It is simple, if you understand that the Christ is the one you put the debts on and it is your banking remedy, it's literally the birth certificate... This is how the moshiach or the Christ rises from the dead and you, you stop identifying as a legal fiction realize you're a man and redeem that certificate
That today is in Hebrews 3:15 and it's reverberating to this day for Israel . .. Today, if you hear His voice do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. . .
Ps 95:8 Today if you hear his voice , do not harden your hearts as you did in Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness , where your ancestors tested me, they tried me, though they had seen what I did.
Rabbis are talking about dec 7th according to Tsuchinshan ATLAS comet and the Star of Jacob. There are 70 particles on the comet so they count 70 days from Sept 28 to december 7. Was hoping to hear more about that.
@@RabbiJoshZebbermanI AM THAT I AM. Seeking and deepening one's relationship with Almighty God; having in-depth understanding the character of Yeshua, this is the beginning of life. Indeed, King David
Wow. Psalm 22:27 - “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him,..” Psalm 33:8 - “Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him.”
You are making the right point about general Christianity . But true believers in Jesus Christ know very well to live our lives today. Because the Teacher told us so
@@nataliyaseydel5583 there is one truth that God revealed that Mount Sinai. This is explicit in the book of Exodus in the book of Deuteronomy. This predated Christianity. Deviating from that truth when it's clearly not a continuation but new religion (hence the "new testament" which replaces the focus and values of the tanach) contradicts the Bible and is heresy. It's emotionally appealing to those who buy in. But if we're being intellectually honest heretical
Christians believe that since Jesus is supposedly God, it’s acceptable for him to change everything God commanded in the Torah because God can do anything He wants. What they don’t understand is that while God can do anything, that doesn’t mean He does whatever He wants without purpose or consistency. For Jesus to be God incarnate would mean God deceived His own chosen people, setting them up to fail by contradicting His own eternal commandments. There’s no way God would do that, as it goes against His nature and justice.
The Book contains 114 chapters. Al - 62 (Way) An - 9 (Gift) At - 9 (Rememberance) As - 7 (Intelligence) Az - 4 (Documenting) Ar - 3 (View) Ad - 2 (Initiate) Sa - 2 (Realisation) Yū - 2 (System) And 14 other surah. 'Abasa (existence) Fātir (picture) Fuṣṣilat (photon) Gāfir (library) Hud (hierarchy) Ibrāhīm (current) Luqmān (link) Muhammad (mechanics) Nuh (numerous) Quraisy (knowledge) Qāf (understanding) Tāha (learn) Yāsīn (society) aMaryam (AUTOMATION) 100 + 14 = 114. In accordance to humans development the Book has it's chapters arranged with progress, current photon activation, ifa.
Hashem has designed our destiny, only for the Jewish people, apart from any other nation, in a unique way. The earth is a test, of a lower spiritual energy. When Hashem said that He will create a new world with new heavens, that’s exactly what He meant pure and simple. The goal is to transport the Jews to a higher spiritual world. Never before in the history of mankind, will a celestial force move millions of people, transplanting them to a new garden. We must not yearn for the soil we stand on, or the soil of our forefathers. We must yearn for the soil wherever Hashem plants His feet on, where He plants us close to Him. The era of moshiach begins when Hashem sets the Royal Wedding in motion, fights our wars, fights against the corruption and sinfulness of humanity, and collects and moves HIs beloved people. A bridge to the people to provide directions for our move, or a bridge of understanding Hashem’s uniqueness and His desires for our salvation, is the reason for bringing His moshiach? Or do the reasonings go much deeper than this? Moses provided concierge duty on our last exodus. Once again we need a ship director, a connector to Hashem, a leader and a spokesman for the Jewish nation. We must always be ready to go with Hashem anywhere or anytime He calls and gathers us. We must also trust Hashem to take us into the unknown, into the cosmos and provide for all of our needs. Then we can be the celestial beings we were meant to be.
I dnt think he’s being deceptive on his time I’m pretty sure he’s waiting on Hashems command not our time but Hashems time nt the chassdics time sephs time ashk time but our beloved Adonais absolute sovereign concept of time idk im not a rabbi but definitely thank you for this brother informative not so dogmatic but just Torah I love it thank you and bless you Baruch Hashem ❤
Jer. 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. Gen. 30:31-33 And he said, What shall I give thee? And JACOB said, Thou shalt not give me any thing: if thou wilt do this thing for me, I will again feed and keep thy flock: I will pass through all thy flock to day, removing from thence all the SPECKLED AND SPOTTED CATTLE, and ALL THE BROWN cattle AMONG THE SHEEP, and the SPECKLED AND SPOTTED among the GOATS: and of such shall be my hire. SO SHALL MY RIGHTEOUSNESS ANSWER FOR ME IN TIME TO COME, when it shall come for my hire before thy face: every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats, AND BROWN AMONG THE SHEEP, that shall be counted stolen with me. Dan. 7:9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and THE HAIR OF HIS HEAD LIKE THE PURE WOOL: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. Nu. 12:10-12 And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, MIRIAM BECAME LEPROUS, WHITE AS SNOW: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous. And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned. LET HER NOT BE AS ONE DEAD, of whom THE FLESH IS HALF CONSUMED WHEN HE COMETH OUT OF HIS MOTHER'S WOMB. [KJV] AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST IS GOD'S TRUE CALENDAR: Time = 360 days = 1 year = 12 months of 30 days each month + Times = 2 years = 720 days = 24 months + Half of time = 360/2 = 180 days = 6 months --------------------------------------------------------- = 3 1/2 times/years (Dan. 7:24-25 & Dan. 12:7) = 1,260 days (Rev. 11:3 & Rev. 12:6) = 42 months (Rev. 11:2 & Rev. 13:4-5) GOD'S CALENDAR IS NOT GOVERNED BY THE SUN AND/OR MOON. IT'S A 360 DAYS A YEAR, EVERY YEAR, CALENDAR, PROVEN BY THE ABOVE VERSES AND CALCULATIONS! HERE ENDETH THE LESSON!
“So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress. Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.” Daniel 9:25-26 NASB1995
@ I’m really enjoying branching outward toward Judaism … amazing how I agree with the whole spirit of everything I’m hearing. I’m happy to see these understandings and expectations and efforts being made to fulfill promises of what I call Spirit or Creator… or Most High. Thank you Rabbi.
Taurati wa 'injila. Learn from memory [tantalum] activation with reference From utilize by eye From receptor activation with rememberance From electronic storage memory by research [logically] From current of wavelength activation with demand From currents [electric] giving by numerous of electrification From various/vector with linking From current perform From link activation with..(future tense)
To wiserd answer your statement. : everything you wrote about Jesus is not God is wrong. All the statements you have about Christianity are false as well. It's too bad, obviously you don't know God
Let's share the keys to the Al Qur'ān for those whom has missed it. Please understand the function are co-current meaning they are MULTI VERSE. Understanding of physics/chemistry/biology is required. Ch - chemical (organic/inorganic) El - electronic (electron function) Eg - energy (quantum mechanics) 1. A - activation (with) [Ch] 2. B - chrominance (by) [El] 3. D - deliver (of) [Eg] 4. F - foto (photon) (with) [Ch] 5. G - library (by) [El] 6. H - hierarchies'(of) [Eg] 7. I - current (with) [Ch] 8. J - various/vector (by) [El] 9. K - enlightment (of) [Eg] 10. L - link (with) [Ch] 11. M - mechanic (by) [El] 12. N - numerous (of) [Eg] 13. Q - knowledge (with) [Ch] 14. R - receptor (by) [El] 15. S - signal (of) [Eg] 16. T - memory (with) [Ch] 17. U - utilize (by) [El] 18. W - wavelength (of) [Eg] 19. Y - system (with) [Ch] 20. Z - book (by) [El] There are no CEO PVX letters in the Al Qurān thus only 20 are used as 'label'. Vowels. A - activation (future) I - current (present) U - utilize (past) Activations. A - activation {co-current} A' - activates {organic, words, physical} 'A - activates {electric} Ā - activity {co-current} Ā' - activities {organic,words, physical} 'Ā - activities {electric} Indicators are added detailing the functions either they are co-current, organic,words, physical OR electric. Example yu'minuna, system[Ch](co-current) with utilizes[El] {organic, words, physical} by latest from mechanics[electric/electronic] of giving from current[Ch](co-current)with possible from numerous[Eg](co-current) activation[Ch](co-current) with.. In short, a system that moves electrons, a solid state device/equipment like your smartphones alike includes latest mechanics it utilizes. Example Kitābi, notification(from enlightment{energy} of education(remembering from current[electric] learn memory) activity with existence(from chrominance) from electric device chrominance by current(present)[electric] Kitābu, notification(from enlightment{energy}) of education(remembering from current[electric] learn memory) activity with existence(chrominance) by utilize (past)[beneficial] Combination of vowel A (two tone) increases the functions. Aa - One (with) Ab - existence (by) Ad - initiate (of) Af - light (with) Ag - granted (by) Ah - permission (of) Ai - demand (with) A j - choice (by) Ak - instruction (of) Al - way (with) Am - automation (by) An - gift (of) Aq - brain (with) Ar - view (by) As - intelligence (of) At - rememberance (with) Au - reference (by) Aw - logical (of) Ay - permissable (with) Az - documenting (by) Loop to One. Aa - One (with) Ba - colorful (by) Da - create (of) Fa - picture (with) Ga - Al-bum (by) Ha - assignment/arrangement (of) Ia - work (with) Ja - feature (by) Ka - practical (of) La - perform (with). Lā - performing (with) Ma - use (by). Mā - usage (by) Na - possible (of) Qa - reason (with). Qā - understanding (with) Ra - eye (by) Sa - realisation (of) Ta - learn (with) Ua - option/prefer/preference (by) Wa - wavelength activation with chemical activation with wireless (of) Ya - general (with).Yā - society (with) Za - documentation (by) Loop to One. Combination of vowel i (two tone) increases the functions. Demand flow chart. Ai - demand (with) Bi - electric device (by) Di - harnessing/generating (of) Fi - picturing (with) Gi - update (by) Hi - standard (of) Ii - development (with) Ji - electrification (by) Ki - notification (of) Li - cable (with) Mi - latest (by) Ni - statement (of) Qi - verify (with) Ri - display (by) Si - affirm (of) Ti - electronic storage (with) Ui - equipment/gadget (by) Wi - electromagnetic (of) Yi - technology (with) Zi - data (by) Loop to demand. Work flow chart. Ia - work (with) Ib - existing (by) Id - initialising (of) If - lighting (with) Ig - granting (by) Ih - truth (of) Ii - development (with) Ij - choosing (by) Ik - instructing (of) Il - linking (with) Im- automating (by) In - giving (of) Iq - requesting (with) Ir - viewing (by) Is - integrity (of) It - remembering (with) Iu - manifesting (by) Iw - logically (of) Iy - promising (with) Iż - programming (by) Loop to work. Focus flow chart. Iaa - focus (with) Iba - pure/purity (by) Ida - modernisation (of) Ifa - progress (with) Iga - description (by) Iha - result (of) Iia - studies (with) Ija - manipulate (by) Ika - project (of) Ila - do/doing (with) Ima - robotic (by) Ina - random (of) Iqa - law (with) Ira - perception (by) Isa - human (of) Ita - education (with) Iua - school (by) Iwa - research (of) Iyā - civilization (with) Iża - software (by) Loop to Focus. (Iźa jā'a nasrullāh) The Al Qurān can be read from right to left as well as vice versa. Example - Yā sīn[jim] society from system activity with intelligence from affirm signal by giving from currenting of numerous [electrification by automating] Or Nīs āy, statement from numerous of integrity from current with realisation from signal activity with permissable from system Verification of the letters functions. 20 - x(position of the letters) except letter L and Z. Letters L and Z are constants. Verify Q U L (all functions are co-current). Q, 20 - 13 = 7. Position of 7th letter is function I, current. U, 20 - 17 = 3. Position of 3rd letter is function D, deliver. L, 20 - 10 = 10. Position of 10th letter is the function L, link. Qul, (knowledge with utilize by link) verified as idl. Current deliver link, initialising from current with deliver by link. Therefore the word QUL when verified gives a verification of initialising. To understand each of the functions in detail please refer to the surah that has its chapters with the functions initials, example Gāfir for Library, Luqmān for link, Ar - Rum for view, Ṣād for realisation, Fātir for picture, Muhammad for mechanic and Hūd for hierarchy, etc. Q [Ch] u [El] l[Ch]. Knowledge [chemical ] with utilize [electronic] by link [chemical] If you're an electrical/electronic engineer this is your discipline. Choosing from currents[electric] with various/vector by perform from link activation with.., 'ijla (in reference to mūsā disciples requesting 'ijla in Chapter 2 of the Book). (J as in the mathematical expression of negative magnitude of a sinusoidal voltage, AC, V sin°) For ila, there is NO negative magnitude therefore it 'currents' with do/doing from link activation with (future tense). Thanks for reading.
Hayyum - Assignment/arrangement from hierarchy activation with permissable from system by system of utilize with mechanic. Current [electric] mechanic. Thanks for utilizing electricity.
First time here.. If you have any questions for the Mashiach except the date of his coming, please... I'll be happy to ask him... And, BTW, man comes from the womb.
@@RabbiJoshZebberman I'm sorry, but you said that I'm ready to come any day and that I come ''today''. Let me explain... ''Today'' is a code for my condition. I call it ''Oneday''. It is what happens when you start connecting your days into one. It's not an easy process, but I discovered it on my own and I have the recipe that anyone can get there. Yes, it's a place. And a state of mind. In my presence, people are ''naked''. I'm not coming or going anywhere. Why should I? Things are happening in the world according to my judgement and proclamation in the Name of the One that I represent on this Earth. I work for no man.
TODAY - Memory [tantalum] with utilizing by create from deliver activation with permissable from system. Which system is permissable created so we could come to you in A Flash? 🤔
It is written in one Revelation, that He will return again when jewish people will accept Truth of Jesus Messiah, Who died for our sins and resurrected on third day, according to the Scriptures... Jesus said to jewish people: "For I say to you, you shall not see Me again, until you say: "Blessed is He, Who comes in the Name of the Lord." - (Matthew 23/39)...
@saliksayyar9793 the New testament is invalid as it contradicts the Old testament which we both agree as well. Read the book of Deuteronomy with valid / unbiased translation
@@RabbiJoshZebberman yes, but the main message is clear in the NT. There have also been a lot of changes in the Old Testament over time. Because Jesus was the Messiah, his denial resulted in the destruction by Titus and the end of the covenant. That has been the Godly tradition when Messengers of God are denied by the people they are sent to reform, they are visited upon by catastrophe. Pharaoh , Sodom etc. It was the Muslim conquests that brought back pious Jews, so they could worship, but not rule.
BASAM - Colorful from chrominance activation with intelligence from realisation signal activation with automation from mechanic. Your internet connection. 🤷♀️
Thank you for explaining. In Jesus name please brother open your eyes and see open your ears and hear the Truth the only One! Great I AM! He is not "deviation"from the very beginning He is the One with Moses and the same Jesus with Peter ...and Paul. He came to fulfill the law. Fulfill the law that Same Jesus on the mountain Sinai gives to Moses to start with. Who lives by law,dies by law. We can't keep the commandments and that is why Jesus died for us. That is the Truth. Jesus said :" I'm the Way, The Truth and the Life" no one can come to Father but by Me. The same Father Who resurrected Jesus will resurrect us by One Spirit- Holy Spirit. Why? Because God loves! God is Love! He is the Light to the world. Jesus said if you love Me- keep My commandments... The very first commandment is to love God. Next- love each other, like He loves us. We need to be burned again from His Holy Spirit to do that. How? Come to Jesus! He loves you brother He is The Messiah, your Moshiach! He is The only One! Truth is only One! Jesus Christ is God came to the world He made for Himself in the form of human to Redeem the world. His mother Mary and His Father God Himself . Think about it! Whose blood does Jesus have,if Mary was a virgin? Love you brother and God bless! 🙏❤️
@@nataliyaseydel5583 what you wrote here is presupposing realities that are not true and contradict the Torah. Christianity is based on certain premises that people want to believe but don't have theological or historical validity.
Ihdinas siratal mustaqim. Truth by harnessing/generating of giving possible with intelligence from signal by affirm from signal current of viewing from eye receptor activation with rememberance from learn with way by mechanic of utilize with signal by learn with brain from verify knowledge by automating from current of mechanic Current [electric] mechanic 🤔
Talking about time, it is a number and refers to something that is certain because it has been calculated precisely according to the Torah and the Books of the Prophets. I don't see the exact numbers obtained from this review, because honestly the Talmud is not the Word of YaHWeH but by humans. The exact calculations are in the Torah and the Prophets but who understands? and only those who have the Spirit of YaHWeH will understand correctly, Yeshua is the subject of the correct calculation of time because HE fulfilled the Torah and the Prophets.
@@EsmyGoodlife-n9f this is incorrect the time what is the tradition from God from Sinai. In contrast to the new testament which is written by humans and contradicts the Bible
@@Wib0 thanks for your viewership! The meaning of the biblical passage "The Lord is One" teaches that G-d is relevant not just theological or philosophical.
THIS IS JESUS THE JEWISH MESSIAH KING👑who has already fulfilled this prophecy, and many other prophecies, because He is the Son of God, and according to the flesh He is a descendant of David ⬇️Zechariah 9:9. 9. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass. גילי מאד בת ציון הריעי בת ירושלם הנה מלכך יבוא לך צדיק ונושע הוא עני ורכב על חמור ועל עיר בן אתנות׃
@SoulCastsAcademy thank you for your answer, I don't want to open a debate about truth, Messiah Yeshua lives and sits at the Right Hand of the Almighty and loves you! I love you too, God bless you.Shalom❤️🇮🇱
@krisztiweitner7082 if you read the book of Deuteronomy you'd understand that belief in jesus would be heresy. But for now we can focus on where we do agree, we both want a world of peace and love where the truth of God is relevant. Isaiah describes this era and time as a time when the world will be filled with the knowledge of God
@@RabbiJoshZebbermanThe man Jesus did not die for the sins of man as false Christianity ( antichrist ) teaches..... He died to pay our sin "debt".....our "karma". The false Roman Church OUTLAWED the truth and teaching of reincarnation at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 AD.
@@krisztiweitner7082 thank you for your viewership. Your comment is heresy. The Torah explicitly refers to all the Jewish people as the children of God. I recommend meaning Exodus and Deuteronomy from a source that has proper translation or the original.
The Genealogy of YESHUA THE MESSIAH MATTHEW 1: 1The book of the genealogy[a] of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham: 2Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers. 3Judah begot Perez and Zerah by Tamar, Perez begot Hezron, and Hezron begot Ram. 4Ram begot Amminadab, Amminadab begot Nahshon, and Nahshon begot Salmon. 5Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse, 6and Jesse begot David the king. David the king begot Solomon by her [b]who had been the wife of Uriah. 7Solomon begot Rehoboam, Rehoboam begot Abijah, and Abijah begot [c]Asa. 8Asa begot Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat begot Joram, and Joram begot Uzziah. 9Uzziah begot Jotham, Jotham begot Ahaz, and Ahaz begot Hezekiah. 10Hezekiah begot Manasseh, Manasseh begot [d]Amon, and Amon begot Josiah. 11Josiah begot [e]Jeconiah and his brothers about the time they were carried away to Babylon. 12And after they were brought to Babylon, Jeconiah begot Shealtiel, and Shealtiel begot Zerubbabel. 13Zerubbabel begot Abiud, Abiud begot Eliakim, and Eliakim begot Azor. 14Azor begot Zadok, Zadok begot Achim, and Achim begot Eliud. 15Eliud begot Eleazar, Eleazar begot Matthan, and Matthan begot Jacob. 16And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ. 17So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations.
@@OLPC80 the New testament has no historical validity and the fact that a contradicts the Old testament invalidates it. This discussion is beyond the capacity of a RUclips comment but see Deuteronomy
@OLPC80 it contradicts. The Old testament asserts that you cannot serve or idolize people but only God. It asserts that you cannot deviate from the values of the Old testament. The New testament is not a continuation it's a deviation
@OLPC80 then why the new religion? The Torah says not to deviate. A prophet who claims one should deviate is considered a false prophet. See Deuteronomy
Nothing is to be added or taken from His Torah Anything other is an abomination to HaShem Including Kaballah Zohar and the rest Just as Your Talmud isn't His holy Torah May You remember when crying out for a king He who sits on the throne of creation is king
@SoulCastsAcademy Rav Your avoidance of giving an account speaks volumes from here to the heavens For even a child is the greatest of teachers You know it's forbidden to add anything too or to subtract anything from His holy Torah None of your texts teach the Torah of thy heart Attacking my lack of knowledge isn't an answer nor will it hide the truth for long. Over and over again now just as it was then All have betrayed and abandoned HaShem Dare such a people demand another king Dare this world make any demands of Him For He who sits on the throne of creation is king & as mighty as He is, yet He still weeps🕊 Hear O Israel have You forgotten HaShem
@@johantenhartog6399 thank you for your viewership. Historically speaking the world has never been more ready. To appreciate this we have to understand what Mashiach really is
@SoulCastsAcademy holocaust??? tsunami??? world war 1??? earthquakes???? then God could have shown himself beautifully. now even more suffering before Mashiach comes. I don't understand anything about your God
@johantenhartog6399 I'm talking about the positive changes in the world that has occurred over the past century. Reduced hunger, increased health, increase longevity, increased desire for peace, pursuit of meaning and purpose. I know our world is not perfect but this is the direction people want to be. This is very consistent with the prophecies in Isaiah about the Messianic era, a time where the world will be filled with the knowledge of God.
@johantenhartog6399 I agree he definitely has a lot of explaining to do. You can't judge reality just buy your own eyes. Science is always discovering deeper layers of reality. There is a creator of this reality. It's by designing with purpose
Much love brothers 💯🧩💕😇🪖
@@mosthighson thanks!
Let's go! 💪
hey man, i believe the agents of the heretic are causing ww3. i've been trying to "stop' them but honestly the worlds rotten.
It is simple, if you understand that the Christ is the one you put the debts on and it is your banking remedy, it's literally the birth certificate... This is how the moshiach or the Christ rises from the dead and you, you stop identifying as a legal fiction realize you're a man and redeem that certificate
Shalom thank you for these kosher thoughts
@@LarryalShiva thank you for your viewership. I'm glad this resonated!
That today is in Hebrews 3:15 and it's reverberating to this day for Israel . ..
Today, if you hear His voice do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. . .
Ps 95:8
Today if you hear his voice , do not harden your hearts as you did in Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness , where your ancestors tested me, they tried me, though they had seen what I did.
Because He loves us. If we love Him we're to keep His commandments
Rabbis are talking about dec 7th according to Tsuchinshan ATLAS comet and the Star of Jacob. There are 70 particles on the comet so they count 70 days from Sept 28 to december 7. Was hoping to hear more about that.
Thank you for your viewership
@@RabbiJoshZebbermanI AM THAT I AM. Seeking and deepening one's relationship with Almighty God; having in-depth understanding the character of Yeshua, this is the beginning of life. Indeed, King David
You cant listen His voice if you don't love Him
All we have is now , today
@@alonewoof8769 thanks for your viewership
Wow. Psalm 22:27 - “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him,..” Psalm 33:8 - “Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him.”
Seek THE TRUTH not on your cultural upbringing brother 🙏
You are making the right point about general Christianity . But true believers in Jesus Christ know very well to live our lives today. Because the Teacher told us so
@@nataliyaseydel5583 it's a deviation from the truth that God revealed that Sinai
What you mean by that?@@RabbiJoshZebberman
@@nataliyaseydel5583 there is one truth that God revealed that Mount Sinai. This is explicit in the book of Exodus in the book of Deuteronomy. This predated Christianity. Deviating from that truth when it's clearly not a continuation but new religion (hence the "new testament" which replaces the focus and values of the tanach) contradicts the Bible and is heresy. It's emotionally appealing to those who buy in. But if we're being intellectually honest heretical
Christians believe that since Jesus is supposedly God, it’s acceptable for him to change everything God commanded in the Torah because God can do anything He wants. What they don’t understand is that while God can do anything, that doesn’t mean He does whatever He wants without purpose or consistency. For Jesus to be God incarnate would mean God deceived His own chosen people, setting them up to fail by contradicting His own eternal commandments. There’s no way God would do that, as it goes against His nature and justice.
@wiserd this makes the case for why Christianity is a personal belief that people hold, not a truth.
thank you for your viewership
The Book contains 114 chapters.
Al - 62 (Way)
An - 9 (Gift)
At - 9 (Rememberance)
As - 7 (Intelligence)
Az - 4 (Documenting)
Ar - 3 (View)
Ad - 2 (Initiate)
Sa - 2 (Realisation)
Yū - 2 (System)
And 14 other surah.
'Abasa (existence)
Fātir (picture)
Fuṣṣilat (photon)
Gāfir (library)
Hud (hierarchy)
Ibrāhīm (current)
Luqmān (link)
Muhammad (mechanics)
Nuh (numerous)
Quraisy (knowledge)
Qāf (understanding)
Tāha (learn)
Yāsīn (society)
100 + 14 = 114.
In accordance to humans development the Book has it's chapters arranged with progress, current photon activation, ifa.
Almost out the door!
@@douglasMcAlpin thank you for your viewership
Hahahahaha lmfaoooo that its true hahahhaha G-d himself had a laugh at that one hahaha soo true. The funniest things are based on truth hahahahhaha
Hashem has designed our destiny, only for the Jewish people, apart from any other nation, in a unique way. The earth is a test, of a lower spiritual energy. When Hashem said that He will create a new world with new heavens, that’s exactly what He meant pure and simple. The goal is to transport the Jews to a higher spiritual world. Never before in the history of mankind, will a celestial force move millions of people, transplanting them to a new garden. We must not yearn for the soil we stand on, or the soil of our forefathers. We must yearn for the soil wherever Hashem plants His feet on, where He plants us close to Him.
The era of moshiach begins when Hashem sets the Royal Wedding in motion, fights our wars, fights against the corruption and sinfulness of humanity, and collects and moves HIs beloved people. A bridge to the people to provide directions for our move, or a bridge of understanding Hashem’s uniqueness and His desires for our salvation, is the reason for bringing His moshiach? Or do the reasonings go much deeper than this? Moses provided concierge duty on our last exodus. Once again we need a ship director, a connector to Hashem, a leader and a spokesman for the Jewish nation. We must always be ready to go with Hashem anywhere or anytime He calls and gathers us. We must also trust Hashem to take us into the unknown, into the cosmos and provide for all of our needs. Then we can be the celestial beings we were meant to be.
I dnt think he’s being deceptive on his time I’m pretty sure he’s waiting on Hashems command not our time but Hashems time nt the chassdics time sephs time ashk time but our beloved Adonais absolute sovereign concept of time idk im not a rabbi but definitely thank you for this brother informative not so dogmatic but just Torah I love it thank you and bless you Baruch Hashem ❤
@@Daatblkngoldn1 thank you for your comment. Hashem and Mashiach understand the urgency more than we do. We got to get on board
@ ain’t that the truth may Hashem forgive us all
@Daatblkngoldn1 amen
Jer. 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
Gen. 30:31-33 And he said, What shall I give thee? And JACOB said, Thou shalt not give me any thing: if thou wilt do this thing for me, I will again feed and keep thy flock: I will pass through all thy flock to day, removing from thence all the SPECKLED AND SPOTTED CATTLE, and ALL THE BROWN cattle AMONG THE SHEEP, and the SPECKLED AND SPOTTED among the GOATS: and of such shall be my hire. SO SHALL MY RIGHTEOUSNESS ANSWER FOR ME IN TIME TO COME, when it shall come for my hire before thy face: every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats, AND BROWN AMONG THE SHEEP, that shall be counted stolen with me.
Dan. 7:9 I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and THE HAIR OF HIS HEAD LIKE THE PURE WOOL: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.
Nu. 12:10-12 And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, MIRIAM BECAME LEPROUS, WHITE AS SNOW: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous. And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned. LET HER NOT BE AS ONE DEAD, of whom THE FLESH IS HALF CONSUMED WHEN HE COMETH OUT OF HIS MOTHER'S WOMB.
Time = 360 days = 1 year = 12 months of 30 days each month
Times = 2 years = 720 days = 24 months
Half of time = 360/2 = 180 days = 6 months
= 3 1/2 times/years (Dan. 7:24-25 & Dan. 12:7)
= 1,260 days (Rev. 11:3 & Rev. 12:6)
= 42 months (Rev. 11:2 & Rev. 13:4-5)
“So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress. Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.”
Daniel 9:25-26 NASB1995
@@berkamp1 thank you for your viewership
At the door of the city of offense
@@ScottDavis-gm3re thank you for your viewership
@ I’m really enjoying branching outward toward Judaism … amazing how I agree with the whole spirit of everything I’m hearing. I’m happy to see these understandings and expectations and efforts being made to fulfill promises of what I call Spirit or Creator… or Most High. Thank you Rabbi.
The talmud will definitely push you out of your comfort zone. Truth tends to do that
Bi - Electric device chrominance by current.
Photon - Electric
Electric - Photon.
Thanks all
Focus flow chart.
Iaa - focus (with)
Iba - pure/purity (by)
Ida - modernisation (of)
Ifa - progress (with)
Iga - description (by)
Iha - result (of)
Iia - studies (with)
Ija - manipulate (by)
Ika - project (of)
Ila - do/doing (with)
Ima - robotic (by)
Ina - random (of)
Iqa - law (with)
Ira - perception (by)
Isa - human (of)
Ita - education (with)
Iua - school (by)
Iwa - research (of)
Iyā - civilization (with)
Iża - software (by)
Loop to Focus. (Iźa jā'a nasrullāh)
Taurati wa 'injila.
Learn from memory [tantalum] activation with reference
From utilize by eye
From receptor activation with rememberance
From electronic storage memory by research [logically]
From current of wavelength activation with demand
From currents [electric] giving by numerous of electrification
From various/vector with linking
From current perform
From link activation with..(future tense)
Meesh Tara Me Sha Me Me👆. Pay attention to the skies.
@@NinaOvadia thank you for your viewership
Thanks 🙂
To wiserd answer your statement. : everything you wrote about Jesus is not God is wrong. All the statements you have about Christianity are false as well. It's too bad, obviously you don't know God
Let's share the keys to the Al Qur'ān for those whom has missed it. Please understand the function are co-current meaning they are MULTI VERSE.
Understanding of physics/chemistry/biology is required.
Ch - chemical (organic/inorganic)
El - electronic (electron function)
Eg - energy (quantum mechanics)
1. A - activation (with) [Ch]
2. B - chrominance (by) [El]
3. D - deliver (of) [Eg]
4. F - foto (photon) (with) [Ch]
5. G - library (by) [El]
6. H - hierarchies'(of) [Eg]
7. I - current (with) [Ch]
8. J - various/vector (by) [El]
9. K - enlightment (of) [Eg]
10. L - link (with) [Ch]
11. M - mechanic (by) [El]
12. N - numerous (of) [Eg]
13. Q - knowledge (with) [Ch]
14. R - receptor (by) [El]
15. S - signal (of) [Eg]
16. T - memory (with) [Ch]
17. U - utilize (by) [El]
18. W - wavelength (of) [Eg]
19. Y - system (with) [Ch]
20. Z - book (by) [El]
There are no CEO PVX letters in the Al Qurān thus only 20 are used as 'label'.
A - activation (future)
I - current (present)
U - utilize (past)
A - activation {co-current}
A' - activates {organic, words, physical}
'A - activates {electric}
Ā - activity {co-current}
Ā' - activities {organic,words, physical}
'Ā - activities {electric}
Indicators are added detailing the functions either they are co-current, organic,words, physical OR electric.
Example yu'minuna, system[Ch](co-current) with utilizes[El] {organic, words, physical} by latest from mechanics[electric/electronic] of giving from current[Ch](co-current)with possible from numerous[Eg](co-current) activation[Ch](co-current) with..
In short, a system that moves electrons, a solid state device/equipment like your smartphones alike includes latest mechanics it utilizes.
Example Kitābi, notification(from enlightment{energy} of education(remembering from current[electric] learn memory) activity with existence(from chrominance) from electric device chrominance by current(present)[electric]
Kitābu, notification(from enlightment{energy}) of education(remembering from current[electric] learn memory) activity with existence(chrominance) by utilize (past)[beneficial]
Combination of vowel A (two tone) increases the functions.
Aa - One (with)
Ab - existence (by)
Ad - initiate (of)
Af - light (with)
Ag - granted (by)
Ah - permission (of)
Ai - demand (with)
A j - choice (by)
Ak - instruction (of)
Al - way (with)
Am - automation (by)
An - gift (of)
Aq - brain (with)
Ar - view (by)
As - intelligence (of)
At - rememberance (with)
Au - reference (by)
Aw - logical (of)
Ay - permissable (with)
Az - documenting (by)
Loop to One.
Aa - One (with)
Ba - colorful (by)
Da - create (of)
Fa - picture (with)
Ga - Al-bum (by)
Ha - assignment/arrangement (of)
Ia - work (with)
Ja - feature (by)
Ka - practical (of)
La - perform (with). Lā - performing (with)
Ma - use (by). Mā - usage (by)
Na - possible (of)
Qa - reason (with). Qā - understanding (with)
Ra - eye (by)
Sa - realisation (of)
Ta - learn (with)
Ua - option/prefer/preference (by)
Wa - wavelength activation with chemical activation with wireless (of)
Ya - general (with).Yā - society (with)
Za - documentation (by)
Loop to One.
Combination of vowel i (two tone) increases the functions.
Demand flow chart.
Ai - demand (with)
Bi - electric device (by)
Di - harnessing/generating (of)
Fi - picturing (with)
Gi - update (by)
Hi - standard (of)
Ii - development (with)
Ji - electrification (by)
Ki - notification (of)
Li - cable (with)
Mi - latest (by)
Ni - statement (of)
Qi - verify (with)
Ri - display (by)
Si - affirm (of)
Ti - electronic storage (with)
Ui - equipment/gadget (by)
Wi - electromagnetic (of)
Yi - technology (with)
Zi - data (by)
Loop to demand.
Work flow chart.
Ia - work (with)
Ib - existing (by)
Id - initialising (of)
If - lighting (with)
Ig - granting (by)
Ih - truth (of)
Ii - development (with)
Ij - choosing (by)
Ik - instructing (of)
Il - linking (with)
Im- automating (by)
In - giving (of)
Iq - requesting (with)
Ir - viewing (by)
Is - integrity (of)
It - remembering (with)
Iu - manifesting (by)
Iw - logically (of)
Iy - promising (with)
Iż - programming (by)
Loop to work.
Focus flow chart.
Iaa - focus (with)
Iba - pure/purity (by)
Ida - modernisation (of)
Ifa - progress (with)
Iga - description (by)
Iha - result (of)
Iia - studies (with)
Ija - manipulate (by)
Ika - project (of)
Ila - do/doing (with)
Ima - robotic (by)
Ina - random (of)
Iqa - law (with)
Ira - perception (by)
Isa - human (of)
Ita - education (with)
Iua - school (by)
Iwa - research (of)
Iyā - civilization (with)
Iża - software (by)
Loop to Focus. (Iźa jā'a nasrullāh)
The Al Qurān can be read from right to left as well as vice versa.
Example - Yā sīn[jim] society from system activity with intelligence from affirm signal by giving from currenting of numerous [electrification by automating]
Or Nīs āy, statement from numerous of integrity from current with realisation from signal activity with permissable from system
Verification of the letters functions.
20 - x(position of the letters) except letter L and Z.
Letters L and Z are constants.
Verify Q U L (all functions are co-current).
Q, 20 - 13 = 7.
Position of 7th letter is function I, current.
U, 20 - 17 = 3.
Position of 3rd letter is function D, deliver.
L, 20 - 10 = 10.
Position of 10th letter is the function L, link.
Qul, (knowledge with utilize by link) verified as idl.
Current deliver link, initialising from current with deliver by link.
Therefore the word QUL when verified gives a verification of initialising.
To understand each of the functions in detail please refer to the surah that has its chapters with the functions initials, example Gāfir for Library, Luqmān for link, Ar - Rum for view, Ṣād for realisation, Fātir for picture, Muhammad for mechanic and Hūd for hierarchy, etc.
Q [Ch] u [El] l[Ch].
Knowledge [chemical ] with utilize [electronic] by link [chemical]
If you're an electrical/electronic engineer this is your discipline.
Choosing from currents[electric] with various/vector by perform from link activation with.., 'ijla (in reference to mūsā disciples requesting 'ijla in Chapter 2 of the Book).
(J as in the mathematical expression of negative magnitude of a sinusoidal voltage, AC, V sin°)
For ila, there is NO negative magnitude therefore it 'currents' with do/doing from link activation with (future tense).
Thanks for reading.
Hayyum - Assignment/arrangement from hierarchy activation with permissable from system by system of utilize with mechanic.
Current [electric] mechanic.
Thanks for utilizing electricity.
First time here..
If you have any questions for the Mashiach except the date of his coming, please... I'll be happy to ask him...
And, BTW, man comes from the womb.
@@LiteralHitter thank you for your viewership
@@RabbiJoshZebberman I'm sorry, but you said that I'm ready to come any day and that I come ''today''. Let me explain...
''Today'' is a code for my condition. I call it ''Oneday''. It is what happens when you start connecting your days into one. It's not an easy process, but I discovered it on my own and I have the recipe that anyone can get there. Yes, it's a place. And a state of mind. In my presence, people are ''naked''. I'm not coming or going anywhere. Why should I? Things are happening in the world according to my judgement and proclamation in the Name of the One that I represent on this Earth. I work for no man.
Al masih - Way by use from mechanic activation with intelligence from affirm signal by truth from current of hierarchy. Current truth.
TODAY - Memory [tantalum] with utilizing by create from deliver activation with permissable from system.
Which system is permissable created so we could come to you in A Flash?
Ark - Activation with view from receptor by enlightment.
Method of propagating Enlightment (education) , View.
Not some BIG boat/ship 🤔
It is written in one Revelation, that He will return again when jewish people will accept Truth of Jesus Messiah, Who died for our sins and resurrected on third day, according to the Scriptures... Jesus said to jewish people: "For I say to you, you shall not see Me again, until you say: "Blessed is He, Who comes in the Name of the Lord." - (Matthew 23/39)...
@@Oleg-dv4ch it's not a valid book. Accepting people is idolatry. Book of Psalms says DO NOT PUT TRUST IN PEOPLE
@RabbiJoshZebberman, you don't have enough Knowledge... It is your big problem...
He came 2000 years ago. Sent to Jews living in Palestine. The leadership missed him. His name was Jesus. You can wait for ever now.
Thank you for your comment and viewership. That contradicts the Bible
@@RabbiJoshZebberman How so? Not the New Testament
@saliksayyar9793 the New testament is invalid as it contradicts the Old testament which we both agree as well. Read the book of Deuteronomy with valid / unbiased translation
@@RabbiJoshZebberman yes, but the main message is clear in the NT. There have also been a lot of changes in the Old Testament over time.
Because Jesus was the Messiah, his denial resulted in the destruction by Titus and the end of the covenant. That has been the Godly tradition when Messengers of God are denied by the people they are sent to reform, they are visited upon by catastrophe. Pharaoh , Sodom etc.
It was the Muslim conquests that brought back pious Jews, so they could worship, but not rule.
Jesus was bullshit
BASAM - Colorful from chrominance activation with intelligence from realisation signal activation with automation from mechanic.
Your internet connection.
Thank you for explaining. In Jesus name please brother open your eyes and see open your ears and hear the Truth the only One! Great I AM! He is not "deviation"from the very beginning He is the One with Moses and the same Jesus with Peter ...and Paul. He came to fulfill the law. Fulfill the law that Same Jesus on the mountain Sinai gives to Moses to start with. Who lives by law,dies by law. We can't keep the commandments and that is why Jesus died for us. That is the Truth. Jesus said :" I'm the Way, The Truth and the Life" no one can come to Father but by Me. The same Father Who resurrected Jesus will resurrect us by One Spirit- Holy Spirit. Why? Because God loves! God is Love! He is the Light to the world. Jesus said if you love Me- keep My commandments... The very first commandment is to love God. Next- love each other, like He loves us. We need to be burned again from His Holy Spirit to do that. How? Come to Jesus! He loves you brother He is The Messiah, your Moshiach! He is The only One! Truth is only One! Jesus Christ is God came to the world He made for Himself in the form of human to Redeem the world. His mother Mary and His Father God Himself . Think about it! Whose blood does Jesus have,if Mary was a virgin? Love you brother and God bless! 🙏❤️
@@nataliyaseydel5583 what you wrote here is presupposing realities that are not true and contradict the Torah. Christianity is based on certain premises that people want to believe but don't have theological or historical validity.
Ihdinas siratal mustaqim.
Truth by harnessing/generating of giving possible with intelligence from signal by affirm from signal current of viewing from eye receptor activation with rememberance from learn with way by mechanic of utilize with signal by learn with brain from verify knowledge by automating from current of mechanic
Current [electric] mechanic 🤔
Talking about time, it is a number and refers to something that is certain because it has been calculated precisely according to the Torah and the Books of the Prophets. I don't see the exact numbers obtained from this review, because honestly the Talmud is not the Word of YaHWeH but by humans. The exact calculations are in the Torah and the Prophets but who understands? and only those who have the Spirit of YaHWeH will understand correctly, Yeshua is the subject of the correct calculation of time because HE fulfilled the Torah and the Prophets.
@@EsmyGoodlife-n9f this is incorrect the time what is the tradition from God from Sinai. In contrast to the new testament which is written by humans and contradicts the Bible
Mixing philosophy with theology.. I mean, how confused are ya, mate?
@@Wib0 thanks for your viewership! The meaning of the biblical passage "The Lord is One" teaches that G-d is relevant not just theological or philosophical.
@@s3tifpv941 thank you for your viewership
Let's read moshiach David will do what if you disagree with me Adam God's oldest son
Thank you for your viewership
Your loss
THIS IS JESUS THE JEWISH MESSIAH KING👑who has already fulfilled this prophecy, and many other prophecies, because He is the Son of God, and according to the flesh He is a descendant of David
⬇️Zechariah 9:9.
9. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.
גילי מאד בת ציון הריעי בת ירושלם הנה מלכך יבוא לך צדיק ונושע הוא עני ורכב על חמור ועל עיר בן אתנות׃
@@krisztiweitner7082 thank you for your viewership. This is inaccurate information
@SoulCastsAcademy thank you for your answer, I don't want to open a debate about truth, Messiah Yeshua lives and sits at the Right Hand of the Almighty and loves you! I love you too, God bless you.Shalom❤️🇮🇱
@krisztiweitner7082 if you read the book of Deuteronomy you'd understand that belief in jesus would be heresy. But for now we can focus on where we do agree, we both want a world of peace and love where the truth of God is relevant. Isaiah describes this era and time as a time when the world will be filled with the knowledge of God
@@RabbiJoshZebbermanThe man Jesus did not die for the sins of man as false Christianity ( antichrist ) teaches.....
He died to pay our sin "debt".....our "karma".
The false Roman Church OUTLAWED the truth and teaching of reincarnation at the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 AD.
@@krisztiweitner7082 thank you for your viewership. Your comment is heresy. The Torah explicitly refers to all the Jewish people as the children of God. I recommend meaning Exodus and Deuteronomy from a source that has proper translation or the original.
MATTHEW 1: 1The book of the genealogy[a] of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham:
2Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers. 3Judah begot Perez and Zerah by Tamar, Perez begot Hezron, and Hezron begot Ram. 4Ram begot Amminadab, Amminadab begot Nahshon, and Nahshon begot Salmon. 5Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse, 6and Jesse begot David the king.
David the king begot Solomon by her [b]who had been the wife of Uriah. 7Solomon begot Rehoboam, Rehoboam begot Abijah, and Abijah begot [c]Asa. 8Asa begot Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat begot Joram, and Joram begot Uzziah. 9Uzziah begot Jotham, Jotham begot Ahaz, and Ahaz begot Hezekiah. 10Hezekiah begot Manasseh, Manasseh begot [d]Amon, and Amon begot Josiah. 11Josiah begot [e]Jeconiah and his brothers about the time they were carried away to Babylon.
12And after they were brought to Babylon, Jeconiah begot Shealtiel, and Shealtiel begot Zerubbabel. 13Zerubbabel begot Abiud, Abiud begot Eliakim, and Eliakim begot Azor. 14Azor begot Zadok, Zadok begot Achim, and Achim begot Eliud. 15Eliud begot Eleazar, Eleazar begot Matthan, and Matthan begot Jacob. 16And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ.
17So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations.
@@OLPC80 the New testament has no historical validity and the fact that a contradicts the Old testament invalidates it. This discussion is beyond the capacity of a RUclips comment but see Deuteronomy
@SoulCastsAcademy no it doesn't contradict the old testament. Is just a continuation of the Tanach.
@OLPC80 it contradicts. The Old testament asserts that you cannot serve or idolize people but only God. It asserts that you cannot deviate from the values of the Old testament. The New testament is not a continuation it's a deviation
@@RabbiJoshZebberman no one is idolizing people we idolize the one and only God, The God of Habraham, Issac and Jacob.
@OLPC80 then why the new religion? The Torah says not to deviate. A prophet who claims one should deviate is considered a false prophet. See Deuteronomy
Nothing is to be added or taken from His Torah
Anything other is an abomination to HaShem
Including Kaballah Zohar and the rest
Just as Your Talmud isn't His holy Torah
May You remember when crying out for a king
He who sits on the throne of creation is king
@@michaelmalech5742 thank you for your viewership. Your comment suggests that there's gaps in your knowledge of what Torah is and history.
Rav Your avoidance of giving an account
speaks volumes from here to the heavens
For even a child is the greatest of teachers
You know it's forbidden to add anything too
or to subtract anything from His holy Torah
None of your texts teach the Torah of thy heart
Attacking my lack of knowledge isn't an
answer nor will it hide the truth for long.
Over and over again now just as it was then
All have betrayed and abandoned HaShem
Dare such a people demand another king
Dare this world make any demands of Him
For He who sits on the throne of creation is king
& as mighty as He is, yet He still weeps🕊
Hear O Israel have You forgotten HaShem
@michaelmessenger5742 thank you for your viewership I'm not really sure what you're talking about
Mashiach never comes!!!!
you've been saying for hundreds of years.
biggest lies in history😂
@@johantenhartog6399 thank you for your viewership. Historically speaking the world has never been more ready. To appreciate this we have to understand what Mashiach really is
@SoulCastsAcademy holocaust???
world war 1???
then God could have shown himself beautifully.
now even more suffering before Mashiach comes.
I don't understand anything about your God
@johantenhartog6399 I'm talking about the positive changes in the world that has occurred over the past century. Reduced hunger, increased health, increase longevity, increased desire for peace, pursuit of meaning and purpose. I know our world is not perfect but this is the direction people want to be. This is very consistent with the prophecies in Isaiah about the Messianic era, a time where the world will be filled with the knowledge of God.
@@RabbiJoshZebberman If God exists, he has a lot of explaining to do.
it is hope and comfort, but not reality
@johantenhartog6399 I agree he definitely has a lot of explaining to do. You can't judge reality just buy your own eyes. Science is always discovering deeper layers of reality. There is a creator of this reality. It's by designing with purpose
thanks for watching