Trump officials recount what happened at White House on election night

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • In recorded testimony released by the House January 6 committee, Trump administration officials, including Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and former campaign manager Bill Stepien recount how election night unfolded at the White House. #CNN #News

Комментарии • 4,1 тыс.

  • @jay4you853
    @jay4you853 2 года назад +262

    Given the damming hearings if Trump is not indicted, the entire justice system needs to shut down, it will have lost ALL credibility!!

    • @sunsetpalms1923
      @sunsetpalms1923 2 года назад +17

      Remember: trump will never spend a day in prison because America has a two-tiered Justice System

    • @hannesrensen9319
      @hannesrensen9319 2 года назад +1

      But havent he been that twice? Denmark

    • @jimj.6412
      @jimj.6412 2 года назад

      After the democrat BS Russia and Ukraine, it already has lost ALL credibility!!

    • @whos2knw
      @whos2knw 2 года назад +12

      This is for the peoples full disclosure. If not no doubt republicas would start to say the committee didn't release the information because nothing was found.
      We still have this November and 2024 to keep all these people out. We can't lose sight of that.

    • @ibmtpx24
      @ibmtpx24 2 года назад +1

      @@whos2knw sadly lots of people still refuse that they have been cheated and scammd by Trump and his gaslighting effort.

  • @Nofashists
    @Nofashists 2 года назад +140

    Feds should be in Florida, arresting the whole crime family

    • @spillledcarryout
      @spillledcarryout 2 года назад

      Trust the process. At this rate DOJ will look corrupt with the Mt Everest of evidence if they do not act fully to indict. They do not want to a look.

    • @jamessmith-wm2qe
      @jamessmith-wm2qe 2 года назад +1

      The bidens are in Florida, we all know the bidens and Clinton's crime family make Al Capone look like Ned and the first reader.

    • @alex35agm
      @alex35agm 2 года назад +9

      Which one,Trump's or DeSantis'.

    • @joenarbaiz1640
      @joenarbaiz1640 2 года назад +14

      @@alex35agm Both!

    • @tonynogueira8900
      @tonynogueira8900 2 года назад +1

      Maybe the White House.

  • @ga6589
    @ga6589 2 года назад +429

    I remember Watergate well and these hearings make that ordeal look like a Sunday school picnic by comparison. At lease Nixon had the balls to resign.

    • @markogle5364
      @markogle5364 2 года назад +2

      That's back when we had 2 party committees. I like this better. From now on we should only have one party committees and investigations. One party states are more efficient.

    • @freddiecat7241
      @freddiecat7241 2 года назад

      @@markogle5364 COMMIE

    • @dr.g3860
      @dr.g3860 2 года назад +53

      I wouldn’t give Nixon the credit. The Republicans in congress came to Nixon and told him they would no longer support him and that he would be convicted in the senate if he remained in office. That was an era when the Republican Party still had some integrity.

    • @bsegovia23
      @bsegovia23 2 года назад +26

      @@markogle5364 there are two Republicans on this committee and there was a chance for more. Republicans just a didn’t want to join

    • @joenarbaiz1640
      @joenarbaiz1640 2 года назад +18

      @@bsegovia23 That is true. Republicans withdrew all their nominees when some of their potential nominees were rejected. It was all or nothing to them. They had their chance.

  • @santarosa6676
    @santarosa6676 2 года назад +19

    Jared’s permanent smirk makes him look even more guilty.

    • @wandasmith9180
      @wandasmith9180 2 года назад

      Ivanka and her husband made millions for themselves while in the White appears Trump and his children benefited greatly for themselves using the office of the White House.

    • @argo_0030
      @argo_0030 2 года назад

      He's devoid of morality so he fits in good with the Trumps.

  • @Spectrefox1313
    @Spectrefox1313 2 года назад +382

    These clowns knew he lost and still continued lying. Hold these liars accountable.

    • @terrymartin3272
      @terrymartin3272 2 года назад

      Stone them

    • @gailhitson6722
      @gailhitson6722 2 года назад

      True, but it's not the lies or differences of opinion or point of views, it's the actions taken on January 6th at the Capitol Building that establishes this as a violent insurrection led by our then American President #45 - Donald Trump.

    • @vincenthood7910
      @vincenthood7910 2 года назад +14

      I agree!

    • @CaminoAir
      @CaminoAir 2 года назад +6

      The reporting has been consistent for some time now (at least most of a year) that it was Giuliani who fed Trump exactly what he wanted to hear. Trump didn't accept what he was being told by others. Giuliani was the one who advised Trump to make a declaration that he had won that night. There were a small number of 'toadies' who just kept telling Trump exactly what Trump wanted to believe. This doesn't excuse Trump at all btw. None of what is in this video is a surprise, nor is it previously unknown. It's just that too many people still aren't up to speed on what has already been disclosed.

    • @dr.floridamanphd
      @dr.floridamanphd 2 года назад +1

      The first amendment disagrees with you. They didn’t commit perjury or lie to investigators. Their lies are protected as free speech.

  • @spillledcarryout
    @spillledcarryout 2 года назад +725

    A traitor’s pardons should not be allowed to stand valid.

    • @yaaghobrahmani4928
      @yaaghobrahmani4928 2 года назад

      Know the honorable people of America, Europe and the world, and be aware that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, the greedy and treacherous Jubaiden, and the leaders of the corrupt Democrats Jane and Russia, with the help of European leaders, have transformed America from the world's superpower to the world's ugliest. With the support of the treacherous Democrats, the spies and swindlers of China and Russia sell so much oil dollars and bribes to China and Russia from China and Russia, like Ukraine, because of the corruption of the ruthless Jubaiden and the treacherous Democrats, the spies and Hunter Biden were exposed in Ukraine. To sell Ukraine and Kazakhstan and most European countries to Russia and China and Russia and Putin Terrorist Terrorist Greetings to President Donald Trump glorifies the most zealous president in the history of America and America Long live Donald Trump zealously stigma and death and shame Beware of turning the most ruthless president in American and American history from a world superpower to the world's most ruthless country with the support of treacherous spying Democrats Let's go brandon joe Biden and TRORISTs Democrat

    • @TheQueenRulesAll
      @TheQueenRulesAll 2 года назад +24

      Good point. I also wonder about the rumors of paying t for them; doubt that's legal.

    • @tomarmstrong1281
      @tomarmstrong1281 2 года назад +13


    • @TJtoho
      @TJtoho 2 года назад +34

      No wonder now why Bannon was flipping out over AG Garland yesterday 🤣

    • @ClownBiden
      @ClownBiden 2 года назад

      Democratic’s the trash of society

  • @marclewis1199
    @marclewis1199 2 года назад +268

    I think they should bring all those people that signed a sworn affidavit saying they witnessed some pretty fraudulent actions during the election, And throw them all in jail for lying.

    • @M.J.212
      @M.J.212 2 года назад

      Brainwashed people believe all sorts of 🐂💩. Another reason why eye whitness accounts can often be unreliable at best. The mind is a very powerful thing it can make you believe you seen things that may infact not even happen.

    • @bryanhemphill6596
      @bryanhemphill6596 2 года назад

      I am amazed you think you can obviously have no investigative skills.or you would have a better idea trump won.told Nothing but the truth. And was trying to stop the commie invasion invading our country. Clause swab, bill gates , ect .look into the economic forum. And see thier agenda .or stay stupid and be used and owned by the rulling bet that won't go well.

    • @doreencloutier1066
      @doreencloutier1066 2 года назад +12

      Bill Barr covered that truck driver in Penn saying it was an honest mistake and we already jailed 2 of them. Remember that guy in Nevada who claimed his dead wife's ballot had been submitted illegally and it turned out that he was the one submitted it. There was also another guy in Penn who did the same thing.

    • @Thomas_Paine2U_fascinista
      @Thomas_Paine2U_fascinista 2 года назад +1

      To be fair, most of them simply didn't know what they were looking at and saw what they wanted to see. They might actually believe a giant Easter Bunny knocked them out with a case of the vapors and changed 11,780 paper ballots in Georgia that ALL had the fingerprints or DNA of the voter on them

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 2 года назад

      Guys, HERE is Our Savior
      HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH”
      YaH is The Heavenly Father
      YaH arrives via the TENT OF MEETING
      YaH was Who they Crucified for our sins
      - Hebrew Book of Isaiah
      Isaiah 42:8
      "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.
      Isaiah 43:11
      I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me.
      Isaiah 45:5
      I am YaH, and there is none else.

  • @rocknral
    @rocknral 2 года назад +12

    Not just Rudy drunk, they were all drunk for 4 years on power.

  • @davidleo9612
    @davidleo9612 2 года назад +136

    These people are why I will never vote Republican.

    • @allthingsparanormal4109
      @allthingsparanormal4109 2 года назад

      The economy was SOO much better under Trumps 4 years than Bidens first 2 years, we are doing worse now with the democrats, we were doing better with the republicans in charge, you must be completely brainwashed

    • @asianphillippe007
      @asianphillippe007 2 года назад +12

      I never vote for REPUBLICONS in my lifetime since I came to America in 1980 and became US citizen. Bill Clinton was the last Democratic President I voted for. I couldn't vote for Jimmy Carter because I'm not an US citizen yet, I was still a US permanent resident at that time. I started learning about American history when my former teacher taught me about it at her home in Sandy, Oregon during Christmas night. It was an learning experience for me.
      I voted for Al Gore, but his election was a robbery because George "Weasel" Bush didn't win free, fair and square. I voted for Barack Obama. And then, I voted for Hilliary Clinton, it was a similar robbery comparing to Al Gore. Fraudumpty didn't win free, fair and square because there was an interference from Russia.

    • @genericuser2339
      @genericuser2339 2 года назад +17

      I honestly cannot understand how anyone CAN vote for them

    • @FoxSullivan
      @FoxSullivan 2 года назад +8

      Honestly, if anything, this election year to me is the perfect scenario to end this damn 2 party system we got here in the US. Let conservatives split away from wacko republicans, and let progressives and liberals break away from the spineless party the dems have become.
      Monopolies have always stopped progress; plurality is always the best. I swear I still cannot believe we still have a single 2 party system like in a damn dictatorship here.

    • @passiveaggressive6175
      @passiveaggressive6175 2 года назад +14

      It’s against my soul to vote Republican

  • @passiveaggressive6175
    @passiveaggressive6175 2 года назад +238

    Committee to Guiliani: did you speak to the president on election night?
    Guiliani: I dunno, I was too drunk to remember 😂😂😂😂

    • @vonnblacker2404
      @vonnblacker2404 2 года назад +1


    • @vonnblacker2404
      @vonnblacker2404 2 года назад +6

      This is "America's Mayor Rudy Giuliani! MAGA!!?

    • @soniajulie6465
      @soniajulie6465 2 года назад

      SNOOOOZER - What's up with H UNTER"s LAP TOP and his PORN FLICKS with good ol' Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton joining in the party ??? That's the REAL NEWS !!! THAT"S the key to open Pandora's Box and DRAIN THE SWAMP !!!!!

    • @driver2909
      @driver2909 2 года назад +3

      Rudy Drunkliani

    • @poolshooter1229
      @poolshooter1229 2 года назад +1

      @@vonnblacker2404 THAT guy has been missing for ten years...

  • @ashleyquintanar727
    @ashleyquintanar727 2 года назад +89

    Can we talk about why he was silent on Twitter while a group of people invaded The Capital?

    • @heathw4739
      @heathw4739 2 года назад +20

      Trump only tweeted to complain. While the capital riots were happening, he had nothing to complain about. Hence, no tweets.

    • @DennepeerRelaxation
      @DennepeerRelaxation 2 года назад +20

      he wasn't silent.
      he fired off a few tweets egging them on.

    • @CorryGal
      @CorryGal 2 года назад +1

      Twitter wouldn't let him tweet.

    • @SwiftJustice
      @SwiftJustice 2 года назад +1

      The lynchmob was reading his tweets on a megaphone in real time. And it was nothing but encouragement and naked treason.

    • @DennepeerRelaxation
      @DennepeerRelaxation 2 года назад +19

      @@CorryGal he tweeted to encourage them duribg the riots. He wasn't being silenced by twitter yet. That happened a few days later.

  • @lawrenceiverson1924
    @lawrenceiverson1924 2 года назад +4

    The question was not "do you remember rudy giulliani being there? " but "Does Rudy remember being there ? "

    • @mohamedtrevino8709
      @mohamedtrevino8709 2 года назад

      1 Lawrence Iverson Fuk what you saying it here 😠видео.html
      Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
      5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
      Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
      los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer

  • @SwiftJustice
    @SwiftJustice 2 года назад +158

    Shout out to the 81 million Patriots who held the line against 74 million pinheads.

    • @St.Linguini_of_Pesto
      @St.Linguini_of_Pesto 2 года назад +2

      Hey, np.

    • @lescobrandon8045
      @lescobrandon8045 2 года назад +1

      You won't be thanking your fellow gaybirds come November.

    • @alexanderiel6950
      @alexanderiel6950 2 года назад +24

      @@lescobrandon8045 you need to go play in traffic.

    • @realamerican5969
      @realamerican5969 2 года назад

      @@lescobrandon8045 What kind of a comment is THAT, dear? Are you a bigot? Because you sound like a bigot.

    • @mayet4702
      @mayet4702 2 года назад +17

      @@lescobrandon8045 more threats? At some point even you know your bucket has no water. Watching you and your kind try and unpretzel is adorable. If he wins will you still be a d-bag? I'm guessing, yeah 👍

  • @OtayBuckwheat
    @OtayBuckwheat 2 года назад +272

    The Election Defense Fund was like Trump University a total scam, and if you sent money to him you were conned and ripped off. 🤣

    • @bigbaddaddy3634
      @bigbaddaddy3634 2 года назад

      If you voted for Biden you have been conned and ripped off.

    • @thetweatles8176
      @thetweatles8176 2 года назад +1

      Let's not forget Democrats support abortion TRANS-KIDS BLM & LGBTQ

    • @charlesasmith7836
      @charlesasmith7836 2 года назад +20

      indeed the grifting connan 😄

    • @rustzz8
      @rustzz8 2 года назад +49

      He knows his supports are stupid so he preys on them it'll never change.

    • @jayb2491
      @jayb2491 2 года назад +36

      And they ain't getting one red cent back. Got played 👎 ▶️

  • @jayb2491
    @jayb2491 2 года назад +125

    All these folks are dishonorable. They have no honor in the constitution or the USA. A whole lot of "I don't know, I don't recall" bull$it. Dishonorable!

    • @jorgegonzalez-larramendi5491
      @jorgegonzalez-larramendi5491 2 года назад +1

      trollski you have no concept of honor nor Truth

    • @dlbark
      @dlbark 2 года назад

      No one of these people testified “l don’t know or recall”. So who’s the dishonorable people you’re talking about, Trump, Fox News, OAN, M. Taylor-Greene…. whose not sworn in under this investigation?

    • @KandeeKush
      @KandeeKush 2 года назад

      they dont wanna go to jail. They care little about honor. These people will trample over anyone to become richer and more influential if given the chance. They belong in a facility.

    • @thorax9997
      @thorax9997 2 года назад

      geee that has been ever leftoid during all the hearings aswell

  • @juventusventuno9213
    @juventusventuno9213 2 года назад +3

    as a vet I can't stomach to watch those crazies swarming over the Capitol. Makes me nauseous with rage. Never forget because they will do it again and again.

  • @muswahilia4944
    @muswahilia4944 2 года назад +274

    If AG Barr thought Trump was detached from reality, strange that he would still vote for him in 2024!!

  • @tropifiori
    @tropifiori 2 года назад +337

    Who shows up drunk to the Whitehouse? Who let’s a drunk person give advice to the President and his advisors?

    • @hannesrensen9319
      @hannesrensen9319 2 года назад +7

      Pelosi? Denmark

    • @birdy1numnum
      @birdy1numnum 2 года назад +51

      *Ghouliani and the Orange Draft Dodger Bunker Boy Trump. That's who.*

    • @Thomas_Paine2U_fascinista
      @Thomas_Paine2U_fascinista 2 года назад

      Cocaino is a gateway drug after all... if you are okay with your son coming in blasted to the moon on white powder, what harm in a little drinky-poo for the imminent pants-tucking-inning lawyer?

    • @hannesrensen9319
      @hannesrensen9319 2 года назад

      @@birdy1numnum what did he do wrong. He had been impeached 2 time . And there was nothing. He did not start wars. He made the wall. So refegue had to to the Main door to keep trafikkens and drugdealers. Kartels out. He did not make inflation . Or Strange deals with Chima . And burisma in Ukraine. He build Up the militæry. Did not give IT to the endnu. He did not leave Americans behind. And he fougt for free speach. For that i Will always be thankfull to him . He made a Lot of peace in middeleast. And tolk away the atomic deal with Iran . Grandma denmark

    • @jamiemiller7316
      @jamiemiller7316 2 года назад +28

      The answer to that question is TRUMP! This is a perfect example of how inept Trump's administration was the whole time he was president. Disgusting.

  • @lonpearson2134
    @lonpearson2134 2 года назад +503

    Thank you for the coverage of this historic event.
    This struggle that our country faces, will hopefully result in accountability for the criminals.

    • @pedronoa1973
      @pedronoa1973 2 года назад +23

      It must

    • @mekrobar7872
      @mekrobar7872 2 года назад

      Yes, thank you for investigating another fake crime while you guys allow the country to free fall. Yes democrats. Thank you.

    • @surlypiratewench1969
      @surlypiratewench1969 2 года назад +9


    • @bryanhemphill6596
      @bryanhemphill6596 2 года назад

      Agree my the criminals be convicted and prosecuted to the fullest. Biden crime family. Clinton crime family and pedafile connected org.ect ect ect.

    • @thelakeman5207
      @thelakeman5207 2 года назад +24

      ...and show that America will not tolerate hate groups anymore.

  • @Ded-Ede
    @Ded-Ede 2 года назад +7

    These people should have been locked up even before the insurrection. Lock them up. Lock them up!

  • @gdewyg
    @gdewyg 2 года назад +167

    Bravery of those who come out publicly Condemning Trump is appreciated

    • @rw9573
      @rw9573 2 года назад +3

      Its not bravery......its cover-up.

    • @steveb796
      @steveb796 2 года назад +1

      Its duty.

    • @rw9573
      @rw9573 2 года назад

      @@steveb796 duty to investigate an election with all the irregularities this one had too. The very reason for all this in the first place.

    • @mhall801
      @mhall801 2 года назад

      It’s a democrat hoax.

    • @klava892
      @klava892 2 года назад +2

      @@rw9573 No, it's truly patriotic.

  • @Chezilla
    @Chezilla 2 года назад +73

    When you put a bunch of sharks in a shark tank and stop feeding them, they start to eat each other.

    • @hoodatheist5549
      @hoodatheist5549 2 года назад

      @Jesus he means when you have a bunch of White people.

    • @teresabates1498
      @teresabates1498 2 года назад +1

      They always do.

    • @godsu
      @godsu 2 года назад

      They're are no sharks more like rats, filthy fucking rats

  • @DavidJ222
    @DavidJ222 2 года назад +484

    Trump: "But if you only count the votes that were for me, I won by a landslide." 🤣

    • @Lazy_Sundae
      @Lazy_Sundae 2 года назад +29


    • @xiaoka
      @xiaoka 2 года назад +84

      The Trump University math degree is bigly amazing.

    • @auraterry3548
      @auraterry3548 2 года назад +22


    • @Lazy_Sundae
      @Lazy_Sundae 2 года назад +54

      @@xiaoka But credit where it's due - he can identify an elephant from a picture!

    • @earlinesims8222
      @earlinesims8222 2 года назад +23

      I'm dead 🤣😂 code blue 😂😂😂

  • @jsmcguireIII
    @jsmcguireIII 2 года назад +2

    Kushner's father is a convict and so will his father-in-law. Such charming people!

    • @sunshine22723
      @sunshine22723 2 года назад

      Hunter Buden is under investigation still by DOJ. Recently its been disclosed Hunter is one of Biden's top advisors. Have you've heard of Burisma and the fact that one i2f Hunter's partner is a convicted criminal Devon Archer. Such charming people, right!

  • @Arctic_Dude
    @Arctic_Dude 2 года назад +206

    The most shocking revelation: Rudy had too much to drink 🍸

    • @paulboger7377
      @paulboger7377 2 года назад +4

      Probably not enough!!

    • @lordvadertheleftie9703
      @lordvadertheleftie9703 2 года назад +18

      That's how he ended up booking the wrong Four Seasons

    • @devcarter1654
      @devcarter1654 2 года назад +6

      Arctic Dude,

    • @earlinesims8222
      @earlinesims8222 2 года назад +4

      @@lordvadertheleftie9703 😂😂😂 OMG I can't the comments 😂😂😂

    • @djpadronhtown
      @djpadronhtown 2 года назад +9

      Nope, the most shocking was that during the interview he was not farting🤣😅😂😅🤣😂🤣😅

  • @abbibi6450
    @abbibi6450 2 года назад +100

    People bullied me when I told them Trump was a dictator in 2016.Now I stand here to say ,"I told you so".

    • @davidmaples4390
      @davidmaples4390 2 года назад +3

      I told my niece thank you for voting my granddaughters right away. I have not talked to her since. She voted for her white husband and screwed women.

    • @pattysmet8285
      @pattysmet8285 2 года назад +2

      And Trump would pocket his supporters donations, and he did !!

    • @sunshine22723
      @sunshine22723 2 года назад

      They're suppressing video that shows Trump told his supporters to patriotically and peacefully march to the capitol

    • @treadstone1970
      @treadstone1970 2 года назад +1

      @@pattysmet8285 the trick of the scam artist.

    • @bidalim
      @bidalim 2 года назад

      Go to the old posts and say hi to them 🙂

  • @cachecow
    @cachecow 2 года назад +31

    Why is deadbeat dad jason miller wearing a mask in a room by himself?
    I'm always amused when these guys decide to wear a mask, obviously he's hiding behind it

    • @CorryGal
      @CorryGal 2 года назад

      Jason has an autoimmune disease so he needs to be very careful.

    • @simoncullum5019
      @simoncullum5019 2 года назад +5

      None of them wore one during the height of the pandemic

    • @cachecow
      @cachecow 2 года назад +3

      Now you're just making $hit up
      Are these your own facts ... or is that your opinion trumpette
      Send me the proof please

  • @TheRumblewagon
    @TheRumblewagon 2 года назад +17

    Stunned that so many of these people agreed to testify, but I commend them for doing their patriotic duty in providing their account.

    • @jiminlovesux
      @jiminlovesux 2 года назад +11

      they didnt AGREE to testify shit, they were FORCED to lmaooo subpoena if they refused they would be throw in jail... dont be silly

    • @kazayanraawban2089
      @kazayanraawban2089 2 года назад

      Seems if they were truly interested in doing their patriotic duty some of them would’ve stepped up before people died over a ridiculous lie.

  • @finbarrmcgrath1686
    @finbarrmcgrath1686 2 года назад +240

    Can’t we just give the titles of all these folks are “Former Human Beings”

    • @222lightatoms3
      @222lightatoms3 2 года назад

      Finnbarr aren't you a planned parenthood lover?

    • @hoodatheist5549
      @hoodatheist5549 2 года назад

      you mean White folks.

    • @kariu914
      @kariu914 2 года назад


    • @audreykennedy8891
      @audreykennedy8891 2 года назад +7

      were they ever??

    • @socillizt4life
      @socillizt4life 2 года назад

      Make that “former FREE human beings” because the top dogs of that fraudulent team need to be in prison for the rest of their days.Any “working class,Joe Bloggs” type “CULT leader” who were to incite the actions of January 6th would never be free ever again,after inciting the 1st ever hostile takeover/attempted COUP against Americas very democracy,since its inception.-FACT!

  • @michaels7258
    @michaels7258 2 года назад +89

    Bill Barr had some choice words for Trumps bogus election fraud claims. 😂🤣

    • @stockontruthchannel2631
      @stockontruthchannel2631 2 года назад +1

      Let's be Honest We knew itвидео.html

    • @kineahora8736
      @kineahora8736 2 года назад

      @@CorryGal idiot. Everyone needs to be “loyal” to the constitution-not demagogues and Hitler-type like Trump.
      Please emigrate to Russia whose government is more aligned with your attitude

    • @frankd9945
      @frankd9945 2 года назад +8

      The things that pisses me off is everybody who testified should have said the same things on Fox News the day after the election

    • @b.t.2795
      @b.t.2795 2 года назад +4

      Psychiatric therapy is tax deductible in America.
      What about in your country? 😜

    • @johnsmithe4656
      @johnsmithe4656 2 года назад +3

      @@CorryGal Reported for promoting terrorism.

  • @gailhitson6722
    @gailhitson6722 2 года назад +125

    Thank you Liz Cheney and the January 6th Committee, for all that you have done and are doing in order to preserve our Union and the U.S. Constitution. It matters greatly, and is the single most important battle that this nation has fought since 1776.

    • @MetalMama-zb4wg
      @MetalMama-zb4wg 2 года назад +6

      Agreed! So true!

    • @molliethomas2585
      @molliethomas2585 2 года назад +5


    • @yolowell9564
      @yolowell9564 2 года назад +1


    • @edwardl.990
      @edwardl.990 2 года назад

      Imagine the REAL liars, the ones who told US about "Russian collusion" for 4 years, now want you to believe there was an "insurrection" on Jan. 6th! No weapons were used, not one firearm, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot by a capital police officer ! And the sheep glued to their TVs, watching MSNBC, believe it all. Mean while, dementia Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating of any POTUS in history and is ruining this country in 2 short years and even dimwit AOC can see it!! :) :)

    • @cjrrob7336
      @cjrrob7336 2 года назад +1

      100% true!

  • @sheryloldham505
    @sheryloldham505 2 года назад +4

    What about all of trump s advisors, lawyers, his bloated atty general.. ALL of those close to him who said nothing, thought only of their careers, no loyalty to the country or constitution… some even wrote a book! Those folks bear considerable responsibility for the state of things… there should be consequences!

  • @DRKrust492
    @DRKrust492 2 года назад +33

    I can see it now. 'The MAGA Documentary: Detached from Reality.'

  • @stephenhatt742
    @stephenhatt742 2 года назад +65

    IF these hearings don't open people's eye's I don't know what the hell will .... no one could make this shit up , seriously no one !!
    Zoe , Canada

    • @CorryGal
      @CorryGal 2 года назад

      What about your corrupt leader named Trudeau?

    • @wokechoke6845
      @wokechoke6845 2 года назад

      You know what people can't make up, a Country that is imposing a Board to Oversee the Internet and a National ID for Security............shades of 1930's Germany..............Go Canada!

    • @lesliecurran1704
      @lesliecurran1704 2 года назад +17

      There are people so deep down the rabbit hole that they literally do not believe what is right in front of their eyes. My mom is one of them. It's absolutely infuriating.

    • @pedronoa1973
      @pedronoa1973 2 года назад +8

      @@lesliecurran1704 and frightening

    • @lastalive7403
      @lastalive7403 2 года назад +11

      The people who need to see these hearings are watching Fox, OAN, or News Max instead. Or worse.

  • @markmierzejewski9534
    @markmierzejewski9534 2 года назад +98

    For the life of me I will never understand how people thought a reality TV " Star ", Who willingly paints himself Orange mind you. With 6 bankruptcies and zero understanding of the geo political world we live in would some how make the United States better by electing him.
    Never underestimate the power of stupidity I suppose.

  • @avenida1340
    @avenida1340 2 года назад +2

    when Ivankas husband answers , we were sort of on the first floor, instead of saying we were on the first floor. is indication that he made that up when he said it

  • @manfredbartels4124
    @manfredbartels4124 2 года назад +110

    Giuliani's defence: " I don't remember I was drunk!"

    • @jerseythedog
      @jerseythedog 2 года назад

      When you get blackout drunk, that’s a plausible defense.

    • @carolynyablon8525
      @carolynyablon8525 2 года назад


    • @tonipolkki4728
      @tonipolkki4728 2 года назад +2

      @@jerseythedog most of days of Rudy, I guess

    • @Whatisthisstupidfinghandle
      @Whatisthisstupidfinghandle 2 года назад +1

      Guiliani’s other defence. I thought I was acting in a Borat movie !

    • @M.J.212
      @M.J.212 2 года назад

      @@Whatisthisstupidfinghandle That's his que to start fumbling in the front of his pants 🤫

  • @elainealbert6124
    @elainealbert6124 2 года назад +81

    This stuff is unbelievable!! We the people would of never known this horror without the j6committee. Unbelievable!! We the people demand harsh prison terms!! Omg!!

    • @hannesrensen9319
      @hannesrensen9319 2 года назад

      Yes IT is unbelily. Justice for Ashley babbit. And the others woman the guard beat to dead. For the prisoner. Who havent been convited yet. Why is Pelosi Rold not Up. Forst she avoid trumps offer in more protektion. Then she put a jury together with only demokrats and Rino. Why was Jim Jordan avoided and many more. What was FBI Rold. Why was they dresses like Trump supporters . Who opend the door from insider? Why did the guards wawe people in. Grandma denmark

    • @arfboucher3855
      @arfboucher3855 2 года назад +1

      Pelosi is responsible for January 6 not Trump, she had the police wave the protesters in , video footage proves it .

    • @tammybrothers4593
      @tammybrothers4593 2 года назад

      Agree 100%! And thank God for the January 6th Committee hearing. and we're going to be hearing a lot more things that happened on election day leading up to January 6th. I couldn't believe how much money these trumpsters gave Trump after the election was over with. there sure are a bunch of dumb-ass trumpsters that's for sure.

    • @freddiecat7241
      @freddiecat7241 2 года назад

      That's because your lazy and uninformed. OMG Do a little research...extend yourself a tiny bit with an open mind. Stop believing everything you see on the Tell-a-vision, it's PROPAGANDA.

    • @hannesrensen9319
      @hannesrensen9319 2 года назад

      The comity is bs. And the question who should be asked will never be asked by Pelosi friends. Why did she refusee trumps offer about protection on the White hause.
      Why dont we hear about the Lady the guardian beat to dead. Who was all those guardian who wawwed people inside. Why was fbi dressed like trumpfan . Who opend the Doors from behind. Was any of those who are in jail and not even convicted jet. Weaving Guns. Where aashley Weaving aa gun. Why did jim Jordan not sit in the commity. Or other real republ7cian. Its only rino

  • @pbrn1729
    @pbrn1729 2 года назад +26

    Why is Jason Miller wearing an N95 mask when he is a room almost alone when he refused to ever wear one in public???

    • @bokani79
      @bokani79 2 года назад

      He has been advocating against Faux news viewers and general public to watch the public hearings because he knew they would disown him for having been interviewed

    • @harryleonard746
      @harryleonard746 2 года назад +6

      The remainder of his chin fell off

    • @e-spy
      @e-spy 2 года назад +5

      harder to tell if he is lying. He probably thought they would ask about his role in all of this.

    • @AnthonyJohnson-hl1ru
      @AnthonyJohnson-hl1ru 2 года назад +2


  • @moand7862
    @moand7862 2 года назад +2

    I love how ivanka manages to have the filter on.

  • @joysimpson7503
    @joysimpson7503 2 года назад +217

    😂😂😂😂😂😂”We were getting ready to win this election- frankly we did win this election”.... Does that even make sense ???

    • @CorryGal
      @CorryGal 2 года назад

      Polls showed that President Trump won the election.

    • @joysimpson7503
      @joysimpson7503 2 года назад +6

      @@CorryGal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @yondalejones2606
      @yondalejones2606 2 года назад +31

      Trump knew he had lost. He said we’re getting ready to win then caught himself 😂

    • @M.J.212
      @M.J.212 2 года назад +22

      About as much sense as his recent comment about the founding fathers ensured our nations energy independence. It just wasn't clear what energy he was referring to whale blubber, candles, fire wood or jet fuel.

    • @lynnecarriemurphy3448
      @lynnecarriemurphy3448 2 года назад +7

      @@M.J.212 Bwahahahaha😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😅WHEW! Now that is just too funny, and concerning, because it's not sarcasm, it's real. DAMN!

  • @amycaitlyn1120
    @amycaitlyn1120 2 года назад +257

    Liz Cheney: On election night, Trump followed the advice of "an apparently inebriated Rudy Guiliani"
    I'm dead

    • @paulharrop5879
      @paulharrop5879 2 года назад +21

      Loved to have been a fly on the wall .One brain pickled on alcohol and one brain pickled by prescription drugs .

    • @bryanhemphill6596
      @bryanhemphill6596 2 года назад

      Ya isn't it amazing how everything election night went down all at once and trump was winning in a landslide.
      Trump won. Scum.was injected. Be proud of your 2000 mules.fools.

    • @alex35agm
      @alex35agm 2 года назад +11

      Come on,if you worked with Trump wouldn't anyone want to be drunk to try to forget it.

    • @dublinjazz1
      @dublinjazz1 2 года назад +4

      I know! 😂

    • @Gerryjournal
      @Gerryjournal 2 года назад +4

      When is Guliani not pissed

  • @annramsey7907
    @annramsey7907 2 года назад +53

    Vote Blue
    In November 22
    Save our Democracy
    We don't want Autocracy

    • @jeanclaudejunior
      @jeanclaudejunior 2 года назад +2

      Do we want autocracy? No! Do. We want democracy? YES!!

    • @lescobrandon8045
      @lescobrandon8045 2 года назад

      @@jeanclaudejunior Best move your ass to Europe, because this is a Republic.

    • @gregtennessee8249
      @gregtennessee8249 2 года назад +3

      @@lescobrandon8045 Brandon went to the Whitehouse lol
      But trump went to Florida...

    • @joenarbaiz1640
      @joenarbaiz1640 2 года назад +2

      @@lescobrandon8045 Actually, it is a representative democratic republic.

    • @jeanclaudejunior
      @jeanclaudejunior 2 года назад

      @@lescobrandon8045 Ben je suis déjà en Europe en Croatie pour les vacanes. I'M ALREADY IN EUROPE, DUMMY

  • @hikinganddrone
    @hikinganddrone 2 года назад +1

    Rudy! Rudy! Why would you ruin your legacy for trump? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  • @Lazy_Sundae
    @Lazy_Sundae 2 года назад +31

    Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up...! 🤞🥳🤞
    And lock up his cronies too - Bannon, Barr, Boebert, Carlson, Cruz, Gaetz, Graham, Greene, Giuliani, Johnson, McCarthy, McEnany, Pence, Powell, Trump Jr...

    • @CorryGal
      @CorryGal 2 года назад +1

      They can't be locked up because they all have a pardon.

    • @St.Linguini_of_Pesto
      @St.Linguini_of_Pesto 2 года назад

      They're all part of a very long, super exclusive list.. LMMFAO.

    • @St.Linguini_of_Pesto
      @St.Linguini_of_Pesto 2 года назад +3

      @@CorryGal those pardons are questionable.. just as questionable as the person that sold them. Yes, _sold._

    • @pedronoa1973
      @pedronoa1973 2 года назад

      Mark Meadows also

    • @Lazy_Sundae
      @Lazy_Sundae 2 года назад

      @@St.Linguini_of_Pesto "Pastafarians" < I love it 😆

  • @jackstraw6760
    @jackstraw6760 2 года назад +27

    How often does Jason Miller wear a mask when he doesn't need to wear a mask? Trying to hide his mouth.

    • @e-spy
      @e-spy 2 года назад +2

      harder to tell if he is lying when he is masked. comical, right?

    • @HRTsAFyre
      @HRTsAFyre 2 года назад +1

      I was thinking the same dams thing. It was strange to see that mask on a Trumper.

  • @DanielLiljeberg
    @DanielLiljeberg 2 года назад +57

    Imagine that... he actually did have some sane people around him to urged for the truth and facts to be the focus... He just chose to ignore them.

    • @NathanLorenzana
      @NathanLorenzana 2 года назад

      I've got a wild guess, but makes sense with a cult like mentality, where Trump supporters might believe that God told him there was election fraud and all his advisers were deceived by Satan. I wouldn't be surprised that's the mentality that runs underneath. Very very scary stuff.

    • @e-spy
      @e-spy 2 года назад +3

      too bad they didn't say so at the time.

    • @sheryloldham505
      @sheryloldham505 2 года назад +2

      And they chose not to sound the alarm!

    • @triarb5790
      @triarb5790 2 года назад

      And they chose to ignore democracy. Now they are collectively shtting themselves.

    • @edwardl.990
      @edwardl.990 2 года назад

      Imagine the REAL liars, the ones who told US about "Russian collusion" for 4 years, now want you to believe there was an "insurrection" on Jan. 6th! No weapons were used, not one firearm, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot by a capital police officer ! And the sheep glued to their TVs, watching MSNBC, believe it all. Mean while, dementia Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating of any POTUS in history and is ruining this country in 2 short years and even dimwit AOC can see it!! :) :)

  • @Normally_aspirated
    @Normally_aspirated 2 года назад +1

    There needs to be accountability now. If we don’t punish those that break the law, it emboldens others to do the same.

  • @kaywoolsey3722
    @kaywoolsey3722 2 года назад +38

    I've read where many Republitiban's aren't interested in what's going on with January 6th. They're more concerned with what's going on NOW - inflation, the price of gas, no baby formula, the cost of everyday items, etc. And I'm in the same boat. HOWEVER, if we don't get to the bottom of this - it will happen again in 2024! I would like to ask these same MAGA supporters where they'd be today, if it actually was Antifa, or BLM that stormed the Capitol! I have a feeling that there would be a completely different attitude in this country toward the investigation!

    • @brogren802
      @brogren802 2 года назад

      Yup and trump was supporting the COVID money that mostly caused the economy to be this way. Regardless of who won I bet things would be the same inflation wise but if trump won or stayed even though he lost you better believe that we wouldn't have another fair election ever again. The presidency would have been passed down to the next dipshit trump and so on and so forth. We would have become another Russian dictatorship with the miniscule illusion of a democracy.

    • @pedronoa1973
      @pedronoa1973 2 года назад

      Just tell them what chump did, but substitute Obama for chump. They miraculously come up with the right reaction.🤔 it's a cult.

    • @lelecoleman8472
      @lelecoleman8472 2 года назад

      Inflation, baby formula etc all have trump's involvement. Get your facts straight.

    • @surlypiratewench1969
      @surlypiratewench1969 2 года назад


    • @henrylockett2020
      @henrylockett2020 2 года назад +3

      Most definitely! They're hypocrites to the highest degree!

  • @thelakeman5207
    @thelakeman5207 2 года назад +30

    After the hearings are over and the information goes to the DOJ, I wonder if Kevin McCarthy, Ted Cruz and Jim Jordan will quickly tone down their rhetoric. They may be indicted for conspiracy.

    • @sunshine22723
      @sunshine22723 2 года назад +1

      They need to bring Pelisi to court on what she knew and when she knew it!

    • @besmartvoteblue2702
      @besmartvoteblue2702 2 года назад

      @@sunshine22723 No, they don't. Go to the dummy sites please. You're propagandized.

    • @Upper-cr1kh
      @Upper-cr1kh 2 года назад

      How sad it's been 6 years and you guys are still trying to impeach Trump 😂 you guys can't even accomplish that is there anything you guys accomplish

    • @thelakeman5207
      @thelakeman5207 2 года назад

      @@Upper-cr1kh If it wasn't for Mitch McConnell being Senate Majority leader, Trump would have been impeached and many bills would have been signed into law to help this country. All he did was say "no".

    • @Upper-cr1kh
      @Upper-cr1kh 2 года назад

      @@thelakeman5207 I know Democrats are doing such a great job with record high inflation and bear market 🤡

  • @emsleywyatt3400
    @emsleywyatt3400 2 года назад +257

    If you believe Sydney Powell over Bill Barr, why is Bill Barr your Attorney General and not Sydney Powell?

    • @M.J.212
      @M.J.212 2 года назад

      Sidney NO SENSIBLE PERSON SHOULD BELIEVE HER 🐂💩 release the fantastical Kraken Powell?

    • @mikecooper8462
      @mikecooper8462 2 года назад

      Bill barr covered for trump and enabled his lies. However, trump's attempted coup was too much for barr cuz he knew trump's claims were total bullshit. Barr knew what teump was going to attempt, hence his early departure.
      Make no mistake, barr is as corrupt as the rest of the grand oligarch party but he absolutely knew an attempt at overthrowing our government was too much.

    • @helen12658
      @helen12658 2 года назад

      If anyone believes Sydney Powell they need brain surgery immediately

    • @thelakeman5207
      @thelakeman5207 2 года назад +36

      Barr ain't so clean either. I believe he should go to jail too.

    • @yusefhasan7524
      @yusefhasan7524 2 года назад +18

      We gotta stop trying to put people in jail so quickly. But people for sure need to be held accountable

    @ABCDEFGHIJKELA... 2 года назад +2

    Even Trump supporter's are starting to understand just how dangerous those words were: "frankly, we did win this election"...from a man that does not understand democracy, or how government works. Worst of all, did not, and refused to, listen to the people that knew exactly what they were talking about. Trump said it himself at least 50 times on video "I like the people that like me", and that drove him to drive out, all of the people that actually knew what was going on, and gave him the information he needed, not the information he wanted. Trump was, and IS, and unfit human to lead any part of society in a way that is true to democracy, or fairness of reason.

  • @JDiaz143
    @JDiaz143 2 года назад +24


  • @sunnyday237
    @sunnyday237 2 года назад +69

    So it comes down to an intoxicated Rudy being the catalyst for this mess? Cool

    • @stockontruthchannel2631
      @stockontruthchannel2631 2 года назад

      Let's be Honest We knew itвидео.html

    • @xiaoka
      @xiaoka 2 года назад +4

      Ha. Just shows you want a walking dumpster fire he was even before 4 Seasons Landscaping.

    • @dong9514
      @dong9514 2 года назад +4

      At least it's a excuse, Rudy was drunk, Trump doesn't drink.

    • @johnsmithe4656
      @johnsmithe4656 2 года назад +1

      @@xiaoka I hear that's a great company, very comfortable facilities. Their beds of mulch are to die for.

    • @kathypiazza4567
      @kathypiazza4567 2 года назад +2

      Yup, a bunch of sober people following the recommendation of a fall down drunk.

  • @aj5539
    @aj5539 2 года назад +50

    "Did anyone have too much to drink?"
    "Uhhh... Rudy Giuliani."

    • @francesgrumblatt3420
      @francesgrumblatt3420 2 года назад

      So when all was said and , much was said and nothing was done!🙄

  • @codyflowers8758
    @codyflowers8758 2 года назад +1

    Listening to anything from CNN as truthful and real is like Biden as a Competent person in the White House

    • @wfjhDUI
      @wfjhDUI 2 года назад +1

      Compared to Trump, Biden is a 200 IQ rocket surgeon. Even a lobotomized squirrel would be a more competent president than Trump.

  • @SA-92552
    @SA-92552 2 года назад +55

    Excellent hearing. Totally destroys Trumps Big Lie and makes absolute fools of all his hapless supporters.

    • @markbryan3395
      @markbryan3395 2 года назад

      So scared and want this to be over don't ya!🤨

    • @edmaphis9805
      @edmaphis9805 2 года назад

      "Scripted presentations are convincing"

    • @masercot
      @masercot 2 года назад

      @@edmaphis9805 The presented facts that you can't refute. You ever get tired of being a dunce?

    • @wokechoke6845
      @wokechoke6845 2 года назад

      The only thing Hapless is clowns like you that think we are better off now paying $5+ for gas, dealing with shortages, runaway inflation, and unsecured border and violent crime. Biden Droppings like you are a joke!

    • @afn3899
      @afn3899 2 года назад +1

      The trolls are screaming now!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣don't worry kids! If the right didn't do anything wrong than it's all good! No worries! No reason to scream yet😂

    @JETTSTACHI 2 года назад +73

    Wouldn't doubt topics of Trump's private meeting(s) with Putin included how to over throw elections.

    • @loubecker8784
      @loubecker8784 2 года назад

      Usa is failing communist country Brandon leader Russia destroy you

    • @sunshine22723
      @sunshine22723 2 года назад +1

      Funny I was thinking the same about the Obama Biden administration !

    • @CultureoftheWorld
      @CultureoftheWorld 2 года назад

      We need that information

    • @CultureoftheWorld
      @CultureoftheWorld 2 года назад +6

      @@sunshine22723 detached from reality like Trump Republicans
      Russian trolls
      Chinese trolls

    • @loubecker8784
      @loubecker8784 2 года назад

      @@sunshine22723 usa black president is weak failure Russia destroy weak country

  • @raystanczak4277
    @raystanczak4277 2 года назад +35

    When a drunk pinhead pisses in the ear of an immature pinhead, you could wind up with a sloppy insurrection where everyone gets caught and then proceeds to cry and snitch.
    They should’ve hired a couple of middle schoolers for some adult supervision. And a rep from AA.

    • @edwardl.990
      @edwardl.990 2 года назад

      Imagine the REAL liars, the ones who told US about "Russian collusion" for 4 years, now want you to believe there was an "insurrection" on Jan. 6th! No weapons were used, not one firearm, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot by a capital police officer ! And the sheep glued to their TVs, watching MSNBC, believe it all. Mean while, dementia Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating of any POTUS in history and is ruining this country in 2 short years and even dimwit AOC can see it!! :) :)

  • @felixngood7059
    @felixngood7059 2 года назад +1

    If this man DT gets voted in once again please remove the Statue of Liberty immediately. She would be embarrassed.

    • @mohamedtrevino8709
      @mohamedtrevino8709 2 года назад

      1 Felixn Good Fuk what you saying it here 😠видео.html
      Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
      5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
      Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
      los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer

  • @desdenova1
    @desdenova1 2 года назад +154

    Only the GOP would consider accessible means of voting as being unfair.

    • @toxicwastetoid9142
      @toxicwastetoid9142 2 года назад

      Only the Democrats want mail-in ballots so they can cheat, we ain't stupid but you are

    • @loubecker8784
      @loubecker8784 2 года назад

      Usa is failing communist country Brandon leader Russia destroy you

    • @soniajulie6465
      @soniajulie6465 2 года назад

      SNOOOOZER - What's up with H UNTER"s LAP TOP and his PORN FLICKS with good ol' Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton joining in the party ??? That's the REAL NEWS !!! THAT"S the key to open Pandora's Box and DRAIN THE SWAMP !!!!!

    • @loubecker8784
      @loubecker8784 2 года назад

      @@zarinkai2927 communist America is collapse

    • @edwardl.990
      @edwardl.990 2 года назад

      Imagine the REAL liars, the ones who told US about "Russian collusion" for 4 years, now want you to believe there was an "insurrection" on Jan. 6th! No weapons were used, not one firearm, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot by a capital police officer ! And the sheep glued to their TVs, watching MSNBC, believe it all. Mean while, dementia Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating of any POTUS in history and is ruining this country in 2 short years and even dimwit AOC can see it!! :) :)

  • @teddlemmon2599
    @teddlemmon2599 2 года назад +52

    The only embarrassing moment is that Trump is the source of embarrassment.

    • @dementiabiden6683
      @dementiabiden6683 2 года назад +2

      Talk of embarrassment!!!!Hope Brandon keeps up his great work 🤣🤣🤣. Republicans take the House and Senate in November 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • @rw9573
      @rw9573 2 года назад

      Whats embarrassing is, that democrats won't talk about or investigate the election irregularities that started and caused all this.

    • @Hawijack
      @Hawijack 2 года назад

      @@dementiabiden6683 never trust a traitor Trumpturd,they lie and cheat and have no honor.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🗽

    • @peterkent6250
      @peterkent6250 2 года назад

      @@dementiabiden6683 you made a youtube called dementia biden..... you realise you are obsessed with politics to the point of attacking any one who disagree's with you? you are an enemy to true democracy/freedom and you don't even realise it -_-. Get a grip, extreme left or right is dangerous.

    • @gregtennessee8249
      @gregtennessee8249 2 года назад

      @@dementiabiden6683 boo hoo Brandon went to the Whitehouse. But trump went to mara logo rethinking his conspiracy theories and Big Lie and Big Rip Off hahaha
      Quit Whining Snowflake

  • @BiffTannenBTTF
    @BiffTannenBTTF 2 года назад +72

    It's so great seeing the house crumble around Trump. What a con.

    • @sledzeppelin
      @sledzeppelin 2 года назад +8

      And yet he's going to skate through this and be reelected, because this is hell.

    • @KingKong-er3qf
      @KingKong-er3qf 2 года назад +1

      @@sledzeppelin thank you!!✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️👍👍👍👍

    • @horatiocaine9758
      @horatiocaine9758 2 года назад +8

      @@sledzeppelin Reelected, I highly doubt it!

    • @markbryan3395
      @markbryan3395 2 года назад

      Trump has already beaten this! They're tryin' for the third time! Strike three, they're OUT!!

    • @thomasgormly6941
      @thomasgormly6941 2 года назад +8

      @@sledzeppelin assuming anyone gets to vote anymore. These voting laws are getting ridiculous. Why is voter registration process so difficult yet a 16 year old can get a gun from a gun show on the spot. Both are American rights yet it seems that the far less necessary and dangerous one isn't as regulated.

  • @dogmom6010
    @dogmom6010 2 года назад +1

    Go ahead bring Trump to justice so he can finally have his chance to tell his side.

    • @chrisspellman8545
      @chrisspellman8545 2 года назад

      It seems the best he'll come up with is "many people are saying I won"

  • @marciabradley7660
    @marciabradley7660 2 года назад +55

    Jason Miller looks like he’s hiding

    • @tahoeclay
      @tahoeclay 2 года назад +6

      He will later claim he never said anything he said.

    • @CorryGal
      @CorryGal 2 года назад +5

      Jason is hiding.

    • @jeffmisch1485
      @jeffmisch1485 2 года назад +10

      probably the only time he wore a mask.

    • @dublinjazz1
      @dublinjazz1 2 года назад +3

      He's trying to hide the fact that he has no chin, and that his face looks like it was painted on a balloon.

    • @e-spy
      @e-spy 2 года назад +1

      @@jeffmisch1485 a mask makes it more difficult to spot the lies. I think he was afraid they would ask him about HIS role.

  • @Sandi-ke9mi
    @Sandi-ke9mi 2 года назад +29

    Why does Kushner always look like he’s smelling bad cheese?

    • @NatureBoy12100
      @NatureBoy12100 2 года назад +7

      Because he's probably smelling bad cheese

    • @CorryGal
      @CorryGal 2 года назад +3

      He is Jewish.

    • @kathypiazza4567
      @kathypiazza4567 2 года назад +8

      He’s an elitist, contemptuous of the lower beings interviewing him. He truly believes he was born to greatness and this BS is wasting his time.

    • @Cerulean0987
      @Cerulean0987 2 года назад

      He has a problem with gas.

    • @pedronoa1973
      @pedronoa1973 2 года назад +1

      Or holding in a fart🤪

  • @Lazy_Sundae
    @Lazy_Sundae 2 года назад +61

    Isn't it fun to see how much this hearing is making the Trumpanzees squirm! 😂🎣🍿

    • @xiaoka
      @xiaoka 2 года назад +16

      They’re still whining about gas prices. Anything to distract from the Orange grifter.

    • @commanderjoj6426
      @commanderjoj6426 2 года назад

      @@xiaoka I’m guessing MAGA’s are incapable of multitasking.

    • @loriannrichardson7644
      @loriannrichardson7644 2 года назад +7

      @diveunder but we all have to share the same facts!

    • @spiceyhotpot
      @spiceyhotpot 2 года назад +5

      Be nicer to see them squirm in front of a judge for what they did and enabled but not holding my breath for accountability

    • @martinhumble
      @martinhumble 2 года назад +7

      @diveunder No it isn't. A democracy can't survive skipping over events like these. Especially not mediocre democracies

  • @rebeccahenderson7761
    @rebeccahenderson7761 2 года назад +1

    It's outrageous that these people are allowed to zoom in to testify. This is the most significant and critical American event since the Civil War.

  • @4touchdownsinonegame178
    @4touchdownsinonegame178 2 года назад +20

    This was difficult for Ivanka to put her crooked daddy under the bus

    • @videosurfah
      @videosurfah 2 года назад +3

      I'm sure she is tired of all this schit

    • @bernicemoreland2732
      @bernicemoreland2732 2 года назад

      He throw her under the bus ithink she did the right thing

    • @emmarae4322
      @emmarae4322 2 года назад +1

      Oh, poor baby. Lock the witch up.

  • @JerseyPB
    @JerseyPB 2 года назад +21

    The chaos and insanity of the Trump presidency looks even more ridiculous.

    • @tonyacosta1603
      @tonyacosta1603 2 года назад

      Yea I like bidens economy alot more.

    • @edwardl.990
      @edwardl.990 2 года назад

      Imagine the REAL liars, the ones who told US about "Russian collusion" for 4 years, now want you to believe there was an "insurrection" on Jan. 6th! No weapons were used, not one firearm, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot by a capital police officer ! And the sheep glued to their TVs, watching MSNBC, believe it all. Mean while, dementia Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating of any POTUS in history and is ruining this country in 2 short years and even dimwit AOC can see it!! :) :)

    • @adrianrussell7769
      @adrianrussell7769 2 года назад +1

      How do you think 45 would have handled historic inflation?

    • @edwardl.990
      @edwardl.990 2 года назад +1

      @@adrianrussell7769 First, he would not have stopped the keystone pipeline and ceased the oil leases on federal land. THAT act by Biden raised oil prices immediately because pipelines are the cheapest, most environmentally safe way to transport oil. Now that oil gets to market by tanker trucks and trains! Dementia Joe then stopped all new leases and left 9000 old, dry leases available so that he could say there was plenty of leases but those were dry and no oil company wanted them. Raise the price of oil and inflation goes up. Always. It doesn't take a genius to know that. Wage war on big oil and this is what you get, every time

  • @jimough2441
    @jimough2441 2 года назад +143

    Not much to argue against, if you care about truth!

    • @javtimestwo
      @javtimestwo 2 года назад

      Thank you and well said. They knew they lost, their experts told them they lost buy
      Don the Con and his goons didn't want to follow the rules. DISGRACE!

    • @redskywalker3374
      @redskywalker3374 2 года назад


    • @maskedmarvyl4774
      @maskedmarvyl4774 2 года назад

      That leaves out half the country.
      They genuinely don't care what crimes their politicians commit, and will reelect them again.

    • @jakin9090
      @jakin9090 2 года назад +1

      @@maskedmarvyl4774 idk I saw A lot of folks today in the Fox News comment sections getting pretty pissed off as they slowly began to realize they had been lied to. Repeatedly. BY & I quote, “Donald Trump.”
      How it took THIS for them to realize that May always be beyond me. But I saw more than one, MANY more who watched the hearing today, who ARE realizing it now for sure.

    • @specialagentorange4329
      @specialagentorange4329 2 года назад

      What are your thoughts on Hunter Biden?

  • @larrybeasley1445
    @larrybeasley1445 2 года назад +1

    How does a news organization that literally has zero credibility still exist?....

  • @asianphillippe007
    @asianphillippe007 2 года назад +63

    Millions of Asian American people like me, we voted for Joe Biden.

    • @CorryGal
      @CorryGal 2 года назад

      Why did you people vote for Sleepy Joe?

    • @asianphillippe007
      @asianphillippe007 2 года назад

      @@CorryGal Because Fraudumpty is a racist and bigoted against Asian American people. Figure out how he talks stupid.

    • @pedronoa1973
      @pedronoa1973 2 года назад

      @@CorryGal obviously because the other guy is a criminal and a traitor.

    • @joedelira2337
      @joedelira2337 2 года назад +15

      @@CorryGal anyone but trump at that point

    • @David-ng7cr
      @David-ng7cr 2 года назад +18

      @@CorryGal because they are so much smarter than any trump worshiper. Don't forget to send him your paycheck this week.

  • @debrags2320
    @debrags2320 2 года назад +107

    This is just mind blowing...that a sitting president would behave this way!!! And those who report to him!!! Doesn't sound like something that would occur here in USA...we're better than that!! At least I thought so before this happened!! Politicians acting like they're part of a 3rd world country!! Just pitiful, heartbreaking 💔 😢

    • @johnflanagan1397
      @johnflanagan1397 2 года назад +12

      We're better than that, trump isn't.

    • @Tavat
      @Tavat 2 года назад +8

      Well, we did elect Trump. Maybe we’re not better than that.

    • @lpappas474
      @lpappas474 2 года назад

      Debra, sounds like you haven't been paying attention to what's going on in the country. Are you aware it is against the law to demonstrate outside of the home of a Supreme Court Justice? Why has the Attorney General of the United States arrested these people? Arte you even aware a man was arrested outside of Kavanaugh's house over the weekend with the intention of killing him and his family? Are you aware Clinton was responsible for the Trump collusion with Russia hoax and the FBI was aware of the hoax? It helps to listen to more than just liberal news. In third world countries they use propaganda to control the people the same tactic the democrats use to control you. Not too bright Debra.

    • @besmartvoteblue2702
      @besmartvoteblue2702 2 года назад

      Yes, he dragged us down into banana republic land. He got played by Putin; he extorted Zelinsky. He soiled our reputation as a country to look up to. (I know it was bad under both Bushes, but Obama put us back up on a pedestal.)

    • @hilaryactsession1427
      @hilaryactsession1427 2 года назад

      These Democrats are really crazy beings...

  • @stonefree67
    @stonefree67 2 года назад +16

    Mar A Lardo will need an army of plumbers on standby tonight!

    • @annoyed3111
      @annoyed3111 2 года назад


  • @argo_0030
    @argo_0030 2 года назад +1

    I'd like to see Trump in the hot seat in front of the committee. He has no respect for Hillary Clinton, but one thing about it - when she was called upon to be questioned, she showed up - for hours. Trump should do no less. He also needs to answer for all those boxes of classified government documents he took from the white house when he left. I'd imagine Putin has copies of all of it.

  • @ralphharding859
    @ralphharding859 2 года назад +49

    I am glad I am retired, so I can watch every minute of the hearings.

    • @edwardl.990
      @edwardl.990 2 года назад

      You need a hobby! How's dementia Joe Biden working out for you? Imagine the REAL liars, the ones who told US about "Russian collusion" for 4 years, now want you to believe there was an "insurrection" on Jan. 6th! No weapons were used, not one firearm, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot by a capital police officer ! And the sheep glued to their TVs, watching MSNBC, believe it all. Mean while, dementia Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating of any POTUS in history and is ruining this country in 2 short years and even dimwit AOC can see it!! :) :)

    • @samkay6348
      @samkay6348 2 года назад

      Me too

    • @amykruse6887
      @amykruse6887 2 года назад

      I'm not retired, but in my off time and breaks I'm watching it.

  • @Dingdong3696oyvey
    @Dingdong3696oyvey 2 года назад +18

    I thought you hired family so they wouldn’t roll over on you. Guess I was wrong.

    • @loriannrichardson7644
      @loriannrichardson7644 2 года назад +1

      That's because even family doesn't to be rolling over on a cot.

    • @davidmaples4390
      @davidmaples4390 2 года назад

      Not when the family is Trumps. Every crook for him or her self.

    • @triarb5790
      @triarb5790 2 года назад

      They don't exactly come across like a close knit loving family. They more closely resemble a school of piranhas.

    • @virgosrule71
      @virgosrule71 2 года назад

      @@loriannrichardson7644 😅🤣😂✌🏾

    • @godsu
      @godsu 2 года назад

      His whole family is garbage, its a free for all to them now

  • @flodareltih9825
    @flodareltih9825 2 года назад +33

    IQ45: I won the game if I score first
    IQ45: If you score first, keep playing until I win. Otherwise, it’s rigged

    • @devan735
      @devan735 2 года назад

      sounds like a spoiled rich kid who gets whatever he wants by bitching and whining it cant possibly be trump....... oh wait

  • @Hello_Ladies
    @Hello_Ladies 2 года назад +1

    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday, President Trump. Happy Birthday to you!❤🎊🎉🎆

  • @tonygreen9610
    @tonygreen9610 2 года назад +26

    The DOJ needs to do their job and put him and his allies in jail

  • @Fred.pSonic
    @Fred.pSonic 2 года назад +91

    Bill Barr: Trump was detached from reality.
    Trump: That's the ticket! I was bonkers all along, so therefore I claim the insanity defense.

    • @dlbark
      @dlbark 2 года назад

      That’s not how it works. He has not conceded the 2020 election loss, he’s raising money still to this day off his lies, Jan 6th happened, those that conspired with him who have been indicted, he has not condemned them, he calls Ashlii Babbitt a martyr for his cause, he ignored his campaign manager telling him he lost…… too many hurdles for him to cross to meet that threshold. Remember: Person, Woman, Man, Camera TV! He’s the smartest president ever.

    • @imtheboss1826
      @imtheboss1826 2 года назад +13

      That's fine as long he's hospitalized and his niece is his doctor.

    • @juliec5309
      @juliec5309 2 года назад +9

      Fine by us...disqualifies him from office

    • @liduck52
      @liduck52 2 года назад +5

      Guiliani: That's it Donald, we'll try the Insanity Clause.
      Trump: I don't believe in Santy Clause.

    • @2DanTube
      @2DanTube 2 года назад

      What EVIDENCE does Bill Barr have to support ANY of his claims? He's made all sorts of claims - yet provides no evidence to support his accusations.
      Is there any such thing as due process of law where Bill Barr is concerned to throw around his claims with regard to how the election was handled in all 50 states and territories?
      And to the mental behavior of Trumps so call disconnect from reality? As best I can tell Trump simply wanted proof of the legitimacy of the ballots and counting process.
      And how did Bill Barr collect his findings SO QUICKLY when a few of the states were so close they qualified for recounts?
      Then just weeks later - how did the courts ignore some 3000 signed affidavits reporting suspicious and observed possible election fraud?
      I am joining the Amish - we don't VOTE - we serve but One Master - to all the rest of you - good luck with your Lieocracy where you have delivered your soul to Lucifer.

  • @jtojen
    @jtojen 2 года назад +34

    This whole part of history is just fascinating to watch from afar. Its perfectly alright for politicians to be ugly, stupid, mean or whatever, The only real requirement you can put on politicians is that they are willing to honor the democratic process and respect the rule of the law. If they cant, they should be revolutionaries or coup-makers. Which is almost what happened here.

    • @e-spy
      @e-spy 2 года назад +5

      almost? nope. it did happen. And we call them traitors.

    • @lynnquin8565
      @lynnquin8565 2 года назад +1

      @@e-spy There was a coup attempt but it failed. I think that's what OP is referring to.

    • @hermanlove2507
      @hermanlove2507 2 года назад

      you are certainly right.

  • @saxonray4071
    @saxonray4071 2 года назад +1

    Bottom line!
    Trump tried real hard to destroy DEMOCRACY!

  • @talksmoke1190
    @talksmoke1190 2 года назад +9

    Jared is evil

    • @Kenny_VR133
      @Kenny_VR133 2 года назад

      They all are

    • @davemitchell6281
      @davemitchell6281 2 года назад

      why? compare him to Hunter.

    • @talksmoke1190
      @talksmoke1190 2 года назад

      Look at that pathetic pivot. I talked about Jared. Wtf does hunter have to do with that.

    • @joedelira2337
      @joedelira2337 2 года назад

      He looks like a horror movie doll

  • @eland65
    @eland65 2 года назад +8

    She looks so frigging worried...

    • @marthashandley2637
      @marthashandley2637 2 года назад

      She should be. Jared admitted to pay for pardon scheme. Also the Saudis have been funneling money into his investment company.. I believe the literal address is 666.

  • @nyccheckin
    @nyccheckin 2 года назад +52

    Donald Dump: “If I lose, there is no legacy.” Even before he lost he said “If I lose then it was rigged.” Because being a true loser he can never never admit it.

    • @afn3899
      @afn3899 2 года назад

      Yeah he put the thought into the low IQ base and they believed it with no evidence🤣🤣🤣stupid af

    • @davemitchell6281
      @davemitchell6281 2 года назад

      it wasn't rigged but they did use 2000 mules.

    • @masercot
      @masercot 2 года назад +4

      @@davemitchell6281 Address what the hearing said about 2000 Mules, today...

    • @xiaoka
      @xiaoka 2 года назад

      @@davemitchell6281 even Bill Barr pointed out that the mules story is BS too. It’s clear to anyone with a brain. Hundreds or thousands of people end up in high traffic public places many times over the course of several weeks.
      It’s more BS to make money off of idiots like you.

    • @gregtennessee8249
      @gregtennessee8249 2 года назад

      @@davemitchell6281 still clinging to the lies, Dave? Does it soothe your Butt Hurt?
      Are you still obsessed with Hillary? Years of investigations: Zero. Nothing. Cleared and exonerated by the FBI. Twice.
      You people obsess on command from trump. Such obedience to your god trump!
      You'll be obsessing on hunter tomorrow LMFAO 🤣😆🤣

  • @rachelcarson7119
    @rachelcarson7119 2 года назад +2

    “The whole nature of how people respond to this coup would change if people, knew the full history of Reconstruction--and learned it as "white identity based mobs regularly overturned elections whenever a Black person or someone perceived as a Black ally was elected"
    ― Kaitlyn Greenidge

  • @BrookeSkylarShields
    @BrookeSkylarShields 2 года назад +14

    Imagine actually voting for Trump LOL

  • @shilohmiller6422
    @shilohmiller6422 2 года назад +8

    Little does his base know that they are the victim

    • @stasiaspade1169
      @stasiaspade1169 2 года назад

      Bad case of Stockholm Syndrome!

    • @DennepeerRelaxation
      @DennepeerRelaxation 2 года назад

      no. they're not the victim. they're collateral. the rest of the western world are the victims.

  • @kanezona4429
    @kanezona4429 2 года назад +35

    The first Jan. 6 hearing pulled about 20M viewers, far more than highest ratings for "Apprentice."

    • @wokechoke6845
      @wokechoke6845 2 года назад

      What a stupid comparison, 20 Million Across how many Networks and Sources? You did not even remotely put an thought in this did you. More than likely you are not smart enough to understand the difference.

    • @asongucollins5917
      @asongucollins5917 2 года назад

      Let's be Honest We knew itвидео.html

    • @edmaphis9805
      @edmaphis9805 2 года назад +1

      Trump's last State of the Union speech drew 45 Million.

    • @justinczech1489
      @justinczech1489 2 года назад +1

      @@edmaphis9805 yeah....duh...a State Union should usually pull that....

    • @jaysonpida5379
      @jaysonpida5379 2 года назад

      @@edmaphis9805 'ED', you putin hemorrhoid ! The kremlin scooped you from his toilet and gave you new 'orders' for today!!! LMAO. Good Luck comrade!!

  • @tomg6498
    @tomg6498 2 года назад +1

    MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN hold Trump accountable.

  • @chrisnewburg4839
    @chrisnewburg4839 2 года назад +12

    Thank you J6 committee for all your hard work, dedication to the Constitution, and love for our country. I hope to hell Garland carries this thru on the criminal end.

    • @edwardl.990
      @edwardl.990 2 года назад

      Imagine the REAL liars, the ones who told US about "Russian collusion" for 4 years, now want you to believe there was an "insurrection" on Jan. 6th! No weapons were used, not one firearm, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot by a capital police officer ! And the sheep glued to their TVs, watching MSNBC, believe it all. Mean while, dementia Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating of any POTUS in history and is ruining this country in 2 short years and even dimwit AOC can see it!! :) :)

  • @Kahsimiah
    @Kahsimiah 2 года назад +11

    Jared and Ivanka don't really look like humans. It's like someone gave it their best try creating a copy, but didn't succeed.

    • @lastalive7403
      @lastalive7403 2 года назад +1

      I've been thinking the same thing, especially about Ivanka. There is something about the way she looks that makes my skin crawl.

    • @Kahsimiah
      @Kahsimiah 2 года назад

      @@lastalive7403 yes, it's totally creepy!

  • @klimber10001
    @klimber10001 2 года назад +14

    Jason Miller is wearing a mask, now?

    • @cebuanoni
      @cebuanoni 2 года назад

      It's a fig 🍃 Leaf, if you will...a cover up.

    • @oldtimer7635
      @oldtimer7635 2 года назад +1

      He thinks no one will see him.

    • @klimber10001
      @klimber10001 2 года назад

      @@oldtimer7635 Right. He's in for a surprise.

  • @JustinGoodwin84
    @JustinGoodwin84 2 года назад +1

    It's horrible how Democrats were able to selectively edit 😕 this testimony and remove all of the exculpatory evidence that was presented. This is the worst propaganda I've ever seen.

  • @TheAllroundniceguy
    @TheAllroundniceguy 2 года назад +71

    Amazing to see this laid out so simply.

    • @222lightatoms3
      @222lightatoms3 2 года назад +1

      I just borrowed my friends phone to watch this. I recently had to sale my phone and TV for food and gasoline.

    • @supermovietimebros6770
      @supermovietimebros6770 2 года назад +1

      You mean amazing how much nothing they are laying out? Yeah I agree

    • @al-kutbay
      @al-kutbay 2 года назад

      @@supermovietimebros6770 You mean nothing but election fraud committed by #Comrade45? Yes the rest of the rational world agrees. The only cases of actual elections voting fraud were committed by republican voters. There is documented evidence of this. If you don't like how the facts make you look, too bad. Deal with it snowflake.

    • @xxxxxxxxxxxxxOxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      @xxxxxxxxxxxxxOxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2 года назад +15

      @@supermovietimebros6770 You lost! Get over it 😂😘

    • @michaels7258
      @michaels7258 2 года назад +13

      It’s not complicated. Trump is detached from reality. He lost

  • @Derguz
    @Derguz 2 года назад +25

    Back when Trump was elected I laughed.. It just seemed so comical... Little did I realize I was witnessing the beginnings of a tragedy.. Well in the end not only I, but democracy was crying as fascists attacked the very seat of elected government.

    • @bkm2797
      @bkm2797 2 года назад +2

      Have to admit I teared up when he was declared president, I had looked into his background and his ugly was everywhere, so I knew we were in deep trouble.

    • @dublinjazz1
      @dublinjazz1 2 года назад

      Clearly you're not from New York. Those of us who were long familiar with the slimy con artist knew this was no laughing matter.

    • @e-spy
      @e-spy 2 года назад +1

      @@bkm2797 yep me and friends all gathered in my living room to watch election results. We all cried. We knew what it meant, but even we didn't think it would be this bad.

    • @bkm2797
      @bkm2797 2 года назад

      Agree, could never of imagined it either, it was more of a visceral feeling that ended up being almost too accurate.

  • @lukasmurch6976
    @lukasmurch6976 2 года назад +16

    I'm sorry, MAGAs, you were played. Kick Trump into jail and take your party back. You're in bad shape.

  • @jplaga763
    @jplaga763 2 года назад +1

    Mayor G is an embarrassment to nyc. We proudly switch him for any other mayor. At this point