you deserve a lot of fame, i found your account just now and i already enjoy your content a lot, you’re calm and not obnoxious and it’s very nice to watch. keep up the good work man
Agreed. It's not as terrible as I made it out to be in the video. I ran Vanguards back in the day too. It was good when there really weren't any other options. We got Aristocrats and Overeaters in that update. Both are better options IMO than Vanguards.
@@aridenkane I'm still running Vanguard on two of my characters. Overeater is just so difficult to roll and cost even more modules rolling for PA. yikes.
@@allenslau Yeah Overeaters definitely seems more rare. Took me around 250 cores to get the set and then another 250 cores to improve it. Only incremental improvement at that. I'm happy about the set, but think it would have been better to take those last 250 cores and roll fixers. lol
Superstition mostly. I had watched a few videos from others doing crafting runs, and the general consensus at the time was server-hopping gave you a greater chance of getting the same roll... in this case, overeaters. I'm pretty sure it didn't help.
One of the most disappointing if not the most disappointing aspect of the game is the gambling with the rolls, and 90% time the system effs you up and you can roll like a thousand times and every time you get something craptastic. I think that there are a lot of discussion and videos on this subject and how the game creators should change this, cause it's a big letdown when you are collecting legendary items for a week and all drops into water in under 3 minutes when you roll it out like a 30 times and everything you get is nothing. I also understand that they cannot give you like super God strong equipment and weapons, cause the player is already too powerful compared to the enemies and bosses but they should find like a middle ground for this and eliminate the gambling part or at least you could lock down one stat out of three. Either way, it is a great video, fun to watch, keep up with the great work.
Absolutely. I wish there was a way to choose the second and third stars. Even if that meant using like 2000 cores. I'm not opposed to a grind, but a grind with an uncertain end sucks.
@@aridenkane I think that the game creators are absolutely aware of the problem, they just don't care to fix it or just don't have the adequate answer or solution, so let it roll like this. It's interesting for the new players till level 200 or 300 but after that it begins to suck big time.
you deserve a lot of fame, i found your account just now and i already enjoy your content a lot, you’re calm and not obnoxious and it’s very nice to watch. keep up the good work man
Hi Daegon. Thank you for the kind words. It is very much appreciated and made my day.
I wouldn't disregard Vanguard too quickly. It's still good for full health build until Overeater added to the game.
Agreed. It's not as terrible as I made it out to be in the video. I ran Vanguards back in the day too. It was good when there really weren't any other options. We got Aristocrats and Overeaters in that update. Both are better options IMO than Vanguards.
@@aridenkane I'm still running Vanguard on two of my characters. Overeater is just so difficult to roll and cost even more modules rolling for PA. yikes.
@@allenslau Yeah Overeaters definitely seems more rare. Took me around 250 cores to get the set and then another 250 cores to improve it. Only incremental improvement at that. I'm happy about the set, but think it would have been better to take those last 250 cores and roll fixers. lol
Why do you sever hope after can you explain plz I’m new just started a week ago any tips on story missions?
Superstition mostly. I had watched a few videos from others doing crafting runs, and the general consensus at the time was server-hopping gave you a greater chance of getting the same roll... in this case, overeaters. I'm pretty sure it didn't help.
One of the most disappointing if not the most disappointing aspect of the game is the gambling with the rolls, and 90% time the system effs you up and you can roll like a thousand times and every time you get something craptastic. I think that there are a lot of discussion and videos on this subject and how the game creators should change this, cause it's a big letdown when you are collecting legendary items for a week and all drops into water in under 3 minutes when you roll it out like a 30 times and everything you get is nothing. I also understand that they cannot give you like super God strong equipment and weapons, cause the player is already too powerful compared to the enemies and bosses but they should find like a middle ground for this and eliminate the gambling part or at least you could lock down one stat out of three. Either way, it is a great video, fun to watch, keep up with the great work.
Absolutely. I wish there was a way to choose the second and third stars. Even if that meant using like 2000 cores. I'm not opposed to a grind, but a grind with an uncertain end sucks.
@@aridenkane I think that the game creators are absolutely aware of the problem, they just don't care to fix it or just don't have the adequate answer or solution, so let it roll like this. It's interesting for the new players till level 200 or 300 but after that it begins to suck big time.
Covert Scout cannot be sold/traded, or have they changed it since I last played?
Crap! lol you're right. No selling that Assassin's piece for me I guess.
Why does it only cost 3 legendary modules for 3 star for me its 4
Not sure. I just checked again and it's three for me still and I don't have any perks that would lessen it.
500 I'm maxed out at 5k and it's bad when I can't use them all
Wow! You've got 5000 Legendary Cores? That's amazing. Why not roll some items? Are you super high-level are just don't need anything?
@@aridenkane no I just don't have enough modules to use them all hehehe