I have this some model - I've found that the pump doesn't turn on in the morning / when sun hits the panel. Once it runs out of battery in the evening, it turns off and stays off. Is there a way to change this so that once re-charged or the panel has enough sun, the pump will start?
I was wondering how the solar powered pump is holding up? I hate the wires but I am so worried the solar pump won’t last long. Or the battery life?
I have this some model - I've found that the pump doesn't turn on in the morning / when sun hits the panel. Once it runs out of battery in the evening, it turns off and stays off. Is there a way to change this so that once re-charged or the panel has enough sun, the pump will start?
Good content 😊
Hola,donde lo compraste?
Is this fountain still holding up?
It is. However, you do need to clean up the pump over time