My biggest tip for fallout 1 and 2: Actions have consequences. It is entirely possible, and sometimes extremely easy, to make people mad at you, or make them refuse to talk to you. This can lock you out of a large number of things. In Fallout 1 for example, the guard outside of the Brotherhood of Steel. Make him mad and that's it, no brotherhood of steel for you, ever. in 2, just make a brand new save file before you talk to Lynette.
Do you know if that applies to Ian? Just started and died after he joined my party for free, but when I tried doing it again i failed and now he won't give me the option. Not sure if it comes back if I wait or if that's it and no ian forever
Also note that Luck is very, very important in these games, unlike other titles. Do not set your Luck to less than 4 if you're new since it will cause a high amount of critical failures, and if you set it to a high level (around 9 or 10), you will be able to lockpick and repair things you normally wouldn't be able to at your level of skill with enough repeated attempts. (Also, later on, if you get to the level where you can use Sniper, 10 luck guarantees that you will always critically hit.) Never underestimate the power of luck.
@@enzoaugusto1577 If you take 1 luck and the "Jinxed" perk, you'll get some hilarious mishaps during combats. Definitely try it in one of your playthroughs! Real fun.
@@Salahdin89 Luck has no bearing on Jinxed, it just makes all your misses critical failures. It's surprisingly powerful on a meele character, since its hard to miss in hand to hand combat - so you dont suffer pretty much any consequences from Jinxed - and enemies still will shoot themselves, trip, break their hands and such. I have cleared a young deathclaw den at like level 4 with such build xd I think jinxed is the most misunderstood and underutilized trait out there
I have finished recently Fallout1. My character had luck equal 1. The only issue I spot during the game play was lack of special encounters. No major issue with locpkicking, repairing, or stealing.
here's another tip have okay luck, 50+ in the gambling skill, and, say, over 2000 caps - hit the roulette tables, just hold down 1 and 4 at the same time, and wait until you've earned 150k caps not an exploit, by the way
well i remember, when i first played fallout ( in 1997 ), we had no internet at home. i had one friend that played the game as well and we exchanged knowledge, tips and tricks and what not else to get further into the game. IIRC it took us month to finish the game and if i recall correct, it wasnt even in 1997 when "we" finished it. man that was fun. i feel pity for you, really pity, because exploring something on your own is so much more fun then a quick google search with quick success. brave new world =b
your last sentence here, this is the true nature of fallout, the wasteland and every good rpg. you've been kicked out of your vault with no informations about the outside world, so you have to gather the information for yourself, whether by wandering around or by talking to others who might have a clue where to look for what you are looking for. brotherhood of steel council, for example, gives you the info to look for the mutant base in the north ( and since you start in the north and explore east to vault 15, where the map almost ends - there is only one north left, that one to the west ). the info for the master can be gathered in the boneyard from the children of the cathedral. players today just dont have the patience or the will to role play.
squillywilly You have the water chip? If you do you need to head back to Vault 13 and give it to the overseer, then you’ll start the next part of the game (the master)
go talk to the people, explore the wasteland. in dialog you can specifically ask for persons or locations ( there is button, where you can enter key words like "master" ). i really dont want to spoil you, so thats everything you'lll get from me with the hint: enjoy your exploration - even if you have to start the game over again (:
It took me two attempts, but it was only about 6-7 hours before I came to the realization that the game just wants me to keep my cool, in a world that's so obviously trying to kill me. Hell, if you know what you're doing, you can complete the games main story in about 15-30 minutes. I've done it a few times now.
Fallout 1 and 2 appealed to my imagination in such an amazing way. It didn't rely on flashy graphics to tell a story, it just told a damn good story through on-screen text and let our brains do the rest. Oh, and I'm not blinded by nostalgia, I only first played it a couple of months ago.
The atmospheres of the two games have never been paralleled to this day. Not even Fallout: New Vegas, arguably the best Fallout, can be compared to them.
So far I'm conflicted. A part of me loves it for the exact reasons you mentioned, the other part of me is spending too much time worrying about if I'm imagining everything right....
Man, that shopkeeper's inventory one explains a lot. I always thought people had the same shitty inventory full of the loot that I sold, but this has opened my eyes. Thanks a lot man, this will make selling my junk a lot more pleasant.
You forgot to mention that the skill exploit goes in reverse when you learn from books. The less points you have in a skill, the more points a book will provide, so setting the Game Difficulty to hard when reading will get you more skill points from a book. Raise all of your skills to 91% on Hard, then switch it back to normal and they'll all be 101%.
From what im getting from all these comments is, you have to be the perfect human specimen, be lucky, be charismatic, dont be an ass, have a lot of guns, etc
Really though 😅 The person who leaves the vault is the BEST they have to offer. Whether they’re the best at trading, combat, survival or just all-around skilled, they’re the ones who the overseer believes to have the best chances of success.
@@AvariceOverlord but it's not just happen finishers in bloody mess or w/o anyways? If you kill an enemy with critical strike it does play an finisher I guess just like in a bloody mess? Correct me if I am wrong
A Note on #9. Your Pip-Boy alarm has the option to Rest Until Healed which can take several in game days depending on how injured you are. Resting will also allow injured party members to regain health as well. As a way to save time, and get a bit of XP I suggest using the First Aid and Doctor Skills in conjunction with resting. If you are not crippled then using the Doctor skill on yourself (or an uncrippled companion) can heal for more HP than the First Aid Skill. Both First Aid and Doctor can be used successfully 3 times in a 24 hour period and each success gets you 25 XP and 50XP respectively. Basically you keep using Doctor until 3 successes, after which it tells you that you're too tired to keep using the skill, then use First Aid until three successes and then rest until the use counter resets. The reset is 24 hours after your last successful use, so if you follow these steps you don't need to rest 24 hours after maxing out your First Aid attempts but rather only rest long enough so that its 24 hours after your last Doctor success. Another tip on Inventory Management. Accessing your inventory during combat uses AP, however you can perform as many actions during that time as you wish. So for the cost of 4 action points (3 with the Quick Pockets perk) you can reload all guns, change weapons and armor and use any drugs or healing items you want. Just make sure you have done everything you need to do in your inventory before you exit back to combat. Both these tips also apply to Fallout 2 and are actually more useful due to the lack of time limit and a better Quick Pockets perk.
you should make sure to get one armed skill above 110. even small guns work fine with the master, when you get the .223 pistol. and at that point in the game you shouldnt care about wasting stimpaks, of which you'll have tons anyway ( talking of the endgame ).
In combat you don't have to equip healing items and use them that way, it burns action points. You can use as many of them as you like from within the inventory screen, which will only cost you the AP for opening the inventory.
Love Fallout 1 and its eerie vibe, but this isn't really true. The 3D Fallouts do a lot with lighting and atmosphere; it's just a different type of medium at that point.
i played fallout 1 today for the first time in my life and even with old graphics it has this creepy atmosphere . i never felt this in fallout 4 . fallout 1 is really great game and still after 20+ years is enjoyable .
Especially scary are the enemies - the bigger they look, not always the stronger they are, like mole rats. They look absolutely enormous for the stage they first appear, though they're really weak enemies. And then there's some random fucker that can take multiple bursts of concentrated fire and crit you for 70 dmg. ouch.
Lock Dogmeat behind closed doors to keep him alive. Always have one rope with you. Snipe your enemies through the window while you can. Grenades are great against groups of light armoured targets. Try drastically different builds (especially in Fallout 2).
@@hue_jazz59 Get leather (or even metal) armor and handful of grenades in addition to your normal weapons, and and then you can at least save scum your way out of Decker's underground.
i only recently discovered that you can type a number when giving caps in barter menu. i used to hold that plus button for ages to get the desired amount of money, geez
Goofy tip: Increase your accuracy in the dark as a ranged character. light up one of your flares in advance and put it into one of your weapon slots. Throw it at an opponent for one Action Point and watch your accuracy return to daylight-levels before you take your next shot. It's also just really satisfying to throw a flare at an enemy dealing 1hp damage but then seeing them flinch like "did you really just throw a FLARE at me?"
I admit i didn't expect to learn anything new but i didn't realize that bartering would ignore companions carry weight. Always used steal since i realized they wouldn't just give things back. Good tips.
Just fyi, when you make a deal with The Hub water merchants, to supply Vault 13, it lengthens the time you have for finding the water-chip, but it will also mean that the super-mutants will be able to find the Vault (or sooner, don't remember which).
I remember when fallout came out, I was shit in it... BTW, the copy of the game I bought was in russian and I did not know russian at that time, but I non the less loved the game, so because I did not understand any of the dialog, or the context, my first games went like this - go somewhere, take something, if I can take it without being attacked - good, if not - I get killed. I once accidentally stumbled in BOS with vault suit and brass knuckles, save scummed allot and actually killed the 2 BOS guards. ( good thing they only had 3 shots each ). Oh I was disappointed when I could not loot their armor. I also remember the fun times when I wandered west and got "raped" by mutants. Some time later I asked my grandfather to translate some of the dialog for me, so I actually completed the game and learned some context of the story. I remember when my grandfather laughed out loud when I asked him to translate my dialog with BOS council when reporting their Marpiosa militarry base situation. He found it hilarious when in the dialogue it was stated that mutants were green. The funny part is, that for a long time I did not know how to reload a weapon and actually discarded or sold my empty weapons. ( stupid, I know ) Later, when I was a little bit older and actually got a copy of F1 and F2 in english I just played the hell out of it. P.S. My tip is just play the game, don't read anything but these tips in the video ( they are basic, but very necessary and good ), try to complete it on your own the first times, it is more fun that way ! Later on you can read all the walkthroughs and try to do everything perfectly but first, just try it without help. :) Also, when you get bored, you can do the evil playthrough or ironman ! Ironman ir always fun ! My first evil playthrough was actually ironman, I got killed by bounty hunters with critical hit. P.P.S. After completing normal installation, you might like fallout FIXT mod, that fixes allot of bugs and adds some cut content, fixes some text dialogues and more. And if you will like fallout 1 , you will like fallout 2, so that means you MUST , I mean that you ABSOLUTELY MUST !!! get fallout 2 restoration project mod by Killap ( praise be to Killap ! ) mod for playing fallout 2. It also adds cut content, fixes bugs , glitches, text dialogs and more !
Another thing I like to do is open my inventory during combat (I tend to use the Quick Pocket perk to reduce the amount of AP needed), and heal myself here instead of via a stimpack in the quick item slot. Why? Because by right-clicking the stimpacks and other drugs in your inventory, you can use as many per turn as you need. Otherwise, it's 2 AP per stimpack.
You can also hit the "Ask About" buton and type peoples names locations ect that the character might know about and you can get some extra diolouge. Also listening to what they say and pick out keywords to ask them.
Chris most of the good items aren’t bought, like the power armor, or all the great gear in the glow. The only thing I usually buy is ammo, and it’s never enough to trade the expensive stuff I have.
merchants restock their caps every 2-4 ingame-weeks. and you have the possibility to sell for something else then caps, for example your gun or your brain - oh wait, that has obviously already been sold.
I finally learnt how to play this game and it’s amazing. The guide helped the basics but you really have to play the game to understand how it works. And in a way I like how there’s no pointers where to go to find the water chip since it feels more rewarding once you get it
That's great to hear! Also yeah, finding things/objectives in classics like this definitely feel more rewarding because there's not nearly as much handholding. That comes with its own downsides sometimes, but I think Fallout 1 is a contained enough story that it works just right!
@@CaedoGenesis agreed. I like it a lot more than other games in the series. New Vegas comes very close but fallout 1 just nails it with the dark and gruesome atmosphere. I also love all the voices and writing for the characters. I especially like lieutenant and the overseer
I remember my first playtrough. Not even an hour (in game) out of the vault I got ambushed by a group of raiders. One of them had a minigun. Figured that playthrough was cursed.
@@StarMarshal Oh I was certain these were man sized enemies. The funny thing is he never even attacked. The first guy shanked my kidneys and in one fell swoop I hit the desert dust.
@@nukethewolf7972 that's so weird. I can't recall Radiers even getting miniguns in 1. 2? Yeah, they can get some nasty stuff, but in 1 at most they get assault rifles. At least in my experience.
When using books, they only increase skill level to 93%. Turn difficulty to hard and you can read more. Then if you want to play on normal your skills will be really high. Also the librarian in the Hub never runs out of books.
1. Remember was taking Mentats before reading books to get more EXP. 2. Farming exp in Boneyard by killing deathclaws without killing eggs in the nest so they are re spawned next day. 3. If you cannot open the door you can kick/punch/shoot/use explosive on it.
I always manage to get curb stomped at the beginning of fallout 1 and 2 cause I didn't understand the hud or controls thank man for the guide now I can truly enjoy the classics
I remember the first time I played fallout 1 I was crippled and I didn’t know how to heal it...I ran out of time because of it!! It’s such an atmospheric game
1. Make combat speed maximum. 2. Save constantly. 3. Use F1 to show menu of different hotkeys. 4. You can use the alarm feature in your pip boy to rest until healed. Doctors can also patch you up. 5. Right click your weapon to change fire mode.
Genuinely i have yet to play another game where you can literally talk shit to someone so much that they refuse to talk to you for the rest of your playthrough. 10/10
Here's the thing about the first 2 Fallouts. If you compare them to the other isometric RPG games of the time like Baldur's Gate or Planescape Tournament Fallout 1 and 2 have a fairly simple and easy to understand combat and gameplay system
I think it's fun and interesting to watch how RPGs and games with guns have evolved like we know it now as left and right shot. But I love seeing old games that's like "A to ATTACK!" "P for Pip-Boy".
What about storage ? I've been reading a couple of posts on some forums and they all say that all of the storage spaces are fine, the loot you place there won't go away and no one will take it. Is that true ?
One of those advices is VERY wrong! The vault's location is secret, if you reveal it to the water merchant you severely reduce the time you have for the second part of the game! Because the bad guys learn about it too!
Gargamel Le Noir is right, If you add time via the Water Merchants to the Water Chip quest, you remove it from the post Water Chip time-limit (which is a hidden timeline and can lead to an unavoidable Game Over if you don't save in several spots). One way or another, the bad guys win after x amount of days.
The Water Merchants can extend the time limit for finding the water chip by 100 days. However, it also lowers the Vault 13 invasion time limit by 100 days. 1. Nonviolent solutions often give more XP than violent ones. 2. You can shoot through windows. 3. Talk to everyone. Check every building. Especially named NPCs. It's easy to miss entire shops or quests. 4. Check the top edges of the top, bottom, left, and right of each map. A city or location might be bigger than you think. 4. Always have a rope. 5. If you enter combat, you can walk past NPCs who bust you for sneaking and stealing. 6. A is enter combat, Space is End Turn (and get bonus AC based on unused AP), Enter is End Combat. Get comfortable with abusing that. 7. Interrupting LOS can be huge when finagling enemy AI. 8. Use lots of save slots.
Good tips; hotkeys too! The invasion timer though for Vault 13 doesn't really exist unless you mod it back into the game or have an original disc. They patched that early on by increasing it to 13 years. Digital versions have this patch. So there's no downside to the water merchants, despite the dialogue.
Always get agility to 9 if you can. Also, don't tag the skills that can be bought with books. I like having high luck and gambling, then you can win loads of money at the casino. I just rest heavy batteries on 1 and 4 and leave the room for a few hours!
My tip: Examine companions regularly, preferably after each battle. That way you know their health, and if they need patching up, which isn't immediately clear by just looking at them. The game also doesn't do a good job of telling you when a companion has gotten an injury, like a crippled leg. If they start running away from every fight like scared chickens, an injury is often the issue. You will find out if they have an injury if you examine them. And you can easily heal it by using even low Doctor skill, or just a doctor's bag, which you can often find in/steal from any doctor's office in the game.
here's a great mechanic to earn a lot of money (do note, you have to have some saved up before hand) go to a casino (Gizmo's may be the only one, I don't remember) and when you're playing roulette, use something to put some pressure on your 1 and 4 keys - 4 should be the highest bet and 1 should be option 'play again' afterwards leave your PC and come back half an hour later to hundreds of thousands of caps
Here is more tips like this: -reload the gun if its run out of ammo -if you need a brake in your game just push “exit” in main menu -hold > key to show NPCs who is real helecopta
I found out that one shouldn't stress out about any particular skill (other than luck, you can get only +1 [or +2, there is bug/exploit that let you get bonus two times] so you should pump it to 9), so Gifted + small frame isn't the only viable build. As for skills, you should put any points in skills you can learn from books - small guns, first air, repair, science and outdoors, at least if they are under 80 (that's the learning cap for books I think?). Even with time limit, you can read enough books in Hub library (and librarian lady restock them, so it's great way of dumping your excess gear, including very expensive late game guns like Miniguns, Bazookas, Lasers and Plasmas). Hell, I even managed to get ALL Brotherhood operations with few days to spare and no water caravans. Also, consider Bloody Mess a "no trait", since it's purely visual and give you best ending IMHO (I assume as reward of having no extra benefit). Always pick it if you otherwise didn't want Trait. 10/10, would explode rats with groin punches.
I'm already mostly done with my playthrough, I got the water chip, joined the BoS, and am getting very close to defeating the master, but this still helps a lot since I'm still a fat noob. (I'm doing a pacifist run with high speech, science, 10 intelligence, 10 agility 10 charisma 8 luck but 1 for everything else. Shit's hard sometimes because killing creatures like deathclaws is impossible. I can't even shoot a gun and power armor is too heavy for me to wear. But I'll manage)
@@jackedup447 I don't think I have, but I guess I'll have to do that now. Thank you! Edit about 10 seconds after typing this: Oh shite it's a trait, not a perk. Well damn. Guess I'll have to use it next time then.
1:26 literally just happened to me. I only use 1 slot for saving my progress and overwriting the old one, then I did something wrong in Junktown and I can't undo! T_T Lesson learned. Gonna start a new playthrough tonight lol...
My #1 tip? Suppress any loot whoring tendency you may have. There is not only a weight limit to what you can carry, there’s also an upper limit to the number of different items you can have in your inventory. Exceed that limit and things will start disappearing. You can even get burnt badly trading with your companions if you exceed the limit. I’m not even sure what that number is. I once had to repeat hours of game play because I “lost” my combat shotgun, cattle prod and rad away simply because I had “saved often” for a long time before I had noticed it happened.
Im downloading the fallout classic bundle right now , it was like 5.99$ on steam for Fallout 1 , 2 and tactics I'm pretty excited to start em since I've played fallout 3 , new vegas and 4 a bit too much lol it'll be cool to get a fresh start on a fresh game . Hopefully it's not too hard tho Lbs .
My tip is to equip youeself with ufo laser gun and plasma rifle for the endgame. The UFO has higher damage, however when fighting mutants with minigun and with UFO gun out of range, plasma rifle comes in handy. It can be enhanced in Adytium.
My first time playing Fallout: left Vault 13 went to Shady Sands picked up Ian and rope, cleared out Vault 15, then went to Junktown talk to Killian how gave me the location of Necropolis (I also kinda got lost here) convinced a Super Mutant I was Ghoul went down and got the water chip, but stupid me forgot the repair the water pump and returned back to the overseer, all in the span of an hour and a half-ish
After playing it myself, the biggest suggestion that I can think of for Fallout 3/NV/4 players is don't invest heavily in small guns. The "Top tier" guns in that category don't compare to a rocket launcher or a minigun or energy weapons. The section to reach the master was pain for my small guns only character.
The only few of these I never use is the tools to increase the skills and decreasing the difficulty to increase the skills and also saving up the skill points
i have a big problem with the Aimed Shots, every time i press the N... nobody happens, only change between Burst and Unique Shot, but i can enter in Aimed Shot.
Albert Cole is good at gambling. You can become rich gambling in the Maltese Falcon by saving and loading winnings on the roulette table. Unlike New Vegas, there are no max lockout earnings so go nuts.
What kind of tricks did you learn in Fallout 1?
If you haven't tried it already, come hang out on the official Discord:
That would be cool but also for consoles.
These are helpful tips I knew a lot of those but there were a few I didn’t know
Always check the wiki
Someone is remaking fallout 2 as a mod for new vegas, it would be nice if the first was going to be remade.
That the 10mm SMG is absolutely OP and shreds most things with one burst. It can even kill multiple guys with one burst if your accuracy is low.
My biggest tip for fallout 1 and 2: Actions have consequences. It is entirely possible, and sometimes extremely easy, to make people mad at you, or make them refuse to talk to you. This can lock you out of a large number of things. In Fallout 1 for example, the guard outside of the Brotherhood of Steel. Make him mad and that's it, no brotherhood of steel for you, ever. in 2, just make a brand new save file before you talk to Lynette.
Yeah, i lost a lot of progress when I got kicked out of vault city for the third time.
Lynette is a bitch, ignore her :)
Do you know if that applies to Ian? Just started and died after he joined my party for free, but when I tried doing it again i failed and now he won't give me the option. Not sure if it comes back if I wait or if that's it and no ian forever
You must have passed an invisible speech check the first time.
Yeah I accidentally pissed of Killian and reloaded a save because I didn't want him mad at me.
Also note that Luck is very, very important in these games, unlike other titles. Do not set your Luck to less than 4 if you're new since it will cause a high amount of critical failures, and if you set it to a high level (around 9 or 10), you will be able to lockpick and repair things you normally wouldn't be able to at your level of skill with enough repeated attempts.
(Also, later on, if you get to the level where you can use Sniper, 10 luck guarantees that you will always critically hit.)
Never underestimate the power of luck.
Luls, thanks, had luck at 1 for my new character. Back to the drawing board, I guess
@@enzoaugusto1577 If you take 1 luck and the "Jinxed" perk, you'll get some hilarious mishaps during combats. Definitely try it in one of your playthroughs! Real fun.
@@Salahdin89 sounds like hell, will definetly try
@@Salahdin89 Luck has no bearing on Jinxed, it just makes all your misses critical failures. It's surprisingly powerful on a meele character, since its hard to miss in hand to hand combat - so you dont suffer pretty much any consequences from Jinxed - and enemies still will shoot themselves, trip, break their hands and such. I have cleared a young deathclaw den at like level 4 with such build xd
I think jinxed is the most misunderstood and underutilized trait out there
I have finished recently Fallout1. My character had luck equal 1. The only issue I spot during the game play was lack of special encounters. No major issue with locpkicking, repairing, or stealing.
here's another tip
have okay luck, 50+ in the gambling skill, and, say, over 2000 caps - hit the roulette tables, just hold down 1 and 4 at the same time, and wait until you've earned 150k caps
not an exploit, by the way
That applies in Fallout 2 as well.
@666LaVey666 just using your luck and holding 1 and 4 is to save time. Its the point of luck
This is a game breaker for me
@@hadidy13 yup. If I did that, what's the point of the game?! Lol
Thank you.
I remember when I first played Fallout 1 it was such a pain in the ass, but after 4 hours I finally understood it.
well i remember, when i first played fallout ( in 1997 ), we had no internet at home. i had one friend that played the game as well and we exchanged knowledge, tips and tricks and what not else to get further into the game. IIRC it took us month to finish the game and if i recall correct, it wasnt even in 1997 when "we" finished it. man that was fun. i feel pity for you, really pity, because exploring something on your own is so much more fun then a quick google search with quick success. brave new world =b
your last sentence here, this is the true nature of fallout, the wasteland and every good rpg. you've been kicked out of your vault with no informations about the outside world, so you have to gather the information for yourself, whether by wandering around or by talking to others who might have a clue where to look for what you are looking for. brotherhood of steel council, for example, gives you the info to look for the mutant base in the north ( and since you start in the north and explore east to vault 15, where the map almost ends - there is only one north left, that one to the west ). the info for the master can be gathered in the boneyard from the children of the cathedral. players today just dont have the patience or the will to role play.
squillywilly You have the water chip? If you do you need to head back to Vault 13 and give it to the overseer, then you’ll start the next part of the game (the master)
go talk to the people, explore the wasteland. in dialog you can specifically ask for persons or locations ( there is button, where you can enter key words like "master" ). i really dont want to spoil you, so thats everything you'lll get from me with the hint: enjoy your exploration - even if you have to start the game over again (:
It took me two attempts, but it was only about 6-7 hours before I came to the realization that the game just wants me to keep my cool, in a world that's so obviously trying to kill me.
Hell, if you know what you're doing, you can complete the games main story in about 15-30 minutes. I've done it a few times now.
Fallout 1 and 2 appealed to my imagination in such an amazing way. It didn't rely on flashy graphics to tell a story, it just told a damn good story through on-screen text and let our brains do the rest. Oh, and I'm not blinded by nostalgia, I only first played it a couple of months ago.
The atmospheres of the two games have never been paralleled to this day. Not even Fallout: New Vegas, arguably the best Fallout, can be compared to them.
So far I'm conflicted. A part of me loves it for the exact reasons you mentioned, the other part of me is spending too much time worrying about if I'm imagining everything right....
My brains...?
*_,,Wham, bam, "oh god, my brains, you hit me in my brains." Easy as that."_*
(Driver Nephi cut dialogue, Fallout New Vegas)
Man, that shopkeeper's inventory one explains a lot.
I always thought people had the same shitty inventory full of the loot that I sold, but this has opened my eyes.
Thanks a lot man, this will make selling my junk a lot more pleasant.
You forgot to mention that the skill exploit goes in reverse when you learn from books. The less points you have in a skill, the more points a book will provide, so setting the Game Difficulty to hard when reading will get you more skill points from a book. Raise all of your skills to 91% on Hard, then switch it back to normal and they'll all be 101%.
Or just like, play on easy mode if you feel the need to exploit normal?
You must be one of those dumbasses who puts a 10 in EN because that's what you're supposed to do in FNV, huh?
Wow. 1997. Dot-Com companies, Daria, Frosted Tips... and the first Fallout.
And Justin Timberlake's ramen hair!
From what im getting from all these comments is, you have to be the perfect human specimen, be lucky, be charismatic, dont be an ass, have a lot of guns, etc
Really though 😅 The person who leaves the vault is the BEST they have to offer. Whether they’re the best at trading, combat, survival or just all-around skilled, they’re the ones who the overseer believes to have the best chances of success.
Just like in Real Life!
@@mikeshaver-miller745 Actually, the protagonist Vault Dweller drew the shortest straw.
Be john McClane
Tip 21: always choose bloody mess
It's definitely not Fallout, without Bloody Mess.
@@AvariceOverlord but it's not just happen finishers in bloody mess or w/o anyways?
If you kill an enemy with critical strike it does play an finisher I guess just like in a bloody mess?
Correct me if I am wrong
@@adamgiegiel9598 They are referring to the final confrontation with the Overseer.
@@Henry_the_Eighth_ so apparently he doesn't splat everytimes?
@@adamgiegiel9598 he definitely doesn't without a perk
A Note on #9. Your Pip-Boy alarm has the option to Rest Until Healed which can take several in game days depending on how injured you are. Resting will also allow injured party members to regain health as well. As a way to save time, and get a bit of XP I suggest using the First Aid and Doctor Skills in conjunction with resting. If you are not crippled then using the Doctor skill on yourself (or an uncrippled companion) can heal for more HP than the First Aid Skill. Both First Aid and Doctor can be used successfully 3 times in a 24 hour period and each success gets you 25 XP and 50XP respectively. Basically you keep using Doctor until 3 successes, after which it tells you that you're too tired to keep using the skill, then use First Aid until three successes and then rest until the use counter resets. The reset is 24 hours after your last successful use, so if you follow these steps you don't need to rest 24 hours after maxing out your First Aid attempts but rather only rest long enough so that its 24 hours after your last Doctor success.
Another tip on Inventory Management. Accessing your inventory during combat uses AP, however you can perform as many actions during that time as you wish. So for the cost of 4 action points (3 with the Quick Pockets perk) you can reload all guns, change weapons and armor and use any drugs or healing items you want. Just make sure you have done everything you need to do in your inventory before you exit back to combat.
Both these tips also apply to Fallout 2 and are actually more useful due to the lack of time limit and a better Quick Pockets perk.
Thanks man, fallout isn't as easy as the rest of em' 👍
Spectre Walkthroughs No it isn't, you don't have a time limit.
2 is definitely much harder than 1.
yeah, that time up thing almost made me quit because of the stress,but now I realise it's not that big of a deal,and I'll resume my game :)
Bro I played fallout 1 for the first time yesterday and I was murdered in cold blood by the roaches outside vault 13 cause idk what I was doing
@@anthonysoto4919 what's funny is these are rats not roaches
be sure to invest in energy weapons halfway so you have solid firepower in the endgame
you should make sure to get one armed skill above 110. even small guns work fine with the master, when you get the .223 pistol. and at that point in the game you shouldnt care about wasting stimpaks, of which you'll have tons anyway ( talking of the endgame ).
the most powerful weapon is a small gun
@@nizz0matic307 no, the most powerful weapon in the game is an energy weapon, that is the turbo plasma rifle
Alien Blaster
Followed this guide and I can guarantee you that it works, I only die 5 times every minute now!
In combat you don't have to equip healing items and use them that way, it burns action points. You can use as many of them as you like from within the inventory screen, which will only cost you the AP for opening the inventory.
twitch 'players' hahah
oh my God thank you so much
Gambling is so underrated. Makes money a trivial thing if you use it with a high enough luck. Caps for days!
I just got like 20k caps just with gambling at 40 and 7 luck
Fallout 1 to me was the creepiest of any that I've played. It made you have to visualize a lot of the game. Nowadays it's just shoot and scoot.
"Why stimulate any form of imagination, when you can just shoot somethings head off?" - Gaming in 2018
Love Fallout 1 and its eerie vibe, but this isn't really true. The 3D Fallouts do a lot with lighting and atmosphere; it's just a different type of medium at that point.
i played fallout 1 today for the first time in my life and even with old graphics it has this creepy atmosphere . i never felt this in fallout 4 . fallout 1 is really great game and still after 20+ years is enjoyable .
Especially scary are the enemies - the bigger they look, not always the stronger they are, like mole rats.
They look absolutely enormous for the stage they first appear, though they're really weak enemies.
And then there's some random fucker that can take multiple bursts of concentrated fire and crit you for 70 dmg. ouch.
It's not just about shoot , it' s about sneak and unramed or melee too.
If you like that different approuch like me.
Lock Dogmeat behind closed doors to keep him alive.
Always have one rope with you.
Snipe your enemies through the window while you can.
Grenades are great against groups of light armoured targets.
Try drastically different builds (especially in Fallout 2).
U can shoot through windows ?????
@@hue_jazz59 You can, but it's a little bit tricky since line of sight is calculated on a hex grid.
@@Eek_The_Cat I still can't beat the thugs at the hub lmao but thanks for that piece of info
@@hue_jazz59 Get leather (or even metal) armor and handful of grenades in addition to your normal weapons, and and then you can at least save scum your way out of Decker's underground.
@@Eek_The_Cat ooo yeah ive left and tried that fight twice . Just discovered I could go into the room behind me and the bathroom to the right
After about 3-4 hours of playing Fallout, I finally got the hang of all the different systems. This video certainly made my time easier!
New tip, never give companions (especially Ian) any burst weapons since they sometimes damage you by accident during their turns.
They always kill Dogmeat
You can say tô him tô be careful when using it. Just Access de "combat control" panel and go tô custom
A good tip is that war.... war never changes
I don’t need these tips because I stumbled upon the truck full of 10,000 caps immediately upon exiting Vault 13.
i only recently discovered that you can type a number when giving caps in barter menu. i used to hold that plus button for ages to get the desired amount of money, geez
Goofy tip: Increase your accuracy in the dark as a ranged character.
light up one of your flares in advance and put it into one of your weapon slots. Throw it at an opponent for one Action Point and watch your accuracy return to daylight-levels before you take your next shot.
It's also just really satisfying to throw a flare at an enemy dealing 1hp damage but then seeing them flinch like "did you really just throw a FLARE at me?"
I admit i didn't expect to learn anything new but i didn't realize that bartering would ignore companions carry weight. Always used steal since i realized they wouldn't just give things back. Good tips.
Just fyi, when you make a deal with The Hub water merchants, to supply Vault 13, it lengthens the time you have for finding the water-chip, but it will also mean that the super-mutants will be able to find the Vault (or sooner, don't remember which).
Did not know the part about the multiple merchant tables. Thanks. :P
I have been playing Fallout since 2000 and I never knew that you would get certain items based off of what skills you have tagged.
I remember when fallout came out, I was shit in it... BTW, the copy of the game I bought was in russian and I did not know russian at that time, but I non the less loved the game, so because I did not understand any of the dialog, or the context, my first games went like this - go somewhere, take something, if I can take it without being attacked - good, if not - I get killed. I once accidentally stumbled in BOS with vault suit and brass knuckles, save scummed allot and actually killed the 2 BOS guards. ( good thing they only had 3 shots each ). Oh I was disappointed when I could not loot their armor. I also remember the fun times when I wandered west and got "raped" by mutants.
Some time later I asked my grandfather to translate some of the dialog for me, so I actually completed the game and learned some context of the story. I remember when my grandfather laughed out loud when I asked him to translate my dialog with BOS council when reporting their Marpiosa militarry base situation. He found it hilarious when in the dialogue it was stated that mutants were green.
The funny part is, that for a long time I did not know how to reload a weapon and actually discarded or sold my empty weapons. ( stupid, I know )
Later, when I was a little bit older and actually got a copy of F1 and F2 in english I just played the hell out of it.
My tip is just play the game, don't read anything but these tips in the video ( they are basic, but very necessary and good ), try to complete it on your own the first times, it is more fun that way ! Later on you can read all the walkthroughs and try to do everything perfectly but first, just try it without help. :) Also, when you get bored, you can do the evil playthrough or ironman ! Ironman ir always fun ! My first evil playthrough was actually ironman, I got killed by bounty hunters with critical hit.
P.P.S. After completing normal installation, you might like fallout FIXT mod, that fixes allot of bugs and adds some cut content, fixes some text dialogues and more. And if you will like fallout 1 , you will like fallout 2, so that means you MUST , I mean that you ABSOLUTELY MUST !!! get fallout 2 restoration project mod by Killap ( praise be to Killap ! ) mod for playing fallout 2. It also adds cut content, fixes bugs , glitches, text dialogs and more !
My tip as a recent beginner (started last week)
Shoot. Take steps back. Don't end turn on your own.
Ending your turn manually put remaining AP as AC (armor class), which increase your dodging chance.
@@thecrazyjoe250 But you can walk away from a melee fitghing opponent (Scoropions, rats) and avoid damage completely
Another thing I like to do is open my inventory during combat (I tend to use the Quick Pocket perk to reduce the amount of AP needed), and heal myself here instead of via a stimpack in the quick item slot. Why? Because by right-clicking the stimpacks and other drugs in your inventory, you can use as many per turn as you need. Otherwise, it's 2 AP per stimpack.
Don't forget to patch on current hardware. I had to start over because of game changing bugs especially in Junktown.
I bought the steam version of the game. What does it lack?
I'm playing fallout right now and the timer has stressed me out to the point where im just gonna restart and do things more efficiently
Holy shit, I didn't know that clicking on the tables changed the shop inventory! Thanks man.
Burst firing with the 10mm smg is so good in early game.
You can also hit the "Ask About" buton and type peoples names locations ect that the character might know about and you can get some extra diolouge. Also listening to what they say and pick out keywords to ask them.
What do I do if I’ve pretty much hoarded all the caps in the wasteland so now I can’t sell anything cuz no one has caps anymore?
Joe King buy something?
Chris most of the good items aren’t bought, like the power armor, or all the great gear in the glow. The only thing I usually buy is ammo, and it’s never enough to trade the expensive stuff I have.
Buy ammo and meds
Just sell he stuffs for free.
merchants restock their caps every 2-4 ingame-weeks. and you have the possibility to sell for something else then caps, for example your gun or your brain - oh wait, that has obviously already been sold.
Any other vault dwellers who have never played FO1 but knows to respect their roots? This looks so well made
I finally learnt how to play this game and it’s amazing. The guide helped the basics but you really have to play the game to understand how it works. And in a way I like how there’s no pointers where to go to find the water chip since it feels more rewarding once you get it
That's great to hear! Also yeah, finding things/objectives in classics like this definitely feel more rewarding because there's not nearly as much handholding. That comes with its own downsides sometimes, but I think Fallout 1 is a contained enough story that it works just right!
@@CaedoGenesis agreed. I like it a lot more than other games in the series. New Vegas comes very close but fallout 1 just nails it with the dark and gruesome atmosphere. I also love all the voices and writing for the characters. I especially like lieutenant and the overseer
My tip is this: keep firing til it's dead
I remember my first playtrough. Not even an hour (in game) out of the vault I got ambushed by a group of raiders. One of them had a minigun. Figured that playthrough was cursed.
Those were Super Mutants. You went West, didn't you?
@@StarMarshal Oh I was certain these were man sized enemies. The funny thing is he never even attacked. The first guy shanked my kidneys and in one fell swoop I hit the desert dust.
@@nukethewolf7972 that's so weird. I can't recall Radiers even getting miniguns in 1. 2? Yeah, they can get some nasty stuff, but in 1 at most they get assault rifles. At least in my experience.
When using books, they only increase skill level to 93%. Turn difficulty to hard and you can read more. Then if you want to play on normal your skills will be really high. Also the librarian in the Hub never runs out of books.
It's awesome to see UpIsNotJump helping a smaller channel!
1. Remember was taking Mentats before reading books to get more EXP.
2. Farming exp in Boneyard by killing deathclaws without killing eggs in the nest so they are re spawned next day.
3. If you cannot open the door you can kick/punch/shoot/use explosive on it.
that's incredible, thank you Caedo!
this was the most thing I've found on RUclips thank you
What's the kotkey to instantly die? I'd like to save some Deathclaws the trouble of ripping me apart at level 2.
Alt-F4 😏
absolute great video! this helped me get into fallout 1 man without this video i would never come back to the game.
I always manage to get curb stomped at the beginning of fallout 1 and 2 cause I didn't understand the hud or controls thank man for the guide now I can truly enjoy the classics
I remember the first time I played fallout 1 I was crippled and I didn’t know how to heal it...I ran out of time because of it!! It’s such an atmospheric game
1. Make combat speed maximum.
2. Save constantly.
3. Use F1 to show menu of different hotkeys.
4. You can use the alarm feature in your pip boy to rest until healed. Doctors can also patch you up.
5. Right click your weapon to change fire mode.
Genuinely i have yet to play another game where you can literally talk shit to someone so much that they refuse to talk to you for the rest of your playthrough. 10/10
For me i got this game 2 years ago and still hyped to this cant wait for computer
This was immensely helpful
Here's the thing about the first 2 Fallouts. If you compare them to the other isometric RPG games of the time like Baldur's Gate or Planescape Tournament Fallout 1 and 2 have a fairly simple and easy to understand combat and gameplay system
Yeah people who say Fallout 1 or 2 are too complicated obviously didn't compare it to other RPGs at the time. It's actually very simple and intuitive.
I think it's fun and interesting to watch how RPGs and games with guns have evolved like we know it now as left and right shot. But I love seeing old games that's like "A to ATTACK!" "P for Pip-Boy".
Played the game through a few times, and I admit I never knew about the extra inventories that merchants have.
I didn't know about the merchant tables nice tip.
Thank you for time stamps! That deserves a like!
What about storage ?
I've been reading a couple of posts on some forums and they all say that all of the storage spaces are fine, the loot you place there won't go away and no one will take it. Is that true ?
Yep, all containers as far as I know will hold loot indefinitely, so long as you're not using the containers of the random encounters of course.
One of those advices is VERY wrong! The vault's location is secret, if you reveal it to the water merchant you severely reduce the time you have for the second part of the game! Because the bad guys learn about it too!
But the wiki says that it's in unpatched versions... maybe a patch made the game slightly easier?
same info for you, there is a hard-coded limit of 13 ingame years. even in 1.0 :o newb
Gargamel Le Noir is right, If you add time via the Water Merchants to the Water Chip quest, you remove it from the post Water Chip time-limit (which is a hidden timeline and can lead to an unavoidable Game Over if you don't save in several spots). One way or another, the bad guys win after x amount of days.
Ohhh snap. ._.
I sadly see this comment just after my only save is right after I sent them water, because I wanted to be a good hoomans
Nice refresher since fallout 1 was my first game
The Water Merchants can extend the time limit for finding the water chip by 100 days. However, it also lowers the Vault 13 invasion time limit by 100 days.
1. Nonviolent solutions often give more XP than violent ones.
2. You can shoot through windows.
3. Talk to everyone. Check every building. Especially named NPCs. It's easy to miss entire shops or quests.
4. Check the top edges of the top, bottom, left, and right of each map. A city or location might be bigger than you think.
4. Always have a rope.
5. If you enter combat, you can walk past NPCs who bust you for sneaking and stealing.
6. A is enter combat, Space is End Turn (and get bonus AC based on unused AP), Enter is End Combat. Get comfortable with abusing that.
7. Interrupting LOS can be huge when finagling enemy AI.
8. Use lots of save slots.
Good tips; hotkeys too! The invasion timer though for Vault 13 doesn't really exist unless you mod it back into the game or have an original disc. They patched that early on by increasing it to 13 years. Digital versions have this patch. So there's no downside to the water merchants, despite the dialogue.
@@CaedoGenesis just shows how long I've been playing FO1 I guess lol
i actually might have a chance to find that dam *WATERCHIP* !!!!
Never played this one but thank you for sharing video footage and tips nice to see a you tuber show some decent videos keep it up man
Always get agility to 9 if you can. Also, don't tag the skills that can be bought with books. I like having high luck and gambling, then you can win loads of money at the casino. I just rest heavy batteries on 1 and 4 and leave the room for a few hours!
My tip: Examine companions regularly, preferably after each battle. That way you know their health, and if they need patching up, which isn't immediately clear by just looking at them. The game also doesn't do a good job of telling you when a companion has gotten an injury, like a crippled leg. If they start running away from every fight like scared chickens, an injury is often the issue. You will find out if they have an injury if you examine them. And you can easily heal it by using even low Doctor skill, or just a doctor's bag, which you can often find in/steal from any doctor's office in the game.
here's a great mechanic to earn a lot of money (do note, you have to have some saved up before hand)
go to a casino (Gizmo's may be the only one, I don't remember) and when you're playing roulette, use something to put some pressure on your 1 and 4 keys - 4 should be the highest bet and 1 should be option 'play again' afterwards
leave your PC and come back half an hour later to hundreds of thousands of caps
This was actually super helpful. Thanks!
Here is more tips like this:
-reload the gun if its run out of ammo
-if you need a brake in your game just push “exit” in main menu
-hold > key to show NPCs who is real helecopta
Here comes the Super Stimpak Assassination!
Just finished 2 loved it more than i thought I was goong to going in.
I found out that one shouldn't stress out about any particular skill (other than luck, you can get only +1 [or +2, there is bug/exploit that let you get bonus two times] so you should pump it to 9), so Gifted + small frame isn't the only viable build. As for skills, you should put any points in skills you can learn from books - small guns, first air, repair, science and outdoors, at least if they are under 80 (that's the learning cap for books I think?). Even with time limit, you can read enough books in Hub library (and librarian lady restock them, so it's great way of dumping your excess gear, including very expensive late game guns like Miniguns, Bazookas, Lasers and Plasmas). Hell, I even managed to get ALL Brotherhood operations with few days to spare and no water caravans.
Also, consider Bloody Mess a "no trait", since it's purely visual and give you best ending IMHO (I assume as reward of having no extra benefit). Always pick it if you otherwise didn't want Trait. 10/10, would explode rats with groin punches.
thx 4 making these guides man, now i know how to play the game correctly :D
I'm already mostly done with my playthrough, I got the water chip, joined the BoS, and am getting very close to defeating the master, but this still helps a lot since I'm still a fat noob.
(I'm doing a pacifist run with high speech, science, 10 intelligence, 10 agility 10 charisma 8 luck but 1 for everything else. Shit's hard sometimes because killing creatures like deathclaws is impossible. I can't even shoot a gun and power armor is too heavy for me to wear. But I'll manage)
Did you ever pick up jinxed? I hear it makes a pacifist run really easy.
@@jackedup447 I don't think I have, but I guess I'll have to do that now. Thank you!
Edit about 10 seconds after typing this: Oh shite it's a trait, not a perk. Well damn. Guess I'll have to use it next time then.
1:26 literally just happened to me. I only use 1 slot for saving my progress and overwriting the old one, then I did something wrong in Junktown and I can't undo! T_T Lesson learned. Gonna start a new playthrough tonight lol...
Tkx man, this was actually really useful.
Lifesaver thanks caedo
Thank you for the tips I can finally play now!
Nice guide, thanks man!
My #1 tip? Suppress any loot whoring tendency you may have. There is not only a weight limit to what you can carry, there’s also an upper limit to the number of different items you can have in your inventory. Exceed that limit and things will start disappearing. You can even get burnt badly trading with your companions if you exceed the limit. I’m not even sure what that number is.
I once had to repeat hours of game play because I “lost” my combat shotgun, cattle prod and rad away simply because I had “saved often” for a long time before I had noticed it happened.
Thanks, the classics are free on epic, so I want to start the franchise with them
Im downloading the fallout classic bundle right now , it was like 5.99$ on steam for Fallout 1 , 2 and tactics I'm pretty excited to start em since I've played fallout 3 , new vegas and 4 a bit too much lol it'll be cool to get a fresh start on a fresh game . Hopefully it's not too hard tho Lbs .
Very informative video, ty for all the tips 😀
Thanks, I needed this.
Tip #21: Don't die. Let the eternal light of Vault-Boy guide you!
Bout to start fallout 1 after wanting to play it for ages wish me luck
I bet you got stuck with the Vault 15 because you did not know how to use a rope
Александр Потоцкий well no jackass i did not because I watched videos like this so I have an idea what I’m doing
My tip is to equip youeself with ufo laser gun and plasma rifle for the endgame. The UFO has higher damage, however when fighting mutants with minigun and with UFO gun out of range, plasma rifle comes in handy. It can be enhanced in Adytium.
Choose a screen resolution that makes the text easy to read, you'll be doing a lot of it.
Thank you for the helpful tips.
My first time playing Fallout: left Vault 13 went to Shady Sands picked up Ian and rope, cleared out Vault 15, then went to Junktown talk to Killian how gave me the location of Necropolis (I also kinda got lost here) convinced a Super Mutant I was Ghoul went down and got the water chip, but stupid me forgot the repair the water pump and returned back to the overseer, all in the span of an hour and a half-ish
After playing it myself, the biggest suggestion that I can think of for Fallout 3/NV/4 players is don't invest heavily in small guns. The "Top tier" guns in that category don't compare to a rocket launcher or a minigun or energy weapons. The section to reach the master was pain for my small guns only character.
These old school games are sooo interesting
I really want to play this game some day, do you think it can run smoothly on a Macbook Pro?
The only few of these I never use is the tools to increase the skills and decreasing the difficulty to increase the skills and also saving up the skill points
Good guide!
awesome video!!
still such a beautiful game, I think I wanna revisit. Again. lol
i have a big problem with the Aimed Shots, every time i press the N... nobody happens, only change between Burst and Unique Shot, but i can enter in Aimed Shot.
Did you take the Fast Shot trait?
@@CaedoGenesis Yes... shit XD, thanks dude.
Albert Cole is good at gambling. You can become rich gambling in the Maltese Falcon by saving and loading winnings on the roulette table. Unlike New Vegas, there are no max lockout earnings so go nuts.