I keep complaining about my home country Australia. It sounds like Canada is equally bad or maybe even worse than Australia. Thank God, we have a few homeless but no zombies in downtown Sydney, probably not in the same scale of Vancouver.
a matter of choice. in HK(or china or say jap), there are so many choices but in canada, boring. That is the main reason I don't eat out in vancouver, waste of time and money.
我有朋友因政治問題移民加國。他以前做銀行業。太太也有45000一個月。二個合共约過十萬。但到了加國就無工做。只可做散工。Two years later. They separated. His ex came back to hk and he's no where to be found in Toronto. No one knows if he is alive or dead. If you don't feel safe in hk because of the political reasons. Then get out. Bye! No one cares!
the drug that you mentioned it existed in the U.K as well, it's a lethal drug, secondly, i like north America tv show more than the other, no harm no foul, seriously i think the tv show that create in north America region are much watchable and i guess that's why i nearly watch them all.
do not bring cash. you are inviting trouble(large amount of cash raise red flag). always TT which gives you better rate anyway and generally speaking, banks in HK give you better rate.
@@KyleKamTaco 平過 ? may be but it is just more varieties. It is not limited to downtown Toronto. In Greater Toronto area. which include metro Toronto ( six cites merge into one big city) and surrounding cities. so there are varieties from cake shop, take out, economic to luxury restaurants.
Mental health care in B.C. policy shifted from institutionization to community based care 30 years ago. Unfortunately , dual diagnosis patients and hard core drug addicts were left in the cold. Community base mental health service is deficient due to poor funding and under staff. Whilst drug problem and related crime activity make it a black hole to public health and policing service. Sadly, Canadian politicians are votes driven.
I think the root cause of the current situation is that Vancouver was trying to mimic Portugal’s drug policy. However, besides decriminalization and providing a safe supply, Portugal has also established a well oiled system for addicts to access rehab, which Vancouver is lacking. Blindly decriminalizing and providing drugs to someone with little to no self control is doing more harm than good
Tipping is a given in North America. It isn’t something new post-Covid. Gratuities of 20%-25% at restaurants, hair stylist and other service sectors are common. Compared to NYC and San Francisco, Vancouver has significantly lower costs of living. The main issue is wages in Canada remain largely stagnant and never catch up with inflation in the past many decades. In the US, people get paid more and spend more, while in Canada wages are not proportional to essential spending.
No man... If you don't eat out, buying grocery is cheaper in San Fran and nyc. Properties in San Fran and NYC are comparable to Vancouver. Gas and buying cars are cheaper in San Fran and NYC. So No, van is not cheaper than San Fran and NYC.
@@roman618 It's all relative! You could say Vancouver is more expensive than NYC or SF because Canadians don't make enough to cover the essentials, never mind dining out or other discretionary/ luxury spending! I have lived in HK, Australia, Canada and US for many years. Canada and HK by far have the lowest wages.
@@CatherineSui-Miller what relative? I was countering your claim that the cost of living in Vancouver is significantly cheaper than San Fran and NYC. no it is Not. Vancouver is as expensive if not more than Sam Fran and NYC when it comes to cost of living. Finally unless you are a software engineer, the salaries in HK should not really be lower than NYC and San Fran considering the super low taxes in HK. Do you kNow what you are talking about?
Very good description of Canadian living. Yes, cost of living is going up. Support groups are important. On the positive side, hongkongers are blessed in terms of social contact availability. You do not need to be a believer, but church groups give you warmth and sense of belonging. Basic minimum pay jobs are available right at the government labour resources Center. Let go your sense of pride, jobs are everywhere. I cannot promise you the Moon, but I promise you the Earth. Door of all churches are open on Saturday and Sunday .
下次試吓參加Vancouver run封曬路跑馬拉松,仲好feel,又可以去東岸跑,又可以落美國跑,呢啲香港真係提供唔到咁爽既體驗😂
路上的喪屍沒有溫哥華那麼嚴重,因為他們有北美規模最大的CAMH (精神治療中心)
Thank you as always!
My pleasure!
Thank you for watching 🙌🏻
Well said!
Thank you
主持人, 你們講漏了一個大 point, 就是加拿大政府在前年把大麻全國合法化, 而且每個家庭可以在自己的獨立屋前院或後院種四株大麻自用. 現今在加拿大吸食大麻有如吸煙的普遍. 最惡劣的還有是加拿大政府已經通過法例, 如果你身上有毒品, 例如海洛英, 可卡因…少過 2.5g (2.5 克)不是違法, 只要你宣稱是自用的便無事.
入去買東西的人 99%都係正常人
加上大麻有分THC 同 CBD 兩種
只是有THC 的產品才會令人high
有些人會買CBD 的產品作為保健用途 (放鬆心情 改善睡眠)
其實最影響溫哥華的藥物是硬性毒品 例如鴉片類藥物 冰毒 霹靂可卡因 化學合成藥物 因為這些藥物極度容易上癮 依賴性極高
反而我覺得政府對於這些硬性毒品的打擊不力 才會有這個局面
@KyleKamTaco : 杜魯多政府把大麻全國合法化, 其實在未合法之前, 前任總理哈柏 (Harper) 對大麻的管制是隻眼開隻眼閉, 愛理不理, 造成在節日期間增加了吸食的人數. 幾乎所有的華人家庭的父母極之反對子女吸食任何形式的大麻. 我記得在哈柏(Harper) 政府年代, 個政府提供免費針筒比道友打針, 同時又宣傳叫 D 道友如果吸毒唔好自己單獨吸, 最好找個同伴一齊吸, 發生事故可以互相照顧, 如此的政府問你服未?仲有, 如果你有時間, 請也去參觀一下位於溫哥華唐人街附近的 E. Hastings 的道友露宿者, 多到嚇死你又嘔心. 杜魯多政府曾經想把唐人街富大酒樓附近的停車場給露宿者在冬天天氣寒冷時避寒, 但遭到居民極力反對, 最後計劃告吹.
@@KyleKamTaco 政府甚至提供免費針頭給毒癮者使用,避免交叉感染,明顯他們已經放棄徹底整治喪屍環境
如果生癌或者腫瘤,食適量大麻有幫助。 有時候一啲冇得醫嘅舊患食大麻可以止痛。反正佢合法,但人可以選擇唔食。就好似煙一樣,香港合法的,但我從來沒有食過。
@@elly5354 我讀大學嘅時候有個professor 因為生cancer 做化療無胃口
令到身體越嚟越弱 最後食大麻幫助佢增加食慾 最後戰勝病魔💪🏻💪🏻
主持人, 係香港行山,踩單車都係有限錢,夏天去沙灘都係搭車錢,康文署有冷氣羽毛球場都係HKD59 一小時,點會貴過加拿大?🤣🤣🤣
但係如果想踩世界級 bike park 香港最近都要去日本
機票同酒店 再加埋入場費 一定貴過加拿大 如果你話吐露港踩單車徑 咁就兩邊都差唔多啦
另外講緊攀石 滑雪 水上運動玩船 點睇都係加拿大比較平
如果你夾硬要比較乒乓波 羽毛球呢啲
香港直頭唔使錢添 去屋村樓下就有得玩😂
踩單車香港有條超級單車有屯門去馬鞍山都可以踩一日! 唔係座高鐵去增城單車公園兩日一夜都唔駛HKD1000,邊駛去日本???
香港人最受歡迎的運動踢波、打籃球、游水、跑步、踩單車、網球、乒乒波、羽毛球真係落街就做到! 超方便!
康文署室內攀石牆都係HKD50一個鐘,另外仲有五個水上活動中心,有教練包租船兩天課程都係HKD140! 加拿大有冇咁平 ???
香港都冇得滑真雪,緊係加拿大贏啦!點比呀? 🤣🤣🤣不過加拿大咁凍都係滑雪好D! 但就好單調! 😊😊😊
@@aresleung1528 加拿大的ymca family monthly payment約c$100. 朝七晚十,室內場有齊所有你提及的活動,叧有泳池和squash。另私人gym club ,流行的24/7 是c$20/ month, 而且是transferable,但每次只可一人使用。另類似香港的社區中心的興趣班也是c$30/ month,可自選每天不同的活動:baking, cooking, needles and craft, 太極,yoga⋯
加拿大有public tennis court,不用付費, 先到先得。(以上所指是安省)。
@@aresleung1528 我剛查YMCA 是有室內攀石牆班(有導師)的。即月費包括。
另商營的攀石牆不是以時鐘計,是day pass ,約c$20 一張 day pass,叧10,20,50次pass 更有discount.
香港法定min wage / hr是hk$40, 約c$7, 但Canada 是C$16.00 , 約hk$96.00。
@@KyleKamTaco香港人好少去到世界級, 唔可以咁比較, 我在溫哥華差不多2年, 問心, 確實好悶, 特別在冬天
I keep complaining about my home country Australia. It sounds like Canada is equally bad or maybe even worse than Australia.
Thank God, we have a few homeless but no zombies in downtown Sydney, probably not in the same scale of Vancouver.
有人要餐餐大魚大肉 買
名牌 一年去幾次旅行
有人日日食麵包公仔麵 有機打就OK
最緊要睇返自己生活Lifestyle 計好條數
最緊要留返幾個月Emergency fund
a matter of choice. in HK(or china or say jap), there are so many choices but in canada, boring. That is the main reason I don't eat out in vancouver, waste of time and money.
Thank you 🙏🏻
2023年底雪山見到草地 ,滑嚟都冇意思
@@KyleKamTaco 相信你到溫哥華生活日子短, 相信今年年初 因為聖嬰現像只有非常短暫冬季
All well said in particular tipping culture here 😢
我有朋友因政治問題移民加國。他以前做銀行業。太太也有45000一個月。二個合共约過十萬。但到了加國就無工做。只可做散工。Two years later. They separated. His ex came back to hk and he's no where to be found in Toronto. No one knows if he is alive or dead. If you don't feel safe in hk because of the political reasons. Then get out. Bye! No one cares!
Cool story bro!
the drug that you mentioned it existed in the U.K as well, it's a lethal drug, secondly, i like north America tv show more than the other, no harm no foul, seriously i think the tv show that create in north America region are much watchable and i guess that's why i nearly watch them all.
I heard that xylazine has no counter agents available, so yes it is very dangerous ;(
另請問帶美元/港幣,exchange rate 邊個比較好呢?或直接在港換定加幣好啲?
有人一個月洗$2500 有人要洗$8000
換錢的話我哋係用Interactive Broker
do not bring cash. you are inviting trouble(large amount of cash raise red flag). always TT which gives you better rate anyway and generally speaking, banks in HK give you better rate.
多謝Keep 住支持💪🏻
係英美一定要自己煮飯。出街食 就算係李嘉誠身家 都會食窮。
少啲出街食 係會好好多
可以告訴你, 如果你去溫哥華食肆食嘢食咗$100, 你埋單要比一百二十幾蚊, 因為要比 service charge 和 sales tax.
@@KyleKamTaco 平過 ? may be but it is just more varieties. It is not limited to downtown Toronto. In Greater Toronto area. which include metro Toronto ( six cites merge into one big city) and surrounding cities. so there are varieties from cake shop, take out, economic to luxury restaurants.
You eat in Toronto or Calgary , you need to pay min 15 to 20% tips, no excuse
其實差不多,溫哥華餐廳結帳只有 5%的稅
多倫多餐廳稅13% ,外加小費平均20%
主持人忘了有些資產管理公司剛剛BBQ 那就要加快停投資任何樓和股票。2024 剛剛開始。
Mental health care in B.C. policy shifted from institutionization to community based care 30 years ago. Unfortunately , dual diagnosis patients and hard core drug addicts were left in the cold. Community base mental health service is deficient due to poor funding and under staff. Whilst drug problem and related crime activity make it a black hole to public health and policing service. Sadly, Canadian politicians are votes driven.
it need more financial support
I think the root cause of the current situation is that Vancouver was trying to mimic Portugal’s drug policy. However, besides decriminalization and providing a safe supply, Portugal has also established a well oiled system for addicts to access rehab, which Vancouver is lacking. Blindly decriminalizing and providing drugs to someone with little to no self control is doing more harm than good
Thanks for sharing! I see you guys at Metrotown food court a few days ago, would love to say hi but you guys having a nice meal! 😅
Next time feel free to come and say hi to us ;)
Tipping is a given in North America. It isn’t something new post-Covid. Gratuities of 20%-25% at restaurants, hair stylist and other service sectors are common. Compared to NYC and San Francisco, Vancouver has significantly lower costs of living. The main issue is wages in Canada remain largely stagnant and never catch up with inflation in the past many decades. In the US, people get paid more and spend more, while in Canada wages are not proportional to essential spending.
No man... If you don't eat out, buying grocery is cheaper in San Fran and nyc. Properties in San Fran and NYC are comparable to Vancouver. Gas and buying cars are cheaper in San Fran and NYC. So No, van is not cheaper than San Fran and NYC.
@@roman618 It's all relative! You could say Vancouver is more expensive than NYC or SF because Canadians don't make enough to cover the essentials, never mind dining out or other discretionary/ luxury spending! I have lived in HK, Australia, Canada and US for many years. Canada and HK by far have the lowest wages.
@@CatherineSui-Miller what relative? I was countering your claim that the cost of living in Vancouver is significantly cheaper than San Fran and NYC. no it is Not. Vancouver is as expensive if not more than Sam Fran and NYC when it comes to cost of living. Finally unless you are a software engineer, the salaries in HK should not really be lower than NYC and San Fran considering the super low taxes in HK. Do you kNow what you are talking about?
Funny when you question my claim of someone who has actually lived and worked in HK, Australia, Canada and the US! Say whatever you want to say.
@@CatherineSui-Miller not so funny when you don't even know what you are talking about
就咁聽你咁講 香港真係福地。。利申人在澳洲
成大班friend一齊玩 其實好開心
Very good description of Canadian living. Yes, cost of living is going up. Support groups are important. On the positive side, hongkongers are blessed in terms of social contact availability. You do not need to be a believer, but church groups give you warmth and sense of belonging. Basic minimum pay jobs are available right at the government labour resources Center. Let go your sense of pride, jobs are everywhere. I cannot promise you the Moon, but I promise you the Earth. Door of all churches are open on Saturday and Sunday .
Amen 🙏🏻🙌🏻
Life in Canada for HKers is rough/tough, but still better than the UK. They treat you like garbage.
師兄 請問我條片邊個位有歧視南亞人? 😅
遲早變成另一個三藩市. 你有時間可以去 E. Hastings 參觀, 嚇死人無命賠.
Turning into Brandon states such as California, Oregon, New York, WA!
I work in Oregon, it is just bad if not worse than SF!
咁鬼雜 仲衰過香港廟街 小心比人打劫
請你叫Sophia 別在鏡頭前講粗口,好嗎?
我最憎女人講粗口,成隻chicken 咁!经常聽佢講粗口,想嘔!好cheap!無哩貴格,將來人老珠黃,只剩粗口,好dirty!好呕心!
如果唔係Kyle 講野有紋有路,我絕不會再看有粗口婆的片
经常把男性生殖器官掛在嘴邊, Sophia其實知唔知醜㗎?佢係咪在公司講英文,句句fuc**you ,所以被炒呢?
really? she is a chick? oh my god.......