Kishore Kumar sang BETTER than Rafi

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @abdulkader5694
    @abdulkader5694 Год назад +157

    mere dil ki baath aap bola aaj rahul bai.....since 40 years iam a big big fan of kishorda sir...thanks lot aap sachai bola...jeethe rahoo bai hamesha👌👌👌❤❤❤👍👍👍

    • @70mmwithRahoul
      @70mmwithRahoul  Год назад +10

      Thank you Abdul Kader sahab for watching the video and sharing your comments.

    • @kousiksarker104
      @kousiksarker104 Год назад +28

      People who don't understand music compare Rafiq Sahib and Kishoredar both are great

    @DELTASERPENT Год назад +245

    Mohd Rafi speaks for himself. No comparison. They respected each other.

  • @jayeshbharadwaj4772
    @jayeshbharadwaj4772 Год назад +185

    Kishor Kumar was no doubt a great ... Rafisaab is Rafisaab . versatility ..Emotions .expressions and blending his voice with an actor simply outstanding ..

  • @aiyzairtaza7990
    @aiyzairtaza7990 Год назад +288

    In Rafi Saab version wording were different and tune was bit slow but in Kishore Kumar version lyrics was totally different and rhythm was fast so it was totally two contrast version hence you can't compare them but you are very big fan of Kishore sir so what could be said!

    • @sureshsreedharan5579
      @sureshsreedharan5579 Год назад +28

      you re right.

    • @fawadkashif
      @fawadkashif Год назад +21


    • @vilasshriram9851
      @vilasshriram9851 Год назад

      Ur actually narrow minded and brainwashed by islam. U cannot see n r not supposed to see d good of other religion people.

  • @Magicalphototour
    @Magicalphototour Год назад +189

    Both versions are good. Both are legends. Comparing is futile. There is no point comparing great artists. They both would have laughed when people compare them. Its like comparing apples to oranges. Human nature is such that people are always looking for rivalry to get a kick. Leave them alone in their heavenly abode.

  • @rehanask9399
    @rehanask9399 Год назад +149

    Both Rafi sahab and Kishore da were fantastic in their own ways.

  • @oamyway975
    @oamyway975 Год назад +87

    I like Kishore very much.
    But I disagree with you on this.
    Listen to Rafi version 4-5 to 8 times. He has also sung the best way
    It's the TUNE that's doesn't SUIT the LYRICS. Take this factor in account.
    In Kishore's version, TUNE and LYRICS both complement each other.
    Think again 😊

  • @vikramrathore2477
    @vikramrathore2477 Год назад +166

    भाई साहब आप तो अंध भक्ति की हद तक किशोर भक्त हैं, इतना कि किशोर कुमार को रफी साहब से बेहतर सिद्ध करने के लिए अगर आपको पांच जन्म और लेने पड़ें तो आप जरूर लेकर रहेंगे !! और आपकी किशोर VS रफी साहब की हर वीडियो में आपकी ये मंशा directly Or indirectly साफ नजर आती है !!
    किशोर साहब का मुरीद तो मैं भी हूँ और बेहिचक ये दिल से मानता हूँ कि किशोर साहब जैसा हरफनमौला और all rounder फन्कार कोई और हो ही नहीं सकता !! लेकिन रफी साहब एक सरल हृदय और निहायत सूफी तबियत के शख्श थे जो अपनी कला के बल पर टिके और उन्होंने एक अलग ही मुकाम हासिल किया !! आपने अपनी निजि पसंद की ओट में अपनी चिर परिचित मानसिकता को व्यक्त कर ही दिया !!
    आपका बस नहीं चल रहा वरना आप तो कभी के रफी साहब को शून्य साबित कर चुके होते !!
    आप किशोर साहब के गुणों का बखान करें, जिसके वे वाकई हक़दार थे लेकिन रफी साहब को कमतर सिद्ध करने की रुग्ण मानसिकता के साथ नहीं !!

    • @sputnik3066
      @sputnik3066 Год назад +26

      आपने मेरे मुंह की बात कहदी

    • @Ahmad-ik6vz
      @Ahmad-ik6vz Год назад +14

      What an honest opinion !!!

    • @truthseeker9482
      @truthseeker9482 Год назад +12

      किशोर ने बेहतर गाया।

    • @Ahmad-ik6vz
      @Ahmad-ik6vz Год назад +8

      An unbiased opinion.
      You are absolutely right.

    • @rekhabhatt8988
      @rekhabhatt8988 Год назад +22

      विक्रम राठौर जी सबकी अपनी अपनी पसंद है, यहां मंशा किसी को कमतर आंकने की नही दिखती, मगर आप को पता नही कितने जन्म लेने पड़ेंगे बात समझने के😂😂

  • @srihari772
    @srihari772 Год назад +77

    Both have their own different styles and both of them give a different feel and a different high! E.g. "Tum bin jaun kahan" from "Pyaar Ka Mausam."

  • @99farooque
    @99farooque Год назад +35

    Version of Rafi sahib we heard first time.
    But Kishore Kumar Version we have listened many times, naturally what we listen more we like more. If kishore Kumar had not sing song we would have liked M. Rafi.

  • @JasvinderSingh-wz8rr
    @JasvinderSingh-wz8rr Год назад +60

    Well, I found Rafisahab a bit sweeter than Kishore sahab in this particular song , it's my personal opinion, coz the lyrics writing is different and both the legends sang the song as per the requirement! Both are my favorite! 😊

  • @shivchan3645
    @shivchan3645 Год назад +16

    It is a boon for Kishore kumar and any song we hear now from him after 30,40, 50 or even 100 years it still has its mark and will be immemorable.

  • @satya_m_meregaane1034
    @satya_m_meregaane1034 Год назад +9

    Sequence Ke Hisab Se Gaane Ki Mood Change Hote Rehte Hain. Ye Sach Hai Kishore Daa Ki Yeh Gaanaa Jyadaa Achhaa Sunaayi Detaa Hai. Recording Bhi Sahi Nehin Hai Rafi Saahab Ki Gaane Ki.. Naye Lyrics Ke Saath Kuchh Fer Badal Kiyaa Gayaa, Aur Kishore Daa Ki Yudleying Ke Saath ish Gaane Ko Record Kiyaa Gayaa. Recording Ki Sound Quality Bhi Bahat Hi Khubsurat Hai. Par Rafi Saahab Ki Version Mein Rafi Saahab Bahat Achha Gaayaa Hai. Par Recording Ki Sound Quality Achhi Nehi Hai... 👍👍🤗🤗
    Dono Hi Mahan Gaayak The, Aur Hamesha Mahaan Rahenge Bhi....👌👌🎻🎻🌹🌹💟💟

  • @vikas7850
    @vikas7850 Год назад +6

    Mughe bhi kishore da ka hi verson pasand hai. Great singer Kishore da 🙏🌹🌹🙏 vmb

  • @shankhan677
    @shankhan677 Год назад +48

    HI RAHOUL BHAI 🙋‍♂️As a music lover I think Muhammad Rafi sb and Mr . kishor kumar both sung well both R legends .......🎤🎸🥁📻🎷

  • @ronnydoekhi3367
    @ronnydoekhi3367 Год назад +26

    The power in the voice of Kishore Kumar make the song live.
    Rafi saheb style was different, but not bad..

  • @franciskt4171
    @franciskt4171 Год назад +37

    Both the legendary singers were uniquely versatile in their own style..

  • @santoshkumardubey1249
    @santoshkumardubey1249 Год назад +5

    Wah sir bahot mast vdo h. Aapke vdo dekh k mere dil me Kishore kumar k liye utsukta badti jati h.

  • @shresthadey007
    @shresthadey007 Год назад +33

    I have heard both of the songs "YE DIL NA HOTA BECHARA" and "KOI NA TERA". And both singers were fantastic in their own styles. Personally my favorite version is "YE DIL NA HOTA BECHARA".

  • @rudyjordan2131
    @rudyjordan2131 Год назад +44

    I didn't saw God... But I heard him sing.. The only voice of God kishore Kumar

    • @nadiakashi1679
      @nadiakashi1679 Год назад +8

      Absolutely wrong
      Kishor's voice is so rough and harsh o the ears

  • @robinhood8108
    @robinhood8108 Год назад +9

    Rafi sahab aur kishore da ka toolna karna, chand aur suraj ko dharti ke liye kitna zaroori hai waise hi film industry ke liye ouss zamane mein ye do super gayak ki zaroorat thi.

  • @smkbwn
    @smkbwn Год назад +49

    Even though the tunes are same style is totally different. Rafi Saab 's version sounds sophisticated, but Kishore da's version sounds exuberant, as the situation demands.

  • @ayanpal9429
    @ayanpal9429 Год назад +11

    Kishore Kumar was god....... who can surpass him....even today?

  • @looneydesi
    @looneydesi Год назад +29

    Fact ! But I absolutely love Both Rafi Sahab and Kishoreda . May Their Souls Rest In Eternal Peace 🙏🙏❤️❤️

  • @arshad8170
    @arshad8170 Год назад +9

    This comparison will always be there, and fans of both of these timeless singers will always argue. However, Kishore sang this song brilliantly. No doubt on that.

  • @jatinderpalsinghbedi4794
    @jatinderpalsinghbedi4794 Год назад +9

    Even Mere Naina Sawan Bhadon was sung by both Lata Ji & Kishore Da, we all know which was a Hit....Lata Ji's version was fully classical singing, while Kishore Da's magical voice created a Big Punch..... Ditto with Hamein Aur Jeene ki Chahat Na Hoti ❤❤❤

    • @70mmwithRahoul
      @70mmwithRahoul  Год назад +3

      Absolutely !!!

    • @fawadkashif
      @fawadkashif Год назад

      Not at all. Both the songs you mentioned above are much better in Lata s voice.. even many more like Rimjhim gire sawan.

    • @jatinderpalsinghbedi4794
      @jatinderpalsinghbedi4794 Год назад +1

      @@fawadkashif please check out who's song's were more popular, whose song's are played more on radio, you shall know the truth

    • @pulkitdhingra8351
      @pulkitdhingra8351 Год назад +2

      ​@@jatinderpalsinghbedi4794 popular does not always mean better

    • @celestialspartan7977
      @celestialspartan7977 Год назад +1

      And better does not always mean more liked

  • @ranju56
    @ranju56 Год назад +36

    This song actually is adapted by Sachin Dev Burman from the theme music ( Colonel Boogie ) of the film, Bridge on the river Kwai. Sachin Dev Burman adapted the tune very nicely and added a lovely Antara of his own. Both Mohd.Rafi and Kishore Kumar ( even Mukesh, Manna Dey, Hemant Kumar, Talat Mehmood) were stellar singers and should not be compared because each rendered their songs exactly the way the music director conceived and matching the scenario of the film. While Mohd Rafi had a silken voice and was a highly trained singer like Manna Dey etc , Kishore Kumar was a God gifted singer who could render with perfection whatever was composed for him.
    Another point is important. R.D.Burman has mentioned this period of 1963 in an interview and told that he saw how cruel the film world was to his father barring Dev Anand. Panchamda however on some occasions had done apart from assisting him, the recording for his father including Sachin Dev Burman's last fabulous composition , Badi Suni Suni hai of Mili when his father was in critical condition at the Hospital and Kishore Kumar poured his heart and soul in that song

  • @dhananjoychatterjee1203
    @dhananjoychatterjee1203 Год назад +1

    You are right..... Guru Kishore is best......❤

  • @harmonicalhub
    @harmonicalhub Год назад +4

    Yeh dil na hota bechara kadam na hotey awara…. Kya baat hai Rahoul bhai

  • @snehabrataghoshal360
    @snehabrataghoshal360 Год назад +4

    I like the 'Jewel Thief' version sung by Kishore Kumar a bit too much to put any other version ahead of it! You can call me a "blind fan" for that!

  • @sandipdas3442
    @sandipdas3442 Год назад +14

    Yes no doubt you are 1000% right and correct. Kishore Kumar is the God of music.. the identity of India in front of the world stage.

  • @hamidhafeez3811
    @hamidhafeez3811 Год назад +1

    Really informative. I always enjoy your videos as a great Kishore Kumar fan.

  • @anishtataria
    @anishtataria Год назад +5

    A lovely podcast on this wonderful song "Yeh Dil Naa Hota Bechara"
    This song composed by S.D.Burman would have actually been used in the movie Baaharein Phir Bhi Aayegi that too way back in 1961 had Senior Burman not suffered ftom a heart attack.
    I feel that Guru Dutt, should have waited for S.D. Burman's recovery as he had given alternatives to Guru Dutt, that the recordings would be done by Rahul, but this did nit happen & Mr.Sachin Dev Burman was dropped & replaced by O.P Nayyar.
    The song saw daylight in 1967, when it was included in the movie Jewel Thief by the evergreen Dev Anand.
    I heard the clip that you shared in the video Mohd.Rafi sang the song beautifully in his style & it is so soothing to the ears.
    But, Kishore Kumar's version is superb !! The song in the voice of Kishore has its own chirpiness - liveliness & the song fits perfectly in the movie !!
    Kishore Kumar has created Magic
    Thank you Rahoul for this lovely trivia 👍❤

    • @70mmwithRahoul
      @70mmwithRahoul  Год назад +1

      Thank you Anish for your inputs as always.

  • @ganeshraojinaga6602
    @ganeshraojinaga6602 Год назад +2

    Sir, mujhe bhi kishore daa ka gaya geet hi achcha lagta hai

  • @pabdulazeez
    @pabdulazeez Год назад +20

    Kishore's version is definitely more lively and memorable, and I believe a large part is played by the lyrics. The lyrics of Rafi's version are abstract whereas that of Kishore are immediately relatable. Kishore's version comes across like your friend telling you about his failed affairs!
    And talking about Jewel Thief, there's another gem of a song in that move that's equally unforgettable. Raat Akeli Hai. Asha Bhosle and SD at their phenomenal best!

  • @KishA-5
    @KishA-5 Год назад +2

    Kishor daa gaan is undated & svar is filtered.
    Almost all the males sings like typic females,dukhi tadap thakaa udaas.
    Kishor daa is nar praakritik adbhut apurva madhur shuddh balvant shaktishaalee tej & vishva.
    Vayse bhi pasand apni apni!
    Yeh dil naa hotaa becaaraa is ati uttam nar praakritik jeevant vishva prem prasangayukt gaan,madhur shuddh sampuran,adbhut & apurva.
    🙏🏼bahumukhee sampuran svar sur & taal sangeet samraat,vishva ratna shri Kishor daa Kumaar ji 🌹😘❤️.

  • @sharmisthabhattacharya7202
    @sharmisthabhattacharya7202 Год назад +8

    I am totally agree with you and of course this song of Kishore Kumar i love to hear again and again he is our legend

  • @suhaspathak6550
    @suhaspathak6550 Год назад +1

    किशोर दीड बेस्ट. Manly voice.

  • @gopalganguly335
    @gopalganguly335 Год назад +1

    Absolutely right. God of song. Baki sab singer. Not god.kisore KUMAR only one baki sab saw crows dur

  • @rezmasjony728
    @rezmasjony728 Год назад +1

    Thank you Rahul sir khubbhalo laglo and yes I highly agree with you Kishore Kumar did sang better but the great Rafi's version is also good as well they both are tremendous singers both are great institutions of music.I miss them always.Great content.Respect and love from Toronto🇨🇦🇧🇩.

  • @aliaa7510
    @aliaa7510 Год назад

    Greetings from Bahrain
    Thank you Rahoul...

  • @joyszone
    @joyszone Год назад +2

    Lovely fact ! I am in agreement 😊

  • @brajeshkumartrivedi5444
    @brajeshkumartrivedi5444 Год назад +2

    सर, इसमें बताने की क्या बात है। किशोरकुमार ग्रेट थे, हैं, और हमेशा रहेंगे।

  • @aminajeelani1356
    @aminajeelani1356 Год назад +2

    Allh bless u all time and urs family love urs videos urs videos r very true only urs channel is not fake

  • @radon222u
    @radon222u Год назад +3

    When Composer Uttam Singh says the same during recording of Waaris songs, there is no doubt left. Hum toh yaha seekhe hai. Unko uparwale ne bana ke bheja hai. Dont remember the exact words. Please upload a video on this. Or may be I have missed.

  • @user-fy2cn3jj4z
    @user-fy2cn3jj4z Год назад +28

    I love Rafi saheb....

  • @harshmohanbadola
    @harshmohanbadola Год назад +2

    तुम बिन जाऊँ कहाँ सोंग भी रफी साहब और किशोर दा दोनों ने गाया है।

  • @sanjayvyas5587
    @sanjayvyas5587 Год назад +1

    Batter than Rafi da... Kishore da song is really great

  • @kekikavarana3443
    @kekikavarana3443 Год назад +2

    Undoubtedly Kishores version was much better 👌

  • @kamleshtrivedi6492
    @kamleshtrivedi6492 Год назад +1

    Kishor kumar ji was natural actor, singer.

  • @kekikavarana3443
    @kekikavarana3443 Год назад +2

    If Naushad disliked Kishore then as Kishore ascended,coincidentally Naushad was on the decline. Leader, DDDL,and above all Shunghursh which slowed the flow of a classic movie.

  • @endraraj9194
    @endraraj9194 Год назад +5

    Super,I love Kishore da, special this song when I was kid, there are so many songs of Kishore da, but this was romantic song, this is Raj from Hyderabad

  • @waqarhyder6360
    @waqarhyder6360 Год назад +1

    Yaar kishore kumar ki awaz boht ache hai i love his voice

  • @sanjaybiswas5740
    @sanjaybiswas5740 Год назад +7

    Kishoreda is simply God..🙏

  • @rajuagrawal1830
    @rajuagrawal1830 Год назад +3

    Yes, My brother Rahoul ji, I like this version of Kishore Da. Both the Dhun are same. But the song on Dev Sahab is much better than the song of Rafi Sahab.
    I'm also a big fan of Kishore Da.
    Very nice video. Very nice information. I love to watch your videos daily.
    My best wishes are always with you My brother Rahoul ji. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  • @somnathburman8222
    @somnathburman8222 Год назад +8

    Definitely kishore Kumar version as usual😊

  • @gllenpappaachan8055
    @gllenpappaachan8055 Год назад +24

    I too feel the Kishore Kumar version was more peppy and soothing to the ears. The Mohammad Rafi version sounds too ebbed and sober. As such Jewel Thief is one of my all-time favourite movies. I watched it in the theatres when I was in 11th grade at Shreyas in Ghatkopar. I hope that theatre is still there ❤❤

  • @शास्त्रप्रमाण-ध1ह

    किशोर कुमार एक वरदानी पुरुष थे, जय हो किशोर कुमार की, हर हर महादेव

  • @shettysudesh5768
    @shettysudesh5768 Год назад +3

    Superb orginal information like always and not the made up ones....
    there is so many fake stories go around on social media, for long time everyone belivied kishore da sang one line" akbar tera naam nahi "in song parda hai parda after rafisaab requested but recently amit kumar clarified that's it's his voice

  • @faisalazizkhan5295
    @faisalazizkhan5295 Год назад +1

    Sir Rahul ur commits for me nice thanks sir we love ur to classic knowledge I am from Bhopal

  • @subhasreeguha
    @subhasreeguha Год назад +7

    Rahoul that goes without saying that Kishore Kumar version is definitely the best one.Who can beat that golden voice?
    Tum bin jaun kahan is another masterpiece sung both by Kishore Kumar & Rafi Sahab...but we all hear mostly the Kishore Kumar version...and me being a Bengali, get to hear all the Bengali versions of these songs as well.Even the songs like Hum e aur jeene ki, O saathi re and several other such songs ...Kishore Kumar versions are definitely the best ones.Of course I love to hear them.

  • @urvishshah6327
    @urvishshah6327 Год назад +19

    Bilkul Sahi! KishoreDa itne gifted the aur unka voice culture itna zabardast tha ki classical training ke baghair bhi wo sab get gaa lete the aur sabhi jagah छा जाते थे.
    Mera favorite comparison प्यार का मौसम का गाना : तुम बिन जाऊं कहां । KishoreDa ke dono versions ( yodelling waala aur sad slow version) Rafi sahib ke dono versions se Kai behtareen rahe: aawaz ki bulandi, gahrai, kashish aur slow version mei अद्भुत दर्द ही दर्द!!
    बहुत मज़ा आया! Keep up the great work राहुल!

  • @Risha2023
    @Risha2023 Год назад +9

    Kishore Kumar is the Jewel of the famous song of Jewel Thief...Yeh Dil Na Hota Bechara.
    There's no other option without Kishore Kumar. 🙏
    S.D.Barman has taken the right decision to present the song in Jewel Thief with the God... Kishore.

  • @nibeditatalukdar2487
    @nibeditatalukdar2487 Год назад +18

    Always kishore da's version sound more progressive n rocking than others, all great singers r good but kishore da has something extra factor and that is called God gifted genius

    • @tapankumarghosh9272
      @tapankumarghosh9272 Год назад +3

      হ্যাঁ ভাই অবশ্যই জিনিয়াস

  • @sachindranarayanbhattachar4532
    @sachindranarayanbhattachar4532 Год назад +2

    There is life in kishore kumar version

  • @saibalkumarhaldar5633
    @saibalkumarhaldar5633 Год назад +2

    You are 100% correct.

  • @javedsultan3535
    @javedsultan3535 Год назад +1

    Kishore sahib nay acha gaya hay agay pasand apni apni

  • @sudhakarg3450
    @sudhakarg3450 Год назад +2

    Kishore ka hi achcha hai, Masti bhara gaana hai.

  • @souvik5778
    @souvik5778 Год назад +2

    Kishore kumar....khud mein hi ek tanpura the....

  • @madanvaid2477
    @madanvaid2477 Год назад +1

    किशोर दा चरित्र के मूड को अपनी आवाज में जी देते थे ।

  • @godwingundimi
    @godwingundimi Год назад +4

    Kishore Kumar is always Kishore Kumar,,, always THE BEST

  • @charudattatophakhane6380
    @charudattatophakhane6380 Год назад +10

    👍👍 fully agree.. listen to any song sung by Kishorda with any will attracted more to Kishorda part... something that can't be explained or analysed.. it's unique... I've loved Kishorda all my life- simply divine !

  • @riazahamed5294
    @riazahamed5294 Год назад +3

    Rahulji there was a period people used to say kishorda neither a good actor or a singer his voice was Dev saab the start of Rajesh Khanna popularity made kishorji a top singer for me iam crazy after kishorji they had no differences among both are top singers India ever produced including mukeshji among three of them all three super singers

  • @sureshmakwana5294
    @sureshmakwana5294 Год назад +1

    जय हो किशोर कुमार जी की

  • @kishoreda1863
    @kishoreda1863 Год назад +1

    Rahul ji am a sports journalist and commentator. Just love Kishore da. You pass on some excellent information every now and then. Is there any mail id where I can contact you. I would love to share some special information on Kishore da our music God.

  • @SopranoPersonalityspices
    @SopranoPersonalityspices Год назад +14

    Yes Rahulji. You hit the bull's eye. Kishore dada ka ye gaana bahut lively hai!❤❤❤

  • @mohammadtalukder1494
    @mohammadtalukder1494 Год назад +14

    No one was compared with Kishore da. Tum Bin Jao Kahan OMG Kishore da did excellent

  • @umeshdixit2085
    @umeshdixit2085 Год назад +2

    Top most information I agree with ur openion.Kidhoredada was genious.Sachindada extracted Kishoredadas hidden potentiality made him great singer

  • @kundlikbhumarker3922
    @kundlikbhumarker3922 Год назад +1

    Mujhe bhi kishore da ka hi version pasand,

  • @uttamch8634
    @uttamch8634 Год назад +1

    Almost the great kishorda ka hi style And version pasand hai bhai

  • @salonitiwari24
    @salonitiwari24 Год назад +5

    You are absolutely right sir. Maa Saraswati had full grace on Kishore Da. He learned music in heaven even before coming to this world. And no doubt Kishore da's version is immortal ❤ Thank you sir for sharing this amazing fact 😊

  • @siddharthakar3130
    @siddharthakar3130 Год назад +1

    Absolutely 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯

  • @jatinderpalsinghbedi4794
    @jatinderpalsinghbedi4794 Год назад +11

    Bilkul Sahi kaha aap ne Rahoul Ji, Kishore Da ka koi bhi gana suniye, it will be crystal clear, voice, speech of words, and the freshness, you will notice in both the versions, if you listen to them again and carefully, also Kishore Da's style was so fantastic that how much ever trained the other singer was, Kishore Da still had a upper hand, this is known as natural talent vs trained Singer.....God is great, Kishore Da was the best ever creation❤

    • @sohailc1012
      @sohailc1012 Год назад +4

      The best worshipped Mohammed Rafi...listen to his interviews..The best know who was best.

  • @bewildered7519
    @bewildered7519 Год назад +7

    Absolutely ,absolutely Kishore Kumar's version was way better than Md Rafi's.

  • @swadeshbhattacharjee7220
    @swadeshbhattacharjee7220 Год назад +13

    Kishore kumer was hidden under shadow, but he came out as sunlight by the gift of God.

  • @pradiproychowdhury5553
    @pradiproychowdhury5553 Год назад +9

    Kishore kumar song more versatile than any other singers

  • @hasanmahmud4059
    @hasanmahmud4059 Год назад +2

    Rofi shahab is great.

  • @mukeshpandey-ws9ys
    @mukeshpandey-ws9ys Год назад +1

    Only kishore da ka hi 🙏

  • @POMI_Singing_Guru
    @POMI_Singing_Guru Год назад +2


  • @carlhooper7414
    @carlhooper7414 Год назад +4

    No one even touched with world's best singer Kishore dada

  • @amitganguly6279
    @amitganguly6279 Год назад +11

    After hearing Legendary Rafi sahab 's version comparison to Gurudev Kishoreda 's version, no words to describe, ( KHADE HAIN HUM BHI RAAH MEIN, YEH DIL.....)👍👌✅🙏🏿❤️❤️♥️💯💯✔️🪄✨🎵🎶🎶🎼🙏💜🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @aminamalik1334
    @aminamalik1334 Год назад +3

    Yes of course kishoreda he sang so well woh Jo bhi gana gaatay thay mere leye super hit similarly tum bin jau kaha both sang. Rafi sahab and Kishoreda but wah Kishore da was best unka Jo utaar chadau ganay ko kheechna no one was better then him thanks Rahoul for this video stay blessed

  • @nabeelkhan3049
    @nabeelkhan3049 Год назад

    Dear Rahul, bht hi umda narration as usual.
    Bht shkrguzar hon ga agr ap apny segment mn play hony wali back ground melody ki notation mjhy send krdain. Thanx.
    Shah Ghalib.

  • @arunangshuchatterjee6938
    @arunangshuchatterjee6938 Год назад +13

    Aaj bhi wohi awaaz ... wohi shore ... Ek hi naam ... KISHORE

  • @r.s6669
    @r.s6669 Год назад +5

    Another song where I personally feel Kishore Kumar's version came out better was " Tum bin jaun kahan"

  • @sangrammisra9399
    @sangrammisra9399 Год назад +1

    Yehi hai woh geet jo mujhe bhi pasand hai

  • @najmussehar2249
    @najmussehar2249 Год назад +1

    Mujhe bi ye bhut acha lgta hai .❤

  • @sputnik3066
    @sputnik3066 Год назад +8

    Rafi sahab is GOD of Singing,while Kishorda is prophet of that God

    • @bungeegum5021
      @bungeegum5021 Год назад +1

      Kuch bhi 🤣

    • @shankhan677
      @shankhan677 Год назад +1


  • @awa3374
    @awa3374 Год назад +1

    Kishore is the best

  • @shainuk.p5541
    @shainuk.p5541 Год назад +1

    "Jeevan se bhari" gaana kishoreda ka.....