What complicated tail wheel section. Adding the lead wire and fine tubing definitely added visual interest. I also noticed the tail hook was semi deployed. This is also interesting. I've built a small handful of A6 Zero aircraft, have only wired up the engine. I love the length you go to add detail. Thank you for video, looking forward to next video.
Terrific video, that you for posting. I have been a fan of your videos for a while now and have always been blown away by your detail and patience when modelling so seeing that even someone as experienced as you can make a mistake like you showed here makes me feel better about my humble model making and the multitude of errors I have made due to excitement over starting a new build (and not taking time to plan things out).
Thanks for your kind words. Of course, I make mistakes, I'm not a droid 😊, but we should learn from these mistakes. More videos are coming soon about the Zero project.
Impressive video, CSL Visual Studio. Looking forward to your next upload! I smashed that thumbs up button on your content. Keep up the excellent work. Your detailed approach to the tail wheel modifications is fantastic! How do you think the choice of materials impacts the overall durability and aesthetics of the model?
Your attention to detail and hard work always stand out 👍👍
Thank you 😊
What complicated tail wheel section. Adding the lead wire and fine tubing definitely added visual interest. I also noticed the tail hook was semi deployed. This is also interesting.
I've built a small handful of A6 Zero aircraft, have only wired up the engine.
I love the length you go to add detail.
Thank you for video, looking forward to next video.
Thanks, more videos are coming soon 😉
Terrific video, that you for posting. I have been a fan of your videos for a while now and have always been blown away by your detail and patience when modelling so seeing that even someone as experienced as you can make a mistake like you showed here makes me feel better about my humble model making and the multitude of errors I have made due to excitement over starting a new build (and not taking time to plan things out).
Thanks for your kind words.
Of course, I make mistakes, I'm not a droid 😊, but we should learn from these mistakes.
More videos are coming soon about the Zero project.
Impressive video, CSL Visual Studio. Looking forward to your next upload! I smashed that thumbs up button on your content. Keep up the excellent work. Your detailed approach to the tail wheel modifications is fantastic! How do you think the choice of materials impacts the overall durability and aesthetics of the model?