Atheist Claims Refuted! Raihan Speakers Corner Stratford Sam Dawah

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @maodijong3661
    @maodijong3661 Месяц назад

    Important to mention the term clay is also used with the term earth/soil. We now know with science that we share close to 99% of all our body composition with that of soil.

  • @user-zq1cm5ce2v
    @user-zq1cm5ce2v Месяц назад

    Clear as a bell.
    No ambiguity, I am lost for words.

  • @user-zq1cm5ce2v
    @user-zq1cm5ce2v Месяц назад

    The gentleman in the background is absorbing the information like anything.

  • @user-zq1cm5ce2v
    @user-zq1cm5ce2v Месяц назад

    My atheist brother is being unfair.
    Its so annoying.

  • @user-zq1cm5ce2v
    @user-zq1cm5ce2v Месяц назад

    This would be really easy for Dr.Norman Fincklestein to adhere to.

  • @user-zq1cm5ce2v
    @user-zq1cm5ce2v Месяц назад

    Mr.Raihan is on the roll.
    Am I right or wrong.

  • @regidon6816
    @regidon6816 Месяц назад

    yes this guy is 100% correct we do come frm Adam but Adam does not cme frm the earth. his planet is actully unkown and if u loto at humans beings we are the only non native speices on this planet. why? we maie our clothes/we have o make tools to feed or kill and we also need shelter. but the animal kingdom is not like this at all.. this can survive the elements. just some food for thought..

  • @user-yz6jg6xw5t
    @user-yz6jg6xw5t Месяц назад

    The revelation of this Book is from Allah, the Exalted in Power, full of Wisdom.(QS Az Zumar:1)
    Taught man that which he knew not.(QS Al A'laq:5)
    And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful."(QS Al Baqarah:31)
    And Allah has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers while you know nothing. And He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts that you might give thanks (to Allah).(QS Al Nahl:78)
    On the earth are signs for those of assured Faith,(QS Adz Dzariyat:20)
    As also in your own selves: Will ye not then see?(QS Adz Dzariyat:21)
    Verily, We created man of the best stature (mould),(QS At Tiin:4)
    Then We reduced him to the lowest of the low,(QS At Tiin:5)
    Verily in this is a Message for any that has a heart and understanding or who gives ear and earnestly witnesses (the truth).(QS Qaaf:37)
    Verily! The worst of (moving) living creatures with Allah are the deaf and the dumb, those who understand not.(QS Al Anfal:22)
    And when you (Muhammad ) recite the Qur'an, We put between you and those who believe not in the Hereafter, an invisible veil (or screen their hearts, so they hear or understand it not).(QS Al Isra':45)
    To Allah doth belong the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is therein, and it is He Who hath power over all things.(QS Al Maidah:120)
    And verily, those who believe not in the Hereafter are indeed deviating far astray from the Path (true religion Islamic Monotheism).(QS Al Mu'minun:74)

  • @haboonabdi-bb5ol
    @haboonabdi-bb5ol Месяц назад


  • @sallehandrews6976
    @sallehandrews6976 Месяц назад

    Athiests hv very superficial knowledge