Moshiach: Who Is He? Everything Explained
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Four years ago, in honor of Yud Shevat, three world-renowned scholars - Rabbi Heschel Greenberg of Buffalo, NY, Rabbi Reuven Wolf of Los Angeles, CA, and Rabbi Gershon Avtzon of Cincinnati, OH - joined together for an inspiring discussion about Melech HaMoshiach, the righteous redeemer. Moderated by Rabbi Mendy Turen of Springfield, IL, this event delved into profound insights about Moshiach, exploring his role and significance in Jewish thought. Revisit this illuminating conversation and deepen your understanding of this vital topic.
#moshiach #chabad #rebbe
This is really good! All three rabbis perspectives are so clear and refreshing! Thank you for this presentation!
Glad you enjoyed it!
@@chabadspringfieldCan you please post a link to the first session in the description?
I love it when Rabbis bet together and speak the truth. There most be unity in Isreal and the righteous gentile, me being a gentile that believes in Hashem. There is alot work that needs to be done, for the golden age, aka the messianic age. May god make it soon.
We Are Moshiach! You gotta include me too though, that’s the rules. ☺️😇
Can you explain why Yeshu is hidden in Genesis 1.1. Thanks.
Jesus Christ - Yah Yeshua is Unique Saviour!
Numbers 14:11 .... 🔥
I Am Moshiach. My name is Anthony Lee Westcot III. I was born July 18, 1989. God already made it so I can’t lose. We’re just waiting for the world to catch up so we can stop WW3 and save Israel.
Israel is already saved but we have to act it out and Chabad is going to do the most work for HaShem. I’m just a single person. Technically a Goy even though I descend from David. My Noachide commandments are easy to fulfill. I can do things full Jews cannot do…
We will take the world over with Love. This is about knowing G-d so we can live in harmony and it already began once and for all this Hanukkah. I have an invisible Crown on my head, in all humility. I’m no one special on the surface…
Open your eyes and maybe you will See. 🤷♂️😄🙏
*slow clap
at least you didn't go full creepy Christian mode.
According to Torah, Maschiah has to be from the line of David.
Correct, and the Rebbe is from the house of Dovid
Jesus referred to another event in Israel’s history as a foreshadowing of His crucifixion. In the wilderness, the people following Moses had sinned, and God sent serpents among them to bite them. The people were dying, and they appealed to Moses for help. God told Moses to make a bronze serpent and place it on a pole. All those who looked to it would be healed (Numbers 21:4-19). Jesus alluded to this incident in John 3:14-15: “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life in him.”
By some counts, more than 300 Old Testament prophecies point to Jesus Christ and were fulfilled by Him in His life on earth. These include prophecies about His unique birth (Isaiah 7:14), His earthly ministry (Isaiah 61:1), and even the way He would die (Psalm 22). Jesus shocked the religious establishment when He stood up in the synagogue of Nazareth and read from Isaiah 61, concluding with this commentary: “This scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing today” (Luke 4:18-21).
Another way that Jesus is in the Old Testament is in the form of Christophanies-pre-incarnate appearances of the Son of God. The Old Testament uses the term angel of the Lord interchangeably with the Lord in reference to these visitations. One Christophany is found in Genesis 18:1-33 when the Lord appeared to Abram in human form. Such tangible encounters with deity are scattered throughout the Old Testament (Genesis 16:7-14; 22:11-18; Judges 5:23; 2 Kings 19:35; Daniel 3:25).
But there are even deeper ways that Jesus is found in the Old Testament. These are seen in what we call “types.” A type is a person or thing in the Old Testament that foreshadows a person or thing in the New. For example, the tabernacle, the sacrificial system, and the Passover are all types of Christ’s redemption. In addition, some of the lives of Old Testament characters reflect elements of the life of Christ. Moses, like Jesus, spoke for God, confronted the evil powers of the day, and led his people to freedom through a miraculous deliverance. The life of Joseph is another that seems to model the life of Christ.
Many Old Testament historical events double as symbols of what God would do in the future, through Christ. For example, God called Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham uttered these prophetic words in response to Isaac’s question about a lamb: “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son” (Genesis 22:8). God did provide a ram in Isaac’s place, symbolizing what He would do thousands of years later on that very mountain when His own Son was offered as a sacrifice in our place (Matthew 27:33). Events surrounding the sacrifice of Isaac thus serve as a type of the sacrifice of Christ.
When the Messiah is born for the final redemption he will be born circumcised just like Adam Noah Joseph Moses and others when a child is born circumcised we take a drop of blood recorded in Yavamous this physical phenomena is very real
Bible verses that refer to Jesus as the Son of God
Isaiah 9:6: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: . . . and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace"
Psalm 2:7: "The LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son"
2 Samuel 7:14: "I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son to me"
Other Old Testament verses that relate to Jesus
Hosea 11:1: Jesus was the true Son of God that was brought out of Egypt
Micah 5:2: The birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem was prophesied
Zechariah 9:9: Jesus was prophesied to arrive on a donkey
Malachi 3:1: Jesus had John the Baptist as a forerunner
The title "Son of God" was linked with the title "King of Israel" in the Old Testament as twin titles for the Messiah.
Isaiah 9:6 refers to Hezekiah
Hosea 11:1 is retelling the Egypt exodus
Micah 5:2 states that the Messiah's lineage originates in Bethlehem, ie King David.
The other verses have been refuted many times, you know, by the people who have studied and analyzed the texts for 2000 years... 🤔
When the Messiah arrives for the final redemption he will be at sometime in his life be connected to the vocation of Shepherds just like Abel Noah Abraham Issac Jacob and his twelve sons Moses and King David because the vocation instills certain character traits necessary in leadership
The Moshiach is the Torah. Somewhere along the lines people combined the concepts and they became muddled. What Gd showed me is that the actual Moshiach is the Torah. The monarchy was King David. But in the prophecies, the scepter is removed from Judah and will pass to the Torah (Shiloh)...
The sages and prophets left many clues as to show in the end the Torah would reign and be king. When the sages said the "moshiach comes riding on a donkey"... it means that the Torah will come riding on a DNA key. The sages left many clues. Saying that the Moshiach will smell you. This because they must have decoded the sense of smell as a clue. So in humans the biggest family of genes are in the olfactory (sense of smell)... the genes or segments of DNA for each tribe is in Torah. Inheriting land goes through the father and Gd is precise and perfect. It would not be left up to a man to determine this by smelling them. Another clue is how Jacob says in the prophecy of Dan how Dan is a tribe and Dan will also govern the land. In the science of Torah, Dan represents the concept of DNA. I've seen how it sorta works with the molecular biology. Rather, Hashem showed me. The glory goes to Gd. Rashi even mentions that Dan is the gatherer of camps for this reason. The general concept of DNA.
The moshiach can not be a man or you'll have a pope or Jesus... Gd forbid. You gotta get that out of your head. Remember Gd already redeemed Israel at Mt Sinai when you accepted the laws of Torah. You are servants of Hashem, thus Gd selected Israel to help Gd redeem this world and help everyone know Torah (as water covers the sea) you are all servents. Its all of Israel coming together to decode the 5th layer... the 7 sciences the Vilna talks about in the Kol Hator. Its all in the Torah. But the commentators also gave Israel another clue. In the last parsha in older versions of Torah they mention 4 books, two being Japheth and Samson the Danite... Moses is saying on your days of adversity start there... in essence the prophets are all really talking about science concepts and not war. The 5th layer deals with the structure function.
Remember Gd spoke. The nekudot go with each letter to form a molecule and the cantellation is giving directions on where to place the letter. It all needs to be decoded by Israel. Also, in older versions of the Torah, it clearly states that the scepter will be taken from Judah and given to the Moshiach... which is clearly the Torah that will rule... Gd's words will rule the World. The reason Israel is having a hard time seeing this is because it's a bit of contamination dealing with idolatry. Putting your trust in one man to save you is a very Christian concept. If you eliminate that thought and go straight to Torah, Gd can reveal more... also, since we are heading back to the Garden, women are no longer under men's rules. So if you start exercising this concept in your life, you'll find the doors opening to the truth of what is Gd's will.
I pray that Israel 🇮🇱 comes together to understand this concept. If not you'll be waiting forever. Menachem really means Men of Chemistry... men and women with the same essence of Adam and Eve... Adam goes through king David's line and Eve goes through ben Yosefs line... (rectify sexual impurity)... so it's why Jacob makes an X not a cross when he blesses the lads... Anyway the essence of those come together to help repair the breaches and repair the house of Israel. That's separate from your actual job description based on what tribe you come from. In fact, the prophets never mention organizations or different classifications of Jews because all of Israel goes back to their ancestral home and the portion of land Hashem assigned to you. The concepts are being mixed up. Its okay. Moses always said, don't put your trust in man Israel. Its all of Israel. In fact, you aren't going to be retiring, but teaching the laws etc. But what brings everyone together is proving Gd's existence through the science first. No other concept or religion can prove of any Gd's existence for the exception of the Torah. Its very advanced and requires every kind of scholar to work together. This is why everything the sages say in the end makes sense... like, the righteous say I can't believe I climbed this mountain and the wicked say I can't believe this strand took me out... what they mean is the double helix (strand)... the science. Why people in other countries are going to be confused and fight amongst each other... etc etc..
Also in the Zohar it says a man like Adam and a woman like Eve come together to dupe the serpent. So it's like the essence comes back to repair. But also because Eve volunteered, it was planned for everyone to know Gd is One and the Creator with a true appreciation for what we have been given. And if you remember Gd was speaking to both Adam and Eve at the exact same time. Meaning that's where we will be heading. Everyone communicating with Gd, as was initially intended. May Gd open your eyes to the Truth of who the Moshiach is. He already wears crowns... and you kiss him every Shabbat.
Also, i said Jacob made an X because Eve is rectified through Yosef (yesod)... and its because the hint itself is the X (as in the X chromosome)... its why no one understands how it is Ephraim would grow to be greater... and why Ephraim is the first born... because Eve's soul was actually created before Adam's. So it goes.
God’s design for the tabernacle is another way that Jesus is in the Old Testament. The altar in the courtyard symbolizes the need for Jesus’ sacrifice to atone for our sin. The laver shows Jesus as providing the water of life (John 4:14). Inside the Holy Place, the lampstand is suggestive of Jesus as the light of the world (John 9:5). The table of showbread is Jesus as the bread of life (John 6:35). In the altar of incense is seen Jesus as our heavenly intercessor, continually offering prayers for us (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25). According to Hebrews 10:20, the veil before the ark of the covenant is a picture of Jesus’ human flesh.
The Son of God is not just in the New Testament; Jesus is in the Old Testament, too. Jesus is God’s promised Messiah. From the virgin birth in Bethlehem (Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:35; Micah 5:2), through the sojourn to Egypt (Hosea 11:1; Matthew 2:14-15), to His ministry of healing and hope (Genesis 3:15; 1 John 3:8), all the way through His resurrection (Psalm 16:9-11; Acts 2:31), Jesus Christ is the theme of both Old and New Testaments. It could be said that Jesus is the reason for the Bible. He is the Living Word. The entire Bible is a beacon that points us to God’s offer of reconciliation, the hope of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
I'm here now. im in USA.
I have a question
If the Abrahamic God devised a plan to create a suffering servant as the a main character in existence intended to spread more goodness tgan anyone else (light to the nations) and it “pleases” him to crush (abuse) him”…
Doesnt that suggest your “God” is the most vile being to ever exist? The True Devil?
No, suffering was needed to gain empathy with humanity. rantichrist.blogspot. com/2020/08/proof-i-am-antichrist-and-antichrist-is.html
This is missing much understanding of the Jewish beliefs.
Why do so many Jews think 'God' created Adam & Eve about 6,000 years ago ... when other cultures have stories, architecture structures, art, tools and so on which date to over 10,000 years ... such as Asian ... Indian ... Aboriginal ... Nordic ... etc ...
Or is YAUA an ʻalienʻ being that genetically altered something in certain humans at that time ?
And the Elohim said let us make man in our imAge... 2nd and 7th chromosome tweak to the body of Threes Vitruvian man made of threes from head to toe.. 1 infinite creators lovelight signature of order seen through every wavlink ring particle of matter we see universally..
The first thing built in Solomon's Temple of three body my spirit Sammy is The Mercy Seat pp1 molecule Amnesia Veil for getting all previous lifetimes as we learned forgiveness and the PowerHouse of our infinite mind 369 THOTH ME.. vibration frequency Arc lights 9 Observer thought Kabbalah kaboom charge.THOTH ME..
Atlantis Babylon Tesla Tower technology..
Corinthians The Last Enemy to be destroyed is death I am Judas Iscariot AKA Nikola Tesla in the flesh..
I am light Never Dies death is our illusion through the terrible twos of childhood in Mercy Mercy Mercy Me and our promise rest Is REAL O IS RA EL O HYM
I heard from Donald Trump that they eat cats and dogs in Springfield. Is it true?
Moshiach is your grandfather Moses reborn David
Moshiach is a descendant of King David
Looking at ants index shows when king's have your birthmark my little brother a Adam with your birthmark coming find 3 king's daughters black brown white omega female
He is Adam living 55 10 months God leaves new Adam type man there is atonement for sin 12 25 30 God leaves Enoch king Benjamin priminster isrealite king his grandson Mayan birthmark grandson of Enoch next Adam is Mayan
this is correct. im adam.
The Rebbe as great as he was, and built a spiritual bridge for the Jewish people to connect to Hashem to hasten our redemption, did not know this fact. Hashem’s beloved is the person we wait for. The upcoming Royal Wedding will clear up many misconceptions as Hashem adds an addendum to His Kingdom in a good way. The Jewish people are taking another road trip with Hashem. In a big way. Vertically. First class style. Bon voyage!
The three of them are referring to a Trinity .
There is a trinity with all the prophets and messengers, it does not mean they are G-D
@arturturk5926 missing the point, the 3 of them, is referring to The Trinity, they are the ones whom he represents. Gobekli Tepe also confirms this.