Differences Between the Rapture & Second Coming

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @TrueBlueYou
    @TrueBlueYou 10 месяцев назад +4

    By far THE most educated analysis of the scripture regarding coming events

  • @ambroseabellair5306
    @ambroseabellair5306 9 лет назад +1

    They assume that AIR means the literal physical air of which we breath in the natural, is the AIR of which we meet Jesus. That assumption does not allow for a spiritual interpretation of AIR, which if we look that word up in the Greek and Hebrew translation we will see that the word AIR can also be understood to be Rauch / Spirit.
    In a like manner, we have both Peter and John being CAUGHT UP to the third heaven, that realm that is not the natural or the celestrial, but is in the mid heaven issue of where the angel comes with small scroll. So the idea of everything being interpreted carnally or in the natural, with our giving a equal balance of both heaven and earth, are really only seeing half of the story. P&L

    • @ambroseabellair5306
      @ambroseabellair5306 9 лет назад +1

      That's close to how I have come to see it, just a little tweaking. I see heavenly Jerusalem as being the restored / resurrected body of the 144,000 who come down from Mt. Zion. with healing and restoration / Isiah 59-60 to break the yoke of bondage / carnally minded tares ministry / the bond women's son / earthy, natural / whore and harlot.
      The bones that are given new sinew and flesh that come forth from the pit, of which the prophet / Son of Man / Jesus returning as the / thief in the night / anointed word of God / VOICE of many waters, falls upon through the man-child ministry of the workmen of the 11th hr. / sons and daughter's, the awakening and latter rain / double portion. He comes as the fuller's soap and the refiners fire.
      That city's in the bible are natural representations of assembly's / gatherings in paneled house's, of which we won't finish going through all of them, bringing forth deliverance and healing, before the END of the period of grace comes, and the door is shut. The wheat are gathered into the body / temple / barn / ark / banquet hall under the anointed covering / oil that they receive in VESSELS and take with them to meet the Lord.
      The son's and daughter's / bride / true body of Christ are the only ones who receive immortal body's like Jesus. The rest are caught up into the third heaven until the wrath of God has passed over, and are returned to repopulate the earth along with the elect seed / natural remnant and those men and women who survived mans destruction of himself.
      It's then that we rule and reign with Jesus in immortal body's, and teach others so that they can be made complete and ready for the final judgment of the great white throne. It's there that we judge the angels as well as the 12 tribes. So there's plenty of action coming to the so-called christian faith as well as to the true wheat / 30 fold outer court and obedient inner court / 60 fold.
      Wheat gathered, fish cast out, etc, etc. If the word say's bound, then that's good enough for me, bound in chains, for a 1,000 years, then he's released to gather to himself all of them that are still being lead by the spirit of man and not God. So that pretty much covers my take on it. Nice chatting with you, if you would like to share back and as brothers reason one with another, we have a good start. Who knows, we might even be able to actually speak the truth in love Ha! Ha!, just a joke, but you know how it can get out here. P&L

    • @ambroseabellair5306
      @ambroseabellair5306 9 лет назад

      I believe we have talk before and I remember appreciating your spirit and attitude. showing forth the fruits of the spirit in kindness and meekness. Submission and obedience, that's where it's at, laying down our lives for one another, as Jesus did for the church amen Jesus, thank you Father. P&L

    • @ambroseabellair5306
      @ambroseabellair5306 9 лет назад

      Are you sure, I've had this conversation before, and thought it was Paul also, but then I rechecked it and it was Peter. Sorry I don't have the verse or book to give, but I'll go google it to double check, but you got the point.
      I agree, he didn't know if he was in his body or out, so both could be true. I base my understanding of what actually takes place in our catching away upon the type given to us of the exodus, and of Noah.
      Even Jesus was taken out of the way, or at least the scriptures suggest that this took place for him, when he was preaching in Jerusalem and the crowd wanted to lay hands upon him, to stone him then. They went to lay hands on him, and he was NOT.
      In this verse it seems to be as if he was as Lot and his family, where the peoples eye's had been blinded so that could not see them leave the city. This to me could also be a type of those who are blind spiritually, that see us not, though we be right here under the anointed covering of God's hand having a feast from before our enemy's. P&L

    • @gracesue4401
      @gracesue4401 6 лет назад +1

      Paul was taken/caught up to Third Heaven
      2 Corinthians 12 v 1~10

  • @daviddrinen1265
    @daviddrinen1265 9 лет назад

    what happens to the morterd saints in the 7 year tribulation

  • @JimmyCarol100
    @JimmyCarol100 9 лет назад +4

    OK then, we see that pretrib rapture doctrine rest pretty much on 1 Thes 4:13-18. So lets look at what they did'nt say concerning the word 'meet=apantesis=G529. All we have to do is compare scripture w/scripture. "meet=apantesis" is used 4 times in the NT, Mat 25:1 & 6, Acts 28:15 & 1 Thes 4:17. In Mat 25 the virgins are told "The bridegroom cometh, go ye OUT to Meet=apantesis him". Notice, the virgins go out to meet him, Then return, escorting the groom, to where they had waited for the marriage feast. And in Acts 28:15 when brethren in Rome heard Paul was being brought there under Roman Guard, they walked as far as Appii & the 3 taverns, over 30 miles from Rome, and there they meet=apantesis Paul and then escort him & his Roman Guards on to Rome. Notice how in both scriptures that the one coming was met by those waiting to meet him and then escorted on the last leg of their journey. Who did the proverbial U-turn? the ones going to meet=apantesis the one coming. Now apply how apantesis=meet is used in scripture to 1 Thes 4:17. We will meet=apantesis Christ in the air, and then escort Him to Jerusalem and the Mt of Olives. Please do your own study of the word apantesis=meet=G529. In ancient papyri it was used as a special welcome of dignitaries & King's coming to their city, people would gather and go outside city walls/gates to meet=apantesis the dignitary arriving and then escort them into the city with pomp and celebration. About like it is today when people hear a dignitary are coming to town and a special delegation goes out to the airport, bus station or train station to meet=apantesis & greet them and then escort them to where more people are waiting to see them. GOD Bless, PeaceB2All

    • @thewordofgodintruthrepent5606
      @thewordofgodintruthrepent5606 9 лет назад +2

      Yes you are correct and i think they did not mention the angels will come and pick up the Saints also. It is at the in time, acts tells us that heaven must receive Jesus until he comes and restores all things

    • @JimmyCarol100
      @JimmyCarol100 9 лет назад +2

      TheWordOfGodInTRUTH REPENT
      Yes you are correct, thats in Acts 3:21, about how Jesus would remain in heaven until the time of restitution of all things. I had forgot about that verse. Yet there are so many scriptures that say the resurrection is at the last day=John 11:24, and Jesus even saying that all that believe in Him will He raise up at the last day=John 6:39, 40, 44, 54. And Jesus coming is referred to as parousia=coming= G3952 , and just happens to be used 4 times in Mat 24 and 4 times in 1 Thes. If someone could show me how parousia=coming is used for both pretrib and posttrib coming I would love to know how they get that. Thanks for the response and again another great scripture that brings out the fact and shows Jesus is coming ONCE more, at the last day of this evil age to restore ALL things for those who Love GOD & Jesus Christ through the blessings of the Holy Spirit. PeaceB2Ya

  • @TheTruthAndTheCross
    @TheTruthAndTheCross 6 лет назад +6

    It is so clear that I hear you listening to yourselves not give any scripture that teach a pre-tribulation rapture and there isn't given any scripture that teach a 7 year long Great Tribulation. A pre-tribulation rapture is a presumption and conjectural. If not, give the biblical foudational scripture that says there will be a pre-tribulation rapture.

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 6 лет назад +2

      List of Raptures & Resurrections - 9 separate occurrences listed below:
      1. The rapture of Enoch (Genesis 5v24 + Hebrews 11v5-6)
      2. The rapture of Elijah (2 Kings 2v11)
      3. The resurrection & rapture/ascension of Jesus (First) (Matthew 27v52-54 + Acts 1v9-11)
      4. The resurrection & rapture of many of the saints (directly after His resurrection) (Hosea 6v2 + Matthew 27v52-54)
      5. The resurrection & rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4v16-17 & Rev 4v1)
      6. The resurrection & rapture of the two witnesses (Rev 11v11-12)
      7. The rapture of the 144000 (Rev 14v3)
      8. The resurrection of those who were beheaded (Rev 20v4) and the ingathering of the elect to Jerusalem from the four corners of the earth and heaven (Mark 13v26-27; Matthew 24v29-31 & Jude 1v14) (The ingathering of the elect on earth is a type of rapture - like Philip in Acts 8)
      9. The resurrection of those who are to be thrown into the Lake of Fire (Rev 20v12-15) KJV

    • @gregtowle8830
      @gregtowle8830 6 лет назад

      @@jesussaves1875 we are in the parable of the fig tree. time now.

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 6 лет назад

      @@gregtowle8830 I agree - it's all drawing to a close.

    • @gregtowle8830
      @gregtowle8830 6 лет назад

      @@jesussaves1875 True But what is Paul tell the Thess in his 2nd letter ? It sounds confusing to me. Everyone seems to avoid the explanation of what Paul is saying .

    • @jesussaves1875
      @jesussaves1875 6 лет назад +1

      @@gregtowle8830 Many People confuse the rapture with the second coming because the verses are so similar and they are similar because at the second coming there will also be a type of rapture... It is called the ingathering, or feast of Tabernacles (the final feast that Jesus will fulfill) When He comes to fetch us we will meet Him in the air (in the heavens), when He returns to earth at the second coming He sets His feet down upon Mt Olivet (at that coming we will be with Him already - See Jude 1:14 (But read the entire book, it is only one chapter)

  • @juanledezma4299
    @juanledezma4299 5 лет назад +1

    They didn’t even mention Acts 2:38. A real Christian would know that. The Holy Ghost is the only way to get to heaven.