Age of Calamity uses a dynamic soundtrack, so several of these phases flow seamlessly into one another depending on what's happening in-game. The gameplay is much more action-focused than mainline Zelda, so it borrows a lot of the the themes from previous games and intensifies them to suit a battlefield setting. For Mortal Struggle Beneath a Blood Moon, you can imagine being exhausted from a hard-fought battle going through countless waves of powerful enemies, but right at the cusp of victory, the sky darkens and the opposing forces all come roaring back even stronger than before.
Hyrule Warriors is a Legend of Zelda spin off, Revali’s song is one of my favorites, I tried mixing the 4 pieces of the song myself before and posted it, this other person did an amazing job glueing everything together
I'm very happy you checked out Age of Calamity! It's hard to call this game underrated since it's actually the fastest AND best selling Dynasty Warriors-like game ever, being propelled by being a spin-off to the immensely popular Zelda Breath of the Wild, but it seems like most people kinda forgot about or at least don't talk about it as often (probably due to reasons obvious enough to those who've played this game but those will take a while to explain to those not in the know). But anyways as you've just heard this soundtrack is incredible! It's incredibly varied and, being an action-packed hack-n-slash, is filled to the brim with intensity, while at the same time using "softer" instruments like flutes and accordion to keep the identity of Breath of the Wild's more ambience OST. The mix of both makes for a really unique soundtrack that fits the game perfectly.
Revali is such a fun and surprisingly complex character. He's bold, boastful, and abrasive up front,, but his theme betrays who he really is behind the attitude, and pairs well with the awe striking and graceful skill that he backs up his words with. And I love Age of Calamity because it explored much more in depth into the personalities (and theme songs) of characters from Breath of the Wild like Revali that we really didn't get much more than small snippets of.
I love the accordion that's always there for the Rito. Revali is cool but Kass is still my favorite character of recent Zelda games, I just AFK'd forever in BOTW standing next to him listening lol. Someday those themes will pop up on the channel!
This game is both a spinoff/AU game of Breath of the Wild, and a "Warriors" game much like Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors (NOT mobile games). There was a previous Hyrule Warriors game that mashed up all of the games previous to BotW, hence this one having the "Age of Calamity" subtitle. The "Warriors" games ALWAYS have an amazing and intense soundtrack, in varying degrees of badass. Just wait til you get a taste of the other Hyrule Warriors music!
Absolute bangers, I’m glad you’re reacting to some AoC stuff! They went HAAAMMM on this soundtrack. Really bumps up Breath of the Wild’s music SO much and adds lots of new bangers too. The story in this game is utterly crazy and the character interactions made me cry so many times
One of the few games that I have ever gotten 100% in. Good hack and slash gameplay with tons of variety in characters. Music from this era of Zelda focuses mainly on piano and strings, as well as giving each character an instrument or leitmotif of their own. Leitmotifs are a huge part of Zelda music many songs will not only call back to the N64 era with Ocarina of Time but also all the way back to the NES era. I always feel like these soundtracks sweep me off my feet and carry me where it wants.
You got it almost right with Revali's character. He's your typical vain character who thinks he's above and beyond everyone else, but he actually has the skill to support his claims. He is very badass, though a bit hot-headed, and his theme here really feels like an epic showoff of his abilities. It almost feels like flying at high speeds, destroying all enemies with grace.
"This just screams mobile game to me" and to that I scream "NOOOOOO" haha It's a Nintendo Switch game akin to the Dynasty Warriors series and one thing everybody can agree on is the music for the Hyrule Warriors games are absolutely BANGIN', just a collection of amazing songs
More specifically it’s a breath of the wild spin off, Revali is one of the main characters in that game, he’s not a villain, though acts more like a rival of Link. The melodies of this track and most of the other songs in the OST borrow from Breath Of The Wild and get intensified because AOC is more focused on combat.
Hyrule warriors is SUCH a good game and its music really does get you hyped up. If you want any more good tracks from this check out the main theme, or better yet "the decisive fight against calamity ganon" (4min version for all phases) which uses the main theme as a battle song. Seriously i've never played a game who's song got me jamming along with it against the final boss (admittedly a really tough and hectic fight too) as much as this one did, it really was like a big climactic moment in a movie or something XD
There's a chain of references to unpack by the way. The part at 6:12 is the opening bars of the Rito Village theme from Breath of the Wild, but the rest of the Rito Village melody that's not used in this track is a reimagined version of Dragon Roost Island, which you reacted to 2 years ago (it was that flamenco style track). That was the introduction of Rito into the series, and they weren't reused until Breath of the Wild which solidified Dragon Roost's melody as their motif.
This was genuinely one of the most fun games I’ve played. It was a game i was looking forward to purchase for months and its incredibly satisfying and intense. Glad you’re listening to the soundtrack !!!
So get this, in this version of Zelda games the Blood Moon resurrects enemies and powers them up but only for a limited amount of time. They charge into the final battle ground with all of their allies and use all of their power to take back the castle but then... the Blood Moon happens. The Blood Moon is basically completely random weather like a rainy day.
For a bit more of game context (not story context). The Hyrule Warriors series (developped by Koei Tecmo) is a franchise that is connected with Zelda but its generally non-canon. Its basically a hack-n-slack game that is very fast paced, where you defeat hundreds of enemies at one time. It works more of a love letter to the Zelda community imo. 4 entries exist currently: Original (Wii), Legends (3DS) and Definitive Edition (Switch) that covers all (or most) Zelda games till Skyward Sword, and Age Of Calamity (Switch) which covers a sort of prequel story for Breath Of The Wild. The world from Breath Of The Wild and a lot of assets were reused in this game. The music in AoC is highly influenced by Breath Of The Wild and you will recognize most music parts if you played BotW. Imo its a must play for any people who fell in love with BotW.
The Dynasty Warrior spinoff crossovers have so much quality put into them. P5 Scramble, the first Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors, Age of Calamity, they're all great. Though they have a lot of remixed songs done from their respective sources, they also have a good amount of original pieces that are also just as good, if not even better.
As a giant video game music nerd and Nintendo Hyper Mega Ultra Fangirl, Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity is one of my favorite soundtracks in all of gaming. It's also one of my favorite VIDEO GAMES in general, but the sou dtrack specifically? All of the songs feel like you told a composer "this is the last song you will ever write." They composed this entire soundtrack like their lives were on the line.
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is a slightly controversial game in the series. It's both a spinoff and a prequel to Breath if the Wild, but it's story takes some creative spin-offy liberties that turned a LOT of people off from the game. Personally I love the direction they took the game but I can see why people disagree. The biggest thing that matters is the gameplay, and I think it's extremely fun! It's a bit laggy at times because the game is about there being SO MUCH going on at once (there's usually about a hundred enemies on screen at once), but if it runs better on Switch 2 I couldn't reccomend the game enough to anyone and everyone. Some of the most fun combat in any game I've ever played, personally!
Oh holy hell I wasn't expecting this, everyone forgets about AoC, and I don't blame them, but it's such a shame because the amount of amazing music in there is wild. I forgot how good Revali's whole chapter theme was in this game... Revali's theme in BotW is already fantastic, but this really makes it that much more epic, y'know ? Incredible stuff.
The Hyrule Warriors games are based off of the Dynasty Warriors series, and helped by those developers to make it. "Hyrule Warriors" was first released on the Wii U, then rereleased on the Nintendo Switch with all DLC content prepackaged in, and "Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity" came out on the Nintendo Switch. The two games, story-wise, are completely unrelated. Hyrule Warriors is technically a "spin-off" title, but "up until a certain point" portrays (relatively) prequel events prior to Breath of the Wild. (As close as we can assume anyway. Merely starting the Story Mode you know what I mean.) Age of Calamity was heavily advertised when it came out and when the DLC released, so there was basically no possible way someone that watches videogame stuff on RUclips wouldn't have seen it lol. As far as I'm aware, everyone that I saw reacting to the reveal trailer for the game when they first showed it off was freaking out about it since everyone saw that it showed the events that took place 100 years prior to Breath of the Wild. If you were a Nintendo fan at all, you likely had at least heard of it and were curious. If I had to describe the gameplay, imagine your total killcount by the end of the first level of the game being in the thousands.
The Revali suite reminds me a lot of the Monster Hunter Rise rampage theme, which is probably my favorite music from the game. I think it's the flute and percussion.
Oh man Age of Calamity, I love how they play with Revali's theme in this. Music aside, the way they were able to add so much more personality to the characters in comparison to Breath of the Wild. Not that it didn't give the characters... well, character, but with this prequel taking place 100 years before Breath of the Wild, a lot of the characters they couldn't do as much with for various reasons are available and able to be fleshed out more. Not to mention that Warriors style gameplay is fun as hell. Definitely worth picking up even if you never played Breath of the Wild imo
LORDDDD this game is something special. By the nature of the musou (Dynasty Warriors) genre, these songs are to accompany you mowing down literal thousands of enemies- Like a lawnmower to blades of grass. Absolute and utter war. But as a Zelda game, Age of Calamity is sequel to the original Hyrule Warriors in gameplay, but a prequel to Breath of The Wild in story, and presentation. Its strange identity often leads to it being overlooked (Though perhaps that’s unfair to say, it’s a lot to expect a spin-off to match the grand success of the most influential game of the last decade), but regardless, that’s an incredible shame, as Age of Calamity is the grandest Zelda story ever told. Zelda’s always been a series to prioritize gameplay, adventure, and exploration over any extensive or intrusive plot, but here? The cutscenes are so plentiful and high-quality it essentially builds a Zelda movie as a side course to the musou gameplay, and fleshes out the events 100 years prior to BOTW that previously, were just briefly addressed. It may be a spin-off, but it FEELS so significant, so important, massive, loud, grand- I consider it essential for anyone that loves BOTW, as it’s the truest love-letter to its world and characters you could ask for. - To address the songs you heard, Revali is one of BOTW’s “Champions” and part of the “Rito” (bird people) race that was introduced in Windwaker. Revali is absolutely full of himself, but to make that so annoying he *is* fierce, he *is* a graceful force of nature, he may just be everything he thinks he is, and it makes his superiority complex sting all the more. He hates Link for being a hero of destiny, as apposed to one who gains their status through skill, like the rest of the Champions, which he still thinks he’s better than. In this way, his theme almost sounds like something he’d write for himself, as he sees himself as this protagonistic hero. The second song, isn’t a character theme. It highlights one of the most devastating moments in the game’s story. Imagine winning an entire war, needing to resort to the fantastical equivalent of a nuclear bomb, and still being within inches of the total annihilation of your army- Only for every slain enemy soldier to rise up from the dead, more powerful than they were prior, and continue the fight. That is what this song encapsulates. Fighting just to live.
Has it ever been established as a spin off? The way it was presented makes it seem very much like the main timeline, with all the branches and twists that can take.
Age of Calamity was a day one buy for me as a Zelda franchise fan. I remember watching as much as I could find on the game prior to the release, primarily because I was so curious how it related to the story from Breath of the Wild. Naturally, I was stoked for more Zelda franchise music in the Dynasty Warriors style. The game did not disappoint.
I played Age of Calamity as soon as it released since it's basically a prequel to the mainline Zelda game: BotW (which I love), just with the Warriors gameplay. Imo, it's hella underrated, the story is pretty great, the music is consistently awesome throughout the game and the gameplay is fun aswell, even though I'm generally not a big fan of the Warriors games gameplay. The only issue the game really has is the performance, but well, it's still very enjoyable. And btw, there are four/five main characters, Revali being one of theme who have their own themes, and some other characters apart from them aswell. They're all great and oftentimes use motifs from BotW. Definitely worth a listen :)) And this theme in particular plays when you (as Link) fight against Revali I‘m pretty sure, but it’s more like a personal rivalry between them and not a real enemy, in the end, they‘re still on the same side.
for contenxt age of calamity is a spin off title that actually gives you the narrative prequel to breath of the wild a massive battle against an ancient evil that ends ultimately in the heroes being defeated and link getting put into a restorative coma for 100's of years wich leads into the breath of the wild game
Some fire themes for your video: Hailfire Peaks (Fire Side) from Banjo Tooie, Eisenberg’s theme from Bravely Default, and Goron Mines from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Age of Calamity has one of my favorite Zelda soundtracks. The story was quite good even with it shortcomings, and it had the final boss I hope Breath of the Wild had
Age of Calamity's soundtrack almost feels like it's aimed for those people who complained about Breath of the Wild's soundtrack being too sparse and understated. It's Zelda music at it's most bombastic. Rescue Operation in particular is a song I return to time and time again, and it has IMO one of the best implementations of the series' main theme.
You said Mortal Struggle Benearth a Blood Moon sounds like hell, that something bad is happening I have to say that its the closest guess you could've gotten without knowing the context
I completed Age of Calamity! It's fun, though being a Warriors/Musou crossover game, it's the sort of thing you either enjoy or you don't, given the kind of gameplay these games have. AoC is based on the world of Breath of the Wild, which is one of my all-time favourite games, so it's rather unsurprising I like this one, too. AoC does shift its gameplay direction a little from the typical Warriors game, being more about the story and combat challenge than the usual, where you are basically running back and forth across a battlefield constantly putting out fires to keep the battle from turning against you while clearing objectives. The game's got a demo, if you're ever interested, though I do think the game is best enjoyed if you have played Breath of the Wild before. The game does notably have performance issues. I can bear with that myself, but I think it's significant enough to warrant a mention. It plays fine, but it's not going to *look* especially great.
Nice tracks! I played Breath of the Wild, but didn't play this. Certainly not a mobile game. Story-wise it's a spin off but plays off of Breath of the Wild a lot. This is actually the 2nd Hyrule Warriors game; but while this one is set in the BotW world, the original Hyrule Warriors is kind of a mash up of many Zelda games.
actually its technically the third hyrule warriors game, the original hyrule warriors originally had both a console and 3ds release with different content on it and later a switch rerlease combining the portable and console content in one game. the wii u one had the adventure maps based on console LOZ and the 3ds one had the introduction of linkle's story and the portable loz game adventure maps as well as adding more windwaker era characters
I hope you have some Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes requests, bc that soundtrack is so underrated too! Absolutely banger rock remixes of the previously orchestral war music from Three Houses, and lots of really awesome new songs too. Kinda same situation as Age of Calamity, a “what if” alternate timeline scenario
Revali is my favorite character of the whole franchise of how complex and well written he is. At first in Breath of the Wild it can come up as an egotistical jerk, but with extra content and some hidden details you find that the the mask made of ego from Revali hides his insecurities as being considered the best amongs his people. Then you find that instead of looking for phraise to feel himself more important, he's looking for aproval to feel he's up to the challenge of being the champion of the rito. One scene of the Breath of the Wild's DLC, the champion's ballad, shows Revali in a vulnerable moment, when he's training his signature ability, Revali's Gale, he fails and scolds himself to push himself further, then notice that Zelda was looking at him, he immediately regains his stoic facade, but he knows why Zelda is there and what she wants from him, and he accepts, excecuting his move perfectly and showing his archery skills to show her that he's up to the challenge. In Age of Calamity things change a bit on Revali's recruitment. He confuses Link with a mysterious enemy and both fight. At the end he overwhelms Link with several bomb arrows to disorient him and take away his shield, re recognizes that Link is good, and as he dodges a swing of Link's sword and places himself to shoot link in point blank to the back of his head, he says he's better. And to add more detail, Zelda stops them in their fight, but Revali shot the arrow, Link managed to stop said arrow from point blank with the hilt of his sword, setting to the player that Link is indeed better than Revali.
A painful detail about this game is that it's basically a spin-off which ties into the original game better than its official sequel. Its soundtrack is a definite gem. Hope You'll have a chance to hear more of it.
so yeah you might run into other games that are called Something warriors, and it generally means its a series spin off made in collaboration with the dynasty warriors studio. so hyrule warriors is dynasty warriors in legend of zelda universe. other games include, One piece pirate warriors. arslan Senki berserk band of the hawk dynasty warriors gundam. dragon quest warriors. fire emblem warriors warriors orochi samurai warriors
Any time there's a Dynasty Warriors (also called Musou sometimes) game or a spinoff featuring their gameplay crossed with the IP of another company, we're guaranteed to have a good time with the music. Age of Calamity is billed as a non-canon prequel to Breath of the Wild, but it's more of a Wacky What-If All Your Faves Existed At The Same Time thing. It toys with the notion of a prequel for about three of the opening minutes and immediately throws it out the window, haha. Still a fantastic game series if you're into hack n slash, super moves, and music that slaps. The other character themes are just as personalized as Revali's here; it's easy to get a sense of who they are from their leitmotifs.
I'm honestly shocked that AoC made it your way before any of the original Hyrule Warriors OST. Eclipse of the Sun and Eclipse of the Moon would be right up your alley.
Fire themes you say? Ys 2 has a good one and Ys 3 also (listen to the Turbografx-16 CD versions, absolutely incredible early 1990's VGM), also SNES Axelay stage 5 was epic, and Melted Molten Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy were all pretty good fire themes.
I really liked this game and its soundtrack, I had forgotten how intense that song was. Probably cuz I was too busy being tense. 🤣 Revali's song using accordion is a nod to Breath of the Wild where there's another bird character telling legends of old and playing an accordion. Also, fire? I hope DKC2 "hot head bop" is in there.
Love this game and it's OST, and I find it's weirdly underrated among Switch games as it's easily in my top 3. Though it is one of many games that is actively held back by the Switch's outdated tech, hitting a single digit FPS in the worst cases. Anyway, my personal 2 favorite tracks have to be "Rescue Operation" and "Overlooking Hyrule (After the Calamity)" Incredible OST all around though.
Listen to the other champions’ themes!! There are also the counterpart versions in the Breath of the wild game. You can listen to each version in one video and compare them.
Ive always loved the song Silent Guardians from the original Hyrule Warriors. Check it out if you want. I first heard it while I was playing it with my cousin and I had to pause the game for like 3-5 minutes so I could take it in 😂
Hyrule Warriors is a combo of zelda and Dynasty Warriors. Loved both franchise for decades. And it was a match made for many people... myself included.
I'm a huge fan of Zelda, and I loved the first Hyrule Warriors, that was based on all the old Zelda games, but I was never really able to get into Age of Calamity. It had such a terrible framerate on the switch, I just couldn't really get into it, and for some reason the gameplay just didn't click with me the way the other one did. But it does have pretty good music. Definitely would not recommend as a "first zelda game" or whatever though. It's very much a spin off for fans of existing stuff.
Age of Calamity is a split timeline prequel to Breath of the Wild, as a Warriors spin off. Warriors games are my kind of cozy game ngl, fighting through endless hordes of enemies with unnecessarily flashy attacks presses all of my serotonin buttons. (You reacted to Persona 5 Strikers before, right? That one is also a Warriors spin off.) There's another Hyrule Warriors which is more of a crossover between all the Legend of Zelda titles up to that point and also massive. Age of Calamity is a bit more self contained but damn is it a good time. Also dynamic soundtracks my beloved.
I hope you can give a listen to the original version of Revali's theme from BotW, and the other champion themes for that matter. Absolutely wonderful quartet of songs.
I would love if you reacted to Laika Aged Through Blood songs. Preferably 1 "Mother" , 2 "the Hero" , 3 "My Destiny". Regardless of my vote ❤ ya and keep up the great work 👍. P.s. Just read guild line 3... sorry about that and is there a free way to do so?
If you see the word "Warriors" in a game title you can probably asume that it's a Dynasty Warriors Crossover. These games are often critizised for dull button mashing gameplay, but it's kinda like rhythm games that allow you to just continue regardless of the rating. You can get through it easily enough, but to master it, is where the complexity and depth comes from. It's also praised for music being turned to an 11/10. It goes super hard, which actually makes for a great contrast to the more calm and collective tunes of the original game this sorta prequel is based on. As someone who really likes Zelda characters&worlds but not Zelda gameplay that much and as someone who really enjoys the Warriors gameplay loops and music, this is actually my favorite Zelda game and you can at least hear why^-^
I loved this game. This may be very controversial, but this game is one of my all-time favorites when compared to the other two wild games. The music alone would reel me in.
This game was great, it's was actually a game that I bought only because I was a Zelda fan, expecting to just feel "okay" (nothing against the game, it's just a genre I never liked that much), but honestly, it was a surprising experience, I actually enjoyed enough to do the full post game, a quite long post game I should add. Who knows, maybe it's just because it was zelda, but I'm glad I enjoyed that much.
Although unfortunately it seems like all of the budget went to the music, cutscenes, and voice actors, because the game is extremely buggy and the gameplay is unpolished. Story focus really ruins games.
Age of Calamity uses a dynamic soundtrack, so several of these phases flow seamlessly into one another depending on what's happening in-game. The gameplay is much more action-focused than mainline Zelda, so it borrows a lot of the the themes from previous games and intensifies them to suit a battlefield setting.
For Mortal Struggle Beneath a Blood Moon, you can imagine being exhausted from a hard-fought battle going through countless waves of powerful enemies, but right at the cusp of victory, the sky darkens and the opposing forces all come roaring back even stronger than before.
Hyrule Warriors is a Legend of Zelda spin off, Revali’s song is one of my favorites, I tried mixing the 4 pieces of the song myself before and posted it, this other person did an amazing job glueing everything together
I'm very happy you checked out Age of Calamity! It's hard to call this game underrated since it's actually the fastest AND best selling Dynasty Warriors-like game ever, being propelled by being a spin-off to the immensely popular Zelda Breath of the Wild, but it seems like most people kinda forgot about or at least don't talk about it as often (probably due to reasons obvious enough to those who've played this game but those will take a while to explain to those not in the know).
But anyways as you've just heard this soundtrack is incredible! It's incredibly varied and, being an action-packed hack-n-slash, is filled to the brim with intensity, while at the same time using "softer" instruments like flutes and accordion to keep the identity of Breath of the Wild's more ambience OST. The mix of both makes for a really unique soundtrack that fits the game perfectly.
Revali is such a fun and surprisingly complex character. He's bold, boastful, and abrasive up front,, but his theme betrays who he really is behind the attitude, and pairs well with the awe striking and graceful skill that he backs up his words with. And I love Age of Calamity because it explored much more in depth into the personalities (and theme songs) of characters from Breath of the Wild like Revali that we really didn't get much more than small snippets of.
I love the accordion that's always there for the Rito. Revali is cool but Kass is still my favorite character of recent Zelda games, I just AFK'd forever in BOTW standing next to him listening lol. Someday those themes will pop up on the channel!
This game is both a spinoff/AU game of Breath of the Wild, and a "Warriors" game much like Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors (NOT mobile games). There was a previous Hyrule Warriors game that mashed up all of the games previous to BotW, hence this one having the "Age of Calamity" subtitle.
The "Warriors" games ALWAYS have an amazing and intense soundtrack, in varying degrees of badass. Just wait til you get a taste of the other Hyrule Warriors music!
Absolute bangers, I’m glad you’re reacting to some AoC stuff! They went HAAAMMM on this soundtrack. Really bumps up Breath of the Wild’s music SO much and adds lots of new bangers too. The story in this game is utterly crazy and the character interactions made me cry so many times
One of the few games that I have ever gotten 100% in. Good hack and slash gameplay with tons of variety in characters. Music from this era of Zelda focuses mainly on piano and strings, as well as giving each character an instrument or leitmotif of their own. Leitmotifs are a huge part of Zelda music many songs will not only call back to the N64 era with Ocarina of Time but also all the way back to the NES era. I always feel like these soundtracks sweep me off my feet and carry me where it wants.
You got it almost right with Revali's character. He's your typical vain character who thinks he's above and beyond everyone else, but he actually has the skill to support his claims. He is very badass, though a bit hot-headed, and his theme here really feels like an epic showoff of his abilities. It almost feels like flying at high speeds, destroying all enemies with grace.
"This just screams mobile game to me" and to that I scream "NOOOOOO" haha It's a Nintendo Switch game akin to the Dynasty Warriors series and one thing everybody can agree on is the music for the Hyrule Warriors games are absolutely BANGIN', just a collection of amazing songs
Mortal struggle underneath a blood moon is a must listen. It's phenomenal
Yo! The Hyrule Warriors series always nice to see new reactions! It's such a hidden gem of spectacular music in my eyes!!!
Along with Revali, the other 3 champions’ themes are absolute bangers. I particularly love Mipha’s theme
More specifically it’s a breath of the wild spin off, Revali is one of the main characters in that game, he’s not a villain, though acts more like a rival of Link. The melodies of this track and most of the other songs in the OST borrow from Breath Of The Wild and get intensified because AOC is more focused on combat.
oh hell yeah, this game's ost is sick, I'd love to see more reactions to it
Hyrule warriors is SUCH a good game and its music really does get you hyped up. If you want any more good tracks from this check out the main theme, or better yet "the decisive fight against calamity ganon" (4min version for all phases) which uses the main theme as a battle song. Seriously i've never played a game who's song got me jamming along with it against the final boss (admittedly a really tough and hectic fight too) as much as this one did, it really was like a big climactic moment in a movie or something XD
This game’s ost is so goddamn good I wish more people would hear it, they’re missing out
There's a chain of references to unpack by the way. The part at 6:12 is the opening bars of the Rito Village theme from Breath of the Wild, but the rest of the Rito Village melody that's not used in this track is a reimagined version of Dragon Roost Island, which you reacted to 2 years ago (it was that flamenco style track). That was the introduction of Rito into the series, and they weren't reused until Breath of the Wild which solidified Dragon Roost's melody as their motif.
This was genuinely one of the most fun games I’ve played. It was a game i was looking forward to purchase for months and its incredibly satisfying and intense. Glad you’re listening to the soundtrack !!!
Jesse tried to summon trumpets but no it's me the flute!
AoC has an amazing soundtrack. I argue that it's every bit as good as a mainline Zelda soundtrack and the game itself is really underrated.
god i fuckin love revali's character...... my birb boy deserves a break.......
So get this, in this version of Zelda games the Blood Moon resurrects enemies and powers them up but only for a limited amount of time. They charge into the final battle ground with all of their allies and use all of their power to take back the castle but then... the Blood Moon happens. The Blood Moon is basically completely random weather like a rainy day.
For a bit more of game context (not story context).
The Hyrule Warriors series (developped by Koei Tecmo) is a franchise that is connected with Zelda but its generally non-canon. Its basically a hack-n-slack game that is very fast paced, where you defeat hundreds of enemies at one time. It works more of a love letter to the Zelda community imo. 4 entries exist currently: Original (Wii), Legends (3DS) and Definitive Edition (Switch) that covers all (or most) Zelda games till Skyward Sword, and Age Of Calamity (Switch) which covers a sort of prequel story for Breath Of The Wild.
The world from Breath Of The Wild and a lot of assets were reused in this game. The music in AoC is highly influenced by Breath Of The Wild and you will recognize most music parts if you played BotW.
Imo its a must play for any people who fell in love with BotW.
Suite, an ordered set of music, is pronounced like "sweet".
Ok so same as hotel lol.
The Dynasty Warrior spinoff crossovers have so much quality put into them. P5 Scramble, the first Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors, Age of Calamity, they're all great. Though they have a lot of remixed songs done from their respective sources, they also have a good amount of original pieces that are also just as good, if not even better.
As a giant video game music nerd and Nintendo Hyper Mega Ultra Fangirl,
Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity is one of my favorite soundtracks in all of gaming. It's also one of my favorite VIDEO GAMES in general, but the sou dtrack specifically? All of the songs feel like you told a composer "this is the last song you will ever write."
They composed this entire soundtrack like their lives were on the line.
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is a slightly controversial game in the series. It's both a spinoff and a prequel to Breath if the Wild, but it's story takes some creative spin-offy liberties that turned a LOT of people off from the game.
Personally I love the direction they took the game but I can see why people disagree. The biggest thing that matters is the gameplay, and I think it's extremely fun!
It's a bit laggy at times because the game is about there being SO MUCH going on at once (there's usually about a hundred enemies on screen at once), but if it runs better on Switch 2 I couldn't reccomend the game enough to anyone and everyone. Some of the most fun combat in any game I've ever played, personally!
Oh holy hell I wasn't expecting this, everyone forgets about AoC, and I don't blame them, but it's such a shame because the amount of amazing music in there is wild.
I forgot how good Revali's whole chapter theme was in this game... Revali's theme in BotW is already fantastic, but this really makes it that much more epic, y'know ? Incredible stuff.
The Hyrule Warriors games are based off of the Dynasty Warriors series, and helped by those developers to make it.
"Hyrule Warriors" was first released on the Wii U, then rereleased on the Nintendo Switch with all DLC content prepackaged in, and "Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity" came out on the Nintendo Switch. The two games, story-wise, are completely unrelated.
Hyrule Warriors is technically a "spin-off" title, but "up until a certain point" portrays (relatively) prequel events prior to Breath of the Wild. (As close as we can assume anyway. Merely starting the Story Mode you know what I mean.)
Age of Calamity was heavily advertised when it came out and when the DLC released, so there was basically no possible way someone that watches videogame stuff on RUclips wouldn't have seen it lol.
As far as I'm aware, everyone that I saw reacting to the reveal trailer for the game when they first showed it off was freaking out about it since everyone saw that it showed the events that took place 100 years prior to Breath of the Wild.
If you were a Nintendo fan at all, you likely had at least heard of it and were curious.
If I had to describe the gameplay, imagine your total killcount by the end of the first level of the game being in the thousands.
The Revali suite reminds me a lot of the Monster Hunter Rise rampage theme, which is probably my favorite music from the game. I think it's the flute and percussion.
Oh man Age of Calamity, I love how they play with Revali's theme in this. Music aside, the way they were able to add so much more personality to the characters in comparison to Breath of the Wild. Not that it didn't give the characters... well, character, but with this prequel taking place 100 years before Breath of the Wild, a lot of the characters they couldn't do as much with for various reasons are available and able to be fleshed out more. Not to mention that Warriors style gameplay is fun as hell. Definitely worth picking up even if you never played Breath of the Wild imo
LORDDDD this game is something special.
By the nature of the musou (Dynasty Warriors) genre, these songs are to accompany you mowing down literal thousands of enemies- Like a lawnmower to blades of grass. Absolute and utter war.
But as a Zelda game, Age of Calamity is sequel to the original Hyrule Warriors in gameplay, but a prequel to Breath of The Wild in story, and presentation.
Its strange identity often leads to it being overlooked (Though perhaps that’s unfair to say, it’s a lot to expect a spin-off to match the grand success of the most influential game of the last decade), but regardless, that’s an incredible shame, as Age of Calamity is the grandest Zelda story ever told.
Zelda’s always been a series to prioritize gameplay, adventure, and exploration over any extensive or intrusive plot, but here? The cutscenes are so plentiful and high-quality it essentially builds a Zelda movie as a side course to the musou gameplay, and fleshes out the events 100 years prior to BOTW that previously, were just briefly addressed.
It may be a spin-off, but it FEELS so significant, so important, massive, loud, grand- I consider it essential for anyone that loves BOTW, as it’s the truest love-letter to its world and characters you could ask for.
To address the songs you heard, Revali is one of BOTW’s “Champions” and part of the “Rito” (bird people) race that was introduced in Windwaker.
Revali is absolutely full of himself, but to make that so annoying he *is* fierce, he *is* a graceful force of nature, he may just be everything he thinks he is, and it makes his superiority complex sting all the more. He hates Link for being a hero of destiny, as apposed to one who gains their status through skill, like the rest of the Champions, which he still thinks he’s better than. In this way, his theme almost sounds like something he’d write for himself, as he sees himself as this protagonistic hero.
The second song, isn’t a character theme. It highlights one of the most devastating moments in the game’s story.
Imagine winning an entire war, needing to resort to the fantastical equivalent of a nuclear bomb, and still being within inches of the total annihilation of your army- Only for every slain enemy soldier to rise up from the dead, more powerful than they were prior, and continue the fight. That is what this song encapsulates. Fighting just to live.
Has it ever been established as a spin off? The way it was presented makes it seem very much like the main timeline, with all the branches and twists that can take.
Age of Calamity was a day one buy for me as a Zelda franchise fan. I remember watching as much as I could find on the game prior to the release, primarily because I was so curious how it related to the story from Breath of the Wild.
Naturally, I was stoked for more Zelda franchise music in the Dynasty Warriors style.
The game did not disappoint.
I played Age of Calamity as soon as it released since it's basically a prequel to the mainline Zelda game: BotW (which I love), just with the Warriors gameplay. Imo, it's hella underrated, the story is pretty great, the music is consistently awesome throughout the game and the gameplay is fun aswell, even though I'm generally not a big fan of the Warriors games gameplay. The only issue the game really has is the performance, but well, it's still very enjoyable. And btw, there are four/five main characters, Revali being one of theme who have their own themes, and some other characters apart from them aswell. They're all great and oftentimes use motifs from BotW. Definitely worth a listen :)) And this theme in particular plays when you (as Link) fight against Revali I‘m pretty sure, but it’s more like a personal rivalry between them and not a real enemy, in the end, they‘re still on the same side.
for contenxt age of calamity is a spin off title that actually gives you the narrative prequel to breath of the wild a massive battle against an ancient evil that ends ultimately in the heroes being defeated and link getting put into a restorative coma for 100's of years wich leads into the breath of the wild game
Kumi Tanioka is the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles composer and one of the FFXI composers which might be why you've heard of her before.
Show him songs from the first Hyrule Warriors! Many rock tracks!
Some fire themes for your video: Hailfire Peaks (Fire Side) from Banjo Tooie, Eisenberg’s theme from Bravely Default, and Goron Mines from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
hywule warriors aoc is a dynasty warriors-like zelda spin-off and a prequel to breath of the wild, it came out in 2020 on ns
legend of zelda, and dynasty warriors all in one game. safe to say i have played all of them
Age of Calamity has alot of real good tracks
Age of Calamity has one of my favorite Zelda soundtracks. The story was quite good even with it shortcomings, and it had the final boss I hope Breath of the Wild had
Age of Calamity's soundtrack almost feels like it's aimed for those people who complained about Breath of the Wild's soundtrack being too sparse and understated. It's Zelda music at it's most bombastic. Rescue Operation in particular is a song I return to time and time again, and it has IMO one of the best implementations of the series' main theme.
It's already in the queue 😉
You said Mortal Struggle Benearth a Blood Moon sounds like hell, that something bad is happening
I have to say that its the closest guess you could've gotten without knowing the context
I completed Age of Calamity! It's fun, though being a Warriors/Musou crossover game, it's the sort of thing you either enjoy or you don't, given the kind of gameplay these games have. AoC is based on the world of Breath of the Wild, which is one of my all-time favourite games, so it's rather unsurprising I like this one, too. AoC does shift its gameplay direction a little from the typical Warriors game, being more about the story and combat challenge than the usual, where you are basically running back and forth across a battlefield constantly putting out fires to keep the battle from turning against you while clearing objectives.
The game's got a demo, if you're ever interested, though I do think the game is best enjoyed if you have played Breath of the Wild before.
The game does notably have performance issues. I can bear with that myself, but I think it's significant enough to warrant a mention. It plays fine, but it's not going to *look* especially great.
The music from age of calamity is phenomenal! I’d highly recommend listening to more
Nice tracks! I played Breath of the Wild, but didn't play this. Certainly not a mobile game. Story-wise it's a spin off but plays off of Breath of the Wild a lot. This is actually the 2nd Hyrule Warriors game; but while this one is set in the BotW world, the original Hyrule Warriors is kind of a mash up of many Zelda games.
actually its technically the third hyrule warriors game, the original hyrule warriors originally had both a console and 3ds release with different content on it and later a switch rerlease combining the portable and console content in one game. the wii u one had the adventure maps based on console LOZ and the 3ds one had the introduction of linkle's story and the portable loz game adventure maps as well as adding more windwaker era characters
I hope you have some Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes requests, bc that soundtrack is so underrated too! Absolutely banger rock remixes of the previously orchestral war music from Three Houses, and lots of really awesome new songs too. Kinda same situation as Age of Calamity, a “what if” alternate timeline scenario
There's at least 15ish requests for FEW, look forward to it whenever that happens lol.
Revali is my favorite character of the whole franchise of how complex and well written he is.
At first in Breath of the Wild it can come up as an egotistical jerk, but with extra content and some hidden details you find that the the mask made of ego from Revali hides his insecurities as being considered the best amongs his people. Then you find that instead of looking for phraise to feel himself more important, he's looking for aproval to feel he's up to the challenge of being the champion of the rito.
One scene of the Breath of the Wild's DLC, the champion's ballad, shows Revali in a vulnerable moment, when he's training his signature ability, Revali's Gale, he fails and scolds himself to push himself further, then notice that Zelda was looking at him, he immediately regains his stoic facade, but he knows why Zelda is there and what she wants from him, and he accepts, excecuting his move perfectly and showing his archery skills to show her that he's up to the challenge.
In Age of Calamity things change a bit on Revali's recruitment. He confuses Link with a mysterious enemy and both fight. At the end he overwhelms Link with several bomb arrows to disorient him and take away his shield, re recognizes that Link is good, and as he dodges a swing of Link's sword and places himself to shoot link in point blank to the back of his head, he says he's better. And to add more detail, Zelda stops them in their fight, but Revali shot the arrow, Link managed to stop said arrow from point blank with the hilt of his sword, setting to the player that Link is indeed better than Revali.
A painful detail about this game is that it's basically a spin-off which ties into the original game better than its official sequel. Its soundtrack is a definite gem. Hope You'll have a chance to hear more of it.
The music and story in this spin off in my opinion is way better than what breath of the wild had to offer.😅
so yeah you might run into other games that are called Something warriors, and it generally means its a series spin off made in collaboration with the dynasty warriors studio. so hyrule warriors is dynasty warriors in legend of zelda universe.
other games include, One piece pirate warriors.
arslan Senki
berserk band of the hawk
dynasty warriors gundam.
dragon quest warriors.
fire emblem warriors
warriors orochi
samurai warriors
Any time there's a Dynasty Warriors (also called Musou sometimes) game or a spinoff featuring their gameplay crossed with the IP of another company, we're guaranteed to have a good time with the music.
Age of Calamity is billed as a non-canon prequel to Breath of the Wild, but it's more of a Wacky What-If All Your Faves Existed At The Same Time thing. It toys with the notion of a prequel for about three of the opening minutes and immediately throws it out the window, haha. Still a fantastic game series if you're into hack n slash, super moves, and music that slaps.
The other character themes are just as personalized as Revali's here; it's easy to get a sense of who they are from their leitmotifs.
I highly recommend urbosa and mipha
I'm honestly shocked that AoC made it your way before any of the original Hyrule Warriors OST.
Eclipse of the Sun and Eclipse of the Moon would be right up your alley.
Yessss love those 2
Fire themes you say? Ys 2 has a good one and Ys 3 also (listen to the Turbografx-16 CD versions, absolutely incredible early 1990's VGM), also SNES Axelay stage 5 was epic, and Melted Molten Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy were all pretty good fire themes.
I really liked this game and its soundtrack, I had forgotten how intense that song was. Probably cuz I was too busy being tense. 🤣
Revali's song using accordion is a nod to Breath of the Wild where there's another bird character telling legends of old and playing an accordion.
Also, fire? I hope DKC2 "hot head bop" is in there.
Love this game and it's OST, and I find it's weirdly underrated among Switch games as it's easily in my top 3. Though it is one of many games that is actively held back by the Switch's outdated tech, hitting a single digit FPS in the worst cases.
Anyway, my personal 2 favorite tracks have to be "Rescue Operation" and "Overlooking Hyrule (After the Calamity)" Incredible OST all around though.
GOOD GAME CHOIIIICE. There are tons of good tracks in this game!!
Listen to the other champions’ themes!! There are also the counterpart versions in the Breath of the wild game. You can listen to each version in one video and compare them.
Ive always loved the song Silent Guardians from the original Hyrule Warriors. Check it out if you want. I first heard it while I was playing it with my cousin and I had to pause the game for like 3-5 minutes so I could take it in 😂
Is that the one with the very low chorus?
Quick! Request more Hyrule Warriors: AoC and Hyrule Warriors: DE music! Both games have fantastic music!
Hyrule Warriors is a combo of zelda and Dynasty Warriors. Loved both franchise for decades. And it was a match made for many people... myself included.
What is the name of the song that starts at 8:47, the one that sounds in between reactions?видео.html
@@JessesAuditorium thanks
I'm a huge fan of Zelda, and I loved the first Hyrule Warriors, that was based on all the old Zelda games, but I was never really able to get into Age of Calamity. It had such a terrible framerate on the switch, I just couldn't really get into it, and for some reason the gameplay just didn't click with me the way the other one did. But it does have pretty good music. Definitely would not recommend as a "first zelda game" or whatever though. It's very much a spin off for fans of existing stuff.
final comment, every time jesse assumes it a mobile game, somewhere a legend of zelda fan explodes
It just sounds like one from the title :D
Age of Calamity is a split timeline prequel to Breath of the Wild, as a Warriors spin off. Warriors games are my kind of cozy game ngl, fighting through endless hordes of enemies with unnecessarily flashy attacks presses all of my serotonin buttons. (You reacted to Persona 5 Strikers before, right? That one is also a Warriors spin off.)
There's another Hyrule Warriors which is more of a crossover between all the Legend of Zelda titles up to that point and also massive. Age of Calamity is a bit more self contained but damn is it a good time. Also dynamic soundtracks my beloved.
I hope you can give a listen to the original version of Revali's theme from BotW, and the other champion themes for that matter. Absolutely wonderful quartet of songs.
I would love if you reacted to Laika Aged Through Blood songs. Preferably 1 "Mother" , 2 "the Hero" , 3 "My Destiny".
Regardless of my vote ❤ ya and keep up the great work 👍.
P.s. Just read guild line 3... sorry about that and is there a free way to do so?
If you see the word "Warriors" in a game title you can probably asume that it's a Dynasty Warriors Crossover.
These games are often critizised for dull button mashing gameplay, but it's kinda like rhythm games that allow you to just continue regardless of the rating. You can get through it easily enough, but to master it, is where the complexity and depth comes from.
It's also praised for music being turned to an 11/10. It goes super hard, which actually makes for a great contrast to the more calm and collective tunes of the original game this sorta prequel is based on.
As someone who really likes Zelda characters&worlds but not Zelda gameplay that much
as someone who really enjoys the Warriors gameplay loops and music, this is actually my favorite Zelda game and you can at least hear why^-^
I loved this game. This may be very controversial, but this game is one of my all-time favorites when compared to the other two wild games. The music alone would reel me in.
I would call AoC by far the best out of the Wild trilogy. Not that that's an especially high bar imo.
You should try the Battle of Hyrule Field next in AOC 👍
This game was great, it's was actually a game that I bought only because I was a Zelda fan, expecting to just feel "okay" (nothing against the game, it's just a genre I never liked that much), but honestly, it was a surprising experience, I actually enjoyed enough to do the full post game, a quite long post game I should add. Who knows, maybe it's just because it was zelda, but I'm glad I enjoyed that much.
this is NOT a mobile game😂😂 great game for the Nintendo switch 👍
Love this game’s ost
Although unfortunately it seems like all of the budget went to the music, cutscenes, and voice actors, because the game is extremely buggy and the gameplay is unpolished. Story focus really ruins games.
Could you technically call a switch game a mobile game? 😅
only if all 3ds games are also mobile games