Nope. Even though I'm a huge fan, this time he didn't. The whole controversy on the mentioned interview was whether Bill Clint should have resigned back then like many have had to, these days. He never touched this, and I bet that is why Clinton looks so happy and relieved by the end of the interview!
I get that Monica was a young, impressionable woman and there was a power difference, but at the end of the day they were two consenting adults who engaged in an extra marital affair. Monica actively pursued him and in her words “fell in love with him”. Please do not confuse this with the #metoo movement.
Lennon The Bunny very true, although I think the truly sad thing about the affair wasn’t the stupidity of it. It was the way that Bill could walk out of it and have it be largely ignored after a few years. To the point where he’s annoyed when it’s brought up. Where as Monica can’t. She was an intern after all, she had her entire future ruined.
Aviendha, Monica kept that dress for a reason, if she really was in love with him as she said, then why keep the dress unless she had an alternative motive.
racoonsister You can think you’ve fallen in love and have it be utter bullshit you know.... Most people have done it, it’s very easy to do. I loved every single, male, under 40’s English teacher I had from 7-15. They weren’t pervy wankers, so nothing happened. (Other than some thankfully private songs and poetry) I don’t know why she kept it, I’m sure there’s an article about it somewhere. Nevertheless, she was grilled like a criminal by republicans. They treated her like she’d committed some heinous crime. When all that had really happened was one man old enough to know better, and a woman young enough to fuck up like that, fooled around.
Will Pack She won’t, don’t be stupid. She doesn’t want to be in that spotlight again. In part because people on both sides treat her like shit no matter what she says or does.
Chris Chan sorry, which legal case and judgment are your allegations based on? I'm not defending Clinton, but in this country, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The special counsel Starr came after Clinton pretty hard but as far as i can recall Clinton was impeached by Congress for looting to grand jury about his relationship with Ms Monica. The Senate didn't impeach him so Clinton completed his term. There is no litigation or other cases brought to court. Anyhow, you can call Clinton anything you want. It's a free country.
Kath Casey Allegations are not facts. While you may be right, and it may be true, i don't agree with the court of public opinion. Sometime's pubic opinion is just that, opinion. If a crime was committed, only the court could judge. Justice is not always true, but at the end of the day, everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Toori Baba not defending Clinton but sure you can judge a man how you like. The laws isn't perfect, and always true, but it's the laws. Unless the court judge Clinton guilty, he isn't. I don't buy that our court system is corrupted without evidence or verified facts.
Bravo to Colbert for point blank in your face questioning the President and a big WOW to Mr President for being a real big person and owning up his error of judgement. I think the guy has paid over and over again numerous time.
Morally wrong? Yes. Non-consenual or coercive? No. I've read the Starr report. She was the one who started the flirtation. She wanted it. They were both responsible.
carpe diem And you are the reason the #MeToo movement isn't taken seriously by many. Instead of focusing on genuine cases of sexual harassment and abuse, you lot can't get over lambasting Aziz Ansari for a bad date and Bill Clinton for a consensual affair.
Colbert does this, asking uncomfortable questions. I remember watching the James Franco interview when his allegations came up, and he didn't hesitate asking about it, even though it was very awkward. I think his way of asking questions is really smart, in that he realized that it may make individuals uncomfortable, but it is important that an answer comes out.
What Bill and Monica did isn't a part of the me too movement. They admitted that they knew what they were doing and that there was consent. Me too is about women being taken advantage of sexually against their will or being pushed down because of their gender. 20 years ago 2 adults agreed to have an affair, were caught, and he apologized for it and is still apologizing.
Bullshit. It started because some people used their position of power to take advantage of those under them. Same thing Clinton did. Everyone keeps defending this guy and I can't figure out why except maybe party affiliation.
Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and had to pay $850,000 in a sexual assault case. The Paula Jones sexual assault case is why we heard of the Lewinsky Affair. Bill Clinton is very much involved in metoo.
@@kendallandrews8691 Uh, monetary settlement isn't proof of guilt of wrongdoing. Paul Walker's family sued the car company of the car he was driving when he died, I guess because they couldn't accept that people die in car accidents every day, but that doesn't prove the car company is at fault for one guy's shitty driving that ended with his own death.
I had a preconceived notion about how this video would go when I clicked but by the end my opinion had changed. Worth the watch before you pass judgment.
All things aside, I still like Bill Clinton and hope he will stump for the democrats. They'd be crazy to turn him away. He has a way of reaching out to the average American that few people have. I still think it's important to keep our eyes on identity politics and culture wars, but that's not what's going to flip Congress. In November, it's gotta be all hands on deck.
You should have seen his interview before this. Clinton was certainly NOT sorry, just had to have a redo to get it straight thanks to Colbert’s hand holding
The encounter was consensual. The woman never suggested otherwise at the time. While he is an adulterer who wronged his wife and acted inappropriately befitting a man in his position, he is not a rapist with regard to Monica Lewinsky.
So, if a rapist is "sorry" they shouldnt be punished? Last time I checked, being sorry doesnt un-ruin someones life. Bill needs to go to prison for what he did, and Hillary needs to go with him. Good riddance to them both. And I find it funny that Hillary is a part of the Feminist "listen and believe" mantra, but when women would come forward before and say Bill raped them, Hillary would attack them to keep them quiet. Such lovely people, the Clintons lol Another thing thats funny: The left. Rape is the most horrible thing in the world and needs to be taken 100% seriously and the woman is always correct!...unless its done by someone I admire, then they deserve a second, third, and 50th chance and the women are just trying to score some free money/fame. Ya know, because they said they were "sorry".
Many groups on the left are trying to push this idea that there can't be consent if there is an imbalance of power. In the mildest form a low level staff member can't consent to having anything sexual with their superior. But a lot of people even go as far as saying that a difference in income, status or age already qualifies as a factor that nullifies consent. It is kind of a worrying development. While there are many scumbags in position of power who use it as leverage for pressuring women into sex it also means that they are painting adult women as default victims who are unable to give consent. And it turns sexual assault and harassment from well defined concepts into fuzzy and wide ones which will ultimately stop meaning anything. Not to mention that it is totally out of touch with the life of us ordinary people. Lots of folks date or marry their superiors, are happy with it and it is no one's business but theirs.
The problem with that line of thinking is that you are taking the right of giving consent away from people. Sure there are cases where someone isn't able to say no because they can't handle pressure. But should that really be the standard of looking at the ability of adults to give or deny consent? It is also extremely unrealistic. People who work together will always fall in love or lust with each other have been forever. Don't get me wrong I agree that there is a problem with especially men using their position to pressure women into sex. But should that subset of cases be the basis of what consenting adults do with each other in their free time?
The last of his kind I mean, I didn’t know most of his comedy, I’ve seen like two movies he was in and one was Dead Poets’ Society. People just talked about him being a nice guy a lot.
You do realize there are several factors to them not coming forward, right? Harvey Weinstein literally threatened to murder everyone he raped, the people that did this stuff did it because they KNEW they were too powerful for their victims to come forward.
I DON'T CARE ABOUT MONICA LEWINSKY! My God... Powerful man in his 50s had an affair with 20 something woman 30 years ago. Is this really worth chatting about now? The only person that should care is his wife, and since she's still with him, why do we need to talk about it? Is this really the best use of airtime?? And before someone asks me if I care about Trump's affairs... I do not. The fact that he is a shitty husband is the least of my problems with him.
Toori Baba Saying things on the Internet don’t make them true. Lewinsky never said he raped her. Did you hear her recorded conversation with Linda Tripp? She was in love with him.
Both has been accused of rape both Trump and Clinton not by Lewinsky in Clintons case.
Boobalopbop - I agree. Like there isn't more than enough other bad stuff to talk about when it comes to Trump. That he fucked a porn star when his wife was pregnant isn't good, but that's not what makes him a bad president. The incompetence and compulsive lying is.
Bill Clinton, I voted for him every time he ran -- I would vote for him again in a New York second. His presidency was the best 8 years of my life. Now we have Don the Don and the trump crime family screwing up everything they get within a 1000 miles of.
Really? Maybe you should look into his cocaine importation business into Arkansas, whitewater, Anita Broderick and the numerous suspicious deaths linked to him and his so called wife.
I'm very proud of Stephen Colbert finally asking the question that we all want asked to President Clinton about the Lewinsky scandal. He apologized in his own way but it would haven been better if he contacted Monica Lewinsky to apologize to her on the phone or in person. Monica's life was ruined because of this.
Why should he? Nobody deserves an apology from him! She's was the homewrecker that aggressively went after a married man because she had a crush on him, as she herself admitted.
She was 22 years old. That's adult by basically all definitions. Sure you can be pressured into it, but AFAIK that also wasn't the case here. From what I understand she was just star-struck. For that to be conflated with the metoo movement, seems utterly absurd to me. PS: For the record, this is not a statement about any of the other accusations against him. I know next to nothing about them.
Yes it was consensual and Monica has made it very clear that she was obsessed with Clinton and went into her internship with the intention of seducing him. So the people who bring up his level of power seem to be missing part of the story.
This was quite...unexpected. My respect for Colbert increased. The scrutiny Monica had to go through for years due to that was sickly. She was even suicidal. Clinton didn't go through that, even though he had the greater responsibility, being married and her senior. I'm happy she has gotten more control over her life now.
I saw the other interview and they were badgering Mr. Clinton and he became aggravated. And when his answer "wasn't good enough", the interviewer kept going after him so he yelled at him. He's getting on in years, the older you get, the less patience for idiocy you have. So he got mad, I don't hold it against him.
"No matter how long ago it happened" is so true. They need to get rid of statues of limitations. I was sexually and physically abused by my father from the time I was born until I ran away in my teens. I was betrayed by everyone in my fsmily including even my mom and brother who witnessed what Dad did to me but lied to authorities. By the time I was in a safe place, had gotten the counseling I needed, and over came fears; it was too late for me to press charges against my dad for the years of crimes he had committed against me. So the legal system that should have protected me now instead protects him..
As a Blackman? What is that, your last name? Also Clinton was president during the 90s, which urban gang violence and contraband trade were at an all time high. As an African American myself, that's like saying he jailed the most hippies in the 70s, and comparing it to arresting vegans today. The numbers will be skewed.
Would be a good idea. Maybe skin color should not be called race in american passports. Would help for sure tremendously to get this bullshit out of the collective conscious of fucked up america. ^_^ Imho the best thing about black panther was, that the Africans were the heroes in the story, while the american was the bad guy. So fitting for this whole american race bullshit. ;-)
Oh, poor thing, having to live with the consequences of his actions. Speaking from personal experience with apologies, don't go on about how you've been hurt when you're apologizing, it never sounds right.
The most successful Democratic talking point of the last 50 years has been getting their supporters and many others to just say "Bill Clinton had an affair with an intern, it wasn't a big deal." Completely ignoring he paid out $850,000 in a sexual harassment settlement to Paul Jones and has been accused of assault by multiple women. Kavanaugh is getting destroyed for an allegation, but the same people give Clinton a total pass. Complete hypocrisy.
I really appreciate Stephen’s polite, direct questioning about hard topics, and how he can so excellently transition from his humor to concrete journalism. We need more of this honest communication and for people to hold accountable those who they agree with to the same level that they hold their opponents to high standards.
Say what you want about Bill Clinton..He's still the "Baby Boy" with a standing ovation and I got "goose-bumps " when he walked on the stage. "Bill is so Jazz"!!!!!!
The man apologized wtf about a me2 she never claimed he sexually assaulted her she was willing people need to stop making things out what it's not about
No you can’t have it both ways. You can’t support the Me Too movement and call the women liars because Old Man Clinton apologised or said it was consensual. - Juanita Broaddrick accused him of raping her in 78 - Leslie Miller accused him of sexually assaulting her in 80 - Paula Jones accused him of both exposing himself and sexually harassing her in 91 - Kathleen Wiley accused him of groping her without consent in 93 You either support women who come out and say they are victims of sexual assault or you don’t support them. You can’t justify it because you like the man who did it
One of the few leaders who will accept their mistakes on live television and also encourage movements that are good for the people. Bill Clinton is a visionary and an extremely people-centric person.
So what he screwed a few women? The following Presidents screwed several countries, killed millions of people and rendered tens of millions homeless. Where is their apology? Bill Clinton is a living treasure. Try to focus on bigger stuff that matters.
Two words you'll never hear t'rump say "I'm sorry." Not to be confused with... Ten words you could totally hear t'rump say "I'm sorry, Ivanka, for walking in on your shower again."
lich109 - Don't you love it when someone is compelled to post the same stupid attempt at a joke, not knowing we're all laughing at them, not with them? Totally makes my day!
It is true Bill Clinton didn't rape Monica Lewinsky, but he has rape allegations going back to 1978. We don't have to forget those rape allegations until he has been to court.
Stephen is doing a good interview -- no cheap shots, no soft balls. I wish that he had been this good when he had Hillary on after the election. She'll never have my respect until she can stop blaming everyone but her own campaign for her loss and begin to learn from her serious critics. Hubris is what caused her to misread the election.
He's a sexual predator whose behavior fits EXACTLY that pattern! There was a young girl barely of legal age in her first job in the Kennedy White House in a similar position to Lewinsky, and she found herself being in the living quarters on a bed with his junk jammed into her teenage body. That was a GROWN man, and because he had an itch and sense of entitlement, he took her virginity and left her feeling used by that man and his pals to whom she was trafficked. At least that's what we'd call it now. Kennedy just saw it as his right to a little stress relief. Until your attitude changes and that of other enablers, SAs will continue!
I will always appreciate Bill Clinton in so many ways a good president. He was a flawed man with a adult woman Both made their choices. Still a great speaker
It's cute that you are naïve enough to believe that Colbert wasn't handed that whole line of questioning from the Clinton team. Clinton bombed when he was asked those questions the first time, and needed a second chance to try to dissemble and re-spin his answers. Colbert played the part of the shill at the medicine show, asking the tonic salesman "tough questions".
@Christopher Gerold Don't be ridiculous. Trump gets plenty of do-overs. He just doesn't have the inclination to use them. I think they call it "doubling down."
You could hear a pin drop when he spoke . As someone who was a kid when this happened and it made no sense that the President did something wrong, I feel a weight lifted from my childhood. Thanks Bill. Sadly now I watch a man undeserving of the title making us into one big reality tv show in the current time. I know Hilary had a huge influence on policy during the Clinton term, it’s America’s loss we didn’t return to the economic and tentatively social upswing the 90’s was becoming in our most recent farce of whoever electoral college picks .....ahem I mean presidential election .
Dear Bill Clinton, I want to tell you that you are in my heart until I die! Thank you for everything you have done for Kosovo! greetings from an albanian from kosovo
This was a much better interview than the Today one. This man inspired me into politics when I was 13 in 1992. I was 19 when the Lewinsky thing happened and I was incredibly disappointed in him for a long time and I’ve never made excuses for his behavior despite still supporting him and continuing to be inspired by the good he has done. I felt like this was an incredibly brave line of questioning and almost felt like a reckoning in a lot of ways. Give him some credit for at least putting himself out there on this topic which I am sure he doesn’t like talking about.
so i guess you still think he is your hero,,, and of course you would vote for him again if you could... says alot of about you,,, none of it good ..time to lock up bill
You will always have morons bring this rubbish up, and don't think about what great things he's doing in the present, while idiots like Trump have and will continue to do far worser things.
I would like to see him show some compassion to Monica. He has been able to get on with his life, she has never had that opportunity. Could he not come out now and ask people to show her some compassion? I think if he did that, it would demonstrate that he understands what she, the one in the infinitely weaker position, has had to endure and take responsibility for helping her repair her life. I would respect him if he took that step.
You've got to respect a man who admits his faults and humbly apologizes... Of course our current President hasn't ever done anything he's needed to apologize for right?
James Patterson's just kinda sitting there like "Yep, I sure am on this couch."
He did say 2nd day
I really respect Colbert in interviews like this. Way to respectfully but strongly hold someone to account
Colbert asks all the questions - kudos man
But no questions about Juanita Broaddrick.
Softball question and bascially letbhim defend himself !
Yeah, how dare he let Bill answer the questions! He should have been more like CNN or Fox and just kept shouting at him
Colbert is a Democrat propagandist and fundraiser, he will always ask the softball questions to Dems, let them answer, agree with them.
Nope. Even though I'm a huge fan, this time he didn't. The whole controversy on the mentioned interview was whether Bill Clint should have resigned back then like many have had to, these days. He never touched this, and I bet that is why Clinton looks so happy and relieved by the end of the interview!
I get that Monica was a young, impressionable woman and there was a power difference, but at the end of the day they were two consenting adults who engaged in an extra marital affair. Monica actively pursued him and in her words “fell in love with him”. Please do not confuse this with the #metoo movement.
Lennon The Bunny oh my god, if that was trump youd be screaming murder lol
Lennon The Bunny very true, although I think the truly sad thing about the affair wasn’t the stupidity of it.
It was the way that Bill could walk out of it and have it be largely ignored after a few years. To the point where he’s annoyed when it’s brought up. Where as Monica can’t. She was an intern after all, she had her entire future ruined.
Aviendha, Monica kept that dress for a reason, if she really was in love with him as she said, then why keep the dress unless she had an alternative motive.
racoonsister You can think you’ve fallen in love and have it be utter bullshit you know.... Most people have done it, it’s very easy to do.
I loved every single, male, under 40’s English teacher I had from 7-15. They weren’t pervy wankers, so nothing happened. (Other than some thankfully private songs and poetry)
I don’t know why she kept it, I’m sure there’s an article about it somewhere.
Nevertheless, she was grilled like a criminal by republicans.
They treated her like she’d committed some heinous crime.
When all that had really happened was one man old enough to know better, and a woman young enough to fuck up like that, fooled around.
Will Pack She won’t, don’t be stupid. She doesn’t want to be in that spotlight again. In part because people on both sides treat her like shit no matter what she says or does.
Daaamn! Colbert was successfully direct but at the same time being respectful.
Of course he was...he was interviewing a fellow Democrat...DUH!
Why does Clinton deserve any respect?
If Trump says grab em by the pussy and have sex scandals. He's a peice of shit,deplorable etc.. but when Clinton does it.
TheDarkria, We are problably on the same side, but no need to exagerate. I believe the record shows 9 encounters over a perioud of more than one year.
Please name me the 20, one by one that ACCUSED him! Clinton is still full of crap, like his liberal party!!!
Bill and Monica. Kennedy and Monroe. Affairs we don't approve of but they are adults in relationships, not coerced. These aren't MeToo# imo
Paula Jones may disagree...
Chris Chan sorry, which legal case and judgment are your allegations based on? I'm not defending Clinton, but in this country, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The special counsel Starr came after Clinton pretty hard but as far as i can recall Clinton was impeached by Congress for looting to grand jury about his relationship with Ms Monica. The Senate didn't impeach him so Clinton completed his term. There is no litigation or other cases brought to court. Anyhow, you can call Clinton anything you want. It's a free country.
Kath Casey Allegations are not facts. While you may be right, and it may be true, i don't agree with the court of public opinion. Sometime's pubic opinion is just that, opinion. If a crime was committed, only the court could judge. Justice is not always true, but at the end of the day, everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Toori Baba not defending Clinton but sure you can judge a man how you like. The laws isn't perfect, and always true, but it's the laws. Unless the court judge Clinton guilty, he isn't. I don't buy that our court system is corrupted without evidence or verified facts.
Damn Colbert, you had the balls to ask this, face to face, good job, and Bill answered it well.
Will someone offer Mr. Clinton some water, please!
And female secretaries
@@crashpal its normal was linked gorgeous lady.
Epstein would get Virginia Giuffre to bring it to him.
Bravo to Colbert for point blank in your face questioning the President and a big WOW to Mr President for being a real big person and owning up his error of judgement.
I think the guy has paid over and over again numerous time.
I totally agree and I was really impressed Stephen went right to the meat of the topic. It was a huge reckoning 20 years in the making.
Errors in judgement yes. But not criminal or illegal. Plus it takes to to tango.
Who,s Bill Clinton’s boy friend?
Morally wrong? Yes. Non-consenual or coercive? No. I've read the Starr report. She was the one who started the flirtation. She wanted it. They were both responsible.
XCodes What part of 'they were BOTH responsible' did you not understand?
A real man would've taken care of the country and left the young girl alone.
Had Enough I agree. I miss Obama
Broaddrick got caught lying to investigators, repeatedly. That's why she and Willey were left out of the impeachment. Even Starr didn't believe them.
carpe diem And you are the reason the #MeToo movement isn't taken seriously by many. Instead of focusing on genuine cases of sexual harassment and abuse, you lot can't get over lambasting Aziz Ansari for a bad date and Bill Clinton for a consensual affair.
A president with understanding of the world. Refreshing.
Yep. Shipped all the good jobs to china with NAFTA. Really refreshing.
I'm still going to stay skeptical because of the whole scandal with the Clintons and the rigged primary against Bernie Sanders.
o24601o I'm not entirely sure you're aware of this, but China isn't part of NAFTA.
o24601o uh... NAFTA means North American Free Trade Agreement. Last time I checked China was in Asia.
mitchell ryan
If there's no physical proof no pictures, no videos, then is just a speculation
Colbert does this, asking uncomfortable questions. I remember watching the James Franco interview when his allegations came up, and he didn't hesitate asking about it, even though it was very awkward. I think his way of asking questions is really smart, in that he realized that it may make individuals uncomfortable, but it is important that an answer comes out.
What Bill and Monica did isn't a part of the me too movement. They admitted that they knew what they were doing and that there was consent. Me too is about women being taken advantage of sexually against their will or being pushed down because of their gender. 20 years ago 2 adults agreed to have an affair, were caught, and he apologized for it and is still apologizing.
Ms Spock *Citation needed.
Bullshit. It started because some people used their position of power to take advantage of those under them. Same thing Clinton did. Everyone keeps defending this guy and I can't figure out why except maybe party affiliation.
Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and had to pay $850,000 in a sexual assault case. The Paula Jones sexual assault case is why we heard of the Lewinsky Affair. Bill Clinton is very much involved in metoo.
@@kendallandrews8691 Uh, monetary settlement isn't proof of guilt of wrongdoing. Paul Walker's family sued the car company of the car he was driving when he died, I guess because they couldn't accept that people die in car accidents every day, but that doesn't prove the car company is at fault for one guy's shitty driving that ended with his own death.
I had a preconceived notion about how this video would go when I clicked but by the end my opinion had changed. Worth the watch before you pass judgment.
yeah 9 minutes of flattery wipes out years of screwing over america
Ball Sack did Donald Trump? He never even apologized! Give me a break!!
E MP I wish Hillary was president. At least she is smart!
Ahmad H what did he do to screw America? Donald Trump screws America every single day!!
Ball Sack did Trump?
Jim Patterson looks like a less wicked Mitch McConnell
limberlad and also his fatter version
and yet by a monster's side
Colbert didn't come to play. Respect!
All things aside, I still like Bill Clinton and hope he will stump for the democrats. They'd be crazy to turn him away. He has a way of reaching out to the average American that few people have. I still think it's important to keep our eyes on identity politics and culture wars, but that's not what's going to flip Congress. In November, it's gotta be all hands on deck.
Bill Clinton is sorry. He admits hes sorry and more people should learn how to do this too.
He seems more annoyed then sorry.
You would be too if this keeps coming up 30 years afterwards, while the "victim" in the story seems to just fine with it.
You should have seen his interview before this. Clinton was certainly NOT sorry, just had to have a redo to get it straight thanks to Colbert’s hand holding
The encounter was consensual. The woman never suggested otherwise at the time. While he is an adulterer who wronged his wife and acted inappropriately befitting a man in his position, he is not a rapist with regard to Monica Lewinsky.
So, if a rapist is "sorry" they shouldnt be punished? Last time I checked, being sorry doesnt un-ruin someones life. Bill needs to go to prison for what he did, and Hillary needs to go with him. Good riddance to them both.
And I find it funny that Hillary is a part of the Feminist "listen and believe" mantra, but when women would come forward before and say Bill raped them, Hillary would attack them to keep them quiet. Such lovely people, the Clintons lol
Another thing thats funny: The left. Rape is the most horrible thing in the world and needs to be taken 100% seriously and the woman is always correct!...unless its done by someone I admire, then they deserve a second, third, and 50th chance and the women are just trying to score some free money/fame. Ya know, because they said they were "sorry".
We need Stephen to moderate the presidential debates.
thepsychologistvjdj spaseeba
Wtf i don’t know much about history but wasn’t it consensual??
Yes it was.
Many groups on the left are trying to push this idea that there can't be consent if there is an imbalance of power.
In the mildest form a low level staff member can't consent to having anything sexual with their superior.
But a lot of people even go as far as saying that a difference in income, status or age already qualifies as a factor that nullifies consent.
It is kind of a worrying development. While there are many scumbags in position of power who use it as leverage for pressuring women into sex it also means that they are painting adult women as default victims who are unable to give consent. And it turns sexual assault and harassment from well defined concepts into fuzzy and wide ones which will ultimately stop meaning anything.
Not to mention that it is totally out of touch with the life of us ordinary people. Lots of folks date or marry their superiors, are happy with it and it is no one's business but theirs.
A lot of people end up marrying their superiors. The idea that it can never be consent if it's with a superior, is preposterous.
The problem with that line of thinking is that you are taking the right of giving consent away from people.
Sure there are cases where someone isn't able to say no because they can't handle pressure. But should that really be the standard of looking at the ability of adults to give or deny consent?
It is also extremely unrealistic. People who work together will always fall in love or lust with each other have been forever.
Don't get me wrong I agree that there is a problem with especially men using their position to pressure women into sex. But should that subset of cases be the basis of what consenting adults do with each other in their free time?
She gave him a bj,thats the story,nothing more
"He found the one Jewish girl who couldn't get a stain out." - Robin Williams
Blane D. Gunner Ew... did he really say that? Shame, I had thought Robin Williams was a good guy... that’s really offensive.
And you thought Robin Williams' comedy wasn't offensive? That puts your intelligence into question.
The last of his kind I mean, I didn’t know most of his comedy, I’ve seen like two movies he was in and one was Dead Poets’ Society. People just talked about him being a nice guy a lot.
Considering he's also been named in the MeToo movement for sexual harassment, no I would not say Mr. Williams is a nice guy.
You do realize there are several factors to them not coming forward, right? Harvey Weinstein literally threatened to murder everyone he raped, the people that did this stuff did it because they KNEW they were too powerful for their victims to come forward.
Yes Colbert don’t pull any punches here
I DON'T CARE ABOUT MONICA LEWINSKY! My God... Powerful man in his 50s had an affair with 20 something woman 30 years ago. Is this really worth chatting about now? The only person that should care is his wife, and since she's still with him, why do we need to talk about it? Is this really the best use of airtime?? And before someone asks me if I care about Trump's affairs... I do not. The fact that he is a shitty husband is the least of my problems with him.
It’s about what type of a man he is.
Toori Baba He never raped Monica or anyone else.
Toori Baba Saying things on the Internet don’t make them true. Lewinsky never said he raped her. Did you hear her recorded conversation with Linda Tripp? She was in love with him.
Both has been accused of rape both Trump and Clinton not by Lewinsky in Clintons case.
Boobalopbop - I agree. Like there isn't more than enough other bad stuff to talk about when it comes to Trump. That he fucked a porn star when his wife was pregnant isn't good, but that's not what makes him a bad president. The incompetence and compulsive lying is.
Colbert is so much better than I thougth, how professional of him, such a great interviewer!
Bill Clinton, I voted for him every time he ran -- I would vote for him again in a New York second. His presidency was the best 8 years of my life. Now we have Don the Don and the trump crime family screwing up everything they get within a 1000 miles of.
What a lovely person President Bill Clinton ♥️
One of my favorite Pres. Well done.
Same Nancy
Really? Maybe you should look into his cocaine importation business into Arkansas, whitewater, Anita Broderick and the numerous suspicious deaths linked to him and his so called wife.
Nancy Stanford me too, I love him.
Luckynumber 457, what do you mean “so-called wife”?
Sure great president... He's only the guy responsible for the second worst economic collapse since the great depression. Fuck Clinton.
Mr. Colbert is so amazingly Straightforward it's refreshing to see. Highly entertaining .
"hi there Mr. President excuse me while I, a comedy man, hold your feet to the fire better than most of the press ever will"
There’s a difference between sexual assault and an affair
I'm very proud of Stephen Colbert finally asking the question that we all want asked to President Clinton about the Lewinsky scandal. He apologized in his own way but it would haven been better if he contacted Monica Lewinsky to apologize to her on the phone or in person. Monica's life was ruined because of this.
That bitch didn't apologize for shit.
She was taken advantage by President Clinton.
Why should he? Nobody deserves an apology from him! She's was the homewrecker that aggressively went after a married man because she had a crush on him, as she herself admitted.
Steve is a class act.
Was worried that Colbert was going to leave it at the first question. Never should've doubted him.
I think the REAL burning question is: Does Bill still play his saxophone?
Kudos Cobert for asking the tough questions!
I must have missed the rape questions, allegations dating back from the 1970s.
Bill loved Monica's dress from the moment he spotted it.
rjb555 lol, I see what you did there.
Colbert: *Brings up Clintons sexual misconduct*
Clinton: What if I said...Orange man bad
@ About as much as I like voter fraud
Great tough interview, great response. Shame Fox doesn't hold their man to the same standard.
I still don't get this ...
Sure, it was inappropriate, but how can this in any way be associated with #metoo ??? ... Wasn't it consensual?
The imbalance of power precludes consent.
B schuler so if you're above somebody else in your job, it's impossible to have consent? I'd like to see any law that backs that statement up.
She was 22 years old. That's adult by basically all definitions.
Sure you can be pressured into it, but AFAIK that also wasn't the case here. From what I understand she was just star-struck. For that to be conflated with the metoo movement, seems utterly absurd to me.
PS: For the record, this is not a statement about any of the other accusations against him. I know next to nothing about them.
Yes it was...
Yes it was consensual and Monica has made it very clear that she was obsessed with Clinton and went into her internship with the intention of seducing him.
So the people who bring up his level of power seem to be missing part of the story.
This was quite...unexpected. My respect for Colbert increased.
The scrutiny Monica had to go through for years due to that was sickly. She was even suicidal. Clinton didn't go through that, even though he had the greater responsibility, being married and her senior. I'm happy she has gotten more control over her life now.
Something is very suspicious about the flood of trolls and bots appearing here. The video has only been posted for 20 minutes.
The trolls (potentially paid Russians) must target colbert and know the posting schedule
D War or it could be that other half of our country. Who are either up late or up early like myself. Remember we do have 1/3 of a billion people here.
Colbert is a better interviewer than most reporters. Love me some Clinton!!
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is" - Clinton. I will never forget that.
"The only people that matter are not me; it's you" I hope everyone takes that to heart.
I saw the other interview and they were badgering Mr. Clinton and he became aggravated. And when his answer "wasn't good enough", the interviewer kept going after him so he yelled at him. He's getting on in years, the older you get, the less patience for idiocy you have. So he got mad, I don't hold it against him.
"No matter how long ago it happened" is so true. They need to get rid of statues of limitations. I was sexually and physically abused by my father from the time I was born until I ran away in my teens. I was betrayed by everyone in my fsmily including even my mom and brother who witnessed what Dad did to me but lied to authorities. By the time I was in a safe place, had gotten the counseling I needed, and over came fears; it was too late for me to press charges against my dad for the years of crimes he had committed against me. So the legal system that should have protected me now instead protects him..
as a blackman. I still think bill Clinton is the best .
Joseph timeisallwegot I thought so too until I found out that more black men were jailed under him than any other president
As a Blackman? What is that, your last name?
Also Clinton was president during the 90s, which urban gang violence and contraband trade were at an all time high. As an African American myself, that's like saying he jailed the most hippies in the 70s, and comparing it to arresting vegans today. The numbers will be skewed.
Joseph timeisallwegot sadly some of my black people are just so Damn gullible
Joseph timeisallwegot
The economy was good under his presidency
Would be a good idea. Maybe skin color should not be called race in american passports. Would help for sure tremendously to get this bullshit out of the collective conscious of fucked up america. ^_^
Imho the best thing about black panther was, that the Africans were the heroes in the story, while the american was the bad guy. So fitting for this whole american race bullshit. ;-)
Oh, poor thing, having to live with the consequences of his actions. Speaking from personal experience with apologies, don't go on about how you've been hurt when you're apologizing, it never sounds right.
I find it hard to believe any women actually feel sorry for a rapist
Next time ask him about Juanita Broaddrick.
The most successful Democratic talking point of the last 50 years has been getting their supporters and many others to just say "Bill Clinton had an affair with an intern, it wasn't a big deal." Completely ignoring he paid out $850,000 in a sexual harassment settlement to Paul Jones and has been accused of assault by multiple women. Kavanaugh is getting destroyed for an allegation, but the same people give Clinton a total pass. Complete hypocrisy.
I really appreciate Stephen’s polite, direct questioning about hard topics, and how he can so excellently transition from his humor to concrete journalism. We need more of this honest communication and for people to hold accountable those who they agree with to the same level that they hold their opponents to high standards.
Stephen, who I love, copped out, with no rape questions about the allegations going back to the 1970s. It is hypocritical.
One of the best politicians to ever lived.
Yeah, yeah lmao. You see the pics w Epstein accusers recently or...? Care to take the comment back?
love him or hate him, this dude is the most talented politician of our lifetime. Can't trip him up
she threw herself at him, she wanted him bad, and he and his cigar had some fun, END OF STORY
Say what you want about Bill Clinton..He's still the "Baby Boy" with a standing ovation and I got "goose-bumps " when he walked on the stage. "Bill is so Jazz"!!!!!!
EWE. You're kidding, right?
"Don't make him sound friendly!"
Hey, that's Dracula's name too, Stephen.
watched this whole interview and the only man I have respect for in this video is Stephen Colbert
The man apologized wtf about a me2 she never claimed he sexually assaulted her she was willing people need to stop making things out what it's not about
No you can’t have it both ways. You can’t support the Me Too movement and call the women liars because Old Man Clinton apologised or said it was consensual.
- Juanita Broaddrick accused him of raping her in 78
- Leslie Miller accused him of sexually assaulting her in 80
- Paula Jones accused him of both exposing himself and sexually harassing her in 91
- Kathleen Wiley accused him of groping her without consent in 93
You either support women who come out and say they are victims of sexual assault or you don’t support them. You can’t justify it because you like the man who did it
@@kadafi4lyf 100% accurate
Do you care to change your answers after the pics of him with Epstein victims? 😂
One of the few leaders who will accept their mistakes on live television and also encourage movements that are good for the people. Bill Clinton is a visionary and an extremely people-centric person.
zamstudy hahaha. Wow.
zamstudy you do fuckin realize he lied until he got caught. Puppet.
So what he screwed a few women? The following Presidents screwed several countries, killed millions of people and rendered tens of millions homeless. Where is their apology? Bill Clinton is a living treasure. Try to focus on bigger stuff that matters.
It was not assault. Monica was a willing participant. Men and women screw ... get over it.
zamstudy Tell that to Serbia.
Two words you'll never hear t'rump say "I'm sorry."
Not to be confused with...
Ten words you could totally hear t'rump say "I'm sorry, Ivanka, for walking in on your shower again."
Toori you keep posting this on comments, do you have any evidence?
lich109 - Don't you love it when someone is compelled to post the same stupid attempt at a joke, not knowing we're all laughing at them, not with them? Totally makes my day!
Ro G you are such a dumbass, it’s incomprehensible.
Wow, it got even tougher a few more minutes in. Great job Colbert.
He's apologised and he's been held accountable. Case closed.
It is true Bill Clinton didn't rape Monica Lewinsky, but he has rape allegations going back to 1978.
We don't have to forget those rape allegations until he has been to court.
Stephen is doing a good interview -- no cheap shots, no soft balls. I wish that he had been this good when he had Hillary on after the election. She'll never have my respect until she can stop blaming everyone but her own campaign for her loss and begin to learn from her serious critics. Hubris is what caused her to misread the election.
She gave herself up. He didn’t do nun wrong. Greatest President of the 90’s.
His wife forgave him, who are we to judge?
He's a sexual predator whose behavior fits EXACTLY that pattern! There was a young girl barely of legal age in her first job in the Kennedy White House in a similar position to Lewinsky, and she found herself being in the living quarters on a bed with his junk jammed into her teenage body. That was a GROWN man, and because he had an itch and sense of entitlement, he took her virginity and left her feeling used by that man and his pals to whom she was trafficked. At least that's what we'd call it now. Kennedy just saw it as his right to a little stress relief. Until your attitude changes and that of other enablers, SAs will continue!
I'm so glad he didn't give him a softball interview we can always count on you steven to be fair but tough
I just wanted to hear about their book.
Unfortunately the Nellies out there can't get their noses out of people's personal lives.
What happened to Bill's voice?
Turbid TG1 age...
Let's vote for Steven Colbert as priest moral police and POP of the USA
A good and humble man, then and now.
Bill looks pretty good , he must be taking care of himself , no more McDonald's.
Lock him up!
I will always appreciate Bill Clinton in so many ways a good president. He was a flawed man with a adult woman Both made their choices. Still a great speaker
Great interview Mr. Colbert!!!
Great interview. Stephen Colbert isn't afraid to ask tough questions.
Why does this make me think that in a few years, Harvey Weinstein will go on some apology tour and be credited as a force for positive change...
Colbert really has no fear with his questioning
It's cute that you are naïve enough to believe that Colbert wasn't handed that whole line of questioning from the Clinton team. Clinton bombed when he was asked those questions the first time, and needed a second chance to try to dissemble and re-spin his answers. Colbert played the part of the shill at the medicine show, asking the tonic salesman "tough questions".
hilarious - do do-overs only apply to the Clintons?
Christopher Gerold yes, they do. No one else is worthy
Maybe do-overs once, yes. For the Trumps it's do-over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and-over-and...
Richter12x2 rofl whats it have to do with Trump?
@Christopher Gerold
Don't be ridiculous. Trump gets plenty of do-overs. He just doesn't have the inclination to use them. I think they call it "doubling down."
AggieAguilera dude, they all suck. Don't see what trump has to do with Clinton being a rapist.
Voting should be mandatory in the US.
Why are we only blaming him when Monica Lewinsky has as much fult as he..
"Don't make him sound friendly"😂
You could hear a pin drop when he spoke . As someone who was a kid when this happened and it made no sense that the President did something wrong, I feel a weight lifted from my childhood. Thanks Bill. Sadly now I watch a man undeserving of the title making us into one big reality tv show in the current time. I know Hilary had a huge influence on policy during the Clinton term, it’s America’s loss we didn’t return to the economic and tentatively social upswing the 90’s was becoming in our most recent farce of whoever electoral college picks .....ahem I mean presidential election .
Dear Bill Clinton,
I want to tell you that you are in my heart until I die! Thank you for everything you have done for Kosovo!
greetings from an albanian from kosovo
Clinton's right about the Mid-Terms. You have to get out and vote in ALL the elections, Folks.
Bill Clinton is a good man. Nobody is perfect, we ALL make mistakes. But what sucks is when you learn your lesson, but others wont DROP IT.
He's Jimmy Carter with a Fox attitude.
Paul Berevoescu Simpsons dude...
Fuck Jimmy Carter.
This was a much better interview than the Today one. This man inspired me into politics when I was 13 in 1992. I was 19 when the Lewinsky thing happened and I was incredibly disappointed in him for a long time and I’ve never made excuses for his behavior despite still supporting him and continuing to be inspired by the good he has done. I felt like this was an incredibly brave line of questioning and almost felt like a reckoning in a lot of ways. Give him some credit for at least putting himself out there on this topic which I am sure he doesn’t like talking about.
Props to Colbert for asking the uncomfortable questions!
Damn. Colbert really brings it when it matters.
I've always thought he was sexy. Shook his hand in Alabama. First president I voted for.
now what do you think of him ??
M with the 🐸, already know you think he's the devil incarnate. I know how you talk to folks, your talking points.. Nah. Not interested.
so i guess you still think he is your hero,,, and of course you would vote for him again if you could... says alot of about you,,, none of it good ..time to lock up bill
I love the third movement of Bach's Harpsichord Concerto (BWV 1064) at the beginning!
+John Chessant Never mind, it was Bach's Goldberg Variations (BWV 988), Variation 2.
So dumb. Dude got some from a 22 year old, but we insist on pretending she was an infant.
Good on Stephen for holding his feet to the fire. Wish journalists acted more like this
James looks like Hans Moleman from the simpsons :D
Pretty damn brave, Colbert & President Clinton.
Are we actually clapping for Bill Clinton attempting to praise the "me too" movement. GTFO.
Great questions, Colbert!!!
Bill Clinton is a very inspiring person.
Um...where was the rape?? If consensual relations are rape, we're all in trouble.
Christi Massey google the reason bill lost his license to practice law. I’ll give you a hit it has to do with molesting women... you dummy
You will always have morons bring this rubbish up, and don't think about what great things he's doing in the present, while idiots like Trump have and will continue to do far worser things.
Fuck off with your idiocy. You're a joke
I would like to see him show some compassion to Monica. He has been able to get on with his life, she has never had that opportunity. Could he not come out now and ask people to show her some compassion? I think if he did that, it would demonstrate that he understands what she, the one in the infinitely weaker position, has had to endure and take responsibility for helping her repair her life. I would respect him if he took that step.
Bill got old. Way old.
You've got to respect a man who admits his faults and humbly apologizes... Of course our current President hasn't ever done anything he's needed to apologize for right?
Slick Willy..........what about all the abuse as Governor of Arkansas....
HOLY FARTS, give president Clinton some WATER for GOODNESS' SAKE