Teacher “burnout” is caused by placing unrealistic expectations on teachers such as demanding that they possess a supernatural ability to telepathically control large groups of unruly kids in buildings where indiscipline and social promotion are the norm, hence a high portion of the kids are unqualified for the grade to which they have been mistakenly promoted. Then also expecting a great deal of unpaid overtime based upon the fiction that teachers are management, or salaried workers. Teachers are not management. They are child care workers under the supervision of out of touch administrators who are constantly signaling to the teachers that they don’t wish to be disturbed.
Teacher “burnout” is caused by placing unrealistic expectations on teachers such as demanding that they possess a supernatural ability to telepathically control large groups of unruly kids in buildings where indiscipline and social promotion are the norm, hence a high portion of the kids are unqualified for the grade to which they have been mistakenly promoted. Then also expecting a great deal of unpaid overtime based upon the fiction that teachers are management, or salaried workers. Teachers are not management. They are child care workers under the supervision of out of touch administrators who are constantly signaling to the teachers that they don’t wish to be disturbed.