The "Work Life Balance" LIE

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 96

  • @alphampire
    @alphampire  Месяц назад +1


  • @lamarbyers9948
    @lamarbyers9948 Месяц назад +27

    My father didn’t believe in work/life balance either. Good provider, masculine man. He’s 74. Has a host of stress related diseases and is all but an invalid. Probably won’t live another 5 years. I’ll get an inheritance check, but I’d rather have him around. Money ain’t everything.

  • @ahastar1141
    @ahastar1141 Месяц назад +19

    Kids don’t remember business successes, first million dollars, etc. what they do remember is missed games and dad not being there. There are definitely expectations to set, but as a man especially if you have kids, you have family obligations as well.
    At some point you do need to balance the grind and moderate business growth or bring in help. 3 years spent growing a business may not seem that long, but kids grow up quickly and while they will appreciate what you built, they will have far more appreciation for you being around and present.

  • @dylanlyons6
    @dylanlyons6 Месяц назад +18

    I quit my job in March, and have been living off savings/odd jobs while working full-time trying to start my own online business. I do this 7 days a week, sometimes 2hrs /day, sometimes 8hrs.
    My work life balance is simple - Gym, work, sleep. Repeat. 7 days a week.
    I haven't made any money yet, because I have to learn everything as I go (SEO, marketing, website creation etc) which is time-consuming!
    The point is...I've never been happier!!! I feel like by spending so much time trying to create my own thing as opposed to a 'job', I am self-actualizing.
    And I owe a lot of this to you, Alpha, for instilling that 'get-after it' mentality through your videos, and for making me okay with the fact that this first business idea may fail, because that's how things go in business.
    This idea may be a success, or it may fail. But I won't fail because I won't stop. Ever.
    Keep it real!

    • @ThatGuy-rb5yw
      @ThatGuy-rb5yw Месяц назад

      I too am living like you and couldn’t be happier! Better days ahead!

  • @jdudefun1755
    @jdudefun1755 Месяц назад +12

    Aaron, no offense, but there is an element that you are not comprehending. Children. Not that you don’t understand the concept, it’s that you don’t comprehend since you don’t have kids.

  • @TheAshYam
    @TheAshYam Месяц назад +15

    Seems like a sad existence to not get a single day to enjoy life and spending your whole life chasing something that won't get barried with you when you die. Not enjoying a single day of our life

    • @ddenv
      @ddenv Месяц назад +4

      Not sad at all, actually quite the opposite. Aaron loves what he does - his life experiences, that he will take to the grave with him, are his work and the process. I'm 61, work100+ hours every week, and love my life! That said, I understand that we're a different breed, and it's not for most people.

    • @TheAshYam
      @TheAshYam Месяц назад +3

      @ddenv I guess there's just so much in the world to see and do and so little time to do any of it I hate the idea of spending 7 days a week doing the same thing for the majority of my short life even if it's something I love I get board after a few years of it. For some, it works, but for me, it's hard to find motivation when it all seems meaningless in the end. I'd rather try to make good memories or help people close to me. Which would definitely be alot easier with money, so idk it's a catch. 22 have to find that balance

    • @TheAshYam
      @TheAshYam Месяц назад +2

      @ddenv like to me working that much is like accepting that thats all there is to life is work than die. When I feel like there is so much we don't understand, for all I know ai will take over or ww3 will happen in the next 4 years, like what's the point of putting myself through struggle most of my life just so I can be to old to enjoy it.

    • @Kohl_Barsness
      @Kohl_Barsness Месяц назад +1

      @@ddenv wait so that’s 14 hours everyday 24/7

    • @bobbyrebholz2183
      @bobbyrebholz2183 Месяц назад +1

      What makes you think he doesn't enjoy what he's doing? Same could be said about dudes doing 9-5 for 50+ years, growing old, then dying. What's your point?

  • @heywardfi
    @heywardfi Месяц назад +14

    Great video my friend but when children are involved the work life balance is a necessity. I used to work 16 hours a day when my eldest was born. I missed her first two years of life, drove my health into the toilet and came close to divorce court. If children are involved you can’t say f….. um. You someday will be divorced. I’ve seen that happen.

    • @wanye1947
      @wanye1947 Месяц назад

      He doesn't have kids, he won't be divorced lol + his wife has been on board for years

    • @heywardfi
      @heywardfi Месяц назад

      @@wanye1947 yes that is obvious. I was just making a statement on what I have witnessed over the years. That’s it.

  • @bobbyrebholz2183
    @bobbyrebholz2183 Месяц назад +1

    Aaron, I think a lot of people needed to hear this. There's a ton of jealousy from folks who wished they had the freedom you do but they settled because their parents told them about goals they must have like go to school, get married, have kids, buy a house, save for retirement, grow old, die. We live in a society where we're already thinking of an escape when we're 18 and haven't done s..t yet.
    Unfortunately, most people have the patience and discipline of a ferret which is why once they land that $60k per year job, they're good to go and are never happy while paying for a house they shouldn't have bought. Most just lie to themselves about working "hard" because they never worked smarter.
    You're an inspiration my friend. Keep doing what you're doing and pissing off the naysayers. You made the millions, they didn't and now they bitch about it.

  • @tanyasowell2854
    @tanyasowell2854 Месяц назад +2

    I get pumped up everytime I listen to you.

  • @TheAshYam
    @TheAshYam Месяц назад +6

    So basicly, you have to work your entire existence away or just give up right? Spend your whole life doing something you hate or do what you want and live a shit life. Don't seem worth it

  • @SmoothMen.
    @SmoothMen. Месяц назад +1

    Great video! Really inspiring for me at the moment I appreciate the cold hard truth that has no way around it only acceptance of it 🙏🏻

  • @QuietResilience
    @QuietResilience Месяц назад +2

    "Entreprenuership" IS Work and a LIFEstyle. There's your WORK/LIFE balance.!!

  • @omarking1411
    @omarking1411 Месяц назад +1

    If a man can't manage his time to spend with his wife, children and parents, he has failed.
    These guys think it's all or nothing.
    If you are single, then you grind 💯

  • @jonathanswindle7023
    @jonathanswindle7023 Месяц назад

    The key is to love the life that YOU want. Live YOUR life, not someone else’s. Don’t worry about anyone else. As long as you are taking care of you and yours, then you do you.

  • @garydrago
    @garydrago Месяц назад

    9:45 you may have decided to not have children of your own but I thank you for being a father figure to all of those of us that watch the channel and are inspired by your life story, perseverence and wisdom. Thank you 🙏🏼

  • @EnterTheRover
    @EnterTheRover 14 часов назад

    If you've got kids, find a good work life balance. Not easy to do, but your kids are worth the effort ❤️👍

  • @Brandon_O.
    @Brandon_O. 25 дней назад

    I got injured working hard. Thing is, working hard for a prolonged period of time accumulates on the body. Then one day, the body starts having health problems out of the blue. I got injured in 2020 at Macys and I am still unable to work. I don't believe in working your a** off like you said. Maybe sometimes it's doable. But for a prolonged period of time....I don't recommend it. The body will give warnings when we should take it more lightly. A homeless man can do more than me right now. Now, I am faced with a myriad of problems because of my health. I find it difficult to even go to the doctor because of my health. Once I get to the doctor, the doctor can't even cure me

  • @owent159
    @owent159 Месяц назад +11

    Sat down my long-term girlfriend and had this conversation with her, and it was a difficult multiple-hour conversation but you have to establish expectations with loved ones to do this. Thanks man

  • @silvias550
    @silvias550 Месяц назад

    You do whatever makes you happy.Having your own business means working more but you are the one that is organizing your time, which i like. You take time ofc when you want, eat when you want, go to bad when you want, making RUclips videos when you want😊

  • @FunFactOfTheDay
    @FunFactOfTheDay Месяц назад +1

    What a lot of people don't get is that some people just love working - we don't want time off, or easy work, or time to "just hang out" - I hate just hanging out! Working is fulfilling, it's fun, and nothing is more satisfying than a job well done. I can tell you right now that spending a Saturday watching movies is drastically less satisfying than getting something productive finished, regardless of what that thing is! Plus, to speak to one of the top comments here, chasing a goal is amazing! It's about the chase, not the end result. Even on the tiniest scale - I recently remodeled the downstairs bathroom - it was 10x as fun to plan the remodel and shop for new exhaust fans than it was to "enjoy" the remodeled bathroom - just embrace what you like doing and don't let people tell you you're wrong for it!

  • @CJ-111
    @CJ-111 9 дней назад

    How much or how hard you work is 100% your business and I respect that. You can be very successful working for someone else and can provide a great life for your kids. You might not become a millionaire, but that's far from the be all, end all. I work mid 30/40 hours a week in my early 30s and can afford everything I want. I also have zero stress in life. Can't wait for another 50+ years of it

  • @corrywhite5971
    @corrywhite5971 Месяц назад +4

    This video I absolutely do not agree with at all. First off… you are not a parent. Secondly it’s very possible and very important to have a work life balance, and still have money. I thinks it’s completely wrong of you to say “your going to have miss part of your child’s life.” You DO NOT have your own children. I absolutely hate people that are quick to judge on topics about children when they don’t have their OWN. There are many successful entrepreneurs that balance their home and work life. But you NEVER tell a parent to pick “work or miss your child’s milestones” because a REAL parent will find a way to make it there kids activities, events etc.

  • @UKNick01
    @UKNick01 Месяц назад +1

    The single best thing that happened in my life was the birth of my daughter, the thought of missing any important moments in her life actually hurts my heart. I have practically broken my back to make sure I am always there, and my reward is the love of my daughter. Growing up my Dad worked funny hours, and my 'default' parent was my mother for many different things. My mother died suddenly in my 20's, which meant I lost the person I had the cloest bond with. I have a good relationship with my Dad, but I lost the person that had always been there in all the moments of my life. Having felt it, I promised myself I would never be allow my daughter to feel that way.
    If someone chooses not have a family, they have already chosen a different path to someone that does, meaning they are only hurting their partner/friends if they choose to work around the clock. If someone chooses to have a family and still neglect their children at the expense of chasing something else, then they have failed them in many ways. Spoliing children with material possessions and 'stuff' can often create rather unpleasent people as they grow up.
    Success is measured in very different ways, to someone that chooses not to have a family and work to create something they love or make a lot of money, then they have succeeded. If someone chooses to start a family and creates a loving environment and has a lifetime of happy memories with them, they have succeeded.
    None of us can take any of it with us when we die, so we choose what is most important to us while we have the chance, and the only thing I would say is, don't choose something at the expense of your children.
    That said, someone else's life is just that, someone else's, is it really worth caring about them not meeting our own personal 'metric' for success? Remember, Comparison is the thief of joy.

  • @oceandust5346
    @oceandust5346 Месяц назад +1

    People need to hear this! Thank you for telling it like it is!

  • @ResaleRenegade
    @ResaleRenegade Месяц назад +1

    The entire reason I work for myself is SO THAT I can be there for my kid as much as I am... I'll trade money for time with people I care about every day of the week. Will I achieve the massive level of success that Jeff Bezos has? Nah, but that's ok.. it's not for me.

  • @thejakewardfilms
    @thejakewardfilms Месяц назад

    This is really good stuff you’re talking about here Aaron. You’re so right there’s no easy button for WLB. Been an inspiration for me since I was in middle school and I’m 23 now. Thank you brother your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed

  • @nick111655
    @nick111655 Месяц назад

    I guess it all depends on the individual. Some feel they require more than others, and some the simple things of life, that money cannot buy, like unconditional love from family or spouse, or kids. Myself it is Time. Hard work is important, you have to do it to attain a suitable lifestyle. If you work too much you become as miserable as heck, all work and no play is no good. All you do is working your life away to keep up with what society expects, or the status quo. Some are as poor as can be but can be happier than many, because what they have is genuine. Whatever your priorities are do what makes you happy is the main idea.

  • @AIMusicArtandWriting
    @AIMusicArtandWriting Месяц назад

    I’ve always said this: the only people that talk about and want “work-life balance” are 9-5ers. I know because I am one. I want work life balance in my 9-5 so that I can use that time to build my business. One thing I’ve learned: give the 9-5 the bear bones minimum to get the money. Us that income and time not used on the 9-5 to build your empire. Work life balance in the 9-5 so you can get out of it. When you are building for yourself it will be work, but it won’t feel like work.

  • @yurydmorales
    @yurydmorales Месяц назад

    00:58 - 🛡 The concept of work-life balance is often misleading; true success requires dedicated effort and sacrifice.
    03:10 - 🤖 Entrepreneurs should expect to work long hours and sacrifice personal time for business growth, especially in the early stages.
    04:00 - 💼 Family members need to understand the demands of entrepreneurship and the necessity of intense work commitment.
    05:55 - 💡 Balancing time effectively and hiring help can improve work-life management as the business grows.
    08:22 - 📈 Being successful in business involves hard work and dedication, often contradicting the notion of an easy or balanced lifestyle.
    11:15 - 🌟 Achieving extraordinary success requires more than just putting in 40 hours a week; it demands exceptional effort and persistence.

  • @user-tx1ec9wb1z
    @user-tx1ec9wb1z Месяц назад

    Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity, planning, knowledge, or wisdom in Sheol where you are going.

  • @Kohl_Barsness
    @Kohl_Barsness Месяц назад

    I originally didn’t really relate to the video about constantly working on a business until 10:29 where I related it to my own journey in the gym and how I’m always thinking about it and if I don’t make progress workout to workout I feel like a failure, but the difference is that the gym is only max 2 hours per day and once you finished the session your done for the day as you have to recover, but with business you could work on it as long as you would like so you could spend all day on it especially if your passionate and once one becomes successful it would become something you would chase and the whole idea of entrepreneurship seems quite attractive, even the part of busting ones ass off every day because the accomplishment and success would be worth it all

  • @boyantrifonov
    @boyantrifonov Месяц назад

    One of the best things my father did when I was a kid (he is still alive, thank God!) was take me and my mom on business trips abroad when possible.
    I got to see my father working and realized money does not grow on trees.
    When he really had to work me and my mom would go around in the city we were in.
    And as a child this does not feel like work.
    A business dinner that my dad had was a new experience for me.
    And it does not matter you are not in the white collar field.
    As long as it is safe - bring your children.
    You will look like their hero and they will cherish the memories.
    And your wives / girlfriends will appreciate it if they can work remote or they are "stay at home moms"
    Remember a whole movement started because of bored housewives.
    I understand this does not work for many jobs.
    But if you are on the entrepreneur route - it can work in a lot of cases!

  • @wanye1947
    @wanye1947 Месяц назад

    Dude nailed it. Ive started 2 companies and closed both of them down because my personality isnt true entrepreneurship. I found a great job that gives tons of vacation time, i shouldnt even think about trying to start another company again, waist of money and time and strain in family for no reason
    You deserve everything youve built

  • @SheikTV1
    @SheikTV1 Месяц назад +1

    I strive for work work balance. there’s work that makes you wealthier and there’s work that makes you happier. ps: nice pipes

  • @iiitzurlzrd
    @iiitzurlzrd Месяц назад

    Believe me, I’m also all about hard work. Especially if it means that hard work now, equals easier work later. I’ve read two books that have completely changed the way I look at creating a business. That’s 1. The E Myth by Michael Gerber and 2. Systemology by David Jenyns. I would recommend reading or listening to those books if you haven’t already. 😊

  • @Fedgery007
    @Fedgery007 Месяц назад

    PREACH! Omg I wish I could send this to every single person I know. Nobody understands ANY of this. Everyone thinks it’s “not that hard”. And they ask things like “what’s taking so long?”??!!

  • @oiuytv
    @oiuytv Месяц назад +3

    I respect you and your girlfriends viewpoint, especially not having any children with each other, but I Promise, after having kids with marriage, things change sir. Fyi. Good videos though.

  • @shafserious2805
    @shafserious2805 Месяц назад

    Your right!!!! Alot of people are waking up to this. This statement makes more sense with wage slaves.

  • @TheNtg3399
    @TheNtg3399 Месяц назад +1

    I disagree. Work life balance is super important. There are much more important things in life than money. However, the way you demonstrate your life, you have great work life balance. You always work on yourself, you always work on your money, and you always appear to spend time with your significant other. I am confused why you are saying it is not important?
    I just finished 7 years of medical school and residency, The job I chose is 14 shifts per month in hospital full salary and I am so happy to finally get back myself and discover new passions!

  • @christianramirez1255
    @christianramirez1255 Месяц назад

    Im torn on this
    I just had a conversation with my girlfriend and she laid it out simple to me, I need more work life balance. At first I disagreed but after hearing her points i recognized I have been a half ass boyfriend because I only care about work.
    Now after hearing this video, I couldn’t be more torn.
    Should I value working only (which is my default state) or should I lay off some of my ambition??

  • @IproPvP
    @IproPvP Месяц назад +1

    black and white combo on the home is great

  • @alejandrotorrero3621
    @alejandrotorrero3621 Месяц назад

    Great video Alpha, very honest and straight-forward as always, no sugar coating.

  • @BecomingMyFutureSelf
    @BecomingMyFutureSelf Месяц назад

    Thank you for being real and not politically correct! My son has special needs and I have to do the work and make the hard decisions in order to make sure that his needs can be met as I get older. That’s gonna cost money and the rest of my family really can’t understand.
    I’m gonna continue to do what must be done. Money matters!

  • @timlucasentertainment
    @timlucasentertainment Месяц назад

    Thank you for yet another video worth so much in inspiration truth and direction

  • @mysteryman4252
    @mysteryman4252 Месяц назад

    When you work over 50-60 hours a week you have to talk to the people you care about.
    There's ways to do it correctly however make sure that the hour or two you spend with your family that you are locked in and engaged, maybe you don't make it to every game bit FaceTime your child and let them know you're proud, make sure you're engaged with your wife on that date.
    Work life balance is definitely subjective but Entrepreneurship is a different life just remember when you're working those ridiculous hours when you are with your family focus on them make the shorter time you spend with them as valuable as possible.

  • @lindseyclark718
    @lindseyclark718 9 дней назад

    I think a lot of what you say, especially about owning your own business, is true. And I think especially for your own life, work life balance is probably bullshit. But I can also see why some people think you work too hard, but if working is what you enjoy doing then that's your balance. If you enjoy your work then that IS work life balance. Like being an artist... Which obviously even owning an art business means doing all kinds of stuff no one wants to do, the marketing, networking, paperwork, figuring out pricing, just figuring out How to do what you want to do and how to make money from it... All things people don't realize they will have to do it they start a business which they think will be "easy". I think there are certain businesses you can own and have more freedom. I had a successful photography business precovid and it wasn't too much work but Getting there meant sometimes 80 hour work weeks... Like there's at least going to be a period of time where you're working constantly.
    Weve moved and we have kids now so it's going to make starting up again really difficult but in the end I do think it's worth it.
    That being said... I think for a good number of people, myself included, being the most successful isn't really my life end goal. I want a small house on our property and I want to have a little more freedom to schedule shoots, and weddings during times my husband can be home to watch the kids, etc. Owning your own business Can offer you that and .... To be honest I've always felt owning your own business, once it's going, offers More stability than working for someone else, who can just fire you for no reason at any time. 🤷🏼‍♀️
    Pros and cons. I think people should just do what they want with their lives and I think you're pretty accepting of those who aren't following the same path you are, but a lot of people can be judgemental towards "workaholics" so to speak. I say, to each their own!

  • @dawson0610
    @dawson0610 Месяц назад

    Thats why I chose to be a stocks and crypto trader. I can have both F you money and work life balance that I want. Traditional business is not for me. Love that I can work my business anywhere and anytime without overhead. I do love the whole brick and mortar businesses, but I just choose not to.

  • @zzjordan087
    @zzjordan087 Месяц назад +2

    Love the passion, but I disagree with your notion that work-life balance (WLB) is “bullshit”. WLB is subjective. One person’s WLB is not the same as the next. You having a wife, working out the way you do IS WLB. Yes, most entrepreneurs work a lot, but they need WLB to be successful. You can overwork yourself to failure.

  • @matineyang
    @matineyang Месяц назад

    Worked 100 hr weeks for months when I opened my gym. That’s just the hours I put in at the physical location. I’ll still put in hours at home.

  • @KellyLove36535
    @KellyLove36535 Месяц назад

    Love this guy❤

  • @noah_webb
    @noah_webb Месяц назад

    Love the Alpha Mpire channel!!

  • @JoeyVilleneuve
    @JoeyVilleneuve Месяц назад

    Regarding the comment, I think it was more meant along the lines of "you don't have kids, what's the point in having/building bigger and bigger houses?" It sounded to me like he was making a point about you seeming to always want MORE in hopes of finding contentment. I could be wrong,

  • @marlonconradbravo
    @marlonconradbravo Месяц назад

    Thank you for the cold, hard, truth. ❤💪

  • @JayFiCPA
    @JayFiCPA Месяц назад

    Man Alpha with a house that goegeous she better not say you work too much! Respect the grind keep goin!

  • @tuesdayswithed
    @tuesdayswithed Месяц назад

    I grew up before there was an internet or any technology. That being said I still wish I could have heard this advice when I was 20. Thanks for sharing and being brutally honest. Take Care.

  • @homestudioacademy
    @homestudioacademy Месяц назад

    Aaron, don't let comments bother you. I know it's easier said than done but as a content creator myself, I've learned that most likely, the internet trolls are trying compensate what they lack in their own lives by attempting to bring others down.. Alpha, you made it! You've helped millions of people! You've accomplished more than 99% of other people! Keep crushing it!

  • @Fedgery007
    @Fedgery007 Месяц назад +1

    This might be the best video you have ever made.

  • @vinniesimmons4067
    @vinniesimmons4067 Месяц назад

    How much will the property taxes be on a house like that? LOVE the house!!

  • @filsor3834
    @filsor3834 Месяц назад

    Dokładnie, masz rację stary :)

  • @goblintown
    @goblintown Месяц назад

    Alpha- how do you always stay so tan? Sun, tanning bed, Melanotan 2? Trying to find safer method that’s not spray.

  • @user-tx1ec9wb1z
    @user-tx1ec9wb1z Месяц назад +1

    I won the day I gave my life to Christ.

  • @xdanielgs
    @xdanielgs Месяц назад

    Luke 12:13-21 (READ THIS)

  • @user-qz1mn6qx9t
    @user-qz1mn6qx9t Месяц назад

    Hey, Alpha! I have a question ... My dream from a young age is to build my own businesses, apps, SaaSes - but I'm not doing it. I choose to work two jobs, also I will agree to do three of four. I love to work, work many hours - I'm not scared of hard work. But for some reason I can't start my businesses. What can I do about it?

  • @OmarKrauser
    @OmarKrauser Месяц назад

    3:53 LOL 😂😂😂😂

  • @Bugoffkc
    @Bugoffkc Месяц назад

    Love this video. Needed this. Work smarter, work harder should be a better cliche lol

  • @fkr787
    @fkr787 Месяц назад

    100% Preach!!!!

  • @fionagallagher984
    @fionagallagher984 Месяц назад +1

    He doesn’t have kids. What else is he doing to do but work?

    • @edsta714
      @edsta714 Месяц назад

      Yea he’s gonna leave his empire to his cats.

  • @nicholaspurtell2777
    @nicholaspurtell2777 Месяц назад

    Happiness lies…in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.
    -Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • @roberttravers4933
    @roberttravers4933 Месяц назад

    It’s a lot… and I mean A LOT harder to do what you do when you have kids, buddy… not making excuses, but seriously kids do not want to hear some bullshit Gary vaynerchuk slang about hustling and grinding 24 seven… they want you to show up to their fucking T-ball game and they just want you to be present… like I said, not trying to make excuses, but it’s a lot easier to do when you don’t have children because they do require a lot of time…

  • @boots8562
    @boots8562 Месяц назад

    1:53 Yo Alpha, I said paint them dark red cause it would pop against the white wall. Similar to the dark red lips of a spicy señorita!

  • @michael.di3
    @michael.di3 Месяц назад

    So true, not just for entrepreneurs but anyone trying to rise to a leadership position and create a successful life. When people say “work life balance” they are honestly just talking about wasting time (useless scrolling, rotting on the couch, etc). The more you have of something, the less you appreciate it, and that includes free time. People who work hard may have less free time, but they enjoy it more and don’t waste it away.

  • @marcoshares
    @marcoshares Месяц назад


  • @courtlandgaba4037
    @courtlandgaba4037 Месяц назад +2

    The same people who place such a high value on work/life balance are often the same people who live paycheck to paycheck. Work hard now, retire early, then you can have all the balance you want.

  • @The_Ronald_Baez
    @The_Ronald_Baez Месяц назад +4

    Sounds Ike you're talking down to people that choose not to chase the almighty dollar. Happiness, contentment, and success is measured differently by everyone. You chose to be a workaholic chasing after material and financial goals and not to be a father. How's that anymore successful than the 9-5 family man/woman that values their time w/their family, their own free time, and still being able to cover their bills? You made a life choice, don't fault others for making their own choices when it doesn't align w/your own pov. Those very same people might view you as a failure. After seeing this video of yours, I'd have to agree w/them now

    • @karagraham9764
      @karagraham9764 Месяц назад +4

      You could have simply said success is measured differently by different people. He’s had failed businesses

    • @Fedgery007
      @Fedgery007 Месяц назад +3

      Get over yourself. The fact that you can take everything, he said in this video and come to that conclusion just shows where you are in life.

  • @emergencyfood7660
    @emergencyfood7660 Месяц назад

    A bit of an egoistic video...

  • @IsmaelMartinezMusic
    @IsmaelMartinezMusic Месяц назад

    I said leave the pipes as they were. Seeing the results now that they are painted black...
    I was right...
    They looked a lot better as they were 😂

  • @VerbalOnLife
    @VerbalOnLife Месяц назад +5


    • @eddiemoses80
      @eddiemoses80 Месяц назад +2

      Yes SURRR!!! Latinos for Trump 2024!💯❤✝

  • @monsterxn1nj4delgado44
    @monsterxn1nj4delgado44 Месяц назад