faaakt?haha nice ride brother, i own a meteor 350 but your ride has convinced me to get a 650. already rode one earlier this yeah but i forgot about it due to GF PRESSURES lol. etakodalia etakodalia *snifffff* prosim!
oh I did not buy it, I only borrowed it from local dealer a few times because I love the looks of it and how it sounds. Having myself an Yamaha MT07, this bike was something way different that I am used to ride, but I enjoyed every moment of it. Having the extra money and space to store this bike, I would definitely buy it. It is a solid made and nice looking ride! I gotta say, Royal Enfield has a solid and quite big fanbase over here in europe and I totally understand why, these are classy bikes.
Čafko, veľmi sa mi páči, za mňa najpodarenejší royal enfield. Vizuálne je nádherná, vytkol by som možno iba radičku, ten šarádny plech tam.. Zvyšok, aj po motorickej stránke radosť. V piatok ju mám zas, už sa jej neviem dočkať. Pôjdem ju zobrať na diaľnicu a na pezinsku babu.
Trochu sa rozpíšem, ten predošlý koment som písal za jazdy na motorke`` Skúšal som asi všetky RE modely, ktoré sú na trhu aktuálne dostupné a každá ma svoje čaro, či už je to scram, classic, continental alebo tento meteorit. Mašiny sú za mňa z dizajnového hľadiska ozaj veľmi krásne. Žiaden plast, len kovy. Výfuky prdia nežne, ale fajne. Mne to stačí, nemusím moc urevané stroje. Aj keď je pravda, že Zarda výfuky by túto mašinu nielen oživili ale aj zvuk je potom brutálny. Brácho má Interceptora 650 so zardami a keď s ním idem na svojej MT07 tak nepočujem nič, len jeho krásne prdenie :D ..Posed poloha príjemná, uvoľnená... ale aby som to ozaj vedel posúdiť, by som na tej mašine potreboval sedieť celý deň. Výkon tuším.. 43 kW v nízkych otáčkach jemne pokulháva. No keď sa cruiserik rozhýbe, je celkom svižný. Vôbec mi neprišla ťažká tá motorka. Toto som na nej prvý krát sedel. Ja na tvojom mieste by som po nej nepokukoval, ale šiel si ju vyskúšať, neviem odkiaľ si, ale v BA majú jednu, vlastne túto ako demo. www.styx.sk/eshop/royal-enfield-super-meteor-650-interstellar-green-demo/p-2795.xhtml rezervuj si testovaciu jazdu a ic sa povoziť. A potom daj vedieť ako sa ti páčilo :)
@@tomasprzeworski Dam dam, cakam na termin A skusok, inac by som nesedel pred YT a bezal do Kosic na testovaciu jazdu :D Dik za dojmy, som zvedavy. Ak skusis pezinsku tak daj vediet ako sa mu darilo v kopci. Ja som od Rožňavy, cize nadomnou Dobsinsky kopec, na vychod Soroska a na zapade Muranske klukate cesticky, takze sa celkom tesim :)
I've heard a couple of times that the bike is quite hard when u ride and it could affect your back and give u pain literally in the a$$. Whats your experience?
hi, yes, it is true that this bike is not suitable for long distances for exactly the reason you mentioned😉the sitting position wont allow you much to move your butt in the seat and I think three hours was the limit for me
Ahoj, I do not own this bike, it was just a test ride from the dealer that I had for like 2 days, so I do not wanna lie about it, fuelled it up once, but I guess I burned like 5-6L/100km, no more then 6/100.
faaakt?haha nice ride brother, i own a meteor 350 but your ride has convinced me to get a 650. already rode one earlier this yeah but i forgot about it due to GF PRESSURES lol. etakodalia etakodalia *snifffff*
All the best for you channel bro
thanks man, no big fame expectations here, just making an archive of my bike tests and journeys :)
How did you find the bike ?? is it worth the money you spent
oh I did not buy it, I only borrowed it from local dealer a few times because I love the looks of it and how it sounds. Having myself an Yamaha MT07, this bike was something way different that I am used to ride, but I enjoyed every moment of it. Having the extra money and space to store this bike, I would definitely buy it. It is a solid made and nice looking ride! I gotta say, Royal Enfield has a solid and quite big fanbase over here in europe and I totally understand why, these are classy bikes.
terminetor sound 🏍️😎
Were you looking for a bathroom or was someone chasing you? 😎
hahaha :D the storm was incomming I was in a rush to give the bike back to the dealer and ride home before it starts to pour rain on me.
I'm glad you made it home safe.
Co hovoris na motorku ? Pokukujem po nej uz dlhsi cas :)
Čafko, veľmi sa mi páči, za mňa najpodarenejší royal enfield. Vizuálne je nádherná, vytkol by som možno iba radičku, ten šarádny plech tam.. Zvyšok, aj po motorickej stránke radosť. V piatok ju mám zas, už sa jej neviem dočkať. Pôjdem ju zobrať na diaľnicu a na pezinsku babu.
Trochu sa rozpíšem, ten predošlý koment som písal za jazdy na motorke`` Skúšal som asi všetky RE modely, ktoré sú na trhu aktuálne dostupné a každá ma svoje čaro, či už je to scram, classic, continental alebo tento meteorit. Mašiny sú za mňa z dizajnového hľadiska ozaj veľmi krásne. Žiaden plast, len kovy. Výfuky prdia nežne, ale fajne. Mne to stačí, nemusím moc urevané stroje. Aj keď je pravda, že Zarda výfuky by túto mašinu nielen oživili ale aj zvuk je potom brutálny. Brácho má Interceptora 650 so zardami a keď s ním idem na svojej MT07 tak nepočujem nič, len jeho krásne prdenie :D ..Posed poloha príjemná, uvoľnená... ale aby som to ozaj vedel posúdiť, by som na tej mašine potreboval sedieť celý deň. Výkon tuším.. 43 kW v nízkych otáčkach jemne pokulháva. No keď sa cruiserik rozhýbe, je celkom svižný. Vôbec mi neprišla ťažká tá motorka. Toto som na nej prvý krát sedel. Ja na tvojom mieste by som po nej nepokukoval, ale šiel si ju vyskúšať, neviem odkiaľ si, ale v BA majú jednu, vlastne túto ako demo. www.styx.sk/eshop/royal-enfield-super-meteor-650-interstellar-green-demo/p-2795.xhtml rezervuj si testovaciu jazdu a ic sa povoziť. A potom daj vedieť ako sa ti páčilo :)
@@tomasprzeworski Dam dam, cakam na termin A skusok, inac by som nesedel pred YT a bezal do Kosic na testovaciu jazdu :D Dik za dojmy, som zvedavy. Ak skusis pezinsku tak daj vediet ako sa mu darilo v kopci. Ja som od Rožňavy, cize nadomnou Dobsinsky kopec, na vychod Soroska a na zapade Muranske klukate cesticky, takze sa celkom tesim :)
I've heard a couple of times that the bike is quite hard when u ride and it could affect your back and give u pain literally in the a$$.
Whats your experience?
hi, yes, it is true that this bike is not suitable for long distances for exactly the reason you mentioned😉the sitting position wont allow you much to move your butt in the seat and I think three hours was the limit for me
@@tomasprzeworski Thx for the info. In that case RE is out for me.
Too bad.
I really liked the style of it.
@@oOJustBringItOo you can look at the interceptor 650 if you're looking for a straight normal riding posture
@@rajanicn9269 I'm looking for a cruiser/Chopper to be my next ride.
But Thx for the info.
Yes! All classic style cruisers have this problem. This due to no space for suspension travel.
Color the royal?
hi, this one I rode was dark green.
fuel consumption/range?
Ahoj, I do not own this bike, it was just a test ride from the dealer that I had for like 2 days, so I do not wanna lie about it, fuelled it up once, but I guess I burned like 5-6L/100km, no more then 6/100.
Every modern RE has that brakes squeaking! Hard to listen bzzzz...