A WARNING for Good Samaritans | JLS EP011

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @basedkrusader6328
    @basedkrusader6328 Год назад +160

    I was a good samaritan about 4 years ago, I witnessed multiple people jumping and older gentleman. So i stepped in and maced the people who were attacking this man, later I was charged with illegal use of tear gas and had to fight a felony for 2 years and 15,000 dollars later I ended up signing for a misdemeanor . Good samaritans laws dont always work.

    • @Ca_Tule_Ninja
      @Ca_Tule_Ninja Год назад +4

      Where was this incident?

    • @fin_jan
      @fin_jan Год назад +6

      That really sucks.
      Society will get what it asks for.

    • @MegadethTillDeth
      @MegadethTillDeth Год назад +5

      You have to leave that place man. You have to be with people who share your worldview. What state was this?

    • @basedkrusader6328
      @basedkrusader6328 Год назад +14

      @@Ca_Tule_Ninja it was in Yorba Linda CA. Right after a BLM organizer named Tatianna Turner ran over a group of patiots and put several in the hospital

    • @basedkrusader6328
      @basedkrusader6328 Год назад +2

      @@MegadethTillDeth I will give 1 guess....

  • @stevevedell5642
    @stevevedell5642 Год назад +264

    I am reminded of the case of a woman being raped on a subway. And all of the people asking why no one stepped in and helped that woman. This NY case is exactly why people hesitate to help others.

    • @stevejackson9952
      @stevejackson9952 Год назад +17

      Reminds me of the speech the priest gives in Boondock Saints.

    • @brinsonharris9816
      @brinsonharris9816 Год назад

      Was that the one where the guy was trying to force himself on a woman on the platform and NYers all got their phones out to record it? NYers are the biggest cowards in the world. That Marine is probably a visitor and is paying the price for being a Marine and a good samaritan. That goofball DA is not about to let that good deed go unpunished.

    • @lilsausy4894
      @lilsausy4894 Год назад +2

      what was the NY case, I am unaware, and would like to do research on it

    • @tat-2-71
      @tat-2-71 Год назад +15

      @@lilsausy4894 where the marine put a choke hold on a crazy guy attacking people on the subway. Said crazy guy ultimately passed away during the encounter and now the DA"s office is pressing charges against the marine.

    • @WhiskeyPatriot
      @WhiskeyPatriot Год назад +1

      @@tat-2-71 this was a different case.

  • @tdognschooch
    @tdognschooch Год назад +311

    What is a "reasonable person standard" in a society that doesn't value or even recognize reason?

    • @genovawitness9576
      @genovawitness9576 Год назад +19

      Interestingly enough, being better trained than "most" will actually hurt you because the prosecutor will be able to (usually successfully) make the argument you should have known better.

    • @romeolima5339
      @romeolima5339 Год назад

      You cannot asign one of GODs emotional traits as GOD.
      I believe if you are going to define God. I would refer to him as absolute truth. If he says it, it is. Period. In fact if you were inclined to disprove the existence of God. All you would have to do is show he lied. For instance show me a man that has lived longer than God says a man can live after the fact of the flood. Then prove his age.
      NOW: my point.
      Christians are to tolerant of sin. What I am about to explain is why you do NOT want to asign an emotion that God has as what he is as all encompassing.
      Because God has WRATH.
      GOD destroyed a couple of cities with brimstone. Killing everyone. He flooded the whole earth killing everyone one, save a few in a boat.
      He is coming back as the Lion of Judah. To make blood flow as deep as to reach a horses bridle. Lastly he has condemned every living soul to death in hell. God is INTOLERANT of sin. He has grace and forgiveness for true repentance. Even that is limited to a time. ( dispensation of grace, the church age, the time of the gentiles. )
      It is time christains take on God's trait of intolerance of sin and put forth the militant christain soldier. ( Onward christain soldier marching as to WAR. )
      David slayed Goliath he did not evangilise him.
      The overtly Heinous need to be slain and or vanquished.
      I call to arms all christains.
      Onward christain soldiers.
      Keeping in mind God gave us a WHOLE BOOK on WISDOM and only a chapter on love.
      My favorite verse of wisdom.
      Says wisdom is greater than emotion.
      " He who trusts in his own heart is a FOOL, but he who walks wisely shall be saved from TROUBLE. "
      Proverbs 28:26
      Emotions are an extension of flesh. Hence your " " feelings. " "
      We are to crucify our flesh.
      For that is where the sin is.
      Ask Adam and eve. How it got there.
      P.S. I don't care about your feelings.
      " How do you feel about that "
      " Trust your heart "
      " do what you feel is best "
      " What do you THINK about that "
      " find the truth "
      " do what you know is the RIGHT thing to do."
      I feel like ice cream and cake for breakfast lunch and dinner.
      I feel like sleeping with the hot wife of another man.
      I feel like punching a rood person in the face.
      But I walk wisely.

    • @timunderbakke8756
      @timunderbakke8756 Год назад +8

      @@genovawitness9576 all the more reason to not gain certifications or other documents showing training.

    • @MegadethTillDeth
      @MegadethTillDeth Год назад +5

      Just because others are pointing and shouting about how the sky is green, and that, gravity isn't real you can fly anytime you want, doesn't mean objective truth has dissipated. It's brought back into the lexicon by the leadership of strong men. How about we try having a few of those around before we cast the entire thing aside and act like everything has already been tried and failed.

    • @tdognschooch
      @tdognschooch Год назад +8

      @@MegadethTillDeth According to recent court cases, I would argue objective truth is less important these days. In regards to the leadership of strong men, I'm all for that, when I see it. I'm doing everything I can to preserve the American way of life in my own world, if you think I'm giving up and acting like everything has failed you don't know me very well. Simply voicing my frustration with people talking big on youtube, but I don't see any tangible progress in bringing things back to center.
      Truly strong men are few and far between. It's very poetic what you said, and sounds great, but I don't see reality reflecting what you claim.

  • @Jacen777
    @Jacen777 Год назад +237

    *MATTHEW 24:12*
    _"And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold"_

    • @nickc8819
      @nickc8819 Год назад +19

      Praise Jesus Christ

    • @flysomethingdamitdotcom8788
      @flysomethingdamitdotcom8788 Год назад +4

      Thank you

    • @MegadethTillDeth
      @MegadethTillDeth Год назад +8

      The word of God is always applicable but man, it is nuts how much it resonates.

    • @egmjag
      @egmjag Год назад +7

      People pulling out cell phones and filming what used to be considered shocking comes to mind. Worse yet, people laughing and having a good time while filming a tragedy or potential deadly incident.

    • @mickeymickey9914
      @mickeymickey9914 Год назад

      ​@@MegadethTillDeth a generic observation of past events.

  • @jodyroper5105
    @jodyroper5105 Год назад +7

    My son came home to see a man in a car trying to run over a young girl in his apartment parking lot with a crowd of onlookers. My son saw the car get stuck and dragged the man out of the car, the man tried to punch my son, my son blocked the punch and knocked the man out with one punch. My son say in him till the cops arrived, the crowd cheered. The cops arrested my son, the judge made him go to anger management, community service as well. They said you just can't punch people if you're not punched first. My son says he will never help a stranger again.

  • @cardonasaltandlight1418
    @cardonasaltandlight1418 Год назад +328

    The best way for the subway situation to not even happen in the first place would have been for the guy that died not to get arrested over 40 times and have a warrent for assault. He put himself in situations like this many times and finally his luck ran out.

    • @utah_koidragon7117
      @utah_koidragon7117 Год назад +14

      It's like saying the best way to avoid all this unpleasantness would have been for Adam to never eat that damned apple. Maybe, but not terribly pertinent or useful.

    • @davidwebb9752
      @davidwebb9752 Год назад +18

      @@utah_koidragon7117and what would your “real world” solution be? Say this guy wasn’t a physical threat to the people on the subway…THIS TIME. Say he was arrested 22 more times and on the 63rd time he was a problem to society he killed an innocent bystander. When is enough…enough?this guy should have been in a mental institution after the 4-5 time.

    • @TheAxe4Ever
      @TheAxe4Ever Год назад +20

      @@utah_koidragon7117 I’ll put it a bit differently. I agree with the original post. And I also agree with your post. But I’ll add that not only did the guy that was choked out on the subway choose to be arrested that many times for crimes, and violent crimes including assault, but the was ALLOWED to commit that many crimes because of crooked, politically motivated DA’s and judges that are more concerned about the rights of criminals than law abiding citizens. He should have never been allowed to walk the streets and ride the subways because he should have been locked up and the key thrown away long before this happened. Personally, I have no problem with the way the situation ended. Except for the fact that an innocent man is in prison.

    • @Osprey1994
      @Osprey1994 Год назад +5

      Yeah, the dude should have just not been mentally ill, and he should have been involuntarily committed.
      Your comment misses the mark by a good margin.

    • @utah_koidragon7117
      @utah_koidragon7117 Год назад +6

      @@davidwebb9752 Yes, the guy certainly should have been in a mental institution. He certainly should not have been allowed by the authorities to continue roaming the streets, because he was clearly mentally ill. For sure, the system failed, over and over again.
      But that doesn't mean that killing him on that train was a justifiable act of self defense. It wasn't. It's permissible to use force appropriate to the threat as long as that threat exists- Penny's actions unfortunately went much farther than that. If you're justifying it on the grounds that Neely was a bad guy with a long record who would probably commit more crimes if he hadn't been strangled to death on the train, you're not talking about self defense anymore, you're talking about vigilante justice.

  • @sgtzsquad
    @sgtzsquad Год назад +93

    Retired LEO 2018 after 38+ years. I saw this coming years ago and yes, I carry but I have come to the conclusion that I will only act when myself and/or my family are in danger. If others are saved, it is just collateral. Just about everyone has the opportunity to be a protector for themselves, so it is up to them. If I and/or my family can safely withdraw, I will exit the area. Semper fi!

    • @fin_jan
      @fin_jan Год назад +12

      I get where you're coming from.
      But it breaks my heart to hear it.

    • @casper3130
      @casper3130 Год назад

      And this is why the Left is able to say, A Good Guy with a Gun isn't stopping the Bad Guy with a Gun.

    • @BirdDogey1
      @BirdDogey1 Год назад +11

      I entered law enforcement in 88. We were told in the academy, if it isn't your life, wife or kids then be a good witness. It is even worse today. My gun is to protect me and my family. Even shooting the bad guy doesn't mean you won't get sued and have to spend thousands of dollars on your defense.

    • @MegadethTillDeth
      @MegadethTillDeth Год назад +4

      If you live in a blue state then fair enough, I agree. if you live in a red state, this is a cringe take.

    • @BirdDogey1
      @BirdDogey1 Год назад +6

      @MegadethTillDeth There is criminal court and there is civil. The latter is neither red nor blue. I have a friend who spent 50k just to prove he had done nothing wrong before ever entering a courtroom.

  • @andrewhenley2161
    @andrewhenley2161 Год назад +55

    One of my favorite quotes that I choose to live by, “All that is necessary for evil to succeed, is for good men to do nothing.” - Sir Edmund Burke

    • @FNG910
      @FNG910 Год назад +6

      @@anonymousbosch586 you are absolutely correct. I used to be that guy. The legal system is now a cash cow for the state.

    • @FinalLugiaGuardian
      @FinalLugiaGuardian Год назад +4

      I have a better quote.
      "Prison sucks and life is short. Just move along."

    • @casper3130
      @casper3130 Год назад +2

      And our government has been making Laws against the Good Men so the Good Men won't do anything so that Evil can succeed. I have a friend that defended himself against a threat to his life, he went to jail had to bond out, hire a lawyer to defend himself for defending himself. He wasn't found guilty but, it cost him a fortune for exercising his Right. Afterwards he told me he always thought he'd be one to defend others in a shooting situation but after going through what he went through if such a situation didn't pose a threat to him or his family he wouldn't get involved.

    • @glock19gen3
      @glock19gen3 Год назад +2

      Well when as a good guy, you get the slammer... Evil still won... So.. do explain

    • @Stranded360
      @Stranded360 Год назад

      @@anonymousbosch586 That'll sound good as you're carted off in the train.

  • @spartanpatriot3163
    @spartanpatriot3163 Год назад +93

    A few years back near Tampa Florida a man stopped to help a woman stranded with a flat tire, the man changed the woman’s tire and went on about his business.
    When the man got home that night he was greeted by the police arrested and taken into custody.
    The woman he helped called the police, gave them his tag number and said he assaulted and did the R word to her.
    This man was lucky he had a dash cam that recorded the whole thing.
    Act Accordingly men.
    Stay strapped, stay dangerous.

    • @davek5027
      @davek5027 Год назад +19

      Best to just mind your own business and move along.

    • @WhiskeyPatriot
      @WhiskeyPatriot Год назад +6

      @@davek5027 damn straight

    • @fin_jan
      @fin_jan Год назад

      The guy who used his car to stop this other car (at the end) made an amazing decision, with imperfect information.

    • @dizzyizzylizzie
      @dizzyizzylizzie Год назад +9

      As a woman, I am so ashamed of other women doing stuff like this. That man sought to do a good deed, that's all this story should have been. I can't comprehend what that woman was thinking in accusing him of something he didn't do. It's so disgusting and disturbing.

    • @MegadethTillDeth
      @MegadethTillDeth Год назад

      @@dizzyizzylizzie She was thinking about what most millenial and zoomer women are. A payday at the expense of their "lessers". It has created an unsustainable environment for the American social compact. We are spiraling towards swift disaster.

  • @okisoba
    @okisoba Год назад +18

    This has happened in Mainland China. People are punished for helping others, especially when it comes to physical protection. These days it's not surprising to watch Chinese people walk right by a child being kidnapped or someone dying on the side of the street.

    • @6spdkeg
      @6spdkeg Год назад

      Disgusting. 😢

  • @wb5mgr
    @wb5mgr Год назад +21

    To quote Mr. Miyagi, “best way no get locked up… No be there when the cops show up. “😂

  • @michaelfranciotti3900
    @michaelfranciotti3900 Год назад +20

    A very important consideration is that Nealy was reported to be still alive and breathing AFTER the physical interaction was over, and he was placed in the recovery position.
    When people are in bad health and on drugs, their heart can give out very easily. Physical interventions that are normally harmless, end up as cardiac arrest just from the stress of the encounter.

  • @FFBMB303
    @FFBMB303 Год назад +125

    I was protected by Good Samaritan laws, plus being a certified firefighter/EMT when someone was shot 2 doors down from my house (I moved my family 3 months later) - was pulled into court to testify, was scrutinized by shooter’s lawyers, character questioned. But once they heard my testimony; that I didn’t care how he got in that situation, it was my duty to act because I had the skills to help, there was nothing else they could say.

    • @Rockhurst22
      @Rockhurst22 Год назад +7

      How much was your legal fees?

    • @danayen4806
      @danayen4806 Год назад +1

      Thank you for your service

    • @chrishill1286
      @chrishill1286 Год назад +3

      I have to say an old volunteer fire emt B IV Tech that what you said is ONLY true within your fire district! The insurance protecting us first responders ends at the boundary of your district. So stopping at someone elses emergency outside the district you are naked except for the good sam laws. I am not suggesting I would not have acted any differently just correcting the record.

    • @danayen4806
      @danayen4806 Год назад +1

      @@chrishill1286 Glad I don't live in your state mine was good over the whole state of Michigan.

    • @chrishill1286
      @chrishill1286 Год назад +2

      @@danayen4806 Oh I wouldn't say that Clark County Washington participated in the nation wide SROC study and we had the highest score across the nation. You also have to be affiliated with a fire department to practice unless you worked for the private provider AMR. Here in Montana now retired and don't move here if you have medical issues, thats all I can say about ems here. Nobody volunteers any more the average age is over 60 and it's all volunteer out here. Keep up the good work.

  • @joshmajor8662
    @joshmajor8662 Год назад +56

    I’m in Kentucky, my wife dropped her cash purse (this stupid pouch she only carries cash in) while at Walmart the other day. It had $200 cash and cards in it!!….. a woman’s teenager found it and reached out to us. Not a dollar missing and she tried to decline us “tipping” her Lol sometimes people surprise ya 🤷‍♂️ NOT often tho!! Lol her business card was inside.

    • @MegadethTillDeth
      @MegadethTillDeth Год назад +5

      Praise be to God. Good story Josh.

    • @SugaryPhoenixxx
      @SugaryPhoenixxx Год назад +1

      There are good people in the world including good youth. That was a good story.

  • @kcojco
    @kcojco Год назад +163

    No good deed goes unpunished

    • @charmingmander331
      @charmingmander331 Год назад +2


    • @ericdincauze3984
      @ericdincauze3984 Год назад +2

      Been saying this for years! But, it doesn't stop me from trying to do good things. I say trying, because I am far from perfect at being the that man in every situation. But, I will always continue to do my best!

    • @rgregoryful
      @rgregoryful Год назад +1

      Every good deed goes rewarded. Here and hereafter. Good will always be punished by evil, but I am no coward, and my LORD JESUS, punished to death, gave us ALL the greatest reward. I will not follow evil or cowards chasing after external acceptance. We must live by morals and ethics bigger than legalities, evil, and "punishment".

  • @adamb2619
    @adamb2619 Год назад +7

    From my CCW instructor. “Protect yourself, protect your family, and when there is no other choice.”

  • @johnnywishbone932
    @johnnywishbone932 Год назад +7

    I live in Chanada 🇨🇦+🇨🇳. A few nights ago a man was arrest not far from my house for discharging a shotgun because there was a group of men threatening to kill him! The group was outside of his very rural home.
    The bad guys are free. The good guy was charged with a wheelbarrow full of charges and all his legal guns taken by the R CM P.

    • @robgrey6183
      @robgrey6183 Год назад

      @@ti3167 Bad guys turned him in.

    • @johnnywishbone932
      @johnnywishbone932 Год назад +1

      @@ti3167 He called 911 for help.

    • @6spdkeg
      @6spdkeg Год назад

      Yeah. Can't discharge until your life is basically within a second of danger. Unfortunately the court of law can not assume the group would have beat the life out of him if he didn't shoot the gun. But yeah. It's sad that common sense isn't used in some situations. IMO, A force of 6 men warrants a warning fire of a gun if they present immediate threat on your property or in a situation you are cornered and can not flee the area. Life ain't a Jackie Chang movie. 99.9999% of men cannot stop a group of even 3 men from injuring them to a great extent. 3 men can break down just about any average door to a home, even one that is deadlocked but you should still go into your house for your own safety and the criminal still has to prove he was pursuing harm.
      The guy likely discharged the shotgun outside without immediate threat of harm and in a way that present the endangerment of life. Like in their general direction.

  • @kuribo1
    @kuribo1 Год назад +21

    Nope, people who are outside the family are not worth the risk of me losing that family and life I have tried to build. That is the truth since the late 2010s.

    • @30rdmaga
      @30rdmaga Год назад

      It's a real shame but I honestly feel the exact same way.

  • @SMichaelDeHart
    @SMichaelDeHart Год назад +72

    You'd really have to make a split second decision as to whether to help or not.
    As a retired/disabled Firefighter/EMS First Medical Responder (30+ yrs service)and Certified Firearms Instructor, it's basically ingrained in my dna to assist my fellow man or women anytime I come upon a emergency.

  • @robgrey6183
    @robgrey6183 Год назад +79

    Quick question, John:
    -Can you name even ONE instance where, when a "Good Samaritan" is dragged into criminal or civil court, the people he saved sold everything they had to help pay for his defence?
    -Me neither.
    I carry a gun always. I will defend myself, my wife, and any family that's with me. Nobody else.
    And I'm not going to be spending endless hours training to throw hands with some dirtbag. I'd rather be skiing, running rivers, and hunting elk.

  • @survivaloptions4999
    @survivaloptions4999 Год назад +170

    First lesson I learned in the army: There is no up-side to doing the right thing.

    • @dirtyswar
      @dirtyswar Год назад +24

      Hard right vs Easy wrong

    • @TecnamTwin
      @TecnamTwin Год назад +10

      Do it anyway.

    • @goofyroofy
      @goofyroofy Год назад +25

      @@TecnamTwin sure, if you're paying the guy's legal bills and family costs if he gets put away, etc. easy to sayfrom the sidelines.

    • @goofyroofy
      @goofyroofy Год назад +4


    • @Cjusmc28
      @Cjusmc28 Год назад +6

      Sad but true

  • @firefox0884
    @firefox0884 Год назад +16

    Problem with the face down in every position, if he dies from overdose, you're still gonna be accused of suffocating him. I don't think any of these high profile cases would've changed if they would've done a different method. We need to change the environment, not the techniques that are proven over decades

  • @jeff770
    @jeff770 Год назад +15

    Aa a retired 25 yr LE officer, this is absolutely spot on. The best pod cast I've listened to or You Tube video on the subject. However, one area that all of these types of UOF discussions miss is the following civil suit that will follow whether you're not charged, charged and acquitted, or even found guilty. Read the papers about the $10,000,000 civil suits that follow such actions. You may be legally and morally justified in you actions but I guarantee a civil suit will follow costing the average person $ they don't have for a defense. You can be sued for anything and there is always an attorney will to willing to take the case.

  • @Jamestreeman
    @Jamestreeman Год назад +11

    As a roller I will say the mat with a guy that’s playing the game with you is much different then a crowded subway car with a guy not playing the game. I respect the guy for stepping in. He did a great job. I wish he would have let up every time he started going out but his adrenaline was pumping and he didn’t.

  • @brettspencer892
    @brettspencer892 Год назад +27

    I started BJJ almost 2 years because of John and the warrior poet preparedness quiz. I've come a long ways since then. Now I get to help a black belt teach the kids classes. It's not cheap but man it's totally worth every penny when you find a good school. God bless WPS.

    • @glockster68
      @glockster68 Год назад +1

      That is good cause it takes talent to teach as well..to teach well I mean. Plus getting life skills and a great workout

    • @studytime3461
      @studytime3461 Год назад

      Thanks for spreading what you learned to the next generation... if jiujitsu, filipino martial arts, and isoscles stance pistol skills were universal in our society, tyrants and predators would need to take some pretty serious risks to go about their business... right now poorly trained criminals and police officers push around totally helpless citizens... but a year or two of knife and stick skills gives anybody the ability to kill or maim anyyyone else as long as the opponent come close enough to be hit or stabbed

    • @Murchlives
      @Murchlives Год назад

      @@kodiakcombatcollective At 2 years, nobody is paying for you. You're an advanced white belt, a fresh blue at most. If a black belt is coaching kids, the extent of your duties is being the Uke during technique demonstration, making sure the kids perform techniques correctly, refereeing some sparring activities etc. You learn a lot more than you teach when you help in those classes. When you become an official instructor for the school (which will probably take 5-7 years minimum), you can start expecting some compensation.

    • @BaconSlayer69
      @BaconSlayer69 8 месяцев назад

      It’s good to know but in a life and death situation it’s the last place ur gonna wanna be

    • @brettspencer892
      @brettspencer892 8 месяцев назад

      @@BaconSlayer69 I dont follow what you're saying. I carry a gun everyday for life and death situations. BJJ is another tool on the belt and gives me options. How is "it's the last place ur gonna wanna be" make any sense?

  • @addicted2rc
    @addicted2rc Год назад +16

    In the past I usually picked up hitchhikers until I was threatened for not going far out of my way past my exit to drop the hitchhiker off. A similar thing happened when I pulled over to help someone broken down on the side of the road. In both cases the people I tried to help had a victim and entitled mentality and got angry when I couldn't help them with everything that they wanted. I like to help others and I am usually willing to go a long way, out of my way until I notice that they feel like they deserve or are entitled to my time and resources, at which point I am done helping. The risks are too great to help people out so I will most likely just drive by them anymore. The saddest is that since then I have taught my children and will teach my grand children to just drive on by, the risks are too great to help people out anymore. The world was a better place when we just tried to help each other out whenever and where ever help was needed. I hope we can get back there some day!

    • @tundranomad
      @tundranomad Год назад +1

      I picked up a hitchhiker on a cold drizzly morning on the way to work one time when I lived in Virginia. He was very thankful, and not a 100 yards down the road, he pulls out a bag of marijuana and asked me if I wanted to smoke some. I immediately pulled back over, pulled out my police badge and told him to get out of the car. He flew out of the car like lightning, left the door wide open and I never saw him again. He was the last hitchhiker I ever picked up.

  • @Archivedcontent
    @Archivedcontent Год назад +5

    Regarding the subway chokehold situation - I don’t understand why they’re saying that he choked the guy to death. He did NOT choke the guy to death. The bad guy was taken to the hospital, and died at the hospital almost an hour later. We have no clue what kind of drugs were in the bad guy’s system. This dude died as a result of his own poor choices, and not because he was choked to death. Because he wasn’t.

  • @jamesr2179
    @jamesr2179 Год назад +36

    I guess you'll call me "wrong and empty," but I'm afraid I have a litmus test for who I would risk life and liberty for. Is the person I rescue going to feel honor-bound to provide for my wife if I go to prison? Is the person I rescue going to tell tales of my deeds to my sons if I die in the attempt? If the answer to those questions is "no," I think it's "wrong and empty" to risk it for that person. I have plenty of friends and family that meet that criteria. It breaks my heart that we don't live in a society where a random stranger will not meet that criteria, but it is what it is.

    • @casper3130
      @casper3130 Год назад +6

      And they won't pitch in for your legal defense for defending them either.

  • @valorunkommon799
    @valorunkommon799 Год назад +3

    “When even one American - who has done nothing wrong - is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth - then all Americans are in peril.” Harry S Truman
    The problem with the "reasonable person" standard is that as our society becomes even softer, a reasonable person will be expected to take no action to ever help anyone

  • @janfranceschi8458
    @janfranceschi8458 Год назад +69

    John, the good samaritan issue nowadays is tied, unfortunately, to the color of our skin. As you have noticed the amount of activists coming out in support of the individual who was causing chaos and terror against innocent people. It is truly sad that some sector of our society decides to pick evil over good. Our society is spiraling down and out of control. And our governments aren't doing enough to protect the good herd. Shameful.

    • @MegadethTillDeth
      @MegadethTillDeth Год назад

      Blacks commit 60%+ of the violence. Additionally, they include hispanics in the white portion of that data when they gather it. It just so happens that the marxists propagate and propel black supremacy. Certainly not a coincidence. I feel for the people getting used, but make no mistake, they are attempting a white genocide. They are terrified of white Christian males. As they should be, frankly.

    • @mickeymickey9914
      @mickeymickey9914 Год назад

      Access to ⚪ people is not a human right. "Integration" is an IMPOSITION

    • @kerbalairforce8802
      @kerbalairforce8802 Год назад

      And isn't it interesting how Jesus story makes a contemporary hated race the hero of his story.

    • @mickeymickey9914
      @mickeymickey9914 Год назад

      @@kerbalairforce8802 which r is that?

    • @Ladarrylm
      @Ladarrylm Год назад

      I assure you it isn't! I suspect it is tied to gender and orientation, but that may be my own personal projection. I'm in the medical field, but all LEO ever wanted to do was investigate me, ask leading questions to search me, run my ID, make snide comments. I'm good 😅

  • @sawyer4981
    @sawyer4981 Год назад +5

    I'm thankful I still live in a community where doing the right thing is still a relatively safe move.

  • @BodhisattvaSteve
    @BodhisattvaSteve Год назад +2

    United We Stand. divided we fall. The Light is one, the shadows are many.

  • @Random-th7wm
    @Random-th7wm Год назад +6

    Imagine being naïve enough to think any other submission would have gotten a different result from the media, courts or general public... If he had put that pos from the subway in a full nelson his arms would have snapped and that former marine would be vilified to the same degree as he currently is... Being a good samaritan is a dead and gone concept and if you decide to still help some rando I promise you the overall outcome for your personal life will be severely negative...

  • @Bosniarat24
    @Bosniarat24 Год назад +27

    Yeah No good deed goes unpunished.

    • @robfarrell9104
      @robfarrell9104 Год назад +2

      The Father never promised a life without strife.

  • @LifeisGood762
    @LifeisGood762 Год назад +49

    I had a good Samaritan possibly save my life today. I had a brake fluid leak and asked a man at Walmart who was buying the same fluid if he could teach me how to use it. He gave me a description and sent me along at first, then followed me to my old truck and patiently walked me through adding fluid. I can't express the gratitude. Might seem small but it sure wasn't to me.

    • @JustMe-999a
      @JustMe-999a Год назад +1

      Adding fluid doesn't fix the leak

    • @LifeisGood762
      @LifeisGood762 Год назад +3

      @@JustMe-999a I understand that. Gets you home with brakes though.

    • @jsims563
      @jsims563 Год назад +1

      Or possibly half way home with brakes....and then none. Just something to consider. Start looking for your leak. Puddles or drips on the driveway will lead you to it.

    • @LifeisGood762
      @LifeisGood762 Год назад +2

      @@jsims563 I knew where the leak was before I noticed brake loss. Found the drips. It did get me home.

    • @jsims563
      @jsims563 Год назад

      @@LifeisGood762 good to hear.

  • @tacticalclochard
    @tacticalclochard Год назад +17

    One problem with defending a stranger that is little talked about (at least as far as I am aware of) is that the victim might turn on you for a plethora of reasons, mainly psychological and social. Either violently on the spot or later testifying at the precinct and in court. For that reason alone I am very hesitant to intervene beyond calling law enforcement.

    • @albundy6284
      @albundy6284 Год назад

      Hopefully when I need help you won’t be the only other person around! I want to be surrounded by people and neighbors who will look out for me, and I for them.

    • @tacticalclochard
      @tacticalclochard Год назад +2

      I order my shoes online, you're safe, Al.

    • @kevinallies1014
      @kevinallies1014 Год назад

      @albundy6284 “I want”. Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.

  • @bewarethegreyghost
    @bewarethegreyghost Год назад +24

    Little known fact: Kneeling on someone's neck can cause them to die of fentanyl overdose.

  • @erniegarland5689
    @erniegarland5689 Год назад +34

    My wife and I are retired RNs. In 2021 we were driving in a busy part of town and heard a loud cracking sound, almost like a gunshot. We witnessed a man lying on the sidewalk, obviously impaired, rolling over onto his back. A woman was screaming. We put our vehicle in park, turned on our flashers and ran to the man. In hindsight, we should have been more cautious considering that we did not know exactly what the situation was. When we got to the man he was unresponsive and struggling to breathe. We saw no obvious wound but in assessing him we realized he needed CPR, so we began to apply it. Within minutes police arrived and then first responders took over our efforts. The police asked us to stay and be questioned by a detective. We later learned that, according to other witnesses, the man had jumped from a 6 story building in a suicide attempt. He died on the way to the hospital from massive internal injuries. We later met the young man's parents (he was 22) and attended his funeral. The whole event was quite disturbing and we spent several weeks recovering from the shock of the whole thing. Would we do the same thing again? Absolutely!

  • @YouTubesucks4real
    @YouTubesucks4real Год назад +55

    If im in a town or a place where the people have voted for others to make it impossible for them to defend themselves, im not defending them either. It's time people learn the consequences of their vote.

    • @DP-ec3zo
      @DP-ec3zo Год назад +5


    • @ivanthemadvandal8435
      @ivanthemadvandal8435 Год назад +5


    • @Random-th7wm
      @Random-th7wm Год назад +1


    • @timunderbakke8756
      @timunderbakke8756 Год назад +5

      I used to agree with this, until the 2020 election. That’s where I learned that voting simply wasn’t going to solve it. 2022 Arizona reinforces this. We’ve hit a tipping point where while we have to try and vote, we also have to recognize the deck is set such that we have to hit obscenely high numbers to outvote their target number

    • @YouTubesucks4real
      @YouTubesucks4real Год назад

      @@timunderbakke8756 and we will hit these numbers either by the woke dying off from their bad voting habits or they start voting with us. Either way I'm not putting my life on the line for them, just to go to jail because they want to be victims.

  • @miguelcomas3157
    @miguelcomas3157 Год назад +6

    At the end of the day, we are likely to be punished for our kindness

  • @robfarrell9104
    @robfarrell9104 Год назад +3

    There will always be good men to met those who wish to do bad.

  • @DadBodDrumming
    @DadBodDrumming Год назад +6

    Sadly my help is now location based. If I am in a blue area, I am only helping me and mine. If I am in a red area, I am helping everyone. Just the way it is.

  • @Janzer_
    @Janzer_ Год назад +12

    You can still be a good Samaritan, just assess the situation and make your choice.

    • @dansmith3507
      @dansmith3507 Год назад +6

      And then go the jail because a woke prosecutor decides to teach everyone a lesson in helping against criminals

    • @dashcammer4322
      @dashcammer4322 6 месяцев назад

      @@dansmith3507 Alvin Bragg and George Gascon types.

  • @shayewilliamsonwilliamson597
    @shayewilliamsonwilliamson597 Год назад +6

    Im glad that you put together a channel where you can continue your process of informing the public. Starting your website and charging viewers is just a cost of getting good, honest information about news stories and all other issues that are in the daily discussion. I applaud you for taking the time, money, and effort when you could easily have bailed and done away with your RUclips channel. I know that this is a calling to you and I commend everyone in your team! You and your team are an inspiration to a lot of people! Your belief in combating the wickedness in today's time is going to save lives, help build community safety teams, influence others to get first aid/CPR training and self defense classes to protect themselves and their loved ones. Thank you for you and your team's dedication and may God continue to bless you all!

  • @mikehammers4800
    @mikehammers4800 Год назад +5

    The black belt statement is totally correct. My friend really (extremely experienced black belt)wanted to train on non jujitsu people. So he invited several people to try to get him to tap. To this day I feel bad for blowing out his knee…. Not knowing what I was doing. I was doing exactly as he asked and he was a great sport saying he should have a counter for that… but I will never again take that challenge on a brave friend. FYI, he did tap me out like 8 times before the injury.

  • @ralphshepard1
    @ralphshepard1 Год назад +2

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

  • @Zivandra
    @Zivandra Год назад +9

    I will note, combat on a mat with an opponent who is trying to help you is quite different from combat on a filthy subway car where your opponent is actively resisting and possibly on drugs.

    • @kerbalairforce8802
      @kerbalairforce8802 Год назад +1

      Yeah... I'm going to use sleeper holds, joint breaking holds, and once they are knocked out para cord or belt or shoe laces to tie wrists behind their back

    • @Zivandra
      @Zivandra Год назад +2

      @@kerbalairforce8802 I'm pretty sure Penny attempted a "sleeper" hold. He quickly found out trying to put a hold on a violent drug addict is quite different from doing it in a classroom. He also found out homeless drug addicts tend to be in poorer health than Marine trainees, and so don't respond as well.

  • @rebelscumspeedshop
    @rebelscumspeedshop Год назад +5

    I will never not help someone if I can render help if possible. Id rather help and risk trouble than to watch someone get hurt knowing that I could have done something.Ive been going into burning buildings, bad car accidents since 1986.. there are more risks than legal actions that have been assessed in every time I've gone in harms way

    • @VanishingPoint
      @VanishingPoint Год назад +4

      Risk going to jail for life or worse to help a person who would let u die just to get a video to post on RUclips, That definitely is a smart rewarding decision.

    • @DP-ec3zo
      @DP-ec3zo Год назад

      As a firefighter (assuming) is there a possibility of spending the rest of your life in prison for running into a burning building?

  • @JadedDragon662
    @JadedDragon662 Год назад +3

    Better to CHOOSE and foster the growth and safety of communities you want to be in. It is not bad to be selfish for yourself for others.

  • @hourbee5535
    @hourbee5535 Год назад +16

    I am not responsible for another person's safety. Unless they are my family.

  • @jamesalexander2401
    @jamesalexander2401 Год назад +4

    I’m a disabled veteran with a serious back and neck problem problem which keeps me from physical combat training. Can you do a video on things us disabled people can do besides carrying a gun.

  • @nicholasblack8515
    @nicholasblack8515 Год назад +1

    The battle is being waged over what a "reasonable person" would do. Once upon a time it was the "no such thing as a bystander" principle. Now it's the "not my circus, not my monkies" principle.

  • @Itzyourcostco
    @Itzyourcostco Год назад +5

    Nope , next time i see someone getting stabbed in front of me im just gonna look at them. Because if i help i can go to prison.

  • @jagjr6772
    @jagjr6772 Год назад +4

    Paul is straight up with good advice and he is really knowledgeable.

  • @Jeff-uf3cv
    @Jeff-uf3cv Год назад +8

    When evil people make law danger to the righteous

  • @Billy_Tha_Kid
    @Billy_Tha_Kid Год назад +7

    I would love a collab with John and Massad Ayoob. The wisdom dispersed between them would be great.

  • @JKYLEM1000
    @JKYLEM1000 Год назад +5

    I would definitely add John from Active Self Protection to the list of helpful resources for legal and tactical considerations.

  • @petersingh4825
    @petersingh4825 Год назад +1

    I’m a big fan.
    As a Nyc resident I can tell you I’ve seen the violence up close. And even my job does not want people to intervene in stopping and helping anyone for any reason. And I work for the city and deal with the public. I can also tell you that the former mayor actually said in a press conference that the people should step in and help to stop crime.
    Most of us laughed because they created this mess and we have it clean it up?
    The politicians have repeatedly failed the people of Nyc!!!!
    I am sooty but the people are good
    But the politicians ruined this city!

  • @TheTexasPatriot-wj2zy
    @TheTexasPatriot-wj2zy Год назад +9

    With how American society is rn…I’m only going to be a protector for myself and my family.

  • @DJZephyr
    @DJZephyr Год назад +2

    I never knew what was meant by the phrase "no good deed goes unpunished"... until recent years...

  • @ElijahHunter77
    @ElijahHunter77 Год назад +10

    I love your program, content & delivery methods. God bless you & yours!

  • @donfrance3
    @donfrance3 6 месяцев назад +1

    if there is an active threat -- I will go to stop it .
    if I fail I go down -- that is the trade.
    Less than 2% of the 2% are willing to make that trade. Speed and open mind awareness is key. if you have never been in a fight then without proper training you are NOT going to be ready.
    Excellent topics covered here ! #1 thank you

  • @thomasward7548
    @thomasward7548 Год назад +5

    Have just started to carry a tourniquet because of Johns videos, i live in the uk so guns and knives arent an option for me, so med training and hand to hand is what I've got to stick to

    • @oklahomahank2378
      @oklahomahank2378 Год назад +1

      A powerful flashlight is often about the best you can do.

    • @thomasward7548
      @thomasward7548 Год назад +1

      @@oklahomahank2378 I try to carry one when I can but get a bit frustrated having bulky pockets

    • @Stevarooni
      @Stevarooni Год назад

      You can only do what you can do, and bulky devices have diminishing returns. Good on you for preparing as you're able to!

    • @oklahomahank2378
      @oklahomahank2378 Год назад

      @@Stevarooni Indeed. The nitecore edc 27 and a couple of other flat lights are easier to carry. You should have plenty of pocket space with no gun, knife, pepper spray, or spare magazine. One with a lot of candela (a bright hot spot) works better for defense than a wider beam.

    • @timunderbakke8756
      @timunderbakke8756 Год назад

      Get the brightest torch you can. It’ll certainly be useful in low light.

  • @EyesWideOpen1969
    @EyesWideOpen1969 Год назад +12

    The problem isn't the law, it is the people recording the save. That is now evidence that can used against you in court. Too bad small EMP devices haven't been invented that disable those things in a couple block radius before you do your good deed.

    • @connorperrett9559
      @connorperrett9559 Год назад +2

      If your area is so bad that you need to carry around a small EMP device just in case you see someone being attacked and need it to prevent yourself from being recorded helping them then it is way past the time you should have gone innawoods.

    • @HeartlessGlitch
      @HeartlessGlitch Год назад

      There's videos on RUclips on how to make them.

    • @MegadethTillDeth
      @MegadethTillDeth Год назад

      @@connorperrett9559 We passed that point years ago. 2001 wants it talking points back.

    • @BaconSlayer69
      @BaconSlayer69 8 месяцев назад

      U can make one homemade actually

  • @blam9360
    @blam9360 Год назад +11

    The Bible says not to grow weary of well doing.

    • @robgrey6183
      @robgrey6183 Год назад

      This world scorns the Bible.

    • @SugaryPhoenixxx
      @SugaryPhoenixxx Год назад

      There are so many selfish people in these comments saying "If they dont pay MY medical bills they can just die then screw em'"
      What a horrible bleak way of viewing human life. These are the people who will stand by watching women get raped on the subway, I'll stick with Jesus Christ.

    • @BaconSlayer69
      @BaconSlayer69 8 месяцев назад

      The world is runned by evil satanists if u haven’t noticed by now

  • @dankingjr.2088
    @dankingjr.2088 Год назад +1

    I HATE being this way, but in the town of 650 people where I grew up, I still help people without a second thought. 20 miles away in the town of 35,000 where I live now I don't care if you're on fire. They have created a situation where MY life may well be destroyed, so I honestly feel I have to consider my response. That sucks.

  • @scout3058
    @scout3058 Год назад +23

    Good Samaritan ended for me in late 2001. I was a new cop a few months into my career, and I watched a good samaritan get sued (and lose the suit) by the family of a guy that he performed CPR on. He was certified, but that didn't matter in the civil suit. Hell, even in the academy, we were taught that an off duty cop makes the best kind of witness, but an off duty cop that gets involved makes the best scapegoat.
    So yeah, my days of "Samaritaning" are long over.

    • @BirdDogey1
      @BirdDogey1 Год назад +2

      I was taught the same thing in the academy and that was back in 1989.

    • @scout3058
      @scout3058 Год назад

      @BirdDogey1 Thanks for sharing that. I didn't know that it went back that far.

    • @Stranded360
      @Stranded360 Год назад +2

      If you become a cop and can't see through right and wrong no matter what your "training" says you shouldn't be a cop. Same with the military. Just because bad things can happen to good people, does not mean you should do nothing. The only thing that evil needs to prosper is for good men to do nothing. That is why evil prospers today. If this is the role you pick, or you think of yourself as someone who wants to help people in desperate situations- a law or restriction or lawsuit won't stop you.

    • @scout3058
      @scout3058 Год назад

      @Stranded360 Casually spoken by someone who has never stood in the role. Thanks for your unsolicited judgement, pal.
      Little hint: the police aren't there to help you, their job is to pick through the mess afterward to figure out what happened. The military isn't there to serve you, it's there to protect American intetests and defense abroad. Try accepting a little bit of reality.

  • @thomast6741
    @thomast6741 Год назад +2

    Nothing changes. I still do what I believe is the moral prudent thing to do in any situation. And I train with all the tools available to me to make sure I have the ability and efficiency to act the best I can.

  • @newerest1
    @newerest1 Год назад +6

    I have a duty to my love ones. With the current political environment theres no way I'd get involved in a stranger's situation. Im not going to leave my family alone without my protection for some stranger. Prison for a stranger is just not happening.

  • @MrPingn
    @MrPingn Год назад +2

    Four Boxes Diner is also a great legal RUclips channel. He's killing it a lot lately. Especially breaking down the legal battles in a way that cuts through the natural gloom people develop following that stuff. It's easy to think all hope is lost. He highlights how that isn't the case.

  • @nickc8819
    @nickc8819 Год назад +5

    I’ve been in several encounters , being a “Good Samaritan “, and amazing how the “bad guys” will play the victim, when you turn the tables on them.
    Peace be with you Brothers..
    My take:
    The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Prevail is for Good Men to do Nothing.

  • @stevecarter2539
    @stevecarter2539 Год назад +2

    John from ASP (Active Self Protection) channel is another good one. He specifically does a sit down with a lawyer every Friday and talks legals about defensive encounters

  • @carrybigspeaksoft1758
    @carrybigspeaksoft1758 Год назад +10

    People have been feeling this way. The woman sued a man for rescuing her from drowning. Stop helping people, especially women they already think men are the scum of the Earth.

  • @BattleKing2Delta
    @BattleKing2Delta Год назад +1

    Active Self Protection is another great channel for information and real World examples of these topics.

  • @nam5do
    @nam5do Год назад +3

    I would not help someone in a physical combat situation in the city of New York, Chicago, or LA .. would never step into San Francisco. The government, media, & prosecutors would attack you in the court system it’s not worth it .. let the criminals kill and hurt the citizens only protect yourself and your family forget strangers.

  • @kds365
    @kds365 Год назад

    Being a good samaratin is in the heart. Its shpuld be nurtured and applauded. Its the very beginning of our legal system.

  • @witolddupa
    @witolddupa Год назад +4

    One aspect of good samaritan law as an example is that a nurse can't perform a tracheotomy in the field because she knows that only a doctor is allowed to perform one whereas a lay person might be able to without legal consequences because he doesn't know any better

    • @5347robo
      @5347robo Год назад

      No, it's outside the scope of practice for a nurse, but if said nurse thought it was necessary, and was in fact able to carry it out (perhaps they were an army medic), Samaritan law would allow them to do it.

  • @fireball1518
    @fireball1518 10 месяцев назад

    A good Samaritan for many should be a calling, but for me and many others, it's just built-in. It's just who you are.

  • @cfish3865
    @cfish3865 Год назад +3

    Man good episode. It’s nice to just sit and talk to thes3 guys of the WPS.

  • @DallenRex
    @DallenRex Год назад +1

    One of the perspectives I often return to is that, in the same way you accept a risk of bodily harm, you accept risks of legal harm, financial harm, social harm, and psychological harm when you use force. You can minimize the potential for a lot of that with training, education, awareness, contemplation, etc., but the risks are never zero. In the same way that a particularly exposed draw might vastly increase your risk of bodily harm, a particularly limited understanding of a situation might vastly increase your risk of misreading, making a mistake, and causing other kinds of harm. In order to take action, you have to decide that it is worth all of those kinds of risk, not just bodily harm. If stepping in to help isn't worth risking going to jail, it's probably not worth risking your life either, but if it is worth it, you can do your best to minimize the chances of those things happening by using your head and learning.

  • @martymonaco1255
    @martymonaco1255 Год назад +3

    I could NEVER, EVER walk by a fellow human (or animal) in need. My dad ingrained that in me.

  • @Russianmafia10
    @Russianmafia10 Год назад +39

    They don't want you putting yourself in a bad place to help others, but they will happily send our troops to a bad place to help others 🤨

    • @genovawitness9576
      @genovawitness9576 Год назад

      Why protect our borders when we can protect Ukraine's and Israel's instead?

    • @ANonymous-mo6xp
      @ANonymous-mo6xp Год назад

      They're not sending our boys to a bad place to help others, they're doing it to steal money and line their pockets.

    • @peternorton5648
      @peternorton5648 Год назад +4

      Yes they will because it serves their purposes to do so. Don’t think for a second that the government is altruistic in any way.

    • @mickeymickey9914
      @mickeymickey9914 Год назад

      Only to help their mafia masters: 🇮🇱

  • @user-sn4fc7bc5j
    @user-sn4fc7bc5j Год назад

    No matter what, I can't fight who I am. I will always be there to help someone in danger or need. Like the old saying, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead." I couldn't live with myself knowing I let an innocent person die while I stand there and watch. To all my fellow protectors and sheepdogs out there, I love all of you. ♥️ Stay safe, and be smart. Outsmart the dangers, and be mindful of how you approach any situation. The people know we're here to keep them safe, and they'll be there for us too. We're not alone.

  • @Calmurself194
    @Calmurself194 Год назад +9

    Love your video's! Thank you for keeping us informed!

    • @slappy8941
      @slappy8941 Год назад

      Apostrophes don't make words plural.

  • @Guardian0313
    @Guardian0313 Год назад +1

    Poor Paul for being the test dummy lol. He’s a good guy who deserves the credit he’s due for helping with these great demonstrations.

  • @nothanks3236
    @nothanks3236 Год назад +11

    No offense but I'm not interested in getting sued into poverty by the people I'm trying to help, which you basically have a 50/50 chance of happening nowadays...

    • @nothanks3236
      @nothanks3236 Год назад +2

      @@stevexracer4309 Exactly, we pay exorbitant taxes so that the government can have resources to deal with emergencies, not citizens who then become liable in court.

    • @Arcliteshadow
      @Arcliteshadow Год назад +2

      @@stevexracer4309 It's a shame the punishments are growing more and more lax. Criminals aren't made examples of anymore and because the law is helping them become repeat offenders or released early, dirtbags are emboldened today.

    • @Apochalypze
      @Apochalypze Год назад +2

      Most of these people vote to have the government save them so… if you do interfere my advice is to just pick your battles wisely, and consider if that risk worth leaving the people you care for without you and financially broken in legal fess for the next 20 years.

    • @peternorton5648
      @peternorton5648 Год назад +2

      You say 50/50 , I say it’s way more likely than not that you’ll be sued and drug into court. Everyone is out for a big paycheck and there’s always some lawyer who will take the case.

  • @lemonstealinghorsdoeuvre
    @lemonstealinghorsdoeuvre Год назад

    Danny polichuck (sp?) Did a great breakdown on when you can do the right thing. Look at the person who is a problem then look at yourself. Now you have 2 options. Is your skintone lighter? If so, walk away. Is their skin tone lighter? If so, go for it, you are the hero that needs to step up.

  • @johnammon7047
    @johnammon7047 Год назад +4

    Hey John, I would love to see you interview a defense lawyer or someone with legal credentials that can confidently discuss how to navigate this kind of situation, from a defense attorney perspective.

    • @robgrey6183
      @robgrey6183 Год назад +2

      All you will get out of a lawyer is "it depends" and a bill for $400/hr.

  • @markreynolds2351
    @markreynolds2351 Год назад +1

    I just completed a concealed carry class. This is the short version of the question, When asked who we should defend we were in turn asked, who would you be willing to go to jail for? Maybe for the rest of your life? It does make you think.

  • @texasranger24
    @texasranger24 Год назад +3

    Shooting a gun is the same in Alaska and New York. But the laws are different.
    So before helping somebody while traveling you basically have to know the laws of every city and county you'll cross on your journey, if the district attorney is a democrat, or you'd have to google all of that before stepping in.

  • @nate2838
    @nate2838 Год назад

    John, I have to say, what I value most about you is not that I always agree with what you say or believe, its how you represent it. Their is no question about you being an upstanding guy doing his best to be a positive impact on the world around him base on his understanding and beliefs, and is willing to examine those continuously.
    Thank you for the example you set.

  • @joe-tea-bag2856
    @joe-tea-bag2856 Год назад +1

    Proud to have worn the same uniform as you guys!!! I love y’all

  • @JordanJimmyDavison
    @JordanJimmyDavison Год назад +5

    Good to know John would have kept the homeless guy on the subway from dying from a drug overdose at the hospital after subduing him.

    • @kevinallies1014
      @kevinallies1014 Год назад

      @JordanJimmyDavison Most of the time John Lovell is completely full of shit.

  • @gungusmoo
    @gungusmoo Год назад

    So proud of you John. Your buddy Paul the battle gnome is not a believer, but you still unashamedly spoke biblical truths with him around. God bless your courage.

  • @CourtneyLandi
    @CourtneyLandi Год назад +6

    I loved your not-so-shameless book plug, and preordered a copy of The Warrior Poet Way for my husband. We would really love to see you not only make it on the NYT Bestseller list, but come in at #1! When is Mrs. Poet going to write a companion book for women/mothers?! Maybe it could include a homeschooling chapter? And also how women can conceal carry confidently (while toting around little ones)! So many possibilities to also shatter the wife and mom stereotypes and speak about what it means to be a mentally/emotionally/physically/spiritually strong woman today… and most importantly how to raise the next generation of Warrior Poets.

  • @truckmetal2341
    @truckmetal2341 Год назад +1

    I remember the 60s and 70s when people would say " I don't want to get involved " we're almost there again

  • @DeanCalaway
    @DeanCalaway Год назад +4

    The court system is controlled by a political wing, anyone not on their team gets on the chopping block, anyone in their team 'can do no wrong.'

  • @runesenshi9682
    @runesenshi9682 Год назад +2

    "If they're a poc, you can't stop them no matter what crime they're committing or you'll be labeled a racist psychopath." -New York Politicians

  • @isoawe1888
    @isoawe1888 Год назад +4

    As a 25 year rescue lieutenant and a SWAT medic, I loved your medical section.

  • @randymicallef3545
    @randymicallef3545 Год назад +1

    As someone who carries a firearm everyday, as well as a considerable amount of first aid gear. I've used my first Aid equipment many times, including a pretty severe head injury recently, where I was the first person on the scene. Training and gear made it possible for me to respond competently. As far as my firearm... not once have I had to use it or even draw it in a scenario that would warrant such as response, and I hope to never have to, but of course it's all about being prepared.