i did NOT expect an entire rabbit hole to spawn from a simple hitbox shifting bug, but i wont argue with it since this is going to be fire. edit: (it was fire)
This is really interesting, reminds me of all the insane bug hunts I've gone on over the years when modding. This is also one of those bugs where you report it and the first reaction is "what? there literally isn't any code in the mod that could possibly do that" but then there's some completely unknown obscure side effect somewhere that manifests in a larger problem. I've had bugs which after weeks of tracing I eventually found out one of Geode's internal components was ever so slightly wrong
Every developers nightmare, the really easy, but annoying bug to fix that was shelved in some random function that was written like 4 months ago the entire time
I (might) Have Figured it out with proof (if this gets attention i will upload it) in deadlocked the screen has a transition where to first teleport portal scales up but because the hitbox is locked to the back of the texture it moves up (you can see with the built in show hitboxes for practice mode) however when mh show hitboxes is on it doesn't this is because megahack show hitboxes messes with the hitboxes so they dont move unless acted upon by a trigger, no other object has a hitbox that locks to a part of a texture so it scaling from the screen transition moves it but the show hitboxes mode prevents that breaking the hitbox in both parts. removing the screen transition fixes it. Im not crazy its the screen transition
As others have said, I've had this happen too (only in 2.2), you're just the first person to talk about it instead of just writing it off as "wow, I must be going crazy"
yeah its happened to me, it is really interesting im glad this video exists because all these bugs make the game more funny, and it also gives me insight.
I never played Deadlocked in 2.2 so can't say anything about the ship part, but the thing on the first cube part happened to me in 2.1 as well, and on 60Hz too on mobile and in normal mode
About the show hitboxes bug, maybe it could be something to do with the mod itself, since Rob’s own “show hitbox” feature does NOT break the portals, which is interesting.
@@xenyan171 no like you can count the music for a certain amount of time and then for example when you get to the drop of the song you can recount from 1
i've actually experienced this bug myself, and i genuinely thought it was just a hitbox anticheat in invisible deadlocked lol. furthermore, i found that if you go into practice on deadlocked and turn on the "show hitboxes in practice" thing that's built into the game, as soon as you get to the first teleportal you can see that the hitbox literally just moves up as soon as it enters the screen. (not sure if you knew this just thought it was interesting)
Also if you go frame by frame with robtop hitboxes at 58 you can literally see the portal hitbox moving from aligning with the slab under it to being in between the two
@@axiom123someone else already commented this, it's because of the screen transition animation. the teleport portal and EXCLUSIVELY the teleport portal has its hitbox snap to the edge of its texture at all times. normally this would be fine, but the show hitboxes mod makes it so that hitboxes are COMPLETELY STATIC except if they are modified by a trigger. the problem is that when the portal goes through specific screen transition animations (for example small to big) the hitbox is supposed to snap to the side of the portal as it's scaling up, but the mod isn't letting it. because of this, the hitbox is offset.
That's a known thing though, and I'm pretty sure it was fixed on 2.2. I think it had to do with the ball coming out of a moving platform with a pad. There were levels that this intentionally, you'd get the cube or whatever on a platform moving up, place a pad, and the player had a few fractions of a second coming out of the pad to do a double-jump.
9:20 they are not centred because some people put portals on top of the teleport portals and they might become confused if the game mode isn’t switching.
the hitbox just sometimes doesn't move to where it's supposed to from enter effects it seems but show hitboxes mod just makes it so it always doesn't move from enter effects unless loaded before turning on show hitboxes we can see the hitbox move with the enter effect at 16:04 sometimes it just doesn't do that which is the bug and if you make a copy of deadlocked, select the teleporters and turn on don't enter, this issue doesn't happen as the portal immediately starts full size and the hitbox starts where it should be rather than moving into place with the enter effect
5:33 I've had this bug before. For me it happens if you get too much velocity when teleporting, since the velocity applies the frame you exit the orange portal, and if you have too much you hit the floor. This happens if you hit the green orb way too late. Can also depend on FPS.
i made a level using a whole bunch of bugs, one part included teleportals (that is the superior name) going underneath the level and teleporting the player faster than the refresh rate, effectively placing the player under the level. it completely broke in 2.2, and doesnt even try to put the player under the level anymore. that means that 2.2 changed the way teleportals work. the level only worked above a certain refresh rate, and consistently did not work after 2.2. might just be a coincidence, and the new 240 lock did something, but im 99% sure it worked on 240hz in 2.1 edit: i personally think rob added a hidden random trigger to both levels without telling anybody just to see if anyone would notice
@@SillyGoober___ No, because the enter effect does not affect any other hitbox in the scene. Show hitboxes literally saw the enter effect on an offcenter hitbox and freaked out
omg I used to get this bug back in 2.1 and I was never able to figure out why it happened! It actually caused me to immediately drop invis deadlocked (because that's how I found out about it too) because I was so confused and genuinely just couldn't figure it out. Thank you for shedding some light on this bizarre issue and hopefully absolllute will fix it now that it's been solved
I think the issue is probably due to the fact that fade effects squish the hitboxes in a weird way, resulting in Show Hitboxes (and on death) trying to load them back but messing up their position due to some core bug, like teleport portals being falsely given the same hitbox as the other portals.
show hitboxes prevents the hitbox movement from the enter effect happening entirely unless the object was loaded beforehand it seems at 16:04 you can see what's supposed to happen - the hitbox moves up as the teleporter plays the enter animation at 19:27 you can see it simply just doesn't move
also similarly if you enable hitboxes (the in-game feature), the mirror portals actually flip the hitboxes, making transitions break only when hitboxes is on, and additionally when you get the bug where spamming mirror portals will flip the textures, the hitboxes will get flipped too i think the game is flipping the hitbox textures(?) like any object and making the hitbox change ironic since hitboxes dont even show up when youre on mirror mode lmao
It's so cool that this whole video dropped when I'm currently going for my new hardest (deadlocked) It really gives me more motivation to go for the level, especially that I've just unintentionally done 10-100 and I know that it's still going to take me awhile.
broski dont think like that, confidence is the key to beat new hardest levels, even if it takes 10k or 100k attempts like at some point you will eventually beat it! :)
hitbox mod was the first thing i thought of when you mentioned the portal hitboxes got screwed over thought it's known that hitbox mod sometimes messes you up, it also causes some slopes to not behave properly very rarely
seems for some reason the enter effect with show hitboxes just makes the hitbox not move correctly like, at 16:04 you can see as the teleporter portal fades in, the hitbox moves into place whereas at 19:27 the hitbox doesn't move into place when the portal fades in
I heard about this bug originally with the teleport portals in the cube at the beginning back in January, and encountered it myself on those portals once since then, but I had never heard about it happening in the ship until now. This is really a strange phenomenon. After finishing the video, I have something I want to add; I don’t have Megahack. This means that something other than the show hitboxes is causing this to be a problem, at the time I experienced the bug myself I didn’t even have ANY mods, so something in the vanilla game is causing the hitboxes to screw up.
im not sure if anyone realised that this can be a major problem SPECIALLY for the leaderboards, because the hitbox being shifted probably means that the game was altered in a significant manner and many people could get banned in the proccess, it is terrifying
The incorrect hitbox can be seen moving at the edge of the screen if using a timewarp trigger (vanilla show hitbox). Its probably something to do with the fade/enter effects and how certain mods show hitboxes
The hitbox moves due to fade/enter effects and mods probably get and set the hitbox to how it is before the fade/enter effect is started, causing the bug. From my own testing, object ID 27 and 28 cause the hitbox to move due to the scaling effect of those enter effects. Object 27 is the single green arrow enter effect, and object 28 is the single yellow arrow enter effect.
show hitboxes probably has something that prevents hitboxes from moving unless a trigger moves it so yea, you're right loading the object before turning on show hitboxes tho seems to make it actually move correctly 16:04 is an example of the hitbox moving with the enter effect (how it's supposed to be)
from the title, I thought this was gonna be a joke video. But it turns out to be a serious issue. Crazy stuff man, lmao. GG on finding all of this out. That's actually impressive!
your videos are incredibly entertaining man great job also what makes this bug even weirder is that it seems to only happen with megahacks show hitboxes, not with the built in option
I also got this 9% bug several times on vanilla gd when doing random attempts on the level for no reason. But I though it was because I was clicking the green orb too early, I was not expecting megahack to be the cause of it and every other teleport portals. Great video man!
This bug also happened to me in vanilla 2.1 and early 2.2, except it only killed me at 58% and at some teleport portal in the mini ball part. Weird. BTW, really good video!
That's an actual level bug and not the teleport portal hitbox moving. Clicking the yellow and green orbs before that in a certain timing causes that, looks very similar but they have different underlying causes. (Apparently this one is fixed in 2.2? I'm not sure) There's no such bug with the portal at the ship part
Hi NothingIsScary, if you see this comment, no I don’t think it’s related to Mega Hack because this exact thing also happens for me on Deadlocked, dying at 9% and 58%, and I have never touched a mod in my life. 60hz Macbook.
A similar bug also takes a role in other levels too. As I was practicing cataclysm, I enabled the in game hitboxes and went into practice mode, as I got to the end ship, the reverse portal combined with the in game hitbox feature, made the slope hitboxes reverse and it would become impossible. It also sometimes makes the hitboxes disappear visually when entering the reverse portal. But as soon as I disabled the feature, it worked perfectly fine again.
Yeah this bug happened to me about 6 months ago for the first time. It just happens randomly when I’m playing the original level with no hit boxes or triggers or Cbf or anything. Not even practice mode. Just normal. And like I mentioned before, it doesn’t just happen once, it happens over and over again until I restart my game.
As a programmer what is most likely happening is that Absolute made is so all hitboxes snap to the grid most likely in an attempt to make them precisely correct, unknowingly breaking the teleport portals that have the weird hitbox in the process, as for why it only happens when it renders for the first time is how show hitboxes renders hitboxes in the first place, to avoid lag it renders hitboxes as soon as they enter the screen, if its already rendered it doesn't re-render it. So yeah this is definitely weird but thats most likely what's happening.
the hitbox for the teleport portal is shifted to the side because rob wanted it to look like you actually went into the portal before teleporting, if it was like every other portal you would teleport before going through the portal making it look weird. If you slow down the game before entering a gamemode portal you can see the icon change game mode before going into the portal. so there you go ig
Dunno if anybody will read this but I discovered a bug while practicing Silent Nerfstep by Vortrox for fun. For some reason, mirror portals mess up the show hitboxes in practice mode (already known), but also the slopes he placed in the UFO randomly render and have inverted hitboxes. Just another weird bug having to do with hitboxes.
Thank god. I dropped invisible deadlocked because I couldnt pass the first portal and I spent hours playing it in practice, playing actual deadlocked, looking in invisible deadlocked's editor, messing around in the editor in general and I could never find out why this stupid bug was happening. Thank you so much lol
I'd like to say that without a blindfold, invis deadlocked isn't just easier, but like 100x easier. Being able to keep track of your momentum is one of the strongest features you can have
i just remembered that i sometimes died in deadlocked at the first ball section (where you have to avoid the red structures) because i seemingly hit an "object" in midair , causing a gravity switch and death, when in reality i just wanted to buffer a green orb.
this is the game tester that all game devs would ever dream of i feel like you're exaggerating a bit with the single bug out of many hundreds, but you had fun, and that's the most important part.
oh my god im not crazy! recently i was making a "funny macro" for deadlocked and these teleportal bugs were constantly ruining it. this video was extremely insightful and also tells me im not actually crazy. thank you
That bug is not from 2.2, that bug happened to me BEFORE 2.2, specifically the one at 5:58, I thought it was because it gave buffer to the green orb, but the next try I did timing and it didn't happen... ..my conclusion is, geometry dash is so poorly programmed that possibly it will break more over time
Now, I died to this exact bug myself and the thing is, this also works with show Hitboxes after death as you said. I would die to like a fake orb that is at the edge of rendering the portal aka it starting to appear in the ground and I would die to it next run… HOWEVER: it would instantly fix itself next run so I dunno what’s up with that since I never reentered the level or did anything, just another basic attempt.
This doesn't happen with the built-in show hitboxes option, which I thought would be the case since there's a similar bug where slopes don't give you momentum when ignore damage is turned on. I'm guessing what happened was that megahack's show hitboxes option, for whatever reason, creates its own hitboxes for the object, overriding the vanilla code that does it. This works most of the time but the teleport portal hitbox was misplaced since it's not centered.
Its not show hitboxes related i think because lots of fellas are saying theyve had this bug in Vanilla GD and in 2.1 aswell as 2.2... its screen transition related bug btw
Huh, I always thought the bug in the first cube was just me entering the portal wrong or something but yeah I encountered it a lot while beating deadlocked for the first time, during 2.1
22:05 If it happens with show hitboxes on death only if you die enough, I think it means that it only works if you have show hitboxes on at a specific distance to the object, not too close and not too far, my guess by looking at the other comments would be that it has to be right after it appears on screen
I experienced something similar in cataclysm, not with teleport portals but I think it is to do with mirror portals. I have no mods installed, this is the base game. At 63%, just before the reverse ship part, if I enable hitboxes and go into the transition, I die to the slope that is supposed to align me for the straight fly. This will only happen with show hitboxes on, and it isn't related to how far into the level I have been in practice or had hitboxes on, it is 100% consistent.
I can confirm that this happens to me too, it's so bizarre how it only effects some of the teleport portals. I wonder if this is an issue with one of the more recent builds of mega hack because I'm suprised it took this long to find out, especially since I feel like hitboxes on death is a very popular hack to have on harder levels. I personally just leave it on by default. Edit: it's bizarre how random it is, I'm struggling to reproduce it in a test level but I am encountering the bug in other actual levels as well.
dude wtff i think this COULD have happening to me when i was grinding Requiem, random tp portals would just instakill me (hitboxes on death enabled) and i was writing it off as the level itself being buggy i kinda wanna go back and test it now knowing what you just uncovered
7:14 as a mobile 60hz player I can tell you I’ve experienced bugs like this where even without me manually restarting with the button on the pause menu, I can sometimes very rarely do jumps that shouldn’t be possible on 60hz
I also experienced the same bug of dying to the teleport portals in the beginning, but I assumed the pads inside the teleport portal was what was killing me
Programmer here, it's def a show hitboxes bug, and it's a lot less mysterious than you think. It only happens with teleport portals because show hitboxes thinks that all portals have their hitboxes at the center so it loads them into memory with the hitboxes at the center (upd: the game itself thinks that but the game fixes it and show hitboxes doesn't). It doesn't happen when you first see the portal without show hitboxes on because it is loaded into memory with the correct hitboxes already and show hitboxes doesn't change that I guess for optimization. Also, this happens in all levels with the setup.
yeah thats honestly so weird. I remember something similar happening in old Duelo Maestro at 14%, and the same thingin LIMBO at 48%, and I was only able to fix both of them by exiting the level and going back into it(i died to 48% in limbo so many times from 0 it was so annoying lmfao)
Literally word for word happened to me. I encountered this bug in the middle of a botted funny run of deadlocked, trying to test out XDbot and how it worked And my first thought was also goofy frame alignment bullshit
I remember the day 2.206 came out somone posted this exact bug on twitter but with the ingame hitbox viewer, it might be the case that megahack isnt bugged and rob broke something while adding the ingame show hitboxes
I gor into testing the scale transitions on vanilla gd. Practice mode show hitboxes does indeed move the portals hitbox, but only with the scaling transitions. Using the big to regular one also shows the portal moving from the opposte direction, but starting the level with show hitboxes before rendering it doesnt do any shenanigans. This appears to be a megahack bug.
So, I tested this in Invisible Deadlocked using the Show Hitboxes on the official settings menu, and I found out that those portals' hitboxes move on their own?? I have absolutely no idea why I just uploaded a video showing that. This gets more and more confusing by the minute.
geometry dash's entire game engine is put outside in a forest and robtop just lets nature do whatever it wants with it that is my theory on why every stupid bug exists
It's not just the show hitbox mod. I play on my phone from time to time and the bug happens to me at the first portal and game is not modded. There likely is more to the story.
I also had this bug but I thought it was my fault for the orb timings but it was invisible so it is not fair, thanks for trying to get robtop to fix this bug
I had the exact bug of the first cube happen to me too on Deadlocked. I had no way of reproducing it, just random over and over. Never realized it was due to SH, that's crazy.
I noticed that the teleportals that are rotated don't actually have this bug. Look back at the footage and you'll see the very first teleportal used, which is at 45°, and the hitbox is actually in the right spot. The rabbit hole goes even DEEPER. Might try some other stuff later. I'm so fascinated by this lol.
My theory (and personal experience) is what when the cube hitbox enters into a gravity portal it slighty increases its range, causing the portal hitbox move a bit of the structure and make the glitch, after beating Deadlocked i died a lot of times in that part for that bug, and it can be fixed replacing that platforms with something with a better hitbox (such a block or smh)
I hope you see this, I had a similar experience but on cataclysm and without megahack on the 64% of the level just when you enter the mirror portal and the ship, for some reason enabling hitboxes made the transition impossible, as soon as I entered the portals I died and the only way to fix it was to turn off "show hitboxes"
This isn't a surprise for me. Last month I noticed, that my geode mods are somehow making the song offset as I progress further into the level. After some testing it turned out, that the "practise bug fix" in MH is causing this. So with that in mind I think that a lot more mods in MH might be broken as well, and we don't even know about it.
It's always the teleportal that bugs the most huh Another bug this has is the orange teleportal moving back to its original position when you exit the editor after repositioning it. Surely the portal moving is related to its hitboxes moving
If robtop rated centipede this bug wouldnt have happened smh
a more factual statement has never been said before
for once, the court finds robtop not guilty
The one time rob is not guilty in gd history
NGL I knew it was gonna be a problem with hacks lmao I called it immediately when I clicked this video
@@bennekin it's kind of amusing how he's explaining how geometry dash is broken meanwhile all menus are completely modded
he's slowly turning into gd colon
nah he's a bigger hater than gd colon
@@marblenotfriendly Colon if he was good:
You mean the loser?
@@flvk. of what
i would never go this far
If a cube broke into my house remind me to turn on hitboxes before it does
i did NOT expect an entire rabbit hole to spawn from a simple hitbox shifting bug, but i wont argue with it since this is going to be fire. edit: (it was fire)
next gd twitter drama
Hit boxes between portals
Daily Dose Of GD
Oh boy, here we go again
This is really interesting, reminds me of all the insane bug hunts I've gone on over the years when modding. This is also one of those bugs where you report it and the first reaction is "what? there literally isn't any code in the mod that could possibly do that" but then there's some completely unknown obscure side effect somewhere that manifests in a larger problem. I've had bugs which after weeks of tracing I eventually found out one of Geode's internal components was ever so slightly wrong
Every developers nightmare, the really easy, but annoying bug to fix that was shelved in some random function that was written like 4 months ago the entire time
I (might) Have Figured it out with proof (if this gets attention i will upload it)
in deadlocked the screen has a transition where to first teleport portal scales up but because the hitbox is locked to the back of the texture it moves up (you can see with the built in show hitboxes for practice mode) however when mh show hitboxes is on it doesn't this is because megahack show hitboxes messes with the hitboxes so they dont move unless acted upon by a trigger, no other object has a hitbox that locks to a part of a texture so it scaling from the screen transition moves it but the show hitboxes mode prevents that breaking the hitbox in both parts. removing the screen transition fixes it. Im not crazy its the screen transition
Sounds right
i've done my own testing and, can confirm, it's the screen transition. big to small makes the hitbox move even more off-center.
This sounds entirely plausible, forwarded to Absolute
i never modded gd and this happend to me
Can u pls show proof, i believ u but i want see
"slightly easier" are we gonna talk about the guy who spent 2 million attempts beating clubstep blindfolded 💀💀
You are everywhere and I am the only person noticing it
that was a joke video
that's faked
@@RandomBloonStuff NoURn't
@@900bpmyears ago he published the progress… is fake?
As others have said, I've had this happen too (only in 2.2), you're just the first person to talk about it instead of just writing it off as "wow, I must be going crazy"
yea happened to me too
yeah its happened to me, it is really interesting im glad this video exists because all these bugs make the game more funny, and it also gives me insight.
also happened to me, but only with the first portal, I always thought I mistimed my jump or something.
I never played Deadlocked in 2.2 so can't say anything about the ship part, but the thing on the first cube part happened to me in 2.1 as well, and on 60Hz too on mobile and in normal mode
@@Fafrsame, I havent played deadlocked sinds 2.2 released but had alreast a simular bug in 2.1.
About the show hitboxes bug, maybe it could be something to do with the mod itself, since Rob’s own “show hitbox” feature does NOT break the portals, which is interesting.
But I've never modded gd and died to the bug before
@@Fish-E-13 true, before i modded gd, this bug with the first portal happened to me more time than i can count
@@Fish-E-13 @husseinallamGD This happened to me as well! I never modded the game, but I still got the bug!
Doesn't megahack in the current state simply enable robtop's own feature? I'm pretty sure it's just calling the function to enable it.
I see people say here that the bug happened to them without modding. I tried to replicate but I couldn’t so maybe it can I guess.
seeing the player makes it a billion times easier than being blindfolded (ie compare blind blizzard to the guy who beat clubstep blindfolded)
You could probably beat all the main levels blindfolded by using beat counting it's a technique used in blindfolded speedrunning
@@RedYoshi664good luck counting for a medium demon with over 100 clicks
@@xenyan171 That's definitely possible you could probably also use parts of the background music to reset the beat count
@@RedYoshi664 the background changes when you die or restart, that's one of the ways to catch a spliced recording
@@xenyan171 no like you can count the music for a certain amount of time and then for example when you get to the drop of the song you can recount from 1
i've actually experienced this bug myself, and i genuinely thought it was just a hitbox anticheat in invisible deadlocked lol. furthermore, i found that if you go into practice on deadlocked and turn on the "show hitboxes in practice" thing that's built into the game, as soon as you get to the first teleportal you can see that the hitbox literally just moves up as soon as it enters the screen. (not sure if you knew this just thought it was interesting)
WHAT thats crazy is rob hiding something?
@@axiom123 nah its just a screen transition bug
Also if you go frame by frame with robtop hitboxes at 58 you can literally see the portal hitbox moving from aligning with the slab under it to being in between the two
@@axiom123someone else already commented this, it's because of the screen transition animation. the teleport portal and EXCLUSIVELY the teleport portal has its hitbox snap to the edge of its texture at all times. normally this would be fine, but the show hitboxes mod makes it so that hitboxes are COMPLETELY STATIC except if they are modified by a trigger. the problem is that when the portal goes through specific screen transition animations (for example small to big) the hitbox is supposed to snap to the side of the portal as it's scaling up, but the mod isn't letting it. because of this, the hitbox is offset.
Is it the enter animation?
The real Deadlocked conspiracy is the 22% green orb, I swear that orb bugged for me all the time when I initially tried to beat Deadlocked
I honestly thought I was the only one lol, nice to know that I'm not crazy.
That's a actual known level bug though lol
That's a known thing though, and I'm pretty sure it was fixed on 2.2. I think it had to do with the ball coming out of a moving platform with a pad. There were levels that this intentionally, you'd get the cube or whatever on a platform moving up, place a pad, and the player had a few fractions of a second coming out of the pad to do a double-jump.
I have a theory that it's a bug with the enter effect triggers
9:20 they are not centred because some people put portals on top of the teleport portals and they might become confused if the game mode isn’t switching.
That’s a good point
Also because if it was centered, then the player icon would appear to the left of the exit teleport portal, which would look incredibly wrong
@@NothingIsScary 13:59 another hitbox bug with the portals
@@NothingIsScary also 15:07, same portal
I've died to both these portals multiple times in normal mode on unmodded geometry dash, this happened when I was trying to beat deadlocked in 2.2
robtop be like: broken game code, take it or leave it.
disable show hitboxes. easy
Happened to me on unmodded normal mode 2.1 as well
the hitbox just sometimes doesn't move to where it's supposed to from enter effects it seems
but show hitboxes mod just makes it so it always doesn't move from enter effects unless loaded before turning on show hitboxes
we can see the hitbox move with the enter effect at 16:04
sometimes it just doesn't do that which is the bug
and if you make a copy of deadlocked, select the teleporters and turn on don't enter, this issue doesn't happen as the portal immediately starts full size and the hitbox starts where it should be rather than moving into place with the enter effect
That's caused by the official "show hitbox on practice mode". It does the same thing.
5:33 I've had this bug before. For me it happens if you get too much velocity when teleporting, since the velocity applies the frame you exit the orange portal, and if you have too much you hit the floor. This happens if you hit the green orb way too late. Can also depend on FPS.
yea, but it happens to me only on copyables
and it happened even before 2.2
how it seemed random
i didnt even have mods back then
It happens to me when I buffer the orb sometimes
5:36 this bug actually happened to me too while beating deadlocked lol, I just didn’t realize it as a bug
The biggest rabbit hole I’ve ever watched ever, not just gd
You haven't watched much have you...
@@sebas31415 what
this is nothing compared to some actually deep stuff
@@ZoroGMD no i havent
GD Colon's "The Secrets of Fake Geometry Dash", Shorts Wars, Omziscool
i believe this is a classic case of Geode's "Installing too many mods may break the game"
i made a level using a whole bunch of bugs, one part included teleportals (that is the superior name) going underneath the level and teleporting the player faster than the refresh rate, effectively placing the player under the level. it completely broke in 2.2, and doesnt even try to put the player under the level anymore. that means that 2.2 changed the way teleportals work. the level only worked above a certain refresh rate, and consistently did not work after 2.2. might just be a coincidence, and the new 240 lock did something, but im 99% sure it worked on 240hz in 2.1
edit: i personally think rob added a hidden random trigger to both levels without telling anybody just to see if anyone would notice
rob definitely didnt add a random trigger lol he wouldnt do that
16:04 I saw the teleport portal's hitbox, physically moving up!
im pretty sure thats just the fade and enter effect
@@SillyGoober___ No, because the enter effect does not affect any other hitbox in the scene. Show hitboxes literally saw the enter effect on an offcenter hitbox and freaked out
me too
it moved relative gravity portal
omg I used to get this bug back in 2.1 and I was never able to figure out why it happened! It actually caused me to immediately drop invis deadlocked (because that's how I found out about it too) because I was so confused and genuinely just couldn't figure it out. Thank you for shedding some light on this bizarre issue and hopefully absolllute will fix it now that it's been solved
nice pfp
@@RichConnerGMN thx you too
@@RichConnerGMNit’s gay
@@BtGram me when
@@BtGram last i checked that isnt the gay flag
I think the issue is probably due to the fact that fade effects squish the hitboxes in a weird way, resulting in Show Hitboxes (and on death) trying to load them back but messing up their position due to some core bug, like teleport portals being falsely given the same hitbox as the other portals.
show hitboxes prevents the hitbox movement from the enter effect happening entirely unless the object was loaded beforehand it seems
at 16:04 you can see what's supposed to happen - the hitbox moves up as the teleporter plays the enter animation
at 19:27 you can see it simply just doesn't move
also similarly if you enable hitboxes (the in-game feature), the mirror portals actually flip the hitboxes, making transitions break only when hitboxes is on, and additionally when you get the bug where spamming mirror portals will flip the textures, the hitboxes will get flipped too
i think the game is flipping the hitbox textures(?) like any object and making the hitbox change
ironic since hitboxes dont even show up when youre on mirror mode lmao
It's so cool that this whole video dropped when I'm currently going for my new hardest (deadlocked) It really gives me more motivation to go for the level, especially that I've just unintentionally done 10-100 and I know that it's still going to take me awhile.
broski dont think like that, confidence is the key to beat new hardest levels, even if it takes 10k or 100k attempts like at some point you will eventually beat it! :)
hitbox mod was the first thing i thought of when you mentioned the portal hitboxes got screwed over
thought it's known that hitbox mod sometimes messes you up, it also causes some slopes to not behave properly very rarely
but this bug happens to me in vanilla gd too ???
@@fizzy4009 HI FIZZZZ!!
and no i highly doubt hitboxes get messed up in vanilla gd outta the blue
@@xenyan171 it's happened to me many times and for other people too🤷♂️
seems for some reason the enter effect with show hitboxes just makes the hitbox not move correctly
like, at 16:04 you can see as the teleporter portal fades in, the hitbox moves into place whereas at 19:27 the hitbox doesn't move into place when the portal fades in
TL;DR : It was MegaHack that was causing the bug when you do something hitbox-related, not Deadlock, not the game.
I heard about this bug originally with the teleport portals in the cube at the beginning back in January, and encountered it myself on those portals once since then, but I had never heard about it happening in the ship until now. This is really a strange phenomenon.
After finishing the video, I have something I want to add; I don’t have Megahack. This means that something other than the show hitboxes is causing this to be a problem, at the time I experienced the bug myself I didn’t even have ANY mods, so something in the vanilla game is causing the hitboxes to screw up.
im not sure if anyone realised that this can be a major problem SPECIALLY for the leaderboards, because the hitbox being shifted probably means that the game was altered in a significant manner and many people could get banned in the proccess, it is terrifying
No, that's not how anticheat works at all in GD and plus noone would get banned manually for something so insignificant.
this happened during the creation of silent clubstep so...
The incorrect hitbox can be seen moving at the edge of the screen if using a timewarp trigger (vanilla show hitbox). Its probably something to do with the fade/enter effects and how certain mods show hitboxes
The hitbox moves due to fade/enter effects and mods probably get and set the hitbox to how it is before the fade/enter effect is started, causing the bug. From my own testing, object ID 27 and 28 cause the hitbox to move due to the scaling effect of those enter effects. Object 27 is the single green arrow enter effect, and object 28 is the single yellow arrow enter effect.
show hitboxes probably has something that prevents hitboxes from moving unless a trigger moves it so yea, you're right
loading the object before turning on show hitboxes tho seems to make it actually move correctly
16:04 is an example of the hitbox moving with the enter effect (how it's supposed to be)
I have a one friend, who has INSANE memory, and he beat invisible deadlocked in like a week (his hardest at the time was normal deadlocked)
from the title, I thought this was gonna be a joke video. But it turns out to be a serious issue. Crazy stuff man, lmao. GG on finding all of this out. That's actually impressive!
your videos are incredibly entertaining man great job
also what makes this bug even weirder is that it seems to only happen with megahacks show hitboxes, not with the built in option
I can't wait to see this. Everyone thinks you're going insane
I also got this 9% bug several times on vanilla gd when doing random attempts on the level for no reason. But I though it was because I was clicking the green orb too early, I was not expecting megahack to be the cause of it and every other teleport portals. Great video man!
This bug also happened to me in vanilla 2.1 and early 2.2, except it only killed me at 58% and at some teleport portal in the mini ball part. Weird.
BTW, really good video!
the plot thickens
Turning us all into programmers! Reproduce the bug > Figure out the cause > solve
Your videos have so much lore and are so good. I love watching them :)
Glad you like them!
I'm pretty sure I've had the 9% portal break in vanilla but I don't know
yea same
That's an actual level bug and not the teleport portal hitbox moving. Clicking the yellow and green orbs before that in a certain timing causes that, looks very similar but they have different underlying causes. (Apparently this one is fixed in 2.2? I'm not sure)
There's no such bug with the portal at the ship part
@@davinchristino no thats not fixed
The 9% one has happened to me a few times randomly, and I’m on mobile with no mods obviously.
i've actually experienced this bug multiple times in deadlocked, but never thought it was this deep (but i dont have megahack soooo...)
Hi NothingIsScary, if you see this comment, no I don’t think it’s related to Mega Hack because this exact thing also happens for me on Deadlocked, dying at 9% and 58%, and I have never touched a mod in my life. 60hz Macbook.
Same, megahack is one of the reasons, but there may be more.
This was a very interesting video!! Good content man :)
12:00 nice sync
A similar bug also takes a role in other levels too. As I was practicing cataclysm, I enabled the in game hitboxes and went into practice mode, as I got to the end ship, the reverse portal combined with the in game hitbox feature, made the slope hitboxes reverse and it would become impossible. It also sometimes makes the hitboxes disappear visually when entering the reverse portal. But as soon as I disabled the feature, it worked perfectly fine again.
I’ve had this bug happen to me a few times in 2.1 before 2.2, and have forgotten about it since
Yeah this bug happened to me about 6 months ago for the first time. It just happens randomly when I’m playing the original level with no hit boxes or triggers or Cbf or anything. Not even practice mode. Just normal. And like I mentioned before, it doesn’t just happen once, it happens over and over again until I restart my game.
As a programmer what is most likely happening is that Absolute made is so all hitboxes snap to the grid most likely in an attempt to make them precisely correct, unknowingly breaking the teleport portals that have the weird hitbox in the process, as for why it only happens when it renders for the first time is how show hitboxes renders hitboxes in the first place, to avoid lag it renders hitboxes as soon as they enter the screen, if its already rendered it doesn't re-render it. So yeah this is definitely weird but thats most likely what's happening.
but this bug happend to me when i played vanilla gd but i was not in practice mode
No because you gotta remember, its RobTop, so flip everything around and what is actually happening is a screen transition bug i believe
i have been experiencing that bug at 8% for months now and i am glad to hear that i'm not the only one :)
the hitbox for the teleport portal is shifted to the side because rob wanted it to look like you actually went into the portal before teleporting, if it was like every other portal you would teleport before going through the portal making it look weird. If you slow down the game before entering a gamemode portal you can see the icon change game mode before going into the portal. so there you go ig
this is like the bug that Skoe99 had that locked the inputs to 60hz that has no awnser what so ever
Kids: at school
Adults: at work
NothingIsScary: having a mental breakdown over teleport portals in a gd level
Dunno if anybody will read this but I discovered a bug while practicing Silent Nerfstep by Vortrox for fun. For some reason, mirror portals mess up the show hitboxes in practice mode (already known), but also the slopes he placed in the UFO randomly render and have inverted hitboxes. Just another weird bug having to do with hitboxes.
Thank god. I dropped invisible deadlocked because I couldnt pass the first portal and I spent hours playing it in practice, playing actual deadlocked, looking in invisible deadlocked's editor, messing around in the editor in general and I could never find out why this stupid bug was happening. Thank you so much lol
i can imagine a phone call-style request for that form screenshot:
"aaaand what's the ID?"
I'd like to say that without a blindfold, invis deadlocked isn't just easier, but like 100x easier. Being able to keep track of your momentum is one of the strongest features you can have
i just remembered that i sometimes died in deadlocked at the first ball section (where you have to avoid the red structures) because i seemingly hit an "object" in midair , causing a gravity switch and death, when in reality i just wanted to buffer a green orb.
this is the game tester that all game devs would ever dream of
i feel like you're exaggerating a bit with the single bug out of many hundreds, but you had fun, and that's the most important part.
even after the game has been around for so many years, there's still so many unfound things being discovered
oh my god im not crazy! recently i was making a "funny macro" for deadlocked and these teleportal bugs were constantly ruining it. this video was extremely insightful and also tells me im not actually crazy. thank you
This is really crazy we need to ask that to rubrub
That bug is not from 2.2, that bug happened to me BEFORE 2.2, specifically the one at 5:58, I thought it was because it gave buffer to the green orb, but the next try I did timing and it didn't happen... ..my conclusion is, geometry dash is so poorly programmed that possibly it will break more over time
edit: also before 2.1, the 37% and 38% portal also bugged, it teleported me inside the structure and killed me, at that time I had the pirate gd...
If you had the pirated version then definitely some stuff break. One of my levels completely broke when someone played it in a pirated version
Yea me too i didnt even know megahack existed
Now, I died to this exact bug myself and the thing is, this also works with show Hitboxes after death as you said. I would die to like a fake orb that is at the edge of rendering the portal aka it starting to appear in the ground and I would die to it next run… HOWEVER: it would instantly fix itself next run so I dunno what’s up with that since I never reentered the level or did anything, just another basic attempt.
schrodinger's hitbox
This doesn't happen with the built-in show hitboxes option, which I thought would be the case since there's a similar bug where slopes don't give you momentum when ignore damage is turned on.
I'm guessing what happened was that megahack's show hitboxes option, for whatever reason, creates its own hitboxes for the object, overriding the vanilla code that does it. This works most of the time but the teleport portal hitbox was misplaced since it's not centered.
slopes dont give momentum with ID becuz of it triggering rob anticheat
Its not show hitboxes related i think because lots of fellas are saying theyve had this bug in Vanilla GD and in 2.1 aswell as 2.2...
its screen transition related bug btw
stuff like this i find so cool to watch. Its so facinating
Huh, I always thought the bug in the first cube was just me entering the portal wrong or something but yeah I encountered it a lot while beating deadlocked for the first time, during 2.1
22:05 If it happens with show hitboxes on death only if you die enough, I think it means that it only works if you have show hitboxes on at a specific distance to the object, not too close and not too far, my guess by looking at the other comments would be that it has to be right after it appears on screen
this series is really interesting i hope more of these are made
also 22:54 lol
I experienced something similar in cataclysm, not with teleport portals but I think it is to do with mirror portals.
I have no mods installed, this is the base game.
At 63%, just before the reverse ship part, if I enable hitboxes and go into the transition, I die to the slope that is supposed to align me for the straight fly.
This will only happen with show hitboxes on, and it isn't related to how far into the level I have been in practice or had hitboxes on, it is 100% consistent.
I can confirm that this happens to me too, it's so bizarre how it only effects some of the teleport portals. I wonder if this is an issue with one of the more recent builds of mega hack because I'm suprised it took this long to find out, especially since I feel like hitboxes on death is a very popular hack to have on harder levels. I personally just leave it on by default.
Edit: it's bizarre how random it is, I'm struggling to reproduce it in a test level but I am encountering the bug in other actual levels as well.
dude wtff i think this COULD have happening to me when i was grinding Requiem, random tp portals would just instakill me (hitboxes on death enabled) and i was writing it off as the level itself being buggy i kinda wanna go back and test it now knowing what you just uncovered
7:14 as a mobile 60hz player I can tell you I’ve experienced bugs like this where even without me manually restarting with the button on the pause menu, I can sometimes very rarely do jumps that shouldn’t be possible on 60hz
I also experienced the same bug of dying to the teleport portals in the beginning, but I assumed the pads inside the teleport portal was what was killing me
Programmer here, it's def a show hitboxes bug, and it's a lot less mysterious than you think. It only happens with teleport portals because show hitboxes thinks that all portals have their hitboxes at the center so it loads them into memory with the hitboxes at the center (upd: the game itself thinks that but the game fixes it and show hitboxes doesn't). It doesn't happen when you first see the portal without show hitboxes on because it is loaded into memory with the correct hitboxes already and show hitboxes doesn't change that I guess for optimization. Also, this happens in all levels with the setup.
The first portal bug happened to me before and I thought it was just a 2.2 bug but DAMN this is deep
i also had that problem with deadlocked, i just thought it was a stupid Hz bug or smth.
Rob just added a random trigger with a small chance to move the portal, god tier trolling
yeah thats honestly so weird. I remember something similar happening in old Duelo Maestro at 14%, and the same thingin LIMBO at 48%, and I was only able to fix both of them by exiting the level and going back into it(i died to 48% in limbo so many times from 0 it was so annoying lmfao)
Btw, Same Situation happens on subversive(extreme demon) 24%, and what's weird, its a thing since 2.11 at least
I think I had the first teleport portal bug happen once on my phone without Megahack, so maybe there’s a similar in-game bug as well
Literally word for word happened to me. I encountered this bug in the middle of a botted funny run of deadlocked, trying to test out XDbot and how it worked
And my first thought was also goofy frame alignment bullshit
You should try reproducing this bug using the built in hitboxes and see if it works or not. If it doesn't, the bug probbably has smth to do with mods.
I’ve ran into this bug many times at the first teleport portal and didn’t really think much of it other than that it was annoying
I remember the day 2.206 came out somone posted this exact bug on twitter but with the ingame hitbox viewer, it might be the case that megahack isnt bugged and rob broke something while adding the ingame show hitboxes
I gor into testing the scale transitions on vanilla gd. Practice mode show hitboxes does indeed move the portals hitbox, but only with the scaling transitions. Using the big to regular one also shows the portal moving from the opposte direction, but starting the level with show hitboxes before rendering it doesnt do any shenanigans. This appears to be a megahack bug.
So, I tested this in Invisible Deadlocked using the Show Hitboxes on the official settings menu, and I found out that those portals' hitboxes move on their own?? I have absolutely no idea why
I just uploaded a video showing that. This gets more and more confusing by the minute.
geometry dash's entire game engine is put outside in a forest and robtop just lets nature do whatever it wants with it that is my theory on why every stupid bug exists
It's not just the show hitbox mod. I play on my phone from time to time and the bug happens to me at the first portal and game is not modded. There likely is more to the story.
I didn't really pry into why it happens, it just felt random.
I didn't really pry into why it happens, it just felt random.
I HAD THIS HAPPEN TO ME, I thought I was crazy or something but I thought it was a bug from a mod or something..
I also had this bug but I thought it was my fault for the orb timings but it was invisible so it is not fair, thanks for trying to get robtop to fix this bug
I had the exact bug of the first cube happen to me too on Deadlocked. I had no way of reproducing it, just random over and over. Never realized it was due to SH, that's crazy.
I noticed that the teleportals that are rotated don't actually have this bug. Look back at the footage and you'll see the very first teleportal used, which is at 45°, and the hitbox is actually in the right spot. The rabbit hole goes even DEEPER. Might try some other stuff later. I'm so fascinated by this lol.
Good thinking but the bug can also happen in every rotated portal. :)
My theory (and personal experience) is what when the cube hitbox enters into a gravity portal it slighty increases its range, causing the portal hitbox move a bit of the structure and make the glitch, after beating Deadlocked i died a lot of times in that part for that bug, and it can be fixed replacing that platforms with something with a better hitbox (such a block or smh)
Rare video that is 10/10 background noise while chilling interesting to listen to while making a level inGD
I hope you see this, I had a similar experience but on cataclysm and without megahack on the 64% of the level just when you enter the mirror portal and the ship, for some reason enabling hitboxes made the transition impossible, as soon as I entered the portals I died and the only way to fix it was to turn off "show hitboxes"
I followed your instructions to get the bug consistently and It's still happening
There is definitely something strange about Show Hitboxes considering that it literally crashes my game whenever I use it and I have no idea why
This isn't a surprise for me. Last month I noticed, that my geode mods are somehow making the song offset as I progress further into the level. After some testing it turned out, that the "practise bug fix" in MH is causing this. So with that in mind I think that a lot more mods in MH might be broken as well, and we don't even know about it.
It's always the teleportal that bugs the most huh
Another bug this has is the orange teleportal moving back to its original position when you exit the editor after repositioning it. Surely the portal moving is related to its hitboxes moving