I've written a book! It covers ASM programming on Z80, 6502, 68000, 8086 and ARM! It's available on amazon stores worldwide! www.amazon.com/dp/B08W7DWZB3
Thank you Keith, I love your z80 lessons but I am old, very old and sometimes struggle with the software installs. I am in the process of making a z80 tutor board entirely with wire wrap! I have bought both of your books eventhough you say we wont need them, but software is the bit that hangs me up. Thank you
Quite a bit more complex than the 6502. But I understand the power of the Z80 now. I started to do some vlogging on my channel to document my process of building a Z80 homebrew computer. But Z80 assembly is still a big mystery to me, for now. hahaha! 16-bit registers are going to be a boon. I used VASM on the 6502, so the familiarity is going to help. I have questions though. I can't find the tools you are using on your website. Do you have a video on using the tools? Did you mention some sort of integration with Notepad++ by pressing F6 to compile, or start the emulator? In the emulator, is there a choice for generic "homebrew" Z80 systems (perhaps like the RC2014)? Or it's just for known machine models? Thank you for your revised Z80 series. I love it!
Thank you for doing these lessons. This is fantastic. I wished video lessons like this were available for many years.
I've written a book! It covers ASM programming on Z80, 6502, 68000, 8086 and ARM!
It's available on amazon stores worldwide!
Thank you Keith, I love your z80 lessons but I am old, very old and sometimes struggle with the software installs. I am in the process of making a z80 tutor board entirely with wire wrap!
I have bought both of your books eventhough you say we wont need them, but software is the bit that hangs me up. Thank you
brilliant! Finally, I understand what IX and IY are, and where I could use them :-)
Quite a bit more complex than the 6502. But I understand the power of the Z80 now. I started to do some vlogging on my channel to document my process of building a Z80 homebrew computer. But Z80 assembly is still a big mystery to me, for now. hahaha! 16-bit registers are going to be a boon. I used VASM on the 6502, so the familiarity is going to help.
I have questions though. I can't find the tools you are using on your website. Do you have a video on using the tools? Did you mention some sort of integration with Notepad++ by pressing F6 to compile, or start the emulator? In the emulator, is there a choice for generic "homebrew" Z80 systems (perhaps like the RC2014)? Or it's just for known machine models?
Thank you for your revised Z80 series. I love it!