." LOL Josh is soo funyy, and I know it's a video,, but not pay attention to him isn't right.
its on the Much Music Site also =]
Josh singing/talking in her ear is way hotter than it probably should be...
Come and preform in Victoria BC please please please please Pleeeeeease!!!!! Xx
if josh whispered that line in my ear, i'd melt!
i don't know how that girl could just ignore him! haha anyways MARIANAS TRENCH IS SO AWESOME!
Awesome =]
I like Josh's hair.
awe its okay joshy. clowns are purty darn scurry to me too. :]
amazing music!
you have done it agian.
-tear- -tear-
I'm so proud of you.
On a serious note, the effort paid off.
Awesome ass music video+song. :]
ily. x inifinty & beyond.
& Josh's hair is lookin' sexed.
how do you not have emotion when josh is singing to you like that?!
duude , that`s awesome ..
i really want to meet them some day
josh ramsey is so funny =)
I LUV YOU GUYS PLEASE REPLY I LUV U!!!!!!! my fave song
couldn't agree more.
They never seem to have a video shoot in the warmth of summer up untill Haven't had enough.....
I wonder what's better, being in a Marianas Trench video, or getting a mini concert by them, while being in the video.
is MT Canadian? i love josh!!!! and this song!!!
josh has the greatest hair. i cant even believe it lol
i loooove josh
Haha Josh! I am terrified of clowns too! :p
@SadSmiles333 yessss
They could not have paid me enough to ignore Josh Ramsay. He's fucking adorable!!!
josh..... *siiiighhhhhh* lol ♥
1:11 the best girl scream from a boy EVER.
OMG Mike's face at 1:10 reminds me of some sort of animal XD a beaver? Haha XD
I love this hair at the begging
@ISAGISABEL umm silly question.. who doesn't?
I love the blue hair O_O
"She's not paying attention to me, which is ridiculous!" Lol.
0:33 OMG!!! i ♥ Josh RAMSAY!
"clowns fucking terrify me!"
Love them
"Which is ridiculous..."
"Clowns fucking terrify me!" Ahaha! I LOVE that!! They terrify me too!
Josh's hair looks sweet.
I don't think i could keep a strait face if Josh was talking in my ear xD
Omg I would freak if josh came up behind me and started whispering in my ear!!!
So are Mike and Ian.
0:45-0:51 I would have fainted. If Josh ever put his hand on my shoulder let alone whispered in my ear *sighs* :)
I want josh to whisper in my ear