I am still maining my Necromancer (Spiritborn planner below this comment). Just using Spiritborn to unlock max pit 150 and do fun stuff when I'm annoyed at class balance. Some SPECIAL THANKS TO (for helping me with gear, powerlevel and all support): -Cubanlinx (aka BrooklynSwag) -Driller -Awake -Lord Beast -Teral -Mr J -MYERS -RotZombie -Wildest Consumables: - Elixir of Fortitude - Chorus - Reddamine Buzz - Desert Escape for Resistances This build is created by Spiritborn community and it is currently the fastest best PIT 150 Clear build. Credits to: 透了个明,秋葉-Akiha-,秋仲琉璃子不语,冲锋的米卡,加菲猫 , Mekuna Build Planner: d4builds.gg/builds/9eb097b0-e444-49c5-bbf8-cf26d40f7da8/?var=0
I am still maining my Necromancer (Spiritborn planner below this comment). Just using Spiritborn to unlock max pit 150 and do fun stuff when I'm annoyed at class balance. Some SPECIAL THANKS TO (for helping me with gear, powerlevel and all support):
-Cubanlinx (aka BrooklynSwag)
-Lord Beast
-Mr J
- Elixir of Fortitude
- Chorus
- Reddamine Buzz
- Desert Escape for Resistances
This build is created by Spiritborn community and it is currently the fastest best PIT 150 Clear build. Credits to: 透了个明,秋葉-Akiha-,秋仲琉璃子不语,冲锋的米卡,加菲猫 , Mekuna
Build Planner: d4builds.gg/builds/9eb097b0-e444-49c5-bbf8-cf26d40f7da8/?var=0
I was waiting a build for Spiritborn from you. This season to try the new class, I stopped playing Necro.
Still haven't made one.... looks like a monk and witch doctor had a baby from D3.
hahahah true
confused on how all the sudden u did crazy damage in a few hits...
@@chris_tophe_r kill adds the aspects make them explode and 1 shot everything
What is the secret to killing the boss?
@@diasxdd kill the adds they explode for massive damage and 1 shot boss.
Play Nero bro people all ready speed farming with this class at 150 nothing special to be honest